Author Index

Page numbers in italics refer to bibliography

Aarsen, P. 377, 388 Acher, R., see Chauvet, J. 165, Akutsu, H., see Ueda, E. 455, Aarsen, P. N. 253, 265 167, 168, 171, 177, 179, 180, 485 Aarsen, P. N., Caspel de Bruyn, 209 Alabaster, V.A., Bakhle, Y.S. M. van 377,388 Ackerly, J.A., Tsai, B.-S., 441,452,462,471 Aarsen, P. N., Zeegers, A. 373, Peach, M.J. 446,470,471 Aladjem, F., see Rinderknecht, 388 Ackerman, N. B., Hechmer, H. 288, 299, 308 Aarsen, P. N., see Ufkes, P.A. 361,388 Alais, C., see Jolles, P. 115,158 J. G. R. 291,299, 377, 398 Adetuyibi, A. 549, 556, 564 Albano, J., Bhoola, K.D., Aas, K., see Rapaport, S. 571, Adetuyibi, A., Mills, I.H. 401, Croker, M., Harvey, R. F., 604 421,517,518,534,535,539, Heap, P.F. 491,492,497, Abaki, K., see Yasuhara, T. 542, 549, 551, 552, 554, 556, 500,518 232,272 557,560,562,563,561 Albano, J., Bhoola, K.D., Abe, K. 610, 655 Adetuyibi, A., see Edwards, Harvey, R. F. 491,492,495, Abe, K., Seino, M., Otsuka, Y., O. M. 551, 554, 556, 557, 518 Y oshinaga, K. 534, 542 562,565 Albano, J., Bhoola, K.D., Abe, K., Watanabe, N., Adetuyibi, A., see MacFarlane, Heap, P.F., Lemon, Kumagai, N., Mouri, T., N. A. A. 526, 536, 545, 549, M.J.C. 500-503,518 Seki, T., Yoshinaga, K. 374, 552, 555, 556, 560, 561,565 Albano, J., Bhoola, K.D., 388 Adham, N., see Dyce, B.J. 67, Kingsley, G. 491,493,518 Abe, K., see Seino, J. 534,547 74 Albert, W., see Fischer, G. Abe, K., see Seino, M. 539, Anggard, E., Bohmann, S.O., 278,283 540, 547, 550, 551, 561-563, Griffin III, J.E., Larsson, C., Albertini, R. Roblero, J., 567 Maunsbach, A. B. 404, 421 Corthorn, J., Croxatto, Abe, K., see Y oshinaga, K. Aggeler, P. M., see Kaper, H. R. 541, 542 273, 285 C. K. 569, 601 Albertini, R., see Croxatto, Abell, C. W., Monahan, T. M. Aghajanian, G.K., see Guyenet, H. R. 534,535, 540, 541, 381,388 P. G. 343, 350 543,549,557,565 Abelous, J.E., Bradier, E. I, Ahnfelt-R0nne, J., see Olsen, Albertini, R. B., see Roblero, 71,489,518,549,564 U. B. 540, 547, 559, 566 J. S. 528,529,531,547,552, Abiko, T. 230, 265 Aiken, J. W., Reit, E. 334,347 567 Abiko, T., see Suzuki, K. 229, Aiken, J.W., Vane, J.R. 442, Albrecht, E., see Zelek, U. 293, 231,271 443, 462, 471 300 Abildgaard, C. F., Harrison, J. Aikin, B. S., see Cochrane, Aleksandrov, P. N., see 571,596 C. G. 14-16, 73 Barabash, R. D. 632, 646 Abildgaard, U. 69, 71 Akaike, A., see Doi, T. 313, Aleksandrov, P. N., see Abraham, J. P., see Saito, H. 349 Chernukh, A. M. 633, 646 23,56,85 Akaike, A., see Satoh, M. 321, Alekseev, O. V., see Chernukh, Abraham, J.P., see Waldmann, 354 A. M. 633, 646 R. 26,56,88 Akaike, A., see Takagi, H. Alexander, R. W., Gimbrone, Abraham, S., see Chaimoff, C. 329, 330, 355 M. A., Jr. 294, 296 376, 389 Akesson, U., see Ohlsson, K. Alexander, R. W., see Abramson, F. B., Elliott, D. F., 65,68,83 MargoJuis, H. S. 404, 423, Lindsay, D.G., Wade, R. Akimoto, S., see Moriya, H. 534, 535, 539, 540, 545, 549, 237, 266 628,656 552,554-558,560-562,565 658 Author Index

Alexander, W., Gimbrone, Anderson, G.H., see Schroeder, Aoki, N., see Moroi, M. 62, M. A. 362, 388 E. T. 575, 605 70,80 Alexeenko, L. P., see Elisseeva, Anderson, M. C., Schoenfeld, Aoyagi, T., Miyata, S., Nanbo, Y. E. 441, 447, 449, 450, F.B., lams, W.B., Suwa, M., Kojima, F., Matsuzaki, 454,474,630,647 M. 586,596 M., lshizuka, M., Takeuchi, Ali, A., Guidicci, M. A., Anderson, W., Jr., see Maling, T., Umezawa, H. 203, 207 Stevenson, D. 264,266 H. M. 292, 298 Aoyagi, T., Takeuchi, T., Alimurka, K., see Ranadive, Andersson, L.-O., see Miller• Matsuzaki, M., Kawamura, N. S. 63, 64, 83 Anderson, M. 69,80 K., Kondo, S., Hamada, M., Alkjaersig, N., see Sherry, S. Andersson, R., see Simons son, Maeda, K., Umezawa, H. 574,605 B. G. 375, 397 203,207 Allen, H., see Halushka, P. V. Andreenko, G. V., Suvorov, Aoyagi, T., Umezawa, H. 97, 540,544 A.V. 39,71 101 Alling, D. W., see Frank, Andrews, E. P., see Segrest, Aoyagi, T., see lkezawa, H. M. M. 581, 599 J. P. 151, 160 203,215 Allison, A. C., see Davies, P. Andrews, M., see Laskowski, Aoyagi, T., see Kondo, S. 203, 63,74 M., Sr. 217 217 Allison, M. E. M., see Padfield, Aoyagi, T., see Maeda, K. 203, Andrews, M.J., Jr., see Keiser, P. L. 560, 566 218 H. R. 533,534,541,545, Almeida, A. P. de, see Rocha e Aoyagi, T., see Suda, H. 203, 562, 565 Silva, M. 357,396 221 Almeida e Silva, T. c., Pelli, Andrews, P. 109, 150, 154 Aoyagi, T., see Umezawa, M. 1. R. 343, 347 Andrews, T. M., see Peart, 102 Alsever, J., see Hathaway, W.S. 419,424 Appel, W., see Marx, R. 588, W. E. 43, 77, 571, 600 Andreyenko, G. V., Suvorov, 602 Altura, B. M. 364, 388 A. V. 621,646 Appel, W., see Werle, E. 165, Amamoto, T., see Sawada, J. Andrus, V.N. 637,646 178, 185, 188,224 202,220 Araki, K., Tachibana, S., Amatnyan, A.G., see Geller, Anfinsen, C. B., see Corley, L. Uchiyama, M., Nakajima, L. 1. 638, 648 263,266 T., Yasuhara, T. 282,282 Amin, V. M., see Carretero, Angeletti, M., Sbaraglia, G., Araki, K., see Yasuhara, T. O. A. 526, 543 Campora, E. de, Frati, L. 277, 285 Amin, V. M., see Oza, N. B. 140, 141, 154, 180,201,207 Araujo, R. L., see Beraldo, B6--139, 159, 165,219,526, Angeletti, P., see Porcelli, G. W. T. 139,154 528,547 140, 141,160, 178,219 Ammons, C., see Ryan, J. W. Angeletti, P. U., see Angeletti, Araujo-Viel, M.S., see Prado, 448,449,483 R.A. 14(}"'142,154,514,518 E. S. 146, 160 Amnims, H., Gabel, D., Kasche, Angeletti, R. A., Angeletti, Arbesman, C. E., see Dolovich, V. 165,207 P. U., Calissano, P. 14(}'" J. 376,390 Amnims, H., see Kasche, V. 142, 154, 514,518 Ardelt, W., Tomczak, Z., 165,216 Angus, C. W., Lee, H.J., Ksiemy, S., Dudeh• Amundsen, E., Nustad, K. Wilson, 1. B. 450, 459, 471 Wojciechowska, G. 64,71 584,596 Antonello, A., Baggio, B., Arens, A., Haberland, G. L. Amundsen, E., Nustad, K., Favaro, S., Zen, A., Sandei, 104, 118,154, 166, 178, 180, Waaler, B. 526, 542 F., Todesco, F., Borsatti, A. 207 Amundsen, E., Svendsen, L., 541,542 Arfors, K. E., see Svensj6, E. Venner!1ld, A. M., Laake, K. Antonello, A., see Baggio, B. 363,397 118, 154, 527,542 530,542 Arisz, L., see Donker, A.J.M. Anastasi, A., Bertaccini, G., Antonello, A., see Favaro, S. 559,565 Erspamer, V. 232, 266 541,543 Arkatov, V.A., Pekarskiy, Anastasi, A., Erspamer, V., Antonini, F. M., see Sicuteri, D. E., Surovkina, M. S., Bertaccini, G. 277,282 F. 358, 39~ 588,606 Obuchov, Y.E. 611,641, Anastasi, A., Erspamer, V., Antonio, A., see Neto, F.R. 646 Bertaccini, G., Cei, J. M. 358, 360, 394 Arkipova, S. F., Sevastyanova, 277, 282 Antonio, A., see Rocha e Silva, N. N., Lipkind, G. M., Anastasi, A., Montecucchi, P., M. 357,396, 591, 604 Popov, E. M. 261, 266 Erspamer, V., Visser, J. 278, Aoki, N., Moroi, M., Tachiya, Arman, C. G. van, Bohidar, 282 K. 71 N.R. 592,596 Author Index 659

Annstrong, D. 22, 71,244, Connane, R. H. 179, 200, Austen, K. F., see Magoon, 247,266,311,312,317,319, 206,208 E.H. 61,80 322, 323, 324, 347 Ashutosh, K., Keighley, Austen, K. F., see Olemoiyoi, Annstrong, D., Jepson, J. P., J.F.H. 434,458,471 O. 131, 133, 159, 526,547 Keele, C.A., Stewart, J. W. Assali, N. S. 411 Austen, K. P., see Orange, 3,4, 5, 71 Assali, N. S., Johnson, G. H., R. P. 376, 395 Annstrong, D., Mills, G. L., Brinkmann, C. R., Austen, K.F., see Pisano, J.J. Stewart, J. W. 22,71 Huntsman, D.J. 364,388 301,308 Annstrong, D., see Keele, Assan, C. J., see Krieger, E. M. Austen, K. F., see Ruddy, S. C. A. 316, 323, 340, 352, 460, 462, 478 586,605 591,601 Asselin, J., see Boucher, R. Austen, K. P., see Schreiber, Annstrong, D.A.J., Stewart, 442, 458, 472 A. D. 30, 62, 85 J. W. 3, 45, 71 Astapova, M. V., see Popkova, Austen, K.F., see Soter, N.A. Annstrong, S., Stewart, J. W. G. A. 229,270,618, 619, 581,606 303,307 620,653 Austen, K. F., see Talamo, Arndts, D., Raker, K.-O., Astraken, M., see Henriques, R. C. 301-304, 306, 307, Torok, P., Habennann, E. O.B. 52,77 309, 526, 548, 549, 567, 583, 166, 181,207 Astrup, T., see Moskowitz, 592, 606 Arnhold, M., see Fritz, H. 180, R.W. 22,80 Austen, K. F., see Wintroub, 185, 193,200,201,212 Atendio, W., see Nugent, B. U. 369, 375, 399 Arnhold, M., see Schiessler, H. F. W. 586,603 Axelrod, A. E., see Martin, 182, 183,221,387,396 Athanasoulis, C., see Re, R. c.J. 113,158 Arnon, R. 4, 71 467, 483 Ayers, C. R. 575, 596 Arold, H., Liebmann, C., Atherton, F., Law, H.D., Ayers, C.R., Vaughan, E.D., Romer, W., Paegelow, I., Moore, S., Elliott, D. F., Yancey, M.R., Bing, K.T., Reissman, S. 377,388 Wade, R. 228, 266 Johnson, C. c., Morton, C. Arold, H., see Paegelow, I. Atkins, F. L., see Geller, R. G. 463,471 377,395 282, 283 Azuma, A., see Komoriya, K. Arold, H., see Reissmann, S. Atterhog, J. H., see Burcher, 368,393 228,229,230,231,233,270, E. 278,283 Azzam, M. E., see Nasjletti, A. 289,291,296,299,451,483 Auerswald, W., Doleschel, W. 539,546 Arold, H., see Wiegershausen, 290, 296 B. 290,300 August, J. T., Nelson, D. H., Babej, M., see Patak, R. V. Aronow, L., see Goldstein, A. Thorn, G. W. 554, 564 559,566 287,297 Aungst, C. W., Back, N., Babel, I., Stella, R. C. R., Prado, Arora, K. K., see Muirhead, Barlow, B., Tsukada, G.A. E. S. 146, 148, 154 E. E. 464, 480 166,208 Babior, B. M., see Wong, P. Y. Arregui, A., Bennett, J.P., Bird, Austen, G. W., see Orange, 376,381,399,577,583,607 E.D., Yamamura, H.I., R. P. 376, 395 Bachhuber, F., see Mann, K. Iversen, L. L., Snyder, S. H. Austen, K.F. 64,71 290,298 487,487 Austen, K.F., Sheffer, A.L. Bachus, B., see Fanburg, B. L. Arreguri, A., Emson, P. C., 580, 596 434, 458, 475 Spokes, E.G. 487,487 Austen, K.F., Wassennann, Back, N. 179, 192,208,419 Arriagada, R., see Croxatto, S.I., Goetz, E. J. 64, 72 Back, N., Steger, N. 91,95, H. R. 557, 565 Austen, K. F., see Carpenter, 100,101 Arrigoni-Martelli, E., Nielsen, C. B. 580, 597 Back, N., Steger, R. 62, 72, C. K. 540, 541, 542 Austen, K. F., see Fischer, J. 206,208,435,471 Arrigoni-Martelli, E., see 307, 308 Back, N., Steger, R., Nielsen, K. 540, 546 Austen, K. F., see Gigli, I. 33, Moscovich,L. L. 596, 596 Arzadon, L., see Robbins, 44, 75, 570,599 Back, N., see Aungst, C. W. K.C. 60,84 Austen, K. F., see Kaliner, M. 166,208 Arzadon, L., see Summaria, L. 376, 392 Back, N., see Dolovich, J. 376, 59, 60, 86 Austen, K.F., see Kaplan, 390 Asaka, M., see Suzuki, K. 229, A. P. 4,9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 18, Back, N., see Gardner, B. 419, 231,271 19,20,22, 23, 28, 29, 31, 35, 422 Ashgar, S. S., Meijlink, 39, 44, 57, 78, 375, 392, 570, Back, N., see Halabi, M. 105, F. C. P. W., Pondman, K. W., 571, 585, 591,601 118, 157 660 Author Index

Back, N., see Hashimoto, K. Baker, A. P., Hillegass, L. M., Barbour, J.A., see Bailie, 359, 392, 588, 600 Holden, D.A., Smith, W.J. M.D. 462,471 Back, N., see Lalka, D. 265, 375,388 Bardier, E., see Abe1ous, J. E. 269 Bakhle, Y. S. 250, 266, 427, 489,518,549,564 Back, N., see Le Blanc, P. 100, 440,442,443,459,460,462, Bardone, M. C., see Julou, L. 101 463,471 312,351 Back, N., see Wilkens, H.J. Bakhle, Y. S., Reynard, A. M. Barger, A. c., see Miller, E. D. 358,359,376,398 443,471 Jr. 463, 467, 480 Baddonel, M. C., see Gabbiani, Bakhle, Y.S., Vane, J.R. 427, Barger, A. C., see Samuels, A.I. 463,483 G. 244,267,365,367,391 471 Barger, A. C., see Sancho, J. Bagdasarian, A., Lahiri, B., Bakhle, Y. S., see Alabaster, 465,467,483 Colman, R. W. 10, 14, 16, V.A. 441,452,462,471 Bargetzi, J.-P., see Depierre, 19,72,570,571,585,595,596 Balaspiri, L., Penke, P., Papp, D. 446, 453, 474 G., Dombi, G., Kovacs, K. Bagdasarian, A., Lahiri, B., Bargetzi, J.-P., see Jeanneret, 229,266 Talamo, R.C., Wong, P., L. 430,431,436,478 Colman, R. W. 307,307, Balaspiri, L., see Neubert, K. Barior, B.M., see Wong, P.Y. 526,542,571,574,575,596 228, 269 574, 575, 577, 607 Bagdasarian, A., Talamo, R. C., Baldoni, F., Tallarida, G., Barker, C. W., see Bartling, Colman, R. W. 19, 72, 307, Peruzzi, G. Semprini, A., G.J. 165,208 30~ 526,542, 570, 596 Cesario, A., Cannata, D. Barkham, D. W., see Mills, Bagdasarian, A., see Colman, 321,348 1. H. 550, 566 R. W. 23,26,56,73,91,101, Baldoni, F., see Tallarida, G. Barlow, B., see Aungst, C. W. 307,308,572,574,595,598 315,323,324,355,360,397 166,208 Bagdasarian, A., see Lahiri, B. Balestieri, B., see Capasso, F. Barlow, G. H., see Robbins, 44, 79, 307, 308, 581, 601 368,389 K.C. 60,84 Bagdasarian, A., see Lange, Ball, D. L., see Goodfriend, Barlow, G. H., see Summaria, L. G. 579, 595, 601 T.L. 301,305,306,308 L. 59,60,86 Bagdasarian, A., see Liu, C. Y. Ball, E. G., see Markus, H. B. Barlow, R.B., Berry, K.J., 573,602 319,353 Glenton, P.A.M., Nikolaou, Bagdasarian, A., see Radcliffe, Bankowski, E., see N.M., Soh, K.S. 517,518 R. 572,604 Niewiarowski, S. 22, 82 Barnes, B. A., see Oparil, S. Baggio, B., Favoro, S., Barabash, R. D., Aleksandrov, 450,482 Antonello, A., Zen, A., Zen, P.N., Vovchuk, S.V. 632, Barnhard, M. 1., see Grammens, F., Borsatti, A. 530, 542 646 G.L. 14,75 Baggio, B., see Antonello, A. Barabash, R. D., Levitsky, Barnhill, M. T. Jr., Trowbridge, 541,542 A.P., Loginova, N.K., C.G. 196,208 Baggio, B., see Favaro, S. 541, Vovchuk, S. V., Genesina, Barnhill, M. T. Jr., see Baugh, 543 T.1., Konovets, V.M., R.J. 196,208 Baggiolini, M., see Bretz, U. Volodkina, V. V. 638,646 Barr, S. E. 276, 283 66, 72, 180,201,208 Barabash, R. D., see Levitsky, Barraclough, M. A., Mills, Baggiolini, M., see Dewald, B. A.P. 627,638,650 I. H. 404,421,531,532,542, 66,74 Barabash, R.D., see Vovchuk, 557,564 Baggiolini, M., see Murphy, S.V. 627,628,655 Barrett, A. J. 65,66, 72,94,97, G. 66,82 Barabe, H., see Regoli, D. 357, 101 Baggiolini, M., see Viescher, 363,395 Barrett, A.J., Starkey, P.M. T.L. 66,87 Barabe, J., Drouin, J.-N., 68,72 Bagnati, P. E., see Sterin• Regoli, D., Park, W. K. 363, Barrett, A.J., see Starkey, Speziale, N. 385, 397 377,388 P.M. 64,86 Bailey, G. S., see Dearnley, Barabe, J., Park, W.K., Regoli, Barrett, J.D., Sambhi, M.P. C. N. 435, 474 D. 377,388 442, 450, 471 Bailie, M.D., Barbour, J.A. Barabe, J., see Park, W. K. Barroso, J., see Diniz, C. R. 462,471 234, 235, 269 148, 155,205,210 Bailie, M. D., see Wallace, Barabe, J., see Regoli, D. 249, Bartels, K., see Huber, R. 168, K. B. 447, 485 270, 292, 299 173,214 Bainton, D. F., Ullyot, J. L., Baraz, L. A., see Khayutin, Bartels, K., see Riihlmann, A. Farquhar, M. G. 66, 72 V. M. 323, 352 173, 174, 198, 220 Author Index 661

Bartelt, D. C., see Ferreira, Beaven, V.H., Pierce, J.V., Benetato, G., Bubuianu, E., S. H. 250,251,267, 291, Pisano, J.J. 105, 131, 154, Cirmaciu, R., Galesanu, S. 297, 460, 476 459,464,527,533,542,559, 341,348 Bartelt, D. e., see Greene, L. J. 564 Benetato, G., Hllulica, I., 105, 106, 157 Beaven, V.H., see Webster, Muscalu, I., Bubuianu, E., Bartling, G.J., Barker, C. W. M.E. 19,88 Galesanu, S. 341,348 165,208 B6chet, J.-J., Dupaix, A., Bengis, R.G., Coleman, T.G., Barton, M. D., see Resnik, R. Roucous, C., Bonamy, A.• Young, D. B., McCaa, R. E. 384, 396 M. 119, 154, 207, 208 465,472 Barton, S., Karpinski, E., Beck, P. W., Handwerker, Bennett, J. P., see Arreguri, A. Moriwaki, C., Schachter, H. O. 324, 326, 327, 348 487, 487 M. 496,518 Becker, Henson 63 Bentzel, C. J., see Patak, R. V. Barton, S., Saunders, E.J., Becker, E. L. 29, 72 559,566 Schachter, M., Uddin, M. Becker, E. L., Kagen, L. 3, 4, Benuck, M., Marks, N. 455, 496,498 506, 508, 509, 511, 31, 72 472 518, 538, 542 Becker, E. L., see Jonasson, O. Ber, E., see Cechova, D. 181, Barton, S., see Schachter, M. 592,601 209 510, 511, 522 Becker, E. L., see Kagen, L. J. Beraldo, W. T. 592, 596 Bartter, F.e., Pronove, P., Gill, 3,4, 31, 78 Beraldo, W. T., Araujo, R. L., J.R., MacCardle, J.C. 558, Becker, E. L., see Landerman, Mares-Guia, M. 139,154 564 N. S. 574, 580, 601 Beraldo, W. T., Feldberg, W., Bartter, F. e., see Gill, J. R. Jr. Bedrossian, C. W. M., Woo, J., Hilton, S. M. 526, 528, 542 531, 532, 538, 544, 559, 565, Miller, W. C., Cannon, Beraldo, W. T., Lauar, N.S., 576,599 D. e. 434, 458, 471 Siqueira, G., Heneine, I. F., Bartter, F. e., see Vinci, J. M. Behrman, H. R., see Schlegel, Catanzaro, O. L. 384, 388, 535, 538, 548 W. 411,425 542 Basbaum, A.I., see Fields, Beilenson, S., Schachter, M., Beraldo, W. T., Siqueira, G., H. L. 326, 331,349 Smaje, L. H. 494, 495, 496, Heneine, 1. F. 191, 192,204, Bassenge, E., Kucharczyk, M., 498,518 208 Restorff, W. von, Werle, E. Belhanson, L. P., see Hathaway, Beraldo, W. T., Siqueira, G., 357, 358, 388 W.E. 571,574,600 Rodrigues, J. A A, Bassenge, E., Werle, E., Walter, Belhasen, L.P., see Hathaway, Machado, C. R. S. 513, 514, P., Holtz, J. 357,388 W.E. 43,77 518 Battaglia, F. e., see Resnik, R. Belitz, H.-D., see Kaiser, K.-P. Beraldo, W. T., see Rocha e 384, 396 202,216 Silva, M. 1, 84, 273, 285, Baudin, G., see Thaler-Dao, Beljakov, N. V., see Kuzin, 584,604 H. 411,426 M.1. 645, 649 Bera1do, W. T., see Rodrigues, Bauer, E., see Kraut, H. 1, 30, Bell, C. E. Jr., see Lopas, H. J.AA 192,220 79,489,521 579, 593, 602 Beraldo, W. T., see Siqueira, Baugh, R.J., Barnhill, M.T.jr., Bell, G. 583, 596 G. 178, 192,221 Trowbridge, C.G. 196,208 Belolipetskaya, Y. G., see Berde, B., see Stiirmer, E. 420, Baugh, R.J., Travis, J. 64, 72 Paskhina, T. S. 612,641, 425 Baumgarten, A., Melrose, 642,653 Berek, U., see Werle, E. 1,489, G.J.H., Vagg, W.J. 365, Belyakov, N. V., Syomushkin, 523 388 B. V. 611,646 Beress, L., Beress, R. 184,208 Baumstark, J. S. 69, 72 Belyakov, N. V., see Menshikov, Beress, L., Beress, R., Bavazzano, A., Sidell, N., V.V. 650 Wunderer, G. 208 Michelacci, S., Sicuteri, F. Benassi, C. A., see Rocchi, R. Beress, L., Kortmann, H., Fritz, 372, 388 170,220 H. 184,208 Bayerl, H., see Zieglgiinsberger, Benassi, e. A, see Tomatis, R. Beress, L., see Fritz, H. 184, W. 329,356 262,271 185, 187,211 Bayliss, J., see Rixon, R. H. Bender, M.L., Kezdy, F.J. Beress, L., see Wunderer, G. 381,396 113, 154 166, 167, 184,224 Beani, L., see Bertelli, A. 374, Benelli, G., see Delaa Bella, D. Beress, R., see Beress, L. 184, 388 373,390,416,417,422 208 Beaven, M. A., see Geller, Benelli, G., see Guilbaud, G. Beretta, C., see Casellato, R. G. 282, 283 327,328,331,332,350 M. M. 279, 283 662 Author Index

Berger, A., see Schechter, I. Besson, J. M., see Le Bars, D. Bhoola, K.D., see Lemon, 167,220 329,352 M.J.C. 500,501,521 Berger, A., see Yaron, A. 448, Besson, J. M., see Levante, A. Bhoola, K. D., see Matthews, 455,486 330,352 R. W. 495, 498, 499, 512, Berges, J., see Urie1, J. 166,223 Besson, J. M., see Lombard, 521 Bergh, N.P., see Simonsson, M.C. 331,353 Bianchi, A., Evans, D. B., Cobb, B. G. 375, 397 Beutler, E., see Lieberman, J. M., Peschka, M. T., Bergmeyer, H. U. 167, 208 434, 458, 479 Schaeffer, T. R., Laffan, Berg-Oerstadvik, T., see Bevan, D. R., Macfarlane, R.J. 462,472 Gautvik, K. M. 378,391, N. A. A., Mills, I. H. 542, Bianchi, C., see Bertelli, A. 520 559, 562, 564 374,388 Bergstrom, S., Dumer, H., Beynon, A. D. G., see Bianchi, G., see Porcelli, G. Euler, U. S. von, Pernow, B., Matthews, R. W. 509, 521 540, 541,547 Bianco, P. I.. del, see Sjovall, J. 317,348 Bhabani, A. R., see Onabanjo, Fanciullacci, M. 381,390 Bergstrom, S., see Orloff, J. A. O. 435, 481 557, 566 Bidlingmeyer, U. D. V., Leary, Bhalla, T. N., Sinha, J. N., Berke1ieva, S. C., see Malaya, T. R., Laskowski, M. Jr. Kohli, R.P., Bhargava, L.T. 612,635,636,650 195,208 K.P. 312,348 Berkoben, J., see Gavras, H. Bielawiec, M., Bogdanikowa, Bhargava, K. P., see Bhalla, 487,487 B., Kiersnowska-Rogowska, 312,348 Berkowitz, H. D., Galvin, C., T.N. B., Lukjan, H. 435, 472 Miller,I..D. 575,596 Bhattacharyya, N. K., see Bielawiec, M., see Lukjan, H. Berlgand, E. A., see Shwartz, Prasad, S.P. 382,395 435, 479, 579, 592, 602 G. Y. 633, 653 Bhoola, K.D. 150,490,503, Bieth, J., -Frechin, J.-C. 194, Bernabe, P., see Robbins, 506, 508, 512, 516, 518 208 K.C. 84 Bhoola, K.D., Calle, E.J.D., Bigler, J. C., see Feeney, R. E. Bernabe, P, see Summaria, I.. Schachter, M. 62, 72, 275, 180,201,211 59,60,86 283 Bing, D. H., see Donaldson, Berrens, I.. 115, 154 Bhoola, K. D., Cogdell, R. V.H. 580,599 Berry, K.J., see Barlow, R.B. 494, 503, 507, 515, 518 Bing, J., Poulsen, K., 517,518 Bhoola, K.D., Dorey, G. 178, Markussen, J. 459, 472 Bertaccini, G. 277,278,283 192, 199,208,490,494, 506, Bing, K. T., see Ayers, C. R. Bertaccini, G., see Anastasi, A. 507, 508,518 463,471 232,266,277,282 Bhoola, K. D., Dorey, G., Binia, A., see Rabito, S. F. 281, Bertelli, A., Bianchi, C., Beani, Jones, C. W. 494, 512, 514, 285 I.. 374,388 515,518 Birch, M., see Sever, P.S. 561, Berthillier, G., see Bhoola, K.D., Heap, P.F. 567 Counitchansky, Y. 210 504, 505, 506, 512, 518 Bird, E. D., see Arreguri, A. Berti, J.D., see Cicilini, M.A. Bhoola, K. D., Lemon, 487,487 437, 438, 473 M.J.C. 501,518 Bird, R., see Studdy, P. 486, Bertolini, A., Mucci, P., Bhoola, K.D., Lemon, M.J.C., 487,487 Sternieri, E. 336, 338, 348 Matthews, R. W. 518 Birk, Y. 164, 193,200,208 Besho, M., see Yasuhara, T. Bhoola, K.D., Matthews, Birn, H. 311,348 232,272,277,285 R. W., Roberts, F. 497,515, Birndorf, N.I., see Lopas, H. 579,593,602 Besson, J. M., Conseiller, C., 518 Hamann, K.-F., Maillard, Bhoola, K. D., McNicol, M. W., Biron, P., Campeau, I.. 441, M.-C. 327,328,329,348 Oliver, S., Foran, J. 497, 444,472 498,518 Besson, J. M., Guilbaud, G. Biron, P., Campeau, 1.., David, Bhoola, K.D., Morley, J., 326,348 P. 441,472 Schachter, M., Smaje, I.. H. Besson, J. M., Guilbaud, G., Le Biron, P., Huggins, C. G. 440, 496,498,519 441, 443, 472 Bars, D. 327,328,348 Bhoola, K. D., Ogle, C. W. Biron, P., see Carriere, S. 443, Besson, J. M., Guilbaud, G., 503,519 Lombard, M. C. 327, 348 Bhoola, K. D., see Albano, J. 473 Besson, J. M., see Conseiller, 491-493,495,497,500,501- Biron, P., see Friedli, B. 444, C. 331,332,348 503,518 447,476 Besson, J. M., see Guilbaud, Bhoola, K.D., see Dorey, G. Biron, P., see Hebert, F. 441, G. 327, 328, 331, 332, 350 508,519 447, 477 Author Index 663

Biron, P., see Scholtz, H. W. Boaz, D., Wyatt, S., Fitz, A. Bolshakova, L. V., see 238,270,441,484 442, 458, 459, 472 Gomazkov,O.A. 610,634, Biron, P., see Stanley, P. 441, Boaz, D., see Fitz, A. 459, 476 635, 636, 648 484 Boaz, D., see Overturf, M. Bolshakova, L. V., see Meerson, Birtch, A.G., see Busch, G.J. 442,458,459,482 F. Z. 634, 650 578, 589, 597 Bobbin, R.P., Guth, P.S. 360, Bonamy, A.-M., see Bechet, J.• Bisset, G. W., Lewis, G.P. 243, 388 J. 119, 154, 207, 208 Bobkow, A. I., see Golikov, Bondar, Z.A., Paskhina, T.S., 266 A.P. 636,648 Melkumova, I. S. 638, 646 Black, W.C. 581,597 Bodamer, G., Vogt, W. 22, 72 Bondar, Z.A., see Paskhina, Blacksin, A. S., see Clyman, Bodanszky, A., Bodanszky, M., T.S. 612,638,652 R.1. 294,297 Jorpes, E. J., Mutt, V., Bono, E. de, Mills, I. H. 552, Blackwell, G.J., Flower, R.J. Ondetti, M.A. 260,266, 557,564 411,421 296,297 Bonta, I. L., Hall, D. W. R. Bladen, H. A., see Lazarus, Bodanszky, A., Ondetti, M. A., 377,389 G.S. 65,79 Ralofsky, C.A., Bodanszky, Boreisha, I. G., see Robbins, Blair-West, J.R., Coghlan, J.P., M. 262,266 K.C. 60,84 Denton, D. A., Funder, J. W., Bodanszky, M., Klausner, Y. S., Borg, H., see Miller-Anderson, Scoggins, B. A., Wright, Lin, C. Y., Mutt, V., Said, M. 69,80 R.D. 449,450,464,472 S.1. 117,154 Borges, D.R., Limaos, E.A., Blatrix, C., see Steinbuch, M. Bodanszky, M., see Bodanszky, Prado, J. L., Camargo, 69,86 A. 260, 262, 266, 296, 297 A. C. M. 468, 472 Blazkova, B., see Rybak, M. Bode, W., see Huber, R. 168, Borges, D.R., Prado, J.L., 436,483 173,214 Guimares, J. A. 468, 472 Bodzenta, A., see Moniuszko• Borges, D. R., see Guimares, Blendis, L. M., see Stewart, D. Jakoniuk, J. 344, 353 J.A. 273,283,468,477 381,39~ 574, 575,606 Bodzenta, A., see Wisniewski, Borsatti, A., see Antonello, A. Blennemann, G., see K. 344, 345, 356 541,542 Habermann, E. 67, 76, 115, Boni, A., see Kruze, D. 64, 79, Borsatti, A., see Baggio, B. 157 180, 201, 217 530,542 Bleumink, E., see Doeglas, Boesman, M., Levy, M., Borsatti, A., see Favaro, S. H. M. G. 592, 598 Schenkein, I. 142, 154 541,543 Blinnikova, E. I., see Paskhina, Bosterling, B., Engel, J. 166, Bosser, C., see Chambers, T. S. 611, 612, 620, 652 179,208 D.A. 114, 115,155 Blondin, J., see Janoff, A. 65, Bogdanikowa, B., see Bielawiec, Botha, D., MUller, F.O., 78 M. 435,472 Krueger, F. G. M., Bloomfield, V. A., see Ellis, Bogomolets-Renriques, o. M., Melnitzky, R., Vermaak, L., L.M. 195,211 see Kauricheva, N. I. 625, Louw, L. 313,322,348 Blow, D.M. 163,204,208 649 Bottger, I., see Dietze, G. 371, Blow, D.M., Janin, J., Sweet, Bohidar, N. R., see Arman, 390 R.M. 196,208 C.G. van 592,596 Boucek, R.J., Noble, N. 381, Blow, D. M., Wright, C. S., Bohmann, S.O., see Anggard, 389 Kukla, D., Riihlmann, A., E. 404,421 Boucher, R., Asselin, J., Genest, Steigemann, W., Huber, R. Boileau, J.C., see Hebert, F. J. 442, 458, 472 172,173,208 441, 447, 477 Boucher, R., see Horky, K. Blow, D. M., see Janin, J. 195, Boissonnas, R. A., Guttmann, 446,477 196, 197,215 S., Jaquenod, P.-A. 72 Bouma, B.N., Griffm, J.H. Blow, D. M., see Sweet, R. M. Bokisch, V. A., Miiller• 28, 29, 72, 571,597 175,195-198,221 Eberhard, H.J. 368,388, Bourdon, V., see Damas, J. Blumberg, A. L., Denny, S. E., 428, 469, 472 404,414,422 Marshall, G. R., Needleman, Bokisch, V. A., MUller• Bowden, R., see Vinci, J. M. P. 362, 388, 414, 421 Eberhard, H. J., Cochrane, 534, 539, 548 Blumberg, A. L., see C.G. 428,472 Bowden, R.E., see Gill, J.R., Needleman, P. 463, 481 Bokisch, V.A., Top, F.H. Jr., Jr. 538, 544, 559, 565 Blumel, G., Klausner, G., Russel, P. K. 573, 597 Bowden, R. E., see Vinci, J. M. Neumayr, A., Peschl, L., Bolam, J.P., Elliot, P.N.C., 535, 538, 548 Rottenbacker-Teubner, H. Ford-Hutchinson, A. W., Boyden, N. T., see Erdos, E. G. 583,597 Smith, M.J.H. 367,388 450,451,475 664 Author Index

Boyden, N. T., see Johnson, Braunsteiner, H., see Rindler, Brockway, W. J., see Sodetz, A. R. 443, 444, 478 R. 65,84 J.M. 59,61,86 Boyer, T.D., Reynolds, T.B. Braunsteiner, H., see Rindler• Brodie, B. B., see Cass, R. 416, 576,597 Ludwig, R. 65, 84 421 Brachet, E., see Kahn, A. 295, Brazko, J., KOScielak, M. 342, Brodie, B. B., see Chang, C. C. 298, 367, 392 343,348 416,421 Brackett, B.G., see Stambaugh, Brecher, P. I., Tercyak, A., Brody, M. J., see Kadowitz, R. 201,221 Gavras, H., Chobanian, P.J. 403,423 Bradier, E., see Abelous, J.E. A. V. 443, 472 Brooks, B., see Muirhead, 1,71 Breckenridge, R. T., see E. E. 464, 465, 468, 480 Brady, A.H., Ryan, J.W., Kellermeyer, R. W. 22, 79, Brooks, P.M., see Zeitlin, I.J. Stewart, J. M. 247,260,266, 591,601 607 297 Brentjens, J.R.H., see Donker, Brosius, W. L., see Muirhead, Brady, A. H., Stewart, J. M., A.J.M. 559,565 E. E. 465, 468, 480 Ryan, J. W. 296,297 Bretscher, M. S. 150,155 Brown, J. H., see Garrett, R. L. Brady, A. H., see Stewart, Bretz, U., Baggiolini, M. 66, 363,391 J.M. 228,229,271,296,299 72 Brown, J.J., see Padfield, P.L. Braithwaite, S.S., Jarabak, J. Bretz, U., Dewald, B., 560,566 4ll,421 Baggiolini, M., Vischer, Brown, L. R., De Marco, A., Branconi, F., Faldi, P., T.L. 180,201,208 Wagner, G., Wiithrich, K. Seravalli, G., Curradi, C., Bretz, U., see Dewald, B. 66, 170,208 Delbianco, P. L., Sicuteri, 74 Brown, M.E. 577,587,597 F. 384.389 Bretz, U., see Murphy, G. 66, Brown, R., see Keiser, H. R. Brandi, C. M. W., Mendes, J., 82 562,565 Paiva, A. C. M., Prado, Bretz, U., see Viescher, T. L. Brown, R. S., see Lazarus, E.S. 147,155 66,87 G.S. 65,79 Brandi, C. M. W., Prado, E. S., Bretzel, G., Hochstrasser, K. Briimmer, W., see Wunderer, Prado, M. J. B. A., Prado, ll5, 155 G. 184, 187, 224 J. L. 273, 283, 468, 472 Brey, B., see Fritz, H. 108, 120, Bruhn, L. C., see Kaiser, K.-P. Brandi, C. M. W., see Prado, 123, 156, 164, 165, 184, 185, 202,216 E. S. 145, 147, 148, 160 187, 211, 212 Brundish, D. E., see Moore, S. Brandi. C. M. W., see Prado, Briefs, C., see Mose, J. R. 435, 234,269 J.L. 160 480 Brunner, H., Holz, M. 168, Brandtzaeg, P., Gautvik, K. M., Brink, L., see Gruber, K.A. 209 Nustad, K., Pierce, J. V. 265,268 Brunner, H., Holz, M., Jering, 134-136, 155, 494, 508, 514, Brinkhaus, K., Smith, H. P., H. 168, 169, 209 517,519 Warner, E.D., Seegers, Brunner, H. R., Wauters, J.-P., Brandtzaeg, P., see 0rstavik, W.H. 69,72 McKinstry, D., Waeber, B., T. B. 508, 514, 522, 530, Brinkman, C. R., see Assali, Turini, G., Gavras, H. 487, 531,547 N. S. 364, 388 487 Brantner, H. 435, 472 Briseid, K., Qvigstaid, E. K., Brunner, H. R., see Ferguson, Brasil, J.C.F., see Neto, F.R. Engelstad, M., Kageriov, P., R. K. 464, 475 358, 360, 394 Lange-Nielsen, F. 579,592, Brunner, H. R., see Gavras, H. Braszko, J., KoScielak, M. 597 465,467,468,487,476,487 419, 420, 421 Briseid, K., Qvigstad, E.-K., Brunner, H.R., see Jaeger, P. Engelstad, M., Lagerlov, P., Bratanov, K., Somley, B., 467,478 Doychewa, M., Efremova, Lange-Nielsen, F. 376,389 V. 386,389 Britton, S., Di Salvo, J. 443, Bruton, J., see Re, R. 467,483 Braun, C., see Guzman, F. 462, 472, 474 Bryant, J., Green, T. R., 3ll, 314, 315, 319, 325,350 Brocklehurst, W. E., Lahini, Gurusaddaiah, T., Ryan, Braun, C., see Lim, R.K.S. S. C. 592, 597 C.A. 201,209 314,319,353 Brocklehurst, W. E., Mawr, Bubuianu, E., see Benetato, G. Braun, W. E., see Colman, G.E. 45,72 341,348 R. W. 573, 574, 580, 582, Brocklehurst, W. E., Zeitlin, Buchbom, E., see Wolff, H.P. 587, 589, 597 LJ. 583, 590, 597 575,607 Braun-Falco, 0., see Schill, Brockway, W. J., Castellino, Budnitskaya" P. Z., see W.B. 386,387,396 F.J. 581,597 Kauricheva, N.!. 625, 649 Author Index 665

Bunning, P., Holmquist, B., R. E., Colman, R. W. 578, Camargo, A. C. M., see Oliveira, Riordar, J.F. 486,487 589,597 E. B. 346, 354, 437, 438, Buluk, K., Malofiejew, M. 62, Busch, G.J., see Colman, 439,481 72 R. W. 573, 574, 580, 582, Cambridge, B. S., see Mackay, Bumpus, F.M., Smeby, R.R., 587, 589, 598 M. E. 593, 602 Page, I. H., Khairallah, Buschhuter, H., see Rohen, Campbell, A.G.M., Dawes, P.A. 315,348 J. W. 385, 396 G.S., Fishman, A.P., Bumpus, F.M., see Tsai, B.-S. Bussolatti, D., Rost, F. W. D., Hyman, A.I., Perks, A. M. 449,450,464,484 Pearse, A.G.E. 581,597 364,389 Bunch, J. L. 495, 519 Butler, T.C., see Oates, J.A. Campbell, W. B., see Gullner, Bundy, H. F., see Haverback, 376, 381, 394 H. G. 540, 544 B.J. 67,77 Buzzelli, G., see Galletti, R. Campeau, L., see Biron, P. Burch, G.E., DePasquale, 575,599 441,444,472 N.P. 311,348 Bystrov, V. F., see Ivanov, Campora, E. de, see Angeletti, Burcher, E., Atterhog, J.H., V. T. 261, 268 M. 140, 141, 154, 180, 201, Pernow, B., Rosell, S. 278, 207 283 Cabral, R. B., see Carvalho, Cann, J. R. 296, 297 Burdon, K. K., Queng, J. T., A. C. 590, 597 Cann, J. R., Stewart, J. M., Thomas, O. C., McGovern, Caille, D., see Guilbaud, G. London, R. E., Matwiyoff, J.P. 580,597 331, 332, 350 N. 261, 266, 296, 297 Burdon, K. L., see Meyers, Caldo, H., see Cicilini, M. A. Cann, J.R., Stewart, J.M., W.M. 67,80 437, 438, 473 Matsueda, G. R. 260, 266, Burgus, R., Rivier, J. 265, 266 Caldwell, P. R. B., Seegal, B. C., 296,297 Burkhead, R.J., Shaffer, A.G. Hsu, K. C., Das, M., Soffer, Cann, J.R., see London, R.E. Jr., Hamrin, C.E. Jr. 165, R. L. 443, 444, 457, 472 261,269 209 Caldwell, P. R. B., Wigger, H.J., Cannata, D., see Baldoni, F. Burnett, C.J., see Highsmith, Das, M., Soffer, R.L. 457, 321,348 R.F. 70,77 472 Cannella, G., see Favaro, S. Burnstock, G.B. 517,519 Caldwell, P. R. B., see Soffer, 541,543 Burrowes, C. E., Habal, F. M., R. L. 452, 484 Cannon, D. C., see Bedrossian, Movat, H. Z. 44, 72 Calissano, P., see Angeletti, C. W. M. 434, 458, 471 Burrowes, C. E., Movat, H. Z. R.A. 140, 141, 142,154, Capasso, F., Balestieri, B., 15, 27, 44, 68, 69, 72 514,518 Rosa, M. di, Persico, P., Burrowes, C. E., Movat, H. Z., Calle, E. J. D., see Bhoola, Sorrentino, L. 368, 389 Habal, F. M. 39, 72 K. D. 62, 72, 275, 283 Capek, R., MaSek, K., Sramka, Burrowes, C. E., Movat, H. Z., Calvillo, 0., Henry, J.L., M., Kr§iak, M., Svec, P. Soltay, M.J. 4, 11,23,39, Neuman, R. S. 329, 348 336, 341, 348 59, 72, 570, 597 Camacho, A., Carrascosa, J. L., Capek, R., see Graeff, F.G. Burrowes, C. E., see Chan, Vinuela, E., Salas, M. 151, 337,338,341,343,350 J. Y. C. 13, 15, 24-27, 30, 155 Cappella, C., see Vassalio, G. 73,573,597 Camargo, A., Ferreira, S.H. 581,606 Burrowes, C. E., see Habal, 291, 297, 377, 389 Caralnia, F. 514,519 F. M. 22, 33, 35, 44, 47, 48, Camargo, A. C. M., Graeff, Cardinale, G. J., see McGee, 49, 53, 60, 62, 66, 68, 75, 573, F.G. 346,348,437,472 J.O. 231,269 600, 621, 625,655 Camargo, A. C. M., Rama1ho• Carey, R. M., see Lennane, Burrowes, C. E., see Movat, Pinto, F.J., Greene, L.J. R.J. 552,565 H. Z. 39, 67, 82 346,348,437,469,472 Carlson, A. S., see Siegelman, Burton, J., see Sancho, J. 465, Camargo, A. C. M., Shapanka, A. M. 587, 606 467,483 R., Greene, L.J. 346,348, Carlton, M. L., see Ryan, J. W. Busce, R.J., see Ratnoff, O.D. 437,472 448,449,483 569,604 Camargo, A. C. M., see Borges, Carmel, A., Varon, A. 448, Busch, G.J., Kobayashi, K., D. R. 468, 472 449,473 Hollenberg, N. K., Birtch, Camargo, A. C. M., see Cicilini, Carone, F.A., Pullman, T.N., A.G., Colman, R. W. 578, M.A. 437,438,473 Oparil, S., Nakamura, S. 589,597 Camargo, A. C. M., see Greene, 273, 283, 445, 473 Busch, G.J., Martins, A.C.P., L. J. 252, 259, 268, 291, 298, Carone, F.A., see Oparil, S. Hollenberg, N. K., Wilson, 442,460,477 445,482 666 Author Index

Carpenter, C. B., Ruddy, S., Carvalho, A. C., Lees, R. S., Cechova, D., see Jonakova, V. Shekadeh, 1. H., Vaillancourt, R. A., Cabral, 182,215 Stechschuste, D.J., Muller• R. B., Weinberg, R. M., Cechova, D., see Muszynska, Eberhard, H. J., Merrill, J. P., Colman, R. W. 590, 597 G. 219 Austen, K. F. 580, 597 Carvalho, A. C., Lees, R. S., Cechova, D., see Tschesche, Carrascosa, J. L., see Camacho, Vaillancourt, R.A., Colman, H. 168, 182, 223 A. 151,155 R. W. 578,590,597 Cechova-Pospislova, D., Carraway, C., Leeman, S. E. Carvalho, A. C., see Lange, Svestkova, V., Sorm, F. 282,283 L. G. 579, 595, 601 181,209 Carretero; O. A., Amin, V. M., Carvalho,1.F. 529,543 Cei, J. M., see Anastasi, A. Ocholik, T., Scicli, A.G., Carvalho, 1. F., Diniz, C. R. 277,282 Koch,J. 526,543 504, 519, 527, 529, 530, 543 Cesarion, A., see Baldoni, F. Case, D. B., Wallace, J. M., 321,348 Carretero, O. A., Oza, N. B. Keirn, H.J., Weber, M.A, Cession-Fossion, A. 416,421 541,542 Drayer, J.1.M., White, R.P., Cession-Fossion, A, see Carretero, O. A, Oza, N. B., Sealey, J. E., Laragh, J. H. Damas, J. 246,266 Piwonska, A, Ocholik, T., 467,473 Cession-Fossion, A, see Scicli, A G. 307, 307, 526, Case, D. B., Wallace, J. M., Lecomte, J. 416, 423 540,543 Keirn, H.J., Weber, M.A., Chahl, L.A 369,389 Carretero, O.A., Oza, N.B., Sealey, J. E., Laragh, J. H. Chaimoff, C., Edery, H., Scicli, A G., Schork, A 467,473 Abraham, S., Gassner, S. 537, 540, 541, 543 Casellato, M. M., Lugaro, G., 376,389 Carretero, O. A., Scicli, A. G. Pasta, P., Manera, E., Chaman, E. S., see Kraynova, 530,542 Ormas, P., Beretta, C. 279, B. L. 616, 649 Carretero, O.A, Scicli, A.G., 283 Chambers, D.A., Bosser, C., Piwonska, A, Koch, J. 540, Caspary, W. F., Creutzfeldt, Greep, J. M., Nardi, G. L. 541,543 W. 379,389 114, 115, 155 Carretero, O. A., see Gulati, Caspel de Bruyn, M. van, see Chan, J. Y. C. 15,20, 72 O.P. 541,544 Aarsen, P. N. 377, 388 Chan, J. Y. C., Burrowes, C. E., Carretero, O.A., see Marin• Cass, R., Kuntzman, R., Brodie, Habal, F. M., Movat, H. Z. Grez,M. 401,423,517,521, B. B. 416,421 15, 30, 73 526, 534, 535, 545, 546, 549, Cassin, S., see Gilbert, R. D. Chan, J. Y. C., Burrowes, C. E., 552, 556, 557,566 364, 391 Movat, H. Z. 24-27, 73, Carretero, O.A., see Oza, Castania, A., Rothschild, 573,597 N. B. 136-139, 159, 165, A. M. 586, 597 Chan, J.Y.C., Habal, F.M., 219, 526, 528, 547 Castania, A., see Rothschild, Burrowes, C. E., Movat, Carretero, O. A., see Scicli, A. M. 91, 95, 100, 102, 371, H. Z. 13, 24-27, 73 A G. 445, 484, 530, 547, 374, 389, 396, 582, 605 Chan, J. Y. C., Movat, H. Z. 9, 557,567 Castellino, F.J., see Brockway, 11, 12, 14, 15, 73 Carretero, O.A., see W. J. 581,597 Chan, J. Y. C., see Wasi, S. 66, Waldmann, R. 26,88 Castellino, F. J., see Sodetz, 67,88 Carriere, S., Biron, P. 443,473 J. M. 59,61,86 Chand, N., Eyre, P. 375,389 Carroll, W. R., see Folk, J. E. Catanzaro, O. L., see Beraldo, Chang, C. C., Costa, E., Brodie, 432,476 W. T. 384, 388, 542 B. B. 416, 421 Carsen, J. H., see Gerber, A Catemolo, M., see Franchi, G. Chang, J., Freer, R., Stella, R., 65,75 369,391 Greenbaum, L. M. 64, 66, Carter, R. D., Joyner, W. L., Cechova, A, Svestkova, V., 73, 92, 93, 95, 101 Renkin, E. M. 365, 389 Keil, B., Sorm, F. 621,655 Chang, J., see Freer, R. 92-95, Carter, R. D., see Joyner, Cechova, D. 181, 183, 209 101 W. L. 365, 392 Cechova, D., Ber, E. 181, 209 Chang, J., see Greenbaum, Carvalheira, A F., Welsch, U., Cechova, D., Fritz, H. 180, L. M. 91,95, 100, 101, 180, Pearse, AG.E. 581,597 182, 183,209 201,213, 591,600 Carvalho, A. C., Colman, Cechova, D., Muszyuska, G. Chang, L. C. T., see Data, J. L. R. W., Lees, R. S. 578, 590, 181,209 559,565 597 Cechova, D., Svestkova, V., Chang, M. M., Leeman, S. E., Carvalho, A. C., Ellman, L. Keil, B., Sorm, F. 182,183, Niall, H. D. 278, 283 589,597 209 Chao, J. 529,543 Author Index 667

Chao, J., Margoluis, H. S. 528, Coalson, J.J. 142, 151, 155, Clements, P., see Marx, R. 530,540,543 504, 514,519 588,602 Chao, J., see Margoluis, H. S. Chiang, T.S., see Yang, Clemmensen, 1., see Miillertz, 534,539,545,554,566 H. Y. T. 438, 486 S. 62,70,82 Chao, P.Y., see Lim, R.K.S. Chiarini, P., see Galletti, R. Cline, M. J., Melmon, K. L. 311,353 575,599 99,101 Cline, M. J., see Melmon, K. L. Chapman, L.F., WoltT, H.G. Chiba, S., see Seino, M. 539, 66,80,96,99,101,364,369, 596,597 540,547,550,551,556,561- 393 Chapman, L. F., see Ostfeld, 563,567 Clowes, G.H.A., see Weisser, Chicheportiche, R., see Vincent, A. M. 596, 603 A 307, 309 J.-P. 168, 223 Chapnick, B. M., Paustian, Clowes, G.H.A Jr., see Ching, S.-F., see Hayes, L. W. P. W., Feigen, L.P., Joiner, O'Donnell, T.F.Jr. 307, 486,487 P. D., Hyman, A L., 308,585,603 Kadowitz, P.J. 363,389, Chiu, A., see Ryan, U.S. 443, Clyman, R. I., Blacksin, AS., 408,421 457,483 Sandler, J.A, Manganiello, Chapnick, B. M., see Feigen, Chiu, A. T., Ryan, J. W., Ryan, V. C., Vaughan, M. 294, L.P. 539,543 U.S., Dorer, F.E. 288,297 297 Chapnick, B. M., see Goldberg, Chiu, A. T., Ryan, J. W., Clyman, R.I., Sandler, J.A, M. R. 360, 363, 391 Stewart, J. M., Dorer, F. E. Manganiello, V. e., Chauvet, J., Acher, R. 165, 449,450,459,473 Vaughan, M. 295, 297 167, 168, 171, 177, 179, 180, Chivers, L., Whalley, E. T. Clyman, R.I., Wong, L., 209 385,389 Heymann, M. A., Rudolph, Chauvet, J., Dostal, J.-P., Cho, Y. W., see Ito, H. 364, A. M. 364, 389 Acher, R. 165, 180, 209 392 Coalson,J.J.,seeChiang, T.S. Chekhlyaeva, N. M., see Ivanov, Choay, J., see Sach, E. 115, 142, 155 V. T. 261,268 116, 160 Cobb, M., see Bianchi, A. 462, Cheng, M. C.-F., see Geratz, Chobanian, A. V., see Brecher, 472 J. D. 105, 118, 157, 206, 213, P.I. 443,472 Cochrane, C. G., Revak, S. D., 528,544 Chothia, C. H., see Sweet, Aikin, B. S., Wuepper, Chemilovskaya, P. E., see R.M. 175,195-198,221 K.D. 14, 15, 16, 73 Khayutin, V. M. 323, 352 Choufoer, J. C., see Sluys Veer, Cochrane, e. G., Revak, S. D., Chemova, N.A., Nekrasova, J. van der 582,606 Ulevitch, R., Johnston, A, AA 610,637,646 Chudzik, J., see Dubin, A 64, Morrison, D. 9, 14, 16,29, Chemova, N.A., Nekrasova, 74 73 A. A, Lantsberg, L. A 636, Chudzik, J., see Koj, A. 64, 79 Cochrane, e.G., Revak, S.D., 646 Chung, A, see Fisher, G. H. Wuepper, K.D. 4,15,16, 234,267 Chemova, N.A, see Lantsberg, 20,22,23,28,33,44,73,570, L. A 634, 649 Chung, A, see Ryan, J. W. 571,598 Chemova, N. A, see 443,448,449,457,483 Cochrane, e. G., Wuepper, Nekrasova, A.A. 551,555, Chyrek-Borowska, S., see K. D. 9, 14-16, 19,20,22, 556,559, 561, 562,566,610, Lukjan, H. 579, 592, 602 23, 33, 45, 52, 73, 570, 597 637, 650, 651 Ciba, S., see Seino, J. 534, 547 Chemukh, A. M., Aleksandrov, Cicilini, M. A., Caldo, H., Berti, Cochrane, C. G., Wuepper, K. D., Aikin, S., Revak, P. N., Alekseev, O. V. 633, J.D., Camargo, AC.M. B. 646 437,438, 473 S. D., Spiegelberg, H. L. 73 Chemukh, AM., Gomazkov, Cinader, B. 4, 73 Cochrane, e. G., see Bokisch, O. A. 644, 645, 647 Ciosek, C. P., see Fahey, J. V. V. A 428, 472 Chemukh, A.M., Yarovaya, 296,297 Cochrane, C. G., see Griffin, L. M., Glebov, R. N. 644, Cirmaciu, R., see Benetato, G. J. H. 13,24-26, 75,573,600, 647 341,348 622,655 Cheung, H. S., see Cushman, Cirstea, M. 290,291,297 Cochrane, C.G., see Johnston, D. W. 256, 259, 260, 266, Claeson, G. 527,543 AR. 4,6,78 441,442,446-448,450-452, Clark, R. W., Hymowitz, T. Cochrane, C. G., see Lawrence, 455,459,460,461,473 193, 194, 209 T.G. 9,79 Chiang, T. S., Erdos, E. G., Clark, W. R., see Webster, Cochrane, C. G., see Morrison, Miwa, 1., Tague, L. L., M. E. 586, 606 D.C. 22,80 668 Author Index

Cochrane, C. G., see Revak:, Collins, W. P., see Willman, Colman, R. W., see Lopas, H. S.D. 9,10, 14-18,34,84, E. A. 403, 426 579,593,602 585,604 Colman, R. C., see Bagdasarian, Colman, R. W., see Mandie, R., Cochrane, C.G., see Wuepper, A. 571, 574, 575, 596 Jr. 40, 42, 80, 573, 602 K.D. 20,29,34,35,37,43, Colman, R. W. 59,73,571, Colman, R. W., see Mason, 52,89 572,580,581,589,598 J. W. 577, 578, 584, 585, Cogdell, R., see Bhoola, K. D. Colman, R. W., Bagdasarian, 589,595,602 494, 503, 507, 515, 518 A., Talamo, R. c., Kaplan, Colman, R. W., see Meier, Coggins, J.R., Kray, W., Shaw, A.P. 56,73,91,101,307, H. L. 24, 26, 80 E. 205,209 308 Colman, R .. W., see Meier, Coghlan, J.P., see Blair-West, Colman, R. W., Bagdasarian, H. K. 573, 603 J. R. 449, 450, 464, 472 A., Talamo, R. C., Scott, Colman, R. W., see Meier, Cohen, I., Zur, M., Kaminsky, C.F., Seavey, M., J.L. 572,603 E., Vries, A. de 103, 155 Guimaraes, J.A., Pierce, Colman, R. W., see Minna, Cohen, M. R., see Felix, A. M. J. V., Kaplan, A.P. 23,26, J.D. 589,603 228, 231, 267 56, 73, 572, 574, 595,598 Colman, R. W., see O'Donnell, T.F., Jr. Cohen, S., see Taylor, J. M. Colman, R. W., Braun, W. E., 307,308,585,603 Colman, R. W., see Radcliffe, 142,161 Busch, G.J., Dammin, G.J., Cohen, S.H., Halstead, S.B. Merrill, J.P 573,574,580, R. 572,604 Colman, R. W., see Talamo, 573,598 582, 587, 589, 598 Cole, F.E., Parthasarathy, R. R. C. 579, 594, 606 Colman, R. W., Girey, G., 173,209 Colman, R.W., see Webster, Galvanek, E.G., Busch, Coleman, R. W., see Wong, M. E. 23, 24, 26, 27, 88, 572, G. J. 582, 589, 598 P. Y. 535, 536, 538, 539,548 573,606 Coleman, T.G., see Bengis, Colman, R. W., Mason, J. W., Colman, R. W., see Weisser, R. G. 465, 472 Sherry, S. 574, 575, 583, A. 307,309 Colina-Chourio, J., McGiff, 598, 610, 611, 613, 636, 655 Colman, R. W., see Wong, J.C., Miller, M.P., Nasjletti, Colman, R. W., Mattler, L., P. Y. 302, 307, 309, 376, A. 181,209, 539, 543 Sherry, S. 31,34, 73, 575, 381, 399, 552, 553, 567, 574- Colina-Chourio, J., McGiff, 583,598 577,583,607 J.C., Nasjletti, A. 408,421 Colman, R. W., Wong, P. Y., Colopy, J. E., see Ratnoff, Colina-Chourio, J., see Talamo, R.C. 302,307, O.D. 7,83,569,574,604 Nasjletti, A. 407, 414, 424, 307, 381, 389, 577, 579, 594, Comline, R.S., Silver, M. 417, 462,481,532,533,534,536, 598 421 538, 539, 546 Colman, R.W., see Comline, R.S., Silver, M., Collen 62, 70 Bagdasarian, A. 10, 14, 16, Sinclair, D. G. 416,417,421 Collen, D., see Edy, J. 70, 74 19, 72, 307, 307, 526, 542, Congbalay, R.C., see Stein, Collen, D., see Wiman, B. 70, 570,571,585,595,596 J.H. 531,532,547 88 Colman, R. W., see Busch, Conradi, E. C., see Halushka, Collier, H.O.J. 312,348,369, G.J. 578, 589,597 P. V. 540,544 373, 374;376, 389, 408, 416, Colman, R. W., see Carvalho, Conroy, J.M., Hartley, J.L., 421,592,598 A. C. 578, 590, 597 Soffer, R.L. 455-457,473 Collier, H.O.J., Dinneen, L.C., Colman, R. W., see Edelman, Conroy, J. M., Hoffman, H., Johnson, C.A., Schneider, R. 307,308,573,577,599 Kirk, E. S., Hirzel, H.O., C. 312,313,317,320,348 Colman, R. W., see Gigli, I. 30, Sonnenblick, E. H., Soffer, Collier, H.O.J., Schneider, C. 44, 75, 570, 599 R.L. 457,473 317,348 Colman, R. W., see Girey, Conroy, J. M., Lai, C. Y. 448, Collier, H.O.J., see Piper, P.J. G.J.D. 301,306,307,308, 473 415,416,425 570,599 Conseiller, C., Wyon-Maillard, Collier, J. G., Karim, S. M. M., Colman, R. W., see Green, M.-C., Hamann, K.-F., Robinson, B., Somers, K. J. G. 302,308, 585, 588, 600 Besson, J.-M. 331, 332, 348 317,348 Colman, R. W., see Lahiri, B. Conseiller, C., see Besson, Collier, J. G., Robinson, B. F. 44, 79, 307, 308, 581, 601 J. M. 327-329, 348 444,473 Colman, R. W., see Lange, Conti, C.R., see Pitt, B. 577, Collier, J.G., Robinson, B.F., L. G. 579, 595, 601 588,604 Vane, J.R. 305,307,462, Colman, R. W., see Liu, C. Y. Contrera, J.F., see Smith, R.J. 473 573,602 435,484 Author Index 669

Cooner, A. E., see Coppage, Cottone, P., see Marin-Grez, J.H., San Martin, M. 540, W. S., Jr. 575, 598 M. 401,423, 517, 521, 534, 543 Cooper, N. R., see Harpel, 535, 545, 552, 556, 557, 566 Croxatto, H. R., San Martin, P. C. 68, 69, 77 Coulson, J.J., see Chiang, T.S. M. 536, 541,543 Coppage, W. S., Jr., Island, 504, 514, 519 Croxatto, H. R., see Albertini, D. P., Cooner, A. E., Liddle, Counitchansky, Y., Berthillier, R. 541,542 G. W. 575, 598 G., Got, R. 210 Croxatto, H. R., see Greco, Corbin, N. C., Hugli, T. E., Covi, G., see Lechi, A. 535, A.V. 534,544,561,562,565 Muller-Eberhard, H. J. 433, 538,545,549,558,565 Croxatto, H. R., see Jenner, S. Cozzari, C., see Porcelli, G. 434,473 541,545 Corcoran, R.J., see Huggins, 140, 141, 160, 178,219 Croxatto, H. R., see Porcelli, C.G. 452,477 Crastes de Paulet, A., see G. 127, 129, 130, 131, 133, Cordeiro, R. S. B., see Thaler-Dao, H. 411,426 135-141, 145, 147, 149,160, Rothschild, A. M. 95, 100, Creeth, J. M., see Jones, J. M. 178,219,526,528,540,541, 102,371,374,396,582,605 69,78 547 Corley, L., Sachs, D. H., Creighton, T. E. 164, 170, 171, Croxatto, H. R., see Roblero, Anfinsen, C. B. 263, 266 210 J. S. 528,529,531,540,547, Corman, G., see Gauwerky, C. Creutzfeldt, W., see Caspary, 552,567 190, 191,213 W. F. 379, 389 Crum, J.D., see Ratnoff, O.D. Cormane, R. H., see Ashgar, Crocker, A.D., Willavoys, 22,83 S. S. 179, 200, 206, 208 S. P. 380, 389 Crunkhom, P., Meacock, Comelsen, M., see Willis, A. L. Croker, M., see Albano, J. S. C. R. 368, 389 318,356 491,492,497, 500,518 Crunkhom, P., Willis, A. L. Corrado, A.P., Graeff, F.G., Crowford,LP. 68,73 317,349 Ribeiro, S. A., Riccioppo Crowford, LP., see Taylor, Cruzat, H., see Croxatto, Neto, F. 316, 337, 339, 349 J. C. 64,87 H. R. 178, 210 Corrado, A. P., see Graeff, Crowshaw, K. 405,421,422 Csutak, V., see Cuparencu, B. F. G. 337,338,341,343,350 Crowshaw, K., McGiff, J. C., 341, 349 Corrado, A. P., see Ribeiro, Strand, J. C., Lonigro, A. J., Cuendet, P.A., see Rickli, S.A. 337,339,354 Terragno, N.A. 404,422 E.E. 60,84 Corrado, A. P., see Riccioppo Crowshaw, K., see McGiff, Cuevas, P., Fine, J. 586, 598 Neto, F. 314-316,354 J.C. 403,409,410,424 Cuparencu, B., Tisca, I., Safta, Corrado, A.P., see Rocha e Crowshaw, K., see Terragno, L., Csutak, V., Mocan, R. Silva, M. 582, 605 D.A. 295,299,362,398, 341,349 Correa, F.A.A., Graeff, F.G. 401,403,404,409,412,414, 336, 338, 340, 342, 349 415 Curradi, C., see Branconi, F. Cortes, P., see Scicli, A. G. 384,389 Croxatto, H. R., Albertini, R., 557, 567 Arriagada, R., Roblero, J., Curradi, C., see Franchi, G. Corthom, J., Imanari, T., Rojas, M., Rosas, R. 557, 369,391 Yoshida, H., Kaizu, T., 565 Curradi, C., see Sicuteri, F. Pierce, J. V., Pisano, J.J. 358,39~ 588, 606 527,543 Croxatto, H. R., Albertini, R., Currimbhoy, Z., Vinciguerru, Corthom, J., see Albertini, R. Roblero, J., Corthom, J. V., Palakavongs, P., 541,542 541,543 Kuslansky, P., Degnan, Corthom, J., see Croxatto, Croxatto, H. R., Huidobro, F., T. J. 572, 598 H.R. 540,541,543,549, Rojas, M., Roblero, J., 565 Albertini, R. 534, 535, 540, Cuschieri, A., Onabanjo, O.A. Corthom, J., see Pisano, J.J. 543 583,598 273, 284 Croxatto, H. R., Porcelli, G., Cuschieri, A., see Worthington, Corthom, J., see Roblero, J. Noe, G., Roblero, J. Cruzat, K.J. 104,113,114,118,120, 528, 529, 540, 547, 552, 567 H. 178,210 161 Cossins, L., see Richardson, Croxatto, H. R., Roblero J., Cushman, D. W., Cheung, M. 201,220 Albertini, R., Corthom, J., H.S. 441,442,446--448, Costa, E., see Chang, C. C. San Martin, M., Porcelli, 450,455,459,473 416,421 G. 549,565 Cushman, D. W., Cheung, H. S., Cotran, R. S., see Schwartz, Croxatto, H. R., Roblero, J. S., Sabo, E.F., Ondetti, M.A. M. M. 365, 397 Garcia, R. L., Corthom, 260,266,460,461,473 670 Author Index

Cushman, D. W., Plusec, J., Das, M., see Caldwell, P. R. B. Deffenu, G., Pegrassi, L., Williams, N.J., Weaver, 443,444,457,472 Lumachi, B. 313,316,349 E. R., Sabo, E. F., Kocy, 0., Dash, M. S., Deshpande, S. S. Degnan, T.J., see Currimbhoy, Cheung, H. S., Ondetti, 326,349 Z. 572,598 M. A. 256, 259, 266, 460, Da Silva, G. R., Rocha e Silva, Deisenhofer, J., Steigemann, 461,473 M. 336, 339, 349 W. 168,210 Cushman, D. W., see Cheung, Data, J. L., Chang, L. C. T., Deisenhofer, J., see Hetzel, R. H. S. 450, 451, 452, 460, Nies, A. S. 559, 565 170,214 461,473 Daugherty, R. M., Jr., Scott, Deisenhofer, J., see Huber, R. Cushman, D. W., see Ondetti, J. B., Emerson, T. E., Jr. 598 168, 173, 214, 215 M.A. 260,269,461,482 Delbianco, P. L., Fanciullacci, Daugherty, R. M., Jr., see Cuttelod, S., see Gavras, H. M., Frarchi, G. Emerson, T. E., Jr. 590, 599 575, 598 467,476 Delbianco, P. L., see Branconi, Daugherty, R. M., see Haddy, F. 384,389 F.J. 314,350,357,391 Delbianco, P. L., see David, P., see Biron, P. 441, Dalakos, T. G., see Streeten, Fanciullacci, M. 574, 575, 472 D.H.P. 307,309,433,434, 599 Davie, E. W., see Fujikawa, K. 484,535,548 DelBianco, P. L., see Sicuteri, 15,75 Damas, J. 315,321, 337, 341, F. 311,355,358,397, 588, 346, 347, 349, 359, 390, 435, Davie, E. W., see Ratnoff, 606 473 0.0. 3,8-10,28,57,84, DeJhaye, C., Reuse, J.J., Damas, J., Bourdon, V. 414, 570,604 Driessche, R. V. 435, 474 422 Davies, G.E., Lowe, J.S. 206, Della Bella, D., Benelli, G., De Damas, J., Bourdon, V., 210, 592, 598 Paoli, A.M. 416,417,422 Neuray, J., Deby, C., Davies, J.O., see Freeman, Della Bella, D., Benelli, G., Lecomte, J. 404, 414, 422 R. H. 533, 544 Gandini, A. 417,422 Damas, J., Cession-Fossion, Davies, P., Fox, R.l., Polyonis, Della Bella, D., BeneIIi, G., A. 246,266 M., Allison, A. C., Haswell, Pajola, E., Valli, P. 373,390 Damas, J., Deby, C. 319, 349, A.D. 63,74 Delorenzo, N. L., see Movat, 362,390 Davies, P., Rita, G., Krakauer, H. Z. 592, 603 Damas, J., Deby, C., Lecomte, K., Weissmann, G. 64, 74 Delshammar, M., Ohlsson, K. J. 414,422 Davignon, A., see Friedli, B. 64,74 Damas, J., Mousty, J. C. 362, 444, 447, 476 Demaio, D. A., see Rubin, B. 390 Davis, G.E., Lowe, J.S. 22,73 461, 464, 483 Damas, J., Volon, G. 368,370, Davis, H. A., see Hinshaw, De Marco, A., see Brown, 390 D. B. 583, 600 L. R. 170, 208 Dammin, G.J., see Colman, Davis, J.O., see Freeman, De Marco, A., see Wagner, G. R. W. 573, 574, 580, 582, R.H. 487,487 169, 170, 224 587, 589,598 Davis, T. R. A., Goodfriend, Demers, L. M., see Schlegel, Damus, P.S., Wallace, G.A. T. L. 291, 297, 375, 390 W. 411,425 69,73 Dawes, G. S., see Campbell, Demler, H. C., see Veltkamp, Damus, P. S., see Rosenberg, A.G.M. 364,389 J.M. 569,606 R.D. 15,69,84 Dawson, 1. 581, 598 De Natale, G., see Miele, W. Daniel, T. M., see Smink, Dax, E., see Johnston, C.l. 416,417,424 M.McL. 8,86 534, 536, 540, 541, 545 Denkewalter, R. G., see Daniels, J. R., see Lazarus, Day, A.R., see Ryan, J.W. Hirschmann, R. F. 262, 268 G.S. 65,79 443,457,483 Dennhardt, R., Haberich, F.J. Dao Hai, N., see Vargaftig, Deamley, C. N., Bailey, G. S. 379,390 B. B. 404, 414, 426 435,474 Dennis, S. G., MeIzack, R. Darke, A. C., Smaje, L. H. 516, DeBono, E., Mills, l.H. 531, 330,331,349 519 543 Denny, S.E., see Blumberg, Das, B. C., see Weyers, R. 253, Deby, C., see Damas, J. 319, A.L. 362,388,414,421 256,271 349,362,390,404,414,422 Denny, S. E., see Isakson, P. C. Das, M., Hartley, J. L., Soffer, DeCamargo, A. C. M., see 414,423 R.L. 446,452,455,456,473 Oliveira, E. B. 346, 354 Denny, S. E., see Needleman, Das, M., Soffer, R. L. 452,455, Dedichen, J., Vystyd, J. 435, P. 320, 321, 353, 357, 362, 456,457,459,473,474 474 392, 403, 414, 424 Author Index 671

Denton, D.A., see Blair-West, DiLorenzo, N. L., see Movat, Dolce, V., see Vecchiet, L. 311, 1. R. 449, 450, 464, 472 H.Z. 4,9,22,41,80 356,369,398 De Paoli, A. M., see Della Bella, Diniz, C. R., Pereira, A. A., Doleschel, W., see Auerswald, D. 416,417,422 Barroso, I., Mares-Guia, W. 290,296 De Pasquale, N.P., see Burch, M. 148, 155, 205, 210 Dolgina, M.I., see Paskhina, G.E. 311,348 Diniz, C. R., see Carvalho, T. S. 612, 639, 640, 653 Depierre, D., Bargetzi, I.-P., I.F. 504,519,527,529,530, Dollery, C. T., Goldberg, L.I., Roth, M. 446,453,474 543 Pentecost, B. L. 576, 598 Depierre, D., Roth, M. 442, Diniz, C. R., see Hial, V. 105, Dollery, C. T, see Goldberg, 448,474 127-132, 157, 204, 214, 528, L.1. 532, 544 Dervinis, A., see Rosenthale, 544 Dollinger, M. R., Gardner, B. M.E. 317,354 Diniz, C. R., see Mares-Guia, 419,422 Descomps, B., see Thaler-Dao, M. 119, 158, 204, 205, 218 Dollinger, M., see Gardner, B. H. 411,426 Diniz, C. R., see Silva, E. 419,422 Deshpande, S. S., see Dash, 137-139,160,205,221,528, Dolovich, I., Back, N., M. S. 326, 349 547 Arbesman, C. E. 376, 390 Desnuelle, P., see Vannier, C. Diniz, C. R., see Weinberg, 1. Dombi, G., see Balaspiri, L. 446,485 293,299 229,266 Detaille, 1. Y., see Iulou, L. Dinneen, L. C., see Collier, Donaldson, V.H. 292,297, 312,351 H.O.I. 312,313,317,320, 436,474,589,598 Deutsch, D. G., Mertz, E. T. 348 Donaldson, V.H., Evans, 59,74 Dinnendahl, V., see SchOnhofer, R. R. 580, 598 DeVito, E., see Roblero, 1. P. S. 295, 299 Donaldson, V. H., Glueck, H.I., 528,529,540,547 Disalvo, I., Britton, S., Galvas, Miller, M. A., Habal, F. M., Dewald, B., Rindler-Ludwig, P., Sanders, T. W. 443, 462, Movat, H. Z. 23, 56, 74 R., Bretz, U., Baggiolini, 474 Donaldson, V. H., Glueck, H.I., M. 66,74 Disalvo, I., Peterson, A., Miller, M. A., Movat, H. Z., Dewald, B., see Bretz, U. 180, Montefusco, C., Menta, M. Habal, F. 572, 599 201,208 474 Donaldson, V. H., Ratnoff, Dias da Silva, W., see Di Salvo, I., see Britton, S. O. D. 14, 74, 240, 266 Donaldson, V. H. 580, 599 462,472 Donaldson, V. H., Ratnoff, DiCarlo, 1.1., see Greene, L.I. O. D., Dias da Silva, W., Dittmann, B., see Fritz, H. 31, 105, 106, 157 Rosen, F.S. 580,599 35, 75, 165, 212 Dick, W.C., see Zeitlin, 1.1. Donaldson, V., Rosen, F. S. 607 Djordjevic, N., see 580,598 Dickerson, C. D., see Lim, Houvenaghel, A. 182,214 Donaldson, V.H., Rosen, F.S., R.K.S. 314,319,353 DlouhiL, Y., Keil, B. 177,210 Bing, D. H. 580, 599 Dietl, T., Tschesche, H. 167, Dluhy, R. G., see Mersey, 1. H. Donaldson, V. H., Saito, H., 171, 182, 183, 185-188,210 536,546 Ratnoff, O. 302, 308 Docenko, V. L., see Paskhina, Dietl, T., see Fritz, H. 104, Donaldson, V. H., see T.S. 612,615,639,640,652 160, 108--111, 113, 121- Klemperer, M. R. 580, 601 Dockray, G.I., Hopkins, C. R. 124, 156, 528, 544 Donaldson, V. H., see Saito, 281, 282, 283 Dietl, T., see Tschesche, H. H. 56,84 Doctor, R.B., see Oates, I.A. 169,172,181,182,185-188, Donker, A.I.M., Arisz, L., 376, 381, 394, 582, 603 222 Brentjens, I.R.H., Van der Doegias, H. M. G., Bleumink, Hem, G. K., Hollemans, Dietze, G., Wicklmayr, M. E. 592,598 H. 1. G. 559, 565 371, 372,390 Doi, T., Akaike, A., Ohashi, M., Dorer, F. E., Kahn, 1. R., Lentz, Dietze, G., Wicklmayr, M. Satoh, M., Takagi, H. 313, K. E., Levine, M., Skeggs, Mayer, L. 371, 372, 390 349 L. T. 448, 450--452, 454, Dietze, G., Wicklmayr, M., Doi, T., see Satoh, M. 321,354 474 Mayer, L., Bottger, I., Doi, T., see Takagi, H. 329, Dorer, F. E., Ryan, I. W., Funcke, H. 371, 390 330, 339, 355 Stewart, 1. M. 244,247,266, Di Iorio, M., see Porcelli, G. Dokukin, A. V., see Surovikina, 275,283,367,390,450,474 127, 129--131, 133, 135- M. S. 611, 614, 644, 654 Dorer, F. E., Skeggs, L. T., 141, 145, 147, 149, 160, 178, Dolan, P., see Mason, 1. W. Kahn, 1. R., Lentz, K. E. 219 577, 584, 585, 595, 602 259,266 672 Author Index

Dorer, F. F., Skeggs, L. T., Dubner, R., see Price, D. D. Ebert, R. H., see Graham, Kahn, J. R., Lentz, K. E., 323,326,354 R.C. 14,44,75 Levine, M. 450, 452, 454, Ducharme, D. W., Weeks, J. R., Eckert, I., see Fritz, H. 104, 474 Montgomery, R. G. 403, 108-111,113,156 Dorer, F. E., see Chiu, A. T. 405,422 Eckert, 1., see Trautschold, 1. 449, 450, 459, 473 Ducrot, R., see Iulou, L. 312, 181,222 Dorer, F. E., see Ryan, J. W. 351 Eckey, P., see Werle, E. 490, 443,457,483 Dudeh-Wojciechowska, G., see 523 Dorey, G., see Bhoola, K. D. Ardelt, W. 64,71 Edelman, R., Nimmannitya, S., 178,192,199,208,490,494, Dudnik, V. S., see Kuzin, M. I. Colman, R. W., Talamo, 506, 507, 508, 512, 514, 515, 645,649 R. c., Top, F. H., Jr. 307, 518,519 Duff, I.H., see McLean, L. 308,573,577,599 Dostal, J.-P., see Chauvet, J. 584,603 Edery, H. 259, 266, 290, 297, 165, 180, 209 Dugal, B., see Vogt, W. 7,34, 459,474 Dotsenko, V.L., Yarovaya, 39,41,42,47,49, 68,87 Edery, H., see Chaimoff, C. G.A., Golosova, N.A., Dumer, H., see Bergstrom, S. 376,389 Lebedeva, N. V., 317,348 Edmondson, H. A., see Orekhovich, V. N. 621,647 Dunker, A. K., Rueckert, Haverback, B.J. 67,77 Dotsenko, V. L., see Paskhina, R. R. 150,155 Edwards, O. M., Adetuyibi, A., Dunlop, C. L., see Romero, T. S. 611,612,615,620,652 Mills, I. H. 511, 554, 556, Douglas, J. R., Jr., see J. C. 576, 605 557, 562, 565 Needleman, P. 463, 481 Dunn, F.W., Stewart, I.M. Edy, J., Collen, D. 70,74 Douglas, W. W. 501,519 229,230,266 Eeckhout, Y., Vaes, G. 115, Dowden, R.M., see Ward, Dunn,M.I.,seeNegus,P. 403, 155 P. E. 273,285,445,462,485, 424 Efremov, E.S., Filatova, M.P., 526,527, 530,548 Dunn, R. S., Perks, A. M. 277, Reutova, T.O., Stepanova, Downs, D. R., see Erdos, E. G. 281,283 L. N., Reissmann, S., Ivanov, 463,475 Dupaix, A., see Bechet, J.-I. V. T. 261,266 Dowzyk, W., see Lukjan, H. 119, 154, 207, 208 Efremov, E. S., see Ivanov, 435,479 Dusting, G.J., Moncada, S., V. T. 261, 268, 296, 298 Doychewa, M., see Bratanov, Vane, J.R. 403,422 Efremova, V., see Bratanov, K. 386,389 Dusting, G. I., see Staszewska• K. 386,389 Drapanos, T., see MacDonald, Barczak, I. 317,355, 360, Egorova, T. P., Eliseeva, Y. E. J. M. 582, 584, 602 397 618,623, 624, 630, 647 Drawert, J., see Markwardt, F. Duthie, H.L., Irvine, W.T., 119,158,205,206,218 Kerr, J. W. 583, 599 Egorova, T.P., Makarova, Drayer, J. I. M., see Case, D. B. Dyce, B., see Haverback, B.J. O. V., Paskhina, T. S. 623, 467,473 67,77 647 Dreskin, O. H., see Rosenthal, Dyce, B.J., Wong, T., Adham, Egorova, T. P., Makevnina, R.L. 28,84 N., Mehl, I., Haveback, L. G., Paskhina, T. S. 622- Dresse, A., see Lecomte, I. B.J. 67,74 624,647 415,416,419,423 Dyce, B.J., see Saunders, R. Egorova, T.P., Paskhina, T.S. Dreyer, B., see Pitlick, F. 362, 69,85 623,647 395 Dyer, D. C. 360, 390 Egorova, T.P., Rossinskaya, Driessche, R. V., see Delhaye, Dyer, D. C., Ueland, K., Eng, E. B., Paskhina, T. S. 622, C. 435,474 M. 360,390 625, 628, 647 Drouin, J.-N., see Barabi:, J. Dyer, D. C., see Walaszek, Egorova, T. P., see Lokshina, 363, 377, 388 E.J. 289,290,299 L. A. 629,650 Drozdovskiy, B.J., see Dyrud, O.K., Riesterer, L., Egorova, T. P., see Paskhina, Gapanyuk, P. Y. 632,648 Jaques, R. 374,390 T. S. 128, 132,159,204,219, Druilhet, R. E., Overturf, M., Dzizinsky, A. A., Kuimov, 432, 462, 482, 610, 622, 625, Kirkendall, W.M. 458,474 A.D. 359,390,635,647 626,629,651-653 Dubin, A., Koj, A., Chudzik, Dzizinsky, A. A., Gomazkov, Egorova, T. P., see Ravdel, J. 64,74 O. A. 635, 645, 647 G.A. 617,618,653 Dubin, A., see Koj, A. 64, 79 Ehrenpreis, S., see Fleisch, Dubley, P. V., see Urzaeva, Early, J. A., see Terragno, J. H. 289, 291, 297 L. V. 644, 654 N.A. 426 Ehret, W. 174, 210 Author Index 673

Ehret, W., see Fiedler, F. 106, Eliseeva, Y. E., Orekhovich, Emerson, T. E., Jr., see 109-113, 155 V. N. 629, 647 Daugherty, R. M., Jr. 598 Ehret, W., see Tschesche, H. Eliseeva, Y. E., Orekhovich, Emerson, T.E., Jr., see Haddy, 111,112,161, 198,222 V. N., Pavlikhina, L. V. 630, F.J. 314,350,357,391 Eich, R. H., see Shroeder, E. T. 647 Emmelin, N., Henriksson, 575,605 Eliseeva, Y. E., Orekhovich, K.G. 511,520 Eichner, H., Eichner, V., V. N., Pavlikhina, L. V., EmOd, I., see SifTert, O. 180, Fiedler, F., Hochstrasser, Aiexeenko, L.P. 441,447, 221 K. 155, 497, 499, 519 449,450,454,474,630,647 Emson, P. C., see Arreguri, A. Eichner, V., see Eichner, H. Eliseeva, Y. E., Pavlikhina, 487,487 155,497, 499, 519 L. V., Orekhovich, V. N. Endo, N., see Suzuki, K. 271 Eigen, E., see Tonzetich, J. 454,474,630,2647 Eng, M., see Dyer, D. C. 360, 390 435,484 Eliseeva, Y. E., see Egorova, Eisen, V. 3,6,45,61, 74,311, T.P. 618,623,624,630,647 Engel, J., Quast, U., Heumann, 349 H., Krause, G., Steffen, E. Eliseeva, Y.E., see Orekhovich, Eisen, V., Glanville, K.L.A. 9, 166,173, 177, 179,211 V. N. 616, 630, 644, 651 74 Engel, J., see Bosterling,. B. Eisen, V., Loveday, C. 374, Elkana, Y. 171,210 Elliot, D. F., Horton, E. W., 166, 179,208 390 Lewis, G.P. 377,390,584, Engel, J., see Quast, U. 172, Eisen, V., Smith, H.G. 22,74 173, 175, 220 Eisen, V., Vogt, W. 2,6,30,31, 591,599 Engel, S.L., Schaeffer, T.R., 35, 41, 62, 74 Elliot,D.F., Lewis,G.P. 1,74, Gold, B.I., Rubin, B. 251, Eitzman, D. V., see Gilbert, 273, 275, 283 252,26~442,46O,462, 474 R.D. 364,391 Elliott, D. F., see Abramson, Ekfors, T.O., Hopsu-Havu, F. B. 237, 266 Engel, S. L., Schaeffer, T. R., V.K. 141,142,155, 178, Elliott, D.F., see Atherton, F. Waugh, M. H., Rubin, B. 199,210 228,266 460,462,474 Ekfors, T.O., Hopsu-Havu, Elliott, D. F., see Moore, S. Engel, S. L., see Ondetti, M. A. V. K., Ma1miharju, T. 494, 234,269 229,269,463,481 503,519 Elliott, D.F., see Pinker, T.G. Engelstad, M., see Briseid, K. Ekfors, T.O., Ma1miharju, T., 228-230,269 367,389,579,592,597 Hopsu-Havu, V.K. 141, Elliott, D. F., see Schafer, D. J. Engle, R.J., see Lim, R.K.S. 142, 155, 494, 520 262,270 314,319,353 Ekfors, T.O., Malmiharju, T., Elliot, P.N.C., see Bolan, J.P. Engleman, E., Greenbaum, Riekkinen, P. J., Hopsu• 367,388 L.M. 95,101 Havu, V. K. 136, 155, 494, Elliot, R., Nuzum, F.R. 549, Epp, 0., see Huber, R. 168, 503, 508, 520 560,565 214 Ekfors, T.O., Riekkinen, P.J., Ellis, L. M., Bloomfield, V. A., Epstein, A. N., Simpson, J. B. Ma1miharju, T., Hopsu• Woodward, C.K. 195,211 470,475 Havu, V.K. 134-136,142, Ellis, L.M., see Woodward, Erean, Z. S., see Tiirker, R. K. 155,494,503,508,520 C.K. 195,224 462,485 Ekfors, T.O., Suominen, J., Ellis, R. J., see Thune, P. 592, Erdos, E. G. 273, 279, 283, Hopsu-Havu, V. K. 155 606 291,297,427,428,438,456, Ekfors, T.O., see Riekkinen, Ellman, L., see Carvalho, 461, 468, 475, 525, 533, 543, P.J. 136, 160 A. C. 589, 597 592,599 Elebute, O.A., Mills, I.H. 551, EI-Maghraby, M.A. 230,266 Erdos, E.G., Johnson, A.R., 557, 563, 564, 565 Elmore, D. T., see Roberts, Boyden, N. T. 450,451,475 Elg, P., see Hamberg, U. 46, D. V. 125, 160 Erdos, E. G., Johnson, A. R., 52,53,76,253,268,433,459, EI-Sayad, S., see Namm, D. H. Robinson, C. J. G. 446,458, 477 540,546 475 Elias, J.M., see Janoff, A. 65, Emele, J.F., Shanaman, J. Erdos, E.G., Marinkovic, 78 312,313,349 D.M., Ward, P.E., Mills, Eliseeva, J. E., see Pavlikhina, Emele, J.F., Shanaman, J., I. H. 436, 446, 475, 526, 543 L. V. 615, 616, 653 Winbury, M.M. 312,349 Erdos, E.G., Massion, W.H., Eliseeva, J.J., Orekhovich, Emerson, T.E.,Jr.,Meier,D.P., Downs, D.R., Geese, A. V. N., Pavlikhina, L. V. 454, Daugherty, R. M., Jr. 590, 463,475 459,474 599 Erdos, E. G., Miwa, I. 584, 599 674 Author Index

Erdos, E. G., Nakajima, T., Erdos, E.G., see Ward, P.E. Fanburg, B. L., Schoenberger, Oshima, G., Gecse, A., Kato, 273,285,379,398,444-446, M. D., Bachus, B., Snider, J. 2,4, 74, 428, 432, 475 462,485,526,527, 530, 531, G.L. 434,458,475 Erdos, E.G., Renfrew, A.G., 548, 557, 567 Fanburg, B. L., see Lanzillo, Sloane, E.M.; Wohler, J.R. Erdos, E. G., see Wilson, C. M. J.J. 443,446,452,453,455, 441,475 529,548 456, 459, 479 Erdos, E. G., Sloane, E. M. Erdos, E.G., see Yang, Fanciullacci, M., Galli, P., 428,475 H. Y. T. 368, 383, 390, 431, Monetti, M.G., Pela, I., Erdos, E. G., Tague, L. L., 438-441,446-452,456,459- Bianco, P. L. del 381 390, Miwa, I. 178, 192, 199,211, 461,485,486,630,656 574, 575, 599 503, 506, 508, 514, 520 Ergova, T.P., Rossinskaya, Fanciullacci, M., see Delbianco, Erdos, E.G., Wohler, I.M., E.G.,Pashkina, T.S. 52,74 P. L. 575,598 Levine, M. I., Westerman, Ergova, T.P., see Pashkina, Fanciullacci, M., see Franchi, M.P. 429,475 T.S. 51,83 G. 369,391 Erdos, E.G., Yang, H. Y. T. 2, Erickson, B. W., Merrifield, Fanciullacci, M., see Sicuteri, 4, 74,245,246,259,267, 301, R. B. 262, 267 F. 311,355,588,606 303,308,431-436,440,441, Ericsson, L. H., see Hermodson, Fantl, P., Morris, K. N., Sawers, 444-447, 450, 452, 453, 459, M.A. Ill, 112,157 R. J. 569, 599 461,468,475,630,655 Errington, M. L., Rocha e Silva, Farquhar, M. G., see Bainton, Erdos, E. G., Yang, H. Y. T., M. 463,475 D.F. 66,72 Tague, L. L., Manning, N. Erspamer, G.F., see Erspamer, Farr, H. W., see Roberts, K. E. 428,475 V. 277, 278, 283 583,604 Erdos, E. G., see Chiang, T. S. Erspamer, V., Erspamer, G. F., Fasman, G. D., see Goodfriend, 142, 151, 155, 504, 514, 519 Linari, G. 277, 278, 283 T.L. 301,304,305,308 Erdos, E.G., see Geipert, F. Erspamer, V., Erspamer, G.F., Fasth, S., Hulten, L. 363, 378, 504,520 Negri, L. 277,278,283 390 Erdos, E.G., see Hall, E.R. Erspamer, V., Melchiorri, P. Fasth, S., Hulten, L., Jahnberg, 443-445,457,477 277,278,283 T., Martinson, J. 378, 390 Erdos, E.G., see Herman, Erspamer, V., see Anastasi, A. Fasth, S., Martinson, J. 363, C. M. 434, 477, 577, 584, 232,266,277,278,282 378,391 600 Ervast, H. S., see Hamberg, U. Favaro, S., Baggio, B., Erdos, E.G., see Hirsch, E.F. 69,76 Antonello, A. Zen, A., 434, 477, 577, 585, 600 Escourrou, M. T., see Re, R. Cannella, G., Todesco, S., Erdos, E. G., see 19ic, R. 432, 467,483 Borsatti, A. 541,543 441-443,446,448-452,454, Escovitz, W. E., Reingold, Favaro, S., see Antonello, A. 458,459,461,462,477,478 I. M. 582, 599 541,542 Erdos, E. G., see Johnson, Euler, U. S. von, see Bergstrom, Favoro, S., see Baggio, B. 530, A. R. 276, 284, 367, 392, S. 317,348 542 417-419,423,443,450,457, Evans, D. B., see Bianchi, A. Faxon, D.P., see Gavras, H. 478 461,472 487,487 Erdos, E. G., see Klauser, R. J. Evans, R. R., see Donaldson, Fedeli, G., see Greco, A. V. 433,442,446,461,478 V. H. 580, 598 534,544 Erdos, E.G., see Marinkovic, Eventov, A. Z., see Nekrasova, Feeney, R.E. 191,211 D. V. 432,438, 479 A.A. 610,636,651 Feeney, R.E., Means, G.E., Erdos, E.G., see Miwa, I. 273, Evon, R., see Pence, H. L. 581, Bigler, J. C. 180, 201, 211 284,302,308 603 Feeney, R. E., see Haynes, R. Erdos, E. G., see Nakajima, T. Eyre, P., see Chand, N. 375, 167,173,213 453, 456, 481 389 Feeney, R. E., see Liu, W.-H. Erdos, E. G., see Odya, C. E. 191, 192, 195, 218 233,269,438,451,481 Faber, D. B. 253, 267 Fehr, K., see Kruze, D. 64, 79; Erdos, E.G., see Oshima, G. Fahey, J. V., Ciosek, C.P., 180, 201, 217 428-432, 434, 436, 442, 443, Newcombe, D. S. 296, 297 Feife1, G., see Geiger, R. 382, 445,446,449,452-454,456, Fahey, J. V., see Newcombe, 391 457, 459, 482 D. S. 294,295,298,414,424 Feigen, L.P., Chapnick, B.M., Erdos, E.G., see Seki, T. 164, Fajer, A., see Junqueira, L. C. Flemming, J. E., Kadowitz, 165, 178, 179, 192, 199, 200, 514,521 P.J. 539,543 221,279-281,285,379,397, Faldi, P., see Branconi, F. 384, Feigen, L. P., see Chapnick, 584,605 389 B. M. 363, 389, 408, 421 Author Index 675

Feinstein, D.I., see Schiffman, Ferreira, S. H., Bartelt, D. C., Fiedler, F., Leysatb, G., Werle, S. 25,26,85 Greene, L.J. 250,251,267, E. 113, 1I4, 1I6, 1I8, 120, Feinstein, G. 165, 211 291, 297, 460, 475 156 Feinstein, G., Hofstein, R., Ferreira, S. H., Moncada, S., Fiedler, F., MillIer, B., Werle, Koifinann, J., Sokolovsky, Vane, J. R. 314, 317, 318, E. 104, 109, 1I2, 1I9, 120, M. 125,155 320,349,414,422 121, 122, 123, 156, 198, 204, Feinstein, G., Janoff, A. 64, Ferreira, S. H., Smaje, L. H. 211 65,74 517,520 Fiedler, F., Werle, E. 105, 106, 108, 1I8, 120, 155, 156, Feinstein, G., see Janoff, A. Ferreira,S.H., Vane,J.R. 317, 113, 65,78 320,349,377,391,401,403, 490,520 Feinstein, G., see Keiser, H. 405,422,440,476,611,655 Fiedler, F., see Eichner, H. 155,497,499, 519 65,79 Ferreira, S. H., see Camargo, Fiedler, F., see Fritz, H. 104, Feinstein, G., see Liu, W. H. A. 291, 297, 377, 389 106, 108, 109, 1I0, Ill, 113, 195,218 Ferreira, S. H., see Greene, 121-124,156,528,544 Feldberg, W. 338, 349 L. J. 252,259,268,291,298, Fiedler, F., see Tschesche, H. Feldberg, W., Guimarais, J. A. 442, 460, 477 111,112,161, 198,222 495,520 Ferreira, S. H., see Krieger, Fiedler, F., see Werle, E. 117, Feldberg, W., Lewis, G. P. E. M. 460, 462, 478 118,161, 178,224 415, 416, 419, 422 Ferreira, S. H., see Moncada, Fields, H. L., Basbaum, A.1. Feldberg, W., see Beraldo, S. 317,321,353, 370,394, 326,331,349 526, 528, 542 W. T. 414,424 Figarella, C., Negri, G.A., Guy, Feldhaus, R.A., see Jakschik, Ferreira, S. H., see Staszewska• O. 125,156 B. A. 463, 478 Barczak, J. 317,318,321, Figarella, C., see Manivet, M. Felix, A. M., Jiminez, M. H., 355 125,158 Vergona, R., Cohen, M. R. Ferreira, S. H., see Stewart, Filatova, M.P., Krit, N.A., 228,231,267 J. M. 250, 252, 256, 258, Shchukina, G. S., Ravdel, Felix, A.M., see Fisher, G.H. 271,291,299,377,397,441, G.A., Ivanov, V. T. 617, 234,267 460,462,484 647 Felix, A. M., see Marlborough, Ferris, T.F., see Stein, J.H. Filatova, M.P., Krit, N.A., D.1. 261,269,296,298 531,532,547 Suchkova, G.S., Ravdel, Felix, A.M., see McGee, J.O. Ferroni, R., see Rocchi, R. G.A., Ivanov, V. T. 228, 231,269 170,220 229,230,267 Fenwick, L., Jones, R. L., Ferroni, R., see Tomatis, R. Filatova, M. P., Reissmann, S., Naylor, B., Poyser, N.L., 262,271 Ravdel, G.A., Ivanov, V. T. Wilson, N.H. 403,422 Fessler D. C., see Massey, 296,297 Feo, C., see Julou, L. 312,351 T.R. 447,448,480 Filatova, M. P., Reissmann, S., Ferdinand, W., see Hoy, T. G. Fessler, D. C., see Stevens, Ravdel, G.A., Ivanov, V. T., 151,157 R.L. 447,448,454,484 Grigoryan, G. L., Shapiro, Ferguson, J. H., see Iatridis, Fichman, M., see Lavras, A.B. 261,267 S.G. 57,77 A.A.C. 281,284 Filatova, M. P., Reissmann, S., Ferguson, J.H., see Lewis, Fiedler, F. 104, 105, 107, 109, Reutova, T.O., Ivanov, J.H. 57,80 114, 116, 117, 119, 122, 123, V. T., Grigoryan, G.L., Ferguson, R. K., Brunner, 155, 163,204,207,211, 525, Shapiro, A. M., Rozantsev, H.R., Turini, G.A., Gavras, 527,543,625,627,655 E.G. 261,267 H., McKinstry D. N. 464, Fiedler, F., Ehret, W., Godec, Filatova, M.P., Efremov, 475 G., Hirschauer, C., see 261, 266 Ferguson, R. K., see Jaeger, P. Kutzbach, C., Schmidt• E. S. 467,478 Kastner, G., Tschesche, H. Filatova, M.P., see Ivanov, Ferluga, J., see Stem, P. 417, 106, 109, 110, Ill, 1I2, 113, V. T. 261,268, 296, 298 418,425 155 Filatova, M.P., see Ravdel, Fernandez, H.N., HugH, T.E. Fiedler, F., Hirschauer, C., G.A. 617,618,629,653 432,475 Fritz, H. 123,156,204,205, Filatova, M. P., see Reissmann, Ferni, C., Pemossi, L. 68, 74 211 S. 229, 230, 233, 270 Fernley, R. T. 486, 487 Fiedler, F., Hirschauer, C., Filatova, M. P., see Shchukina, Ferreira, S.H. 250,267,291, Werle, E. 105,106,107,108, L.A. 616,653 297,317,318,349,459,462, 109, IIO, Ill, II3, II9, 120, Filatova, M.P., see Vardel, 475 122,155,156,527,528,543 G.A. 264,271 676 Author Index

Filipovic, N., Mijanovic, M., Fitz, A., see Overturf, M. 442, Forrell, M.M. 490,491,496, Igic, R. 448, 476 458, 459, 482 520,587,599 Fine, J., see Cuevas, P. 586, Fitzsimons, J. T. 338, 350 Forell, M. M., see Werle, E. 598 Flanigan, E., see Needleman, 490,523 Fine, J., see Zetterstrom, P. 459,481 Forsmann, W.G., Orei, L., B. E. M. 586, 607 Fleisch, J.H., Ehrenpreis, S. Pictet, R., Renold, A. E., Fink, E., Greene, L. J. 166,211 289, 291, 297 Roviller, C. 581, 599 Fink, E., Jaumann, E., Fritz, H., Flemming, J. E., see Feigen, Forstner, G., see Koheil, A. Ingrisch, H., Werle, E. 183, L. P. 539, 543 431,478 211 Fletcher, A.P., see Sherry, S. Forsyth, R.P., see Nies, A.S. Fink, E., Klein, G., Hammer F., 574,605 577,584,603 Miiller-Bardorff, G., Fritz, Fletcher, G. A., Young, G. T. Foster, J., see Keiser, H. R. H. 182,211 228,229,230,232,239,267 562,565 Fink, E., see Fritz, H. 164, 167, Flint, T. F., see Ignarro, L.J. 180, 183, 193, 200, 201, 212 Foucault, G., Seydoux, F., Yon, 64,77 Finkenstadt, W. R., Hamid, J. 125,156 M.A., Mattis, J.A., Schrode, Flolich, J. C., see Gill, J. R., Jr. Fouron, J.-C., see Friedli, B. J., Sealock, R. W., Wang, D., 559,565 444,447,476 Laskowski, M,Jr. 167,172, Flower, R.J. 319,322,350 Fouron, J. C., see Hebert, F. 177,197,198,211 Flower, R. J., see Blackwell, 441, 447, 477 Finkenstadt, W. R., see Luthy, G.J. 411,421 Fox, B., see Fitz, A. 459, 476 J.A. 166, 172, 198,218 Flower, R.J., see Hardcastle, Fox, K.K., see Posati, L.P. Finn, F. M., Hofmann, K. 262, J. 380,391 292,298 267 Fock, S., Mense, S. 324,325, Fox, L.B., see Loeffier, L.J. Fischer, G., Albert, W. 278, 350 206,218 283 Forg-Brey, B., see Fritz, H. Fox, L. L., see Tidwell, R. R. Fischer, G., see Mose, J. R. 108, 120, 123, 156, 165, 180, 528,548 435,480 185,193,200,201,203,212 Fox, L.L.B., see Geratz, J.D. Fischer, J., Spragg, J., Talamo, Forg-Brey, B., see Lemon, M. 119, 157, 207, 213 R. C., Pierce, J. V., Suzuki, 120, 121, 122, 158, 165, 217 Fox, R. H., Goldsmith, R., K., Austen, K. F., Haber, E. Forg-Brey, B., see Mair, G. Kidd, D.J., Lewis, G.P. 307,308 165,218 591,599 Fish, W.W., Leach, B.S. 195, Forg-Brey, B., see Tschesche, Fox, R.I., see Davies, P. 63, 74 211 H. 121, 123, 161 Frlli, J.E., Hopsu-Havu, Fisher, D.A., see Skowsky, Folds, J.D., Welsh, I.R.H., V.K. 180,201,211 W.R. 305,309 Spitznagel, J.K. 66,74 Frlli, J. E., Jansen, C. T., Fisher, G.H., Chung, A., Ryan, Folk, J., Gladner, J. 616, 655 Hopsu-Havu, V. K. 133, J. W. 234,267 Folk, J., see Wolf, E. 616, 656 156 Fisher, G.H., Marlborough, Folk, J.E., Piez, K.A., Carroll, Frair, B. D., Saito, S., Ratnoff, D. I., Ryan, J. W., Felix, W.R., Gladner, J.A. 432, O. D., Rippon, W. B. 26, 74 A. M. 234, 267 447, 476 Franchi, G., Fanciullaccl, M., Fisher, G. H., Ryan, J. W., Fonkalsrud, E. W., Sanchez, Curradi, C., Nuzzaci, G., Martin, L. C., Pena, G. 257, M., Zerubavel, R., Monetti, M.G., Catemolo, 267 Lassaletta, L., Smeesters, C., M. 369,391 Fishman, A.P., see Campbell, Mahoney, A.M. 359,391 Franchi, G., see Sicuteri, F. A.G.M. 364,389 Foran, J., see Bhoola, K.D. 311, 355, 358,397, 588, 606 Fishman, A.P., see Pietra, 497,498,519 Frank, M. M., Sergent, J. S., G.G. 365,373,395 Forbes, C. D., see Ogston, D. Kane, M. A., Alling, D. W. Fishman, L., see Levy, M. 142, 57,82 581,599 158 Forbes, O.D., Pensky, J., Frank, M. M., see Gadek, J. E. Fitz, A., Overturf, M. 453,476 Ratnoff, O. D. 22, 30, 74 581,599 Fitz, A., Wyatt, S, Boaz, D., Ford-Hutchinson, A. W., see Frankenthal, L., see Junqueira, Fox, B. 459, 476 Bolam, J.P. 367,388 L. C. 514, 521 Fitz, A., see Boaz, D. 442,458, Foreman, R.D., Schmidt, R.F., Frankish, N.H., Zeitlin, I.J. 459,472 Willis, W. D. 330, 350 379,391 Fitz, A., see Lawton, W. 534, Formanek, H., see Huber, R. Franklin, W. G., Peach, M. J., 539,545 168,214 Gilmore, J.P. 443,476 Author Index 677

Franz, M., Mense, S. 324, 325, Friedland, J., Silverstein, E. Fritz, H., Schult, H., Hutzel, 350 448, 456, 458, 476 M., Wiedemann, M., Werle, Frarchi, G., see Delbianco, Friedland, J., see Silverstein, E. 164,212 P. L. 575, 598 E. 434, 446, 458, 484 Fritz, H., Schult, H., Meister, Frati, L., see Angeletti, M. Friedli, B., Biron, P., Fouron, R., Werle, E. 212 140, 141, 154, 180,201,207 J.-C., Davignon, A 444, Fritz, H., Trautschold, 1., Fray, J. C. S., see Samuels, 447,476 Werle, E. 164, 166,212 A. 1. 463, 483 Friedli, B., Kent, G., Olley, Fritz, H., Tschesche, H. 163, Frechin, J.-C., see Bieth, J. P.M. 447,476 212 194,208 Friedmann, J.A, see Fritz, H., Tschesche, H., Fredrickson, R.C.A 249,267 Lanchantin, G.F. 69,79 Greene, L.J., Truscheit, E. Freedman, R. B., see Hawkins, Frigon, R. P., see Levy, S. B. 163,212 H.C. 195,213 534, 535, 539,545, 551, 553, Fritz, H., Wunderer, G. 183, Freeman, R. H., Davis, J.O., 555-557,560,561,565 192,193,200,212 Khosla, M.C. 487,487 Fritz, H. 166, 167,211 Fritz, H., Wunderer, G., Freeman, R.H., Davies, J.O., Fritz, H., Brey, B., Beress, L. Dittmann, B. 31, 35, 75, Vitale, S.J., Johnson, J.A. 184, 185, 187,211 165,212 533,544 Fritz, H., Brey, B., Miiller, M., Fritz, H., Wunderer, G., Freer, R., Chang, J., Gebhardt, M. 164,212 Kummer, K., Heimburger, Greenbaum, L. M. 92-95, Fritz, H., Brey, B., Schmal, A, N., Werle, E. 35,43,44,68, 101 Werle, E. 108,120,123,156, 75 Freer, R., see Chang, J. 64,66, 164, 165, 212 Fritz, H., see Beress, L. 184, 73, 92, 93, 95, 101 Fritz, H., Eckert, 1., Werle, E. 208 Freer, R., see Greenbaum, 104, 108-111, 113, 156 Fritz, H., see Ceehowi, D. L. M. 91,95, 100, 101, 180, Fritz, H., Fiedler, F., Dietl, T., 180, 182, 183,209 201,213, 591,600 Warwas, M., Truscheit, E., Fritz, H., see Fiedler, F. 123, Freer, R. J., Stewart, J. M. 232, Kolb, H.J., Mair, G., 156,204,205,211 245, 246, 248, 256, 258, 259, Tschesche, H. 104, 106, Fritz, H., see Fink, E. 182,183, 267,441,463,476 108-111,113,121-124,156, 211 Freer, R. J., see Paiva, T. B. 528,544 Fritz, H., see Leidl, W. 386, 243, 249, 269 Fritz, H., Fink, E., Gebhardt, 393 Freer, R. J., see Stewart, J. M. M., Hochstrasser, K., Werle, Fritz, H., see Lemon, M. 120- 258,271 E. 164, 167, 212 122, 158, 165, 217 Freitas, J.O., see Prado, J. L. Fritz, H., Fink, E., Meister, R., FritZ, H., see Mair, G. 165,218 468,483 Klein, G. 183,212 Fritz, H., see Palm, S. 103,159, Frenzel, S., see Rumpf, K. W. Fritz, H., Forg-Brey, B. 108, 382,386,395,518,522 559,567 120, 123, 156, 165,212 Fritz, H., see Schiessler, H. Frey, E. K., Kraut, H. 1, 30, Fritz, H., Forg-Brey, B., Fink, 182, 183, 221, 387, 396 75, 489, 520, 549, 565 E., Schiessler, H., Jaumann, Fritz, H., see Schill, W. B. 387, Frey, E. K., Kraut, H., Schultz, E., Arnhold, M. 180,212 396 F. 489,520 Fritz, H., Forg-Brey, B., Fritz, H., see Schleuning, Frey, E. K., Kraut, H., Werle, Schiessler, H., Arnhold, M., W.D. 387,396 E. 549,565 Fink, E. 185; 193,200,201, Fritz, H., see Trautschold, 1. 181, 222, 588, 606 Frey, E.K., Kraut, H., Werle, 212 E., Vogel, R., Zickgrafriidel, Fritz, H., see Tschesche, H. Fritz, H., Forg-Brey, B., G., Trautschold, 1. 182, 121, 123, 161, 185-187,222 Umezawa, H. 203, 212 183, 191, 192,211,442,476 Fritz, H., see Wallner, O. 386, Frey, E. K., Werle, E. 489,520 Fritz, H., Gebhardt, M., Fink, 398 Frey, E.K., see Kraut, H. I, E., Schramm, W., Werle, E. Fritz, H., see Werle, E. 117, 30,79,489,490,521 164,212 118, 161, 178,224 Friberger, P., see Teger-Nilsson, Fritz, H., Oppitz, K.-H., Meekl, Fritz, H., see Wunderer, G. 35, A-C. 70,87 D., Kemkes, B., Haendle, H., 89, 166, 167, 179, 183, 184, Fric, 1., see Meloun, B. 169, Schult, H., Werle, E. 179, 187, 191-193, 198,200-202, 219 181,212 204,224.225 Friedland, J., Setton, C., Fritz, H., Schiessler, H., Frolich, J. C., see Gill, J. R., Jr. Silverstein, E. 446, 476 Schleuning, W.D. 387,391 538, 544 678 Author Index

Fudenberg, H. H., see James, Furukawa, S., see Hashimoto, Galvas, P., see Disalvo, J. 443, K. 67,78 K. 359,392 462,474 Fujii, M., see Kiyohara, T. Furukawa, S., see Kimura, E. Galvin, C., see Berkowitz, 201,216 311, 352, 358, 393 H. D. 575, 596 Fujii, S., see Kato, H. 118,158 Furusawa, Y., Kurosawa, Y. Gandini, A., see Della Bella, Fujii, S., see Muramatu, M. 167,213 D. 417,422 206,207,219 Furuyama, T., see Yoshinaga, Gandolfi, R., see Oza, N. B. Fujikawa, K., Walsh, K. A., K. 273,285 526,547 Davie, E. W. 15, 75 Gandolfi, R., see Scicli, A.G. Fujimori, H., see Moriwaki, C. Gabbiani, G., Badonnel, M.C., 445, 484, 530, 547 379, 380, 394 Gervasoni, C., Portmann, B., Gapanhuk, E., Henriques, Fujimoto, K., see Umezawa, Majno, G. 365, 391 O.B. 62,75 S. 203,223 Gabbiani, G., Baddonel, M.C., Gaponyuk, E.J., see Gaponyuk, Fujimoto, S., see Mue, S. 434, Majno, G. 244, 267, 365, P. Y. 641, 648 458,480 391 Gaponyuk, P. Y., Kalinkina, Fujimoto, Y., Moriwaki, C., Gabbiani, G. M., Badonnel, T.N., Gaponyuk, E.J. 641, Moriya, H. 126-128, 133, M. C., Rona, G. 365, 367, 648 156, 199, 213 391 Gaponyuk, P. A., Podososov, Fujimoto, Y., Moriya, H., Gabbiani, G., see Majno, G. S.P., Rudakov, LA. 642, Moriwaki, C. 127,156,628, 365, 367, 393 648 655 Gabel, D., see Amneus, H. Gaponyuk, P. Y., Oivin, V.I. Fujimoto, Y., Moriya, H., 165,207 267 Yamaguchi, K., Moriwaki, Gabel, D., see Kasche, V. 165, Gaponyuk, P. Y., Strigunov, C. 105, 108, 129, 149, 156 216 V. I., Tsvet, A. P., Fujimoto, Y., see Matsuda, Y. Gabryelewicz, A., see Mannakov, L. S., 105,129, 130,158,178,192, Stasiewicz, J. 377, 397 Drozdovskiy, B.J. 632,648 199,218,550,566 Gabuzda, G., see Shroeder, Gaponyuk, P. Y., Tsyb, A. F., Fujimoto, Y., see Moriwaki, E. T. 575, 605 Strigunov, V. I., Drozdovsky, C. 143, 145, 147, 149, 159, Gadek, J. E., Hosea, S. W., B. Y., Mannanov, I. S. 632, 178, 199, 202, 219 Gelford S. A., Frank, 648 Fujimoto, Y., see Moriya, H. M. M. 581, 599 Gaponyuk, P. Y., Uklonskaya, 130, 159, 199, 219 Galaktionov, S.G., Sherman, L.I. 631,648 Fujita, K., Teradaira, R., S.A., Shenderovich, M.D., Gaponyuk, P. Y., Nagatsu, T. 435, 476 Nikiforovich, G. V., Umarchodgeav, E. M. 433, Fujita, Y., see Izaka, K. 579, Leonova, V. I. 261, 267 476 593,600 Galaktionov, S. G., see Ivanov, Gaponyuk, P. Y., Fukushima, H., see Moriya, V. T. 261,268, 296, 298 Umarkhodjaev, E. M. 641, H. 106, 159, 628, 656 Galembeck, R., see Sampaio, 647 Gaponyuk, P. Y., see Oyvin, Fuller, P.J., see Movat, H.Z. M. U. 148, 160 LA. 365,395,631,644,651 28,32,80 Glilesanu, S., see Benetato, G. 341,348 Gaponyuk, P. Y., see Strigunov, Fullmer, H. M., see Lazarus, Gall, H., see Hofmann, N. 385, V.I. 632,654 G.S. 65,79 392 Garbe, G., see Vogt, W. 6,39, Fulp, R. R., see Lim, R. K. S. Galletti, R., Marra, N., Matassi, 41,87 332, 333, 353 L., Vecchiet, L. 575, 599 Garcia, A. R., see Morton, J. J. Funcke, H., see Dietze, G. 371, Galletti, R., Matassi, L., 463,480 390 Chiarini P., Vecchiet, L., Garcia, R., see Roblero, J. 528, Funder, J. W., see Blair-West, Buzzelli, G., Marra, N. 575, 529, 54O,54~ 552,567 J. R. 449, 450, 464, 472 599 Garcia, R. L., see Croxatto, Furano, E., see Prado, J.L. Galleti, R., see Vecchiet, L. H. R. 540, 543 276,284 311,356, 369,398 Garcia Leme, J., Hamamura, Furtado, M. 532, 544 Galli, P., see Fanciullacci, M. L., Rocha e Silva, M. 311, Furtado, M. R. F. 279, 283 381,390,574,575,599 350 Furukawa, S., Hashimoto, K., Gallin, J. L., see Weiss, A. S. Garcia Leme, J., Walaszek, Kimura, E., Hayakana, H., 10, 33, 43, 88, 571, 606 E.J. 292,297 Ushiyama, S., Miyanaga, Y., Galvanek, E.G., see Colman, Gardey-Levassort, C., see Pela, Kimura, Y. 358,391 R. W. 582, 589, 598 I. R. 347,354 Author Index 679

Gardner, B., Dollinger, M., Gavras, H., Liang, C.-S., Geller, R., see Margoluis, H. S. Silen, W., Back, N., O'Reilly, Brunner, H. R. 468, 476 401, 404, 423, 534, 535, 539- S. 419,422 Gavras, H., see Brecher, P. I. 541, 545, 551, 560, 562, 563, Gardner, B., see Dollinger, 443,472 565 M. R. 419, 422 Gavras, H., see Brunner, H. R. Geller, R., see Pisano, J.J. 517, Garrett, J.R. 516,520 487,487 522 Garrett, J. R., Kidd, A. 509, Gavras, H., see Ferguson, Geller, R. G., Margoluis, H. S., 511,520 R. K. 464, 475 Pisano, J.J., Keiser, H.R. Garrett, L., Brown, J.H. 363, Gavras, H., see Jaeger, P. 467, 534,540,541,544 391 478 Geller, R.G., Yoshida, H., Garrison, O. R., see Liener, Gavras, I., see Gavras, H. 465, Beaven, M. A., Horakova, I.E. 68,80 467,476 Z., Atkins, F.L., Yamabe, Gassner, S., see Chaimoff, C. Gavri1ova, R. D., Jurina, H., Pisano, J.J. 282,283 376,389 T. M. 643, 648 Geller, R. G., see Margoluis, Gauldie, J., Hanson, J.M., Gavri1ova, R. D., see H.S. 549,552,554-558, Runjanek, F.D., Shipolini, Surovikina, M. S. 611, 644, 560-562,565 R.A., Vernon, C.A. 282, 654 Geller, R.G., see Yoshida, H. 283 Gebhardt, M., see Fritz, H. 231,272,276,285 Gautieri, R. F., see Sherman, 164, 167,212 Genesina, T. I., see Barabash, W. T. 384, 397 Geese, A., Lonovics, J., R. D. 638, 646 Gautvik, K. 516,520, 591,599 Zsilinsky, E., Szekeres, L. Genest, J., see Boucher, R. Gautvik, K. M., Berg• 435,476 442, 458, 472 Oerstadvik, T., Nustad, K. Geese, A., Zsilinszky, E., Genest, J., see Horky, K. 446, 378,391,520 Lonovics, J., Szekeres, L. 477 Gautvik, K. M., Kriz, M. 501, 368,391 506,520 Geese, A., Zsilinszky, E., Geokas, M. C., Wollesen, F., Gautvik, K. M., Kriz, M., Szekeres, L. 249,268 Rinderkneeht, H. 431,476 Lund-Larsen, K., Nustad, Geese, A., see Erdos, E. G. 2, George, J. M., see Kier, L. B. K. 498, 500, 508, 514, 516, 4, 74, 428, 432, 463, 475 261,268 520 Geese, A., see Oshima, G. 442, George, W.J., see Ignarro, Gautvik, K. M., see Brandtzaeg, 443, 445, 446, 449, 452, 453, L.J. 64,77 P. 134-136, 155,494,508, 456,457,459,482 George, W.J., see Kadowitz, 514, 517,519 Geese, A., see Wilson, C. M. P.J. 373,392 Gautvik, K. M., see Nustad, 529,548 Geratz, J.D. 105, 119,156, K. 103, 137, 159 Gedney, C.D., see Ward, P.E. 205,206,213 Gautvik, K. M., see (lirstavik, 273,285,445,462,485,526, Geratz, J.D., Cheng, M.C.-F., T. B. 538, 547 527, 530, 548 Tidwell, R. R. 105,118,157, Gauwerky, C., Connan, G., Geiger, R., Feife1, G., 206, 213, 528, 544 Uhlenbruck, G. 190, 191, Haberland, G. 382, 391 Geratz, J. D., Fox, L. L. B. 213 Geiger, R., Kortmann, H. 180, 119, 157, 207, 213 Gavras, H., Brunner, H. R., 201,213 Geratz, J.D., Webster, W.P. Laragh, J. H., Sealey, J. E., Geiger, R., Mann, K. 164, 191, 206,213 Gavras, I., Vukovich, R. A. 193, 213, 528, 544 Geratz, J. D., Whitmore, A. C., 465,467,476 Geiger, R., see Mann, K. 133, Cheng, M. C.-F., Piantadosi, Gavras, H., Brunner, H. R., 158,525,528,530,545 C. 105, 157, 206, 213 Turini, G.A., Kershaw, Geipert, F., Erdos, E. G. 504, Geratz,J.D., see Loeffier, L.J. G. R., Tifft, C. R., Cuttelod, 520 206,218 S., Gavras, I., Vukovich Gelford, S. A., see Gadek, J. E. Geratz, J.D., see Tidwell, R.A., McKinstry, D.N. 581,599 R. R. 528, 548 467,476 Gelin, B. R., Karplus, M. 170, Gerber, A., Carsen, J. H., Gavras, H., Faxon, D. P., 213 Hadorn, B. 65, 75 Berkoben, J., Brunner, H. R., Geller, L. I., Amatnyan, A. G., Gerhard, R.G., see Pence, Ryan, T.J. 487,487 Kobzew, V. S., Romanets, H.L. 581,603 Gavras, H., Gavras, I., Textor, V.A. 638,648 Gersabeek, E. F., see Maciejko, S., Volicer, L., Brunner, Geller, L. I., Ostrovsky, A. B., J.J. 367,393 H.R., Rucinska, E.J. 467, Kazimirchik, A. P., Gervasoni, C., see Gabbiani, 476 Amatnyan, A. G. 638, 648 G. 365,391 680 Author Index

Gewenz, H., see Snyder, A Gilmore, N.J., see Moroz, L. Goetzl, E. J., see Wintroub, 574,606 62,80 B. U. 369, 399 Gewitz, H., see Pickering, R. J. Gimbrone, M. A., see Goguen, C. A, see Hayes, 581,604 Alexander, W. 362, 388 L. W. 486,487 Ghirlanda, G., see Greco, Gimbrone, M. A, Jr., see Gold, B. I., see Engel, S. L. A V. 534, 544 Alexander, R. W. 294,296 251,252,267,442,460,462, Gigineishvili, M. S., Tsverava, Gimbrone, M. A, Jr., see Hial, 474 E. N., Jikiva, J. B. 643, 648 V. 443,477 Goldberg, L.I., Dollery, C.T., Gigli, I., Mason, J. W., Colman, Gimeno, A L., see Sterin• Pentecost, B. L. 532, 544 R. W., Austen, K. F. 30,44, Speziale, N. 385, 397 Goldberg, L. I., see Dollery, 75,570,599 Gimeno, M.F., see Sterin• C. T. 576, 598 Gigli, I., see Ruddy, S. 586, Speziale, N. 385, 397 Goldberg, L. I., see McNay, Gipson, E. C., see Hass, E. 605 J. L. 532, 546 Gigli, I., see Soter, N. A 581, 576, 600 Goldberg, M. E., see Laffan, 606 Girey, G., see Colman, R. W. R.J. 465,479 Gilbert, R.D., Hessler, J.R., 582, 589, 598 Eitzman, D. V., Cassin, S. Girey, G.J.D., Talamo, R.C., Goldberg, M. E., see Murthy, 364,391 Colman, R. W. 301, 306, V. S. 465,467,480,481 Gill, J. R., Melmon, K. L., 307,308,570,599 Goldberg, M. E., see Rubin, B. Gillespie, L., Bartter, F. Giroux, E. L., see Vargaftig, 461, 464, 483 576,599 B.B. 180,201,223 Goldberg, M. R., Chapnick, Gill, J. R., see Bartter, F. C. Gisin, B. F., Merrifield, R. B. B. M., Joiner, P. D., Hyman, 558,564 264, 268 AL., Kadowitz, P.J. 360, Gill, J. R., see Margoluis, H. S. Giusti, E.P., Sampaio, C.A.M., 363,391 549, 552, 554-558, 560-562, Prado, E.S. 145,146,157, Goldblatt, H., see Hass, E. 565 528,544 576,600 Gill, J.R., Jr., Frolich, J.C., Gjonnaess, H. 571,599 Goldfine, I.D., see Rabiner, Bowden, R. E., Taylor, A A., Gladner, J., see Folk, J. 616, S.F. 61,83 Keiser, H. R., Seyberth, 655 Goldfinger, S. E., see Melmon, H. W., Oates, J.A., Bartter, Gladner, J.A 253,256,268, K.L. 591,603 F.C. 538,544,559,565 459,476 Goldsmith, G. H., Stem, R. c., Gill, J. R., Jr., Melmon, K. L., Gladner, J. A, see Folk, J. E. Saito, H., Ratnoff, O. D. Gillespie, L., J r., Bartter, 432,476 579, 594, 600 F.C. 531,532,544 Glanville, K. L. A., see Eisen, Goldsmith, G., see Saito, H. Gill, J. R., Jr., see Margoluis, V. 9,74 575, 595, 605 H. S. 404, 423, 534, 535, Glebov, R. N., see Chemuch, Goldsmith, R., see Fox, R.H. 539, 540, 545 A. M. 644, 647 591, 599 Gill, J.R., Jr., see Vinci, J.M. Gleich, G.J., see Michel, B. Goldstein, A., Aronow, L., 535, 538, 548 376,394 Kalman, S.M. 287,297 Gillan, D.J., see Whitfield, Glenner, G. G., see Hopsu, Goldstein, I., see Weismann, J. F. 295, 299 V.K. 439,468,477 G. 63,88 Gillespie, A 317,350 Glenton, P. A M., see Barlow, Goldstein, L., see Levin, Y. Gillespie, L., see Gill, J. R. 576, R.B. 517,518 164,217 599 Glueck, H. I., Roehill, W. 569, Golikov, AP., Bobkov, A.I., Gillespie, L., see Oates, J.A. 600 Ivleva, V.1. 636,648 419,424, 577, 582, 603 Glueck, H.1., see Donaldson, Golman, S.H., see Schroeder, Gillespie, L., J r., see Gill, J. R., V. H. 23, 56, 74, 572, 599 E. T. 575, 605 Jr. 531, 532,544 Godec, G., see Fiedler, F. 106, Golosova, N.A, see Dotsenko, Gilliam, E.B., Kitto, G.B. 109-113, 155 V. L. 621,647 165,213 Godec, G., see Tschesche, H. Golubow, J., see Martin, C.J. Gilmore, J.P., see Franklin, 111, 112, 161, 198,222 113, 158 W.G. 443,476 Goldel, L.F., see Werle, E. Gomazkov,O.A 634,635, Gilmore, J. P., see Merrill, J. E. 504, 514, 523 636, 644, 648 462,480 Goetz, E. J., see Austen, K. F. Gomazkov, O. A, Bolshakova, Gilmore, J. P., see Webster, 64,72 L. V., Shimkovich, M. V., M. E. 404,426, 531, 532, Gotze, W., see Werle, E. 1,88, Komissarova, N. V. 634, 548 489,523 648 Author Index 681

Gomazkov, O. A., Gordon, R.D., Symonds, E.M., Grebow, P., see Greenbaum, Komissarova, N. V. 613, Wilmshurst, E. G., Pawsey, L. M. 97, 99, 101, 101 644, 648, 649 C. G. K. 563, 565 Grebow, P., see Prakash, A. Gomazkov, O. A., Gordon, S., see Unkeless, J. 93, 102 Komissarova, N. V., 57,87 Greco, A V., Porcelli, G., Bolshakova, L. V., Gorecki, M., see Wilchek, M. Croxatto, H. R. 561, 562, Shimkovich, M. V. 634,648 165,224 565 Greco, A. V., Porcelli, G., Gomazkov, O. A., Got, R., see Counitchansky, Croxatto, H. R., Fedeli, G., Kommissarova, N. V., Y. 210 Ghirlanda, G. 534,544 Bolshakova, L. V., Teplova, Goth, A. 417,419,422 Green, J.G., Talamo, R.C., N. N. 610,634,635,636, Goto, K., see Lim, R. K. S. Colman, R. W. 302, 308, 648 314, 319,353 585, 588, 600 Gomazkov, O. A, Shimkovich, Gottesman, L, Krauthamer, see Green, K. L. 268, 391 M. V. 631, 632, 635, 648, G. 331-333,352 Green, N., Work, E. 621, 655 Gourin, A, see Silverstein, E. 649 Green, T. R., see Bryant, J. Gomazkov, O.A, see 434, 446, 458, 484 201,209 Graeff, F. G. 335, 350 Chernukh, A M. 644, 645, Greenbaum, L, see W otman, Graeff, F.G., Corrado, AP., 647 S. 491, 499, 523 Pelit, R., Capek, R. 337, Gomazkov, O. A., see 1. Greenbaum, L. M. 63, 64, 66, 338, 341, 343, 350 Dzizinsky, AA 635,645, 75, 95, 98, 101 647 Graeff, F. G., Pelit, 1. R., Rocha Greenbaum, L.M., Chang, J., Gomazkov, O.A., see e Silva, M. 336, 338, 340- Freer, R. 591, 600 Komissarova, N. V. 622, 342,350 Greenbaum, L. M., Freer, R., 649 Graeff, F.G., see Camargo, Chang, J., Semente, G., Gomazkov, O. A., see Meerson, A C. M. 346, 348, 437, 472 Yamafuji, K. 91,95, 100, F. Z. 634, 650 Graeff, F. G., see Corrado, 101, 180, 201, 213 Gomes, J.C., see Rothschild, A.P. 316,337,339,349 Greenbaum, L. M., Grebow, P., AM. 582, 605 Graeff, F.G., see Correa, Johnston, M., Prakash, A, Gommi, B. W., see Woolley, F. M. A 336, 338, 340, 342, Semente, G. 97,99, 101, 101 D. W. 290, 300 349 Greenbaum, L. M., Kim, K. S. Gontar, A. M., see Veremeenko, Graeff, F.G., see Melo, J.C. 64,66, 75,95, 101, 180,213, K. N. 638, 654 337, 339, 353 369, 391 Goode, R. A., see Pickering, Graeff, F.G., see Ribeiro, Greenbaum, L. M., Prakash, A., R.J. 581,604 S.A. 337,339,354 Semente, G., Johnston, M. Goodell, H., see Ostfeld, AM. Graham, R.C., Ebert, R.H., 64,66,75 596,603 Ratnoff, O. D., Moses, Greenbau, L. M., Semente, G. Goodfriend, T. L., Ball, D. L. J. M. 14, 44, 75 97,99,101 301,305,306,308 Graham, R. C., see Kellermeyer, Greenbaum, L. M., Yamafuji, Goodfriend, T. L., Levine, L., R. W. 584, 601 K. 100,101 Fasman, G.D. 301,304, Grammens, G. L, Prasad, A. S., Greenbaum, L. M., see Chang, 305,308 Mammen, E. F., Barnhard, J. 64, 66, 73, 92, 93, 95, 101 Goodfriend, T. L., Odya, C. E. M.l. 14,75 Greenbaum, L. M., see 303, 305, 308 Grandino, A., Paiva, A C. M. Engleman, E. 95, 101 Goodfriend, T., Webster, M., 458, 459, 476 Greenbaum, L. M., see Freer, McGuire, J. 292,297 Granelli-Piperno, A G., R. 92-95, 101 Goodfriend, T. L., see Davis, Vassalli, J.-D., Reich, E. 57, Greenbaum, L. M., see Grebow, T.R.A 291,297,375,390 75 P. 92, 93, 95, 101 Goodfriend, T. L., see Odya, Grantham, J.J., Orloff, J. 532, Greenbaum, L. M., see C.E. 288,289,298,305,308 538,544 Johnston, M. 92, 93, 95, 98, Goodfriend, T. C., see Pena, Gratzer, W. B., see Williams, 101 C. 239,269 J. G. 151, 161 Greenbaum, L. M., see Goodwin, T.J., see Lennane, Grayzel, A.l., Hatcher V. S., Leuenberger, P.I. 458,479 R. J. 552, 565 Lazarus, G. S. 94, 101 Greenbaum, L. M., see Prakash, Gorbunoff, M.J. 196,213 Grebow, P., Prakash, A, A 93,102 Gordon, J.S., see Huggins, Greenbaum, L. M. 92, 93, Greenbaum, L. M., see C. G. 452, 477 95,101 Roffman, S. 94, 95, 97, 102 682 Author Index

Greene, L. J., Camargo, Grimova, J., see Rybak, M. Guimaraes, J.A., see Borges, A. C. M., Krieger, E. M., 434,483 D. R. 468,472 Stewart, J. M., Ferreira Grisolia, D., see Sampaio, Guimaraes, J. A., see Colman, S. H. 252, 259, 268, 442, C. A. M. 147, 160 R. W. 23, 26, 56, 73, 572, 460,477 Grob, D. 64, 75 574, 595, 598 Greene, L.J., Camargo, Gross, F., see Hofbauer, K.G. Guimaraes, J. A., see Feldberg, A. C. M., Kroger, E. M., 443, 462, 477 W. 495,520 Stewart, J. M., Ferreira, Gross, F., see Kreye, V.A.W. Guimaraes, J.A., see Pierce, S.H. 291,298 443,478 J. V. 45, 49, 83, 280, 284, Gross, F., see Oliver, W.J. Greene, L.J., DiCarlo, J.J., 573, 604 Sussman, A. J., Bartelt, D. C., 514,521 Guimaraes, J.A., see Webster, Roark, D.E. 105,106,157 Grossberg, A. L., Pressman, M. E. 23,24,26,27,88, 572, Greene, L.J., see Camargo, D. 167,213 573,606 A.C.M. 346,348,437,469, Grosser, A., see Wallner, O. Gulikova, O.M., see Laufer, 472 386, 398 Greene, L.J., see Ferreira, Grossman, R. G., see Willis, A.L. 620,622,650 S. H. 250,251,267,291, W. D. Jr. 323, 356 Gulikova, O. M., see Paskhina, 297, 460, 476 Gruber, K. A., Stein, S., Brink, T.S. 610,637,651,652 Greene, L.J., see Fink, E. 166, L., Radhakrishnan, A., Gullner, H. G., Campbell, 211 Udenfriend, S. 265, 268 W.B., Pettinger, W.A. 540, Greene, L. J., see Fritz, H. 163, Grunz, M., see Werle, E. 489, 544 212 523 Gunnar, R. M., see Robinson, Greene, L. L. J., see Krieger, Gryglewski, R.J. 387,391 J.A. 585,586,604 E. M. 460, 262, 478 Guarneri, M., see Tomatis, R. Gupton, B. F., see Powers, Greene, L. J., see Stewart, 262,271 J. C. 65,83 J.M. 250,252,256,271, Guerney, L. H., see Pence, Gurevich, M. A., see 291,299,377397,441,460, H.L. 581,603 Surovikina, M. S. 611,614, 462,484 Guidicci, M. A., see Ali, A. 264, 635, 644, 654 Greenwald, R.A., see Keiser, 266 Gurtovenko, V. M., see H. 65,79 Guilbaud, G., Benelli, G., Paskhina, T.S. 622,652 Greep, J. M., see Chambers, Besson, J. M. 327, 328, 350 Gurtovenko, V. M., see D.A. 114, 115,155 Guilbaud, G., Besson, J. M., Zhukova, G. F. 620, 655 Greep, R.O., see Schlegel, W. Oliveras, J. L, Wyon• Gurusaddaiah, T., see Bryant, 411,425 Maillard, M.C. 331,350 J. 201,209 Grega, G.J., see Maciejko, J.J. Guilbaud, G., Caille, D., Guseva, M. V., see Paskhina, 367,393 Besson, J.M., Benelli, G. T. S. 128, 132,159,204,219, Gregerman, R. 615,655 331,332,350 610,622,651 Greiss, F. C., see Still, J. G. Guilbaud, G., Le Bars, D., Guth, P.S., see Bobbin, R.P. 384,397 Besson, J.M. 327,350 360, 388 Griffin, J. D., Szaro, R. P., Guilbaud, G., see Besson, Guttmann, S., see Boissonnas, Weltman, J. K. 292, 298 J. M. 326-328, 348 R.A. 72 Griffin III, J. E., see .i\nggard, Guilbaud, G., see Levante, A. Guy, 0., see Figarella, C. 125, E. 404,421 330,352 156 Griffin, J. H. 26, 75 Guilbaud, G., see Lombard, M.• Guyenet, P. G., Aghajanian, Griffin, J. H., Cochrane, C. G. C. 331,353 G.K. 343,350 13, 24, 25, 75, 573, 600, 622, Gulati, O.P., Carretero, O.A., Guyon, A., see Malfroy, B. 655 Morino, T., Oza, N. B. 541, 487,487 Griffin, J. H., Revak, S. D., 544 Guyonnet, J. C., see Julou, L. Cochrane, C.G. 24-26,75 Guimaraes, J.A., Borges, D.R., 312,351 Griffin, J. H., see Bouma, Prado, E. S., Prado, J. L. Guyton, R.A., see Keiser, B. N. 28, 29, 72, 571, 597 273, 28 3, 468, 477 H. R. 533, 534, 541,545, Griffin, J.H., see Revak, S.D. Guimaraes, J.A., Lu, R.C., 562,565 17,84 Webster, M. E., Pierce, J. V. Guzman, F., Braun, c., Lim, Grigoryan, G. L., see Filatova, 526,544 R. K. S. 311, 314, 315, 319, M.P. 261,267 Guimaraes, J. A., Pierce, J. V., 325,350 Grigoryan, G. L., see Ivanov, Hial, V., Pisano, J. J. 273, Guzman, F., Braun, c., Lim, V. T. 261, 268, 296, 298 280,283 R.K.S., Potter, G.D., Author Index 683

Rodgers, D. W. 314, 315, Haberland, G. L., see Meng, G., Margoluis, H. S. 535, 350 K. 379,393 538, 539, 544 Guzman, F., see Lim, R.K.S. Haberland, G.L., see Schill, Halvorsen, K. M., see arstavik, 311,314,319,332,333,353 W.B. 385-387,396 T.B. 508,514,522 Gyzander, E., see Teger• Habermann, E. 50, 76, 108, Hamada, M., see Aoyagi, T. Nilsson, A.-C. 70, 87 115, 116, 157, 587, 588,600 203,207 Habermann, E., Blennemann, Hamada, M., see Kondo, S. 203,217 Haanen, c., see Schoenmakers, G. 67, 76, 115, 157 Hamada, M., see Suda, H. J.G. 13,15,29,85,57,85 Habermann, E., Helbig, J. 116, Habal, F.M. 41,56,75 157 203,221 Hamada, M., see Umezawa, Habal, F. M., Burrowes, C. E., Habermann, E., Klett. W. 31, Movat, H. Z. 44, 48, 60, 68, 35,76 M. 102 Habermann, E., Muller, B. Hamaguchi, K., see Ikeda, K. 75 Habal, F.M., Movat, H.Z. 11, 115, 157 194,215 40, 41, 46, 47, 49, 52, 56, 59, Habermann, E., Rosenbusch, Hamaguchi, K., see Koide, T. 66,75,76 G. 7,50,76 195,216 Habal, F.M., Movat, H.Z., Habermann, E., see Arndts, D. Hamamoto, H., see Hashimoto, Burrowes, C. E. 22, 33, 35, 166, 181, 207 K. 359,392 47-49,53,59,62,66,76,573, Habermann, E., see Just, M. Hamamura, L., see Garcia 600,621,625,655 166, 181, 216 Leme, J. 311,350,368,393 Habal, F. M., Underdown, B.J., Habermann, E., see Temme, Hamann, K.-F., see Besson, Movat, H.Z. 47,53,76 H. 14,87 J. M. 327-329, 348 Habal, F. M., see Burrowes, Haddy, F.J., Emerson, T.E., Hamann, K.-F., see Conseiller, C. E. 39, 44, 72 Jr., Scott, J. B., Daugherty, C. 331,332,348 Habal, F.M., see Chan, R.M. 314,350,357,391 Hamberg, M., Samuelsson, B. J. Y. C. 13, 15,24-27,30, 73 Hadom, B., see Gerber, A. 65, 401,422 Habal, F. M., see Donaldson, 75 Hamberg, M., Svensson, J., V. H. 23, 56, 74, 572, 599 Haefely, W., Hiirlimann, A., Samuelsson, B. 412,422 Habal, F. M., see Movat, H. Z. Thoenen, H. 415, 422 Hamberg, M., see Tuvemo, T. 14, 39, 64-68,82, 91, 95, 99, Haefely, W. E. 334, 350 401, 403, 426 102, 201, 219, 369, 394, 435, Haendle, H., see Fritz, H. 179, Hamberg, U. 62, 76 480,629,656 181,212 Hamberg, U., Elg, P., Nissinen, Haber, E., see Fischer, J. 307, Hagel, D., see Weyers, R. 253, E., Stelwagen, P. 46,52,53, 308 256,271 76 Haber, E., see Miller, E. D., Jr. Haig, T. H. B., Thompson, Hamberg, U., Elg, P., 463, 467, 480 A.G. 588,600 Stellwagen, P. 253, 268, Haber, E., see Oparil, S. 449, Halabi, M., Back, N. 105, 118, 433, 459, 477 450,482 157 Hamberg, U., Joutsimo, L. Haber, E., see Re, R. 467, 483 Halbert, S.P., see Ole-Moi Yoi, 149,157 Haber, E., see Samuels, A.!, O. 131, 133, 159, 526, 547 Hamberg, U., Stelwagen, P., 463,483 Halek, J., see Jezdinsky, J. 314, Ervast, H. S. 69, 76 Haber, E., see Sancho, J. 465, 351 Hamberg, U., see Ragnarsson, 467,483 Hall, D. W.R., see Bonta, I.L. U. 263,270 377,389 Haber, E., see Spragg, J. 45, Hamid, M. A., see Finkenstadt, Hall, E.R., Kato, J., Erdos, 86, 288,299, 301, 304, 307, W.R. 167,172,177,197, E.G., Robinson, c.J.G., 309 198,211 Oshima, G. 443-445, 457, Haber, E., see Talamo, R.C. 477 Hamilton, W. H., see Peterson, 301-304,306,307,309, 526, Hall, J. E., see McCaa, R. E. D. W. 591, 604 548, 549, 567, 583, 592, 606 465,466,468,480 Hammer, F., see Fink, E. 182, Haberich, F.J., see Dennhardt, Halstead, S. B., see Cohen, 211 R. 379,390 S. H. 573, 598 Hammon, K.J., see Odya, Haberland, G., see Geiger, R. Halushka, P. V., Margoluis, C. E. 438, 481 382,391 H. S., Allen, H., Conradi, Hampton, A., see Scicli, A. G. Haberland, G. L., see Arens, E. C. 540, 544 557,567 A. 104, 118,154, 166, 178, Halushka, P. V., Wohltmann, Hamrin, C. E., Jr., see 180,207 H., Privitera, P. J., Hurwitz, Burkhead, R.J. 165,209 684 Author Index

Han, N., see Kato, H. Y. 572, Harris, K., see Stewart, J. M. Hathaway, W. E., Alsever, J. 601 262,271 43, 77, 571, 600 Han, Y. H., Kato, H., Iwanaga, Harris, M. C. 343, 350, 419, Hathaway, W. E., Belhanson, S. 54,76, 116, 147, 157,231, 420,422 L.P., Hathaway, H.S. 571, 237,268 Harris, M. C., see Rocha e Silva, 574,600 Han, Y. N., Kato, H., Iwanaga, M., Jr. 419, 425 Hathaway, W. E., Belhasen, S., Suzuki, T. 54, 55, 76 Harris, P., Heath, D. 373,391 L. P., Hathaway, H. S. 43, Han, Y. N., Komiya, M., Harrison, D. c., Henry, W. L., 77 Iwanaga, S., Suzuki, T. 55, Paaso, B., Miller, H.A. 357, Hattersley, P.G., Hayes, D. 76,573,600 391 43, 77, 571, 600 Han, Y. N., Komiya, M., Kato, Harrison, J., see Abildgaard, Hauger-Klevene, J. H. 343, H., Iwanaga, S., Suzuki, T. C.F. 571,596 350 54,76 Harrison, P. M., see Hoy, HlIulixa, I., see Benetato, G. Han, Y. N., see Iwanaga, S. 27, T. G. 151, 157 341,348 78, 115-118, 129, 152, 158 Hart, A., see Rabiner, S. F. 61, Haupt, H., see Heimburger, N. Han, Y.N., see Kato, H. 27, 83 67,69,77 42,54,55, 78, 79, 115, 118, Hart, D. W., see Lanchantin, Haustein, K. 0., Marquardt, 158,275,284 G.F. 69,79 F. 62,77 Han, Y. N., see Matheson, Hartley, B.S. 112,157 Havemann, K., see Schmidt, R. T. 27, 80, 573, 595, 602 Hartley, J.L., Soffer, R.L. W. 64,65,85 Han, Y. N., see Oh-Ishi, S. 27, 486,487 Haverback, B.J., Dyce, B., 82 Hartley, J. L., see Conroy, Bundy, H. F., Wirtschafter, Han, Y. N., see Waldmann, R. J.M. 455-457,473 S.K., Edmondson, H.A. 26,88 Hartley, J.L., see Das, M. 446, 67,77 Hand, M. R., see Snyder, A. 452, 455, 456, 473 Haverback, B.J., see Dyce, 574,606 Harvey, R. F., see Albano, J. B.J. 67,74 Handler, J., see Orloff, J. 557, 491,492,495,497, 500,518 Haverback, B.J., see 566 Hasegawa, E., see Izaka, K. Rinderknecht, H. 288, 299, Handler, J. F., see Zusman, 579, 593, 600 308 Hashimoto, K., Hamamoto, H., R. M. 538, 548 Haverback, B.J., see Saunders, Honda, Y., Furukawa, S., Handwerker, H.O. 317,324, R. 69,85 Kimura, E. 359, 392 350 Havsteen, B.H. 213 Hashimoto, K., Wanka, J., Handwerker, H. 0., see Beck, Hawkins, D. 63, 64, 77 Kohn, R.N., Wilkens, H.J., P. W. 324, 326, 327, 348 Hawkins, H. C., Freedman, Steger, R., Back, N. 359, Hannighausen, G., see R. B. 195, 213 Wiegershausen, B. 382, 398 392,588,600 Hayakana, H., see Furukawa, Hashimoto, K., see Furukawa, Hanson, J. M., see Gauldie, J. S. 358,391 282,283 S. 358,391 Hashimoto, K., see Kimura, Hayakari, M., Kondo, Y. 448, Happ, E., see Werle, E. 165, 477 178, 185, 188, 224 E. 311,352,358,393 Hayakari, M., Kondo, Y., Harada, Y., see Katori, M. Hashimoto, K., see Taira, N. Izumi, H. 448, 477 368, 374, 392 314,355 Hayakawa, H., see Kimura, E. Hardcastle, J., Hardcastle, P. T., Hashimoto, N., see Kato, H. 311,352, 358, 393 Flower, R.J., Sanford, 118, 158 Hayashi, H., see Kato, A. 191, P.A. 380,391 Hashimoto, T., see Yasuhara, 216 Hardcastle, P. T., see T. 232, 272, 277, 285 Hayashi, T., see Inoki, R. 311, Hardcastle, J. 380,391 Hashimoto, Y., see Komoriya, 320,351 Harley, D. A., see Powers, C. J. K. 368,393 65,83 Hayashi, T., see Kudo, T. 311, Hass, E., Goldblatt, H., Lewis, Harpel, P. C. 22,42,44,62,68- 320,352 L. Gipson, E. C. 576, 600 70, 76, 580, 587, 589, 600 Hayes, D., see Hattersley, Harpel, P. C., Cooper, N. R. Haswell, A. D., see Davies, P. P. G. 571, 600 68,69,77 63,74 Hayes, L. W., Goguen, C. A., Harpel, P. c., Mosesson, Hatcher, V. S., see Grayzel, Ching, S.-F., Slakey, L.L. M.W. 68,69,77 A.I. 94, 101 486,487 Harpel, P. C., Mosesson, M. W., Hathaway, H. S., see Hathaway, Haynes, R., Feeney, R.E. 167, Cooper, N. R. 68, 69, 77 W.E. 43,77,571,574,600 173,213 Author Index 685

Haynes, R., see Liu, W.-H. Henriques, O. B., see Hickson, J.C.D. 491,520 195,218 Gapanhuk, E. 62, 75 High, J.P., see Laffan, R.J. Hayse, D., see Hattersley, Henriques, O. B., see Picarelli, 465,479 P.G. 43,77 Z. P. 290, 298 Highsmith, R. P., Rosenberg, Hazelhof, E., see Nugteren, Henry, H. W., see Huggins, R. D. 62, 69, 77 D. H. 401, 424 C. G. 452, 477 Highsmith, R.F., Weirich, C.J., Henry, J. L., see Calvillo, O. Burnett, C. J. 70, 77 Heap, P. F., see Albano, J. 491, 329,348 Hildebrandt-Stark, H. E., see 492,497,500,501--503,518 Henry, W. L., see Harrison, Schlegel, W. 411,425 Heap, P. F., see Bhoola, K. D. D.C. 357,391 Hill, J. M., see Speer, R. J. 9, 504--506,512,518 Henson, see Becker 63 15,86 Heath, D., see Harris, P. 373, Henson, P. M. 63, 77 Hill, R.L., see Walther, P.J. 391 Henson, P. M., Oades, Z. G. 61,88 Heath, R. G., see Poth, M. M. 64,77 Hillegass, L. M., see Baker, 437,446,483 Hercz, A. 68, 77 A. P. 375, 388 Hebert, F., Fouron, J. C., Heremans, see Schultze 13,69 Hiller, J. M., see Simon, E.J. Boileau, J. c., Biron, P. 441, Herman, C. M., Oshima, G., 329, 355 447,477 Erdos, E. G. 434, 477, 577, Hilton, S. M. 516 Hechmer, P.A., see Ackerman, 584,600 Hilton, S. M., Jones, M. 490, N. B. 361, 388 Herman, C. M., see Hirsch, 491,496,521 Heck, L. W., Kaplan, A. P. 28, E.F. 434,477,577,585,600 Hilton, S. M., Lewis, G. P. 419, 29,77 Hermann, G. 188,214 423,495, 515, 516,521, 529, Heck, L. W.,-see Kaplan, A.P. Hermann, G., see Sprenger, 1. 544 33, 35, 43, 58, 78 187,221 Hilton, S. M., see Beraldo, Hedqvist, P. 403,422,538,544 Hermann, G., see Uhlenbruck, W.T. 526,528,542 Heidenhain, R. 515,520 G. 187,223 Hinshaw, D. B., Joergenson, Heimburger, N. 67-69,77 Hermodson, M. A., Ericsson, E.J., Davis, H.A. 583,600 Heimburger, N., Haupt, H., L. H., Neurath, H., Walsh, Hira, M., see Yasuhara, T. Schwick, H. G. 67,69, 77 K.A. 111,112,157 232,272,277,285 Heimburger, N., see Fritz, H. Hernheiser, G., see Pribram, Hiraichi, E., see Lavras, 35, 43, 44, 68, 75 H. 489,522 A.A. 281,284 Helbig, J., see Habermann, E. Herxheimer, H., Stresemann, Hirako, I., see Sekiya, A. 360, 116, 157 E. 374,392,592,600 397 Held, H.K. 371,392 Hessler, J. R., see Gilbert, Hirsch, E. F., Nakajima, T., Hell, R., see Schieuning, W. D. R.D. 364,391 Oshima, G., Erdos, E.G., 387,396 Hetzel, R., Wiithrich, K., Herman, C. M. 434, 477, Helme!, G., see Movat, H.Z. Deisenhofer, J., Huber, R. 577, 585, 600 592,603 170,214 Hirschauer, C., see Fiedler, F. Helmer, O. M. 439, 477 Heumann, H., see Engel, J. 105-111, 113, 119, 120, 122, Hendrikoff, N. G., see 166, 173, 177, 179, 211 123, 155, 156,204,205,211, Trautschold, I. 514,522 Heumann, H., see Quast, U. 527,528,543 Heneine, I. F., see Beraldo, 173,220 Hirschauer, C., see Tschesche, W. T. 191, 192,204,208, Heymann, M. A., Rudolph, H. Ill, 112, 161, 198, 222 384,388,542 A. M., Nies, A. S., Melmon, Hirschel, B.J., see Majno, G. Henninghausen, G., see K.L. 364,384,392 365, 367, 393 Wiegershausen, B. 435,485, Heymann, M. A., see Clyman, Hirschmann, R. F., 588,607 R.I. 364, 389 Denkewalter, R. G. 262, Henningsen, S. J., see Zachariae, Hial, V., Diniz, C. R., Mares• 268 H. 417-419,426 Guia, M. 105, 127-132,157, Hirzel, H.O., see Conroy, Hennrich, N., see Wunderer, 204, 214, 528, 544 J. M. 457, 473 G. 184, 187,224 Hial, V., Gimbrone, M.A., Jr., Hiss, E., Mense, S. 325, 350 Henriksson, K.G., see Wilcox, G., Pisano, J.J. Hiwada, K., see Kokubu, T. Emmelin, N. 511,520 443,477 180, 217,445, 453, 478 Henriques, O. B., Hial, V., Keiser, H. R., Pisano, Hiwada, K., see Nishimura, K. Kawritschewa, N., J.J. 273,284 453,454,456,481 Kuznetsova, V., Astraken, Hial,V., see Guimanles, J.A. Hixon, M., Jr., see Niekamp, M. 52,77 273, 280, 283 C. W. 167, 219 686 Author Index

Hixson, H. F., Jr., Laskowski, Hojima, Y., Moriya, H., Hong, S. L., Polsky-Cynkin, R., M., Jr. 198, 214 Moriwaki, C. 199--202,214, Levine, L. 414,423 Hoak, J. C., Swenson, L. W., 439,477 Hong, S.-C. L., Levine, L. 294, Warner, E.D. 569,600 Hojima, Y., Tanaka, M., 298 Hochstrasser, K., Illchmann, Moriya, H., Moriwaki, C. Hong, S.-C. L., Polsky-Cynkin, K., Werle, E. 198--200,214 439,477 R., Levine, L. 294, 298 Hochstrasser, K., Illchmann, Hojima, Y., Yamashita, M., Honig, G.R., Lindley, A. 595, K., Werle, E., Hossl, R., Moriya, H. 108, 143, 157 600 Schwarz, S. 201, 214 Hojima, Y., Yamashita, M., Hoobler, S. W., see Romero, Hochstrasser, K., Werle, E. Ochi, N., Moriwaki, C., J. C. 463, 483 116, 157, 237, 268, 275, 284 Moriya, H. 133-135, 140, Hook, J. B., see Wallace, K. B. Hochstrasser, K., Werle, E., 143-145,157,178, 199,202, 447,485 Siegelmann, R., Schwarz, S. 207,214 Hook, J. B., see Willis, L. R. 202,214 Hojima, Y., see Matsuda, Y. 531,548 Hochstrasser, K., see Bretzel, 129, l30, 158, 178, 192, 199, Hooper, K.C. 346,351 G. 115,155 218 Hopkins, C. R., see Dockray, Hochstrasser, K., see Eichner, Hojima, Y., see Moriwaki, C. G.J. 281,282,283 H. 155,497,499,519 103, 105, 115, 126, l32, 143, Hopsu, V. K., Makinen, K. K., Hochstrasser, K., see Fritz, H. 144, 147, 149, 159, 178,219, Glenner, G. G. 439, 468, 164, 167,212 511,521 477 Hochstrasser, K., see Werle, E. Hojima, Y., see Moriya, H. Hopsu, V. K., see Riekkinen, 273,279,285 105, l30, l34, 144, 159, 178, P.J. l36, 160 Hossl, R., see Hochstrasser, K. 179, 192, 199, 200, 202, 219 Hopsu-Havu, V. K., see Ekfors, 201,214 Hokama, Y., Iwanaga, S., T.O. 134-136,141, 142, Hofbauer, K. G., Zschiedrich, Tatsuki, T., Suzuki, T. 190, 155, 178, 199,210,494,503, H., Rauh, W., Gross, F. 214 508,519,520 443,462,477 Hokama, Y., see Takahashi, Hopsu-Havu, V. K., see Fraki, Hofbauer, K.G., Zschiedrich, H. 183, 185, 187, 189, 190, J. E. 133,156, 180,201,211 H., Rauh, W., Orth, H., 222 Horakova, Z., see Geller, Gross, F. 443, 462, 477 Holden, D.A., see Baker, A.P. R. G. 282, 283 Hoffman, H., see Conroy, 375,388 Hori, K., see Hori, S. 345, 346, J. M. 457, 473 Hollemans, H.J.G., see 351 Hoffstein, S., see Weissmann, Hori, Donker, A.J.M. 559,565 S. 346, 347, 351 G. 63,64,88 Hori, S., Hori, K., Masurnura, Hoffstein, Hollenberg, N. K., Retik, A. B., S., see Zurier, R. B. S., Kondo, M. 345,346,351 63,64,90 Rosen, S.M., Murray, J.E., Hori, S., Masumura, S., Mizuta, Hofman, Merrilim, J. P. 590, 600 J., see Lukjan, H. K., Kondo, M. 347,351 579,592,602 Hollenberg, N. K., see Busch, Hori, S., Ota, S., Kondo, M. Hofmann, K., see Finn, F.M. G.J. 578,589,597 346,351 262,267 Hollenberg, N.K., see Mersey, Hori, S., see Murakami, N. Hofmann, N., Schonberger, A., J.H. 536,546 369,394 Gall, H. 385, 392 Hollenberg, N. K., see Williams, Horiuchi, K., see Nagasawa, Hofstein, R., see Feinstein, G. G. H. 467, 485 S. 34,82 125, 155 Hollister, R.P., see Piercey, Horiuchi, K., see Suzuki, T. Hojima, y., Isobe, M., Moriya, M.F. 328,329,354 34,50,86 Holmquist, H. 529,545 B., see Biinning, P. Horiuchi, K., see Yano, M. 50, Hojima, Y., Maranda, B., 486,487 90 Moriwaki, C., Schachter, Holt, J. c., Meloun, B., Sorm, Horky, K., Rojo-Ortega, J. M., M. 506,508,511,517,521 F. 177,214 Rodriguez, J., Boucher, R., Hojima, Y., Matsuda, Y., Holtz, J., see Bassenge, E. 357, Genest, J. 446, 477 Moriwaki, C., Moriya, H. 388 Hortnagel, H., see Rindler, R. 109, 126, 127, 129, 130, 157, Holz, M., see Brunner, H. 168, 65,84 178, 199, 214 169,209 Horton, E.W. 317,351 Hojima, Y., Moriwaki, C., Honda, Y., see Hashimoto, K. Horton, E. W., see Elliot, D. F. Moriya, H. 108, 109, 118, 359,392 377, 390, 584, 591, 599 133, 134, 137, 144,157, 178, Hong, S. L., Levine, L. 414, Horwitz, D., Margoluis, H. S., 179, 192, 199--203,214 423 Keiser, H. R. 534, 539, 545 Author Index 687

Horwitz, D., see Margoluis Hurlimann, A., see Haefe1y, lams, W. B., see Anderson, H. S. 404, 423, 534, 535, W. 415,422 M. C. 586, 596 539, 540, 545, 549, 551, 552, Huggins, C.G., Corcoran, R.J., Iatridis, S.G., Ferguson, J.H. 554-558, 560-562, 565, 566 Gordon, J. S., Henry, H. W., 57,77 Horwitz, D., see Vinci, J. M. John, J. P. 452, 477 Ichishima, E., see Yokoyama, 534, 539, 548 Huggins, C.G., Thampi, N.S. S. 439,486 Hosea, S. W., see Gadek, J. E. 449, 450, 477 Iggo, A. 323,351 581,599 Huggins, C.G., see Biron, P. Igic, R., Erdos, E.G., Yeh, Houki, S., see Shikimi, T. 346, 440,441,443,472 H. S. J., Sorrells, K., 355,437,484 Huggins, C.G., see Sander, Nakajima, T. 432,441,442, Houvenaghel, A., Peeters, G. G.E. 250,270,443,459,483 446, 448, 449, 450-452, 454, 182,214,364,385,392 Hughes, T., see Melmon, K. L. 459, 461, 462, 477 Houvenaghel, A., Peeters, G., 364, 384, 393 Igic, R., Nakajima, T., Yeh, Djordjevi«, N. 182, 214 Hugli, T. E., Vallota, E. H., H.S.J., Sorrells, K., Erdos, Houvenaghel, A., Peeters, G., Muller-Eberhard, H.J. 432, E.G. 441,446,452,458,477 Vandaele, G., Djordjevi«, 477 Igic, R., Robinson, C. J. G., N. 214 Hugli, T. E., see Corbin, N. C. Erdos, E. G. 443, 446, 459, Houvenaghe1, A., see Peeters, 433, 434, 473 478 G. 164, 178, 182, 192, 199, Hugli, T.E., see Fernandez, Igic, R., Sorrells, K., Yeh, 219, 364, 385, 395 H. N. 432, 475 H.S.J., Erdos, E.G. 441, Houvenaghel, A., see Reynaert, Hugli, T. E., see Johnson, 478 H. 182,220 A. R. 418, 423 Igic, R., Yeh, H.S.J., Sorrells, Hoy, T.G., Ferdinand, W., Hugli, T. E., see Revak, S. D. K., Erdos, E.G. 441,459, Harrison, P. M. 151, 157 9, 10, 14-18, 34, 84 478 Hsieh, L., see Robbins, K. C. Huidobro, F., see Croxatto, Igic, R., see Filipovic, N. 448, 61,84 H.R. 534,535,540,543 476 Hsu, K. c., see Caldwell, Hulten, L, see Fasth, S. 363, Igic, R. P., see Nakajima, T. P.R.B. 443,444,457,472 378,390 453, 456, 481 Hsueh, W., Isakson, P. D., Hultstrom, D., Svensjo, E. Igic, R. P., see Ward, P. E. 443, Needleman, P. 362, 392, 365, 366, 367, 392 485 414,423 Huntsman, D.J., see Assali, Ignarro, L.J., Flint, T.F., Huang, J.-S., Liener, 1. E. 198, N. S. 364, 388 George, W.J. 64,77 Ignarro, L.J., Oronsky, A.L., 214 Huprich, J. E., see Stein, J. H. Perper, R.J. 65,77 Huber, R., Bode, W., Kukla, D., 532,547 Kohl, U., Ryan, C.A. 173, Iida, M., see Iwata, H. 336, Hurwitz, G., see Halushka, 214 345, 346, 351, 435, 436, 478 P. V. 535, 538, 539, 544 Huber, R., Kukla, D., Bode, W., Ikeda, K., Hamaguchi, K., Schwager, P., Bartels, K., Hurwitz, M. Y., see Plummer, Yamamoto, M., Ikenara, T. Deisenhofer, J., Steigemann, T. H. 430, 436, 482 194,215 W. 168, 173,214 Hutzel, M., see Fritz, H. 164, Ikeda, K., Tanaka, K., Katori, Huber, R., Kukla, D., 212 M. 368,370,392 Hvidt, A., Pedersen, E.J. 175, Riihlmann, A., Epp, 0., Ikea, K., see Katori, M. 368, 215 Formanek, H. 168, 214 374, 392 Huber, R., Kukla, D., Hvidt, A., see Pershina, L. 175, 219 Ikeda, K., see Koide, T. 195, Riihlmann, A., Steigemann, 216 W. 168,214 Hyman, A. I., see Campbell, A. G. M. 364, 389 Ikenada, T., see Odani, S. 194, Huber, R., Kukla, D., Hyman, A. L., see Chapnick, 219 Steigemann, W., B. M. 363, 389, 408, 421 Ikenaka, T., see Koide, T. 166, Deisenhofer, J., Jones, A. Hyman, A. L., see Goldberg, 194, 195,216,217 173,215 M. R. 360, 363, 391 Ikenara, T., see Ikeda, K. 194, Huber, R., see Blow, D. M. Hyman, A. L., see Kadowitz, 215 172, 173, 208 P.J. 373,392 Ikezawa, H., Yamada, K., Huber, R., see Hetzel, R. 170, Hymowitz, T., see Clark, Aoyagi, T., Takeuchi, T., 214 R. W. 193, 194, 209 Umezawa, H. 203, 215 Huber, R., see Ruhlmann, A. Hysert, P. E., see Patak, R. V. Illchmann, K., Werle, E. 191, 173, 174, 198, 220 559, 566 215 688 Author Index

Illchmann, K., see Hochstrasser, Ishizuka, M., see Aoyagi, T. Iwanaga, G., see Suzuki, T. 34, K. 198-201, 214 203,207 50,86 Imanari, T., Kaizu, T., Yoshida, Island, D. P., see Coppage, Iwanaga, J., see Kondo, S. H., Yates, K., Pierce, J. V., W. S., Jr. 575, 598 203,217 Pisano, J. J. 105, 125, 133, Isobe, M., see Hojima, Y. 529, Iwanaga,S. 54,55,78 157,527,545 545 Iwanaga, S., Han, Y. N., Kato, Imanari, T., see Corthorn, J. Ito, H., Matsukawa, H., H., Suzuki, T. 115-118, 527,543 Takahashi, K., Cho, Y. W. 129, 152, 158 Inagaki, A., see Shionoya, S. 364,392 Iwanaga, S., Komiya, M., Han, 361,397 Ito, T., see Seino, M. 540, 547 Y.N., Suzuki, T. 27,78 Ingrisch, H., see Fink, E. 183, Ito, T., see Ueda, E. 455, 485 Iwanaga, S., Takahashi, H., 211 Itskovitz, H. D., Terragno, Suzuki, T. 190, 203, 215 Inoki, R., Hayashi, T., Kudo, N.A., McGiff, J.C. 405, Iwanaga, S., see Han, Y. N. 54, T., Matsumoto, K., Oka, M., 423 55, 76, 116, 147, 157, 231, Kotany, Y. 311,320,351 Itskowitz, H. D., see McGiff, 237,268,573,600 Inoki, R., Toyoda, T., J. C. 403,405,411,424,525, Yamamoto, I. 311,320,351 532, 533, 538, 546, 559, 566, Iwanaga, S., see Hokama, Y. Inoki, R., see Kudo, T. 311, 576,602 190,214 320,352 Ivanov, V. T., Filatov, M.P., Iwanaga, S., see Kato, H. 27, Inoue, N., see Moriwaki, C. Reissmann, S., Reutova, 42, 54, 55, 78, 79, 115, 118, 105, 159 T.O., Chekhlyaeva, N.M. 158, 275, 284, 572, 601 International Commission on 261,268 Iwanaga, S., see Matheson, Pharmaceutical Enzymes Ivanov, V. T., Filatova, M. P., R. T. 27, 80, 573, 595, 602 158 Reissmann, S., Reutova, Iwanaga, S., see Nagasawa, S. Iorio, M. di, see Porcelli, G. T.O., Efremov, E.S., 50,82 528,540,547 Pashkov, U. S., Galaktionov, Iwanaga, S., see Oh-ishi, S. 27, Irle, C., see Majno, G. 365, S. G., Grigoryan, G. L., 82 367,393 Ovchinnikov, Y.A. 261, Iwanaga, S., see Suzuki, T. Irokawa, N., see Seino, J. 534, 268, 296, 298 103, 161 547, 550, 551, 556, 561-563, Ivanov, V. T., Filatova, M.P., I wanaga, S., see Takahashi, H. 567 Reissmann, S., Reutova, 183, 185, 187, 189, 190, 222, Irokawa, N., see Seino, M. T.O., Kogan, G.A., 528,548 539,540,547 Efremov, E. S., Pashkov, Iwanaga, S., see Waldmann, Irvine, W. T., see Duthie, H.L. V. S., Galaktionov, S. G., R. 26,88 583,599 Grigoryan, G. L., Bystrov, Iwasaki, T., Kiyohara, T. Isakson, P .. , Raz, A., Denny, V.F. 261,268 Yoshikawa, M. 201,202, S. E., Wyche, A., Needleman, Ivanov, V. T., see Efremov, 215 P. 414,423 E.S. 261,266 Iwasaki, T., see Kiyohara, T. Ivanov, V. T., see Filatova, Isakson, P.C., see Hsueh, W. 201,216 M.P. 228-230,261,267, Iwata, H., Shikimi, T., Iida, M., 414,423 296, 297, 617, 647 Miichi, H. 336, 345, 346, Isakson, P. C., see Needleman, Ivanov, V. T., see Krit, N.A. 351,435,436,478 P. 320, 321,353,357,362, 230,268, 618, 649 Iwata, H., Shikimi, T., Oka, T. 394,403,414,424,463,481 Ivanov, V. T., see Ravdel, 346,351,478 Isakson, P. D., see Hsueh, W. G.A. 629, 653 Iwata, H., see Shikimi, T. 346, 362,392 Ivanov, V. T., see Reissmann, 355,437,484 Ishigami, J., Kamidono, S. S. 229", 230, 233, 270 Izaka, K., Morichi, S., Fujita, 385,392 Ivanova, V. T., see Vardel, Y., Hasegawa, E. 579, 593, Ishikawa, N., see Tsuru, H. G.A. 264,271 600 361,398 Ivashkevich, G.A., Vuiv, G.P., Izaka, K., Tsutsui, E., Mina, Y., Ishikawa, 0., Yasuhara, T., Khimka, A. S. 639, 649 Masegawa, E. 593, 600 Nakajima, T., Tachibana, Ivaska, K., see Kangasniemi, Izaka, K., see Morichi, S. 593, S. 232,268,277,284 P. 435,478 603 Ishikawa, Y., see Newcombe, Iversen, L. L., see Arreguri, A. Izzo, J. L., see Vinci, J. M. 535, D. S. 294,295,298,414,424 487,487 538,548 Ishiyama, I., see Uhlenbruck, Ivleva, V.I., see Golikov, A.P. Izumi, H., see Hayakari, M. G. 187,223 636,648 448,477 Author Index 689

Jackisch, R., see Riickrich, Jarabak, J. 411, 423 Johnson, A. R., see Erdos, M.F. 411,425 Jarabak, J., see Braithwaite, E.G. 446,450,451,458,475 Jackson, R. L., see Segrest, S. S. 411, 421 Johnson, A. R., see Ward, J. P. 151, 160 Jarvik, M. E., see Kantor, P.E. 540,548 Jacobsen, S. 19, 22, 45-47, 49, T.O. 311,352 Johnson, c.A., see Collier, 50, 78,490,521, 526, 545 Jaumann, E., see Fink, E. 183, H.O.J. 312, 313, 317, 320, Jacobsen, S., Kriz, M. 45, 46, 211 348 78 Jaumann, E., see Fritz, H. 180, Johnson, C. C., see Ayers, Jacoby, F., Leeson, C.R. 513, 212 C. R. 463, 471 521 Jeanneret, L., Roth, M., Johnson, D., see Pannell, R. Jaeger, P., Ferguson, R. K., Bargetzi, J.-P. 430,431, 68,83 Brunner, H. R., Kirchertz, 436,478 Johnson, D.A. 165,181,215 E.J., Gavras, H. 467,478 Jenner, S., Croxatto, H. R. Johnson, D.A., Travis, J. 165, Jaffe, J. H., Martin, W. R. 329, 541,545 215 351 Jenssen, T.A.,seeSeki, T. 164, Johnson, E. M., Jr., see Jahnberg, T., see Fasth, S. 378, 165,221 Needleman, P. 459, 481 390 Jenssen, T.A., see Yanf, Johnson, G. H., see Assali, Jahreiss, R., see Temme, H. 14, H.Y.T. 440,441,450,486 N. S. 364, 388 87 Jepson, J. P., see Armstrong, Johnson, J.A., see Freeman, Jakschik, B.A., McKnight, D. 3-5,71 R. H. 533, 544 R.C., Marshall, G.R., Jering, H., Schorp, G., Johnson, L. P., Jesseph, J. E. Feldhaus, R. A., Needleman, Tschesche,H. 173,181,186, 583,601 P. 463,478 188,215 Jakschik, B. B., see Needleman, Jering, H., Tschesche, H. 172, Johnson, D., Ohlsson, K., Olsson, I. 67, 78 P. 463,481 173,215 Johnson, W.H., see Law, James, D.G., see Studdy, P. Jering, H., see Brunner, H. H.D. 228-230,269 486, 487, 487 168,169,209 James, K., Taylor, F. B., Jr., Jering, H., see Quast, D. 172, Johnston, A., see Cochrane, Fudenberg, H.H. 67,78 220 C.G. 9,14,16,29,73 Janin, J., Sweet, R. M., Blow, Jering, H., see Tschesche, H. Johnston, A. R., Cochrane, D.M. 195-197,215 169, 172, 181,222 C.G., Revak, S.D. 4,5,78 Janin, J., see Blow, D. M. 196 Jesseph, J. E., see Johnson, Johnston, A. R., see Revak, 208 L.P. 583,601 S.D. 9, 10, 14-18,34,84, Janin, J., see Sweet, R. M. 175, Jessup, S.J., see Ramwell, 585,604 195-198,221 P. W. 385, 395 Johnston, C.I., Matthews, Jankova, T., see Reissmann, S. Jezdinsky, J., Halek, J. 314, P. G., Dax, E. 534,536,540, 289,291,296,299 351 541,545 Janoff, A. 64,65,68, 78 Jikiva, J. B., see Gigineishvili, Johnston, M., see Greenbaum, Janoff, A., Blondin, J. 65, 78 J. B. 643,648 L. M. 64, 66, 75, 92, 93, 95, Janoff, A., Feinstein, G., Jiminez, M. H., see Felix, 97-99, 101, 101 Malemud, C.J., Elias, J.M. A.M. 228,231,267 Joiner, P. D., see Chapnick, 65,78 Jiminez, M. H., see McGee, B. M. 363, 389, 408, 421 Janoff, A., Scherer, J. 64, 78 J.O. 231,269 Joiner, P. D., see Goldberg, Janoff, A., see Feinstein, G. Joergenson, E.J., see Hinshaw, M. R. 360, 363, 391 64,65,74 D. B. 583, 600 Joiner, P. D., see Kadowitz, Janoff, A., see Keiser, H. 65, John, J.P., see Huggins, C.G. P.J. 373,392 79 452,477 Jolles, J., see Jolles, P. liS, 158 Janoff, A., see Malemud, C.J. Johnson, A. R., Boyden, N. T. Jolles, P., Alais, c., Jolles, J. 65,80 443,444,478 115,158 Jansen, C. T., see Fraki, J. E. Johnson, A. R., Boyden, N. T., Jonakova, V., Cechova, D. 133, 156 Wilson, C. M. 443, 478 182,215 Jaquenod, P.-A., see Johnson, A.R., Erdos, E.G. Jonakova, V., see Tschesche, Boissonnas, R. A. 72 276,284,367,392,417-419, H. 168, 182,223 Jaques, R., Schachter, M. 275, 423,443,450,457,478 Jonasson, 0., Becker, E. L. 284 Johnson, A.R., Hugii, T.E., 592,601 Jaques, R., see Dyrud, O. K. Miiller-Eberhard, H.J. 418, Jones, A., see Huber, R. 173, 374,390 423 215 690 Author Index

Jones, C. W., see Bhoola, Kadowitz, P.J., Sweet, C.S., Kameyama, T., Sasaki, K. . K.D. 494,512,514,515, Brody, M.J. 403,423 228,229,268 518 Kadowitz, P.J., see Chapnick, Kameyama, T., Sasaki, K., Jones, J. M., Creeth, J. M., B. M. 363, 389, 408, 421 Suzuki, K. 231, 232, 268 Kekwick, R.A 69,78 Kadowitz, P.J., see Feigen, Kamidono, S., see Ishigami, J. Jones, M., see Hilton, S. M. L. P. 539, 543 385,392 490, 491, 496, 521 Kadowitz, P. J., see Goldberg, Kaminogawa, S., Mizobuchi, Jones, R. L., see Fenwick, L. M. R. 360, 363, 391 H., Yamauchi, K. 216 403,422 Kagen, L., see Becker, E. L. 3, Kaminsky, E., see Cohen, I. Jong, W. de, see Margoluis, 4, 31, 72 103, 155 H.S. 540,541,545 Kagen, L.J., Leddy, J.S., Kamiya, K., see Shionoya, S. Joris, I., see Majno, G. 365, Becker, E. L. 3, 4, 31, 78 361,397 367,393 Kageriov, P., see Briseid, K. Kammerman, S., see Zurier, Jorpes, E.J., see Bodanszky, 579, 592, 597 R. B. 63, 64, 90 A 260,266,296,297 Kahn, A., Brachet, E. 295, Kane, M. A, see Frank, M. M. Josso, F.L., see Steinbuch, M. 298, 367, 392 581,599 69,86 Kahn, J.R., see Dorer, F.E. Kaneko, T., Satoh, M., Takagi, Joutsimo, L., see Hamberg, U. 259,266,448,450-452,454, H. 336,338,351 149,157 474 Kangasniemi, P., Riekkinen, P., Joyner, W. L., Carter, R. D., Kahn, J. R., see Dorer, F. F. Penttinen, R., Ivaska, K., Raizes, G.S., Renkin, E.M. 450, 452, 454, 474 Rinne, U.K. 435,478 365,392 Kahn, J.R., see Lentz, K.E. Kangasniemi, P., Rickkiner, P., Joyner, W.L., see Carter, 439,479 Rinne, U.K. 596,601 R. D. 365, 389 Kahn, J. R., see Skeggs, L. T. Kania, L., Siemion, I. Z., Zabza, Juan, H. 319,351 439,446,450,452,459,484, A. 175,216 Juan, H., Lembeck, F. 316- 630, 656 Kania, L., see Siemion, I. Z. 318,320-322,324,351,362, Kaiser, E. T. 204,216 171,221 392,414,423 Kaiser, E. T., see Tan, N. H. Kantor, T. G., Jarvik, M. E., Juan, H., see Lembeck, F. 173, 176, 177,222 Wolff, B.B. 311,352 319--321, 352 Kaiser, K.-P., Belitz, H.-D. Kaper, C.K., Whissell-Buechy, Juhlin, L., Michaelsson, G. 202,216 D. Y.E., Aggeler, P.M. 318,351 Kaiser, K.-P., Bruhn, L.C., 569,601 Juhlin, L., see Solomon, L. M. Belitz, H.-D. 202, 216 Kaplan, A P. 58, 59, 78 317,355 Kaizu, T., Margoluis, H. S. Kaplan,A.P., Austen,K.F. 9, Julou, L., Ducrot, R., Bardone, 529,534,535,539,545 II, 16, 18-20, 22, 23, 28, 39, M. C., Detaille, J. Y., Feo, C., Kaizu, T., see Corthom, J. 57,78,570,571,585,591,601 Guyonnet, J. C., Loiseau, G., 527,543 Kaplan, A.P., Kay, A.B., Pasquet, J. 312,351 Kaizu, T., see lmanari, T. 105, Austen, K.F. 44,78,375, Jung, A., see Riickrich, M.F. 125, 133, 15~ 527,545 392 411,425 Kaizu, T., see Margoluis, H. S. Kaplan, A. P., Meyer, H. L., Jung, G., see Siebert, G. 507, 534, 539, 545, 554, 566 MandIe, R. 10,24,26,29, 522 Kakade, M., see Liener, I.E. 33, 35, 37, 43, 78 Junqueira, L. C., Fajer, A., 163,218 Kaplan, A.P., Meyer, H.L., Rabinovitch, M., Franken• Kakajima, T., see Hirsch, E. F. Yecies, L.D., Heck, L.W. thal, L. 514, 521 434,477 33, 35, 43, 58, 78 Jurina, T. M., see Gavrilova, Kaley, G., see Messina, E.J. Kaplan, A.P., Spragg, J., R. D. 643, 648 362, 394, 401, 424 Austen, K.F. 4,10,14,16, Just, M. 181, 215 Kaliampetsos, G., see Werle, 20, 22, 29, 31, 35, 78 Just, M., Habermann, E. 166, S. 575,607 Kaplan, A P., see Colman, 181,216 Kaliner, M., Orange, R.P., R. W. 23,26,56,73,91,101, Just, M., Torok, P., Austen, K. F. 376, 392 307,308,572,574,595,598 Habermann, E. 181, 216 Kalinkina, T. N., see Kaplan, A.P., see Heck, L. W. Gaponyuk, P. Y. 641,648 28,29,77 Kallen, R.J., Soo-Kwang, L. Kaplan, A.P., see Liu, C. Y. Kadowitz, P. J., Joiner, P. D., 579, 595, 601 573,602 Hyman, A. L., George, Kalman, S. M., see Goldstein, Kaplan, A P., see MandIe, R. W. J. 373, 392 A 287,297 571, 573, 602 Author Index 691

Kaplan, A. P., see Mandie, R., Kassell, B., Lakowski, M., Sr. Kato, 1., see Kokubu, T. 446, Jr. 37, 40, 42, 59, 80 183,216 453,478 Kaplan, A. P., see Meier, H. K. Kassell, B., Wang, T.-W. 171, Kato, 1., see Lakowski, M., Jr. 573,603 216 163, 195,217 Kaplan, A. P., see Meier, H. L. Kassell, B., see Wang, T.-W. Kato, J., see Erdos, E. G. 2, 4, 24,26,80 171, 175, 224 74, 428, 432, 475 Kato, J., see Hall, E. R. 443- Kaplan, A.P., see Meier, J.L. Katchalski, E., see Levin, Y. 445, 457, 477 572, 603 164,217 Kaplan, A. P., see Schreiber, Kato, J., see Oshima, G. 428- Katchalski, E., see Silman, A.D. 30,62,85 432, 436, 446, 453, 454, 456, 1. H. 164, 221 Kaplan, A.P., see Stead, N. 482 15, 30, 70, 86 Katchburian, A. V., see Prado, Katori, M., Ikeda, K., Harada, Kaplan, A.P., see Webster, J.L. 160 Y., Uchida, Y., Tanaka, K., M. E. 23,24,26,27,88,572, Kather, H., see Mann, K. 290, Oh-Ishi, S. 368, 374, 392 573,606 298 Katori, M., Nagaoka, H. 593, Kaplan, A.P., see Weiss, A.S. Katholi, R., see Oparil, S. 427, 601 10, 33, 43,88, 571, 606 458,482 Katori, M., see Ikeda, K. 368, Kareem, A. 185, 216 Kati, 1., see Markley, J. L. 195, 370,392 Kargashin, 1. A., see Paskhina, 218 Katori, M., see Oh-Ishi, S. 27, T. S. 612,641,642,653 Kato, A., Hayashi, H., 82,435,481 Karim, S. 317,352 Yagishita, K. 191,216 Katzen, D., see Lee, S. C. 407, Karim, S. M. M., see Collier, Kato, A., see Moriya, H. 106, 423 J.G. 317,348 159 Kaufman, J. J., see Lupu, Kariya, K., see Okada, Y. 336, Kato, H., Han, Y. N., Iwanaga, A. N. 533, 545 338,354 S. 275,284 Kauricheva, N.1., Budnitskaya, Karlsson, S. M., see Kato, H., Han, Y. N., Iwanaga, P. Z., Bogomolets• Ragnarsson, U. 263, 270 S., Hashimoto, N., Sugo, T., Henriques, O. M. 625, 649 Kam, J., see Wilkens, H.J. Fujii, S., Suzuki, T. 118,158 Kawagoe, M., see Kudo, T. 359,398 Kato, H., Han, Y. N., Iwanaga, 311,320,352 Karpinski, E., see Barton, S. S., Suzuki, T., Komiya, M. Kawamura, K., Kondo, S., 496,518 27,42,54,55,78,79,115,158 Meada, K., Umezawa, H. Kato, H., Suzuki, T. 115, 116, 203,216 Karpinski, E., see Schachter, 158,250,251,256,268,291, Kawamura, K., see Aoyagi, T. M. 510,522 298,460,461,478,656 203,207 Karplus, M., see Ge1in, B. R. Kato, H., Suzuki, T., Okada, Kawamura, K., see Kondo, S. 170,213 K., Kimura, T., Sakakibara, 203,217 Karp1us, S., Snyder, G. H., S. 256,268 Kawamura, K., see Maeda, K. Sykes, B. D. 169, 170, 216 Kato, H., see Han, Y. N. 54, 203,218 Karplus, S., see Snyder, G. H. 55, 76, 116, 147, 157, 231, Kawasaki, K., see Satoh, M. 169,221 237,268 321,354 Karpova, A. V., see Paskhina, Kato, H., see Iwanaga, S. 115- Kawasaki, K., see Takagi, H. T. S. 128,132,159,204,219, 118, 129, 152, 158 329,355 610, 622, 651 Kato, H., see Komiya, M. 49- Kawritschewa, N., see Karsh, D. L., see Stein, J. H. 51, 54, 79,623, 626, 656 Henriques, O. B. 52, 77 531, 532,547 Kato, H., see Matheson, R. T. Kay, A.B., see Kaplan, A.P. Karzel, K., see Schonhofer, 27, 80, 573, 595, 602 44, 78, 375, 392 P.S. 295,299 Kato, H., see Oh-ishi, S. 27,82 Kayaalp, S.O. 416,423 Kasche, V., Amnlms, H., Gabel, Kato, H., see Suzuki, T. 34, 50, Kazemi, H., see Levine, B. W. D., Naslund, L. 165, 170, 53,86 307,308,373,393,442,479 216 Kato, H., see Waldmann, R. Kazemi, H., see Weese, W. C. Kasche, V., see Amneus, H. 26,88 307, 309, 374, 375, 398, 435, 165,207 Kato, H., see Yano, M. 50,90 485 Kass, E.H., see Zinner, S.H. Kato, H. Y., Han, N., Iwanaga, Kazimirchik, A.P., see Geller, 535, 548, 557, 567 S., Suzuki, T., Komiya, M. L. 1. 638, 648 Kassarich, J., see Rosenthale, 572,601 Kedra, M., Kleinrok, A., M.E. 317,354 Kato, 1., Tominaga, N. 195, Kolber-Postepska, B., Kassell, B. 163, 171,216 216 Szurska, G. 359, 393 692 Author Index

Keele, C.A. 5,79,311,352 Kekwick, R. A., see Jones, Khodorov, B. I., Timin, E. N., Keele, C.A., Armstrong, D. J.M. 69,78 Pogadaev, V.1. 632, 649 316, 323, 340, 352, 591, 601 Kellermeyer, R. W. 591,601 Khosla, M. C., see Freeman, Keele, C. A., see Armstrong, Kellermeyer, R. W., R.H. 487,487 D. 3-5,71 Breckenridge, R. T. 22,79, Khosla, M. C., see Tsai, B.-S. Keeton, K., see Pettinger, 591,601 449,450,464,484 W. A. 465, 482 Kellermeyer, R. W., Graham, Khukharev, V. V., see Keighley, J.F.H., see Ashutosh, R. C. 584, 601 Nekrasova, A. A. 551, 555, K. 434, 458, 471 Kellermeyer, R. W., Nagg, 556, 559, 561, 566, 610, 637, Keil, B. 175, 216 G.B. 591,601 650,651 Keil, B., see Cechova, A. 621, Kellermeyer, R. W., Ratnoff, Khutzurauli, E. S., Tsverava, 655 O.D. 4,5,79 E. N. 643, 649 Keil, B., see Cechowa, D. 182, Kellermeyer, R. W., Schwartz, Kidd, A., see Carrett, J. R. 183,209 H. J. 376, 393 509, 511, 520 Keil, B., see Dlouha, V. 177, Kellermeyer, R. W., see Kidd,D.J., see Fox, R.H. 591, 210 Kellermeyer, W. F., Jr. 22, 599 Keil, B., see Keil-Dlouha, V. 79 Kier, L.B., George, J.M. 261, 177,216 Kellermeyer, R. W., see 268 Keil, B., see Siffert, O. 180,221 Schwartz, H.J. 22,85 Kiernan, J.A., see Stoddart, Keil-Dlouha, V., Keil, B. 177, Kellermeyer, W.F., Jr., R. W. l81, 221 216 Kellermeyer, R. W. 22, 79 Kiersnowska, B., see Lukjan, Keim, H. J., see Case, D. B. Kelly, J. R., see Pickering, R. J. H. 435, 479, 579, 592, 602 467,473 581,604 Kiersnowska-Rogowska, B., see Keiser, H., Greenwald, R.A., Bielawiec, M. 434, 472 Kema, R., see Shikima, T. 347, Feinstein, G., Janoff, A. 65, 355 Killam, A. P., see Resnik, R. 79 384,396 Kemkes, B., see Fritz, H. 179, Keiser, H.R., Andrews, M.J., 181,212 Kim;'K. S., see Greenbaum, Jr., Guyton, R.A., L.M. Kent, G., see Friedli, B. 447, 64,66,75,95,101, Margoluis, H. S., Pisano, 180, 213, 369, 391 J.J. 533,534,541,545,562, 476 Keppler, A., see Werle, E. I, Kimball, H. R., Melmon, K. L., 565 Wolff, S.M. 22,79 Keiser, H. R., MargoJuis, H. S., 88,489,523 Kimura, E., Hashimoto, K., Brown, R., Rhamey, R., Kerr, C. B., see Streeten, Foster, J. 562,565 D. H. P. 307, 309, 433, 434, Furukawa, S., Hayakawa, H. 311,352,358,393 Keiser, H. R., see Geller, R. G. 484 534,540,541,544 Kerr, F. W. L. 326,352 Kimura, E., see Furukawa, S. Keiser, H. R., see Gill, J. R., Jr. Kerr, J. W., see Duthie, H. L. 358,391 538, 544, 559, 565 583,599 Kimura, E., see Hashimoto, Keiser, H. R., see Hial, V. 273, Kerr, L. P., see Streeten, K. 359,392 284 D.H.P. 307,309,433,434, Kimura, T., see Kato, H. 256, Keiser, H. R., see Horwitz, D. 484,535,548 268 534,539,545 Kershaw, G.R., see Gavras, Kimura, Y., see Furukawa, S. Keiser, H. R., see Margoluis, H. 467,476 358,391 H. S. 404, 423, 534, 535, Key, S. L., see Needleman, P. Kingsley, G., see Albano, J. 539, 540, 545, 549, 551, 552, 320, 321,353, 357, 362, 394, 491, 493, 518 554-558, 560, 561, 562,565, 403,414,424 Kiporenko, S. S., see Kraynova, 566 Kezdy, F.J., see Bender, M.L. B.L. 616,649 Keiser, H. R., see Newball, 113,154 Kirchertz, E.J., see Jaeger, P. H. H. 374, 375, 394 Khairallah, P.A., Page, I.H. 467,478 Keiser, H.S., see Pisano, J.J. 464,478 Kirk, E.S., see Conroy, J.M. 517,522 Khairallah, P. A., see Bumpus, 457,473 Keiser, H. R., see Vinci, J. M. F.M. 315,348 Kirkendall, W. M., see Druilhet, 534, 535, 538, 539, 548 Khayutin, V.M., Baraz, L.A., R. E. 458, 474 Keiser, H. R., see Zinner, S. H. Lukoshkova, E. V., Sonina, Kirschenbaum, M. B., see 535,548, 557,567 R. S., Chernilovskaya, P. E. Solomon, L.M. 317,355 Keiser, H. R., see Zusman, 323,352 Kishimura, H., Yasuhara, T., R.M. 294,300,414,426, Khimka, A. S., see Ivashkevich, Yoshida, H, Nakajima, T 538,548 G.A. 639,649 232,268,277,284 Author Index 693

Kiso, Y., see Yajima, H. 176, Knight, C.A, see Tung, J.-S. Kokubu, T., see Nishimura, 225 151, 161 K. 453, 454, 456, 481 Kitagawa, T., see Takahashi, Knights, R.J., Light, A 132, Kokubu, T., see Ueda, E. 455, H. 183, 185, 187, 189, 190, 158, 165, 216 485 222 Kobayashi, K., see Busch, Kolb, H.J., see Fritz, H. 104, Kitto, G. B., see Gilliam, E. B. G. J. 578, 589, 597 106, 108-111, 113, 121-124, 165,213 Kobzew, L. 1., see Geller, L. 1. 156,528,544 Kiyohara, T., Fujii, M., 638,648 Kolb, H.J., see Tschesche, H. Iwasaki, T., Yoshikawa, M. 222 Koch, J., see Carretero, O.A. 201,216 Kolber-Postepska, B., see 526, 540, 541, 543 Kiyohara, T., see Iwasaki, T. Kedra, M. 359, 393 201, 202, 215 Kochert, M., see Yankeelov, J. Komissarova, N.V., Kizim, AI., see Veremeenko, Jr. 167,225 Gomazkov,O.A. 622,649 K. N. 613, 614, 638, 654 Kocy, 0., see Cushman, D. W. Komissarova, N. V., see Kizuki, K., see Moriwaki, C. 256,259,266,460,461,463 Gomazkov,O.A. 610,613, 149,159,379,380,386,394 Kocy, 0., see Ondetti, M.A. 634-636,644,648,649 Klausch, B., see Wiegershausen, 250-252,269,460,482 Komiya, M., Kato, H., Suzuki, B. 382, 398, 435, 485, 588, Koczorek, K. R., see Wolff, T. 49-51, 54, 79, 623, 626, 607 H.P. 575,607 656 Klauser, G., see Blumel, G. Koerner, T.J., see Oparil, S. Komiya, M., Nagasawa, S., 583,597 434,447,450,458,482 Suzuki, T. 14, 15, 79 Klauser, R., see Tschesche, H. Kogan, G.A., see Ivanov, Komiya, M., see Han, Y. N. 168, 182, 223 V. T. 261, 268 54,55,76,573,600 Klauser, R.J, Robinson, Koheil, A., Forstner, G. 431, Komiya, M., see Iwanaga, S. C.J.G., Erdos, E.G. 433, 478 27,78 442,446,461,478 Kohl, U., see Huber, R. 173, Komiya, M., see Kato, H. 27, Klauser, R.J., see Ward, P.E. 214 42, 54, 55, 78, 79, 115, 158 379,398,445,446,485 Kohli, R.P., see Bhalla, T.N. Komiya, M., see Kato, H. Y. Klausner, Y. S., see Bodanszky, 312,348 572,601 M. 117,154 Kohn, R. N., see Hashimoto, Komoriya, K., Ohmori, H., Kleeberg, S., Prinzen, R., Leidl, K. 359, 392, 588, 600 Azuma, A., Kurozumi, S., W. 386,393 Koida, M., Walter R. 438,439, Hashimoto, Y. 368,393 Kleeberg, U. R., see Mason, 478 Kondo, M. 346, 352 J. W. 577,584,585,595,602 Koide, T., Ikenaka, T. 166, Kondo, M., see Hori, S. 345- Klein, G., see Fink, E. 182,211 194, 195, 216 347,351 Klein, G., see Fritz, H. 183, Koide, T., Ikenaka, T., Ikeda, Kondo, S., Kawamura, K., 212 K., Hamaguchi, K. 195,216 Iwanaga, J., Hamada, M., Klein, H., see Tschesche, H. Koide, T., Tsunasawa, S., Aoyagi, T., Maeda, K., 167,223 Ikenaka, T. 194, 216, 217 Takeuchi, T., Umezawa, H. Kleine, R., see Uhlig, H. 164, Koide, T., see Odani, S. 194, 203,217 223 219 Kondo, S., see Aoyagi, T. 203, Kleinrok, A., see Kedra, M. Koifmann, J., see Feinstein, G. 207 359,393 125,155 Kondo, S., see Kawamura, K. Kleinrok, Z., see Przesmycki, Koj, A., Chudzik, J., Dubin, 203,216 K. 336, 342, 344, 345, 354 A 64,79 Kondo, S., see Maeda, K. 203, Klemperer, M. R., Donaldson, Koj, A., see Dubin, A. 64,74 218 V.H., Rosen, F.S. 580,601 Kojima, F., see Aoyagi, T. Kondo, Y., see Hayakari, M. Klett, W., see Habermann, E. 203,207 448,477 31,35, 76 Kokubu, T., Hiwada, K., Konishi, S, Otsuka, M. 335, Klodyncky, M. L., see Nagasaka, Y., Yamamura, 352 Robinson, J. A 585, 586, Y. 180,217 Konovets, V. M., see Barabash, 604 Kokubu, T., Kato, I., R.D. 638,646 Kl6cking, H.-P., see Nishimura, K., Yoshida, N., Konovets, V. M., see Levitsky, Markwardt, F. 119, 158, Hiwada, K., Ueda, E. 446, A.P. 627,638,650 205,218 453,478 Konya, 1., see Zelck, U. 293, Kniffld, K.-D., Mense, S., Kokubu, T., Ueda, E., 300 Schmidt, R.-F. 326, 330, Nishimura,K., Yoshida,N. Kopitar, M., Lebez, D. 64, 79, 352 447,478 180,217 694 Author Index

Korfel, B., see Lukjan, H. 435, Krauthamer, G., McGninness, Kroger, E. M., see Greene, 479 C., Gottesmann, L. 331, L.J. 291,298 Korsten, H., see Werle, E. 497, 332,352 Kroneberg, G., Stoepel, K. 498,523 Krauthamer, G., see Lim, 440,479 Kortmann, H., see Beress, L. R.K.S. 332,333,353 Kdiak, M., see Capek, R. 336, 184,208 Kray, W., see Coggins, J. R. 341,348 Kortmann, H., see Geiger, R. 205,209 Krueger, F. G. M., see Botha, 180, 201, 213 Kraynova, B. L., Kiporenko, D. 313,322,348 KOScielak, M., see Brazko, J. S. S., Chaman, E. S. 616, Kruze, D., Menninger, H., 342, 343, 348, 419, 420, 421 649 Fehr, K., Boni, A. 64, 79, KoScielak, M., see Moniuszko• Krehbiel, A., see Trowbridge, 180, 201, 217 Jakoniuk, J. 341, 342, 344, C. G. 113, 161 Ksiezny, S., see Ardelt, W. 64, 345,353 Kress, L. F., Laskowski, 71 Kosow, D.P. 61,79 M.,Sr. 171, 175,217 Kucharczyk, M., see Bassenge, Kotany, Y., see Inoki, R. 311, Kress, L.F., Wilson, K.A., E. 357,358,388 320,351 Laskowski, M.,Sr. 175,217 Kucich, U., see Laskowski, M., Kotelnikov, V.P., Pankov, Kress, L. F., see Laskowski, M., Sr. 217 V.I. 638,649 Sr. 217 Kudo, T., Kawagoe, M., Kotler, D. G., see Rubin, B. Kreye, V. A. W., Gross, F. 443, Hayashi, T., Takezawa, J., 461,464,483 478 Inoki, R. 311, 320,352 Kovacs, K., see Balaspiri, L. Krieger, E.M., Salgado, H.C., Kudo, T., see Inoki, R. 311, 229,266 Assan, C.J., Greene, L.L.J., 320,351 Kovaleva, N. T., see Nekrasova, Ferreira, S. H. 460, 462, 478 Kudo, T., see Yamashita, M. A. A. 562, 566 Krieger, E. M., see Greene, 463,485 Kowalski, D., Laskowski, M., L.J. 252,259,268,442,460, Kuimov, A. D., see Dzizinskii, Jr. 167, 196, 197, 217 477 A. A. 359, 390, 635, 647 Kowalski, D., Leary, T. R., Krinskaya, A. V., see Paskhina, Kukla, D., see Blow, D. M. McKee, R. E., Sealock, T. S. 574,603,611,612,621, 172, 173, 208 R. W., Wang, D., Laskowski, 638-642, 652, 653 Kukla, D., see Huber, R. 168, M., Jr. 196, 197, 217 Krit, N.A., Ravdel, G.A., 173, 214, 215 Kozawa, S., see Okada, Y. Ivanov, V. T. 230, 268, 618, Kukla, D., see Riihlmann A. 336, 338, 354 649 173, 174, 198, 220 Krakauer, K., see Davies, P. Krit, N.A., see Filatova, M.P. Kulaya, V. V., see Polushkin, 64,74 228, 229, 230,26~ 617, 647 B. V. 645, 653 Kramer, A.A., see Nekrasova, Krit, N. A., see Popkova, Kumagai, N., see Abe, K. 374, A.A. 610,636,651 G.A. 229,270,618--620, 388 Kumazawa, T., Perl, E. R. 326, Kramer, C., Prado, E. S., Prado, 653 352 J. L. 147, 148, 158 Krit, N.A., see Ravdel, G.A. 629, 653 Kummer, K., see Fritz, H. 35, Krasnova, S. M., see Shchukina, Krit, N.A. see Vardel, G.A. 43, 44, 68, 75 L. A. 616, 653 264,271 Kummer, K., see Wunderer, G. Krause, G., see Engel, J. 166, Krivoy, W., Kroeger, D. 346, 35, 89, 179, 183, 184, 187, 173, 177, 179, 211 352 191-193, 198,200-202,204, Krause, G., see Quast, U. 173, Krivoy, W., see Kroeger, D. C. 225 220 416,423 Kuntzman, R., see Cass, R. Kraut, H., Frey, E. K., Bauer, Kriz, M., see Gautvik, K. M. 416,421 E. I, 30, 79, 489, 521 498, 500, 501, 506, 508, 514, Kunze, H., Vogt, W. 404,423 516,520 Kupfer, S., see Quast, U. 172, Kraut, H., Frey, E.K., Werle, Kriz, M., see Jacobsen, S. 45, 220 E. 490,521 46,78 Kupfer, S., see Tschesche, H. Kraut, H., Werle, E. I, 79 Kroeger, D. C., Krivoy, W. 172,223 Kraut, H., see Frey, E.K. I, 416,423 Kurosawa, Y., see Furusawa, 30, 75, 182, 183, 191, 192, Kroeger D., see Krivoy, W. Y. 167,213 211,422,476,489,520, 549, 346,352 Kurozumi, S., see Komoriya, 565 Kroeger, D. C., see K. 368,393 Krauthamer, G., Gottesman, L, Montgomery, E. H. 243, Kurstjens, R. M., see McGuinness, C. 333, 352 269, 416, 424 Schoenmakers, J. G. 57, 85 Author Index 695

Kuslansky, P., see Currimbhoy, Lahiri, B., see Bagdasarian, A. Laragh, J. H., see Case, D. B. Z. 572,598 10, 14, 16, 19, 72, 307, 307, 467,473 Kutyria, 1. M., see Lantsberg, 526, 542, 570, 571, 574, 575, Laragh, J.H., see Gavras, H. L. A. 634, 649 585, 595, 596 465, 467, 476 Kutzbach, C., Schmidt-Kastner, Lahiri, B., see Lange, L. G. Laragh, J. H., see Thurston, H. G. 105-109, 113, 121, 158 579, 595, 601 462,484 Kutzbach, C., see Fiedler, F. Lai, C. Y., see Conroy, J. M. Larsson, C., see Anggard, E. 106, 109-113, 155 448,473 404,421 Kutzbach, C., see Tschesche, Lakin, K. M., Rachitskaya, Larue, J. N., see Lee, H.-J. H. 111,112,161,198,222 N. G., Polonskaya, L. B. 453-456, 479 Kuzin, M.1., Menshikov, V. V., 639, 649 Laskovski, M., Jr. 68, 79 Dudnik, V. S., Beljakov, Lakin, K. M., see Mashkovsky, Laskowski, M., Jr., Kato, 1., N. V. 645, 649 M. D. 633, 650 Leary, T. R., Schrode, J., Kuznetsova, Y.!, see Henriques, Lalka, D., Back, N. 265, 269 Sealock, R. W. 163,195, O.B. 52,77 Lambert, G.A., Lang, W.J. 217 Kyzym, O.J., see Veremeenko, 336,338,340,352 Laskovski, M., Jr., Sealock, K.M. 179,192,200,223 Lambert, G.A., see Pearson, R.W. 68,79,163,167,172, L. 315,336,340,342,343, 195, 197,217 Laake, K., Vennerod, A. M. 354 Laskowski, M., Jr., see 33, 37, 58, 79, 571, 587, 601 Lamour, Y., see Levante, A. Bidlingmeyer, U. D. V. 195, Laake, K., see Amundsen, E. 330, 352 208 118, 154, 527,542 Lanchantin, G. F., Plesset, Laskowski, M., Jr., see Laake, K., see Vennerod, M.L., Friedmann, J.A., Finkenstadt, W.R. 167, A.M. 20,33,44,59,69,87, Hart, D. W. 69, 79 172, 177, 197, 211 571,606 Landerman, N. S. 576, 601 Laskowski, M., Jr., see Hixson, Lacassagne, A. 514,521 Landerman, N. S., Webster, H. F., Jr. 198, 214 Lacombe, M.J. 572,601 M. E., Becker, E. L., Laskowski, M., Jr., see Lacombe, M.J., Varet, B., Levy, Ratcliffe, H. D. 574, 580, Kowalski, D. 167, 196, 197, J. P. 572, 574, 601 601 217 Lacombe, M.-J., see Matheson, Landmann, H., see Markwardt, Laskowski, M., Jr., see Leary, R. T. 27, 80, 573, 595, 602 F. 119, 158 T. R. 196, 197,217 Lacombe, M.-J., see Wuepper, Lang, W.J., Pearson, L. 315, Laskowski, M., Jr., see Luthy, K. D. 23, 56, 89 352, 416, 423 J.A. 166, 172, 198,218 Laffan, R.J., Goldberg, M.E., Lang, W.J., see Lambert, Laskowski, M., Jr., see Mattis, High, J.P., Schaeffer, T.R., G.A. 336,338,340,352 J. A. 196, 198,218 Waugh, M.H., Rubin, B. Lang, W.J., see Pearson, L. Laskowski, M., Jr., see 465,479 315, 336, 340, 342, 343, 354 Niekamp, C. W. 167,219 Laffan, R.J., see Bianchi, A. Lange, L. G., Carvalho, A. C., Laskowski, M., Jr., see Sealock, 462,472 Bagdasarian, A., Lahiri, B., R. W. 197,221 Laffan, R.J., see Rubin, B. Colman, R. W. 579, 595, Laskowski, M., Jr., see 461, 464, 483 601 Trowbridge, C. G. 113, 161 Lagerlov, P., see Briseid, K. Lange-Nielsen, F., see Briseid, Laskowski, M., Sr., Schneider, 376, 389 K. 376, 389, 579, 592, 597 S. L., Wilson, K. A., Kress, Lahini, S. c., see Brocklehurst, Lantsberg, L. A., Kutyrina, L. F., Mozejko, J. H., Martin, W. E. 592, 597 1. M., Nekrasova, A. A., S. R., Kucich, U., Andrews, Lahiri, B., Bagdasarian, A., Chernova, N.A. 634,649 M. 217 Mitchell, B., Talamo, R. C., Lantsberg, L. A., Nekrasova, Laskowski, M., Sr., see Kassell, Colman, R. W., Rosenberg, A. A. 633, 649 B. 183,216 R. D. 307,308 Lantsberg, L. A., see Chernova, Laskowski, M., Sr., see Kress, Lahiri, B., Rosenberg, R., N. A. 636, 646 L. F. 171, 175, 217 Talamo, R. C., Mitchell, B., Lantsberg, L. A., see Lassaletta, L., see Fonkalsrud, Bagdasarian, A., Colman, Nekrasova, A. A. 551, 555, E. W. 359,391 R.W. 44,79 556, 559, 561,566,610,636, Lat, J. 343,352 Lahiri, B., Talamo, R. C., 637, 650, 651 Latysheva, V. V., see Polushkin, Mitchell, B., Bagdasarian, Lanzillo, J. J., Fanburg, B. L. B. V. 645, 653 A., Colman, R. W., 443, 446, 452, 453, 455, 456, Lauar, N. S., see Beraldo, Rosenberg, R. 581,601 459,479 W.T. 384,388,542 696 Author Index

Lavras, A A C., Fichman, M., Le Blanc, P., Back, N. 100,101 Lembeck, F. 316,352,581,602 Hiraichi, E., Schmuziger, P., Lechat, P., see Pela, r. R. 347, Lembeck, F., Juan, H. 320, Picarelli, Z.P. 281,284 354 321,352 Laufer, A. L., Gulikova, O. M., Lechi, A., Covi, G., Lechi, C., Lembeck, F., Popper, H., Juan, Paskhina, T. S. 620, 622, Mantero, F., Scuro, L.A. H. 319-321,352,414,423 650 535,538,545,549,558,565 Lembeck, F., see Juan, H. Laufer, A. L., see Paskhina, Lechi, C., see Lechi, A 535, 316-318,320-322, 324,351, T. S. 637,651,652 538,539,545,549,558,565 362, 392, 414, 423 Law, H. D., Johnson, W. H., Lecomte, J., Troquet, J., Lembeck, F., see Zeitlin, LJ. Studer, R. D. 228-230, 269 Cession-Fossion, A 416, 379, 399 Law, H. D., see Atherton, F. 423 Lembeck, R., see Zeitlin, r. J. 228,266 Lecomte, J., Troquet, J., Dresse, 577, Lawrence, T.G., Cochrane, A. 415,416,419,423 583-585,607 C. G., Tucker III, E. S. 9,79 Lecomte, J., see Damas, J. 404, Leme, J.G., Hamamura, L., Lawton, W., Fitz, A 534, 539, 414, 422 Leite, M. P., Rocha e Silva, 545 Ledingham, r. McA, see M. 368,393 Lay, H. D., see Moore, S. 234, Morton, J.J. 463,480 Leme, J.G., Hamamura, L., 269 LeDuc, L. E., Marshall, G. R., Rocha e Silva, M. 368, 393 Lazareva, S. A, see Malaya, Needleman, P. 436,451, Lemon, M., Forg-Brey, B., L. T. 612, 635, 636, 650 462,479' Fritz, H. 120-122,158, 165, Lazareva, S. A, see Stukalova, Lee, H.-J., Larue, J. N., Wilson, 217 T.r. 654 1. B. 453-456, 479 Lemon, M.J.C., Bhoola, Lazarus, G. S., Daniels, J. R., Lee, H.-J., see Angus, C. W. K. D. 500, 501, 521 Brown, R. S., Bladen, H. A, 450, 459, 471 Lemon, M. J. C., see Albano, Fullmer, H. M. 65, 79 Lee, J. B., see McGiff, J. C. J. 500-503,518 Lazarus, G. S., Daniels, J. R., 403, 423, 424 Lemon, M.J.C., see Bhoola, Liam, J. 65, 79 Lee, J. B., see Patak, R. V. 559, K. D. 501, 518 Lazarus, G.S., see Grayzel, 566 Lennane, R.J., Carey, R.M., A r. 94, 101 Lee, K. H., see Thompkins, L. Goodwin, T.J.,Peart, W.S. Lazdunski, M., Vincent, J.-P., 313,355 552,565 Schweitz, H., Peron-Renner, Lee, P., see Schiffman, L. 23, Lentz, K. E., Skeggs, L. T., M., Pud1es, J. 166,175,177, 25,26,26,29,56,85,572,605 Woods, K.R., Kahn, J.R., 217 Lee, S. C., Pong, S. S., Katzen, Shumway, N.P. 439,479 Lazdunski, M., see Vincent, D., Wu, K. Y., Levine, L. Lentz, K. E., see Dorer, F. E. J. P. 165, 166, 168, 173, 175, 407,423 259,266,448,450-452,454, 177,179,223,224 Leeman, S. E., see Carraway, 474 Leach, B. S., see Fish, W. W. C. 282,283 Leonova, V. 1., see Galaktionov, 195,211 Leeman, S. E., see Chang, S. G. 261, 267 Leading article 590, 602 M. M. 278, 283 Leovey, E. M. K., see Ramwell, Leary, T. R., Laskowski, M., Lees, R. S., see Carvalho, A C. P. W. 412, 425 Jr. 196, 197, 217 578, 590, 597 Lepow, 1. H., see Ratnoff, Leary, T. R., see Bidlingmeyer, Leeson, C. R., see Jacoby, F. O.D. 69,84 U.D.V. 195,208 513,521 Lepow, T. H., see Pensky, J. Leary, T. R., see Kowalski, D. Leddy, J. S., see Kagen, L. J. 3, 69,83 196, 197, 217 4, 31, 78 Lerner, S., see Roffman, S. 94, Leary, T. R., see Laskowski, M., Lehmann, M., see Schroder, E. 95,102 Jr. 163, 195, 217 116, 160 Leroy, E. c., see Wilner, G. G. Le Bars, D., Menetry, D., Leidl, W., Prinzen, R., Schill, 22,88 Besson, J. M. 329, 352 W. B., Fritz, H. 386, 393 Leuenberger, P.J., Stalcup, Le Bars, D., see Besson, J. M. Leidl, W., see Kleeberg, S. 386, S. A, Mellins, R. B., 327, 328, 348 393 Greenbaum, L. M., Turino, Le Bars, D., see Guilbaud, G. Leisner, H., see Reissmann, S. G. M. 458, 479 327,350 270, 451, 483 Leuenberger, P.J., see Stalcup, Lebedeva, N. V., see Dotsenko, Leite, M.P., see Leme, J.G. S. A 458, 484 V. L. 621, 647 368,393 Levante, A., Lamour, Y., Lebez, D., see Kopitar, M. 64, Lemani, C. A E., see Moore, Guilbaud, G., Besson, J. M. 79, 180,217 T. C. 590, 603 330, 352 Author Index 697

Leventhal, M., see Majno, E. Lewis, AJ., Nelson, D.J., Lilley, J. J., see Levy, S. B. 534, 365,393 Sugrue,M.F. 369,370,393 535, 539,545551, 553, 555- Leventhal, M. M., see Pietra, Lewis, G. B., see Elliot, D. F. 1, 557, 560, 561,565 G. G. 365, 373, 395 74 Lilyblade, A L., see Peterson, Lever, A F., see Padfield, P. L. Lewis, G.P. 62,80 D. W. 591,604 560,566 Lewis, G.P., Reit, E. 333,334, Lim, R.K.S. 311,314,322, 353, 415, 423 329,353 Levilliers, N., Peron-Renner, Lewis, G. P., see Bisset, G. W. Lim, R. K. S., Guzman, F., M., Pudles, J. 177,217 243,266 Rodgers, D. W., Goto, K., Levin, Y., Pecht, M., Goldstein, Lewis, G.P., see Elliott, D.F. Braun, C., Dickerson, C.D., L., Katchalski, E. 164, 217 273, 275, 283, 377, 390, 584, Engle, R.J. 314,319,353 Levin, Y.,see Odya, C. E. 233, 591,599 Lim, R. K. S., Krauthamer, G., 269, 451, 481 Lewis, G. P., see Feldberg, W. Guzman, F., Fulp, R. R. Levin, Y., see Seki, T. 164, 165, 415,416,419,422 332, 333, 353 221 Lewis, G. P., see Fox, R. H. Lim, R.K.S., Miller, D.G., Levin, Y., see Yang, H. Y. T. 591,599 Guzman, F., Rodgers, D. W., 440,441,446-452,459-461, Lewis, G. P., see Hilton, S. M. Wang, S. K., Chao, P. Y., 486 419,423,495, 515, 516, 521, Shih, T. Y. 311,353 Levina, G.O., see Pashkina, 529,544 Lim, R. K. S., see Guzman, F. T. S. 625, 626, 653 Lewis, J.H., Ferguson, J.H. 311, 314, 315, 319, 325, 350 Levine, B. W., Talamo, R. C., 57,80 Limacher, J. J., see Phillis, Kazemi, H. 307, 308, 373, Lewis, L., see Hass, E. 576,600 J. W. 343,354 393, 442, 479 Leysath, G., see Fiedler, F. Limaos, E. A., see Borges, Levine, L., see Goodfriend, 113, 114, 116, 118, 120, 156 D. R. 468, 472 T.L. 301,304,305,308 Leysath, G., see Werle, E. 152, Limaos, E.A., see Prado, J.L. Levine, L., see Hong, S.-c. L. 161,279,280,285 468,483 294, 298, 414, 423 Liam, J., see Lazarus, G. S. 65, Limas, C.J. 294,298,362,393, Levine, L., see Lee, S. C. 407, 79 404,407,414,423 423 Liang, C.-S., see Gavras, H. Lin, C. Y., see Bodanszky, M. Levine, M., see Dorer, F. E. 468,476 117, 154 448,450-452,454,474 Liberman, S. S., see Shwartz, Linari, G., see Erspamer, V. Levine, M.I., see Erdos, E. G. G. y. 633, 653 277,278,283 429,475 Lichtenstein, L. M., see Lindheimer, M. D., see Oparil, Levitsky, A P., Konovets, Newball, H.H. 91,95,99, S. 434, 447, 482 V.M., Lvov, I.F., Barabash, 102,308 Lindley, A, see Honig, G. R. R.D., Volodkina, V.V. Liddle, G. W., see Coppage, 595,600 627,638,650 W. S., Jr. 575, 598 Lindner, J., see Schutte, B. Levitsky, A.P., Vovchuk, S. V. Lieberman, J. 434, 458, 479, 381,396 650 594,602 Lindsay, D. G., see Abramson, Levitsky, A. P., Vovchuk, S. V., Lieberman, J., Beutler, E. 434, F. B. 237, 266 Barabash, R. D. 627, 650 458,479 Lipkind, G. M., see Arkipova, Levitsky, A P., see Barabash, Lieberman, J., Rea, T. H. 434, S. F. 261,266 R.D. 638,646 458,479 Lipset, J. S., see Stalcup, S. A Levitsky, A.P., see Vovchuk, Liebmann, C., see Amid, H. 458,484 S.V. 627,628,634,655 377,388 Lisunken, V.I., see Vardel, Levy, J.P., see Lacombe, M.J. Liebmann, C., see Reissmann, G.A 264,271 572, 574, 601 S. 289,291,296,299 Lisunkin, J.J., see Popkova, Levy, J. V. 360, 393 Liener, I. E., Garrison, O. R., G.A. 618-620,653 Levy, M., Fishman, L., Pravada, Z. 68, 80 Lisunkin, Y.I., see Ravdel, Schenkein, I. 142, 158 Liener, I. E., Kakade, M. 163, G.A 629,653 Levy, M., see Boesman, M. 218 Lisunkin, Y. Y., see Popkova, 142, 154 Liener, I. E., see Huang, J.-S. G. A. 229, 270 Levy, R., see Pensky, J. 69, 83 198,214 Liu, C. Y., Scott, C. F., Levy, S. B., Lilley, J. J., Frigon, Liener, I. E., see Papaioannou, Bagdasarian, A., Pierce, J. V., R. P., Stone, R. A 534, 535, S. E. 196, 219 Kaplan, A. P., Colman, 539, 545, 551, 553, 555-557, Light, A, see Knights, R.J. R. W. 573, 602 560, 561, 565 132, 158, 165,216 Liu, T. H., Mertz, E. T. 59, 80 698 Author Index

Liu, W.-H., Feinstein, G., Lovemberg, W., see Melmon, MacDonald, J.M., Webster, Osuga, D. T., Haynes, R., K. L. 582, 603 M. M., Jr., Tennyson, C. H., Feeney, R. E. 195,218 Low, J., see Oparil, S. 434,458, Drapanos, T. 583, 584, 602 Liu, W.-H., Means, G. E., 482 MacFarlane, N.A.A., Feeney, R.E. 191, 192,218 Lowe, J. S., see Davis, G. E. 22, Adetuyibi, A., Mills, I. H. Locliger, E.A., see Veltkamp, 73, 206, 210, 592, 598 526, 536, 545, 549, 552, 555, J.M. 569,606 Lowitz, H. D., see Rumpf, 556,560, 561,565 Loeb, H. S., see Robinson, K. W. 559, 567 MacFarlane, N. A. A., Mills, J.A. 585,586,604 Lu, R. C., see Guimaraes, J. A. I. H., Wraight, E. 532, 545 Loerner, L.J., Mar, E.-C., 526,544 MacFarlane, N.A.A., see Geratz, J. D., Fox, L. B. Lucas, C. E., Read, R. C. 583, Bevan, D.R. 542,559,562, 206,218 602 564 Loginova, N.K., see Barabash, Ludbrook, J., Vincent, A. H., R. D. 638, 646 Walsh, J. A. 360, 393 MacFarlane, N. A. A., see Mills, Loiseau, G., see Julou, L. 312, Ludens, J. H., see Willis, L. R. I. H. 536,540,546,551,553, 351 531,548 554, 556, 557, 559, 562, 566 Lokshina, L. A., Egorova, T. P., Lugaro, G., see Casellato, Machado, C. R. S., see Beraldo, Orekhovich, V. N. 629, 650 M. M. 279, 283 W. T. 513, 514, 518 Lomako, J., see Wilusz, T. Luke, R. G., see Padfield, P. L. Machleidt, W., see Wunderer, 168,224 560,566 G. 166, 167, 184, 224 Lombard, M.-C., Guilbaud, G., Lukjan, H., Bielawic, M., Maciejko, J.J., Marciniak, Besson, J.-M. 331, 353 Kiersnowska, B., Korfeld, D.L., Gersabeck, E.F., Lombard, M. C., see Besson, B., Dowzyk, W. 435, 479 Grega, G.J. 367,393 J.M. 327,348 Lukjan, H., Hofman, J., Mackay, M. E., Maycock, W., London, R.E., Stewart, J.M., Kiersnoroska, B., Bielawiec, Silk, E., Cambridge, B. S. Cann, J. R., Matwiyoff, M., Chyrek-Borowska, S. 593,602 N.A. 261,269 579, 592, 602 Mackiewicz, W., see London, R. E., see Cann, J. R. Lukjan, H., see Bielawiec, M. Wisniewski, K. 343, 356 261, 266, 296, 297 435,472 MacLean, H. P. H., see McLean, Lonigro, A.J., see Crowshaw, Lukoshkova, E. V., see L. 584,603 K. 404,422 Khayutin, V. M. 323, 352 MacManus, J.P., see Whitfield, Lonigro, A. J., see McGiff, Lumachi, B. 313,353 J. F. 295, 299 J. C. 362, 363, 393, 403, Lumachi, B., see Deffenu, G. MacMorine, D. R. L., see 409-411, 414, 423, 424, 566, 313,316,349 Movat, H. Z. 35, 64-68, 80, 576,602 Lund-Larsen, K., see Gautvik, 82,201,219 Lonigro, A. J., see Terragno, K. M. 498, 500, 508, 514, MacMorine, D.R.L., see Wasi, N.A. 401,404,405,411, 516,520 S. 64,88 414,425 Lupu, A.N., Maxwell, M.H., Maeda, K., Kawamura, K., Lonovics, J., see Gecse, A. 368, Kaufman,J.J., White,F.N. Kondo, S., Aoyagi, T., 391,435,476 533,545 Takeuchi, T., Umezawa, H. Lopas, H., Birndorf, N.I., Bell, Lutcher, C. L. 56, 80, 572, 602 203,218 C. E., Jr., Robboy, S., Luthy, J.A., Praissman, M., Maeda, K., see Aoyagi, T. 203, Colman, R. W. 579, 593, Finkenstadt, W. R., 207 602 Laskowski, M., Jr. 166, Maeda, K., see Kawamura, K. Lorand, L. 164, 218 172,198,218 203,216 Lorenz, W., see Werle, E. 292, Lvov, I.F., see Levitsky, A.P. Maeda, K., see Kondo, S. 203, 299 627,638,650 217 Losse, G., see Neubert, K. 228, Lyons, H. A., see Silverstein, Maeda, K., see Sekiya, A. 360, 269 E. 434, 446, 458, 484 397 Louhija, A., see Sipila, R. 307, Lyons, P.A., see Safdy, M.E. Maegraith, B. G., see Onabanjo, 309 228-230, 270 A. C. 435, 481 Louvard, D., see Vannier, C. Lyublinskaya, L.A., Vaganova, Makinen, K. K., Makinen, P.• 446, 485 T. I., Paskhina, T. S., L. 469,479 Louw, L., see Botha, D. 313, Stepanov, V. M. 615, 650 Makinen, K. K., Oksala, E. 322,348 468,479 Loveday, c., see Eisen, V. 374, MacCardle, J. C., see Bartter, Makinen, K. K., see Hopsu, 390 F. C. 558, 564 V. K. 439, 468, 477 Author Index 699

Makinen, K. K., see Makinen, Malawista, S. E., see Wright, Mandie, R.,see Meier, H. K. P.L. 469,479 D.G. 63,64,88 573,603 Makinen, P.-L., Makinen, Malaya, L. T., Berkelieva, S. C., Mandie, R., Jr., Colman, R. W., K. K. 469, 479 Lazareva, S.A 612,635, Kaplan, A. P. 40, 42, 80 Makinen, P.-L., see Makinen, 636,650 Mandie, R., Jr., Kaplan, A P. K. K. 469, 479 Malaya, L. T., Lazareva, S.A 37,59,80 612,636,650 Manera, E., see Casellato, Magoon, E.H., Austen, K.F., Malaya, L. T., Lazareva, S. A., M.M. 279,283 Spragg, J. 61, 80 Berkelieva, S. C. 612, 635, Manganiello, V. C., see Clyman, Mahoney, A. M., see 650 R.I. 294,295,297 Fonkalsrud, E. W. 359,391 Malemud, C.J., Janoff, A 65, Manganiello, V.C., see Stoner, Maier, L., see Siebert, G. 507, 80 J. 295,299, 373, 397 522 Malemud, C.J., see Janoff, A. Manivet, M., Figarella, C. 125, Maier, L., see Werle, E. 490, 65,78 158 523 Malfroy, B., Swerts, J.P., Mann, K., Bachhuber, F., Maillard, M., see Sach, E. 115, Guyon, A., Roques, B. P., Kather, H., Simon, B. 290, 116, 160 Schwartz, J. C. 487, 487 298 Maillard, M.-C., see Besson, Malik, K. U., see McGiff, J. C. Mann, K., Geiger, R. 133,158, J. M. 327-329, 348 362, 363, 393, 403, 411, 414, 164, 191, 193,213 Mair, G., Tschesche, H., Forg• 424,566,576,602 Mann, K., Geiger, R., Werle, Brey, B., Fritz, H. 165,218 Malik, K. U., see Terragno, E. 525,528,530,545 Mair, G., see Fritz, H. 104, N.A 401,404,405,411, Mann, K., see Geiger, R. 528, 106, 108-111, 113, 121-124, 414,425 544 156,528,544 Maling, H.M., Webster, M.E., Mann, K.G., see Sodetz, J.M. Mair, G., see Quast, U. 172, Williams, M. A, Saul, W., 61,86 220 Anderson, W., Jr. 292,298 Mannanov, 1. S., see Gaponyuk, Mair, G., see Tschesche, H. Mallet, D. L., see Ratnoff, P. Y. 632, 648 121, 123, 161 O. D. 8, 28, 84, 570, 604 Manning, N., see Erdos, E.G. Maizel, J. V., Jr., see Shapiro, Mallory, P.A, Travis, J. 180, 428,475 A L. 150, 160 201,218 Mansfeld, V., see Rybak, M. Majno, E., Shea, S. M., Malmiharju, T., see Ekfors, 434,483 Leventhal, M. 365, 393 T. o. 134-136, 141, 142, Mantero, F., see Lechi, A. 535, Majno, G. 656 155,494,503,508,519,520 538,539,545,549,558,565 Majno, G., Palade, G.E. 631, Malnic, G., see Rocha e Silva, Mar, E.-C., see Loeffier, L.J. 656 M., Jr. 420, 421, 425 206,218 Majno, G., Ryan, G. B., Malnic, G., see Rocha e Silva, Maranda, B., see Hojima, Y. Gabbiani, G., Hirsche1, B.J., M. 419, 420, 425 506,508,511,517,521 Irle, C., Joris, 1. 365, 367, Malofiejew, M. 384, 393 March, W., see Skeggs, L. 630, 393 Malofiejew, M., see Buluk, K. 656 Majno, G., see Gabbiani, G. 62,72 Marchesi, V. T., see Segrest, 244,267,365,391 Malofiejew, M., see Uszynski, J.P. 151,160 Mak, S. W., see Romero, J. C. M. 435,485 Marciniak, D. L., see Maciejko, 463,483 Malone, M. H., Trottier, R. W., J.J. 367,393 Makajime, T., see Seki, T. 584, Jr. 292,298 Mardashey, S. R., see 605 Mammen, E. F., see Grammens, Trapesnikova, S. S. 629,654 Makarova, O. V., see Egorova, G.L. -14,75 Mares-Guia, M., Diniz, C. R. T. P. 623, 647 Mandel, 1., see Wotman, S. 119, 158, 204, 205, 218 Makarova, O. V., see Paskhina, 497, 499, 523 Mares-Guia, M., see Beraldo, T. S. 612,615,637,639,640, Mandel, R., Jr., see Meier, W. T. 139,154 652 J. L. 572, 603 Mares-Guia, M., see Diniz, Makevnina, L. G., see Egorova, Mandie, R., Colman, R. W., C. R. 148, 155, 205, 210 T.P. 622-624,647 Kaplan, A. P. 573, 602 Mares-Guia, M., see Hial, V. Makevnina, L. G., see Paskhina, Mandle,R.,Kaplan,AP. 571, 105, 127-132, 157, 204, 214, T. S. 625, 626, 653 573,602 528,544 Maki, M., Sasaki, K. 207,218 Mandie, R., see Kaplan, A P. Mares-Guia, M., see Silva, E. Makowski, E. L., see Resnik, 10, 24, 26, 29, 33, 35, 37, 43, 137-139, 160, 205,221, 528, R. 384,396 78 547 700 Author Index

Mares-Guia, M., see Weinberg, 517,521, 534, 535, 545, 552, Marquardt, F., see Haustein, J. 293,299 556, 557, 566 K.O. 62,77 Margolis, J. 3-9,22,46,50,80 Marin-Grez, M., Marin-Grez, Marra, N., see Galletti, R. 575, Margolis, S. 570, 602 M.S., Peters, G. 291,298 599 Margolius, A., Ratnoff, O. D. Marin-Grez, M., Oza, N.B., Marsh, W. H., see Skeggs, 569,602 Carretero, O. A. 526, 534, L. T. 439, 450, 452, 484 Margoluis, H. S., Chao, J., 546 Marshall, G. R., see Blumberg, Kaizu, T. 534, 539, 545, Marin-Grez, M. S., see Marin A.L. 362,388,414,421 554,566 Grez, M. 291, 298 Marshall, G. R., see Jakschik, Margoluis, H. S., Geller, R. G., Marini-Bert610, G. B., see Jong, W., de, Pisano, J.J., Porcelli, G. 127, 129-131, B.A. 463,478 Sjoerdsma, A. 540,541,545 133, 135-140, 145, 147, 149, Marshall, G. R., see LeDuc, Margoluis, H. S., Geller, R., 160,528,540,547 L.E. 436,451,462,479 Pisano, J. J., Sjoerdsma, A. Marinkovic, D., see Odya, Marshall, G. R., see Needleman, 401,423,539,545 C. E. 438, 481 P. 320, 321, 353, 357, 362, Margoluis, H. S., Horwitz, D., Marinkovic, D. M., see Erdos, 394, 403, 414, 424, 459, 462, Geller, R.G., Alexander, E. G. 436,446,475, 526, 543 463,481 R. W., Gill, J. R., Jr., Pisano, Marinkovic, D. V., Marinkovic, Marshall, G.R., see Turk, J. J.J., Keiser, H.R. 404,423, J.N., Robinson, C.J.G., 228,229,232,233,249,271 534, 535, 539, 540, 545, 549, Erdos, E. G. 432, 438, 439, Marshall, J.S., see Saito, H. 552,554-558,560-562,565 479 28,29,84 Margoluis, H. S., Horwitz, D., Marinkovic, J.N., see Martin, C. A., Mashford, M. L., Pisano, J.J., Keiser, H.R. Marinkovic, D. V. 432,438, Roberts, M.L. 291,298 534,540,545,551,554,560- 439,479 Martin, C.J., Golubow, J., 562,565,566 Markley, J.L. 195,218 Axelrod, A.E. 113,158 Margoluis, H. S., Pisano, J. J., Markley, J.L., Kati, I. 195, Martin, L. C., see Fisher, G. H. Geller, R., Sjoerdsma, A. 218 257,267 551, 560, 562, 563, 565 Marks, N. 436, 479 Martin, S. R., see Laskowski, Margoluis, H.S., see Chao, J. Marks, N., Pirotta, M. 346, M., Sr. 217 528,530,540,543 353,435,436,480 Martin, W.R., see Jaffe, J.H. Margoluis, H. S., see Geller, Marks, N., see Benuck, M. 329,351 R.G. 534,540,541,544 455,472 Martins, A. C. P., see Busch, Margoluis, H. S., see Halushka, Markus, H.B., Ball, E.G. 319, G.J. 578, 589,597 P. V. 535, 538-540, 544 353 Martins, A. R., see Oliveira, Margoluis, H. S., see Horwitz, Markussen, J., see Bing, J. 459, E.B. 346,354,437-439,481 D. 534, 539, 545 472 Martinson, J., see Fasth, S. Margoluis, H. S., see Kaizu, T. Markwardt, F., Drawert, J., 363,378,390,391 529, 534, 535, 539, 545 Walsmann, P. 205,206,218 Martynov, V.F., see Virovets, Margoluis, H. S., see Keiser, Markwardt, F., Klocking, H.• S.1. 616,655 H. R. 533, 534, 541,545, P., Nowak, G. 205, 218 Marx, R., Clements, P., Werle, 562,565 Markwardt, F., Walsmann, P., P., Appel, W. 588, 602 Margoluis, H.S., see Namm, Drawert, J. 205, 218 Marx, R., see Tschesche, H. D.H. 540,546 Markwardt, F., Walsmann, P., 185-187, 222 Margoluis, H. S., see Pisano, Richter, M., Klacking, H.-P., Masar, D. T., Melmon, K. L. J.J. 517,522 Drawert, J. Landmann, H. 602 Margoluis, H. S., see Rapp, 119,158 Masegawa, E., see Izaka, K. J.P. 540,541,547 Marlborough, D. I., Ryan, 593,600 Margoluis, H.S., see Zinner, J. W. 261, 269, 296, 298 MaSek, K., see Capek, R. 336, S. H. 535, 548, 557, 567 Marlborough, D. I., Ryan, 341,348 Marinetti, T.D., Snyder, G.H., J. W., Felix, A. M. 261,269, Mashford, M. L., Roberts, Sykes, B. D. 170, 218 296,298 M.L. 301,303,306,308 Marin-Grez, M. 292, 298, 532, Marlborough, D. I., see Fisher, Mashford, M. L., Zacest, R. 545 G.H. 234,267 591,602 Marin-Grez, M., Carretero, Marlborough, D. I., see Ryan, Mashford, M. L., see Martin, O. A. 526, 534,545, 549,566 J. W. 443, 457, 483 C.A. 291,298 Marin-Grez, M., Cottone, P., Maroux, S., see Vannier, C. Mashford, M. L., see Roberts, Carretero, O. A. 401, 423, 446,485 M.L. 591,604 Author Index 701

Mashkovsky, M. D., Lakin, Matsuda, Y., Miyazaki, K., Matwiyoff, N., see Cann, J. R. K. M., Ovnatanova, M. S., Moriya, H., Fujimoto, Y., 261,266,296,297 Schwartz, G. Y. 633, 650 Hojima, Y., Moriwaka, C. Matwiyoff, N.A., see London, Mashkovsky, M. D., see 129, 130,158, 179, 192, 199, R. E. 261, 269 Shwartz, G. Y. 633, 653 218 Matze, R., see Schoenmakers, Maslova, T. M., see Paskhina, Matsuda, Y., Moriya, H., J.G.G. 13,15,29,85 T. S. 612,615,639,640,652 Moriwaki, c., Fujimoto, Y., Maunsbach, A. B., see Anggard, Mason, B., Miles, A. A. 3,4,80 Matsuda, M. 105, 158, 550, E. 404,421 Mason, B., Sparrow, E. M. 566 Mawr, G. E., see Brocklehurst, 200,218 Matsuda, Y., see Hojima, Y. W.E. 45,72 Mason, B., see Wilhelm, D. L. 109, 126, 127, 129, 130, 157, 590,607 178,214 Maxwell, M. H., see Lupu, Mason, D. T., Melmon, K. L. Matsuda, Y., see Moriwaki, C. A. N. 533, 545 584,602 143,159, 178, 199,202,219 Maycock, W. D. 593, 602 Mason, D. T., see Oates, J.A. Matsuda, Y., see Moriya, H. Maycock, W., see Mackay, 419,424,577,582,603 130, 159, 199,219 M. E. 593, 602 Mason, I., see Colman, R. 610, Matsueda, G. R., see Cann, Mayer, L., see Dietze, G. 371, 611, 613, 636, 655 J. R. 260, 266, 296, 297 372, 390 Mason, J., see Pitt, B. 577,588, Matsueda, G. R., see Stewart, Mazur, R. H., Plume, G. 262, 604 J.M. 262,271 269 Mason, J. W., Colman, R. W. Matsukawa, H., see Ito, H. Mazzacoratti, M.D.G.N., see 578, 589, 602 364,392 Sampaio, C. A. M. 438, 439, Mason, J. W., Kleeberg, U. R., Matsumoto, K., see Inoki, R. 483 Dolan, P., Colman, R.W. 311,320,351 McCaa, C. S., McCaa, R. E. 577, 584, 585, 595, 602 Matsumoto, K., see Yanaihara, 533, 536, 546 Mason, J. W., see Colman, N. 272 McCaa, C. S., see McCaa, R. W. 574, 575, 583, 598 Matsumoto, M., see Shikimi, R.E. 465,466,468,480 Mason, J. W., see Gigli, 1. 30, T. 347,355 McCaa, R. E., Hall, J. E., 44, 75, 570, 599 Matsuzaki, M., see Aoyagi, T. McCaa, C. S. 465, 466, 468, Massey, T. H., Fessler, D. C. 203,207 480 447,448,480 Matsuzaki, M., see Umezawa, McCaa, R. E., see Bengis, Massion, W. H., see Erdos, M. 102 R. G. 465, 472 E. G. 463, 475 Matthews, E. K. 507, 521 McCaa, R. E., see McCaa, Masson, A., Wiithrich, K. 169, Matthews, P.G., see Johnston, C. S. 533, 536, 546 170,218 C.L 534,536,540,541,545 McCabe, W. R. 586, 602 Mastroianni, L., see Matthews, R. W. 509, 521 McCarthy, D. A., see Stambaugh, R. 201,221 Matthews, R. W., Beynon, Nicolaides, E.D. 246,269 Masumura, S., see Hori, S. A.D. G., Tonge, C.H. 509, McCarty, D.J., Jr., see Phelps, 345-347,351 521 P. 591,604 McCarty, D. T., see Phelps, P. Masumara, S., see Murakami, Matthews, R. W., Bhoola, N. 369,394 K. D. 495, 498, 499, 512, 591,604 521 McConnell, D.J. 43,80 Matassi, L., see Galletti, R. Matthews, R. W., see Bhoola, McCormick, J. T., Senior, J. 575,599 K. D. 497, 515,518 382-384,393,435,480 Match, E. S., se Paskhina, T. S. McGarrity, G., see Morton, 637,652 Mattioli, L., Zakheim, R. M., J. J. 463, 480 Matheson, R. T., Kato, H., Mullis, K., Molteni, A. 458, 480 McGee, J. 0., Jimenez, M. H., Wuepper, K. D. 27, 80 Felix, A. M., Cardinale, G. J., Matheson, R. T., Miller, D. R., Mattioli, L., see Molteni, A. 458, 480 Undenfriend, G.J. 231,269 Lacombe, M.-J., Han, Y. N., McGiff, J. C. 538, 546 Iwanaga, S., Kato, H., Mattis, J.A., Laskowski, M., McGiff, J.C., Crowshaw, K., Wuepper, K. D. 27,80, 573, Jr. 196, 198,218 Terragno, N.A., Lonigro, 595, 602 Mattis, J.A., see Finkenstadt, A.J. 403,409,410 Mathias, A.P., Schachter, M. W.R. 167,172,177,197, McGiff, J. C., Crowshaw, K., 275, 276, 284 198,211 Terragno, N.A., Malik, Matsuda, M., see Matsuda, Y. Mattler, L., see Colman, R. W. K. U., Lonigro, A.J. 403, 105, 158, 550,566 31, 34, 73, 575, 583,598 424 702 Author Index

McGiff, J.C., Itskowitz, H.D. McKinstry, D. N., see Mejbaum-Katzenellenbogen, 403,424 Ferguson, R. K. 464, 475 W., see Wilusz, T. 168, 181, McGiff, J.C., Itskowitz, H.D., McKinstry, D. N., see Gavras, 224 Terragno, N.A. 403,405, H. 467,476 Melchiorri, P., see Erspamer, 411, 424, 532, 533, 546 McKnight, R. C., see Jakschik, V. 277, 278, 283 McGiff, J. C., Itskovitz, H. D., B. A. 463, 478 Melkumova, I. S., see Bondar, Terragno, A., Wong, P. Y.• McLean, L., Mulligan, W. G., Z.A. 638,646 K. 525, 538, 546, 559, 566, MacLean, H. P. H., Duff, Melkumova, I. S., see Paskhina, 576,602 J.H. 584,603 T. S. 612, 638, 652 McGiff, J. C., Nasjletti, A. McMillin, C. R., Saito, H., Melkumova, S., see Popov, 532,546 Ratnoff, O.D., Walton, I. McGiff, J.C., Terragno, N.A., A.G. 15,16,26,80 V. G. 635, 653 Malik, K. U., Lonigro, A.J. McMorine, D., see Movat, H. Mellins, R. B., see Leuenberger, 362, 363, 393, 403, 411, 414, 629,656 P.J. 458,479 424,566,576,602 McNay, J. L., Goldberg, L.1. Mellins, R. B., see Stalcup, McGiff, J.C., Terragno, N.A., 532,546 S. A. 458, 484 Strand, J. C., Lee, J. B., McNeill, J. R. 463, 480 Melmon, K., see Oates, J.A. Lonigro, A.J., Ng, K.K.F. McNicol, M. W., see Bhoola, 419,424 403,423,424 K.D. 497,498,519 Melmon, K.L., Cline, M.J. McGiff, J. C., see Colina• Meacock, S. C. R., see 66,80,95,99,101,369,393 Chourio, J. 181,209,408, Crunkhorn, P. 368, 389 Melmon, K.L., Cline, M.J., 421,539,543 Means, G. E., see Feeney, Hughes, T., Nies, A. S. 364, McGiff, J. C., see Crowshaw, R. E. 180, 201, 211 384,393 K. 404,422 Means, G. E., see Liu, W.-H. Melmon, K. L., Lovenberg, W., McGiff, J. C., see Itskovitz, 191, 192,218 Sjoerdsma, A. 582, 603 H. D. 405, 423 Mebs, D. 103,158 Melmon, K. L., Webster, M. E., McGiff, J. C., see Nasjletti, A. Meckl, D., see Fritz, H. 179, Goldfinger, S. E., Seegmiller, 462, 481, 546 181,212 J. E. 591, 603 McGiff, J. C., see Terragno, Meerson, F. Z., Gomazkov, Melmon, K.L., see Cline, M.J. D. A. 295, 299, 362, 398 O. A., Shimkovich, M. V., 99,101 McGiff, J. C., see Terragno, Bolshakova, L. V. 634, 650 Melmon, K. L., see Gill, J. R. N.A. 401,403-405,407- Meged, N. F., Veremeenko, 576,599 414,425,426 K. M., Pavlov, V. V., Melmon, K. L., see Gill, J. R., McGiff, J.C., see Wong, P. Y.• Tertykh,V.A. 622,623,650 Jr. 531,532,544 K. 294, 300, 362, 399, 404, Meged, N. F., see Veremeenko, Melmon, K. L., see Heymann, 407, 411, 414, 426 K. N. 179, 192,200,223, M. A. 364, 384, 392 McGovern, J.P., see Burdon, 613,614,638,654,655 Melmon, K. L., see Kimball, K. K. 580, 597 Mehl, J., see Dyce, B.J. 67,74 H.R. 22,79 McGrath, J.M., Stewart, G.J. Mehl, J. W., see Schiffman, S. Melmon, K. L., see Masar, 586,602 8,28,85 D.T. 602 McGregor, R. K., see Oza, Meier, D. P., see Emerson, T. E., Melmon, K. L., see Mason, N. B. 136-139, 159, 165, Jr. 590,599 D. T. 584, 602 219, 528, 547 Meier, H. K., Webster, M. E., Melmon, K. L., see Miller, McGregor, R. K., see Mandie, R., Colman, R. W., R.L. 99,101,585,603 Waldmann, R. 26,88 Kaplan, A. P. 573, 603 Melmon, K. L., see Nies, A. S. McGuinness, C., see Meier, H. L., Pierce, J. V., 577, 584,603 Krauthamer, G. 331-333, Colman, R. W., Kaplan, Melmon, K., see Oates, J.A. 352 A.P. 24,26,80 577, 582,603 McGuire, J., see Goodfriend, Meier, J. L., Scott, C. F., Melmon, K., see Sjoerdsma, T. 292,297 Mandel, R., Jr., Webster, A. 581,606 McKay, T.J., Plummer, T.H. M. E., Pierce, J. V., Colman, Melnitzky, H., see Botha, D. 431--433,480 R. W., Kaplan, A.P. 572, 313,322,348 McKee, P.A., see Walther, 603 Melo, J.C., Graeff, F.G. 337, P.J. 61,88 Meijlink, F. C. P. W., see 339,353 McKee, R. E., see Kowalski, Ashgar, S. S. 179, 200, 206, Meloun, B., Fric, I., Sorro, F. D. 196, 197,217 208 169,219 McKinstry, D., see Brunner, Meister, R., see Fritz, H. 183, Meloun, B., see Holt, J. C. 177, H. R. 487, 487 212 214 Author Index 703

Melrose, G. J. H., Muller, H. K., Messina, E.J., Weiner, R, M:ller, R. L., Reichgott, M. J., Vagg, W.J. 240,269 Kaley, G. 362,394,401,424 Melmon, K. L. 99, 101, 585, Melrose, G.J.H., see Metchnikoff, E. 63, 64, 80 603 Baumgarten, A. 365, 388 Meyer, H. L., see Kaplan, Miller, W. C., see Bedrossian, Melville, J.C., Ryan, C.A. A. P. 10, 24, 26, 29, 33, 35, C.W.M. 434,458,471 201, 202, 219 37, 43, 58, 78 Miller-Anderson, M., Borg, H., Melzack, R., see Dennis, S. G. Meyer, J., see Sreebny, L. M. Andersson, L.-O. 69,80 330,331,349 509,522 Mills, G. L., see Armstrong, D. Mendes, J., see Brandi, 22,71 C.M.W. 147,155 Meyers, W.M., Burdon, K.L. Mills, I. H. 550, 554, 566 Menegatti, E., see Rocchi, R. 67,80 170,220 Micalizzi, E. R., see Stevens, Mills, I. H., Barkham, D. W. Menetry, D., see Le Bars, D. R.L. 447,448,454,484 550,566 329,352 Michaelsson, G., see Juhlin, L. Mills, I. H., MacFarlane, Meng, K., Haberland, G. L. 318,351 N.A.A., Ward, P.E. 540, 379,393 Michel, B., Russel, T., 546 Menninger, H., see Kruze, D. Winkelmann, R. K., Gleich, Mills, I. H., MacFarlane, 64, 79, 180, 201, 217 G.J. 376,394 N.A.A., Ward, P.E., Obika, Mense, S. 324-326,353 Michel, B., see Moskowitz, L. F. O. 536, 546, 551, 553, Mense, S., see Fock, S. 324, RW. 22,80 554, 556, 557, 559, 562, 566 325,350 Michelacci, S., see Bavazzano, Mills, I. H., Obika, L. F. O. Mense, S., see Franz, M. 324, A. 372,388 538, 546, 555, 556, 559, 566 325,350 Michelacci, S., see Sicuteri, F. Mills, I. H., Obika, L.F.O., Mense, S., see Hiss, E. 325, 350 311,355 Newport, P. 555, 559, 561, Mense, S., see Knifiki, K.-D. 566 Miele, E., De Natale, G. 416, 326, 330, 352 Mills, I. H., Paterson, C. L., 417,424 Menshikov, V. V., Orlov, V. A., Ward, P.E. 193,219,529, Belyakov, N. V. 650 Migay, T.I., Petroff, J. R. 489, 534,546 Menshikov, V. V., see Kuzin, 521 Mills, I. H., Ward, P.E. 517, M.I. 645, 649 Miichi, H., see Iwata, H. 336, 521,542,546, 549, 551, 556, Menshikov, V. V., see Paskhina, 345,346,351,435,437,478 557,559,563,566 T. S. 645, 652 Mijanovic, M., see Filipovic, Mills, I. H., Wilson, R. J. 555, Menta, M., see Disalvo, J. 474 N. 448,476 566 Merrifield, R. B. 231, 263, 269 Miles, A. A. 2-4, 80 Mills, I. H., see Adetuyibi, A. Merrifield, R. B., see Erickson, Miles, A. A., see Mason, B. 3, 401,421,517,518,534, 535, B. W. 262, 267 4,80 539,542,549,551,552,554, Merrifield, R. B., see Gisin, Miles, A. A., see RatnotT, 556,557,560,562,563,564 B.F. 264,268 O. D. 3, 4, 6, 9, 45, 84 Mills, I. H., see Barraclough, Merrifield, R. B., see Najjar, Miller, D.G., see Lim, R.K.S. M.A. 404,421, 531, 532, V.A. 231,269 311,353 542, 557,564 Merrilim, J. P., see Hollenberg, Miller, D. R., see Matheson, Mills, I. H., see Bevan, D. R. N.K. 590,600 R.T. 27,80,573,595,602 542,559,562,564 Merrill, J.E., Peach, M.J., Miller, D. R., see Wuepper, Mills, I. H., see DeBono, E. Gilmore, J.P. 462,480 K.D. 23,56,89 531,543,552,557,564 Merrill, J.P., see Carpenter, Miller, E. D., Jr., Samuels, A. I., Mills, I. H., see Edwards, C. B. 580, 597 Haber, E., Barger, A. C. O.M. 551,554,556,557, Merrill, J.P., see Colman, 463, 467, 480 562,565 R. W. 573, 574, 580, 582, Miller, E. D., see Samuels, A. I. Mills, I. H., see Elebute, O.A. 587,589,598 463,483 551,557,563,564,565 Mersey, J.H., Williams, G.H., Miller, H.A., see Harrison, Mills, I. H., see Erdos, E. G. Hollenberg, N.K., Dluhy, D.C. 357,391 436,446,475,526,543 R. G. 536, 546 Miller, L. D., see Berkowitz, Mills, I. H., see MacFarlane, Mertz, E. T., see Deutsch, H. D. 575, 596 N. A. A. 526, 532, 536, 545, D.G. 59,74 Miller, M.A., see Donaldson, 549, 552, 555, 556, 560, 561, Mertz, E. T., see Liu, T.H. 59, V. H. 23, 56, 74, 572, 599 565 80 Miller, M. P., see Colina• Mills, I. H., see Ward, P. E. 567 Meschia, G., see Resnik, R Chourio, J. 181, 209, 539, Milunsky, A., see Talamo, 384,396 543 R. C. 579, 594, 606 704 Author Index

Mina, Y., see Izaka, K. 593, Modeer, T. 125-128,158, 165, Montgomery, R. 124,158 600 178,192,199,204,207,219 Montgomery, R. G., see Mineshita, S., Nagai, Y. 439, Mose, J. R., Fischer, G., Briefs, Ducharme, D. W. 403, 405, 480 C. 435,480 422 Minkes, M., see Needleman, Mose, J. R., Fischer, G., Mookerjee, B. K., see Patak, P. 403,424 Mobascherie, T. B. 435,480 R. V. 559, 566 Minna, J.D., Robboy, S.J., Moffat, J. G., see Ryan, J. W. Moore, S., Lay, H. D., Colman, R. W. 589, 603 577, 586-588,605 Brundish, D.E., Elliott, Minta, J.~., see Movat, H.Z. Mo1chanov, L. V., see D.F., Wade, R. 234,269 67,82 Orekhovich, V. N. 616,630, Moore, S., see Atherton, F. Misawa, M., see Sakato, K. 644,651 228,266 203,220 Molteni, A., Zakheim, R. M., Moore, T. C., Sinclair, M. C., Mitchell, B., see Lahiri, B. 44, Mullis, K. B., Mattioli, L. Lemani, C. A. E. 590, 603 79, 307, 308, 581, 601 458,480 Morato, M., see Rocha e Silva, Mitchell, W. M., see Taylor, Molteni, A., see Mattioli, L. M. 357,396 J. M. 142, 161 458,480 Morawitz, P. 69, 80 Mitchenko, 1. K., see Monahan, T. M., see Abell, Morichi, S., Izaka, K. 593, 603 Veremeenko, K. N. 638,654 C. W. 381, 388 Morichi, S., see Izaka, K. 579, Miwa, 1., Erdos, E. G., Seki, T. Monapova, N. N., see Ravdel, 593,600 273,284,302,308 G.A. 264,271,629,653 Morino, T., see Gulati, D.P. Miwa, 1., see Chiang, T. S. 142, Moncada, S., Ferreira, S. H., 541,544 151,155,504,514,519 Vane, J.R. 317,321,353, Morishima, H., see Umezawa, Miwa, 1., see Erdos, E.G. 178, 370, 394, 414, 424 M. 102 192, 199,211, 503, 506, 508, Moncada, S., see Dusting, Moriwaki, C., Fujimori, H. 514, 520, 584, 599 G.J. 403,422 379, 380, 394 Miwa, 1., see Seki, T. 179,200, Moncada, S., see Ferreira, Moriwaki, C., Fujimori, H., 221, 279, 280, 281, 285 S. H. 314, 317, 318, 320, Moriya, H., Kizuki, K. 379, Miwa, 1., see Y oshinaga, K. 349,414,422 380,394 273,285 Monetti, M. G., see Moriwaki, C., Fujimori, H., Mix, C. L. 583, 603 Fanciullacci, M. 381,390, Toyono, Y. 379,380,394 Miyake, T., see Murachi, T. 574, 575, 599 Moriwaki, C., Hojima, Y., 439,480 Monetti, M. G., see Franchi, Moriya, H. 103, 115, 126, Miyanaga, Y., see Furukawa, G. 369,391 132, 147, 149, 159 S. 358,391 Moniuszko-Jakoniuk, J., Moriwaki, C., Hojima, Y., Miyashita, A. 539, 546 Koscielak, M., Wisniewski, Schachter, M. 143, 144, Miyata, S., see Aoyagi, T. 203, K. 341, 342, 344, 345,353 159, 178,219,511,521 207 Moniuszko-Jakoniuk, J., Moriwaki, C., Inoue, N., Miyata, S., see Shikimi, T. 347, Wisniewski, K. 336, 338, Hojima, Y., Moriya, H. 355 341-345, 347, 353 105, 159 Miyazaki, K., see Matsuda, Y. Moniuszko-Jakoniuk, J., Moriwaki, C., Kizuki, K., 129, 130,158, 178, 192, 199, Wisniewski, K., Bodzenta, Moriya, H. 149, 159, 386, 218 A. 344,353 394 Miyazaki, K., see Moriwaki, Moniuszko-Jakoniuk, J., Moriwaki, C., Miyazaki, K., C. 143, 159, 178, 199,202, Wisniewski, K., KOScielak, Matsuda, Y., Moriya, H., 219 M. 341, 342, 353 Fujimoto, Y., Ueki, H. 143, Mizobuchi, H., see Moniuszko-Jakoniuk, J., 159,178, 199,202,219 Kaminogawa, S. 216 Wisniewski, K., Ropelewska, Moriwaki, C., Moriya, H., Mizushima, Y., see Nagasawa, J. 359,394 Yamaguchi, K., Kizuki, K., S. 50,82 Moniuszko-Jakoniuk, J., see Fujimori, H. 379, 394 Mizuta, K., see Hori, S. 347, Wisniewski, K. 336, 338, Moriwaki, C., Schachter, M. 351 344,356 149, 159, 178, 183, 192, 199, Mlynar, D., see Yaron, A. 448, Montecucchi, P., see Anastasi, 219 ·455,486 A. 278,282 Moriwaki, C., Watanuki, N., Mobascherie, T. B., see Mose, Montefusco, C., see Disalvo, J. Fujimoto, Y., Moriya, H. J. R. 435,480 474 145, 147, 149, 159 Mocan, R., see Cuparencu, B. Montgomery, E. H., Kroeger, Moriwaki, C., see Barton, S. 341, 349 D. C. 243, 269, 416, 424 496,518 Author Index 705

Moriwaki, c., see Fujimoto, 145, 147, 149, 159, 178, 199, Movat, H.Z., DiLorenzo, N.L., Y. 105, 108, 126-129, 133, 202,219,379,380,386,394 Treloar, M.P. 9,22,41,80 149,156,199,213,628,655 Moriya, H., see Yamazaki, K. Movat, H.Z., Habal, F.M., Moriwaki, C., see Hojima, Y. 182,225,279,285 Macmorine, D. R. L. 64-68, 108, 109, 118, 126, 127, 129, Morley, J., see Bhoola, K.D. 82,201,219,629,656 130, 133-135, 137, 140, 143- 496,498,519 Movat, H. Z., Minta, J.O., 145, 157, 178, 179, 192, 199- Morley, J., see Williams, T.J. Saya, M.J., Habal, F.M., 203, 207, 214, 439, 477, 506, 370,398 Burrowes, C. E., Wasi, S., 508, 511, 517, 521 Moroi, M., Aoki, N. 62,70,80 Pass, E. 67,82 Moriwaki, C., see Matsuda, Y. Moroi, M., see Aoki, N. 71 Movat, H. Z, Ozge-Anwar, 105, 129, 130, 158, 178, 192, Moroz, L., Gilmore, N.J. 62, A.H. 10,11,23,28,29,80 199,218,550,566 80 Movat, H. Z., Poon, M.-C., Moriwaki, C., see Moriya, H. Morozova, N. A., see Paskhina, Takeuchi, Y. 4, 9, 16, 19, 105, 106, 130, 134, 144, 159, T.S. 432,462,482,612,615, 20--22, 31, 34, 35, 41, 42, 80 178,199,202,219,628,656 629, 637, 639, 640, 652. 653 Movat, H. Z., Sender, H. B., Moriya, H. 550, 566 Morris, K. N., see Fant!, P. Treloar, M.P., Takeuchi, Moriya, H., Hojima, Y. 179, 569,599 Y. 4,9,31,34,41,42,80 Morrison, A., see Nishikawa, 192, 200, 219 Movat, H.Z., Soltay, M.J., K. 414,424 Moriya, H., Hojima, Y., Fuller, P.J., Ozge-Anwar, Morrison, A. R., Nishikawa, K., Moriwaki, C., Tajima, T. A. H. 28, 32, 80 Needleman, P. 403, 424 178, 202, 219 Movat, H.Z., Steinberg, S.G., Morrison, D., see Cochrane, Moriya, H., Hojima, Y., Habal, F.M., Ranadive, C. G. 9, 14, 16,29, 73 Yamashita, Y., Moriwaki, N. S. 14,66,82,91,95,99, C. 134, 144, 159 Morrison, D. C., Cochrane, 102,369,394,435,480 Moriya, H., Kato, A., C.G. 22,80 Movat, H. Z., Treloar, M. P., Fukushima, H. 106,159 Morton, C., see Ayers, C. R. DiLorenzo, N. L., Moriya, H., Matsuda, Y., 463,471 Robertson, J. W., Sender, Fujimoto, Y., Hojima, Y., Morton, J.J., Semple, P.F., H.B. 4,80 Moriwaki, C. 130,159, 199, Ledingham, 1. MeA., Stuart, Movat, H.Z., Treloar, M.P., 219 B., Tehrani, M. A., Garcia, Takeuchi, Y. 4, 16,20,80 Moriya, H., Moriwaki, C., A. R., McGarrity, G. 463, Movat, H.Z., Uriuhara, T., Yamazaki, K., Akimoto, S., 480 Takeuchi, Y., Macmorine, Fukushima, H. 628, 656 Morton, R., see Rosoff, L., Jf. D. R. L. 35, 80 Moriya, H., Pierce, J. V., 575,605 Movat, H. Z., see Burrowes, Webster, M. E. 125, 126, Moscovich, L. L., see Back, N. C. E. 4, 11, 15,23,27, 39, 129, 130, 132, 159 596, 596 44, 59, 68, 69, 72, 570, 597 Moriya, H., Todoki, N., Moses, J. M., see Graham, Movat, H. Z., see Chan, Moriwaki, C., Hojima, Y. R.C. 14,44,75 J. Y. C. 9, 11-15,24-27,30, 105, 159 Mosesson, M. W., see Harpel, 73,573,597 Moriya, H., Yamazaki, K., P. C. 68,69, 77 Movat, H. Z., see Donaldson, Fukushima, H., Moriwaki, Moskowitz, R. W., Schwartz, V. H. 23, 56, 74, 572, 599 C. 106,159 H.J., Michel, B., Ratnoff, Movat, H. Z., see Habal, F. M. Moriya, H., see Fujimoto, Y. O. D., Astrup, T. 22, 80 11,22,33,35,40,41,44,46-- 105, 108, 126-129, 133, 149, Mouri, T., see Abe, K. 374, 49, 52, 53, 56, 59, 60, 62, 66, 156, 199, 213, 628, 655 388 68,75,573,600,621,625,655 Moriya, H., see Hojima, Y. Mousty, J. C., see Damas, J. Movat, H. Z., see Ozge-Anwar, 108, 109, 118, 126, 127, 129, 362, 390 A. H. 8, 10, 16, 19,20,23, 130, 133-135, 137, 140, 143- Movat, H. Z. 2, 14, 22, 25, 33, 35,37,39,83 145,157,178,179,192,199- 38, 53, 58, 63, 71,80 Movat, H. Z., see Pass, E. 66, 203,207,214,439,477,529, Movat, H. Z., Burrowes, C. E., 67,83 545 Soltay, M.J., Takeuchi, Y., Movat, H. Z., see Ranadive, Moriya, H., see Matsuda, Y. Habal, F. M., Ozge-Anwar, N. S. 63, 64, 83 105,158,178, 192, 199,218, A.H. 39,82 Movat, H. Z., see Sajnani, 550,566 Movat, H. Z., Delorenzo, N. L., A. N. 63, 64, 85 Moriya, H., see Moriwaki, C. Mustard, J.F., Helmel, G. Movat, H.Z., see Soltay, M.J. 103, 105, 115, 126, 132, 143, 592,603 10, 14,23,86, 570,606 706 Author Index

Movat, H. Z., see Takeuchi, Y. Mulrow, P., see Pitlick, F. 362, Nagaoka, H., see Katori, M. 15,86 395 593,601 Movat, H. Z., see Treloar, Multamaki, S., see Suominen, Nagasaka, Y., see Kokubu, T. M.P. 9,20,22,39,87 J. 183,221 180,217 Movat, H. Z., see Wasi, S. 64, Murachi, T., Miyake, T. 439, Nagasawa, K., see Oshima, G. 66,67,88 480 446, 454, 456, 459, 482 Mozejko, J.H., see Laskowski, Murakami, N., Hori, S., Nagasawa, S., Horiuchi, K., M., Sr. 217 Masumara, S. 369, 394 Yano, M., Suzuki, T. 34,82 Mucci, P., see Bertolini, A. Muramatu, M., Fujii, S. 206, Nagasawa, S., Mizushima, Y., 336,338,348 207,219 Sato, T., Iwanaga, S., Suzuki, Mue, S., Takahashi, M., Ohmi, T. 50,82 T., Shibahara, S., Yamauchi, Murao, S., see Uchida, Y. 326, K., Fujimoto, S., Okayama, 356, 359, 398 Nagasawa, S., Nakaysu, T. H., Takishima, T. 434,458, Murphy, G., Reynolds, J.J., 40-42,49,52,53,82 480 Bretz, U., Baggilioni, M. Nagasawa, S., see Komiya, M. MUller, B., see Fiedler, F. 104, 66,82 14, 15, 79 109, 1I2, 1I9-123, 156, 198, Murray, J. E., see Hollenberg, Nagasawa, S., see Suzuki, T. 204, 211 N.K. 590,600 34,50,86 Muller, B., see Habermann, E. Murray, M. 587, 603 Nagasawa, S., see Takahashi, Murray, R. K., see Wasi, S. 64, 115, 157 H. 34, 37, 38, 86 88 Muller, F.O., see Botha, D. Nagasawa, S., see Yano, M. Murthy, V. S., Waldron, T. L., 313,322,348 34, 50, 90, 115, 161 Goldberg, M. E. 465, 467, Muller, M., see Fritz, H. 164, Nagatsu, T., see Fujita, K. 480, 481 212 435,476 Murthy, V.S., Waldon, T.L., MUller-Bardorff, G., see Fink, Nagg, G. B., see Kellermeyer, Goldberg, M. E., Vollmer, E. 182,211 R. W. 591,601 R. R. 465, 480 Muller-Eberhard, H.J. 67,82 Najjar, V. A., Merrifield, R. B. Muscalu, I., see Benetato, G. Muller-Eberhard, H.J., see 231,269 341,348 Bokisch, V.A. 368,388, Nakahara, M. 481 Muscholl, E., Vogt, M. 415, 428, 469, 472 Nakahara, N. 433,456, 481 416,424 Muller-Eberhard, H.J., see Nakajima, T. 276, 277, 284 Mustard, J.F., see Movat, Carpenter, C. B. 580, 597 Nakajima, T., Oshima, G., Yeh, H. Z. 592, 603 Miiller-Eberhard, H.J., see H.S.J., Igic, R.P., Erdos, Muszynska, G.,Cechova, D. Corbin, N. C. 433, 434, 473 E. G. 453, 456, 481 219 Muller-Eberhard, H.J., see Nakajima, T., Tanimura, T., Muszynska, G., see Cechova, Hugli, T. E. 432, 477 Pisano, J. J. 282, 284 D. 181,209 Miiller-Eberhard, H. J., see Nakajima, T., see Araki, K. Mutt, V., Said, S. I. 117, 159 Johnson, A.R. 418,423 282,282 Mutt, V., see Bodanszky, A. Miiller-Eberhard, H.J., see Nakajima, T., see Erdos, E.G. 260,266,296,297 Vallota, E. H. 368,398,428, 2, 4, 74, 428, 432, 475 Mutt, V., see Bodanszky, M. 485 Nakajima, T., see Igic, R. 432, 117,154 Miillertz, S. 57, 82 441,442,446,448-452,454, Mullertz, S., Clemmensen, 1. 458,459,461,462,477 62,70,82 Nadler, H.L., see Rao, G.J.S. Nakajima, T., see Ishikawa, O. Mulligan, W. G., see McLean, 593, 594, 604 232, 268, 277, 284 L. 584,603 Naslund, L., see Kasche, V. Nakajima, T., see Kishimura, Muirhead, E. E., Brooks, B., 165,216 H. 227,232,268,284 Arora, K. K. 464, 480 Naff, G. B., see Ratnoff, O. D. Nakajima, T., see Seki, T. 178, Muirhead, E.E., Prewitt, R.L., 580,604 179, 192, 199,200,221, 279- Brooks, B., Brosius, W. L. Nagai, Y., see Mineshita, S. 281,285, 379, 397 465, 468, 480 439, 480 Nakajima, T., see Watanabe, Muller, H.K., see Melrose, Nagajima, T., see Hirsch, E. F. M. 231,271,276,277,285 G.J.H. 240,269 577, 585, 600 Nakajima, T., see Yanaihara, Mullis, K., see Mattioli, L. Nagai, Y., see Webster, M. E. N. 272 458,480 19,88 Nakajima, T., see Yasuhara, Mullis, K. B., see Molteni, A. Naganawa, H., see Umezawa, T. 232, 272, 276, 277, 282, 458,480 S. 203,223 285 Author Index 707

Nakamura, N., see Satoh, M. Needleman, P., Douglas, J. R., 556, 559, 561, 566, 610, 637, 328, 329, 354 Jr., Jakschik, B. B., 650 Nakamura, S., see Carone, Blumberg, A. L., Isakson, Nekrasova; A. A., Lantsberg, F.A. 273,283,445,473 P. C., Marshall, G. R. 463, L.A., Kramer, A.A., Nakamura, S., see Oparil, S. 481 Eventov,A.Z. 610,636,651 445, 482 Needleman, P., Key, S. L., Nekrasova, A. A., Zharova, Nakanishi, M., Tsuboi, M. Denny, S.E., Isakson, P.C., E. A., Sokolova, R.1. 535, 194, 195, 219 Marshall, G.R. 320,321, 546 Nakano, J. 278, 284, 357,294, 353,357,362,394,403,414, Nekrasova, A. A., see 532,546 424 Chemova, N.A. 610,636, Nakano, T., Taira, N. 314,353 Needleman, P., Johnson, E. M., 637,646 Nakashima, M., see Sekiya, A. Jr., Vine, W., Flanigan, E., Nekrasova, A.A., see 360,397 Marshall, G. R. 459, 481 Lantsberg, L. A. 633, 634, 649 Nakasima, T., see Yasuhara, Needleman, P., Marshall, G. R., Nekrasova, A.A., see T. 272 Sobel, B. E. 462, 481 Nakata, K. 369,394 Shkhvatsabaya,I.K. 637, Needleman, P., Minkes, M., Nakata, Y., see Shionoya, S. 644,653 Raz,A. 403,424 361,397 Nelson, D. H., see August, Nakayama, K., see Taira, N. Needleman, P., see Blumberg, J. T. 554, 564 314,355 A. L. 362, 388, 414, 421 Nelson, D.J., see Lewis, A.J. Nakayama, T., see Yanaihara, Needleman, P., see Hsueh, W. 369,370,393 N. 272 362, 392, 414, 423 Nemerson, Y., see Radcliffe, Nakaysu, T., see Nagasawa, S. Needleman, P., see Isakson, R. 572,604 40-42,49,52,53,82 P. C. 414, 423 Neto, F.R., Brasil, J.C.F., Namm, D.H., Squires, J., EI• Needleman, P., see Jakschik, Antonio, A. 358, 360, 394 Sayad, S., Wilson, S.J., B. A. 463, 478 Neubert, K., Balaspiri, L., Parsons, D., Margoluis, Needleman, P., see leDuc, Losse, G. 228, 269 H. S. 540, 546 L. E. 436,451,462,479 Neuman, R. S., see Calvillo, O. Nanbo, M., see Aoyagi, T. Needleman, P., see Morrison, 329,348 203,207 A. R. 403, 424 Neumayr, A., see Blumel, G. Nardi, G.L., see Chambers, Needleman, P., see Nishikawa, 583,597 D.A. 114, 115,155 K. 414,424 Neurath, R., see Rermodson, Narticova, V.F., Paskhina, Needleman, P., see Turk, J. M.A. 111,112,157 T.S. 622,650 228,229,232,233,249,271 Neuray, J., see Damas, J. 404, Narticova, V.F., see Paskhina, Neff, N.H., see Yang, H. Y. T. 414,422 T. S. 128, 132, 159,204,219, 437,446,486 610, 612, 615, 622, 639-642, Negovskiy, V. A., see Newball, R. R. 374, 375, 394 651,652,653 Orekhovich, V. N. 616,630, Newball, R. R., Keiser, R. R. Naruse, M., see Sakakibara, S. 644,651 374,394 256,270 Negri, G.A., see Figarella, C. Newball, R. R., Keiser, R. R., Nasjletti, A., Azzam, M. E. 125, 156 Webster, M. E., Pisano, J. J. 539,546 Negri, L., see Erspamer, V. 375,394 Nasjletti, A., Colina-Chourio, 277,278,283 Newball, H. H., Talamo, R. C., J. 407, 414, 424, 532-534, Negus, P., Tannen, R. L., Dunn, Lichtenstein, L.M. 91,95, 536, 538, 539, 546 M.J. 403,424 99,102,308 Nasjletti, A., Colina-Chourio, Nekrasova, A. A., Chernova, Newcombe, D. S., Fahey, J. V., J., McGiff, J.C. 462,481, N.A., Lantsberg, L.A., Ishikawa, Y. 294, 295, 298, 546 Khukharev, V. V. 610, 637, 414,424 Nasjletti, A., see Colina• 651 Newcombe, D. S., see Fahey, Chourio, J. 181, 209, 408, Nekrasova, A. A., Chemova, J. V. 296,297 421,539,543 N.A., Sharapov, U.B., Newport, P., see Mills, I. H. Nasjletti, A., see McGiff, J.C. Kovaleva, N. T. 562,566 555,559, 561,566 532,546 Nekrasova, A.A., Khukharev, Neyhard, N. L., see Weese, Naylor, B., see Fenwick, L. V. V. 610, 637, 650 W. C. 307, 309, 374, 375, 403,422 Nekrasova, A. A., Lantsberg, 398, 435, 485 Needleman, P. 320,353,357, L.A., Chernova, N.A., Ng, K.K.F., Vane, J.R. 250, 362, 394 Khukharev, V. V. 551, 555, 269,440,481 708 Author Index

Ng, K.K.F., see McGiff, J.C. Nishino, N., see Powers, C.J. Oates, J.A., Meimon, K.L. 403,423.424 65,83 424 Niall, H. D., see Chang, M. M. Nissinen, E., see Hamberg, U. Oates, J.A., Melmon, K., 278,283 46, 52, 53, 76 Sjoerdsma, A., Gillespie, L., Nickerson, M., Ruedy, J. 339, Nizet, A. 529, 546 Mason, D. T. 419,424, 577, 354 Noble, N., see Boucek, R.J. 582,603 Nicolaides, E. D., McCarthy, 381,389 Oates, J. A., Pettinger, W. A., D. A., Potter, D. E. 246,269 Noe, G., see Croxatto, H. R. Doctor, R. B. 376,381,394, Niekamp, C. W., Hixon, M., Jr., 178,210 582,603 Northover, A. M., Northover, Laskowaski, M., Jr. 167, Oates, J.A., Sjoerdsma, A. 219 B.J. 360,365,394 581,603 Nielsen, C. K., see Arrigoni• Northover, B. J., see Northover, Oates, J.A., see Gill, J.R., Jr. Martelli, E. 540,541,542 A. M. 360, 365, 394 538,544,559,565 Nielsen, H. M. 435, 481 Nossel, H. L., see Wilner, Nielsen, K., Arrigoni-Martelli, G.D. 22,88 Oates, J. A., see Tannenbaum, E. 540,546 Novelline, R., see Re, R. 467, J. 407,425 Niemi, M., see Suominen, J. 483 Obermeier, R., see Tschesche, 183,221 Nowak, G., see Markwardt, F. H. 172,223 Niemi, M., see Suominen, 205,218 Obersdorf, A., see Schench, F. J.J.O. 183,221 Nugent, F. W., Atendio, W. 617,656 Nies, A.S., Forsyth, R.P., 586,603 Obika, L. F. 0., see Mills, I. H. Williams, H. E., Meimon, Nugteren, D. H., Hazelhof, E. 536,538,546,551,553-557, K. L. 577, 584, 603 401,424 559, 561, 562, 566 Nies, A. S., see Data, J. L. 559, Nunes, S. T., see Sampaio, Obuchov, Y. E., see Arkatov, 565 C. A. M. 438, 439, 483 V.A. 611,641,646 Nies, A. S., see Heymann, Nustad, K. 178, 219, 526-530, Obukhov, Y. E. 611, 641, 651 M. A. 364, 384, 392 546 Ochi, N., see Hojima, Y. 133- Nies, A. S., see Meimon, K. L. Nustad, K., Gautvik, K. M., 135,140,143-145,157, 178, 364,384,393 Pierce, J. V. 103, 137, 159 199, 202, 207, 214 Nies, A. S., see Tannenbaum, Nustad, K., Pierce, J. V. 105, Ocholik, T., see Carretero, J. 407,425 136-138,159,528,546 O.A. 307,30~526,540,543 Niewiarowski, S., Bankowski, Nustad, K., Rubin, I. 530, 547 Odani, S., Koide, T., Ikenada, E., Rogowicka, J. 22,82 Nustad, K., Vaaje, K., Pierce, T. 194,219 Niewiarowski, S., Prou• J. V. 137, 159, 528-530, 547 Wartelle, O. 57,82 Nustad, K., see Amundsen, E. Odeberg, H., Olsson, I., Venge, Nikiforovich, G. V., see 526, 542, 584, 596 P. 82 Galaktionov, S.G. 261,267 Nustad, K., see Brandtzaeg, P. Odinokova, V.A., see Nikolaou, N.M., see Barlow, 134-136, 155,494, 508, 514, -Surovikina, M.S. 611,614, R.B. 517,518 517,519 635,654 Nikulin, A., see Stem, P. 417, Nustad, K., see Gautvik, O'Donnell, T. F., Jr., Clowes, 418,425 K.M. 378,391,498,500, G. H. A., Jr., Talamo, R. C., Nimmannitya, S., see Edeiman, 508, 514, 516,520 Colman, R. W. 307,308 R. 307, 308, 573, 577, 599 Nustad, K., see 0rstavik, T. B. O'Donnell, T. F., Clowes, G. H., Nishi, K., Sakanashi, M., 508, 514, 522, 530, 531, 547 Jr., Talamo, R. C., Coiman, Takenaka, F. 326, 354 Nustad, K., see Pierce, J. V. R. W. 585, 603 Nishikawa, K., Morrison, A., 128,130,159,527,547 Odya, C. E. 288, 289, 298 Needleman, P. 414, 424 Nuzum, F.R., see Elliot, R. Odya, C. E., Goodfriend, T. L. Nishikawa, K., see Morrison, 549,560,565 288,289,298 A. R. 403, 424 Nuzzaci, G., see Franchi, G. Odya, C.E., Goodfriend, T.L., Nishimura, K., Hiwada, K., 369,391 Pena, C., Stewart, J. M. Ueda, E., Kokubu, T. 454, 305,308 481 Oades, Z. G., see Henson, Odya, C.E., Goodfriend, T.L., Nishimura, K., Yoshida, N., P.M. 64,77 Stewart, J. M., Pena, C. Hiwada, K., Ueda, E., Oates, H. F., Stokes, G. S. 443, 305,308 Kokubu, T. 453, 456, 481 481 Odya, C. E., Levin, Y., Erdos, Nishimura, K., see Kokubu, Oates, J. A., Butler, T. C. 376, E.G., Robinson, C.J.G. T. 446,447, 453, 478 381,394 233, 269, 451, 481 Author Index 709

Odya, C. E., Marinkovic, D., Ohlsson, K., Olsson, I. 64,65, Olsen, U. B., Ahnfelt-R¢nne, Hammon, K.J., Stewart, 68,83 J. 540,547, 559,566 T. A., Erdos, E. G. 438, 481 Ohlsson, K., see Delshammar, Olsson, I., Venge, P. 67,83 Odya, C. E., see Goodfriend, M. 64,74 Olsson, I., see Johnson, U. 67, T. L. 303, 305, 308 Ohlsson, K., see Johnson, U. 78 0rstavik, T. B., Brandtzaeg, P., 67,78 Olsson, I., see Odeberg, H. 82 Nustad, K., Halvorsen, Ohlsson, K., see Schiessler, H. Olsson, I., see Ohlsson, K. 64, K. M. 508, 514, 522 221,387,396 65,68,83 0rstavik, T. B., Gautvik, Ohmi, T., see Mue, S. 434,458, Olsson, I., see Venge, P. 67,87 K.M. 538,547 480 Onabanjo, A.O., Bhabani, 0rstavik, T. B., Nustad, K., Ohmori, H., see Komoriya, K. A. R., Maegraith, B. G. 435, Brandtzaeg, P., Pierce, J. V. 368,393 481 530, 531,547 Oivin, V.I., see Gaponyuk, Onabanjo, A. 0., see Cuschieri, Ozge-Anwar, A. H., Movat, P.Y. 267 A. 583,598 H.Z., Scott, J.G. 8,10,16, Oka, M., see Inoki, R. 311, Ondetti, M. A., Engel, S. L. 19,20,23,35, 37, 39,83 320,351 229,269,463,481 Ozge-Anwar, A. H., see Movat, Oka, T., see Iwata, H. 346, Ondetti, M. A., Pluscec, J. H.Z. 10, 11,23,28,29,32, 351,478 Weaver, E. R., Williams, N., 39,80,82 Okada, K., see Kato, H. 256, Sabo, E. F., Kocy, O. 252, Ozge-Anwar, A.H., see Soltay, 268 269 M.J. 10, 14,23,86 Okada, Y., Tuchiya, Y., Yagyu, Ondetti, M. A., Rubin, B., Ozge-Anwar, A. H., see Treloar, M., Kozawa, S., Kariya, K. Cushman, D. W. 260, 269, M. P. 9, 20, 22, 39, 87 336, 338, 354 461,482 Ofstad, E. 529,547,577,587, Okada, Y., see Yajima, H. 176, Ondetti, M.A., Williams, N.J., 603 225 Sabo, E. F., Pluscec, J., Ogle, C. W., Bhoola, K. D. Okayama, H., see Mue, S. 434, Weaver, E. R., Kocy, O. 503,519 458,480 250,251,269,460,482 Ogorodova, T. S., see Okazaki, T., see Sawada, J. Ondetti, M. A., see Bodanszky, Polushkin, B. 645, 653 202,220 A. 260, 262, 266, 296, 297 Ogston, C. M., see Ogston, D. O'Keefe, E. H., see Rubin, B. Ondetti, M.A., see Cushman, 57,82 461,464,483 D. W. 256, 259, 260, 266, Ogston, D., Ogston, C. M., Okino, L, see Reis, M. L. 275, 460, 461, 473 Ratnoff, O. D., Forbes, 285,367,396 Oobayshi, A., see Yokoyama, C.D. 57,82 Oksala, E., see Makinen, K. K. S. 439,486 Ogston, D., see Ratnoff, O.D. 468,479 Oparil, S. 427,482 580,604 Ole-Moi Yoi, 0., Spragg, J., OpariI, S., Carone, F.A., Ohashi, M., see Doi, T. 313, Halbert, S.P., Austen, K.F. Pullman, T. N., Nakamura, 349 131, 133, 159, 526,547 S. 445,482 Ohata, K., see Yokoyama, S. Oliveira, E. B., Martins, A. R., Oparil, S., Katholi, R. 427, 439,486 Camargo, A. C. M. 346, 458, 482 Oh-Ishi, S. Katori, M., Han, 354, 437-439, 481 Oparil, S., Koerner, T.J., Lindheimer, M. D. 434, Y. N., Iwanaga, S., Kato, H., Oliveira, M. C. F., see Picarelli, 447, 482 Suzuki, T. 27,82 Z. P. 290, 298 Oh-Ishi, S., Sakuma, A., Katori, Oparil, S., Koerner, T., Tregear, Oliver, G., Schafer, E.A, 495, M. 435,481 G.W., Barnes, B.A., Haber, 521 Oh-Ishi, S., Tanaka, K., Katori, E. 450,482 M., Han, Y. N., Kato, H., Oliver, S., see Bhoola, K. D. Oparil, S., Low, J., Koerner, Iwanaga, S. 27,82 497,498,519 T.J. 434,458,482 Oh-Ishi, S., Webster, M. E. 6, Oliver, W.J., Gross, F. 514, Oparil, S., Sanders, C.A., 82 521 Haber, E. 449, 482 Oh-Ishi, S., see Katori, M. Oliveras, J. L., see Guilbaud, Oparil, S., Tregear, G. W., 368, 374, 392 G. 331,350 Koerner, T., Barnes, B.A., Oh-Ishi, S., see Webster, M. E. Olley, P. M., see Friedli, B. Haber, E. 450, 482 19,88 447,476 Oparil, S., see Carone, F.A. Ohlsson, K. 65, 68, 83 Olmsted, F., see Page, I.H. 273, 283, 445, 473 Ohlsson, K., Akesson, U. 65, 584,603 OpariI, S., see Zacest, R. 431, 68,83 Olsen, U. B. 436, 481 449,450,486 710 Author Index

Opie, E. 64, 83 Oshima, G., Gecse, A., Erdos, Oya, H., see Sekiya, A. 360, Oppitz, K.-H., see Fritz, H. E. G. 442, 443, 445, 446, 397 179, 181,212 449, 452, 453, 456, 457, 459, Oyama, T., see Yamashita, M. Orange, R.P., Austen, G. W., 482 463, 485 Austen, K. F. 376, 395 Oshima, G., Kato, J., Erdos, Oyvin, LA., Gaponyuk, P. Y., Orange, R.P., see Kaliner, M. E. G. 428-432,436,453,482 Oyvin, V. 1., Tokarev, O. Y. 376,392 Oshima, G., Nagasawa, K. 365,395,631,651 Orei, L., see Forsmann, W.G. 459, 482 Oyvin, I. A., Gaponyuk, P. Y., 581,599 Oshima, G., Nagasawa, K., Oyvin, V.I., Tokarev, O. Y., O'Reilly, S., see Gardner, B. Kato, J. 446,454,456,482 Volodin, V.M. 631,651 419,422 Oshima, G., Shimabukuro, H., Oyvin, 1. A., Gaponyuk, P. Y., Orekhovich, V.N. 616,629, Nagasawa, K. 482 Uklonskaya, L.I. 631,644, 651 Oshima, G., see Erdos, E. G. 2, 651 Orekhovich, V. N., Eliseeva, 4, 74, 428, 432, 475 Oyvin, LA., Gaponyuk, P. Y., Y.E., Pavlikhina, L. V. 616, Oshima, G., see Hall, E.R. Volodin, V.M., Oyvin, V.I., 630,644,651 443-445,457,477 Tokaryev, O. Y. 365, 395 Orekhovich, V. N., Eliseeva, Oshima, G., see Herman, C. M., Oyvin, V. I., see Gaponyuk, Y.E., Pavlikhina, L. V., 434, 47~ 577, 584,600 P. Y. 631,648 Negovskiy, V. A., Oshima, G.;.:see Hirsch, E. F. Oyvin, V.I., see Oyvin, LA. Mo1chanov, L. V. 616,630, 434,477, 577, 585, 600 365,395, 631,651 644,651 Oshima, G., see Nakajima, T. Oza, N. B., Amin, V. M., Orekhovich, V. N., see 453,456,481 . Gandolfi, R., Yanari, S., Dotsenko, V.L. 621,647 Osikowska, B., see Sever, P. S. Carretero,O.A. 526,547 Orekhovich, V. N., see 561,567 Oza, N.B.,Amin, V.M., Elisseeva, J.J. 454,459,474 Ostfeld, A.M., Chapman, L.F., McGregor, R. K., Scicli, Orekhovich, V. N., see Goodell, H., Wolff, H.G. A.G., Carretero, O.A. 136- Elisseeva, Y. E. 441,447, 596,603 139, 159, 165,219, 528,547 449, 450, 454, 474, 629, 630, Ostrovsky, A. B., see Geller, Oza, N. B., see Carretero, 647 L. 1. 638, 648 O.A. 526,537,540,541, Orekhovich, V.N., see Osuga, D. T., see Liu, W.-H. 542, 307, 307 Lokshina, L.A. 629,650 195,218 Oza, N. B., see Gulati, O. P. Orekhovich, V. N., see Ota, S., see Hori, S. 346, 351 541,544 Oza, N. B., see Marin-Grez, Pavlikhina, L. V. 615, 616, Otsuka, M., see Konishi, S. M. 526, 534, 546 653 335,352 Oza, N.B., see Scicli, A.G. Orloff, J., Handler, J., Otsuka, Y., see Abe, K. 534, 530,547, 557,567 Bergstrom, S. 557, 566 542 Ozge-Anwar~ A. H., see Soltay, Orloff, J., see Grantham, J.J. Otsuka, Y., see Seino, M. 534, M.J. 570,606 532, 538, 544 539,540,547,550,551,556, Orlov, V.A., see Menshikov, 561-563,567 Paaso, B., see Harrison, D. C. V.V. 650 Ovchinnikov, Y.A., see Ivanov, 357,391 Orlowski, M., Wilk, E. 443, V. T. 261, 268, 296, 298 Pace-Asciak, C., Wolfe, L. S. 482 Ovchinnikov, Y.A., see 401,424 Ormas, P., see Casellato, Shemyakin, M. 228, 270 Pacho1czyk, D., see Terragno, M. M. 279, 283 Overturf, M. Wyatt, S., Boaz, N.A. 401,403,410,411, Oronsky, A. L., see Ignarro, D., Fitz, A. 442, 458, 459, 426 L.J. 65,77 482 Padfield, P. L., Allison, Orth, H., see Hofbauer, K. G. Overturf, M., see Druilhet, M.E.M., Brown, J.J., Lever, 443,462,477 R. E. 458, 474 A.F., Luke, R.G., Orth, H.-D., see Wunderer, G. Robertson, C. C., Robertson, 184, 187,224 Overturf, M., see Fitz, A. 453, J.I. S., Tree, M. 560, 566 Osadchy, B.D., see Vovchuk, 476 S. V. 634, 655 Ovnatanova, M. S., see Paegelow, 1., Reissmann, S., Osgood, R. W., see Stein, J.H. Mashkovsky, M. D. 633, Arold, H. 377,395 531, 532547 650 Paege1ow, 1., Reissmann, S., Oshima, G., Erdos, E. G. 434, Owen, P.A., see Rapaport, S. Vietinghoff, G., Romer, W., 454,459,482 571,604 Arold, H. 377, 395 Author Index 711

Paegelow, I., see Arold, H. Palm, S., Schill, W. B., Wallner, Paskhina, T.S., Egorova, T.P., 377,388 0., Prinzen, R., Fritz, H. Zykova, V. P., Laufer, A. L., Paegelow, I., see Reissmann, 382,386,387,395,518,522 Trapeznikova, S. S., S. 228-231,270,289,291, Palmer, M.A., Piper, P.J., Shimonaeva, E. E. 651 296,299,451,483 Vane, J. R. 320,354,373, Paskhina, T. S., Gulikova, Paege1ow, I., see 395, 414, 424 O. M., Egorova, T. P., Wiegershausen, B. 290, 300, Palmerio, C., see Zetterstrom, Surovikina, M. S., 383, 398, 435, 485 B. E. M. 586, 607 Shmyryova, R.K. 610,651 Page, I.H., Olmsted, F. 584, Pals, D. T., see Stevens, R. I. Paskhina, T. S., Gurtovenko, 603 447,448,454,484 V. M. 622, 652 Page, 1. H., see Bumpus, F. M. Pan, S. Y., see Rapp, J.P. 540, Paskhina, T. S., Krinskaya, 315,348 541,547 A. V. 574,603, 611, 612, Page, I. H., see Khairallah, Pankov, V.I., see Kotelnikov, 638,639,642,652 P. A. 464, 478 V.P. 638,649 Paskhina, T. S., Krinskaya, Page, J., see Yankeelov, J., Jr. Pannell, R., Johnson, D., A. V., Zykova, V.P. 621, 167,225 Travis, J. 68, 83 638, 652 Paiva, A. C. M., see Brandi, Panzani, R., see Varonier, Paskhina, T. S., Makevnina, C. M. W. 147, 155 H. S. 374, 398 L. G., Egorova, T. P., Levina, Paiva, A. C. M., see Grandino, Papaioannou, S. E., Liener, G. O. 625, 626, 653 A. 458, 459, 476 I. E. 196, 219 Paskhina, T.S., Menshikov, Paiva, A. C. M., see Paiva, Papp, G., see Balaspiri, L. 229, V. V. 645, 652 T.B. 243,249,269 266 Paskhina, T. S., Nartikova, Paiva, A. C. M., see Prado, Park, W. K., St.-Pierre, S. A., V. F., Docenko, V. L., E. S. 146, 160 Barabe, J., Regoli, D. 234, Maslova, T.M., Morozova, Paiva, A. C. M., see Sabia, 235,269 N.A., Trapeznikova, S.S., E.B. 251,252,256,270 Park, W. K., see Barabe, J. Yarovaya, L.M. 612,615, Paiva, A. C. M., see Sampaio, 363, 377, 388 639,640,652 Park, W. K., see Regoli, D. M. U. 148, 160 Paskhina, T. S., Polyanceva, Paiva, A. C. M., see Tominaga, 292,299,363,395 L. R., Krinskaya, A. V., Parrot, J. L., see Ungar, G. M. 251,252,256,271,291, Belolipetskaya, Y. G., 515,522 299 Nartikova, V. F., Parsons, D., see Namm, D. H. Paiva, L. B., see Tominaga, M. Rossinskaya, E. B., 540,546 291,299 Kargashin, LA. 612,641, Parthasarathy, R., see Cole, Paiva, N. S., see Prado, J. L. 642, 653 F. E. 173, 209 468, 483 Paskhina, T. S., Shrayber, M. I., Pashkov, U. S., see Ivanov, Paiva, T. Paiva, A. C. M., Yarovaya, G.A., Morozova, B., V. T. 261,268 Freer, R.J., Stewart, J.M. N. A., Nartikova, V. F., 243,249,269 Pashkov, V. S., see Ivanov, Trapeznikova, S. S., V. T. 261,268,296,298 Paiva, T. B., see Sabia, E. B. Docenko, V. L., Makarova, Paskhina, T. S. 643-645,651, 251, 252, 256, 270 O. V., Maslova, T. M. 612, 652 615, 639, 640, 652 Paiva, T. B., see Tominaga, M. Paskhina, T.S., Bondar, Z.A., 251,252,256,271,291,299 Paskhina, T.S., Trapeznikova, Krinskaya, A. V., Pajola, E., see Della Bella, D. S. S., Egorova, T. P., Melkumova, I. S., 373, 390 Morozova, N.A. 432,462, Polikarpova, E. G. 612, Palade, G. E., see Majno, G. 482, 629, 652 638,652 631,656 Paskhina, T. S., Yarovaya, Palade, G. E., see Siekevitz, P. Paskhina, T. S., Dolgina, M.I., G. A. 611, 612, 634, 635, 503,522 Nartikova, V. F., Krinskaya, 637,639,652 Palakavongs, P., see A. V., Morozova, N.A., Paskhina, T.S., Yarovaya, Currimbhoy, Z. 572, 598 Rossinskaya, E. B. 612,639, G. A., Laufer, A. L., Paleev, N. R., see Surovikina, 640,653 Gulikova, o. M., M.S. 611,614,635,644,654 Paskhina, T. S., Dotsenko, Trapeznikova, S. S., Pallansch, M.J., see Posati, V.L., Blinnikova, E.1. 611, Morozova, N.A., Makarova, L. P. 292, 298 612, 620, 652 O. V., Tikhomirov, I. B., Palm, S., Fritz, H. 103, 159, Paskhina, T. S., Egorova, T. P. Sysoyev, V.F., Match, E.S. 382, 386, 395 51,83,622,651 637,652 712 Author Index

Paskhina, T. S., Zykova, V. P., Peach, M. J., see Merrill, J. E. Pela, 1., see Fanciullacci, M. Egorova, T.P., Narticova, 462,480 381,390,574,575,599 V. F., Karpova, A. V., Peach, M.J., see Tsai, B.-S. Peb!, 1.R., see Graeff, F.G. Guseva, M. V. 128, 132, 449,450,452,455,456,459, 336-338,340-343,350 159,204,219,610,622,651 464,484,485 Peltola, P. 419,420,424,425 Paskhina, T. S., see Bondar, Pearse, A. G. E., see Bussolatti, Perra, C., Stewart, J. M., Z. A. 638, 646 D. 581,597 Goodfriend, T. C. 239, 269 Paskhina, T. S., see Egorova, Pearse, A. G. E., see Pena, c., see Odya, C. E. 305, T. P. 52, 74, 622-625, 628, Carvalheira, A.F. 581,597 308 647 Pearson, L., Lambert, G.A., Pena, c., see Stewart, J. M. Paskhina, T. S., see Laufer, Lang, W.J. 315,336,340, 262,271 A. L. 620, 622, 650 342, 343, 354 Pena, G., see Fisher, G.H. Paskhina, T. S., see Pearson, L., Lang, W. J. 315, 257,267 Lyublinskaya, L. A. 615, 354 Pence, H. L., Evon, R., 650 Pearson, L., see Lang, W. J. Guemey, L. H., Gerhard, Paskhina, T. S., see Narticova, 315,352,416,423 R.G. 581,603 V. F. 622, 650 Pearss, A.G.E. 281,284 Penke, P., see Balaspiri, L. Paskhina, T. S., see Ravdel, Peart, W. S. 550, 567 229, 266 G.A. 617,618,653 Peart, W. S., Andrews, T. M., Pennow, B., Waldenstrom, J. Paskhina, T. S., see Zhukova, Robertson, J.I. S. 419, 424 582,603 G.F. 620,655 Peart, W. S., see Lennane, R. J. Pensky, Schwick 69 Pasquet, J., see Julou, L. 312, 552,565 Pensky, J. 83 351 Pease, D. C., see Scott, B. L. Pensky, J., Levy, R., Lepow, Pass, E., Movat, H.Z., Wasi, 509,522 T.H. 69,83 S. 66,67,83 Pecci, R., see Schiffman, S. 25, Pensky, J., see Forbes, O. D. Pass, E., see Movat, H. Z. 67, 26,85 22,30, 74 82 Pecht, M., see Levin, Y. 164, Pensky, J., see Ratnoff, O.D. Pass, E., see Wasi, S. 66,67,88 217 580,604 Pasta, P., see Casellato, M. M. Peck, M.J., Williams, T.J. Pensky, J., see Saito, H. 15,28, 279,283 322, 354, 368, 370, 395 29,84 Patak, R. V., Mookerjee, B. K., Peck, M.J., see Williams, T.J. Pentecost, B. L., see Dollery, Bentzel, C.J., Hysert, P.E., 369,370,398 C. T. 576, 598 Babej, M., Lee, J. B. 559, Pedersen, E. J., see Hvidt, A. Pentecost, B. L., see Goldberg, 566 175,215 L. 1. 532, 544 Paterson, C. L., see Mills, I. H. Peeters, G., Houvenaghel, A. Penttinen, R., see Kangasniemi, 193, 219, 529, 534, 546 385,395 P. 435,478 Paustian, P. W., see Chapnick, Peeters, G., Houvenaghe1, A., Pereira, A. A., see Diniz, C. R. B. M. 363, 389, 408, 421 Verbeke, R., Sichem• 148, 155, 205, 210 Pavlikhina, L. V., Eliseeva, J. E., Reynaert, R. van 364, 385, Perks, A. M., see Campbell, Pozdnev, B. F., Orekhovich, 395 A. G. M. 364, 389 V. N. 615, 616, 653 Peeters, G., Verbeke, R., Perks, A. M., see Dunn, R. S. Pavlikhina, L. V., see Elisseeva, Houvenaghel, A., Reynaert, 277,281,283 J.J. 454,459,474 R. 164,178, 182, 192, 199, Perl, E. R., see Kumazawa, T. Pavlikhina, L. V., see Elisseeva, 219 326,352 y. E. 441,447,449,450, Peeters, G., see Houvenaghel, Pemossi, L., see Femi, C. 68, 454, 474, 630, 647 A. 182,214,364,385,392 74 Pavlikhina, L. V., see Peeters, G., see Reynaert, H. Pemow, B. 583, 603 Orekhovich, V. N. 616,630, 182,220 Pemow, B., see Bergstrom, S. 644,651 Pegrassi, L., see Deffenu, G. 317,348 Pavlov, V. V., see Meged, N. F. 313,316,349 Pemow, B., see Burcher, E. 622, 623, 650 Pekarskiy, D. E., see Arkatov, Paysey, C. G. K., see Gordon, V.A. 611,641,646 278, 283 R. D. 563, 565 Pela, I. R., Gardey-Levassort, Peron-Renner, M., see Peach, M.J., see Ackerly, J.A. c., Lechat, P., Rocha e Silva, Lazdunski, M. 166, 175, 446,470,471 M. 347,354 177,217 Peach, M.J., see Franklin, Pehi, I. R., see Almeida e Silva, Peron-Renner, M., see W. G. 443, 476 T. C. 343, 347 Levilliers, N. 177, 217 Author Index 713

Peron-Renner, M., see Vincent, Picarelli, Z. P., Henriques, O. B., Piercy, D.A, see Wardle, J.-P. 173,223 Oliveira, M. C. F. 290, 298 E. N. 579, 593, 606 Perper, R.J., see Ignarro, L.J. Picarelli, Z. P., see Lavras, Pierson, A. K., Rosenberg, 65,77 A.A.C. 281,284 F.J. 313,354 Perris, A. D., Whitfield, J. F. Pickens, J., West, G.B., Pietra, G.G., Szidon, J.P., 293,298, 381,395 Whelan, C.J. 414,425 Leventhal, M. M., Fishman, Pershina, L., Hvidt, A 175, Pickering, R. J., Kelly, J. R., A.P. 365,373,395 219 Goode, R. A, Gewitz, H. Piez, K. A, see Folk, J. E. 432, Persico, P., see Capasso, F. 581,604 447,476 Pictet, R., see Forsmann, 368,389 Pinker, T. G., Young, G. T., Persson, A, Wilson, I. B. 448, W.G. 581,599 Elliott, D. F., Wade, R. Pierce, J. V. 46,83,98, 102, 449, 482 228-230,269 Persson, C. G. A, see Svensjo, 103, 130, 159 Piper, P.J., Colier, H.O.J., E. 367,397 Pierce, J. V., Guimaraes, J.A Vane, J. R. 415,416,425 Peruzzi, G., see Baldoni, F. 45,49,83,280,284,573,604 321,348 Pierce, J. V., Nustad, K. 128, Piper, P.J., Vane, J.R. 247, Peruzzi, G., see Tallarida, G. 130, 159, 527,547 269,414,425 315,355,360,397 Pierce, J. V., Webster, M. E. Piper, P.J., see Palmer, M.A Peschka, M. T., see Bianchi, A. 44,47,49,83, 152, 160, 273, 320,354,373,395,414,424 462,472 280,284 Piquilloud, Y., Reinharz, A, Peschl, L., see Blumel, G. 583, Pierce, J. V., see Beaven, V. H. Roth, M. 447,448,482,615, 597 105, 131, 154,459,464, 527, 656 Peskar, B.A, see Starke, K. 533,542 Piquilloud, Y., see Roth, M. 335,355 Pierce, J. V., see Brandtzaeg, P. 442,483 Petakova, M., Simonianova, E., 134-136, 155, 494, 508, 514, Pirotta, M., see Marks, N. 346, Rybak, M. 433, 436, 482 517,519 353,435,436,480 Petakova, M., see Rybak, M. Pierce, J. V., see Colman, Pisano, J.J. 264,269,276,284 434,436,483 R. W. 23, 26, 56, 73, 572, Pisano, J.J., Austen, K.F. 301, Peterhoff, I., see Rohen, J. W. 574, 595, 598 308 380,396 Pierce, J. V., see Corthorn, J. Pisano, J.J., Corthorn, J., Peters, G., see Marin Grez, M. 527, 543 Yates, K., Pierce, J. V. 273, 291,298 Pierce, J. V., see' Fischer, J. 284 Peters, H. D., see Schonhofer, 307, 308 Pisano, J.J., Geller, R., P. S. 295, 299 Pierce, J. V., see Guimariies, Margoluis, H. S., Keiser, Peterson, A, see Disalvo, J. J.A. 273,280,283,526,544 H.S. 517,522 474 Pierce, J. V., see Imanari, T. Pisano, J.J., Yates, K., Pierce, Peterson, D. W., Hamilton, 105, 125, 133, 157, 527,545 J. V. 531,547 W. H., Lilyblade, A. L. 591, Pierce, J. V., see Liu, C. Y. 573, Pisano, J. J., see Beaven, V. H. 604 602 105, 131, 154, 459, 464, 527, Petroff, J.R., see Migay, T.1. Pierce, J. V., see Meier, H. L. 533, 542 489,521 24,26,80,572,603 Pisano, J.J., see Corthorn, J. Pettinger, W.A, Keeton, K., Pierce, J. V., see Moriya, H. 527,543 Tanaka, K. 465, 482 125, 126, 129, 130, 132, 159 Pisano, J.J., see Geller, R.G. Pettinger, W.A., Young, R. Pierce, J. V., see Nustad, K. 282,283,534,540,541,544 22,83 103, 105, 136-138, 159, 528- Pisano, J.J., see Guimariies, Pettinger, W.A, see Gullner, 530,546,547 J. A. 273, 280, 283 H.G. 540,544 Pierce, J. V., see 0rstavik, T. B. Pisano, J.J., see Hial, V. 273, Pettinger, W.A, see Oates, 530, 531, 547 284,443,477 J.A. 376,381,394,582,603 Pierce, J.V., see Pisano, J.J. Pisano, J.J., see Imanari, T. Phelps, P., McCarty, D.J., Jr. 273,284,531,547 105, 125, 133, 157, 527, 545 591,604 Pierce, J. V., see Webster, Pisano, J.J., see Keiser, H.R. Phelps, P., Prockop, D. J., M. E. 19,23,24,26,27, 31, 533, 534, 541,545, 562, 565 McCarty, D. T. 591, 604 44,88,105,161,304,309, Pisano, 1. J., see Margoluis, Phillis, J. W., Limacher, J.J. 375, 398, 548, 572, 573, 585, H. S. 401,404,423, 534, 343,354 606 535, 539-541, 545, 549, 551, Piantadosi, C., see Geratz, Piercey, M. F., Hollister, R. P. 552, 554-558, 560--563, 565, J. D. 105, 157, 206,213 328, 329, 354 566 714 Author Index

Pisano, J.J., see Nakajima, T. Poon, M.-C. 19,83 Powers, J. C., Gupton, B. F., 282,284 Poon, M.-C., see Movat, H. Z. Harley, D.A., Nishino, N., Pisano, J.J., see Newball, 4,9, 16, 19,20-22,31,34,35, Whitley, R.J. 65,83 H.H. 375,394 41,42,80 Powers, C.J., see Tuhy, P.M. Pisano, J. J., see Prado, J. L. Popkova, G.A., Astapova, 65, 87 276, 284 M. V., Lisunkin, J. J., Ravdel, Poyser, N. L., see Fenwick, L. Pisano, J.J., see Yoshida, H. G.A., Krit, N.A 229,270, 403,422 231,272,276,285 618-620, 653 Pozdnev, B. F., see Pavlikhina, Pitlick, F., Dreyer, B., Mulrow, L.V. 615,616,653 Popov, E. M., see Arkipova, P., Tan, S. Y., Sweet, P. 362, Prado, E.F., see Giusti, E.P. S. F. 261, 266 395 528,544 Popov, V.G., Melkumova, 1.S., Pitt, B., Mason, J., Conti, Prado, E.S., Araujo-Viel, M.S., Sorokin, A V. 635, 653 C. R. 577, 588,604 Sampaio, M. U., Prado, J. L., Pivitera, P.J., see Halushka, Popper, H., see Lembeck, F. Paiva, A C. M. 146,160 P.V. 535,538,539,544 319-321,352,414,423 Prado, E. S., Prado, J. L., Piwonska, A, see Carretero, Porcelli, G., Bianchi, G., Brandi, C. M. W. 145, 147, O.A 307,307,526,540, Croxatto, H. 540, 541,547 148, 160 541,543 Porcelli, G., Cozzari, c., Di Prado, E. S., Stella, R. C. R., Plesset, M. L., see Lanchantin, Iorio, M., Croxatto, R. H., Roncada, M. J., Prado, J. L. G.F. 69,79 Angeletti, P. 140, 141, 160, 147, 160 Plume, G., see Mazur, R. H. 178,219 Prado, E.S., Webster, M.E., 262,269 Porcelli, G., Croxatti, H. 137, Prado,J.L. 145,160 Plummer, T. H., Hurwitz, 138, 160, 526, 547 Prado, E. S., see Babel, 1. 146, M. Y. 430, 436, 482 Porcelli, G., Marini-Bettolo, 148, 154 Plummer, T. H., see McKay, G. B., Croxatto, H. R., Di Prado, E. S., see Brandi, T.J. 431-433,480 Iorio, M. 127,129-131,133, C. M. W. 147,155,273,283, Pluscec, J., see Cushman, 135-140, 145, 147, 149, 160, 468,472 D. W. 256, 259, 266, 460, 528, 540, 547 Prado, E. S., see Giusti, E. P. 461,473 Porcelli, G., see Croxatto, 145, 146, 157 Pluscec, J., see Ondetti, M.A. H. R. 178, 210, 549, 565 Prado, E. S., see Guimaraes, 250-252,269,460,482 J. A. 273, 283, 468, 477 Porcelli, G., see Greco, A. V. Prado, E. S., see Kramer, C. Podososov, S. P., see 534,544,561,562,565 Gaponyuk, P. A 642, 648 147, 148, 158 Porter, J. F., Shennan, AT., Pogadaev, V.1., Timin, E. N. Prado, E. S., see Prado, J. L. Smith, S. 382-384, 395 632,653 160, 468, 483 Pogadaev, V.1., see Khodorov, Portmann, B., see Gabbiani, Prado, E. S., see Sampaio, B. I. 632, 649 G. 365,391 C.AM. 145,148,160,205, Polakoski, K. L., see Zanefeld, Posati, L. P., Fox, K. K., 220 L.J.D. 191,225 Pallansch, M. J. 292, 298 Prado, E. S., see Sampaio, Polikarpova, E. G., see Posati, L. P., Pallansch, M. J. M. U. 148, 160 Paskhina, T. S. 612, 638, 292,298 Prado, E. S., see Webster, 652 Posner, L.A., see Rao, G.S.S. M. E. 106, 130, 145, 146, Polonskaya, L. B., see Lakin, 594,604 161 K. M. 639, 649 Poth, M. M., Heath, R. G., Prado, J. L. 103, 152,160,280, Polsky-Cynkin, R., see Hong, Ward, M. 437, 446, 483 284 S.-C. L. 294,298,414,423 Potter, D.E., Walaszek, E.J. Prado, J.L., Limaos, E.A., Polushkin, B. V., Kulaya, V. V., 290, 291, 298 Roblero, J., Freitas, J.O., Latysheva, V. V., Potter, D. E., see Nicolaides, Prado, E. S., Paiva, N. S. Ogorodova, T.S. 645,653 E.D. 246,269 468,483 Polyanceva, L. R., see Paskhina, Potter, G. D., see Guzman, F. Prado, J. L., Prado, E. S., T. S. 612, 641, 642, 653 314, 315,350 Brandi, C. M. W., Polyonis, M., see Davies, P. Poulsen, J. H. 516, 522 Katchburian, A V. 160 63,74 Poulsen, K., see Bing, J. 459, Prado, J. L., Tamura, Z., Pondman, K. W., see Ashgar, 472 Furano, E., Pisano, J. J. S. S. 179, 200, 206, 208 Powell, S. M., see Thune, P. 276,284 Pong, S. S., see Lee, S. C. 407, 592,606 Prado, J.L., see Borges, D.R. 423 Powers, J. C. 65, 83 468,472 Author Index 715

Prado, J. L., see Brandi, Pudles, J., see Lazdunski, M. Ragnarsson, U., Karlsson, e. M. W. 273, 283, 468, 472 166, 175, 177, 217 S. M., Hamberg, U. 263, Prado, J. L., see, Pudles, J., see Levilliers, N. 270 J. L. 273, 283, 468, 477 177,217 Ragnarsson, U., see Sandberg, Prado, J. L., see Kramer, e. Pudles, J., see Vincent, J.-P. B. E. B. 263, 270 147, 148, 158 173,223 Raizes, G. S., see Joyner, W. L. Prado, J. L., see Prado, E. S. Pullman, T. N., see Carone, 365,392 145-148, 160 F.A. 273,283,445,473 Ralofsky, C. A., see Bodanszky, Prado, J. L., see Sampaio, Pullman, T. N., see Oparil, S. A. 262,266 445, 482 e. A. M. 438, 439, 483 Ramalho-Pinto, F.J., see Pyle, H.A., see Treloar, M.P. Prado, M.J.B.A., see Brandi, Camargo, A. C. M. 346, 9, 20, 22, 39, 87 e. M. W. 273, 283, 468, 472 348, 437, 469, 472 Praissman, M., see Luthy, Ramos, A. 0., see Rocha e Silva, J.A. 166,172,198,218 Quast, U., Engel, J., Heumann, M. 582,605 Prakash, A., Grebow, P., H., Krause, G., Steffen, E. Greenbaum, L. M. 93, 102 Ramwell, P. W., Leovey, 173,220 Prakash, A., see Grebow, P. E. M. K., Sintetos, A. L. Quast, U., Engel, J., Steffen, E., 92, 93, 95, 101 412,425 Mair, G., Tschesche, H., Prakash, A., see Greenbaum, Ramwell, P. W., Shaw, J. E., Jering, H. 172,220 L.M. 64,66,75,97,99,101, Jessup, S.J. 385,395 Quast, U., Engel, J., Steffen, E., 101 Ranadive, N. S., Sajnani, A. N., Tschesche, H., Iering, H., Prasad, A. S., see Grammens, Alimurka, K., Movat, H. Z. Kupfer, S. 172, 220 G.L. 14,75 63,64,83 Quast, U., Engel, J., Tschesche, Prasad, S.P., Raviprakash, V., Ranadive, N.S., see Movat, H. 172,175,220 Sabir, M., Bhattacharyya, H.Z. 14,66,82,91,95,99, Quast, U., Steffen, E. 194, 195, N.K. 382,395 102,369,394,435,480 220 Pravada, Z., see Liener, I. E. Ranadive, N. S., see Sajnani, Quast, U., see Engel, J. 166, 68,80 A.N. 63,64,85 173, 177, 179, 211 Pressman, D., see Grossberg, Randall, H. T., see Roberts, Queng, J. T., see Burdon, A. L. 167,213 K. E. 583, 604 K. K. 580, 597 Prewitt, R. L., see Muirhead, Randic, M., Yu, H. H. 328, Querido, A., see Sluys Veer, J., E. E. 465, 468, 480 329, 335, 354 Van der 582,606 Pribram, H., Hernheiser, G. Rao, G.J.S., Nadler, H.L. Qvigstad, E.-K., see Briseid, 489, 522 K. 376,389,579,592,597 593,604 Price, D. D., Dubner, R. 323, Rao, G.J.S., Posner, L.A., 326, 354 Nadler, H. L. 594, 604 Prinzen, R., see Kleeberg, S. Rabes, H. 381,395 Rapaport, S., Aas, K., Owen, 386,393 Rabiner, S. F., Goldfine, I. D., P. A. 571,604 Prinzen, R., see Leidl, W. 386, Hart, A., Summaria, L., Rapaport, S. T., see Schiffman, 393 Robbins, K.C. 61,83 S. 8,28,85 Prinzen, R., see Palm, S. 382, Rabinovitch, M., see Junqueira, Rapp, J. P., Pan, S. Y., 386,387,395,518,522 L. C. 514, 521 Margoluis, H. S. 540, 541, Prior, J. C., see Streeten, Rabito, S. F., Binia, A., Segovia, 547 D. H. P. 307, 309, 433, 434, R. 281,285 Raspe, R., see Wiegershausen, 484,535,548 Rachitskaya, N.G., see Lakin, B. 435,485 Priscilla, A., see Rosoff, L., Jr. K. M. 639, 649 Ratcliffe, H. D., see Landerman, 575,605 Racic, M. R., see Robinson, N.S. 574,580,601 Prockop, D. J., see Phelps, P. J. A. 585, 586, 604 Ratnoff, O. D. 7, 8, 22, 29, 83, 591,604 Radcliffe, R., Bagdasarian, A., 569,604 Pronove, P., see Bartter, F.e. Colman, R. W., Nemerson, Ratnoff, O.D., Busce, R.J., 558, 564 y. 572,604 Sheon, R.P. 569,604 Propieraitis, A. S., Thompson, Radfar, N., see Vinci, J. M. Ratnoff, O. D., Colopy, J. E. 7, A. G. 587, 604 535, 538, 548 83,569,574,604 Prou-Wartelle, 0., see Radhakrishnan, A., see Gruber, Ratnoff, O. D., Crum, J. D. 22, Niewiarowski, S. 57,82 K. A. 265, 268 83 Przesmycki, K., Kleinrok, Z. Raker, K.-O., see Arndts, D. Ratnoff, O. D., Davie, E. W. 3, 336,342,344,345,354 166, 181,207 8, 9, 10, 57,84 716 Author Index

RatnotT, O. D., Davie, E. W., Ravdel, G.A., see Shemyakin, Reissmann, S., Filatova, M.P., Mallet, D. L. 8, 28, 84, 570, M. 228,270 Reutova, T.O., Arold, H., 604 Ravdel, G. A., see Shchukina, Ivanov, V. T. 230, 270 RatnotT, O.D., Lepow, 1.H. L.A. 616,653 Reissmann, S., Pagelow, 1., 69,84 Ravdel, G. A., see Zhukova, Arold, H. 228-231,270 RatnotT, O.D., Miles, A.A. 3, G. F. 620, 655 Reissmann, S., Page1ow, 1., 4,6,9,45,84 Raviprakash, V., see Prasad, Leisner, H., Arold, H. 270, RatnotT, O. D., Pensky, J., S.P. 382,395 451,483 Ogston, D., NatT, G. B. 580, Rawlinson, H. E. 509, 511,522 Reissmann, S., Paegelow, 1., 604 Raymond, G.G., see Wong, Liebmann, C., Steinmetzger, RatnotT, O. D., see Donaldson, P. Y. 376, 381, 399, 577, H., Jankova, T., Arold, H. V. H. 14, 74, 240, 266, 302, 583,607 289,291,296,299 308,580,599 Raz, A., see Isakson, P. C. 414, Reissmann, S., see Arold, H. RatnotT, O. D., see Forbes, 423 377,388 O.D. 22,30,74 Raz, A., see Needleman, P. Reissmann, S., see Efremov, RatnotT, O. D., see Frair, B. D. 403,424 E.S. 261,266 26,74 Re, R., Novelline, R., RatnotT, O. D., see Goldsmith, Escourrou, M.-T., Reissmann, S., see Filatova, G.H. 579,594,600 Athanasoulis, C., Bruton, J., M.P. 261,267,296,297 RatnotT, O. D., see Graham, Haber, E. 467, 483 Reissmann, S., see Ivanov, R. C. 14, 44, 75 Re, R., see Sancho, J. 465,467, V. T. 261, 268, 296,298 RatnotT, O. D., see Kellermeyer, 483 Reissmann, S., see Paegelow, R.W. 4,5,79 Rea, T.H., see Lieberman, J. I. 377,395 RatnotT, O. D., see Margolius, 434, 458, 479 Reissmann, S., see A. 569,602 Read, R. C., see Lucas, C. E. Wiegershausen, B. 290, 300 RatnotT, O. D., see McMillin, 583,602 Reit, E., see Aiken, J. W. 334, C.R. 15, 16,26,80 Regoli, D., Barabe, J. 249, 270 347 RatnotT, O. D., see Moskowitz, Regoli, D., Barabe, J., Park, Reit, E., see Lewis, G.P. 333, R.W. 22,80 W. K. 292, 299, 363, 395 334,353,415,423 RatnotT, O. D., see Ogston, D. Regoli, D., Barabe, H., Renfrew, A. G., see Erdos, 57,82 Theriault, B. 357, 395 E.G. 441,475 Ratnoff, O. D., see Saito, H. Regoli, D., see Barabe, J. 363, Renkin, E. M., see Carter, 15,23,28,29,56,84,302,308 377,388 R. D. 365, 389 571,572, 574, 595, 605 Regoli, D., see Park, W.K. Renkin, E.M., see Joyner, Ratnoff, O.D., see Smink, M. 234,235,269 W.L. 365,392 McL. 8,86 Reich, E., see Granelli-Pipemo, Renold, A.E., see Forsmann, Ratnoff, O. D., see Webster, A.G. 57,75 W.G. 581,599 M. E. 570, 606 Reich, E., see Unkeless, J. 57, Resnik, R., Killam, A. P., Rauh, W., see Hofbauer, K. G. 87 Barton, M. D., Battaglia, 443, 462, 477 Reichgott, M.J., see Miller, F. C., Makowski, E. L., Ravdel, G. A., Filatova, M. P., R.L. 99,101,585,603 Meschia, G. 384,396 Shchukina, L. A., Paskhina, Reichlin, M., Schnure, J. J., RestoriT, W., von, see Bassenge, T. S., Surovicina, M. S., Vance, V.K. 305,308 E. 357,358,388 Trapeznikova, S. S., Reidel, G., see Tschesche, H. Retik, A. B., see Hollenberg, Egorova, T.P. 617,618,653 167,223 N. K. 590, 600 Ravdel, G.A., Monapova, Reingold, 1. M., see Escovitz, Reuse, J.J., see Delhaye, C. N.N., Krit, N.A., FiIatova, W. E. 582, 599 435,474 M. P., Lisunkin, Y.1., Reinharz, A., see Piquilloud, Reutova, T.O., see Efremov, Ivanov, V. T. 629, 653 Y. 447,448,482, 615, 656 E.S. 261,266 Ravdel, G.A., see Filatova, Reis, D. S., see Riccioppo Neto Reutova, T.O., see Filatova, M.P. 228-230,261,267, F. 314-316, 354 M.P. 261,267 296,297,617,647 Reis, M. L., Okino, L., Rocha e Reutova, T.O., see Ivanov, Ravdel, G.A., see Krit, N.A. Silva,M. 275,285,367,396 V. T. 261, 268, 296, 298 230, 268, 618, 649 Reissmann, S., Arold, H., Reutova, T.O., see Reissmann, Ravdel, G.A., see Popkova, Filatova, M.P., Reutova, S. 229, 230, 233, 270 G.A. 229,270,618-620, T.O., Ivanov, V.T. 229, Revak, S.D., Cochrane, C.G. 1153 230, 233, 270 16, 18, 34, 84 Author Index 717

Revak, S. D., Cochrane, C. G., Richter, M., see Markwardt, Robbins, K. C., Boreisha, 1. G., Griffin, J.H. 17,84 F. 119, 158 Arzadon, L., Summaria, L., Revak, S.D., Cochrane, e.G., Rickkiner, P., see Kangasniemi, Barlow, G. H. 60, 84 Johnston, A.-R. 585,604 P. 596,601 Robbins, K. C., Summaria, L. Revak, S.D., Cochrane, C.G., Rickli, E. E., Cuendet, P. A. 57-60,84 Johnston, A. R., Hugli, 60,84 Robbins, K. e., Summaria, L., T. E. 9, 10, 14-18, 34,84 Ridgeway, H., see Speer, R.J. Hsieh, B., Shar, R. J. 61,84 Revak, S. D., see Cochrane, 9, 15,86 Robbins, K. C., see Rabiner, S.F. 61,83 C.G. 4,9,14-16,20,22,23, Riekkinen, P., see Kangasniemi, 28,29, 33,44, 73, 570, 571, Robbins, K. e., see Summaria, P. 435,478 598 L. 59, 60,86 Riekkinen, P.J., Ekfors, T.O., Revak, S. D., see Griffin, J. H. Robboy, S., see Lopas, H. 579, Hopsu, V.K. 136,160 24-26,75 593,602 Revak, S. D., see Johnston, Riekkinen, P.J., see Ekfors, Robboy, S.J., see Minna, J.D. A.R. 4,5,78 T. O. 134-136, 142, 155, 589,603 Rexed, B. 326, 354 494, 503, 508, 520 Roberts, D. V., Elmore, D. T. Reynaert, H., Peeters, G., Riesterer, L., see Dyrud, O. K. 125, 160 Verbeke, R., Houvenaghe1, 374,390 Roberts, F., see Bhoola, K.D. A. 182,220 Rijssel, T. G., van, see Sluys 497, 515,518 Reynaert, R. see Peeters, G. Veer, J. van der 582, 606 Roberts, K. E., Randall, H. T., 164, 178, 182, 192, 199,219 Rinderknecht, H., Haverback, Farr, H. W. 583, 604 Reynard, A. M., see Bakhle, B.J., Aladjem, F. 288,299, Roberts, M. A., see Terragno, Y.S. 443,471 308 N.A. 426 Roberts, M. L., Mashford, Reynolds, J.J., see Murphy, Rinderknecht, H., see Geokas, M. L. 591,604 G. 66,82 M. e. 431, 476 Reynolds, R. C., see Ward, Roberts, M. L., see Martin, Rindler, R., Hortnagel, H., P. E. 444,445,462,485,527, C.A. 291,298 Schmalz, F., Braunsteiner, 530,531,548,557,567 Roberts, M. L., see Mashford, H. 65,84 Reynolds, T. B., see Boyer, M. L. 301, 303, 306, 308 T. D. 576, 597 Rindler, R., Schmalzl, F., Roberts, P. S. 549, 567 Reynolds, T. B., see Rosoff, L., Braunsteiner, H. 65, 84 Robertson, C. C., see Padfield, Jr. 575,605 Rindler-Ludwig, R., P. L. 560, 566 Reza, R., see Soffer, R. L. 452, Braunsteiner, H. 65, 84 Robertson, J. 1. S., see Padfield, 484 Rindler-Ludwig, R., Schmalzel, P. L. 560,566 Rhamey, R., see Keiser, H. R. F., Braunsteiner, H. 65,84 Robertson, J.1. S., see Peart, 562, 565 Rindler-Ludwig, R., see W. S. 419,424 Rhoads, R. E., Udenfriend, S. Dewald, B. 66,74 Robertson, J. W., see Movat, 439,483 Rinne, U. K., see Kangasniemi, H.Z. 4,80 Ribeiro, S. A., Corrado, A. P., P. 435, 478, 596, 601 Robertson, R. T., see Zanefeld, Graeff, F. G. 337, 339, 354 Riordan, J. F., see Biinning, P. L.J.D. 191,225 Ribeiro, S. A., Rocha e Silva, 486,487 Robertson, T., see Siegelman, M. 231, 240, 243, 247,270, Rippon, W. B., see Frair, B. D. A. M. 587, 606 337, 339, 354 26,74 Robinson, B. F., see Collier, Ribeiro, S. A., see Corrado, Rita, G., see Davies, P. 64, 74 J. G. 305, 307 A.P. 316,337,339,349 Ritz, K., see Seino, M. 540, Robinson, B. F., see Collier, Riccioppo Neto, F., Corrado, 547 J.G. 317,348,444,462,473 A. P., Rocha e Silva, M. 354 Rivier, J., see Burgus, R. 265, Robinson, e. J. G., see Erdos, Riccioppo Neto, F., Reis, D. S., 266 E. G. 446, 458, 475 Corrado, A.P. 314-316, Rixon, R. H., Whitfield, J. F. Robinson, C. J. G., see Hall, 354 381,396 E. R. 443-445, 457, 477 Riccioppo Neto, F., see Rixon, R. H., Whitfield, J. F. Robinson, C. J. G., see Igic, R. Corrado, A.P. 316,337, Bayliss, J. 381,396 443, 446, 459, 478 339,349 Roark, D. E., see Greene, L. J. Robinson, C.J.G., see Klauser, Richardson, M., Cossins, L. 105, 106, 157 R.J. 433,442,446,461,478 201,220 Robbins, K. C., Bernabe, P., Robinson, C.J.G., see Richardson, P. D. 1., Arzadon, L., Summaria, L. Marinkovic, D. V. 432,438, Withrington, P. G. 378, 396 84 439,479 718 Author Index

Robinson, e.J.G., see Odya, Rocha e Silva, M., see Reis, Ropelewska, J., see Moniuszko• C.E. 233,269,451,481 M. L. 275, 285, 367, 396 Jakoniuk, J. 359, 394 Robinson, J. A., Klodyncky, Rocha e Silva, M., see Ribeiro, Roques, B.P., see Malfroy, B. M. L., Loeb, H. S., Racic, S.A. 231,240,243,247, 487,487 M. R., Gunnar, R. M. 585, 270, 337, 339, 354 Rosa, M. di, Sorrentino, L. 586,604 Rocha e Silva, M., see 367,390 Robinson, R. L. 415,416,425 Riccioppo Neto, F. 354 Rosa, M. di., see Capasso, F. Roblero, J., Croxatto, H. R., 368,389 Rocha e Silva, M., Jr., Harris, Albertini, R. B. 552, 567 Rosas, R., see Croxatto, H. R. M. C. 419, 425 Roblero, J., Croxatto, H., 557,565 Garcia, R., Corthorn, J., Rocha e Silva, M., Jr., Malnic, Rosell, S., see Burcher, E. 278, DeVito, E. 528, 529, 540, G. 420,421,425 283 547, 552, 567 Roden, P., see Werle, E. 492, Rosen, F.S., see Donaldson, Roblero, J., Ryan, J. W., 499,523 V. 580, 598, 599 Stewart, J. M. 240,245,246, Rodgers, D. W., see Guzman, Rosen, F.S., see Klemperer, 252, 259, 264, 270 F. 314,315,350 M. R. 580, 601 Roblero, J., see Albertini, R. Rodgers, D. W., see Lim, Rosen, S. M., see Hollenberg, 541,542 R.K.S. 311,314,319,353 N.K. 590,600 Roblero, J., see Croxatto, Rodriguez, D.J., see Terragno, Rosenberg, F.J., see Pierson, H. R. 178, 210, 534, 535, N.A. 404,425 A.K. 313,354 540, 541, 543, 549, 557, 565 Rodriguez, J., see Horky, K. Rosenberg, J. C., see Sardesai, Roblero, J., see Prado, J.L. 446,477 V.M. 584,605 468,483 Rodrigues, J.A.A., Beraldo, Rosenberg, R., see Lahiri, B. Roblero, J., see Ryan, J. W. W. T. 192, 220 44, 79, 581, 601 241,244,270,276,285,440- Rodrigues, J.A.A., see Beraldo, Rosenberg, R. D., Damus, 443,449, 450, 483 W. T. 513, 514,518 P. S. 15,69,84 Roblero, J. S., Croxatto, H. R., Roehill, W., see Glueck, H.1. Rosenberg, R. D., see Albertini, R. B. 528, 529, 569,600 Highsmith, R. F. 62, 69, 77 531,547 Romer, W., see Arold, H. 377, Rosenberg, R. D., see Lahiri, Rocchi, R., Benassi, C. A., 388 B. 307,308 Tomatis, R., Ferroni, R., Roffman, S., Greenbaum, Rosenberg, R. D., see Stead, Menegatti, E. 170, 220 L.M. 97,102 N. 15,30,70,86 Rocha e Silva, M. 243, 249, Roffman, S., Lerner, S., Rosenbusch, G., see 250,270,275,285,292,296, Greenbaum, L. M. 94, 95, Habermann, E. 7, 50, 76 299 102 Rosenfeld, G., see Rocha e Rocha e Silva, M., Antonio, Rogowicke, J., see Silva, M. I, 84, 273, 285, A. 591,604 Niewiarowski, S. 22, 82 584,604 Rocha e Silva, M., Beraldo, Rohen, J. W., Buschhuter, H. Rosenkranz, H. 180, 220 W. T., Rosenfeld, G. 1,84, 385,396 Rosenkranz, H., Scholtan, W. 273,285,584,604 Rohen, J. W., Peterhoff, 1. 380, 180,220 Rocha e Silva, M., Corrado, 396 Rosenthal, N., see Rosenthal, A.P., Ramos, A.O. 582, Rohrbach, M. S. 448, 483 R.L. 28,84 605 Rojas, M., see Croxatto, H.R. Rosenthal, R. L., Dreskin, Rocha e Silva, M., Malnic, G. 534,535,540,543,557,565 O. H., Rosenthal, N. 28, 84 419, 420, 425 Rojo-Ortega, J.M., see Horky, Rosenthale, M. E., Dervinis, A., Rocha e Silva, M., Morato, M., K. 446,477 Kassarich, J., Singer, S. Almeida, A.P. de, Antonio, Romanets, V.A., see Geller, 317,354 A. 357,396 L. 1. 638, 648 Rosner, B., see Zinner, S. H. Rocha e Silva, M., see Da Silva, Romer, W., see Paegelow, 1. 535,548,557,567 G. R. 336, 339,349 377,395 Rosoff, L., Jr., Priscilla, A., Rocha e Silva, M., see Romero, J. C., Dunlop, C. L., Reynolds, T. B., Morton, Errington, M. L. 463, 475 Strong, e. G. 576, 605 R. 575,605 Rocha e Silva, M., see Garcia Romero, J.e., Mak, S. W., Rossinskaya, E. B., see Ergova, Leme, J. 311,350,368,393 Hoobler, S. W. 463, 483 T. P. 52, 74, 622, 625, 628, Rocha e Silva, M., see Graeff, Rona, G., see Gabbiani, G. M. 647 F.G. 336,338,340-342,350 365,367,391 Rossinskaya, E. B., see Rocha e Silva, M., see Pela, Roncada, M. J., see Prado, Paskhina, T. S. 612, 639- 1. R. 347, 354 E. S. 147, 160 642, 653 Author Index 719

Rost, F. W. D., see Bussolatti, Rudolph, A. M., see Heymann, 276,285,440-443,449,450, D. 581,597 M.A. 364,384,392 483 Roth, M., Weitzman, A. F., Rudy, T.A., see Yaksh, T.L. Ryan, J. W., Ryan, U. S., Piquilloud, Y. 442,483 329, 356 Schultz, D. R., Whitaker, e., Roth, M., see Depierre, D. Riicker, A. von, see Tschesche, Chung, A., Dorer, F.E. 442, 446, 448, 453, 474 H. 172, 185, 187-189,223 443, 483 Roth, M., see Jeanneret, L. Rueckert, R. R., see Dunker, Ryan, J. W., Smith, U. 443, 430,431,436,478 A.K. 150,155 483 Roth, M., see Piquilloud, Y. Riickrich, M. F., Wendel, A., Ryan, J. W., see Brady, A. H. 447,448,482,615,656 Schlegel, W., Jackisch, R., 247, 260, 266, 296, 297 Rothschild, A. M. 374, 396 Jung, A. 411,425 Ryan, J. W., see Chiu, A. T. Rothschild, A. M., Castania, Ruedy, J., see Nickerson, M. 288, 297, 449, 450, 459, 473 339, 354 A. 91, 100, 102, 371, 374, Ryan, J. W., see Dorer, F. E. Riihlmann, A., Kukla, D., 396 244,247,266,275,283,367, Rothschild, A. M., Castania, A., Schwager, P., Bartels, K., 390, 450, 474 Cordeiro, R. S. B. 95, 100, Huber, R. 173, 174, 198, Ryan, J. W., see Fisher, G. H. 102, 371, 396, 582, 605 220 234,257,267 Rothschild, A. M., Cordeiro, Riihlmann, A., see Blow, R. S. B., Castania, A. 371, D.M. 172,173,208 Ryan, J. W., see Marlborough, 374,396,582,605 Riihlmann, A., see Huber, R. D.l. 261,269,296,298 Rothschild, A. M., Gomes, J. e., 168,214 Ryan, J.W., see Roblero, J. Castania, A. 582, 605 Rumpf, K. W., Frenzel, S., 240, 245, 246, 252, 259, 264, Rothschild, A. M., see Castania, Lowitz, H.D., Scheler, F. 270 A. 371,389,586,597 559,567 Ryan, J.W., see Ryan, U.S. Rottenbacker-Teubner, H., see Runjanek, F. D., see Gauldie, 443,457,483 Blumel, G. 583, 597 J. 282,283 Ryan, J. W., see Stewart, J. M. Roucous, C., see Bechet, J.-J. Russel, P. K., see Bokisch, 228,229,271,296,299 119, 154, 207, 208 V.A. 573,597 Ryan, T. J., see Gavras, H. Roviller, C., see Forsmann, Russell, T., see Michel, B. 376, 487, 487 W.G. 581,599 394 Ryan, T.J., see Thune, P. 592, Rowan III, R., see Snyder, Rutili, G., see Svensjii, E. 367, 606 G.H. 169,221 397 Ryan, U. S., Ryan, T. W., Rowley, D.A. 584,605 Ryan, C.A. 164,201,202,220 Whitaker, e., Chiu, A. 443, Rozantsev, E. G., see Filatova, Ryan, C. A., Santarius, K. 200, 457,483 M.P. 261,267 220 Ryan, U.S., see Chiu, A. T. Rubin, B., Laffan, R. J., Kotler, Ryan, e. A., Shumway, L. K. 288,297 D. G., O'Keefe, E. H., 201,202,220 Ryan, U. S., see Ryan, J. W. Demaio, D.A., Goldberg, Ryan, C.A., see Bryant, J. 201, 443,457,483 M.E. 461,464,483 209 Rybak, M., Blazkova, B., Rubin, B., see Engel, S.L. 251, Ryan, C.A., see Huber, R. Petakova, M. 436, 483 252,267,442,460,462,474 173,214 Rybak, M., Mansfeld, V., Rubin, B., see Laffan, R.J. Ryan, e.A., see Melville, J.e. Grimova, J., Petakova, M. 465,479 201,202,219 434,483 Rubin, B., see Ondetti, M. A. Ryan, G. B., see Majno, G. Rybak, M., see Petakova, M. 260, 269, 461, 482 365, 367,393 433, 436, 482 Rubin, 1., see Nustad, K. 530, Ryan, J. W., Chung, A., Rzeszotarska, B., Wiejak, S. 547 Ammons, e., Carlton, 176,220 Rucinska, E. J., see Gavras, H. M. L. 448, 449, 483 Rzeszotarska, B., see Wiejak, 467,476 Ryan, J. W., Day, A. R., S. 176,224 Rudakov, 1. A., see Gaponyuk, Schultz, D. R., Ryan, U. S., P. A. 642, 648 Chung, A., Marlborough, Ruddy, S., Gigli, 1., Austen, D.l., Dorer, F.E. 443,457, Saad, A. D., see Sampaio, K.F. 586,605 483 C.A.M. 147,160 Ruddy, S., see Carpenter, C. B. Ryan, J.W., Moffat, J.G., Sabia, E. B., Tominaga, M., 580,597 Thompson, A. G. 577, 586- Paiva, A. C. M., Paiva, T. B. Rudinger, J. 227,270 588,605 251, 252, 256, 270 Rudolph, A. M., see Clyman, Ryan, J. W., Roblero, J., Sabir, M., see Prasad, S.P. R. 1. 364, 389 Stewart, J. M. 241,244,270, 382,395 720 Author Index

Sabo, E. F., see Cushman, Sajnani, A. N., Ranadive, N. S., Sancho, J., Re, R., Burton, J., D. W. 256, 259, 260, 266, Movat, H. Z. 63, 64, 85 Barger, A. C., Haber, E. 460, 461, 473 Sajnani, A. N., see Ranadive, 465,467,483 Sabo, E. F., see Ondetti, M. A. N. S. 63, 64, 83 Sandberg, B. E. B., Ragnarsson, 250-252,269,460,482 Sakagami, M., see Yanaihara, U. 263,270 Sach, E., Maillard, M., N. 272 Sandei, F., see Antonello, A. Toubiana, R., Choay, J. Sakakibara, S., Naruse, M. 541,542 115, 116, 160 256,270 Sander, G.E., Huggins, C.G. Sakakibara, S., see Kato, H. 443,483 Sache, E., see Zuber, M. 104, 256,268 Sander, G.E., West, D.W., 107-116, 118-120, 161, 207, Sakanashi, M., see Nishi, K. Huggins, C. G. 250, 270, 225 326, 354 459,483 Sachs, D. H., see Corley, L. Sakato, K., Tanaka, H., Sanders, C. A., see Oparil, S. 263,266 Misawa, M. 203, 220 449,482 Safdy, M.E., Lyons, P.A. Sakuma, A., see Oh-Ishi, S. Sanders, E. J., see Barton, S. 228-230, 270 435,481 538,542 Safta, L., see Cuparencu, B. Sakura, N., see Yasuhara, T. Sanders, T. W., see Disalvo, J. 341,349 232, 272, 277, 285 443, 462, 474 Said, S.I., see Bodanszky, M. Sakurai, Y., see Seino, M. 539, Sandler, J.A., see Clyman, 117,154 540,547,556, 561, 562,567 R.1. 294,295,297 Said, S.I., see Mutt, V. 117, Salas, M., see Camacho, A. Sanford, P.A., see Hardcastle, 159 151, 155 J. 380,391 Saintot, M., see Thaler-Dao, Salgado, H. C., see Krieger, Sangiorgi, M., see Tallarida, H. 411,426 E. M. 460, 462, 478 G. 315,323,324,355, 360, Saito, H. 25, 29, 84 Sambhi, M.P., see Barrett, 397 Saito, H., Goldsmith, G., J.D. 442,450,471 San Martin, M., see Croxatto, Waldmann,R. 575,595,605 Sampaio, C., Wong, S.-C., H. R. 536, 540, 541, 543, Saito, H., Ratnoff, O. D. 302, Shaw, E. 31,85, 165,220 549,565 308,571,605 Sampaio, C. A. M., Nunes, S. T., Santarius, K., see Ryan, C. A. Saito, H., Ratnoff, O. D., Mazzacoratti, M. D. G. N., 200,220 Donaldson, V. H. 56, 84 Prado, J. L. 438, 439, 483 Sardesai, V. M., Rosenberg, Saito, H., Ratnoff, O. D., Sampaio, C.A.M., Prado, J. C. 584, 605 Marshall, J.S., Pensky, J. E.S. 145,148,160,205,220 Sardesai, V. M., Thai, A. P. 28,29,84 Sampaio, C.A.M., Saad, A.D., 587,605 Saito, H., Ratnoff, O. D., Grisolia, D. 147, 160 Sasaki, K., see Kameyama, T. Pensky, J. 15,84 Sampaio, C. A. M., see Giusti, 228,229,231,232,268 Saito, H., Ratnoff, O. D., E.P. 145,146,157,528,594 Sasaki, K., see Maki, M. 207, Waldmann, A.J.P. 572, Sampaio, M. U., Galembeck, 218 574,595,605 R., Paiva, A. C. M., Prado, Sato, T., see Nagasawa, S. 50, Saito, H., Ratnoff, O. D., E. S. 148, 160 82 Waldmann, R., Abraham, Sampaio, M. U., see Prado, Satoh, M., Doi, T., Kawasaki, J. P. 23, 56, 85 E. S. 146, 160 K., Akaike, A., Takagi, H. Saito, H., see Donaldson, Sampaio, M. U., see Webster, 321,354 V. H. 302, 308 M. E. 304, 309 Satoh, M., Nakamura, N., Saito, H., see Goldsmith, Samuels, A. I., Miller, E. D., Takagi, H. 328, 329, 354 G. H. 579, 594, 600 Fray, J. C. S., Haber, E., Satoh, M., see Doi, T. 313,349 Saito, H., see McMillin, C. R. Barger, A.C. 463,483 Satoh, M., see Kaneko, T. 336, 338,351 15, 16, 26, 80 Samuels, A. I., see Miller, E. D., Satoh, M., Takagi, H. 329, Saito, K., see Seino, M. 540, Jr. 463, 467, 480 see 547 355 Samuelson, B. 425 Saito, S., see Frair, B. D. 26,74 Saul, W., see Maling, H. M. Saito, T., see Seino, J. 534,547 Samuelsson, B., see Hamberg, 292,298 Saito, T., see Seino, M. 550, M. 401, 412, 422 Saunders, E.J., see Barton, S. 551,561-563,567 Samuelsson, B., see Tuvemo, 496, 498, 506, 508, 509, 511, Saito, T., see Suzuki, T. 34, 50, T. 401, 403, 426 518 86 Sanchez, M., see Fonkalsrud, Saunders, E.J., see Schachter, Sajnani, A. N. 63, 85 E. W. 359,391 M. 510,522 Author Index 721

Saunders, R., Dyce, B. J., Schench, F., Obersdorf, A., Schleuning, W. D., see Schill, Vannier, W.E., Haberback, Schmidt-Kastner, G. 617, W.B. 387,396 B.J. 69,85 656 Schmal, A, see Fritz, H. 108, Sawada, J.; Yasui, H., Schenkein, I., see Boesman, 120, 123, 156, 164, 165, 212 Amamoto, T., Yamada, M., M. 142,154 Schmal, A, see Trautschold, I. Okazaki, T., Tanaka, I. Schenkein, I., see Levy, M. 514,522 202,220 142,158 Schma1zl, F., see Rindler, R. Sawers, R.J., see Fantl, P. 569, Scherer, J., see Janoff, A 64, 65,84 599 78 Schmalzl, F., see Rindler• Saya, M.J., see Movat, H.Z. Scherry, S., see Colman, R. Ludwig, R. 65, 84 67,82 610, 611, 613, 636, 655 Schmid, H., see Weber, U. 176, Sbaraglia, G., see Angeletti, Schiessler, H., Arnhold, M., 224 M. 140, 141, 154, 180, 201, Fritz, H. 182, 183, 221 Schmidt, G., see Vogt, W. 6, 207 Schiessler, H., Arnhold, M., 39,41,87 Schachter, M. 516,517,522 Ohlsson, K., Fritz, H. 221, Schmidt, R.F., see Foreman, Schachter, M., Barton, S. 511, 387,396 R. D. 330, 350 522 Schiessler, H., see Fritz, H. Schmidt, R.-F., see KnifIki, K.• Schachter, M., Barton, S., 180, 185, 193, 200, 201, 212, D. 326, 330, 352 Uddin, M., Karpinski, E., 387,391 Schmidt, W., Havemann, K. Saunders, E.J. 510,522 Schievelbein, H. 419, 425 64,65,85 Schachter, M., Thain, E. M. Schiffman, L., Lee, P. 23, 25, Schmidt-Kastner, G, see 275,278,285 28,29,56,85 Fiedler, F. 106, 109-113, Schachter, M., see Barton, S. Schiffman, S., Lee, P. 572, 605 155 496, 498, 506, 508, 509, 511, Schiffman, S., Lee, P., Feinstein, Schmidt-Kastner, G., see 518, 538, 542 D.I., Pecci, R. 25, 26, 85 Kutzbach, C. 105-109, 113, Schachter, M., see Beilenson, Schiffman, S., Lee, P., 121, 158 S. 494-496, 498, 518 Waldmann, R. 23,56,85, Schmidt-Kastner, G., see Schachter, M., see Bhoola, 572,605 Schench, F. 617,656 K. D. 62, 72, 275, 283, 496, Schiffman, S., Rapaport, S. T., Schmidt-Kastner, G., see 498,519 Ware, A.G., Mehl, J. W. 8, Tschesche,H. 111,112,161, Schachter, M., see Hojima, Y. 28,85 198,222 506,508,511,517,521 Schill, W.B. 385-387,396 Schmitz, A. 57,85 Schachter, M., see Jacques, R. Schill, W. B., Braun-Falco, 0., Schmuziger, P., see Lavras, 275,284 Haberland, G. L. 386, 387, AAC. 281,284 Schachter, M., see Mathias, 396 Schneider, C., see Collier, A. P. 275, 276, 284 Schill, W. B., Haberland, G. L. H.O.J. 312,313,317,320, Schachter, M., see Moriwaki, 385,386,396 348 C. 143, 144, 149, 159, 178, Schill, W. B., Schleuning, W. D., Schneider, S. L., see Laskowski, 183, 192, 199, 219, 511, 521 Fritz, H. 387,396 M., Sr. 217 Schafer, E.A., see Oliver, G. Schill, W. B., see Leidl, W. 386, Schnure, J.J., see Reichlin, M. 495,521 393 305,308 Schaeffer, T. R.; see Bianchi, Schill, W. B., see Palm, S. 382, Schoenberger, M. D., see A. 462,472 386,387,395,518,522 Fanburg, B. L. 434, 458, Schaeffer, T. R., see Engel, Schill, W. B., see Wallner, o. 475 S. L. 251,252,267,442,460, 386,398 Schoenfeld, F. B., see Anderson, 462,474 Schirmer, E., see Wolf, E. 616, M. C. 586, 596 Schaeffer, T. R., see Laffan, 656 Schiinhiifer, P. S., Peters, H. D., R.J. 465,479 Schlegel, W'; Demers, L. M., Karzel, K., Dinnendahl, V., Schaeger, M., see Seidel, G. 39, Hildebrandt-Stark, H. E., Westhofen, P. 295, 299 85 Behrman, H. R., Greep, Schoenmakers, J.G., Kurstjens, Schafer, D.J., Young, G. T., R.O. 411,425 R. M., Haanen, c., Zilliken, Elliott, D. F., Wade, R. 262, Schlegel, W., see Riickrich, F. 57,85 270 M. F. 411, 425 Schoenmakers, J.G.G., Matze, Schechter, I., Berger, A 167, Schleuning, W. D., Hell, R., R., Haanen, C., Zilliken, F. 220 Fritz, H. 387,396 13, 15,29,85 Scheler, F., see Rumpf, K. W. Schleuning, W. D., see Fritz, Scholtan, W., see Rosenkranz, 559,567 H. 387,391 H. 180,220 722 Author Index

Scholtz, H. W., Biron, P. 238, Schwartz, H. J., see Sealey, J.E., see Case, D.B. 270, 441, 484 Kellermeyer, R. W. 376,393 467,473 Schonberger, A., see Hofmann, Schwartz, H.J., see Moskowitz, Sealey, J. E., see Gavras, H. N. 385,392 R.W. 22,80 465,467,476 Schork, A., see Carretero, Schwartz, J. C., see Malfroy, Sealock, R. W., see Finkenstadt, O.A. 537,540,541,543 B. 487,487 W. R. 167, 172, 177, 197, Schork, A., see Scicli, A. G. Schwartz, M. M., Cotran, 198,211 530,547 R. S. 365, 397 Sealock, R. W., see Kowalski, Schorp, G., see Jering, H. 173, D. 196, 197, 217 Schwarz, S., see Hochstrasser, 181, 186, 188,215 Sealock, R. W., see Laskowski, K. 201, 202, 214 Schorp, G., see Tschesche, H. M., Jr. 68,79, 163, 167, 172, Schweitz, H., see Lazdunski, 169, 172, 181,222 195, 197, 217, 221 M. 166, 175, 177, 217 Schramm, W., see Fritz, H. Seavey, M., see Colman, R. W. 164,212 Schweitz, H., see Vincent, J.-P. 23, 26, 56, 73, 572, 574, 595, Schreiber, A.D., Austen, K.F. 175,224 598 62,85 Schwert, G. W., Takenaka, Y. Seegal, B. C., see Caldwell, Schreiber, A.D., Kaplan, A.P., 104,160 P. R. B. 443, 444, 457, 472 Austen, K.F. 30,62,85 Schwick, see Pensky 69 Seegers, W. H., see Brinhaus, Schroder, E. 227, 232, 237, Schwick, H.G., see K. 69,72 239,241,242,245,247,270, Heimburger, N. 67,69,77 Seegmiller, J.E., see Melmon, 277,285,296,299 Scicli, A.G., Carretero, O.A., K. L. 591, 603 Schroder, E., Lehmann, M. Hampton, A., Cortes, P., Segovia, R., see Rabito, S.F. 116,160 Oza, N. B. 557, 567 281,285 Schroeder, E. T., Anderson, Scicli, A.G., Carretero, O.A., Segrest J.P., Jackson, R.L., G.H., Golman, S.H., Oza, N. B., Schork, A. 530, Andrews, E. P., Marchesi, Streeten, D. 575, 605 547 V. T. 151, 160 Schrode, J., see Laskowski, M., Scicli, A. G., Gandolfi, R., Seidel, G. 47, 85 Jr. 163, 195, 217 Carretero, o. A. 445, 484, Seidel, G., Stucker, H.-U., Vogt, Schrode, J., see Finkenstadt, 530, 547 W. 39,85 W. R. 167, 172, 177, 197, Scicli, A.G., see Carretero, Seidel, G., Wendel, U., 198,211 O.A. 307,307,526,530, Schaeger, M. 39, 85 Schult, H., see Fritz, H. 164, 537,540, 541,542 Seidel, G., see Wendel, U. 7, 212, 179, 181, 212 Scicli, A.G., see Oza, N.B. 34, 37, 41-43, 88 Schultz, D. R., see Ryan, J. W. 136-139, 159, 165,219,528, Seino, J., Abe, K., Otsuka, Y., 443,457,483 547 Saito, T., Irokawa, N., Schultz, F., see Frey, E.K. Scicli, A.G., see Waldmann, Yasujima, M., Ciba, S., 489,520 R. 26,88 Y oshinaga, K. 534, 547 Schultz, W., see Ward, P.E. Scoggins, B.A., see Blair-West, Seino, M., Abe, K., Irokawa, 444,445,485, 531,548, 557, J. R. 449, 450, 464, 472 N., Ito, T., Yasujima, M., 567 Scott, B. L., Pease, D. C. 509, Sakurai, Y., Chiba, S., Saito, Schultze, Heremans 13, 69 522 K., Ritz, K. 540, 547 Schumacher, K. A., Starke, K. Scott, C. F., see Colman, R. W. Seino, M., Abe, K., Otsuka, Y., 334, 354, 360, 396 23, 26, 56, 73, 572, 574, 595, Saito, T., Irokawa, N., Yasujima, M., Chiba, S., Schumacher, K.A., see Starke, 598 Scott, C.F., see Liu, C. Y. 573, Yoshinaga, K. 550,551, K. 335,355 602 561-563, 567 Schutte, B., Lindner, J. 381, Scott, C.F., see Meier, J.L. Seino, M., Abe, K., Sakurai, Y., 396 572,603 Irokawa, N., Yasujima, M., Schwager, P., see Huber, R. Scott, J. B., see Daugherty, Chiba, S., Otsuka, Y., 168, 173,214 R. M., Jr. 598 Yoshinaga, K. 539, 540, Schwager, P., see Riihlmann, Scott, J. B., see Haddy, F. J. 547, 556, 561, 562, 567 A. 173, 174, 198, 220 314,350,357,391 Seino, M., see Abe, K. 534,542 Schwartz, G. Y., see Scott, J.G., see ()zge-Anwar, Seki, T., Makajime, T., Erdos, Mashkovksy, M. D. 633, A. H. 8, 10, 16, 19, 20, 23, E. G. 584, 605 650 35, 37, 39, 83 Seki, T., Miwa, I., Nakajima, T., Schwartz, H.J., Kellermeyer, Scuro, L. A., see Lechi, A. 535, Erdos, E.G. 179,200,221, R.W. 22,85 538,539,545,549,558,565 279, 280, 281, 285 Author Index 723

Seki, T., Nakajima, T., Erdos, Shapiro, A. B., see Filatova, Shevchenko, A. I. 633, 653 E.G. 178,192,199,221, M. P. 261, 267 Shibahara, S., see Mue, S. 434, 379,397 Shapiro, A. L., Viiiueala, E., 458,480 Seki, T., Yang, H. Y. T., Levin, Maizel, J. V., Jr. 150, 160 Shibata, Y., see Yokoyama, S. Y., Jenssen, T.A., Erdos, Shar, R. J., see Robbins, K. C. 439,486 E.G. 164, 165,221 61,84 Shigei, T., see Tsuru, H. 361, Seki, T., see Abe, K. 374, 388 Sharapov, U. B., see Nekrasova, 398 Shih, T. Y., see Lim, R. K. S. Seki, T., see Miwa, I. 273, 284, A. A. 562, 566 311,353 302,308 Sharma, J. N., see Zeitlin, I.J. 607 Shikimi, T., Houki, S., Iwata, Sekiya, A., Nakashima, M., Shaw, E. 204, 205, 207, 221 H. 346, 355, 437, 484 Maeda, K., Yamamoto, J., Shaw, E., see Coggins, J. R. Shikimi, T., Iwata, H. 346, Hirako, I., Oya, H. 360, 397 205,209 355,437,484 Semente, G., see Greenbaum, Shaw, E., see Sampaio, C. 31, Shikimi, T., Kema, R., L.M. 64,66,75,91,95,97, 85,165,220 Matsumoto, M., Yamahata, 99-101, 101, 180,201,213 Shaw, J.E., see Ramwell, Y., Miyata, S. 347, 355 Semple, P. F. 444, 484 P. W. 385, 395 Shikimi, T., see Iwata, H. 336, Semple, P.F., see Morton, J.J. Shchukina, G. S., see Filatova, 345,346,351,435,436,478 463,480 M.P. 617,647 Shimabukuro, H., see Oshima, Semprini, A., see Baldoni, F. Shchukina, L. A., Ravdel, G. A., G. 482 321,348 Filatova, M.P., Syomkin, Shimkovich, M. V., see Semprini, A., see Ta1larida, G. B.P., Krasnova, S.M. 616, Gomazkov,O.A. 631,632, 315,323,324,355,360,397 653 634, 635, 648, 649 Sen, L. C., Whitaker, J. R. 191, Shchukina, L. A., see Ravdel, Shimlovich, M. V., see Meerson, 221 G.A. 617,618,653 F.Z. 634,650 Sender, H. B., see Movat, H. Z. Shchukina, L. A., see Shimonaeva, E. E., see 4,9,31,34,41,42,80 Shemyakin, M. 228, 270 Paskhina, T. S. 651 Senior, J. B., Spencer-Gregson, Shchukina, L. A., see Zhukova, Shimonishi, Y., see Takahashi, R.N. 384,397 G.P. 620,655 S. 263,271 Senior, J., Whalley, E. T. 382- Shea, S. M., see Majno, E. 365, Shionoya, S., Nakata, Y., 384,397 393 Kamiya, K., Inagaki, A., Senior, J., see McCormick, Sheffer, A. L., see Austen, Yano, T. 361,397 J. T. 382-384, 393, 435, 480 K. F. 580, 596 Shipolini, R. A., see Gauldie, Seravalli, G., see Branconi, F. Shekadeh, I.H., see Carpenter, J. 282,283 384,389 C. B. 580, 597 Shkhvatsabaya, I. K., Sergent, J.S., see Frank, Shemyakin, M., Shchukina, Nekrasova, A. A. 637,644, M.M. 581,599 L. A., Vinogradova, E. I., 653 Setton, C., see Friedland, J. Ravdel, G. A., Ovchinnikov, Shmyryova, R. K., see 446,476 Y.A. 228,270 Paskhina, T.S. 610,651 Sevastyanova, N. N., see Shenderovich, M.D., see Shrayber, M. I., see Paskhina, Arkipova, S. F. 261, 266 Galaktionov, S.G. 261,267 T.S. 612,615,639,640,652 Sever, P. S., Birch, M., Shennan, A. T., see Porter, Shroeder, E. T., Eich, R.H., Osikowska, B., Tunbridge, J.F. 382-384,395 Smulejan, H., Gabuzda, G. R.D.G. 561,567 Sheon, R.P., see Ratnoff, 575,605 Severs, W. B., Summy-Long, J. O. D. 569, 604 Shulman, N.R. 67,85 470,484 Sherlock, S., see Studdy, P. Shumway, L. K., see Ryan, Sevitt, S. 590, 605 486,487,487 C.A. 201,202,220 Seyberth, H. W., see Gill, J. R., Sherman, S. A., see Shumway, N.P., see Lentz, Jr. 538, 544, 559, 565 Galaktionov, S.G. 261,267 K. E. 439, 479 Seydoux, F., see Foucault, G. Sherman, W. T., Gautieri, Shumway, N.P., see Skeggs, 125, 156 R. F. 384, 397 L. T. 439, 446, 450, 452, Shaffer, A. G., Jr., see Sherrington, C. S., see 459, 484, 630, 656 Burkhead, R.J. 165,209 Woodworth, R.S. 314,356 Shwartz, G. Y., Liberman, S. S., Shanaman, J., see Emele, J.F. Sherry, S., Alkjaersig, N., Mashkovsky, M. D., 312,313,349 Fletcher, A.P. 574,605 Berlgand, E. A. 633, 653 Shapanka, R., see Camargo, Sherry, S., see Colman, R. W. Shwartz, G. Y., Mashkovsky, A. C. M. 346, 348, 437, 472 31,34, 73, 574, 575, 583, 598 M. D. 633, 653 724 Author Index

Sichem-Reynaert, R. van, see Simon, E.J., Hiller, J.M. 329, Skeggs, L. T., see Lentz, K. E. Peeters, G. 364, 385, 395 355 439,479 Sicuteri, F. 577,591,596,605, Simonianova, E., see Petakova, Skoogh, B. E., see Simonsson, 606 M. 433, 436, 482 B. G. 375, 397 Sicuteri, F., Antonini, F.M., Simonsson, B.G., Skoogh, Skowsky, W.R., Fisher, D.A. Del Bianco, P.L., Franchi, B.E., Bergh, N.P., 305,309 G., Curradi, C. 358,397, Andersson, R., Svedmyr, Siakey, L.L., see Hayes, L.W. 588,606 N. 375,397 486,487 Sicuteri, F., Del Bianco, P. L., Simpson, J. B., see Epstein, Sloane, E. M., see Erdos, E. G. Fanciullacci, M. 311, 355, A. N. 470, 475 428, 441, 475 588,606 Sinclair, D. G., see Comline, Sluys Veer, Van der, J., Sicuteri, F., Franchi, G., R.S. 416,417,421 Choufoer, J. C., Querido, A., Michelacci, S. 311,355 Sinclair, M. C., see Moore, Van der Heul, R.O., Rijssel, Sicuteri, F., see Bavazzano, A. T. C. 590, 603 T.G., van 582,606 372,388 Singer, S., see Rosenthale, Smaje, L. H. 498, 522 Sicuteri, F., see Branconi, F. M.E. 317,354 Smaje, L. H., see Beilenson, S. 384,389 Singh, Y. N., see Zeitlin, 1.1. 494-496,498,518 Sidell, N., see Bavazzano, A. 379, 399, 577, 583, 584, 595, Smaje, L. H., see Bhoola, 372,388 607 K.D. 496,498,519 Siebert, G., Werle, E., Jung, G., Sinha, J. N., see Bhalla, T. N. Smaje, L. H., see Darke, A. C. Maier, L. 507,522 312,348 516,519 Siegelman, A. M., Carlson, Smaje, L. H., see Ferreira, Sintetos, A. L., see Ramwell, A. S., Robertson, T. 587, S.H. 517,520 P. W. 412, 425 606 Smeby, R. R., see Bumpus, Siqueira, C., see Beraldo, W. T., Siegelman, R., see Hochstrasser, F.M. 315,348 513, 514, 518 K. 202,214 Smeesters, C., see Fonkalsrud, Siqueira, G., Beraldo, W. T. Siekevitz, P., Palade, G.E. E. W. 359, 391 178, 192,221 503,522 Smigel, M., see Terragno, Siqueira, G., see Beraldo, Siemion, I. Z., Kania, L. 17l, N.A. 403,405,407,413, W. T. 191, 192, 204, 208, 221 426 384,388,542 Siemion, I. Z., see Kania, L. Smink, M. MeL., Daniel, T. M., 175,216 Sipila, R., Louhija, A. 307,309 Ratnoff, O.D., Stvisky, Sjoholm, I., Wiman, B., Wallen, A.B. 8,86 Siffert, 0., Emoo, I., Keil, B. P. 60,85 Smith, A. M., Zeitlin, I. J. 376, 180,221 Sjoerdsma, A., see Margoluis, 397 Silen, W., see Gardner, B. 419, H.S. 401,423,539-541, Smith, A. M., see Zeitlin, 1.1. 422 545,551,560,562,563,565 376,381,399,582,607 Silk, E., see Mackay, M.E. Sjoerdsma, A., Melmon, K. Smith, H.G., see Eisen, V. 22, 593,602 581,606 74 Silman, I. H., Katchalski, E. Sjoerdsma, A., see Melmon, Smith, H. P., see Brinkhaus, G. 164,221 K. L. 582, 603 69,72 Silva, E., Diniz, C. R., Mars• Sjoerdsma, A., see Oates, J. A. Smith, J. B., Willis, A. L. 320, Guia, M. 137-139,160,205, 419,424, 577, 581, 582, 603 355 221,528,547 Sjovall, J., see Bergstrom, S. Smith, M. J. H., see Bolam, Silver, M., see Comline, R.S. 317,348 J.P. 367,388 416,417,421 Skeggs, L.T., Kahn, J.R., Smith, R.J., Contrera, J.F. Silverstein, E., Friedland, J. Shumway, N. P. 439, 446, 435,484 434, 458, 484 450,452,459,484 Smith, S., see Porter, J. F. 382- Silverstein, E., Friedland, J., Skeggs, L. T., Marsh, W. H., 384,395 Lyons, H.A., Gourin, A. Kahn, J.R., Shumway, Smith, T.C., see Stein, J.H. 434, 446, 458, 484 N.P. 439,450,452,484, 532,547 Silverstein, E., see Friedland, 630,656 Smith, U., see Ryan, J. W. 443, J. 446,448,456,458,476 Skeggs, L. T., see Dorer, F. E. 483 Simantov, R., see Snyder, 259, 266, 448, 450-452, 454, Smith, W.J., see Baker, A.P. S. H. 329, 355 474 375,388 Simon, B., see Mann, K. 290, Skeggs, L. T., see Dorer, F. F. Smulejan, H., see Shroeder, 298 450,452,454,474 E. T. 575, 605 Author Index 725

Smythies, J. R. 296, 299 Soltay, M.J., see Burrowes, Spragg, J., Austen, K.F. 45, Snider, G.L., see Fanburg, C. E. 4, 11,23,39, 59, 72, 86, 129, 131, 161 B. L. 434, 458, 475 570,597 Spragg, J., Austen, K.F., Snyder, A., Hand, M. R., Soltay, M.J., see Movat, H.Z. Haber, E. 288,299, 301, Gewenz, H. 574, 606 28,32,39,80.82 304,309 Somers, K., see Collier, J.G. Spragg, J., Haber, E., Austen, Snyder, G. H., Rowan III, R., 317,348 K.F. 45,86 Karplus, S., Sykes, B. D. Somley, B., see Bratanov, K. Spragg, J., Talamo, R. c., 169,221 386,389 Wintroub, B. D., Haber, E., Snyder, G.H., see Karplus, S. Sonina, R. S., see Khayutin, Austen, K. F. 301,304,307, 169, 170,216 V. M. 323, 352 309 Snyder, G. H., see Marinetti, Sonnenblick, E. H., see Conroy, Spragg, J., see Fischer, J. 307, T. D. 170, 218 J. M. 457, 473 308 Snyder, S. H., Simantov, R. Soo-Kwang, L., see Kallen, Spragg, J., see Kaplan, A P. 4, 329,355 R.J. 579,595,601 10, 14, 16,20,22,29, 31, 35, Snyder, S. H., see Arreguri, A. Sorm, F., see Cechova, A 621, 78 487,487 655 Spragg, J., see Magoon, E. H. Sobat, R., see Wiegershausen, Sorm, F., see Cechova• 61,80 B. 382,398 PospiSlova, D. 181-183, Spragg,J., seeOle-Moi Yoi, O. Sobel, B. E., see Needleman, P. 209 131, 133, 159, 526,547 462,481 Sorm, F., see Holt, J.C. 177, Sprenger, 1., Dhlenbruck, G., Sodetz, J.M., Brockway, W.J., 214 Hermann, G. 187,221 Castellino, F.J. 59,86 Sorm, F., see Meloun, B. 169, Sprenger, 1., see Dhlenbruck, Sodetz, J.M., Brockway, W.J., 219 G. 187,223 Mann, K. G., Castellino, Sorokin, A. V., see Popov, Squires, J., see Namm, D. H. F.J. 61,86 V.G. 635,653 540, 546 Sondergaard, J., see Zachariae, Sorrells, K., see Igic, R. 432, Sramka, M., see Capek, R. H. 417-419,426 441,442,446,448-452,454, 336, 341, 348 Soffer, R.L. 427,484 458,459,461,462,477.478 Sreebny, L. M., Meyer, J. 509, Soffer, R. L., Reza, R., Sorrentino, L., see Capasso, F. 522 Caldwell, P. R. B. 452, 484 368, 389 Stalcup, S. A, Leuenberger, Soffer, R. L., see Caldwell, Sorrentino, L., see Rosa, M., P.J., Lipset, J.S., Turino, P.R.B. 443,444,457,472 di 367,390 G. M., Mellins, R. B. 458, Soffer, R. L., see Conroy, J. M. Sosnowska, Z., see Wisniewski, 484 455-457, 473 K. 336, 338, 344, 356 Stalcup, S.A, see Leuenberger, Soffer, R. L., see Das, M. 446, Soter, N.A, Austen, K.R., P.I. 458,479 452,455-457,459,473.474 Gigli,1. 581,606 Stalcup, S. A., see Wigger, Soffer, R. L., see Hartley, J. L. Southard, G. L. 264, 270 H.J. 443,447,485 486,487 Sparrow, E. M., see Mason, B. Stambaugh, R., Brackett, B. G., Soh, K. S., see Barlow, R. B. 200,218 Mastroianni, L. 201,221 517,518 Speer, R.J., Ridgeway, H., Hill, Standi, E., see Tschesche, H. Sokolov, S.A, see Vovchuk, H. M. 9, 15, 86 222 S. V. 634, 655 Spencer-Gregson, R. N., see Stanley, P., Biron, P. 441,484 Sokolova, R.1., see Nekrasova, Senior, J. B. 384, 397 Starke, K., Peskar, B. A., A. A. 535, 546 Spielberg, 1., see Weissmann, Schumacher, K.A., Taube, Sokolovsky, M., see Feinstein, G. 64,88 H.D. 335,355 G. 125,155 Spiegelberg, H. L., see Starke, K., see Schumacher, Solberg, AK., see Venner6d, Cochrane, C.G. 73 K.A. 334,354,360,396 AM. 33, 44, 69, 87 Spieler, P., see Weissmann, G. Starkey, P.M., Barrett, A.J. Solcia, E., see Vassalio, G. 63,88 64, 86 581,606 Spitznagel, J. K., see Folds, Starkey, P. M., see Barrett, Solomon, L. M., Juhlin, L., J.D. 66,74 A.J. 68,72 Kirschenbaum, M.B. 317, Splawinski, J. A., see Stasiewicz, J., Szalaj, W., 355 Tannenbaum, I. 407, 425 Gabryelewicz, A 377, 397 Soltay, M.J., Movat, H.Z., Spokes, E. G., see Arreguri, A. Staszewska-Barczak, J., Ozge-Anwar, A.H. 10, 14, 487, 487 Dusting,G.J. 317,355,360, 23,86,570,606 Spragg, J. 15,86 397 726 Author Index

Staszewska-Barczak, J., Stepanova, I. V., Vizir, A. D. Stewart, J. M., see Dunn, Ferreira, S. H., Vane, J. R. 638,654 F. W. 229, 230, 266 317,318,321,355 Stepanova, L. N., see Efremov, Stewart, J.M., see Freer, R.J. Staszewska-Barczak, J., Vane, E. S. 261, 266 232, 245, 246, 248, 256, 258, J. R. 415,416,425 Sterin-Speziale, N., Gimeno, 259,267,441,463,476 Stead, N., Kaplan, A.P., M. F., Zapata, C., Bagnati, Stewart, J. M., see Greene, Rosenberg, R.D. 15,30,70, P. E., Gimeno, A. L. 385, L.J. 252,259,268,291,298, 86 397 442, 460, 477 Stem, P., Nikulin, A., Ferluga, Stechschuste, D.J., see Stewart, J. M., see London, J. 417,418,425 Carpenter, C. B. 580, 597 R.E. 261,269 Stem, R. C., see Goldsmith, Steffen, E., see Engel, J. 166, Stewart, J. M., see Odya, C. E. G. H. 579, 594, 600 173,177,179,211 305, 308 Sternieri, E., see Bertolini, a. Steffen, E., see Quast, U. 172, 336, 338, 348 Stewart, J. M., see Paiva, T. B. 173, 194, 195,220 Stevens, R. L., Micalizzi, E. R., 243, 249, 269 Steger, N., see Back, N. 91,95, Fessler, D. C., Pals, D. T. Stewart, J. M., see Peiia, C. 100,101 447,448,454,484 239,269 Steger, R., see Back, N. 62, 72, Stevenson, D., see Ali, A. 264, Stewart, J. M., see Roblero, J. 206,208,435,471,596,596 266 240, 245, 246, 252, 259, 264, Steger, R., see Hashimoto, K. Stewart, D., Blendis, L. M., 270 359, 392, 588, 600 Williams, R. 381,397, 574, Stewart, J. M., see Ryan, J. W. Steger, R., see Wilkins, H. 358, 575,606 241,244,270,276,285,440- 359,398 Stewart, G.J., see McGrath, 443,449,450,483 Steigemann, W., see Blow, J.M. 586,602 Stewart, J.M., see Tominaga, D. M. 172, 173, 208 Stewart, J. M. 227-229,231, M. 251,252,256,271,291, Steigemann, W., see 232, 238, 240, 245, 248, 262, 299 Deisenhofer, J. 168,210 270,271, 276, 285, 292, 296, Stewart, K. K. 166, 221 Steigemann, W., see Huber, R. 299 Stewart, T.A., see Odya, e.E. 168, 173,214,215 Stewart, J. M., Brady, A. H., 438,481 Stein, J.H., Congbalay, R.C., Ryan, J. W. 296, 299 Stewart, T.A., see Ward, P .. Karsh, D. L., Osgood, R. W., Stewart, J. M., Ferreira, S. H., 443, 485 Ferris, T. F. 531, 532,547 Greene, L. J. 250, 252, 256, Still, J.G., Greiss, F.e. 384, Stein, J. H., Ferris, T. F., 271,291,299,377,397,441, 397 Huprich, J. E., Smith, T. C., 460, 462, 484 Stoddart, R. W., Kiernan, Osgood, R. W. 532, 547 Stewart, J.M., Freer, R.J., J.A. 181,221 Stein, S., see Gruber, K.A. Ferreira, S. H. 258, 271 Stoepel, K., see Kroneberg, G. 265, 268 Stewart, J. M., Pena, C., 440,479 Steinberg, S. G., see Movat, Matsueda, G. R., Harris, K. Stokes, G. S., see Oates, H. F. H. Z. 14,66,82,91,95,99, 262,271 443,481 102,369,394,435,480 Stewart, J. M., Ryan, J. W., Stone, R. A., see Levy, S. B. Steinbuch, M., Biatrix, C., Brady, A. H. 228, 229, 271 534, 535, 539, 545, 551, 553, Josso, F. L. 69, 86 Stewart, J. M., Woolley, D. W. 555, 556, 565 Steinmetzger, H., see 237,248,271,292,299 Stoner, J., Manganiello, V. C., Reissmann, S. 289,291, Stewart, J. W., see Armstrong, Vaughan, M. 295,299,373, 296,299 D. 3,4,22,45, 71, 303, 307 397 Stella, R., see Chang, J. 64, 66, Stewart, J. W., see Armstrong, St-Pierre, S.A., see Park, 73, 92, 93, 95, 101 D.A.J. 3,71 W. K. 234, 235, 269 Stella, R. C. R., see Babel, I. Stewart, J. M., see Brady, Strand, J. C., see Crowshaw, 146, 148,154 A. H. 247, 260, 266, 296, K. 404,422 Stella, R. C. R., see Prado, 297 Strand, J. C., see McGiff, J. C. E. S. 147, 160 Stewart, J.M., see Cann, J.R. 403, 423, 424 Stelwagen, P., see Hamberg, 260,261,266,296,297 Strandberg, K., see Tuvemo, U. 46, 52, 53, 69, 76, 253, Stewart, J. M., see Chiu, A. T. T. 401,403,426 268,433,459,477 449,450,459,473 Streeten, D., see Schroeder, Stepanov, V. M., see Stewart, J. M., see Dorer, F. E. E. T. 575, 605 Lyublinskaya, L.A. 615, 244,247,266,275,283, 367, Streeten, D.H.P., Kerr, L.P., 650 390, 450, 474 Kerr, C. B., Prior, J. C., Author Index 727

Dalakos, T. G. 307, 309, Surovicina, M. S., see Ravdel, Suzuki, T., see Iwanaga, S. 27, 433,434,484,535,548 G. A. 617, 618, 653 78, 115-118, 129, 152, 158, Stresemann, E., see Herxheimer, Surovikina, M. S. 611, 614, 190, 203, 215 H. 374, 392, 592, 600 635,654 Suzuki, T., see Kato, H. 27,42, 54, 55, 78, 79, 115, 116, 118, Strigunov, V.I., Gaponyuk, Surovikina, M. S., Odinokova, 158,250,251,256,268,291, P. Y. 632,654 V.A. 635,654 298,460,461,478,572,601, Strigunov, V.1., see Gaponyuk, Surovikina, M. S., Odinokova, 656 P.Y. 632,648 V.A., Paleev, N.R., Suzuki, T., see Komiya, M. 14, Gurevich, M. A., Stromland, S., see Vennerod, 15,49-51, 54, 79, 623, 626, Yankovskaya, M.O. 611, A. M. 33, 44, 69, 87 656 614,635,654 Strong, C.G., see Romero, Suzuki, T., see Nagasawa, S. J. C. 576, 605 Surovikina, M. S., Paleev, N. R., 34,50,82 Strydom, D. J. 190,221 Gavrilova, R.D. 611,644, Suzuki, T., see Oh-Ishi, S. 27, Stuart, B., see Morton, J.J. 654 82 463, 480 Surovikina, M. S., Paleev, N. R., Suzuki, T., see Takahashi, H. Stucker, H.-U., see Seidel, G. Gurevich, M. A., Dokukin, 34, 37, 38,86, 183, 185, 187, A.V., Yankovskaya, M.O. 39,85 189, 190,222, 528, 548 Studdy, P., Bird, R., James, 611,614,644,654 Suzuki, T., see Yano, M. 34, D. G., Sherlock, S. 486,487, Surovkina, M. S., see Arkatov, 50,90, 115, 161 487 V.A. 611,641,646 Svec, P., see Capek, R. 336, Studer, R.D., see Law, H.D. Surovikina, M. S., see Paskhina, 348 228, 229, 230, 269 T. S. 610,651 Svedmyr, N., see Simonsson, Stiirmer, E., Berde, B. 420,425 Sussman, A.J., see Greene, B.G. 375,397 Stukalova, T. 1., Lazareva, S. A., L. J. 105, 106, 157 Svendsen, L, see Amundsen, Ternovaya, L. A. 654 Suvalskaya, L. A. 635, 654 E. 118, 154, 527,542 Svensjo, E., Persson, C.G.A., Stuttgen, G. 385, 397 Suvorov, A. V., see Andreenko, Rutili, G. 367,397 Stvisky, A.B., see Smink, M. G. V. 39,71,621,646 McL. 8,86 Svensjo, E., Tuma, R. F., Suwa, M., see Anderson, Styaikova, R. A., see Arfors, K. E. 363, 397 M. C. 586, 596 Zborovsky, A. B. 637, 655 Svensjo, E., see Hultstrom, D. Suzuki, C., see Y oshinaga, K. Suchkova, G. S., see Filatova, 365-367,392 273, 285 M.P. 228,229,230,267 Svensson, J., see Hamberg, M. Suda, H., Aoyagi, T., Hamada, Suzuki, K., Abiko, T., Endo, 412,422 M., Takeuchi, T., Umezawa, N. 271 Svestkova, V., see Cechova, A. H. 203,221 Suzuki, K., Asaka, M., Abiko, 621,655 Sugo, T., see Kato, H. 118,158 T. 229,231,271 Svestkovii, V., see Cechovii• Sugrue, M.F., see Lewis, A.J. Suzuki, K., see Fischer, J. 307, Pospislovii, D. 181-183, 369,370,393 308 209 Summaria, L., Arzadon, P., Suzuki, K., see Kameyama, T. Swales, J. D., see Thurston, H. Bernabe, P., Robbins, K. C. 231,232,268 468,484 86 Suzuki, T. 187, 221 Sweet, C. S., see Kadowitz, Summaria, L, Arzadon, L., Suzuki, T., Iwanaga, S. 103, P.J. 403,423 Bernabe, P., Robbins, K. C., 161 Sweet, P., see Pitlick, F. 362, Barlow, G. H. 59, 60, 86 Suzuki, T., Iwanaga, G., 395 Summaria, L., see Rabiner, Nagasawa, S., Saito, T. 34, Sweet, R., see Blow, D.M. S.F. 61,83 50,86 196,208 Summaria, L., see Robbins, Suzuki, T., Iwanaga, S., Kato, Sweet, R. M., Wright, H. T., K.C. 57-61,84 T., Nagasawa, S., Kato, H., Janin, J., Chothia, C.H., Summy-Long, J., see Severs, Yano, M., Horiuchi, K. 34, Blow, D.M. 175,195-198, W. B. 470, 484 50,86 221 Suominen, J., Multamaki, S., Suzuki, T., Kato, H. 34,50,53, Sweet, R. M., see Janin, J. 195- Niemi, M. 183,221 86 197,215 Suominen, J., see Ekfors, T. O. Suzuki, T., see Han, Y. N. 54, Swenson, L. W., see Hoak, 155 55, 76, 573, 600 J. C. 569, 600 Suominen, J.J.O., Niemi, M. Suzuki, T., see Hokama, Y. Swerts, J. P., see Malfroy, B. 183,221 190,214 487,487 728 Author Index

Sykes, B.D., see Karplus, S. Takagi, H., see Kaneko, T. Talamo, R. C., Colman, R. W., 169, 170, 216 336,338,351 Milunsky, A. 579, 594, 606 Sykes, B. D., see Marinetti, Takagi, H., see Satoh, M. 321, Talamo, R. C., Haber, E., T.D. 170,218 328, 329, 354 Austen, K. F. 301-304,306, Sykes, B. D., see Snyder, G. H. Takahashi, H., Iwanaga, S., 307,309, 526, 548, 549,567, 169,221 Hokama, Y., Suzuki, T., 583, 592, 606 Symonds, E. M., see Gordon, Kitagawa, T. 190,222 Talamo, R. C., see Bagdasarian, R. D. 563, 565 Takahashi, H., Iwanaga, S., A. 19, 72, 307, 307, 526, Syomkin, B.P., see Shchukina, Kitagawa, T., Hokama, Y., 542, 570, 571, 574, 575, 596 Talamo, R. see Colman, L.A. 616,653 Suzuki, T. 183, 185, 187, c., R. W. Syomushkin, B. V., see 189, 190,222 23,26,56,73,91,101, Belyakov, N. V. 611, 646 Takahashi, H., Iwanaga, S., 302, 307,307, 308, 381,389, Sysoyev, V. F., see Paskhina, Suzuki, T. 185, 187, 189, 572, 574, 577, 579, 594, 595, T. S. 637, 652 190,222,528,548 598 Szalaj, W., see Stasiewicz, J. Takahashi, H., Nagasawa, S., Talamo, R. C., see Edelman, 377,397 Suzuki, T. 34, 37, 38, 86 R. 307, 308, 573, 577, 599 Talamo, R. C., see Fischer, J. Szaro, R.P., see Griffin, J.D. Takahashi, H., see Iwanaga, S. 307, 308 292,298 190,203,215 Talamo, R. C., see Girey, Szekeres, L., see Geese, A. 249, Takahashi, K., see Ito, H. 364, G.J.D. 301,306,307,308, 268,368,391,435,476 392 570,599 Szidon, J.P., see Pietra, G.G. Takahashi, M., see Mue, S. Talamo, R. c., see Green, J. G. 365, 373, 395 434, 458, 480 302,308,585,588,600 Szo1csanyi, J. 316, 317, 340, Takahashi, S., Shimonishio, Talamo, R. C., see Lahiri, B. 355 Y. 263,271 44,307,308,581,601 Szopa, J. 181, 221 Takarni, T. 107,108, Ill, 113- Talamo, R. c., see Levine, Szurska, G., see Kedra, M. 116, 118-120, 161 B. W. 307, 308, 373, 393, 359,393 Takeishi, M., see Yamafuji, K. 442,479 95, 100, 102 Talamo, R. c., see Newball, Tachibana, S., see Araki, K. Takenaka, F., see Nishi, K. H. H. 91, 95, 99, 102, 308 282,282 326, 354 Talamo, R. c., see O'Donnell, Tachibana, S., see Ishikawa, Takenaka, Y., see Schwert, T. F. 585, 603 O. 232, 268, 277, 284 G. W. 104, 160 Talamo, R. C., see O'Donnell, Tachibana, S., see Yasuhara, Takeuchi, T., see Aoyagi, T. T. F., Jr. 307, 308 T. 232, 272, 277, 285 203,207 Talamo, R. C., see Spragg, J. Tachiya, K., see Aoki, N. 71 Takeuchi, T., see Ikezawa, H. 301,304, 307, 309 Tague, L. L., see Chiang, T. S. 203,215 Talamo, R. C., see Weese, 142, 151, 155, 504, 514, 519 Takeuchi, T., see Kondo, S. W.C. 307,309,374,375, Tague, L.L., see Erdos, E.G. 203,217 398,435,485 178, 192, 199,211,428,475, Takeuchi, T., see Maeda, K. Talamo, R. C., see Weisser, A. 503,506,508,514,520 203,218 307, 309 Tai, H. H., see Zurier, R. B. 63, Takeuchi, T., see Suda, H. 203, Talamo, R. C., see Wong, P. Y. 64,90 221 302, 307, 309, 376, 381,399, Taira, N., Hashimoto, K. 355 Takeuchi, T., see Umezawa, 535, 536, 538, 539, 548, 552, Taira, N., Nakayama, K., M. 102 553, 567, 574-577, 583, 607 Hashimoto, K. 314,355 Takeuchi, Y., Movat, H.Z. 15, Talamo, R. C., see Zacest, R. Taira, N., see Nakano, T. 314, 86 431,449,450,486 353 Takeuchi, Y., see Movat, H. Z. Tallarida, G., Baldoni, F., Tajima, T., see Moriya, H. 4,9, 16, 19-22,31,34,35,39, Peruzzi, G. 315,355 178,202,219 41,42,80,82 Tallarida, G., Baldoni, F., Takagi, H. Doi, T., Akaike, A. Takeuchi, Y., see Treloar, Peruzzi, G., Semprini, A., 330,355 M.P. 9,20,22,39,87 Sangiorgi, M. 315,323,324, Takagi, H., Satoh, M., Doi, T., Takezawa, J., see Kudo, T. 355,360,397 Kawasaki,K., Akaike, A. 311, 320, 352 Tallarida, G., see Baldoni, F. 329,355 Takishima, T., see Mue, S. 321,348 Takagi, H., see Doi, T. 313, 434,458,480 Tamura, Z., see Prado, J.L. 349 Talamo, R. C. 309 276,284 Author Index 729

Tan, N.H., Kaiser, E.T. 173, Teplova, N.N., see Gomazkov, Tertykh, V.A., see Meged, 176,177,222 O.A. 610,634-636,648 N. F. 622,623,650 Tan, S. Y., see Pitlick, F. 362, Teradaira, R., see Fujita, K. Tewksbury, D.A. 253,271, 395 435,476 290,299 Tanabe, 0., see Yokoyama, S. Tercyak, A., see Brecher, P.L Textor, S., see Gavras, H. 467, 439,486 443,472 476 Tanaka, H., see Sakato, K. Ternovaya, L. A, see Thain, E. M., see Schachter, 203,220 Stukalova, T.L 654 M. 275, 278, 285 Tanaka, 1., see Sawada, J. 202, Terragno, A, see McGiff, J. C. Thai, A P., see Sardesai, V. M. 220 559,566,576,602 587,605 Tanaka, K., see Ikeda, K. 368, Terragno, D.A, Crowshaw, K., Thaler-Dao, H., Saintot, M., 370,392 Terragno, N. A., McGiff, Baudin, G., Descomps, B., Tanaka, K., see Katori, M. J. C. 295,299,362,398,401, Crastes de Paulet, A 411, 368, 374, 392 403,404,409,412,414,425 426 Tanaka, K., see Oh-Ishi, S. 27, Terragno, D.A., McGiff, J.C., Thampi, N. S., see Huggins, 82 Terragno, N.A. 411,425 C. G. 449, 450, 477 Tanaka, K., see Pettinger, Terragno, D. A., see Terragno, Theiler, M., see Zeitlin, 1. J. W.A 465,482 N.A 401,403-405,407- 379, 399 Tanaka, M., see Hojima, Y. 414, 425, 426 Theiller, M., see Zeitlin, 1.1. 439, 477 Terragno, D.A, see Wong, 577, 583, 584, 595, 607 Tanimura, T., see Nakajima, P. Y.-K. 294,300, 362, 399, Theriault, B., see Regoli, D. T. 282,284 404,407,411,414,426 357,395 Tannen, R. L., see Negus, P. Terragno, N. A, Lonigro, A. J., Thoenen, H., see Haefely, W. 403, 424 Malik, K.U., McGiff, J.C. 415,422 Tannenbaum, J., Splawinski, 401,404,405,411,414,425 Thomas, G., West, G. B. 368, J.A., Oates, J.A, Nies, Terragno, N.A., McGiff, J.C., 370,398 A. S. 407, 425 Smigel, M., Terragno, A Thomas, O. C., see Burdon, Tatsuki, T., see Hokama, Y. 403,405,407,413,426 K. K. 580, 597 190,214 Terragno, N.A, Terregna, A, Thompkins, L., Lee, K. H. 313,355 Tatsuta, K., see Umezawa, S. Early, J.A, Roberts, M.A., Thompson, A. G., see Haig, 203,223 McGiff, 1. C. 2 426 Terragno, N.A., Terragno, T.H.B. 588,600 Taube, H. D., see Starke, K. D.A., McGiff, J.C. 403, Thompson, A. G., see 335,355 408-414,425 Propieraitis, A.S. 587,604 Taylor, A.A., see Gill, J.R., Terragno, N.A, Terragno, A., Thompson, A G., see Ryan, Jr. 538, 544, 559, 565 McGiff, J.C., Rodriguez, J. W. 577, 586-588,605 Taylor, A.A., see Vinci, I.M. D. J. 404, 425 Thorn, G. W., see August, J. T. 535, 538, 548 Terragno, N.A., Terragno, 554,564 Taylor, F. B., Jr., see James, K. D.A., Pacho1czyk, D., Thulin, A. 498, 522 67,78 McGiff, J. C. 401,403,410, Thune, P., Ryan, T.J., Powell, Taylor, J. C., Crowford, 1. P. 411,426 S. M., Ellis, R. J. 592, 606 64,87 Terragno, N. A., see Crowshaw, Thurston, H., Laragh, J.H. Taylor, J. M., Mitchell, W. M., K. 404,422 462,484 Cohen, S. 142, 161 Terragno, N. A, see ltskovitz, Thurston, H., Swales, J. D. Teger-Nilsson, A.-C. 469, 484 H. D. 405, 423 468,484 Teger-Nilsson, A.-C., Friberger, Terragno, N.A., see McGiff, Tidwell, R. R., Fox, L. L., P., Gyzander, E. 70, 87 J. C. 362, 363,393,403, 405, Geratz, J. D. 528, 548 Tehrani, M.A, see Morton, 409-411,414,423,424, 525, Tidwell, R. R., see Geratz, J.J. 463,480 532, 533, 538, 546, 566, 576, D. 105,118,157,206,213, Telles, D.A., see Vinci, J.M. 602 J. 535,538,548 Terragno, N.A., see Terragno, 528,544 Temme, H., Jahreiss, R., D.A 295,299,362,398, Tifft, C. P., see Gavras, H. 467, Habermann, E., Zilliken, F. 401,403,404,409,412,414, 476 14,87 425 Tikhomirov, 1. B., see Paskhina, Tennyson, C. H., see Terragno, N.A, see Wong, T.S. 637,652 MacDonald, J. M. 583, 584, P. Y.-K. 292, 300, 362, 399, Timin, E. N., see Khodorov, 602 404,407,411,414,426 B.L 632,649 730 Author Index

Timin, E. N., see Pogadaev, Trapeznikova, S. S., see Trowbridge, C. G., see Barnhill, V.1. 632,653 Paskhina, T. S. 432, 462, M. T., Jr. 196, 208 Tisca, I., see Cuparencu, B. 482, 612, 615, 629, 637, 639, Trowbridge, C. G., see Baugh, 341,349 640, 651, 652 R.J. 196,208 Titov, M.I., see Virovets, S.1. Trapeznikova, S. S., see Ravdel, Truscheit, E., see Fritz, H. 104, 616,655 G.A. 617,618,653 106, 108-Ill, 113, 121-124, Toda, N. 361, 363, 398 Trautschold, I. 104,161,440, 156,163,212,528,544 Todesco, F., see Antonello, A. 484,526,548 Tsai, B.-S., Khosla, M. C., 541,542 Trautschold, I., Fritz, H., Peach, M.J., Bumpus, Todesco, S., see Favaro, S. Werle, E. 588, 606 F.M. 449,450,464,484 541,543 Trautschold, I., Werle, E. 104, Tsai, B.-S., Peach, M.J. 449, Todoki, N., see Moriya, H. 114, 122, 123, 130, 161, 610, 450,452,455,456,459,485 105,159 656 Tsai, B.-S., see Ackerly, J.A. Torok, P. 181, 222 Trautschold, I., Werle, E., Fritz, 446, 470, 471 Torok, P., see Amdts, D. 166, H., Eckert, I. 181,222 Tschesche, H. 164, 167, 187, 181,207 Trautschold, I., Werle, E., 189,222 Torok, P., see Just, M. 181, Schmal, A., Hendrikoff, Tschesche, H., Dietl, T. 182, 216 N. G. 514, 522 185-188,222 Tokarev, O. Y., see Oyvin, Trautschold, I., see Frey, E. K. Tschesche, H., Dietl, T., Kolb, I.A. 365,395,631,651 182, 183, 191, 192, 211, 442, H. J., StandI, E. 222 Tokaryev, O. Y., see Oyvin, 476 Tschesche, H., Dietl, T., Marx, I.A. 365,395 Trautschold, I., see Fritz, H. R., Fritz, H. 185-187,222 Tomatis, R., Ferroni, R., 164, 166,212 Tschesche, H., Ehret, W., Guarneri, M., Benassi, Trautschold, I., see Vogel, R. Godec, G., Hirschauer, C., C.A. 262,271 62,68,8~ 191, 193, 198,200, Kutzbach, C., Schmidt• Tomatis, R., see Rocchi, R. 224 Kastner, G., Fiedler, F. 170,220 Trautschold, I., see Werle, E. 111, 112, 161, 198,222 Tomczak, Z., see Ardelt, W. 152,161,273,279,280,285 Tschesche, H., Jering, H., 64,71 Travis, J., see Baugh, R. J. 64, Schorp, G., Dietl, T. 169, Tominaga, M., Stewart, J. M., 72 172, 181,222 Paiva, T. B., Paiva, A. C. M. Travis, J., see Johnson, D.A. Tschesche, H., Klauser, R., 251, 252, 256, 271 165,215 Cechova, D., Jonakova, V. Tominaga, M., Stewart, J. M., Travis, J., see Mallory, P. A. 168, 182,223 Paiva, T. B., Paiva, L. B., 180, 201, 218 Tschesche, H., Klein, H. 167, Paiva, A.C.M. 291,299 Travis, J., see Pannell, R. 68, 223 Tominaga, M., see Sabia, E. B. 83 Tschesche, H., Klein, H., 251, 252, 256, 270 Tree, M., see Padfield, P. L. Reidel, G. 167, 223 Tominaga, N., see Kato, I. 560,566 Tschesche, H., Kupfer, S. 172, 195,216 Tregear, G. W., see Oparil, S. 223 Tonge, C. H., see Matthews, 450,482 Tschesche, H., Mair, G., Forg• R. W. 509, 521 Treloar, M.P. 87 Brey, B., Fritz, H. 121, 123, Toniolo, C. 260, 271 Treloar, M.P., Pyle, H.A., 161 Tonzetich, J., Eigen, E., Volpe, Ozge-Anwar, A.-H., Tschesche, H., Obermeier, R. A. R., Weiss, S. 435, 484 Takeuchi, Y., Movat, H. Z. 172,223 Top, F. H., Jr., see Bokisch, 9, 20, 22, 39, 87 Tschesche, H., Rucker, A., V.A. 573,597 Treloar, M.P., see Movat, von 172,185,187-189,223 Top, F.H., see Edelman, R. H.Z. 4,9,16,20,22,31,34, Tschesche, H., see Dietl, T. 573, 577, 599 41,42,80 167, 171, 182, 183, 185-188, Top, F.H., Jr., see Edelman, Trendelenberg, U. 333, 334, 210 R. 307,308 355 Tschesche, H., see Fiedler, F. Toubiana, R., seeSach, E. 115, Trocka, V. 610,654 106, 109-113, 155 116,160 Troquet, J., see Lecomte, J. Tschesche, H., see Fritz, H. Toyoda, T., see Inoki, R. 311, 415,416,419,423 104, 106, 108-111, 113, 121- 320,351 Trottier, R. W., Jr., see Malone, 124,156,163,212,528,544 Toyono, Y., see Moriwaki, C. M. H. 292, 298 Tschesche, H., see Jering, H. 379, 380, 394 Trowbridge, C. G., Krehbiel, 172, 173, 186, 188, 215 Trapesnikova, S. S., Mardashey, A., Laskowski, M., Jr. 113, Tschesche, H., see Mair, G. S.R. 629,654 161 165,218 Author Index 731

Tschesche, H., see Quast, U. Tuvemo, T., Strandberg, K., Umarkhodjaev, E. M., see 172, 175, 220 Hamberg, M., Samuelsson, Gaponyuk, P. Y. 641, 647 Tsuboi, M., see Nakanishi, M. B. 401, 403, 426 Umezawa, H. 203, 223 194, 195, 219 Tuvemo, T., Wide, L. 403,426 Umezawa, H., see Aoyagi, T. Tsuchiya, T., see Umezawa, S. Tyler, D. W. 531,548 203,207 203,223 Umezawa, H., see Fritz, H. Tsukada, G.A., see Aungst, 203,212 C.W. 166,208 Uchida, Y., Murao, S. 326, Umezawa, H., see Ikezawa, H. Tsunasawa, S., see Koide, T. 356, 359, 398 203,215 194,217 Uchida, Y., see Katori, M. Umezawa, H., see Kawamura, Tsuru, H., Ishikawa, N., Shigei, 368, 374, 392 K. 203,216 T. 361,398 Uchiyama, M., see Araki, K. Umezawa, H., see Kondo, S. Tsutsui, E., see Izaka, K. 593, 282,282 203,217 600 Uddin, M., see Barton, S. 496, Umezawa, H., see Maeda, K. Tsverava, E. N., see 498, 506, 508, 509, 511, 518, 203,218 Gigneishvili, M. S. 643, 648 538, 542 Umezawa, H., see Suda, H. Tsverava, E. N., see Uddin, M., see Schachter, M. 203,221 Khutzurauli, E. S. 643, 649 510,522 Umezawa, H., see Umezawa, Tsvet, A. P., see Gapanyuk, Udenfriend, S., see Gruber, S. 203,223 P. Y. 632, 648 K. A. 265, 268 Umezawa, M., Aoyagi, T., Tsyb, A.F., see Gaponyuk, Udenfriend, S., see Rhoads, Morishima, H., Matsuzaki, P. Y. 632, 648 R. E. 439, 483 M., Hamada, M., Takeuchi, Tu, A. T. 282, 285 Ueda, E., Akutsu, H., Kokubu, T. 102 Tuciya, Y., see Okada, Y. 336, T., Yamamura, Y. 455,485 Umezawa, H., see Aoyagi, T. 338,354 Ueda, E., Kokubu, R., Akutsu, 97,101 Tucker III, E. S., Wuepper, H., Ito, T. 455, 485 Umezawa, S., Tatsuta, K., K.D. 9, 16,87 Ueda, E., see Kokubu, T. 446, Fujimoto, K., Tsuchiya, T., Tucker III, E. S., see Lawrence, 447, 453, 478 Umezawa, H., Naganawa, T.G. 9,79 Ueda, E., see Nishimura, K. H. 203,223 Tiirker, M. N. 311, 355 453, 454, 456, 481 Undenfriend, G.J., see McGee, Tiirker, R.K., Ercan, Z.S. Ueki, H., see Moriwaki, C. G.O. 231,269 462,485 143,159,178,199,202,219 Underdown, B.J., see Habal, Tiirker, M.N., Tiirker, R.K. Ueland, K., see Dyer, D. C. F. M. 47, 53, 76 311, 320, 356 360,390 Ungar, G., Parrot, J. L. 515, Tiirker, R. K., see Tiirker, Ufkes, J. G. R., Aarsen, P. N., 522 M.N. 311,320,356 Van der Meer, C. 291, 299, Unkeless, J., Gordon, S., Reich, Tuhy, P. M., Powers, J. C. 65, 377, 398 E. 57,87 87 Ufkes, J.G.R., Van der Meer, Urhahn, K., see Werle, E. 490, Tuma, R. F., see Svensjo, E. C. 377,398 523 363,397 Uhlenbruck, G., Sprenger, I., Uriel, J., Berges, J. 166,223 Tunbridge, R. D. G., see Sever, Hermann, G. 187, 223 Uriuhara, T., see Movat, H. Z. P. S. 561, 567 Uhlenbruck, G., Sprenger, I., 35,80 Tung, J.-S., Knight, C.A. 151, Ishiyama, I. 187,223 Urzaeva, L. V., Dubley, P. V. 161 Uhlenbruck, G., see Gauwerky, 644,654 Turini, G., see Brunner, H. R. C. 190, 191, 213 Ushinsky, M. 643, 654 487,487 Uhlenbruck, G., see Sprenger, Ushiyama, S., see Furukawa, Turini, G.A., see Fergnson, I. 187,221 S. 358,391 Uszynski, M., Malofiejew, M. R. K. 464, 475 Uhlig, H., Kleine, R. 164,223 Uklonskaya, L.I., see 435,485 Turini, G.A., see Gavras, H. Gaponyuk, P. Y. 631,648 467,467 Uklonskaya, L.I., see Oyvin, Turino, G.M., see Leuenberger, LA. 631,644,651 Vaaje, K., see Nustad, K. 137, P.J. 458,479 Ulevitch, R., see Cochrane, 159,528-530,547 Turino, G.M., see Stalcup, C.G. 9, 14, 16,29,73 Vaes, G., see Eeckhout, Y. S. A. 458, 484 Ullyot, J. L., see Bainton, D. F. 115,155 Turk, J., Needleman, P., 66,72 Vaganova, T.I., see Marshall, G.R. 228,229, Umarchodgeav, E. M., see Lyublinskaya, L.A. 615, 232, 233, 249, 271 Gaponiuk, P. Y. 433, 476 650 732 Author Index

Vagg, W.J., see Baumgarten, Vardel, G.A., Monapova, Veremeenko, K. N., Mitchenko, A. 365,388 N.N., Krit, N.A., Filatova, I. K., Gontar, A. M. 638, Vagg, W.J., see Melrose, M.P., Lisunken, V.I., 654 G.J.H. 240,269 Ivanova, V. T. 264,271 Veremeenko, K. N., Verevka, Vaillancourt, R. A., see Varet, B., see Lacombe, M.J. V.S., Meged, N.F. 638,655 Carvalho, A. C. 578, 590, 572, 574, 601 Veremeenko, K. N., 597 Vargaftig, B. 321, 356 Volokhonskaya, L.I., Kizim, Valli, P., see Della Bella, D. Vargaftig, B.B., Dao Hai, N. A. I., Meged,N.F. 613,614, 373,390 404;414,426 638,654 Vallota, E. H., Miiller• Vargaftig, B.B., Giroux, E.L. Verevka, V. S., see Veremeenko, Eberhard, H.J. 368,398, 180, 201,223 K. N. 638, 655 Varonier, H.S., Panzani, R. 428,485 Vergona, R., see Felix, A. M. Vallota, E.H., see Hugli, T.E. 374,398 228, 231, 267 432,477 Vassalio, G., Solcia, E., Vermaak, L., see Botha, D. Vandaele, D., see Houvenaghel, Cappella, C. 581,606 313, 322, 348 A. 214 Vassalli, J.-D., see Granelli• Van der Hem, G.K., see Piperno, A.G. 57,75 Vernon, c.A., see Gauldie, J. Donker, A.J.M. 559,565 Vaughan, E. D., see Ayers, 282,283 Van der Heul, R.O., see Sluys C. R. 463, 471 Viescher, T.L., Bretz, U., Veer, J. Van der 582, 606 Vaughan, M., see Clyman, Baggiolini, M. 66, 87 Van der Meer, C., see Utkes, R.1. 294, 295, 297 Vietinghoff, G., see Paegelow, J.G.R. 291,299,377,398 Vaughan, M., see Stoner, J. I. 377,395 Van der Meer, C., see Weyers, 295,299,373,397 Vincent, A. H., see Ludbrook, R. 253, 256, 271 Vecchiet, L., Dolce, V., Galleti, J. 360,393 Vane, J.R. 317,320,322,356; R. 311, 356, 369, 398 Vincent, J.-P., Chicheportiche, 404,426,440,485,611,656 Vecchiet, L., see Galletti, R. R., Lazdunski, M. 168, 223 Vane, J. R., see Aiken, J. W. 575,599 Vincent, J.-P., Lazdunski, M. 442,443,462,471 Veltkamp, J.M., Demler, H.C., 165,166, 175, 177, 179,223 Vane, J. R., see Bakhle, Y. S. Locliger, E. A. 569, 606 Vincent, J.-P., Peron-Renner, 427,471 Venge, P., Olsson, I. 67,87 M., Pudles, J., Lazdunski, Vane, J. R., see Collier, J. G. Venge, P., see Odeberg, H. 82 M. 173,223 305, 307, 462, 473 Venge, P., see Olsson, 1. 67,83 Vincent, J.-P., Schweitz, H., Vane, J.R., see Dusting, G.]. Vennerod, A. M. 435, 485 Lazdunski, M. 175, 224 403,422 Vennerod, A.M., Laake, K. Vincent, J.-P., see Lazdunski, Vane, J.R., see Ferreira, S.H. 20,44,59,87, 571, 606 M. 166, 175, 177,217 314,317,318,320,349,377, Vennerod, A. M., Laake, K., Vinci, J.M., Telles, D.A., 391,401,403,405,414,422, Solberg, A. K., Stromland, Bowden, R. E., Izzo, J. L., 440,476,611,655 S. 33, 44, 69, 87 Keiser, H. R., Radfar, N., Vane, J. R., see Moncada, S. Vennerod, A.M., see Taylor, A. A., Gill, J. R., Jr., 317,321,353,370,394,414, Amundsen, E. 118,154, Bartter, F. C. 535, 538, 548 424 527,542 Vinci, J.M., Zusman, R., Vane, J. R., see Ng, K. K. F. Vennerod, A. M., see Laake, Bowden, R., Horwitz, D., 250,269,440,481 K. 33, 37, 58, 79, 571, 587, Keiser, H. 534, 539, 548 Vane, J.R., see Palmer, M.A. 601 Vinciguerm, V., see 320, 354, 373,395, 414, 424 Verbeke, R., see Peeters, G. Currimbhoy, Z. 572,598 Vane,J.R., see Piper, P.J. 247, 164, 178, 182, 192, 199, 219, Vine, W., see Needleman, P. 269, 414-416, 425 364,385,395 459,481 Vane, J. R., see Staszewska• Verbeke, R., see Reynaert, H. Vinogradova, E.I., see Barczak, J. 317,318,321, 182,220 Shemyakin, M. 228, 270 355, 415, 416, 425 Veremeenko, K. M., Vinuela, E., see Camacho, A. Vance, V.K., see Reichlin, M. Volokhonska, L.I., Kyzym, 151, 155 305,308 O.J., Mehed, N.F. 179, Viiiueala, E., see Shapiro, Vannier, c., Louvard, D., 192,200,223 A. L. 150, 160 Maroux, S., Desnuelle, P. Veremeenko, K. M., see Meged, Virovets, S.I., Martynov, V.F., 446,485 N.F. 622,623,650 Titov, M.1. 616,655 Vannier, W.E., see Saunders, Veremeenko, K. N. 614, 645, Vischer, T. L., see Bretz, U. R. 69,85 655 180, 201, 208 Author Index 733

Visser, J., see Anastasi, A. 278, Volpe, A.R., see Tonzetich, J. O. A., Abraham, J. P., Kato, 282 435,484 H., Han, Y. N., Iwanaga, S. Vitale, S.J., see Freeman, Vovchuk, S. V., Barabash, 26, 88 R. H. 533, 544 R. D., Levitsky, A. P. 627, Waldmann, R., see Saito, H. Vitro, R. de, see Roblero, J. 628,655 23,56,85 552,567 Vovchuk, S. V., Levitsky, A.P., Waldmann, R., see Schiffman, Vizir, A. D., see Stepanova, Osadchy, B. D., Sokolov, S. 23, 56, 85, 572, 605 I. V. 638, 654 S. A. 634, 655 Waldon, T. L., see Murthy, Vogel 118, 139 Vovchuk, S. V., see Barabash, V. S. 465, 467, 480, 481 Vogel, R. 178, 224 R. D. 632, 638, 646 Wallace, G.A., see Damus, Vogel, R., Trautschold, I., Vovchuk, S. V., see Levitsky, P.S. 69,73 Werle, E. 62,68,87, 191, A.P. 627,650 Wallace, J. M., see Case, D. B. 193, 198, 200, 224 Vries, A. de, see Cohen, I. 103, 467,473 Vogel, R., Werle, E. 178-200, 155 Wallace, K. B., Bailie, M. D., 224, 494, 522 Vuiv, G.P., see Ivashkevich, Hook, 1. B. 447, 485 Vogel, R., see Frey, E. K. 182, G.A. 639,649 Wallen, P., Wiman, B. 59, 60, 183, 191, 192,211,442,476 Vukovich, R.A., see Gavras, 88 Vogel, R., see Werle, E. 504, H. 465, 467, 476 Wallen, P., see Sjoholm I. 60, 514,523,530,548,575,607 Vystyd, J., see Dedichen, J. 85 Vogt, M. 415,416,426 435,474 Wallen, P., see Wiman, B. 61, Vogt, M., see Muscholl, E. 88 415,416,424 Waaler, B., see Amundsen, E. Wallis, D.I., Woodward, B. Vogt, W. 5-7,34,38,41,62, 526,542 334,356 67,68,87 Wade, R., see Abramson, F. B. Wallner, 0., Schill, W. B., Vogt, W., Dugal, B. 7,34,39, 237,266 Grosser, A., Fritz, H. 386, 41,42,47,49, 68,87 Wade, R., see Atherton, F. 398 Vogt, W., Garbe, G., Schmidt, 228,266 Wallner, 0., see Palm, S. 382, G. 6, 39, 41, 87 Wade, R., see Moore, S. 234, 386, 387, 395, 518, 522 Vogt, W., Wawretschek, W. 6, 269 Walsh, J.A., see Ludbrook, J. 39,87 Wade, R., see Pinker, T.G. 360, 393 Vogt, W., see Bodamer, G. 22, 228-230, 269 Walsh, K. A., see Fujikawa, K. 72 Wade, R., see Schafer, D.J. 15, 75 Vogt, W., see Eisen, V. 2,6,30, 262,270 Walsh, K. A., see Hermodson, 31,35,41,62,74 Waeber, B., see Brunner, H. R. M.A. 111,112,157 Vogt, W., see Kunze, H. 404, 487,487 Walsmann, P., see Markwardt, 423 Wagner, G., Wiithrich, K. 224 F. 119,158,205,206,218 Vogt, W., see Seidel, G. 39,85 Wagner, G., De Marco, A., Walszek, E.J. 384,398 Vogt, W., see Wendel, U. 7,34, Wiithrich, K. 169, 170,224 Walter, P., see Bassenge, E. 37,41-43,88 Wagner, G., see Brown, L. R. 357,388 Volicer, L., see Gavras, H. 170,208 Walter, R., see Koida, M. 438, 467,476 Wagner, G., see Wiithrich, K. 439,478 Vollmer, R. R., see Murthy, 225 Walther, P. J., Hill, R. L., V. S. 465, 480 Walaszek, E.J. 312,356 McKee, P.A. 61, 88 Volodin, Y.M., see Oyvin, Walaszek, E.J., Dyer, D.C. Walton, A.G., see McMillin, LA. 365,395,631,651 289,290,299 C. R. 15, 16, 26, 80 Volodkina, V. V., see Barabash, Walaszek, E.J., see Garcia Wang, D., see Finkenstadt, R. D. 638, 646 Leme, J. 292,297 W.R. 167,172,177,197, Volodkina, V. V., see Levitsky, Walaszek, E.J., see Potter, 198,211 A.P. 627,638,650 D.E. 290,291,298 Wang, D., see Kowalski, D. Volokhonska, L.I., see Walden strom, J., see Pennow, Veremeenko, K.M. 179, B. 582,603 196, 197,217 192, 200, 223 Waldmann, A.J.P., see Saito, Wang, S. K., see Lim, R. K. S. Volokhonskaya, L.I., see H. 572, 574, 575, 595, 605 311,353 Veremienko, K. N. 613, Waldmann, R., Abraham, J. P. Wang, T.-W., Kassell, B. 171, 614, 638, 654 56,88 175,224 Volon, G., see Damas, J. 368, Waldmann, R., Scili, A. G., Wang, T.-W., see Kassell, B. 370, 390 McGregor, R. K., Carretero, 171,216 734 Author Index

Wanka, J., see Hashimoto, K. Wasi, S., see Pass, E. 66,67,83 Webster, M. E., see Landerman, 359,392 Wassermann, S.I., see Austen, N.S. 574,580,601 Ward, M., see Poth, M. M. K.F. 64,72 Webster, M. E., see Maling, 437,446,483 Watanabe, H., see Yajima, H. H. M. 292, 298 Ward, P.E. 557,567 176,225 Webster, M. E., see Meier, Ward, P. E., Erdos, G. E. 485 Watanabe, M., Yasuhara, T., H. K. 573, 603 Ward, P.E., Erdos, E.G., Nakajima, T. 231,271,276, Webster, M. E., see Meier, Gedney, C. D., Dowden, 277, 285 J. L. 572, 603 R. M., Reynolds, R. C. 445, Watanabe, N., see Abe, K. Webster, M. E., see Melmon, 462,485,527,530,548 374,388 K. L. 591, 603 Ward, P. E., Gedney, c., Watanuki, N., see Moriwaki, Webster, M. E., see Moriya, H. Dowden, R. M., Erdos, C. 145, 147, 149, 159 125, 126, 129, 130, 132, 159 E. G. 273, 285, 445, 485, Watson, P.J. 326,356 Webster, M. E., see Newball, 526,530,548 Waugh, M. H., see Engel, S. L. H. H. 375, 394 Ward, P. E., Johnson, A. R. 460,462,474 Webster, M. E., see Oh-Ishi, S. 540, 548 Waugh, M.H., see Laffan, 6,82 Ward, P. E., Klauser, R. J., R.J. 465,479 Webster, M. E., see Pierce, Erdos, E. G. 379, 398, 445, Wauters, J.-P., see Brunner, J. V. 44,47,49,83,152,160, 446,485 H.R. 487,487 273,280,284 Ward, P. E., Mills, I. H. 567 Wawretschek, W., see Vogt, Webster, M. E., see Prado, Ward, P.E., Schultz, W., W. 6,39,87 E. S. 145, 160 Reynolds, R. C., Erdos, Weaver, E. R., see Cushman, Webster, M. M., Jr., see E. G. 444,445,485,531,548 D. W. 256, 259, 266, 460, MacDonald, J. M. 583, 584, Ward, P.E., Schultz, W., 461,473 602 Reynolds, R. C., Erdos, Weaver, E. R., see Ondetti, Webster, W.P., see Geratz, E. G. 557, 567 M.A 250--252,269,460, J. D. 206, 213 Ward, P. E., Stewart, T. A, Igic, 482 Weese, W. C., Talamo, R. c., R.P. 443,485 Weber, M.A, see Case, D.B. Neyhard, N. L., Kazemi, H. Ward, P. E., see Erdos, E. G. 467,473 307,309,374,375,398,435, 436,446,475, 526,543 Weber, U., Schmid, H. 176, 485 Ward, P. E., see Mills, I. H. 224 Weeks, J. R., see Ducharme, 193,219,517,521,529,534, Webster, M., see Goodfriend, D.W. 403,405,422 536, 540, 542,546, 549, 551, T. 292,297 Weinberg, J., Diniz, C. R., 553, 554, 556, 557, 559, 562, Webster, M. E. 66, 88, 103, Mares-Guia, M. 293, 299 563,566 161,273,278,285,490,522 Weinberg, R. M., see Carvalho, Ward, P. E., see Wilson, C. M. Webster, M. E., Beaven, V. H., A. C. 590, 597 529,548 Nagai, Y., Oh-Ishi, S., Pierce, Weiner, R., see Messina, E.J. Wardle, E.N., Piercy, D.A J. V. 19,88 362,394,401,424 579, 593,606 Webster, M. E., Clark, W. R. Weirich, C.J., see Highsmith, Ware, A G., see Schiffman, S. 586,606 R.F. 70,77 8,28,85 Webster, M. E., Gilmore, J. P. Weiss, A. S., Gallin, J. L., Warka, J., see Hashimoto, K. 404, 426, 531, 532, 548 Kaplan, A. P. 10, 33, 43, 88, 588,600 Webster, M. E., Guimares, J. A, 571,606 Warner, E.D., see Brinkhaus, Kaplan, A. P., Colman, Weiss, S., see Tonzetich, J. K. 69,72 R. W., Pierce, J. V. 23, 24, 435,484 Warner, E.D., see Hoak, J.C. 26,27,88,572,573,606 Weisser, A., Clowes, G.H.A., 569,600 Webster, M. E., Pierce, J. V. Colman, R. W., Talamo, Warwas, M., see Fritz, H. 104, 31,44,88,105,161,375,398, R. C. 307, 309 106, 108-111, 113, 121-124, 548,572,585,606 Weissmann, G., Spielberg, I. 156,528,544 Webster, M. E., Pierce, J. V., 64,88 Wasi, S., Movat, H. Z., Pass, E., Sampaio, M. U. 304,309 Weissmann, G., Zurier, R. B., Chan, J. Y. C. 66, 67, 88 Webster, M. E., Prado, E. S. Hoffstein, S. 63,64,88 Wasi, S., Murray, R.K., 106, 130, 145, 146, 161 Weissmann, G., Zurier, R. B., Macmorine, D. R. L., Movat, Webster, M. E., Ratnoff, O. D. Spieler, P., Goldstein, I. 63, H.Z. 64,88 570,606 88 Wasi, S., see Movat, H.Z. 67, Webster, M.E., see Guimaraes, Weissmann, G., see Davies, P. 82 J.A. 526,544 64,74 Author Index 735

Weissmann, G., see Zurier, Werle, E., see Fink, E. 183,211 White, F.N., see Lupu, A.N. R. B. 63, 64, 90 Werle, E., see Frey, E. K. 182, 533,545 Weitzman, A.F., see Roth, M. 183, 191, 192,211,442,476, White, R.P., see Case, D.B. 442,483 489,520,549,565 467,473 Welsh, I. R. H., see Folds, J. D. Werle, E., see Fritz, H. 35, 43, Whitfield, J. F., MacManus, 66,74 44,68, 75, 104, 108, 109-1Il, J.P., Gillan, D.J. 295,299 Welsch, U., see Carvalheira, 113, 120, 123, 156, 164-167, Whitfield, J. F., see Perris, A.F. 581,597 179, 181,212 A.D. 293,298,381,395 Weltman, J. K., see Griffin, Werle, E., see Hochstrasser, K. Whitfield, J.F., see Rixon, J.D. 292,298 116, 157, 198-202, 214, 237, R.H. 381,396 Wendel, A., see Riickrich, 268, 275, 284 Whitley, R. J., see Powers, M. F. 411, 425 Werle, E., see IIIchmann, K. C.J. 65,83 Wendel, U., Vogt, W., Seidel, 191,215 Whitmore, A. C., see Geratz, G. 7,34, 37,41-43,88 Werle, E., see Kraut, H. I, 79, J.D. 105,157,206,213 Wendel, U., see Seidel, G. 39, 490,521 Wicklmayr, M., see Dietze, G. 85 Werle, E., see Mann, K. 525, 371,372,390 Werle, Berek 1 528, 530, 545 Wide, L., see Tuvemo, T. 403, Werle, E. 489, 490, 494, 503, Werle, E., see Siebert, G. 507, 426 513, 514, 522 , 584, 607 522 Wiedemann, M., see Fritz, H. Werle, E., Appel, W., Happ, E. Werle, E., see Trautschold, I. 164,212 165, 178, 185, 188, 224 104, 114, 122, 123, 130, 161, Wiegershausen, B., Werle, E., Berek, U. 489,528 181, 222, 514,522, 588, 606, Henninghausen, G., Werle, E., Eckey, P. 490,528 610,656 Klausch, B. 588, 607 Werle, E., Fiedler, F., Fritz, H. Werle, E., see Vogel, R. 62,68, Wiegershausen, B., Klausch, B., 117, 118,161, 178,224 87, 178, 179, 191, 193, 198, Henninghausen, G., Werle, E., Forell, M.M., Maier, 200, 224, 494, 522 Paegelow, I., Raspe, R. 435, L. 490,523 Werle, P., see Marx, R. 588, 485 Werle, E., Gotze, W., Keppler, 602 Wiegershausen, B., Klausch, B., A. 1, 88, 489, 523 West, D. W., see Sander, G. E. Hannighausen, G., Sobat, Werle, E., Grunz, M. 489, 523 250, 270, 459, 483 R. 382,398 Werle, E., Hochstrasser, K., West, G. B., see Pickens, J. Wiegershausen, B., Paegelow, Trautschold, I. 273, 279, 414,425 I., Arold, H., Reissmann, S. 285 West, G. B., see Thomas, G. 290,300 Werle, E., Korsten, H. 497, 368, 370, 398 Wiegershausen, B., Paeglow, I., 498,523 Westermann, M.P., see Erdos, Henninghausen, G. 382, Werle, E., Leysath, G. 279, E. G. 429, 475 398 280,285 Westhofen, P., see Schonhofer, Wiejak, S., Rzeszotarska, B. Werle, E., Lorenz, W. 292,299 P.S. 295,299 176,224 Werle, E., Roden, P. 492,499, Westphal, A., see Yankeelov, J. Wiejak, S., see Rzeszotarska, 523 Jr. 167,225 B. 176,220 Werle, E., Trautschold, I., Weyers, R., Hagel, D., Das, Wigger, H.J., Stalcup, S.A. Leysath, G. 152, 161, 280, B. C., Van der Meer, C. 253, 443,447,485 285 256,271 Wigger, H.J., see Caldwell, Werle, E., Urhahn, K. 490,523 Whalley, E. T., see Chivers, L. P. R. B. 457, 472 Werle, E., Vogel, R. 530,548 385,389 Wilchek, M., Gorecki, M. 165, Werle, E., Vogel, R., Goldel, Whalley, E. T., see Senior, J. 224 L.F. 504,514,523 382, 383, 384, 397 Wilcox, G., see Hial, V. 443, Werle, S., Vogel, R., Wheland, C.J., see Pickens, J. 477 Kaliampetsos, G. 575, 607 414,425 Wilhelm, D. L. 367, 398 Werle, E., Zickgraf-Riidel, G. Whissell-Buechy, D. Y. E., see Wilhelm, D. L., Mason, B. 164,224 Kaper, C.K. 569,601 590,607 Werle, E., see Bassenge, E. Whitaker, C., see Ryan, J. W. Wilimowska-Pelc, A., see 357, 358, 388 443,483 Wilusz, T. 181, 224 Werle, E., see Fiedler, F. 104, Whitaker, C., see Ryan, U. S. Wilk, E., see Orlowski, M. 443, 105, 107-114, 116, ll8-122, 443,457,483 482 156, 198,204,211,490,520, Whitaker, J. R., see Sen, L. C. Wilkens, H.J., Back, N. 376, 527, 528, 543 191,221 398 736 Author Index

Wilkens, H.J., Back, N., Steger, Wilmshurst, E.G., see Gordon, Wisniewski, K., Moniuszko• R., Karn, J. 359, 398 R. D. 563, 565 Jakoniuk, J., Sosnowska, Z. Wilkens, H.J., Steger, R., Back, Wilner, G.D., Nossel, H.L., 336, 338, 344, 356 N. 358, 359, 398 Leroy, E. C. 22, 88 Wisniewski, K., see Moniuszko• Wilkens, H.J., see Hashimoto, Wilson, C. M., Ward, P. E., Jakoniuk, J. 336,338, 341- K. 359, 392, 588, 600 Erdos, E. G., Geese, A. 529, 345,347,353,359,394 Willavoys, S.P., see Crocker, 548 Withrington, P.G., see A. D. 380, 389 Wilson, C. M., see Johnson, Richardson, P. D.1. 378, Williams, G.H. 467,485 A. R. 443, 478 396 Williams, G. H., Hollenberg, Wilson, I. B., see Angus, C. W. Wohler, I. M., see Erdos, E. G. N.K. 467,485 450, 459, 471 429,475 Williams, G.H., see Mersey, Wilson, I. B., see Lee, H.-J. Wohler, J. R., see Erdos, E. G. J.H. 536,546 453,454,455,456,479 441,475 Williams, G.H., see Wong, Wilson, I. B., see Persson, A. Wohltmann, H., see Halushka, P. Y. 302, 307, 309, 381, - 448,449,482 P.V. 535,538,539,544 399, 535, 536, 538, 539, 548, Wilson, K. A., see Kress, L. F. Wolf, E., Schirmer, E., Folk, J. 552, 553, 567, 574, 575, 576, 175,217 616,656 607 Wilson, K. A., see Laskowski, Wolf-Jurgensen, P., see Williams, H. E., see Nies, A. S. M., Sr. 217 Zachariae, H. 417-419,426 577, 584,603 Wilson, N.H., see Fenwick, L. Wolfe, L. S., see Pace-Asciak, Williams, J. G., Gratzer, W. B. 403,422 C. 401,424 151,161 Wilson, R.E., see Busch, G.J. Wolff, B.B., see Kantor, T.G. Williams, M. A., see Maling, 578,589,597 311,352 H. M. 292, 298 Wilson, R. J., see Mills, I. H. Wolff, H. G., see Chapmann, Williams, N.J., see Cushman, 555,566 L. F. 596, 597 D. W. 256,259,266,460, Wilson, S.J., see Namm, D.H. Wolff, H.G., see Ostfeld, 461,473 540,546 A. M. 596, 603 Williams, N.J., see Ondetti, Wilusz, T., Lomako, J., Wolff, H.P., Koczorek, K.R., M.A. 250,251,252,269, Mejbaum-Katzenellenbogen, Buchborn, E. 575, 607 460,482 W. 168,224 Wolff, S.M., see Kimball, Williams, R., see Stewart, D. Wilusz, T., Wilimowska-Pelc, H.R. 22,79 381, 397, 574, 575, 606 A., Mejbaum• Wollesen, F., see Geokas, Williams, T.J., Morley, J. 370, Katzenellenbogen, W. 181, M. C. 431, 476 398 224 Wong, L., see Clyman, R.1. Williams, T.J., Peek, M.J. Wiman, B., Collen, D. 70, 88 364,389 369,370,398 Wiman, B., Wallen, P. 61, 88 Wong, P., see Bagdasarian, A. Williams, T.J., see Peek, M.J. Wiman, B., see Sjoholm, I. 60, 307,307, 526, 542, 571, 574, 322,354,368,370,395 85 575,596 Williams, W. L., see Zanefeld, Wiman, B., see Wallen, P. 59, Wong, P. Y., Colman, R. W., L.J.D. 191,225 60,88 Talamo, R.C. 307,309 Williamson, H. E., see Willis, Winbury, M. M., see Emele, Wong, P. Y., Colman, R. W., L. R. 531, 548 J. F. 312, 349 Talamo, R.C., Babior, Willis, A. L., Cornelsen, M. Wingender, W. 203,224 B.M. 376,381,399,574, 318,356 Winkelmann, R. K., see Michel, 575, 577, 607 Willis, A. L., see Crunkhorn, B. 376,394 Wong, P. Y., Talamo, R. C., P. 317,349 Wintroub, B. U., Austen, K. F. Babior, B. M., Raymond, Willis, A. L., see Smith, J. B. 369,375,399 G.G., Colman, R.W. 376, 320,355 Wintroub, B. U., Goetzl, E. J., 381,399,577,583,607 Willis, L.R., Ludens, J.H., Austen, K. F. 369, 399 Wong, P. Y., Talamo, R. C., Hook, J. B., Williamson, Wintroub, B. U., see Spragg, J. Colman, R. W., Williams, H.E. 531,548 301, 304, 307, 309 G. H. 575, 576, 607 Willis, W.D., see Foreman, Wirtschafter, S. K., see Wong, P.Y., Talamo, R.C., R. D. 330, 350 Haverback, B.J. 67, 77 Williams, G. H. 381, 399, Willis, W.D~Jr., Grossman, Wisniewski, K., Bodzenta, A. 574, 575, 607 R.G. 323,356 344,345,356 Wong, P. Y., Talamo, R.C., Willman, E.A., Collins, W.P. Wisniewski, K., Mackiewicz, Williams, G.H., Colman, 403,426 W. 343,356 R. W. 302, 307, 309, 535, Author Index 737

536, 538, 539, 548, 552, 553, Wuepper, K. D., Cochrane, Yajima, H., Kiso, Y., Okada, 567, 575, 607 C. G. 20, 29, 34, 35, 37, 38, Y., Watanabe, H. 176,225 Wong, P.Y., Terragno, D.A., 43, 52, 89, 570, 571, 597 Yaksh, T.L., Rudy, T.A. 329, Terragno, N.A., McGiff, Wuepper, K. D., Miller, D. R., 356 J. C. 362, 399 Lacombe, M.-J. 23, 56, 89 Yamabe, H., see Geller, R.G. Wong, P. Y., see Coiman, Wuepper, K. D., see Cochrane, 282, 283 e.G. 4,9,14-16,20,22,23, R. W. 302, 307,307, 381, Yamada, K., see Ikezawa, H. 389, 577, 579, 594, 598 28, 33, 44, 45, 52, 73 203,215 Wong, P. Y.-K., Terragno, Wuepper, K.D., see Matheson, Yamada, M., see Sawada, J. D.A., Terragno, N.A., R. T. 27,80, 573, 595,602 202, 220 McGiff, J. e. 294, 300, 404, Wuepper, K. D., see Tucker, III, 407,411,414,426 E. S. 9, 16, 87 Yamafuji, K., Takeishi, M. 95, Wong, P. Y.-K., see McGiff, Wuthrich, K., Wagner, G. 225 100, 102 J. C. 525,538,546,559,566, Wuthrich, K., see Brown, Yamafuji, K., see Greenbaum, 576,602 L. R. 170, 208 L. M. 91, 95, 100, 101, 180, Wong, S.-C., see Sampaio, C. Wuthrich, K., see Hetzel, R. 201,213 31,85, 165,220 170,214 Yamaguchi, K., see Fujimoto, Wong, T., see Dyce, B.J. 67, Wuthrich, K., see Masson, A. Y. 105, 108, 129, 149, 156 74 169, 170,218 Yamaguchi, K., see Moriwaki, Woo, J., see Bedrossian, Wuthrich, K., see Wagner, G. C. 379,394 C. W. M. 434,458,471 169,170,224 Yamahata, Y., see Shikimi, T. Woods, K. R., see Lentz, K. E. Wunderer, G., Beress, L., 347, 355 439,479 Machleidt, W., Fritz, H. Yamamoto, I., see Inoki, R. Woodward, B., see Wallis, 166, 167, 184,224 311, 320, 351 D.I. 334, 356 Wunderer, G., Fritz, H., Woodward, e. K., see Ellis, Brummer, W., Hennrich, N., Yamamoto, J., see Sekiya, A. L. M. 195, 211, 224 Orth, H.-D. 184, 187,224 360,397 Woodworth, R. S., Sherrington, Wunderer, G., Kummer, K., Yamamoto, M., see Ikeda, K. e.S. 314,356 Fritz, H. 35,89, 179, 183, 194,215 Woolley, D. W., Gommi, 184, 187, 191-193, 198,200- Yamamura, H.I., see Arreguri, B. W. 290, 300 202, 204, 225 A. 487,487 Woolley, D. W., see Stewart, Wunderer, G., see Beress, L. Yamamura, Y., see Kokubu, J.M. 237,248,271,292,299 208 T. 180,217 Work, E., see Green, N. 621, Wunderer, G., see Fritz, H. 31, Yamamura, Y., see Ueda, E. 655 35, 43, 44, 68, 75, 165, 183, 455, 485 Worthington, K.J., Cuschiero, 192, 193,200,212 Yamanaka, T., see Yasuhara, A. 104, 113, 114, 118, 120, Wyatt, S., see Boaz, D. 442, T. 232, 272, 277, 285 161 458, 459, 472 Yamashita, M., Oyama, T., Wotman, S., Greenbaum, L., Wyatt, S., see Fitz, A. 459,476 Kudo, T. 463, 485 Mandel, I. 497,499,523 Wyatt, S., see Overturf, M. Yamashita, M., see Hojima, Wraight, E., see MacFarlane, 442,458,459,482 Y. 108, 133-135, 140, 143- N.A.A. 532,545 Wyche, A., see Isakson, P. e. 145, 157, 178, 199,202,207, Wright, C. S., see Blow, D. M. 414,423 214 172, 173, 208 Wyon-Maillard, M. C., see Yamashita, Y., see Moriya, H. Wright, D. G., Malawista, Conseiller, C. 331,332,348 134, 144, 159 S. E. 63, 64, 88 Wyon-Maillard, M. S., see Yamauchi, K., see Wright, H. T. 173,224 Guilbaud, G. 331,350 Kaminogawa, S. 216 Wright, H. T., see Sweet, R. M. Yamauchi, K., see Mue, S. 175, 195-198,221 Xoshinaga, K., see Abe, K. 434,458,480 Wright, I. G. 436, 485 Yamazaki, K., Moriya, H. 534,542 Wright, R.D., see Blair-West, 182,225,279,285 J.R. 449,450,464,472 Yamazaki, K., see Moriya, H. Wu, K.Y., see Lee, S.C. 407, Yagishita, K., see Kato, A. 106, 159,628,656 423 191,216 Yanaihara, e., see Yanaihara, Wuepper, K.D. 20,28,29,33, Yagyu, M., see Okada, Y. 336, N. 272 35, 37, 38, 43, 88, 302, 309, 338, 354 Yanaihara, C., see Yasuhara, 571, 572, 594,607 Yajima, R., Kiso, Y. 176,225 T. 232,272,277,285 738 Author Index

Yanaihara, N., Yanaihara, C., Yaron, A., see Carmel, A. 448, Yon, J., see Foucault, G. 125, Sakagami, M., Nakajima, T., 449,473 156 Nakayama, T., Matsumoto, Yarovaya, G.A. 643,655 Yoshida, H., Geller, R.G., K. 272 Yarovaya, G.A., see Dotsenko, Pisano, J.J. 231,272,276, Yanaihara, N., see Yasuhara, V. L. 621, 647 285 T. 232,272,277,285 Yarovaya, G.A, see Paskhina, Yoshida, H., see Corthom, J. Yanari, S., see Oza, N. B. 526, T. S. 611,612,615,634,635, 527, 543 547 637, 639, 640, 652 Yoshida, H., see Geller, R.G. Yarovaya, L.M., see Chemuch, 282, 283 Yancey, M. R., see Ayers, A M. 644, 647 Yoshida, H., see Imanari, T. C. R. 463, 471 Yarovaya, L. M., see Paskhina, 105, 125, 133, 157, 527, 545 Yang, H. Y. T., Erdos, E. G. T. S. 612,615,634,639,640, Yoshida, H., see Kishimura, 431,438--441,446,447,450, 652 H. 232, 268, 277, 284 456,459,585,630,656 Yasuhara, R., see Kishimura, Yoshida, H., see Yasuhara, T. Yang, H. Y. T., Erdos, E. G., H. 277,284 272, 277, 285 Chiang, T. S. 438, 486 Yasuhara, T., Hira, M., Yoshida, N., see Kokubu, T. Yang, H. Y. T., Erdos, E. G., Nakajima, T., Yanaihara, 446, 447, 453, 478 Jenssen, T. A., Levin, Y. N., Yanaihara, C., Yoshida, N., see Nishimura, 440, 441, 450, 486 Hashimoto, T., Sakura, N., K. 453, 456, 481 Yang, H. Y. T., Erdos, E.G., Tachibana, S., Abaki, K., Yoshikawa, M., see Iwasaki, Levin, Y. 440,441,446- Besho, M., Yamanaka, T. T. 201,202,215 452,459-461,486 232,272,277,285 Yoshikawa, M., see Kiyohara, Yang, H. Y. T., Jenssen, T.A., Yasuhara, T., Nakajima, T. T. 201,216 Erdos, E.G. 440,441,486 232, 272, 276, 282, 285 Y oshinaga, K., Abe, K., Miwa, Yang, H.Y.T., Neff, N.H. Yasuhara, T., Yoshida, H., 1., Furuyama, T., Suzuki, 437,446,486 Nakajima, T. 272,277,285 C. 273,285 Yang, H. Y. T., see Erdos, Yasuhara, T., see Araki, K. Y oshinaga, K., see Abe, K. E. G. 2,4, 74,245,246,259, 282,282 374,388 267,301,303,308,368, 383, Yasuhara, T., see Ishikawa, O. Yoshinaga, K., see Seino, J. 390,428,431--436,440,441, 232,268,277,284 534,547 444--447,450,452,453,459, Yasuhara, T., see Kishimura, Y oshinaga, K., see Seino, M. 461,468,475,630,655 H. 232,268 539, 540, 547, 550, 551, 556, Yang, H. Y. T., see Seki, T. Yasuhara, T., see Watanabe, 561-563,567 164, 165, 221 M. 231,271,276,277,285 Yoshizaki, T. 416,426 Yankeelov, J.,Jr., Kochert, M., Yasujima, M., see Seino, J. Young, D. B., see Bengis, Page, J., Westphal, A 167, 534,547 R. G. 465, 472 225 Yasujima, M., see Seino, M. Young, G. T., see Fletcher, Yankowskaya, M.O., see 539, 540, 547, 550, 551, 556, G.A. 228-230,232,239, Surovikina, M. S. 611, 614, 561-563,567 267 635,644654 Yasui, H., see Sawada, J. 202, Young, G. T., see Pinker, T. G. Yano, M., Kato, H., Nagasawa, 220 228-230,269 Young, G. T., see Schafer, S., Suzuki, T. 50, 89 Yates, K., see Imanari, T. 105, D. J. 262, 270 Yano, M., Magasawa, S., 125, 133, 157, 527, 545 Suzuki, T. 115, 161 Young, R., see Pettinger, Yates, K., see Pisano, J.J. 273, Yano, M., Nagasawa, S., W.A. 22,83 284, 531,547 Horiuchi, K., Suzuki, T. 50, Yu, H. H., see Randic, M. 328, Yecies, L. D., see Kaplan, 90 329, 335, 354 A P. 33, 35, 43, 58, 78 Yano, M., Nagasawa, S., Suzuki, T. 34, 50, 90 Yeh, H.S.J., see Igic, R. 432, Zabza, A., see Kania, L. 175, Yano, M., see Nagasawa, S. 441,442,446,448--452,454, 216 34,82 458,459,461,462,477,478 Zacest, R., Oparil, S., Talamo, Yano, M., see Suzuki, T. 34, Yeh, H.S.J., see Nakajima, T. R.C. 431,449,450,486 50,86 453, 456, 481 Zacest, R., see Mashford, Yano, T., see Shionoya, S. 361, Yokoyama, S., Oobayshi, A, M.L. 591,602 397 Tanabe, 0., Ohata, K., Zachariae, H., Henningsen, Yaron, A., Mlynar, D., Berger, Shibata, Y., Ichishima, E. S.J., Sondergaard, J., Wolf• A. 448, 455, 486 439,486 Jiirgensen, P. 417 --419,426 Author Index 739

Zakheim, R. M., see Mattioli, Zen, A., see Antonello, A. 541, Zinner, S. H., Margoluis, H. S., L. 458,480 542 Rosner, B., Kass, E. H. 535, Zakheim, R. M., see Molteni, Zen, A., see Baggio, B. 530, 548 A. 458,480 542 Zinner, S. H., Margoluis, H. S., Zanefeld, L. J. D., Polakoski, Zen, A., see Favaro, S. 541, Rosner, B., Keiser, H. R., K. L., Robertson, R. T., 543 Kass, E.H. 535,548,557, 567 Williams, W. L. 191,225 Zen, F., see Baggio, B. 530, Zschiedrich, H., see Hofbauer, Zapata, C., see Sterin-Speziale, 542 K. G. 443, 462, 477 N. 385,397 Zerubavel, R., see Fonkalsrud, Zsilinszky, E., see Geese, A. Zborovsky, A. B., Styaikova, E. W. 359,391 249,268,368,391,435,476 R. A. 637, 655 Zetterstrom, B. E. M., Palmerio, Zuber, M., Sache, E. 104, 107- Zeegers, A., see Aarsen, P. N. C., Fine, J. 586, 607 116, 118-120, 161, 207, 225 373, 388 Zharova, E. A., see Nekrasova, Zukova, V. P., see Paskhina, Zeitlin, I.J. 583, 584, 607 A. A. 535, 546 T. S. 128, 132,159,204,219 Zeitlin, 1. J., Sharma, J. N., Zhukova, G.F., Ravdel, G.A., Zur, M., see Cohen, 1. 103,155 Brooks, P.M., Dick, W.C. Shchukina, L. A., Paskhina, Zurier, R. B., Hoffstein, S., 607 T. S., Gurtovenko, V. M. Weissmann, G. 63,90 Zeitlin, I.J., Singh, Y. N., 620, 655 Zurier, R.B., Weissmann, G., Lembeck, F., Theiler, M. Hoffstein, S., Kammerman, Zickgraf-Riidel, G., see Frey, S., Tai, H. H. 63, 64, 90 379, 399, 577, 583, 584, 595, E. K. 182, 183, 191, 192, 607 Zurier, R. B., see Weissmann, 211,442,476 G. 63,64,88 Zeitlin, I.J., Smith, A. M. 376, Zickgraf-Riidel, G., see Werle, Zusman, R. M., Keiser, H. R. 381,399, 582, 607 E. 164,224 294,300,414,426,538,548 Zeitlin, 1. J., see Brocklehurst, Zieglgansberger, W., Bayer!, Zusman, R. M., Keiser, H. R., W. E. 583, 590, 597 H. 329,356 Handler, J. F. 538, 548 Zeitlin, 1. J., see Frankish, Zusman, R., see Vinci, J. M. Zilliken, F., see Schoenmakers, N.H. 379,391 534, 539, 548 J. G. 13, 15,29, 57,85 Zeitlin, 1. J., see Smith, A. M. Zweifach, B. W. 631,656 376,397 Zilliken, F., see Temme, H. 14, Zykova, V. P., see Paskhina, Zelek, D., Konya, 1., Albrecht, 87 T.S. 610,621,622,638,651, E. 293,300 Zimmermann, M. 323,356 652 Subject Index

Abbreviations 1, 609 human plasma and 273, 280 abdominal pain, carcinoid syndrome and Met-Lys-bradykinin and urine 273 582 uropepsinogen activation and 273 hereditary angioedema and 576 plasma pepsinogen and 275 absorption, gastrointestinal and kinins 379 acinar cells, pancreatic kallikrein and 508 absorption spectra, kallikrein Band 109 Ac-LysOMe, kallikrein and hydrolysis of acetaminophen, kinin-induced hyperthermia 114 and 343 Ac-Phe, acyl substituent and glandular acetate ions, kininase II activity and 452 kallikrein 152 acetazolamide, kallikrein excretion and 540 Ac-Phe-ArgOEt, assay of glandular acetic acid, animal pain models and 312 kallikreins and 105 acetone, human salivary kallikrein I stability Ac-Phe-ArgOMe, kallikrein and hydrolysis and 627 of 114 kallikrein and 31 submandibular kallikrein and 122 neoplastic cell kininogenase and 100 Ac-Phe-Arg-Ser-Val-Glu, porcine pancreatic prekallikrein and 347 kallikrein and 147 acetylcholine, bradykinin and smooth acrosin, BPTI inhibition spectrum and 180 muscles 377 capacitation reaction and 518 immature adrenal gland 417 human seminal plasma proteinase inhibitor cardiovascular reflexes and 316 and 387 polyphoretin phosphate 321 kininogenase activity of 103, 387 prostaglandins 318 sea anemone inhibitor and 185 dorsal horn cells and 327 sperm penetration and 387 indomethacin and antagonism of 320 sperm motility and 518 insect and 282 ACTH, bradykinin and release of 343 nucleus locus coeruleus activity and 343 carcinoid tumors and 582 pain and 311, 313 plasma kinin levels and 539 pancreatic kallikrein secretion and 491 urinary kallikrein excretion and 535 prostaglandin release and 319 Actinaria, proteinase inhibitors in 184 salivary kallikrein BAEe esterase activity Actinomycetes, pepstatin and 97 and 498 proteinase inhibitors of 203 salivary kallikrein secretion and 500 actinomycin D, protein resynthesis and unitiol action and 631 salivary kallikrein 498 acetylcholine response, neuraminidase and action potentials, bradykinin and 323, 632 EDTA 290 activated factor XII, see: factor XII a acetyl-Leu-Leu-argininal, see: leupeptin activation of, factor XII, mechanism 15 Ac-Gly-LysOMe, kallikrein and hydrolysis activators of, factor XII 22 of 114 active sites, of angiotensin I converting Achatina fulica, see: Gastropoda enzyme 259 acid cathepsins, proteases of lysosomes 64 active-site directed reagents, of porcine acid glycoproteins, glandular kallikreins and kallikrein 119 serine proteinases of pancreatic type 150 activity, bradykinin and eNS 338 acid kininogenase II, thiol activation of 100 of leukokinin forming enzyme 94 acid proteases; see: cathepsins B, D, E Ac-TyrOEt, chymotrypsin and 113 acids, avian plasma and kinin release 280 human salivary kallikrein and 128 742 Subject Index

Ac-TyrOEt, mouse submandibular pressor reflexes 360, 417 esteropeptidases and 142 tachycardia 360 Ac-TyrO Me, human urinary kallikrein and carcinoid flush and 582 131 mast cell kininogenase and 100 acute pancreatitis, glandular active kallikrein salivary kallikrein secretion and 498, 500 in urine and 529 bradykinin and catecholamine release 416 acylation reaction, pancreatic kallikrein and duodenal relaxation 417 120 p-adrenergic blockers, bradykinin and acyl enzyme formation, serine proteinases unitiol 631 and 152 carcinoid flush and 582 acylhydrolases, kinins and prostaglandin hypertension and kallikrein-kinin system synthesis 404 636 acyl-lysine deacylase, BPTI distribution and mast cell kininogenase and 100 181 salivary kallikrein secretion and 498, 500 snail inhibitor and· 186 p-adrenergic receptors, CNS and acyl substituents, glandular kallikreins and bradykinin 338 153 adrenergic neurons, stellate ganglion and adenocarcinoma, leukokinin forming enzyme bradykinin 334 and 96 adrenergic system, bradykinin and 340 adenosine, bradykinin-induced permeability adrenocorticotrope hormone, see: ACTH changes and 369 adult respiratory disease syndrome, kininase uterine blood flow and 384 II activity and 458 vascular permeability and 369 aerosil, plasma prekallikrein activation and adenylate cyclase, bradykinin action and 622 296 afferent nerve fibers, primary and ADH, bradykinin and release of 343 bradykinin 323 kinins and, diuresis 531 sensitivity to bradykinin 324 release of 420 afferent spinal pathways, neurophysiologic prostaglandin action on and 532 studies with bradykinin 330 renal kinins and 557 affinity chromatography, purification of ADP, bradykinin-induced permeability natural kallikrein inhibitors and 164 changes and 369 age, hamster submandibular kallikrein-like platelet aggregation and parmidine 633 esteroproteases and 515 adrenal cortex, steroidogenesis and kallikrein level and 514 angiotensin III 464 Agkistrodon halys blomhoffi, see: adrenal glands, angiotensin I conversion bradykinin-potentiating peptides 250; and 470 snake venoms 55 adrenal medulla, catecholamine release and Agkistrodon potentiator B, bradykinin and kinins 369 sensitization of ileum assay 252, 291 kinins and 333 Agkistrodon potentiator C, kininase II p-adrenal receptors, duodenum and activity and 460 bradykinin effect 243 Agkistrodon potentiator D, bradykinin adrenal steroids, 15-PGDH activity and 411 action and 250 renin-angiotensin system and renal Agkistrodon potentiator E, uterus and 252 kallikrein-kinin system 537 airway smooth muscle, kinins and 374 adrenalectomy, bradykinin-induced Ala3-bradykinin, rat uterus and 238 cardiovascular responses and 341, 415, Ala-Gly-Glu-Gly-histamine, see: histamine- 417 containing peptides plasma kininogen levels and 383 Ala-Gly-Pro-Glu-histamine, see: histamine• adrenaline, see: epinephrine containing peptides IX-adrenergic agents, kallikreins and 538 Ala-Leu-LysCH2Cl, glandular kallikreins p-adrenergic agents, kallikreins and 538 and 119 release of lysosomal enzymes and 64 pancreatic kallikrein and 205 IX-adrenergic blockers, bradykinin and blood submandibular kallikrein and 122 pressure 631 urinary kallikrein and 123 central cardiovascular responses 340 alanine, amino terminal of porcine pancreatic duodenal relaxation 417 kallikrein and 111 Subject Index 743 alanine analogs, biologic activity of all-n-retro-bradykinin, receptor interaction bradykinin and 238 and 242 n-alanine4 bradykinin, biologic activity of allergens, kallikrein and 115 241 allergic disorders, kallikrein-kinin system alanine peptides, kininase II inhibition and and 592 459 allergic reactions, kinin generating system and 99 n-alanine replacement, peptide hormones kinins and 376 and 241 alloxan, diabetes and kallikrein 491 Ala-Phe-Lys, plasma kallikrein and 205 alternative kinin generating system 91 Ala-Phe-LysCH,CI, horse urinary kallikrein altitude hypoxia, plasma kinins and 634 and 148 alytesin, bombesin-like peptide 282 Ala-Val-LysCH,CI, glandular kallikreins AMe, see: ArgOMe and 205 American wasps, see: wasp submandibular kallikrein and 122 amidinobenzoic acid esters, porcine serum urinary kallikrein and 123 kallikrein and 205 albumin, kininase II and 446 p-amidinophenacyl bromide, rat urinary kininase II inhibition and 461 kallikrein and 139 albumin glands, snails and proteinase 4-amidino-phenylbenzoate, porcine serum inhibitors 187 kallikrein and 205 alcohol, kallikrein and 31 3-amidinophenylpyruvic acid esters, serum alcoholic liver disease, kinins and 376 kallikrein and 205 prekallikrein level and 574 4-amidinophenylpyruvic acid, kallikrein aldosterone, adrenal glands and biosynthesis and 205 of 470 am;dopyrine, bradykinin and Bartter's syndrome and 535 depolarization 633 electrolyte excretion and renal kallikrein- pancreatitis and kininogen level 637 kinin system 536 amiloride, kallikrein inhibition and 540 furosemide and low salt diet 554 amine precursor uptake decarboxylation kallikrein excretion and 408, 529 cells, carcinoid syndrome and 581 liver cirrhosis and level of 575 amino acids, gstrointestinal absorption and pregnancy and 563 kinins 379 prostaglandin excretion and 408 kallikrein activity and 118 prostaglandin release and 539 n- bradykinin analogs, vascular renal kallikrein-kinin system and 536,539 permeability and 248 sodium depletion and sodium-retaining amino acid composition, identity of mouse steroids 554 submaxillary esteroproteolytic enzymes spironolactone and, kallikrein secretion and 142 555 amino acid composition of, bombinakinin renal kallikrein production 534 o 274 urinary kallikrein and 539 bradykinin 274 aldosterone excretion, Bartter's syndrome bradykinin analogs 228 and 559 bradykinin-potentiating peptides 251 aldosterone-secreting tumor, kallikrein bovine colostrum inhibitor 183 excretion and 560 BPPs• 629 algesic agents, cardiovascular reflex responses BPPp 629 and 315,316 BPTI 168, 183 excitation of primary afferent nerve fibers BPTI analogs 177 and 324 cuttle-fish proteinase inhibitors 189 receptors and lack of cross-tachyphylaxis dog pancreatic kallikrein 145 326 earth worm proteinase inhibitors 191 aliphatic acid esters, conversion to acyl• eledoisin 279 enzyme and 206 granuliberin R 276 alkali metal, horse urinary kallikrein and guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein 145, 148 149 all-n-bradykinin, activity of 239 human factor XII 15 receptor interaction and 242 human salivary kallikrein 127 744 Subject Index

amino acid composition of, human urinary aminopeptidases, exopeptidases and 66 kallikrein 127 neutrophil leukocytes and 66 kallidin 274 aminopeptidase B, conversion of kallidin to kassinin 279 bradykinin and 468 leukokinins 92 aminopeptidase KI' BPTI and 172 mastroparan 276 aminophenylcarboxyl acid, porcine serum Met-Lys-bradykinin 276 kallikrein and 205 phyllokinin 274 p-aminophenylguanidine, rat urinary phyllomedusin 279 kallikrein and 139 physalaemin 279 aminopyrine, bradykinin-induced EEG polisteskinin 274 changes and 338 polisteskinin R 274, 275 bradykinin and dorsal horn cells 321 porcine pancreatic kallikrein 110, 121 amino terminals, of porcine pancreatic porcine submandibular kallikrein 110, kallikrein 111 121 (i-amino valeric acid residue, bradykinin 3-4 porcine urinary kallikrein 110, 123 position and 241 rabbit LMW kininogen 623 ammonium ions, kallikrein activity and 118 rabbit urinary kallikrein 145 ammonium sulfate, bradykinin ranakinins 274 radioimmunoassay and 306 rat pancreatic kallikrein 135 amniotic fluid, LMW carboxypeptodase-type rat urinary kallikrein 135, 137 kininase and 436 Russel's viper inhibitor 183, 190 amobarbital, brain kininase activity and 346 SBTI 194 brain kininogenase activity and 347 snail proteinase inhibitor 183 AMP, release of lysosomal enzymes and 64 substance P 279 amphetamine, behavioral activity and 344 synthetic bradykinin-potentiating bradykinin and brain amine pep tides 254 concentrations 341, 342 tachykinins 279 stereo typic behavior and bradykinin 345 Thr6-bradykinin 274 amphibian skin, biologically active peptides uperolein 279 and 277 VaP-Thr6-bradykinin 274 kinin content and 280 vespakinins 274, 277 amphibian skin glands, bradykinin-related vespulakinins 274 peptides and 242 amino acid esters, porcine pancreatic secretion of bradykinin homo logs and kallikrein and 113 252 D-amino acid residues, bradykinin analogs Amphiuma tridactylum, see: nonmammalian and 239 kallikrein-kinin system amino acid specificity, glandular kallikreins amylase, automic nerve stimulation and and 153 activity of 498 amino acid sequence of, bovine LMW diet and content of 490 kininogen 54 kininogen level and pancreatitis 637 bovine HMW kinonogen 55 prostigmin and pancreatic juice 491 D-amino acid substitution, kininase II subcellular distribution of 507 substrates and cleavage 450 amyloidosis, nephrotic syndrome and aminoaerosil, plasma prekallikrein activation kallikrein-kinin system 641 and 623 anabolic steroids, hereditary angioedema amino-alkyl benzenesulfonyl fluorides, and 581 kallikrein and 206 anaerobic glycolysis inhibition, release of p-amino-benzamidine, human salivary lysosomal enzymes and 64 kallikrein and 128 analgesic agents, bradykinin-induced pain rat urinary kallikrein and 138 and 312 E-aminocaproic acid, hereditary angioedema anaphylactic , bradykinin and 584 and 581 kininase II activity and 458 kallikrein and 206 anaphylatoxins, activation of factor XII and plasmin and 62 22 4-aminomethylbenzamidine, serum kallikrein allergic disorders and 592 and 205 complement C 5 a and 67 Subject Index 745

kininase I and cleavage of 469 angiotensin I, BPP 5& and 460 1,10-phenanthroline and 368 BPP ga and 462 septic shock and 586 captopril and 461 anaphylatoxin inactivator, see: kininase I conversion to angiotensin II and kininase anaphylaxis, activation of factor XII and 22 II 629 arginine esterase and 99 histamine release and 418 basophil kallikrein and 99 '25I-tyr'-kallidin and bradykinin receptors basophil kinin generating system and 99 in pregnant cow uterus 289 bradykinin and 247 kininase II and 438,469,630 chemical mediators and 99 kininase II antibodies and cleavage of 457 eosinophil chemotactic factor and 99 pulmonary kininase II activity and 469 histamine and 99 renal carboxycathepsin and 441 kinins and 376 snake venoms and cleavage of 460 platelet activating factor and 99 SQ 14,225 and 260 release of lysosomal enzymes and 64 tonin and conversion of 442, 458 slow reacting substance of 99 angiotensin II, adrenal glands and androgens, kininogen levels and 382 aldosterone 470 proteases and dependence of 514 arachidonic acid and 539 Anemonia sulcata, see: sea anemones Bartter's syndrome and 558 anesthesia, bradykinin and, cortical activity calcium uptake and 293 333 chlorambucil peptides and 249,258 cardiovascular reflex responses 314, hepatorenal syndrome and 576 316 histamine release and 418 anginal attack, kinins and 358 inhibitors of 248 kallikrein-kinin system and 588 isolated blood vessels and prostaglandin anginin, see: parmidine synthesis 408 angioedema, C1 inhibitor and 67 I25I-tyr'-kallidin and bradykinin receptors C1 inhibitor deficiency and 302 in pregnant cow uterus 289 hereditary and kinin system 576 kininase II and 630 angiography, bradykinin and 632 kininase II inhibition and 459 angiotensin, adrenal gland and 415 liver cirrhosis and level of 575 adrenergic neurons in stellate ganglion N-methylphenylalanin replacement in and 334 239 behavior and 339 stimulation and 539 blood pressure and 439 plasma renin activity and 536 brain norepinephrine concentration and posture and high salt diet 553 341 prostaglandins and pregnant uterus 411 cat jejunum insensitivity to 611 prostaglandin release, and 404 diencephalic regions and 338 in renal tissue 294 endogenous renal kallikrein-kinin system and 536 prostaglandin synthesis and· 539 epinephrine release and 415 renal prostaglandins and 408 heat and stomach tissue response to 291 sodium diet and glucose infusion 552 hypertensive action of 550 tonin-like exzyme and release of 459 ileum assay and 290 umbilical vessels and prostaglandin immature adrenal gland and 417 synthesis 412 kallikrein excretion and 551 vascular smooth muscle and prostaglandin kallikrein release and prostaglandins 555 release 294 and inactivation of 644 angiotensin III adrenal glands and morphine and cervical autonomic aldosterone 470 ganglion 333 BPPga and 464,487 nictitating membrane and 333 kininase II and 449 postganglionic responses to 334 kininase II inhibition and 459 prostaglandin action and 403 renal blood flow and BPP ga 487 superior cervical ganglion and 333 steroidogenesis and 464 thiol compounds and 290 angiotensin I analogs, kininase II inhibition unitiol action and 631 and 459 746 Subject Index angiotensin I converting enzyme, active sites prekallikrein 34 of 259,486 Annelida, kallikrein inhibitors in 190 antibodies to 457 anioneurotic edema, fragment XII f and 18 assays for specificity 448 antagonists, bradykinin action and 248 biologically active substrate 449 antiadrenergic drugs, bradykinin action on Bothrops venom and 227 intestinal smooth muscle and 377 BPP9a and 252, 291 antibodies, bradykinin and induction of 304 bradykinin analogs and 618 bradykinin inhibition and 291 bradykinin cleavage and 441 determination of kallikrein inhibitors and bradykinin-potentiating peptides and 250 166 brain and 437 human glandular kallikreins and 133 content in small intestine 379 kallikrein cellular localization and 506, cystic fibrosis and 594 508 developing tissue and 447 kallikrein granules and 504 -distribution of 442 kininase II and 457 fluorimetric estimation in human plasma kininase II localization and 443, 457 615 kininogens and 47 Gly-Arg-Met-Lys-bradykinin and 367 localization of rat submandibular identity with kininase II 441 kallikrein and 508 inhibition in vitro 459 salivain and submandibular kallikrein inhibition in vivo 461 494 isoelectric point of 630 antibradykinin serum, renal function and 1251-tyr8-bradykinin and 288 532 Met-Lys-bradykinin and 367 anticoagulants, factor XII a and 3 molecular weight of 456, 630 inhibition of kinin formation and 303 N-extended bradykinin homologs and anticholinergic drugs, bradykinin action on 244, 247 intestinal smooth muscle and 377 pathological conditions and 457 1X1-antichymotrypsin, chymotrypsin-like pH optimum of 630 enzyme and 65, 68 properties of 452, 629, 630 physicochemical properties of 68 regulation of blood pressure and 630 plasmakinin system and 68 vascular tone and 644 antidiuretic hormone, see: ADH solubility of 442 anti-enzymes, steric hindrance of 4 soluble enzyme 446 antifactor XII, identification of fragments of specificity of 457 factor XII a 18 SQ 14,225 and 260 PF/dil and vascular permeability 4 SQ 20,881 and 305 antigens, bradykinin radioimmunoassay and subunits of 456 labeled 305 synthetic BPP5a-BPP9a analogs and 258 antigen-antibody complexes, as activator of synthetic bradykinin-potentiating peptides factor XII 22 and 256 antigen-antibody reaction, lysosomal enzyme urinary kinins and 275 release and 63 angiotensin receptors, vascular kinin action antigen-related collagenases, granulocytes and 363 and 65 angiotensinase A, angiotensin I and 464 antihistaminic drugs, bradykinin action on angiotensinogen, substrat for renin 439 intestinal smooth muscle and 377 anhydrotrypsin, BPTI and 173 carrageenin edema and 368 anhydrous hydrogen fluoride, bradykinin vascular permeability and 22 synthesis and 262 anti-inflammatory agents, animal pain animals, BPTI-related kallikrein inhibitors models and 313 in 184 bradykinin-induced effects and 319 animal models, hypertension and renal prostacyclin and 322 kallikrein-kinin system 540 prostaglandin synthesis and 320 pain and bradykinin 312 thromboxanes and 322 animal plasmas, kininogens of 50 antikinin preparations 633 purification of, factor XII 13 antipain, peptide inhibition of 203 kallikrein 34 1X2-antiplasmin, see: 1X2-plasmin inhibitor Subject Index 747 antiproteases, vascular permeability and 4 arachidonic acid, bradykinin and anti-rabbit globulin, bradykinin phospholipases 294 radioimmunoassay and 306 prostaglandin release 319 antiserotinergic drugs, carrageenin edema metabolism of 402 and 368 prostaglandin release and mepacrine 404 antiserum, BPTl and bull seminal plasma structure of 402 inhibitor 182 vascular permeability and 368 salivain and 136 Arachis hypogaea, see: peanuts o-Arg9-bradykinin, biologic action of 246 antithrombin III, elastase and 68 2-mercaptoethanol and 246 elastase-like enzyme and 65 argentaffin cells, carcinoid syndrome and factor XII purification and 11 581 heparin and kallikrein inhibition 30 arginine, active center of kininase II 486 hereditary angioedema and 581 inhibition of factor XII and 30 nonpe~tide amides and hydrolysis by porcme pancreatic kallikrein 118 kallikrein and 43, 67 arginine carboxypeptidase, see: kininase I kinin radioimmunoassays and action of arginine esters, cat submaxillary kallikrein 307 PFjdil and 3 and 143 human salivary kallikrein and 128 physicochemical properties of 69 plasmin and 62 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases purification of 69 and 142 thrombin inhibition and 69 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 113 trypsin and hydrolysis of 490 ant!thrombin III-factor XII a complex 70 arginine heptyl ester, bradykinin inhibition ant~thromb!n III-kallikrein complex 44, 69 and uterus 249 ant~thro~bm III-plasmin complex 69 arginine hydrolysis, glandular kallikreins antItrypsm, human kininogen preparations and 153 and 621 arginine residues, bradykinin and receptor pancreatitis and activity of 614 binding 238 lXI-antitrypsin, burn shock and 639 bradykinin analog activity and 237 chymotrypsin-like enzyme and 65 ar~n!ne resin, bradykinin synthesis and 263 elastase-like enzyme and 65 argmme vasopressin, prostaglandin release in factor XII a and 68 renal cells 294 factor XII purification and 11 arginyl dipeptides, horse urinary kallikrein glomerulonephritis and 641 and 147 granulocyte collagenases and 65 ArgMe, rat submandibular kallikrein and inhibition of factor XII and 30 136 kallikrein and 35, 43, 68 Arg-fJ-naphthyl-amide, arylamidase and nephrotic syndrome and 641 468 neutrophil elastase and 68 rat submandibular kallikrein and 136 physicochemical properties of 68 plasma concentration of 68 ArgOMe, kallikrein and hydrolysis of 114 plasma kinin-system and 68 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases plasmin and 62, 68 and 142 l typhoid fever and 594 Arg -Pro7-bradykinin, plasma kininase and IXI-antitrypsin-SBTI complex 68 438 aortic coarctation, hypertension and renal Arg~ P~o-~ro-Gly-Ser- Phe-Phe-Arg, kallikrein-system 540 lllCtItatmg membrane and 333 9 aortic aneurysm abortion, Die and kallikrein Arg residue, bradykinin and optical level 589 configuration 238 Arg-type kallikrein inhibitors 1 2-cyclo- apamin, venom and 282 hexanedione 167 ' , apnea, kinins and 376 argyrophile cells, carcinoid syndrome and apomorphine, stereotypic behavior and 581 bradykinin 345 aromatic acid esters, conversion to acyl• aprotinin, see: BPTl enzyme and 206 APUD cells, see: amine precursor uptake aromatic carboxylates, kininase II inhibition decarboxylation cells and 459 748 Subject Index

aromatic diamidines, kallikrein and 205 free kinin level and 374 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 206 kallikrein-kinin system of 592 aromatic rings, biologic activity of bradykinin kininase II activity and 458 and 239 kinins and 376 aromatic tris-amidines, glandular kallikreins ATEe, porcine submandibular kallikrein and and 528 hydrolysis of 122 arrhythmia, coronary occlusion and BPTI ATP, animal pain models and 313 359 cardiovascular reflexes and 316 arteries, bradykinin and 632 prostaglandins 318 cardiovascular reflex responses 314 vascular permeability and 631 prostaglandin release 404 ATP-dependent calcium uptake, coronary prostaglandin synthesis 409 arteries and bradykinin 293 arterioles, bradykinin and 244, 360 atropine, bicarbonate secretion and 491 kinin action in mammals 357 bradykinin and heart rate 334, 360 arteriosclerosis, hyperlipoproteinemia and bronchoconstriction 375 HMW fibrinogen 590 central cardiovascular responses 340 parmidine and 633 hyperemia 364 arthritis, bradykinin content and 273 cGMP and kallikrein secretion 491 kallikrein-kinin system and 591, 595 chorda tympani nerve stimulation and articular cartilage, as activator of factor XII 515, 516 22 kallikrein secretion and 491 arylamidase activity, kallidin converting salivary kallikrein BAEe esterase activity aminopeptidase and 468 and 498 Ascaris, proteinase inhibition in 190 salivary kallikrein secretion and 500 Aschelminthes, see: Ascaris autocatalysis, plasma prekallikrein activation ascites fluid, leukokinins and 92, 99 and 621 leukokinin forming enzyme and 96 autolyzed porcine pancreas, kallikreins leukokininogen and 97 from 108 ascorbic acid, parotid kallikrein secretion autonomic ganglia, kinins and 333 and 499 autonomic nerve stimulation, cat Asp-Arg-Met-Lys-bradykinin, horse urinary submandibular kallikrein content and kallikrein and 146 509 aspartic acid, catalytic active location of guinea pig submandibular kallikrein porcine pancreatic kallikrein 120 content and 512 kallikrein and 112 salivary kallikrein content and 538 aspirin, allergic myocarditis and 635 autonomic nerve system, salivary kallikrein bradykinin and action on dorsal horn secretion and 495, 498 cells 321 prostaglandins and 403 cardiovascular reflexes 315,321 autosomal dominant inheritance of, pain 314,319 angioedema 576 prostaglandin release 249, 320 autosomal recessive inheritance of, BMW vasoconstriction 363 kininogen deficiency 572 central nervous bradykinin action and prekallikrein deficiency 571 338 avian plasma, ornithokinin and 279 epinephrine and kininogen consumption avian species, Lys-type ovomucoids and 191 371 azurophil granules, localization of lysosomal pulmonary edema 374 enzymes in 65 kinin-induced bronchoconstriction and 374 mast cell kininogenase and 100 bacteria, fibrinolytic system and 56 pain and 312 BAEe, bovine spleen kininogenase and 629 prostaglandin synthesis and 100, 320 cat submaxillary kallikrein and 143 renal bradykinin effects and 408 dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 rheumatoid arthritis and kininogen levels glandular kallikrein assay and 104 595 horse urinary kallikrein and 148 assay, of glandular kallikreins 103 human salivary kallikrein and 118, 132, asthma, bradykinin and 247 499 Subject Index 749

kallikrein and, hydrolysis of 113 porcine pancreatic kallikrein assay and time-dependence of hydrolysis 123 105 kallikrein d, and hydrolysis of 120 benzoyl residues, acyl substituent and mouse submandibular esteropeptidases glandular kallikreins 153 and 142 benzylamine derivatives, serum kallikrein potato kallikrein inhibitor and 202 and 205 prekallikrein and 35 benzyl e-guanidinocaproate, human plasma rabbit urinary kallikrein and 149 kallikrein and 206 rat glandular kallikreins and 139 benzyloxycarbonyl derivatives, see: Cbz-, Z• rat kidney kallikrein inhibitor and 193 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 133 benzyloxycarboxyl-L-arginine ethyl ester, see: rat submandibular kallikrein preparations Cbz-AEe and 136 Betz cells, bradykinin action and 343 rat urinary kallikrein and 138 bicarbonate ions, kininase II activity and renal kallikrein and 527 452 salivary kallikrein and 498 bicarbonate secretion, species and vagal TAMe and 114 stimulation of 491 urinary kallikrein and 549 bile salts, intestinal kallikrein release and BAEe esterases, rat submandibular kallikrein 379 and 135 bioassays, bradykinin and 236 BAEe-formazane, assays of glandular determination of kallikrein inhibitors and kallikreins and 105 164 BAL, see: 2,3-dimercaptopropanol kallikrein and 39 BAMe, human urinary kallikrein and 129, total kallikrein in human plasma and 614 131, 132 urinary kallikreins and 525 BANA, see: benzoyl-arginine-p-nitranilide biochemistry of, kallikrein-kinin system 620 barbiturates, bradykinin and, cardiovascular biologic activity of, D-alanine analogs of reflex responses 316 peptide hormones 241 cortical activity 333 bradykinin analogs 617, 618 B2-ArgOEt, see: BAEe bradykinin-potentiating peptides 251 barium chloride, animal pain models and colostrokinin 279 314 eledoisin analogs 620 Bartter's syndrome, clinical features of 558 frog phyllokinin 277 kallikrein excretion and 539, 558 kininogen fragments 27 aldosterone 535 kinins 273, 280 urinary prostaglandin excretion and 538 ornithokinin 279 basement membrane, as activator of factor peptides related to bradykinin 227 XII 22 polisteskinin 276 basophil kallikrein, anaphylaxis and 99 putative kinins 278 inhibition of 99 synthetic bradykinin-potentiating basophil kinin generating system 99 pep tides 254 bee venom, active peptides in 282 tachykinins 278 behavior, bradykinin and 336, 338 toad urinary bladder peptides 278 benzamidine, bovine kallikrein and 34 vespulakinins 276 horse urinary kallikrein and 132, 148 biologic methods, determination of kinins human urinary kallikrein and 131 610 kallikrein inhibition and 205 birds, ornithokinin and 279 rat urinary kallikrein and 138 IX,W-bis-4-amidino-2,6-dibromo• benzene sulfonyl fluorides, porcine serum phenoxy alkanes, porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 205 kallikrein and 206 benzol arginine ethyl esterase, see: BAEe blood, kallikrein and 30 benzoflumethazide, kallikrein excretion and blood cells, vasoactive kinins and 44 540 kininogenases of 91 benzoyl arginine-p-nitranilide, bovine spleen blood-brain barrier, bradykinin and 315 kininogenase and 629 kinins and 347 human salivary kallikreins and 628 blood circulation, pulmonary kininases and kallikrein granules and 504 regulation of 644 750 Subject Index

blood clotting system, factor XII deficiency human salivary kallikreins and 498, 628 and 569 human urinary kallikrein and 130 kallikrein-kinin system and 643 hypertension and kallikrein excretion 637 blood clotting time, prekallikrein deficiency kallidin and 245, 376 and 571 kallikrein and 1, 403 blood coagulation, HMW kininogen kallikrein granules and 506 deficiency and 572 kallikrein-kinin system and 403 kinin system and 2 kallikrein-like peptidase and 494 parmidine and 633 kininase II and regulation of 630 permeability globulin and 2 kinins and 100,314 blood components, plasma kallikrein-kinin leukokinins and 93 system and 1 low kallikrein families and 558 blood content of, bradykinin 306 mouse submaxillary esteroprotease and blood flow, atropine-resistant and kallikrein 142 516 mouse submaxillary kallikrein and 142 BPP 9a and 468 N-extended bradykinin homo logs and bradykinin and 360, 632 245 gastrointestinal tract 378 pain mechanism and 314 chorda lingual nerve stimulation and phyllokinin and 277 kallidin 517 polisteskinin and 276 dumping syndrome and 583 porcine glandular kallikreins and 122 kallikrein and mammary glands 385 prostaglandins and 403 kallikrein-kinin system and 403 race and 558 kinins and gastrointestinal function 378 rat submandibular kallikrein and 135, oxygen tension and 363 494, 508 prostaglandins and 369, 403 rat urinary kallikrein and 137 blood plasma, kininase content and 446 renal kallikrein and 525 blood pressure, angiotensin and 550 regulation of 549 angiotensin I and 439 renin-angiotensin system and renal angiotensin II and 439 kallikrein-kinin system 537 anaphylaxis and 376 salivain and 594 Bartter's syndrome and 535,558 sodium depletion and captopril 465 benzamidine and kallikrein 205 tachykinins and 279 5 BPP9a and 532, 533 thienylalalanine -bradykinin and 245 posture 465 Thr6-bradykinin and 277 salt depletion 462 toad urinary bladder peptide and 278 bradykinin and 94,279, 359, 376, 631 urinary kallikrein and 525 catecholamines 244,415 electrolytes 535 kininases 244 vespulakinin 1 and 276 bradykinin analogs and 228,240,244,617 blood sugar level, epinephrine and central nervous bradykinin action and myocardial infarction 635 339 blood vessels, bradykinin-induced central nervous eledoisin action and 339 prostaglandin synthesis and 408 crotalid snake venom and 253 blood volume, dumping syndrome and 583 diamines and 206 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 586 dumping syndrome and 583 norepinephrine release and kallikrein eledoisin and 315 excretion 555 ellagic acid and rabbits 622 Boc-amino acids, bradykinin synthesis and endotoxin shock and 584 263

epidermal growth factor binding protein t-Boc-Phe-p(N02)-Phe-Gly, kininase II and and 142 447 esterase A and l36 t-Boc-Phe-Phe-Gly, kininase II antibodies glandulain and 494 and 457 glandular kallikreins and 103 body fluids, identity of various glandular Gly-Arg-Met-Lys-bradykinin and 275 kallikreins 150 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 586 kininase activity and 446 horse urinary kallikrein and 145 kinin level in 302 Subject Index 751 body position, kinin levels 302 Bowman-Birk soybean trypsin inhibitor, radioimmunoassays 307 SBTI and 193 bombesin, hormones and 282 BPF sa' see: BPP sa bombinakinin 0, amino acid composition BPF9., see: BPP9a of 274 BPP sa' amino acid sequence of 629 biologic activity of 277 angiotensin I action and 462 Bothrops jararaca venom and 250 Bombina orientalis, see: bombinakinin ° bradykinin action and 462 bone marrow, bradykinin and inflammation ileum assay 291, 377 of 311 bradykinin receptors and 291 bone marrow cells, mitoses and kallikrein• kininase I and 629 kinin system 381 kininase II and 460 borate puffer, assay of glandular kallikreins kininase II cleavage of 451 and 104 kininase II inhibition and 441 Bothrops jararaca, see: snake venom kininase-resistant bradykinin analogs Bothrops venom kininogenase, horse plasma and 252 kininogens and 625 o-Pr07-bradykinin and 259 bovine brain, bradykinin-like activity of 347 renovascular hypertension and 462 bovine a-chymotrypsin, BPTI and 172 synthesis of 265 bovine colostrum inhibitor, amino acid BPPsa analogs, biologic activities of 256,257 sequence of 183 BPP 9" e-amino caproyl replacement of 256 bovine fibrinopeptide B, bradykinin action antihypertensive therapy and 465 and 253 bradykinin and prostaglandin E9- bovine HMW kininogen, human urinary ketoreductase 295 kallikrein and 129 bradykinin inactivation and 442 kallidin release from 115 bradykinin level and 467 trypsin and Met-Lys-bradykinin 152 bradykinin metabolism and 462 bovine kininogen, Gly-Arg-Met-Lys• bradykinin potentiation and 291 bradykinin and 237, 275 bradykinin receptor studies and 288 kallidin and porcine kallikreins 152 clinical use of 467 kallikrein and bradykinin equivalents 115 diuresis and 532, 533 bovine liver inhibitor, isolation of 167 half-life of 465 bovine LMW kininogen, kallidin release 125I-tyr1-kallidin and bradykinin receptors from 115 in pregnant cow uterus 289 bovine organs, polyvalent proteinase kallidin converting aminopeptidase and inhibitors and 167 468 bovine pancreatic kallikrein, snail albumin kininase II and 256,291, 305, 442, 460 glands and 187 kininase II inhibitor 288 bovine plasma, physico-chemical properties natriuresis and 532, 533 of, factor XII 15 plasma kinin activity and plasma renin kininogens 53 activity 537 prekallikrein 37 renal kallikrein-kinin system and 533 purification of, factor XII 13 renal kininase and 526 kallikrein 34 renin-angiotensin system and 533 kininogens 50 renovascular-hypertension and 463 bovine polyvalent proteinase inhibitor, see: salt depletion and, blood pressure 462 BPTI essential hypertension 467 bovine renal cortex, kininase II and 629 sensitization of ileum assay 253 bovine seminal plasma inhibitor, pancreatic snake venoms and 250 kallikrein and 182 synthesis of 264 bovine serum albumin, human salivary urinary kinin excretion and 533 kallikrein and 128 BPP 9a analogs, biologic activities of 256

kallikrein and 115 BPPlla, see: Agkistrodon potentiator B rabbit urinary kallikrein and 149 BPP p, amino acid sequence of 629 bovine spleen, kininogenase from 629 BPTI, acrosin and 180 bovine trypsin, hydrolysis auf BANA and activity changes of 172, 173 133 allergic myocarditis and 635 752 Subject Index

BPTI, amino acid composition of 168, 183 amino acid transport 379 amino acid composition of 168, 183 prostaglandin synthesis 407 anhydrotrypsin and 173 kallikrein III and 31 basophil kallikrein and 99 kallikrein granules and 504 blood content and animal development kallikrein inhibition and 163, 528 181 species 494 bovine kallikrein and 34 kallikrein-like peptidase and 494 bovine spleen kininogenase and 629 kininogens and 164 brain kinin-forming activity and 343 kininogen-induced prostaglandin relaease bum shock and 639 and 539 bull seminal plasma inhibitor and 181 leukokinin forming enzyme and 97 bradykinin and tooth pulp stimulation modification of reactive site 172 339 molecular weight of 588 cat submandibular kallikrein and 511 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases chymotrypsin and 177 and 142 chymotrypsin inhibition and 588 mouse submaxillary esteroprotease and clostridiopeptidase Band 180 142 complex formation of 171 mouse submaxillary kallikrein and 140 contact prekallikrein and 613 mucopolysaccharides and 181 coronary occlusion and therapy with 359 periodontitis and 639 cow colostrum inhibitor and 181 physiology of 181 CYS'4-CYS38 bond reduction and 171 plasmin and 62 desoxycorticosterone and prostaglandins plasmin inhibition and 588 539 porcine kallikrein B' and 106 deuterium exchange of 170 proleukinogen and 98 dissociation constant of 621 prostaglandin release and 181 distribution of 181 proton exchange of 170 DNA and 181 pseudotrypsin and 175 elastase-like enzyme and 65 rat glandular kallikreins and 139 elimination of 181 reactive site of 171 enzymes and inhibition by 180 renal kallikrein inhibition 528 epinephrine-induced pulmonary edema resistance against enzymes 171 and 374 salivain inhibition and 494 esterase A and 136 size of molecule 168 extracorporeal circulation and sperm penetration and 386 kininogens 593 structure dependent properties of 168 flushing attack of carcinoid syndrome synthesis of 176 and 419 models of reactive site 176 gastrointestinal esterases and 180 three-dimensional structure of 168, 169 gestation period and 384 trypsin and 177 glandulain inhibition and 494 trypsin inhibition and 588 glandular kallikreins and 153 trypsinogen and 177 glucoproteins and 181 urinary kallikrein inhibition and 528 glucose uptake and muscle work 371 UV absorption of 171 IX-helix configuration of 168 BPTI analogs 177 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 588 BPTI-trypsin complex, conformational human kallikrein and 31 studies 173 human pancreatic proteinase E and 180 half-life of 175 human plasma kallikrein and 621 bradycardia, algesic agents and 316 human salivary kallikrein I and 628 bradykinin and cardiovascular reflex human salivary kallikrein inhibition and responses 315, 360 499 central nervous bradykinin action and inhibition spectrum of 177 338 irradiation injury and 642 bradykinin, ACTH release and 343 ischemia-induced kininogen changes and ADH release and 343,420 372 adrenal gland and 415 kallikrein and 179, 198 catecholamine release 335 Subject Index 753

afferent cardiac nerve fibers and 359 central cardiovascular responses and 339 afferent spinal pathways and 330 and 335,421 algesic action of 311 cerebellar serotonin level and 342 amino acid composition of 274 chelating agents and 259 amphetamine-induced stereotypies and chemical synthesis of 262 345 chemistry of related peptides 227 anaphylaxis and 247 chlorambucil derivatives and 248 angiographic studies and 632 chlorpromazine-induced behavioral animal pain models and 312 activity and 344 antagonists of action 248 chymotrypsin and 259 antibody induction of 304 CNS and interactions with drugs 343 antidiuretic action of 420 CNS stimulation and 421 anti-inflammatory agents and 319 cocaine and autonomic ganglia 334 antinociceptive action in brain gray conformation in solution 260 regions 339 coronary arteries and 357, 588 aortal kinin-receptors and 363 coronary chemoreflex response 358 arachidonic acid and 539 cortical activity and 333 arginine residue and receptor binding of C-terminal end and activity of 237 238 cyclic AMP level and 295 aspirin and 319 cyclic GMP level and 295 asthma and 247, 374 cystic fibrosis and 594 ATP-ases and 633 decerebrate animals and 331 autonomic ganglia and preganglionic dengue hemorrhagic fever and 573 stimulation 333 depsipeptide analogs of 616 Bartter's syndrome and level of 538 diencephalic regions and 338 behavioral responses to 336, 338, 344 dimedrol and 633 Betz cells and 343 diuresis and 420 biologic activity of related peptides 227 dopamine receptors and 344 biphasic cardiovasu1ar response 314,339, stereotypies 345 359 dopamine turnover and 342 blood-brain barrier and 315 dorsal hom and 321,326,328 blood content of 306 dorsal hom laminae and 327 blood flow and 632 dumping syndrome and 583 blood pressure and 94, 244, 279, 359, 376, level of 418 415, 631 duodenum and 242, 243, 377, 416 brain and action of 335 EEG changes after 342 brain amines and 341 electrolyte excretion and 420 brain dopaminergic transmission and 344 endoperoxide and cAMP 296 brain kininase activity and 346 endotoxemia and 586 brain serotonin concentration and 420 enzymes and potentiation of action of 259 brainstem and transmission excitable membrane and 632 327 extracorporeal circulation and 593 brainstem neurons and 330 factor XII a and 18 bronchoconstriction and 247, 372, 374, fetal circulation and 364 592 kininase II activity 447 calcium-dependent cGMP and 294 fibrinopeptides and action of 253 calcium uptake and 293 flufenazine-induced catalepsy and 345 cantharidin blister area and 311 flushing attack and 582 captopril and 461,464 free water clearance and 532 carcinoid syndrome and level of 418 Freund's adjuvant and antibody carcinoid tumors and 582 induction 304 cardiac sympathetic nerves and 326 frog tissue content and 277 cardiovascular reflex responses, to 314, functional hyperemia and 363 326, 359 gastrointestinal smooth muscle and 377 and polyphoretin phosphate 321 glandular kallikreins and 152 carrageenin edema and 368 glucose transport in gut and 470 cat jejunum and 611 glucose uptake and BPTI 371 754 Subject Index bradykinin, glutamate~stimulated cortical negativ chronotropic action of 360 neurons and 343 neospinothalamic tract and 330 guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein neurophysiologic studies with 322 and 149 nicotine and autonomic ganglia 333 guinea pig ileum and 237 nictitating membrane and 333 half-life of 244, 301 nociceptors and lack of tachyphylaxis 322 heart rate and 360 nonsteroidal agents and 319 hexamethonium and central norepinephrine release and 342 cardiovascular responses to 340 nulceus locus coeruleus and 343 hemodynamics and 631 osteoathritis and 592 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 587 oxytocin and 278 hepatorenal syndrome and level of 575 oxytocic diastolic tone and 525 histamine release and 417 pain chemoreceptors and 311 HMW kininogen and 97 pain induction and analgesic therapy 312 hog pancreatic kallikrein and rabbit LMW pain and 588 kininogen cleavage 626 paravascular nociceptive receptors and human placenta and 384 322 human urine and 302 cardiovascular responses 359 hyperthermia after 343 parmidine and 633 ileum assay and 237, 242, 275 PGE. conversion to PGF.a and 294 immature adrenal gland and 417 phenoxybenzamine and action of 245 indomethacin and 295 phospholipase A. activation and 319,539 coronary vasodilation 357 phosphorylase a activity and 359 insulin-induced seizures and 343. plasma kallikrein and 273 intestinal spasmogen 1 plasma kininases and 245 intrinsic activity of 236 plasma content of 273, 302 isoelectric point of 290 plasma renin activity and 552 kallidin conversion to 468 plasmin and 62 kallikrein and 44 platelets and serotonin uptake 420 HMW kininogen 26 polycyclic aromatic amines and inhibition kaolin and factor XII deficiency 570 of 249 9-ketoreductase and 362 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 115 kidney and 273 postganglionic responses to 334 kininase I and 629 posture and high salt diet 553 inactivation of 433 potentiators of 249 kininase II and 450, 630 pregnancy and 411 kininase II antibodies and 457 preparation of blood samples 303 kininase II inhibition 630 primary afferent nerve fibers and 323 Lat's test and behavioral activity 344 propranolol and eNS 338 leucine substitution and angiotensin II prostacyclin release and 248 bronchoconstriction 248 liver cirrhosis and 575 prostaglandins and 317,335 LMW kininogen and 97 isolated blood vessels 408 and inactivation of 644 prostaglandin antagonists and 319 lymph flow and 365 prostaglandin release and 318 2-mercaptoethanol and 245, 246 gut 243 metabolism by purified proteases and inhibition of 320 peptidases 439 prostaglandin synthesis and 294, 539 microcirculation and 361 proximal tubules and inactivation of 445 migraine syndrome and headache pseudoaffective vascular response and induction 596 314 monoamine oxidase inhibitors and pulmonary circulation and 364, 373 behavior 338 pulmonary edema and 373 morphine and 320 pulmonary inactivation of 236 dorsal hom cells 329 pulmonary kininases and 244,631 natriuresis and 531 pulmonary kininase II activity and 469 naturally occurance of 273 radioimmunoassay 301 Subject Index 755

Res release and 247 inhibition of 249 receptor binding 236 vascular smooth muscle and prostaglandin reflex hypotension and asynchronous release 294 action potentials 323 vascular tone and 644 renal blood flow and 531,576 vasoactive hormone release and 415 renal allograft transplantation 590 vasoconstriction and 357 renal vasodilation and 532, 576 vasodilation and 357, 360 respiration and 360 vasopressin and 278, 557 sensitivity of afferent nerve fibers to 324 bradykinin analogs, amino acid residues of septic shock and 584 carboxyl end and activity of 238 serotonin release and 419 arginine residues and activity of 237 serum kallikrein as liberator 152 basic group in side-chain and activity of shape of peptide molecule 236 237 skin and 645 biologic activities of 228 smooth muscle and 632 blood pressure and 240, 245 snake venoms and cleavage of 460 bradykinin receptor blocking activity and sodium diet and glucose infusion 552 292 solid-phase synthesis of 263 bronchoconstriction and 247 solute-free water excretion and 405 chemical synthesis of 262 solution synthesis of 262 conformation in solution and 260 solvents and receptors 296 ileum assay and 243 species and, action on vessels 357 inhibitors of bradykinin action 248 antibody induction of 304 intestinal smooth muscle and 242 sperm penetration distance and 386 isolated rat uterus and 236 spinal cord and 335 kininases and 618 spinocervical tract and 330 BPP,. and kininase II activity 463 spontaneously active cortical neurons kininase II and 451 and 343 2-mercaptoethanol and 246 SQ 14,225 and 260 permeability and 240 stellate ganglion and 334 proline residues and activity of 237 stereo typic behavior and 345 pulmonary inactivation of 240 superior cervical ganglia and 333,415 pulmonary kininases and 246 sympathetic nerve activity and 317 solution synthesis of 262 sympathetic postganglionic transmission structure-activity relationship of 236 and 335 synthesis of 616 synthesis of 263,616 vascular permeability and 243 tachycardia and 317 bradykinin-dextran, kininase II and 451 tachyphylaxis to cantharidin bliser area bradykinin-like substances, extramammalian and 324 occurance of 275 thalamic neurons and 332 bradykinin equivalents of, guinea pig thermal injury and 590 submandibular kallikrein 513 thiol compounds and 290 horse urinary kallikrein 145 thiopental-induced behavioral depression kallikrein and bovine kininogen 115 and 344 kininogens 46 thromboxane and cAMP 296 rabbit kininogens 623 thymocytes and mitosis 293 bradykinin inhibitors 291 umbilical vessels and prostaglandin bradykinin-ovalbumin conjugate, antibody synthesis 412 induction and 305 unitiol and 631 bradykinin permeability, thiol compounds urine and 273 and 290 urine dilution and vasopressin 557 bradykinin potentiators 291 uterus and 240 bradykinin-potentiating peptides, see also:

selective action of 237 BPPsa ' BPP9a, BPPlIa> BPPp valine absorption and 379 behavioral responses and 339 vascular effects of 360 brain norepinephrine concentration and vascular permeability and 27, 94, 243, 341 275,631 chemical synthesis of 262 756 Subject Index

bradykinin-potentiating peptides, ileum assay brain stem, kininase activity in 346 and 250 kininogenase activity and 347 kininase I and 629 neurophysiologic studies with bradykinin natural occurance of 250 330 solution synthesis of 262 spinal cord transmission and bradykinin bradykinin-prostaglandin interactions 401 327 bradykinin radioimmunoassay, application bromelain, carrageenin-induced edema and of 307 HMW kininogen depletion 374 data interpretation 306 kallikrein and 188 labeled antigens and 305 bronchoconstriction, anaphylaxis and 376 preparation of subjects 301 bradykinin and 247, 372, 374, 592 reaction conditions for 305 parmidine 633 bradykinin receptors 287 bradykinin analogs and 247 ciproheptadin and 632 kinins and 273, 374 chlorambucil BPP sa analog and 258 prostacyclin release by bradykinin and direct binding studies 287 248 experimental approaches 287 bronchopulmonary lavage fluid, bradykinin• modification and, responses in vitro 289 like substance and radioimmunoassay respones in vivo 293 375 physical measurements and 296 radioactive ligands of 288 BSA, see: bovine serim albumin receptor-effector coupling 293 Bufo marinus paracnemis (Lutz), see: receptor models of 296 putative kinins structure-activity relationship and 296 bull seminal plasma inhibitor, BPTI and 181 bradykinin tetradecapeptide, histamine bullfrog brain, kinin-like activity of 347 release and 418 bumetadine, kallikrein excretion and 540 bradykinin-thyroglobulin conjugate, burn, free kallikrein and 612 antibody induction and 305 vasular permeability and 631 bradykininogen, kallikrein and 99 burn shock, kallikrein-kinin system and 639 brad ykininyl-arginine, 2-mercaptoethanol kininase I activity and spectrophotometric and 246 estimation of 615 bradykiny10Me, horse urinary kallikrein prekallikrein content and 612 and 146 burn toxemia, kininase I activity and bradykinyl-Ser-Val-Glu, procine pancreatic colorimetric estimation of 615 kallikrein and 147 butadione, antiexudative effect of 633 bradykinyl-Ser-Val-Glu-Val-Ser, horse butan-2,3-dione, arginine reactive site and urinary kallikrein and 146 167 brain, A TP-ases and bradykinin 633 cuttle-fish proteinase inhibitors and 189 bradykinin and 335 snail inhibitors and 186 BPP 9a and kininase II inhibition 462 butosil, plasma prekallikreins and 622 kallidin converting aminopeptidase and Bz-ArgNH2' BAEe hydrolysis by 469 submandibular kallikrein and 122 kallikrein-kinin system and 345 kallikrein and hydrolysis of 118 kininase activity and 345,436,469 BZ-DL-Arg-fJ-naphthylamide, rat kininase II activity and 437, 470 submandibular kalilikrein and 136 kininase II content and 443 R-esteroprotease and 140 kinin-forming activity of 347 BZ-DL-Arg-p-nitranilide; see: benzoyl• kinin-like activity of 347 arginine-p-nitranilide kinins and serotonin concentration in 420 Bz-glycyl-argininic acid, kininase I activity norepinephrine content after bradykinin and 615 341 kininase I purification and 428 prolylcarboxypeptidase and 438 Bz-Gly-Gly-Gly, kininase II and 477 brain amines, bradykinin and 341 kininase II antibodies and 457 brain kininase A, bradykinin and 346,437 Bz-Gly-Gly-His-Leu, kininase II antibodies brain kininase B, bradykinin cleavage and and 457 346,437 Bz-Gly-His-Leu, kininase II and 447 brain kininogenases 347 kininase II antibodies and 457 Subject Index 757

BZ-DL-methionine methyl ester, rat urinary clacium ions, horse urinary kallikrein and kallikrein and 138 145,148 Bzn-Gly-Phe-L-Pro, substrate for kininase human salivary kallikrein and 128,207 II 629 pancreatic kallikrein secretion and 491 BZ-DL-p-nitranilide, cat submaxillary rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135 kallikrein and 143 salivary kallikrein secretion and 501 dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 stability of kallikrein granules and 506 glandular kallikreins and hydrolysis of uterus and neuraminidase and EDTA 290 154 calcium thromboplastin, prothrombin human salivary kallikrein and 128 activation and 613 human urinary kallikrein and 131 C3a anaphylatoxin, cleavage site by kininase kallikrein and hydrolysis of 118 I and 432 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases cantharidin blister area, bradykinin and 311 and 142 prostaglandins and 317 rat glandular kallikreins and 139 tachyphylaxis and bradykinin 324 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 133 capacitation, acrosin and 387, 518 rat submandibular kallikrein and 136 capsaicin, bradykinin and cardiovascular rat urinary kallikrein and 137, 138, 142 reflex responses 316, 340 R-esteroprotease and 140 captopril, angiotensin I - induced vasopressor trypsin and 140 action and 464 Bz-LysOMe, kallikrein and hydrolysis of clinical use of 467 114, 122 kininase II inhibition and 461 Bz-MetOMe, submandibular kallikrein and renovascular hypertension and 465, 487 hydrolysis of 122 carbachol, adenylate cyclase and kallikrein Bz-Phe-Arg-p-nitranilide, assays of glandular secretion 50 I kallikreins and 105 carbamylcholine, epinephrine-induced kallikrein and hydrolysis of 118 pulmonary edema and 374 Bz-Pro-Phe-Arg-p-nitranilide, assays of p-carbethoxy-phenyl-e-guanidinocaproate, glandular kallikreins and 105 human plasma kallikrein and 206 kallikrein and hydrolysis of 118 carbodiimide, bradykinin antibodies and Bz-TyrOEt, rat pancreatic kallikrein and 305 133 carbohydrate components of, kininase II 456 procine pancreatic kallikrein 110, 111 cadmium ions, carboxypeptidase B activity (XI-antitrypsin 68 and 432 carbohydrate content of (X,-anti• dog pancreatic kallikreins and 143,207 chymotrypsin 68 human salivary kallikrein and 128 bovine kininogens 54 kininase I activity and 432 cI-inactivator 69 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 207 glandular kallikreins and HMW rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135, 207 inhibitors 153 caerulein, active peptide 282 kininase I 431 dermal glands of Xenopus laevis and 281 kininase II 452 caffeine, bradykinin and thymocyte mitosis (X2-macroglobulin 69 295 (X2-plasmin inhibitor 70 sperm motility and 387 plasminogen 60 calcium, bradykinin and 293 vespulakinins 276 catecholamines 415 carbohydrate moiety, of kininase II 452 intestinal tension 377 procine pancreatic kallikreins and 123 spinal cord 335 carbohydrate parts, various glandular cell cycles and kallikrein-kinin system 381 kallikreins and 150 complement-induced histamine release carbon tetrachloride, liver and prekallikrein and 418 level 575 granulocyte collagenases and 65 carboxy cathepsin, see: angiotensin I kallikrein and 99 converting enzyme release of lysosonal enzymes and 64 4-(2-carboxyethyl)phenyl-trans-4-aminome• calcium influx, bradykinin and 633 thyl cyclohexane, kallikrein and 207 758 Subject Index

carboxyl end of, porcine pancreatic prostaglandin interaction 318 kallikrein 111 cardiovascular system, kinins and 357 bradykinin, permeability assay and 244 carotis sinus, bradykinin-induced kinins, pain and 247 cardiovascular responses and 341, 359 carboxyl group, of bradykinin and activity carrageenin, activation of factor XII 22 of 238 carrageenin edema, bradykinin and 368 carboxymethylation, kininogen and human plasma factors and 367 kallikrein 115 cartilage chondromucoprotein, elastase~like carboxypeptidases, angiotensin I converting enzyme and 65 enzym and 259 cartilage degrading enzyme, protease of exopeptidases and 66 lysosomes 64 kininogen fragments and vascular casein, dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 permeability 27 esterase A and 136 purification of kininogens and 45 glandular kallikreins and 152 carboxypeptidase A, similarities to kininase guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein II 486 and 149 carboxypeptidase B, BPTI and 172 horse urinary kallikrein and 147 bradykinin-induced histamine release human salivary kallikrein and 128 and 418 kallikrein and 31, 115 bradykinin analogs and 618 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases 2,4-DNP-Gly-GlY-L-Arg and 615 and 142 gastric secretion and 382 plasmin proactivator and 57 horse urinary kallikrein and 145 rat mandibular kallikrein and 494, 508 kinin inactivation of 438 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 133 sperm motility and 386 rat submandibular kallikrein and 135 succinic acid derivatives and inhibition of rat urinary kallikrein and 138 432 R-esteroprotease and 140 urate crystals and inflammation 592 salivain and 136 carboxypeptidase N, see: kininase I trypsin and 115, 125, 135, 140, 490 carcinoid flush, hormone output and 582 castration, kallikrein activity and 514 carcinoid syndrome, bradykinin level and kinins and 386 418 cat glandular kallikreins, inhibition spectra of flush and BPTI 419 BPTI and 178 kallidin and 273 cat jejunum, kinins and bioassays 614 kallikrein-kinin system and 581 cat submandibular kallikrein, autonomic kinins and 376, 381 nerve stimulation and 509 radioimmunoassay 307 BPTI and 511 serotonin level and 418 cellular localization of 509 cardiac arrest, DIe and kallikrein level 589 granules and 506 cardiac energy metabolism, kinins and 359 molecular weight of 511 cardiac effects, kinins and 357 purification of 511 cardiac nerves, kinins and 359 cat submaxillary kallikrein 143 cardiac output, kinins and regulation of 644 catatonia, bradykinin and 338 prostaglandins and 504 morphine 339 pulmonary bradykinin cleavage and 442 catalepsy, flufenazine-induced and cardiac sympathetic nerves, bradykinin and bradykinin 345 326 catalysis, pancreatic kallikrein and cardiogenic shock, bradykinin and 584 mechanism of 120 free kallikrein and 612 porcine submandibular kallikrein and kinins and 358 121 kinin system activation and catalytic properties of, horse urinary hyperepinephrinemia 635 kallikrein 145 cardiovascular diseases, colorimetric assay of human salivary kallikrein 128, 132 kinins and 613 human urinary kallikrein 129, 130, 132 kallikrein-kinin system and 634 porcine urinary kallikrein 123 cardiovascular reflexes, bradykinin and 314, cat urinary kallikrein 137 326,359 catecholamines, allergic disorders and 592 Subject Index 759

bradykinin and, duodenum 243 kininogen consumption and 374 intestinal receptors 377 plasma kininogen depletion and gestation carcinoid flush and 582 period 384 carcinoid syndrome and 419 rat paw edema and 1,10-phenantroline carcinoid tumors and 581 368 intestinal endocrine cells and 581 Central Asia snakes, see: snake venoms kinins and release of 415 central nervous system, bradykinin and 335 mast cell kininogenase and 100 kininase in 436 phosphorylase a and kinins 359 kinins and 311 prostaglandin actions and 403 see also: brain, brainstem release by kinins 369 Cephalopods, see: Mollusca renal kallikrein-kinin system and 537 cerebrospinal fluid, lack of kallikrein-kinin catecholamine blockers, bradykinin and system 596 duodenum 243 C'l esterase inhibitor, see: CI inactivator catecholamine receptors, vascular kinin (Cha 5)-bradykinin, synthesis of 617 action and 363 (Cha 5 ,8)-bradykinin, synthesis of 617 catecholamine release, bradykinin analogs (Cha8)-bradykinin, synthesis of 617 and 246 charcoal, bradykinin radioimmunoassay cathepsin A, as exopeptidase 66 and 306 cathepsin B1, as endopeptidase 66 chelating agents, bradykinin potentiation cathepsin B2, as exopeptidase 66 and 259 cathepsin C, as exopeptidase 66 granulocyte collagenases and 65 cathepsin D, as endopeptidase 66 kallidin conversion and 468 identity with leukokinin forming enzyme kallikrein activity and 118 94 kininase II activity and 630 lysosomal enzyme 94 plasma kininases and 303 pepstatin and 97 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135 cathepsin E, as endopeptidase 66 chemical mediators, allergic reaction and 99 cathepsin G, see: chymotrypsin-like enzyme chemical synthesis of, bradykinin 262 cationic proteins, leukemic myeloid cells bradykinin analogs 262 and 67 bradykinin-potentiating peptides 262 Cbz-AEe, renal kallikrein and 527 chemistry of, leukokinins 92 Cbz-L-amino acids, p-nitrophenyl esters and peptides related to bradykinin 227 synthesis of bradykinin-analogs 617 chemoexcitable calcium channels, bradykinin Cbz-group, acyl substiuent and glandular and 632 kallikreins 153 chemoreceptors, algesic agents and 311 Cbz-Phe-His-Leu, kininase II and lack of cross-tachyphylaxis 326 fluorometry 615 pain and brdykinin 311 purification of kininase II and 630 chemotactic activity, complement kininase II inhibition and 630 components and 67 Cbz-Pro-Phe-His-Leu kininase II activity kallikrein and 44 and 447 prekallikrein deficiency and 43 CCK, see: cholecystokinin chicken, ornithokinin and 279 CD, see: circular dichroism chicken ovomucoid, Arg-type ovomucoid C3 deficiency, clot lysis and 62 191 cecum, tachykinin action and 278 chlorambucil, bradykinin analogs and 248 celite, activation of factor XII 22 chlorambucil BPP,a analog, bradykinin kallikrein and inflammation 418 receptors and 258 cell junctions, bradykinin and vascular chlorambucil peptides, bradykinin permeability 244 potentiating action and 258 cell lysis, bee venom and 282 chloralose, bradykinin and, cardiovascular cell proliferation, kinins and 380 reflex responses 315 cellular location, of leukokinin forming cortical activity 333 enzyme 94 chloride, kininase II and 247 cellular membrane, bradykinin and 632 chloride excretion, bradykinin and 420 cellulose sulfate, activation of factor XII 22 chloride ions, bradykinin and kinetic endotoxemia and 584 constants 450 760 Subject Index chloride ions, kallidin converting amino• chorda tympani nerve, stimulation and, peptidase and 468 frequency dependence of vasodilation kininase II activity and 452, 630 516, 517 prostaglandin-induced renin release and kallikrein secretion 495, 498, 515 559 submandibular kallikrein granules 509 pulmonary kininase II and urinary kinins choroid plexus, kininase II activity and 437 275 chromaffin cells, bradykinin-induced chloroacetyl bradykinin, rat uterus and 239 catecholamine release in ganglia and 415 chloroform, kaolin activation of rabbit chromo tropic acid, colorimetric plasma prekallikrein and 622 determination of glandular kallikreins p-chloromercuribenzoic acid, human salivary 105 kallikrein and 128, 628 prekallikrein determination and 613 uterine bradykinin response and 290 chromozyme PK, synthetic substrate for chloromethyl ketones, horse urinary plasma kallikrein 39 kallikrein and 148 chronic hepatitis, kallikrein-kinin system pancreatic kallikrein and 120 and 638 selective His-alkylating agents 204 chymotrypsin, Ac-TyrOEt and 113 serine proteinase inhibition and 151 annelida inhibitors and 190 submandibular kallikrein and 122 ascaris inhibitor and 190 chloromethyl ketone inhibitors, BPTI and 177, 588 chymotrypsin-like enzyme and 65 BPTI reactive site and 171 elastase-like enyzme and 65 bradykinin-induced organ responses and chloroquine, bradykinin-induced 259,459 prostaglandin release and 319 castration and activity of 514 chlorpromazine, bradykinin and hyperemia cat pancreatic juice and 490 364 colostrokinin release and 279 pressor response 341 compound 48/80 and 418 depression 344 cuttle-fish inhibitor and 185, 189 l-chloro-3-tosylamido-7-amino-2-hep• gastric secretion and 382 tan one, kallikreins and 34 guinea pig ileum and kinins 290 human salivary kallikreins and 628 horse urinary kallikrein and 145 new born and kallikrein content 513 p-kallikrein Band 111 plasma kallikrein inhibition and 622 kinin inactivation and 438 plasmin and 62 methionine transport and 379 Chl-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg, peanuts isoinhibitors and 200 bradykinin ileum response and 258 PKI and 203 Chl-Pro-Lys-Trp-Ala-Pro, bradykinin action plasma kallikrein and 622 and 258 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 204 Chl-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg, potato fraction inhibitor II and 201 bradykinin ileum response and 258 prekallikrein and 38 Chl-Trp-Ala-Pro, bradykinin action on ileum Russel's viper venom inhibitors and 185, and 258 190 Chl-Trp-Ala-Pro-Phe, uterus and bradykinin SBTI and 195 action 258 Scopolia inhibitors and 203 cholecystokinin, bradykinin and 377 sea anemone inhibitor and 185 pancreatic kallikrein secretion and 491 snake venoms and 190 similarity to nonmammalian active snail inhibitors and 185 pep tides 282 toad urinary bladder peptide and 279 cholecystitis, kallikrein-kinin system and a-chymotrypsin, BPTI reduction and 171 638 prekallikrein and 106 cholinergic cells, stellate ganglion and chymotrypsin-BPTI complex, bradykinin 334 conformational studies 173 cholinergic fibers, chorda tympani nerve proflavin and 166 stimulation and kallikrein 516 chymotrypsin-like enzyme, activity and cholinergic receptors, salivary kallikrein development 514 secretion and 498 androgen dependence of 515 cholinergic system, bradykinin and 340 a-antichymotrypsin and 68 Subject Index 761

azurophil granules and 66 plasma kinin level 302 cellular localization of 515 clofibrate, familial hypercholesterolemia and human neutrophil protease 65 kallikrein-kinin system 590 mouse submandibular gland and 494 clostridiopeptidase, BPTI and 180 CI-inactivator, alcoholic liver cirrhosis and Clostridium histolyticum, collagenase and 575 angiotensin 440 angioedema and 67,580 clot lysis time, streptokinase and 8 DIC and 589 clot-promoting activity, plasmin and 23 endotoxemia and 585 clupein, kallikrein and 115 fragment XIIf and 18 Cnidaria, trypsin-kallikrein inhibitor of 184 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 587 coagulation, colorimetric determination in hereditary angioedema and 302, 580 cardiovascular diseases 613 inflammatory disease state and 302 myocardial infarction and 636 inhibition of factor XII and 30 prekallikrein deficiency and 302 kallikrein and 35, 44, 67 coagulating gland, guinea pig and glandular PF jdil and 3, 6 kallikreins 103 physicochemical properties of 69 cobalt ions, horse urinary kallikrein and 148 plasmin and 62, 68 human salivary kallikrein and 128, 207 plasminogen proactivator and 57 kininase I activity and 615 pre kallikrein and 38 kininase II activity and 452, 630 shock and 302 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases systemic infection and 302 and 142 temperature and factor XII 22 plasma kininases and 303 tissue-damaging diseases and 302 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 207 typhoid fever and 594 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135 CI-inactivator-kallikrein complex 44, 69 tonin-like enzyme and 459 CI-inactivator-plasmin complex 69 cobra venom, proteinase inhibitor and 190 cinnomoyl imidazole, kallikrein inhibition cobra venom factor, fibrinolysis and 62 and 119 cocaine, bradykinin-induced ganglionic porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 152 activation and 334 ciproheptadin, bradykinin and blood Cohn's fractions, transfusion reactions and pressure 632 593 circular dichroism, BPTI analogs and 177 Cohn's fraction II, bovine factor XII and 13 bradykinin and 296 Cohn's fraction III, bovine factor XII and bradykinin analogs and resistance to 13 hydrolysis 247 plasminogen preparation and 59 bradykinin molecule in solution and 260 Cohn's fraction IV -1, kininase I and 428 kallikrein-BPTI complex and 180 Cohn's plasma fraction IV-I, rabbit LMW porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 109 kininogen and 623 SBTI and 194 colchicine, release oflysosomal enzymes and circulatory shock, kininase II activity and 64 BPP9a 463 colitis, kallikrein-kinin system and 638 cirrhosis, deficiency of kinin-forming proteins collagen, as activator of factor XII 22 and 573 collagenase, granulocyte lysosomes and 65 kinin radioimmunoassays and 307 specific granules and 66 citraconylation, HMW kininogen and colonic divertialosis, kallikrein and 381 kallikrein 115 colorimetry, glandular kallikreins and 105 citrate, inhibition of kinin formation and kininase I estimation and 615 303 kininogenesis and cardiovascular diseases citric acid, salivary kallikrein secretion and 613 499 urinary kallikrein and 550 CNS, see: central nervous system colostrokinin, biologic activity of 279 clinical features of, Bartter's syndrome 535, colostrokininogen, proteinases and 279 558 colostrum, kallikrein and 181 carcinoid syndrome 582 kinin-kallikrein system and 182 dumping syndrome 583 complement C 3 a, histamine release and 318 hereditary angioedema 576 vascular permeability and 67 762 Subject Index

complement C 5 a, anaphylatoxin and 67 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135

histamine release and 418 coronary artery, BPP9a and 462 complement peptides, I, lO-phenanthroline bradykinin and 357 and 368 calcium uptake 293 complement system, allergic disorders and coronary artery disease, kallikrein-kinin 592 system and 588 chronic pneumonia and 643 coronary artery ligation, bradykinin level dengue hemorrhagic fever and 573 and 358 hereditary angioedema and 580 kallikrein-kinin system and 634 leukemic myeloid cells and 67 coronary blood flow, leukokinin Hand 93 septic shock and 586 coronary occlusion, BPTI treatment and complex binding reaction, BPTI and 172 359 kallikrein inhibitors and kinetics of 167 coronary vasodilation, bradykinin and 588 leupeptin and kallikrein 203 coronary vessels, kinins and 357 SBTI and 172 cortex, neurophysiologic studies with complex formation, trypsin-SBTI 196 bradykinin 333 component A, see: plasma kallikrein corticosteroids, kininase I activity and component B, see: HMW kininogen, cow tourniquet shock 433 colostrum trypsin inhibitor myocardial infarction and therapy with composition, of bovine factor XII 15 636 compound 48/80, bradykinin-induced corticosterone, plasma kininogen levels and histamine release and 418 383 histamine release and polisteskinin 276 IJI - 24-corticotropin, pancreatic kallikrein compound D-600, chemoexcitable calcium and hydrolysis of 116 channels and bradykinin 633 cortisone, ischemia-induced kininogen level concanavalin A, kininase II inhibition and and 372 459 cow colostrum trypsin inhibitor, BPTI and condroitin sulfate, as activator of factor XII 181 22 dissociation constant of 621 conduction velocity, afferent nerve fibers human plasma kallikrein and 621 and 323 inhibition spectrum of kallikrein and 182, congestive heart failure, kallikrein-kinin 183 system and 588 C-phenylglycine-n-hyptyl ester, rat paw kininase II activity and BPP9a 487 edemas and 368 contact activation, HMW kininogen and creatine, familial urinary kallikrein 573 concentration and 558 contact activation factor, see: HMW cros-reaction, albumin gland inhibitor and kininogen, kininogen deficiency snail isoinhibitor I 188 contact kallikrein, estimation methods for BPTI-antiserum and bull seminal plasma human plasma 611 inhibitor 182 contact phase of blood coagulation, PF/dil bradykinin and kininogen I 304 and 2 human glandular kallikreins and 133 contact positions, trypsin-BPTI complex kallikrein antibodies and proteolytic and 174 enzymes 527 contact prekallikrein, determination with kininogens and 56 protamine as substrate 613 leukokininogen and LMW kininogen 98 content of, pancreatic kallikrein in exocrine LMW carboxypeptidase-type kininase and gland 490 kininase I 436 Contrycal, see: BPTI mouse submaxillary hydrolyzing enzymes converting enzymes, not kininases 458 and 140 Coon's sandwich technique, fluorescent salivain and submandibular kallikrein staining of guinea pig submandibular gland 494 and 513 snail isoinhibitor and BPTI 188 copper ions, horse urinary kallikrein and cross-tachyphylaxis, autonomic ganglia and 148 334 human salivary kallikrein and 128, 207 complement C 5 a and anaphylatotoxin porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 207 67 Subject Index 763

receptors and algesic agents 326 (5-p-cyclohexyl-L-alanine )-bradykinin, see: crotalid snake venom, bradykinin• (Cha5)-bradykinin potentiating peptides and 250, 253 (5,8-p-cyclohexyl-L-alanine)-bradykinin, see: Crotalus horridus horridus, see: crotalid (Cha5•1)-bradykinin snake venom (8-p-cyclohexyl-L-alanine )-bradykinin see: Crotalus viridi viridi, see: crotalid snake (Chal)-bradykinin venom cysteine, assay of porcine glandular croton oil, inflammatory response and kallikreins and 104 bradykinin 418 bradykinin action and 259 crystallization of, BPTI 168 dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 porcine pancreatic kallikrein 108 human salivary kallikrein and 128 SBn 196 kallikrein activity and 118 cn, see: cow colostrum trypsin inhibitor kininases and 259 C-terminal bradykinin pentapeptide, kininase kininase II and 629 I inhibition and 432 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases C-terminal end, active site ofkininase II and and 142 259 cystic fibrosis, kallikrein-kinin system and bradykinin activity and 237 593 C-terminal proline peptides, kininase II kininase I deficiency and 433 inhibition and 461 cystine content, glandular kallikreins and C-terminal synthetic octapeptide of CCK, 151 pancreatic kallikrein secretion and 491 cysts, aminopeptidase Band 468 Cushing's syndrome, urinary kallikrein cytochalasin B, phagocytosis and 63 excretion and 539 release of lysosomal enzymes and 64 Cuttle-fish, see: Mollusca cytochrome c, inhibition of factor XII and 6 cyclic AMP, bradykinin and 295 cytoplasmic kinin-generating system, . permeability changes 367 inflammation and neutrophils 369 cell cycles and kallikrein-kinin system 381 cytosol fraction, neutrophil leukocytes and kinins and lung 373 66 release of lysosomal enzymes and 64 salivary kallikrein secretion and 500 Dahl salt-sensitive rats, renal kallikrein-kinin sperm motility and 387 system and 540 cyclic 8-bromo-GMP, pancreatic kallikrein dansyl-Gly-Gly-Gly, kininase II and 447 secretion and 491 DCC, see: dicyclohexylcarbodiimide cyclic endoperoxides, kallikrein-kinin activity decerebration, bradykinin and 314, 331 and 408 defence, amphibian skin kinins and 282 cyclic GMP, bradykinin and calcium• demilune cells, kallikrein granules content in dependent increase of 284 506 kallikrein secretion and 501 submandibular kallikrein granules and kinins and lung 373 511 pancreatic kallikrein secretion and 491 Dendroaspis, see: Reptilia, snake venoms release of lysosomal enzymes and 64 Dengue hemorrhagic fever, deficiency of cyclic nucleotides, bradykinin-induced kinin forming proteins 573 bronchoconstriction and 374 kinin radioimmunoassay and 307 bradykinin receptors and 295 shock and kininase I activity 439 isobutyl-methyl-xanthine and 501 dentine, bradykinin release and stimulation kinin action on, intestinal smooth muscle of 311 and 377 deoxycholate, renal kallikrein activation lung and 373 and 529 pancreatic kallikrein secretion and 491 deoxycorticosterone, kallikrein excretion salivary kallikrein secretion and 501 and 408 cyclohexane derivatives, kininase II inhibition prostaglandin excretion and 408 and 459 prostaglandin release and 539 1,2-cyclohexanedione, arginine reactive site urinary kallikrein and 539 and 167 urinary kallikrein excretion and 534 cyclohexylalanine-bradykinins, biologic 2-deoxyglucose, kallikrein and 99 potency of 239 release of lysosomal enzymes and 64 764 Subject Index

depolarization, bradykinin and 632 dibutyryl cAMP, bradykinin and depression, bradykinin and 338 permeability changes 367 deprotection-reagent, synthesis of watertransport 380 bradykinin-potentiating peptides 264 release of lysosomal enzymes and 64 depsipeptides, biologic activity of 618 salivary kallikrein secretion and 500 synthesis of 617 dibutyryl GMP, salivary kallikrein secretion des-Arg9-bradykinin, aortal kinin receptors and 501 and 363 DIC, see: disseminated intravascular BPP sa and 252 coagulation catecholamine release and 246 dichlormethane, bradykinin synthesis and ileum assay and chlorambucil'- 263 bradykinin 258 dichroism spectrum, porcine pancreatic pressor response to 340 kallikreins and 109 pulmonary kininases and 246 dicoumarin derivatives, porcine pancreatic rabbit aorta and 249 kallikrein and 207 des-Arg9-Leu8-bradykinin, aortal bradykinin dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, bradykinin action and 292 synthesis and 263 des-Asp I-angiotensin, adrenal glands and diet, pancreatic kallikrein content and 490 470 salt and kinin level 302, 539 des-Asp I-angiotensin I, hydrolysis to diethylcarbamazine, release of lysosomal angiotensin III 449 enzymes and 64 des-Asp I-angiotensin II, see: angiotensin III diethyl p-nitrophenylphosphate, mouse desoxycorticosterone acetate: see: DOCA submandibular esteropeptidases and 142 determination, of glandular kallikreins 103 rat submandicular kallikrein and 136 deuterium exchange reaction, BPTI and 170 diffusion coefficient of, lXI-antitrypsin 68 SBTI and 195 bovine factor XII 15 deuterium oxide, release of lysosomal bovine LMW kininogen 53 enzymes and 64 human factor XII 14 development, chymotrypsin-like enzyme 1X2-macroglobulin 69 activity and 514 rabbit prekallikrein 37 kininase and 447 dihydrocoumarins, kallikrein inhibition and submandibular kallikrein content and 119 513 2' ,2" -diiodo-4' -4" diamidino-l,8-diphenoxy• trypsin-like enzyme activity and 514 pentane, porcine pancreatic kallikrein dextran, rat paw edema and kininogen level and 206 368 diisopropylfluorophosphate, basophil shock and kininase I activity 433 kallikrein and 99 DFP, see: diisopropylfluorophosphate bovine kallikrein and 34 diabetes, alloxan-induced and pancreatic bovine spleen kininogenase and 629 kallikrein content 491 dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 diabetes insipidus, bradykinin and 420 elastase-like enzyme and 65 diabetic hypertensive rat model, renal factor XII and 29 kallikrein-kinin system and 540 glandular kallikreins and 151 dialysis, horse urinary kallikrein and 145 horse urinary kallikrein and 148 rabbit plasma kininogen stability and 622 human kallikrein and 31 diamidino compounds, guinea pig plasma human urinary kallikrein and 132 kallikrein and 206 kallikrein granules and 504 diamidino-IX, w-dephenoxyalkanes, porcine kallikrein B inhibition and 119 pancreatic kallikrein and 206 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases diarrhea, carcinoid syndrome and 582 and 142 dumping syndrome and 583 pancreatic kallikrein catalysis and pH 120 diatomeceous earth, plasma coagulation plasmin and 62 and 8 plasminogen depletion and 62 dibromopropamidine, human plasma plasminogen pro activator and 57 kallikrein and 206 porcine kallikrein B' and 106 2,2' -dibromopropamidine, kallkrein and rat submandibular kallikrein and 136 206 rat urinary kallikrein and 139 Subject Index 765

R-esteroprotease and 140 leupeptin and porcine kallikrein 203 serine proteinase inhibition and 151, 204 porcine kallikrein and PKI 202 submandibular kallikrein and 122 trypsinogen and BPTI 177 synthetic inhibitor of kallikrein 204 distal tubules, kallikrein secretion in 530 urinary kallikrein and 123 distribution of, BPTI 181 vascular permeability and 3 disulfide bridges, BPTI and 170 diisopropylphosphofluoridate, see: bradykinin receptors and 290 diisopropylfluorophosphate mammalian serine proteinases and diketopiperazine, formation, synthesis of glandular kallikreins 151 bradykinin-potentiating peptides and 264 SBTI and 195 dilution, rabbit kininogen stability of 622 dithiothreitol, BPTI and 170 dimedrol, bradykinin and 633 bradykinin radioimmunoassay and 306 dimercaprol, parturition and 384 brain endopeptidases and 346 2,3-dimercaptopropanol, bradykinin action kininase inhibition and 438

and 259 diuresis, BPPg8 and 532, 533 dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 bradykinin-induced ADH release and 420 kallidin converting aminopeptidase and endogenous renal kaIIikrein~kinin system 468 and 534 kininases and 259 hypertension and renal kallikrein-kinin kininase II inhibition and 461 system 637 D-Pr07-bradykinin and 259 kinins and 404, 531 pulmonary kininases and 246 substance P and 540 2,3-dimercaptopropanol bisulfite, see: unitiol diuretics, acute sodium deficiency and 554 dimethylaminobenzaldehyde nitrite, kallikrein excretion and 540 kallikrein granules and 509 DMAB, see: dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 5,8-di-(0-methyl-tyrosine) bradykinin, uterine nitrite bradykinin action and 292 DNA, BPTI and 181 dinitro Tyr,o-Tyr2 ,-BPTI, secondary 2,4-DNP-Gly-Gly, kininase I activity and structure and 169 615 2,4-dinitrophenol, release of lysosomal 2,4-DNP-Gly-GlY-L-Arg, kininase I activity enzymes and 64 and 615 dioxane, human urinary kallikrein and 131 DOCA hypertension, kallikrein excretion dipeptide, kininase II inhibition and 459 and 541 dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase, see: angiotensin DOCA, low salt diet and kallikrein I converting enzyme excretion 554 diphenylcarbamylchloride, kallikrein dog blood, elastases as proteases 64 inhibition and 119 dog glandular kallikreins, inhibition spectra 1,6-diphenyl-l,3,5-hexatriene, activation of of BPTI and 178 factor XII and 26 dog kininogen, guinea pig coagulating gland diphenhydramine, bradykinin and central kallikrein and 149 cardiovascular responses 340 dog pancreatic kallikrein 143 vasoconstriction 363 metal ions and 207 diphentolamine, salivary kallikrein activity PKI and 202 and 498 dog plasma, kininogenase activity and 490 direct binding studies, bradykinin receptors dog submandibular kallikrein, granules and and 287 506 disodium chromoglycate, release oflysosomal L-dopa, nialamide and behavioral activity enzymes and 64 344 disseminated intravascular coagulation, dopamine, behavioral activity and 344 kallikrein-kinin system and 589 bradykinin and brian 342 transfusions and 593 kallikrein excretion and 538 typhoid fever and 594 dopamine receptors, bradykinin and 344 dissociation constant, antipain and porcine dopamine receptor blockade, bradykinin and kallikrein 203 behavior 345 chymotrypsin and BPTI 179 dorsal hom, function of laminae 326 glandular kallikrein and BPTI 179 neurophysiologic studies with bradykinin of kallikrein-inhibitor complexes 621 326, 328 766 Subject Index

dorsal root ganglionectomy, algesic agents mouse submandibular esteropeptidases and 311 and 142 drinking reflex, angiotensin II and CNS 470 neuraminidase and bradykinin response drugs, endogenous renal kallikrein-kinin 290 system and 536 plasma kallikrein and inflammation 418 renal kallikrein-kinin system and 540 plasma kininases and 303, 305 duck, ornithokinin and 279 renal kininase and 526 ductus arteriosus, bradykinin and 364 R-enteroprotease and 140 prostaglandin and 412 EEG, bradykinin and 342 dumping syndrome, bradykinin level and 418 central nervous bradykinin action and kallidin and 273 338 kallikrein-kinin system and 583 eledoisin and 342 kinins and 376, 381 hypoxia and kallikrein 371 kinin radioimmunoassay and 307 egg white, kallikrein inhibition and 191 serotonin level and 418 egg white trypsin inhibitor, bovine kallikrein duodenal enterokinase, kallikrein and 489 and 34 duodenal ulcers, kallikrein-kinin system and kallikrein and 191 638 EGTA, salivary kallikrein secretion and 501 kininogen level and 382 Ehrlich ascites tumor, kinin generating duodenum, BPP 5a and bradykinin action on system and 100 291 5,8, 11,14-eicosatetetraenoic acid, bradykinin bradykinin and 242, 243 and sympathetic postganglionic catecholamine release 416 transmission 335 relaxation of 377 bradykinin-induced vasodilation and 362 kallikrein granules and 506 Elapidae, see: Reptilia, snake venom kinins and 273 elastases, antithrombin III and 68 leukokinins and 93 lXI-antitrypsin and 68 polisteskinin and 276 fJ-kallikrein Band 111 tachykinin action and 278 IXl-macroglobulin and 68 proteases of animal leukocytes 64 EACA, see: e-amino caproic acid sea anemone inhibitor and 185 B.C., see: carboxypeptidase B elastase-like enzyme, azurophil granules and B.C., see: kininase I 66 E.C., see: angiotensin I converting elastinolytic activity of 65 enzyme protease of human leukocytes 64 Echis carinatus, see: snake venoms elastin, as activator of factor XII 22 eclampsia, kallikrein-kinin system and 643 electrocorticogram, central nervous edema, bradykinin-induced 365 bradykinin action and 338 crotalid snake venom and 253 electroencephalogram, see: EEG dextran-induced and parmidine 633 electron microscopy, kallikrein granules and histamine-induced and parmidine 633 504 edema of pharyngeal-laryngeal area, see: electron spin resonance, bradykinin molecule hereditary angioedema in solution and 260 Edman degradation, bradykinin-potentiating bradykinin structure and 296 peptides and 250 electrolytes, bradykinin and excretion of 420 kallikrein and 115 endogenous kallikrein-kinin system and structure of SBTI and 194 balance of 534 EDTA, assay of procine glandular kallikreins kallikreins and 531 and 104 renin-angiotensin system and renal bradykinin action and 259 kallikrein-kinin system 537 dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 electrolyte absorption, kallikrein and gut granulocyte collagenases and 65 379 human salivary kallikrein and 128 electrophoresis, determination of kallikrein kallikrein and 99, 118 inhibition and 166 kininases and 259,438,459 eledoisin, adrenal medulla and 333 kininase II and 629 animal pain models and 314 Cbz-Phe-His-Leu hydrolysis 616 behavioral responses to 338 Subject Index 767

blood pressure and 315 epidermal growth factor binding protein, Betz cells and 343 nerve growth factor binding protein and central cardiovascular response to 339 142 depsipeptide analogs of 620 epinephrine, bradykinin and, intestinal EEG changes after 342 tension 377 epinephrine release and 415 release of 415, 419 excitation after 339 carcinoid flush and 582 ileum assay and trypsin 290 experimental myocardial infarction and histamine release and 418 kallikrein-kinin system 635 nervous action potentials and 324 kallikrein-kinin system and 369, 371 postganglionic responses to 334 nervous action potentials and 324 renal blood flow and 405 nucleus locus coeruleus activity and 343 spinal cord and 335 platelet aggregation and parmidine 633 thiol compounds and 290 pulmonary edema and 374 vascular permeability and 243 salivary kallikrein secretion and 495 eledoisin analogs, biologic activity of 620 EPSI, see: endogenous prostaglandin elemental analysis, purity of synthetic synthesis inhibitor peptides and 265 ergotamine, bradykinin-induced pressor elimination, of BPTI 181 response and 341 erythrocytes, aminopeptidase Band 469 ellagic acid, activation of, factor XI and 29 8-erythro-cx-NH2-p-phenylbutryric acid factor XII and 22, 26, 622 bradykinin, kininase II and 451 arginine esterase activity and cystic 8-erythro-p-phenylserine bradykinin, fibrosis 594 kininase II and 451 carrageenin edema and 368 escape phase, sodium-retaining steroids and function of PF jdil and 3 554 embryonic tissue, kininase II activity and essential hypertension, BPP9a and 467 447 kallikrein excretion and 560 endogenous prostaglandin systhesis inhibitor, aldosterone 539 renal cortex and 405 esterase A, TAMe hydrolysis and 136 Endontomyzon danfardi vladykovi, see: cellular localization of 514 putative kinins esterase assay, urinary kallikrein and 527

endopeptidases, see: cathepsin B" D, E esterolysis, kallikrein and cx 2 -macroglubulin brain and 346 42 endoperoxide, bradykinin and cyclic AMP esteroproteases, mammalian submandibular 296 gland and 494 endothel cells, kininase II distribution and estradiol, plasma kininogen level and 382 442 p-estradiol, bradykinin action in castrated kininase II release from 469 animals and 293 prostaglandin synthesis and 405 uterine blood flow and 384 endotoxin, rabbit brain kinin-like activity estrogens, hamster submandibular gland and 347 and 515 endotoxin shock, kininase II activity and human kallikrein level and 515

BPP9a 463 15-PGDH activity and 411 kinin radioiummunoassay and 307 plasma kininogen and 382 vascular changes and 584 estrus cycle, plasma kininogen levels and enkephalins, D-alanine replacement in 241 382 kininase II and 451, 469 ether, brain kininase activity and 346 enterochromaffin cells, carcinoid syndrome brain kininogenase activity and 347 and 581 ethinyl estradiol, plasma kininogen level enzymes, bradykinin-potentiating action of and 382 259 ethyl 4-amidino-2-iodophenoxyacetate, lysosomal and neutrophil leukocytes 63 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 206 plasmin activation by 61 ethylene diamine tetracetate, see: EDT A enzymology of glandular kallikrein 103 ethyl p-guanidinobenzoate, human urinary eosinophil chemotactic factor, anaphylaxis kallikrein and 131 and 99 rat urinary kallikrein and 138 768 Subject Index

p-ethyl-phenylguanidine, rat urinary DIC and 589 kallikrein and 138 ellagic acid and 622 euglobulin lysis time, kinin-free kininogen endotoxin and 585 and 26 factor VII activation and 571 renal transplantation and 589 factor XI activation and 23, 29, 570 euglobulin precipitates, plasminogen fibrinolytic system and 23, 57, 70 preparation and 59 generation of PF /dil and 6 European wasp, see: wasp venoms hemodialysis and 593 EWTI, see: egg white trypsin inhibitor hexadimethrine and 303 excitable membrane, bradykinin and 632 HMW kininogen and activity of 573 excitation, bradykinin and 338 hyperiipoproteinemia and 590 excitation-contraction coupling, thiols and inhibition of 6, 29 uterine bradykinin response 290 intrinsic clotting system and 70 exercise, kinins and 369 intrinsic fibrinolytic system and 57, 70 exocrine glands, kallikrein and 489 isolation of 8 pancreatic kallikrein kontent of 490 kallikrein and 44

exopeptidases, see: cathepsin A, B2 , C kinin-forming system and 70 porcine pancreas kallikreins and 124 kinin system of plasma and 70 extinction coefficient of, lX,-antitrypsin 68 life span after transfusion 569 bovine factor XII 15 mechanism of activation 15 bovine HMW kininogel) 54 molecular weight of 14, 570 bovine LMW kininogen 53 nephrotic syndrome and 595 extracellular fluid, leukokininogen and 91 physico-chemical properties 14 extracellular fluid volume, fludrocortisone plasmin and 61 and sodium intake 554 polycythemia vera and 589 kallikrein excretion and 551 prekallikrein deficiency and 43 pregnancy and 411 purification of 8 primary hyperaldosteronism and 562 rabbit plasma prekallikrein and 622 extracorporeal bypass, kallikrein-kinin renal allograft rejection and 589 system and 593 septic shock and 585 streptokinase and 8 factor VII, activation by kallikrein and factor substrates of 28 XII 571 typhoid fever and 594 factor XI, activation of 29 transfusion in glass bottles and 593 factor XII and activation of 23, 29, 570 urate crystals and 591 inherited deficiency of 28 factor XII a, anticoagulants and PF/dil 3 nephrotic syndrome and 595 lX,-antitrypsin and 68 plasminogen conversion to plasmin and cytochrome c and 6 571 DFP and 9 properties of 29 hexadimethrine bromide and 6 purification of 28 intrinsic fibrinolytic system and 4 substrate of factor XII 28 plasminogen proactivator and 57 factor XII, activation of 15 vascular permeability and 3, 14 activators of 22 factor XII a - antithrombin III complex 70 alcoholic liver cirrhosis and 574 factor XII f, see: fragment XII f allel control of 569 factor XII deficiency 7,302, 569 amino acid composition of 15 Fallopian tubes, bradykinin and 384 aminoaerosil and contact activation of familial hypercholesterolemia, see: 623 hyperlipoproteinemia anaphylaxis and 592 anginal attack after pacing stress test and fast inhibitor of plasmin, see: IX2-plasmin 588 inhibitor carcinoid syndrome and 582 fatty acids, kininase I inhibition and 433 concentration in human plasma 15 fatty hepatitis, kallikrein-kinin system and contact activation of 23 638 deficiency of 7, 302, 569 Fc receptors, lysosomal enzyme release and dengue hemorrhagic fever and 573 63 Subject Index 769

fertilization, kininase II activity in seminal excretion 561 plasma and 470 kallikrein excretion and 535, 551, 554 kinin formation and 387 flufenazine, catalepsy and bradykinin 345 fetal animals, kininase II activity and 447 fluorescamine, kininase II assay and 448 fetal blood vessels, prostaglandin fluorescein, kininase II antibodies and catabolizing enzymes and 411 localization 443 prostaglandin synthesis and 413 fluorescence, bradykinin structure and 296 fetal circulation, bradykinin and 447 urinary kallikrein and 550 kinins and 364, 384 fluorescence energy transfer, bradykinin prostaglandins and 403 molecule in solution and 260 fetal pancreas, kallikrein content and 513 fluorimetry, kininase II and estimation in prekallikrein content and 513 human plasma 615 fever, brain kinin-like activity 347 assay of glandular kallikreins and 105 fibrin clot lysis, kallikrein and 115 purification of kininase II and 630 fibrin plate assay, plasmin proactivator and purity of synthetic peptides and 265 57 9-oc-fluorohydrocortisone, kallikrein fibrinogen, granulocyte collagenases and 65 excretion and 534 fibrinogen level, coronary occlusion and 359 aldosterone 539 fibrinolysin, see: plasmin p[m(m-fluorosulfonylphenylureido )• fibrinolysis, burn shock and 639 phenoxyethoxy]benzamidine, porcine colorimetric determination in pancreatic kallikrein and 119, 206 cardiovascular diseases 613 flush, carcinoid syndrome and BPTI 419 DIC and 589 fragment 1-2, see: HMW kininogen HMW kininogen deficiency and 572 fragments kallikrein and 589 fragment 2, see: HMW kininogen fragments kallikrein-kinin system and 2, 643 fragment XII f, see also: prekinogenase kininogen deficiency and 56 activator parmidine and 633 activation of, factor XI and 29 plasminogen-independent 62 factor XII and 16 prekallikrein deficiency and 43, 302, 571 anioneurotic edema and 18 renal transplantation and 589 biologic properties of 20 fibrinolytic activity, plasminogen depletion human kallikrein and 31 and 62 inhibition by CI -inactivator and 30 fibrinolytic system, activation of 56 kinogenase activity of 41 activation and factor XII 23 plasmin and 4 fibrinopeptide A, histamine release and 418 plasminogen pro activator and 57 fibrinopeptides, bradykinin potentiation vascular permeability and 4 and 253 fragment condensation technique, bradykinin kininase I and cleavage of 469 synthesis and 263 fibroplasts, leukokinin forming enzyme and free kinins, allergic myocarditis and 635 96 content of 611 neoplastic cell kininogenase and 100 ficin, kallikrein and 188, 191 frequency dependence, chorda tympani nerve kinins and 280 stimulation and vasodilation 517 F.I.P. method, standardization of pig Freund's adjuvant, BPTI antibodies and pancreatic kallikrein and 104 166 Fitzgerald factor, see: HMW kininogen bradykinin antibodies and 304 Fitzgerald trait, see: HMW kininogen frictional coefficient of, Glu-plasminogen 60 deficiency Lys-plasminogen 60 Flaujeac trait, see: HMW kininogen plasmin 61 deficiency furosemide, essential hypertension and Fletcher factor, see: prekallikrein sodium depletion 560 Fletcher trait, see: prekallikrein deficiency low salt diet and kallikrein excretion 554 fluid phase activation, of factor XII 15 plasma renin activity and 559 fludrocortisone, angiotensin and blood essential hypertension 560 pressure 550 renal kallikrein excretion and 552 essential hypertension and kallikrein urinary kallikrein activity and 540 770 Subject Index

gall bladder, bradykinin and 377 human 105 ganglionectomy of dorsal root, pain and hyperemia and 516 algesic agents 311 kallidin liberation by 152, 273, 280 gastric secretion, salivary kallikreins and kininogens and 40 634 molecular weight determinations of 150, kinin system and 382 151 gastrin, intestinal endocrine cells and 581 ontogenic change of 513 similarity to nonmammalian active peanut inhibitors and 199 pep tides 282 in the pig 105 gastrixin activity, salivary kallikreins and plasma and glass contact 7 634 proteins and interaction with 152 gastrointestinal absorption, kinins and 379 pulmonary secretion and 375 gastrointestinal diseases, kallikrein-kinin rabbit LMW kininogen and specificity of system and 637 625 kinins and 381 SBTI and 198, 199 gastrointestinal edema, hereditary secretory control of 489 angioedema and 576 serine proteinases of pancreatic type 150, gastrointestinal esterases, BPTI and 180 151 gastrointestinal function, kinins and 376 similarity of various types 150 gastrointestinal symptoms, carcinoid species and identity of 150 syndrome and 582 specificity for arginyl bonds and 153 gastrointestinal tract, absorption of captopril subcellular distribution of 503 in 461 testosterone and 515 cuttle-fish proteinase inhibitor and 188 tissue content and 489

kallikrein and 517 Tos-LysCH2 Cl and 152 kinin content and 281 vasodilation regulation and 516 gastroinestinal vascular action, kinins and glass, affinity of kininogen fragments on 27 378 endotoxinemia and plasma exposure to Gastropoda, kallikrein inhibitors in 185 548 Gaucher's disease, kininase II activity and factor XII and 22, 593 458 kallikrein and 31, 614 gelatine, collagenase-released peptide and plasma coagulation and 8 kininase II inhibition 459 rabbit plasma kininogen stability and 622 genetic diseases, plasma kinin level and 302 rat urinary kallikrein and 137 gestation period, kininogen depletion by Thr6 -bradykinin and 277 cellulose sulfate and 384 y-globulin, activator of factor XII 22 gestosis, kallikrein-kinin system and 643 glomerula, kallikrein content and 530 glandulain, submandibular esteroprotease kininase II activity and 443, 445, 470 494 glomerular filtration, bradykinin and renal glandular kallikreins, acid glycoprotein transplantation 590 structure of 150 hypertension and kallikrein excretion 637 acyl enzyme mechanism of 152 kallikrein excretion and 562 as arginine-specific hydro lases 153 glomerular permeability, nephrotic syndrome aromatic tris-amidines and 528 and kinins 596 assay of 103 glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome and BPTI and 198 kallikrein-kinin system and 641 inhibition spectra of 178 glucagon, histamine release and 418 cellular location of 508 glucose, hypertonic solution and pain 323 characterization by secondary cleavage glucose meal, dumping syndrome and kinins specificity 153 583 cystine content of 151 glucose transport, kallikrein and 379 distinct group of related enzymes 150 glucose uptake, muscle work and BPTI 371 disulfide bridges in 151 fJ-glucuronidase, parasympathetic enzymology of 103 denervation and 511 exocrine secretion of 517 Glu-plasminogen, see.: plasminogen, functional role of 515 physicochemical properties hormonal influence and 513 glutamic acid, kininase II active center 486 Subject Index 771

glutamate, spinal cord and 335 growth factor, endothelial cells and kininase glutaraldehyde, bradykinin antibodies and II activity 443 305 guanethidine, bradykinin-induced glutathione, kininase II inhibition and 459, catecholamine release and 416 461 salivary kallikrein secretion and 498 Gly-Arg-Met-Lys-bradykinin~ angiotensin I guanidines, kallikrein stability and 113 converting enzyme and 247 rat urinary kallikrein and 138 behavioral response to 339 guanidinium hydrochloride, human urinary biologic activity of 275 kallikrein and 129 bovine kininogen and 237 w-guanidino acids, human plasma kallikrein blood pressure and 245 and 206 ileum assay and 243 guanidinobenzoic acid esters, porcine serum kallikrein and 116 kallikrein and 205 pulmonary kininases and 244,246,275 guanidinomethylmercaptosuccinic acid, smooth muscle and 367 inhibition of kininase I and 431,433 tooth pulp stimulation and 339 p-guanidinophenacyl bromide, rat urinary vascular permeability and 244, 365 kallikrein and 139 (GlyC')-bradykinin, synthesis of 617 guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein 103, (Gly', ChlB)-bradykinin, synthesis of 618 149 6-glycine-bradykinin, synthesis of 616 guinea pig coagulating gland, castration and (6-glycine,8-p-cyclohexyl-L-lactic acid)- 386 bradykinin, see: (Gly',ChlB)-bradykinin guinea pig ileum, bradykinins and 237,279 (6-glycine,8-(n)-methyl-L-phenylalanine)• hornet venom and 275 bradykinin, see: (Gly', MePheB)• human urinary kinins and 275 bradykinin tachykinins and 279 (6-glycine,-8-phenyllactic acid)-bradykinin, Thr'-bradykinin and 277 see: (Gly',PhlB)-bradykinin toad urinary bladder peptide and 278 glycine residues, bradykinin and receptor wasp kinins and 275 interaction 241 guinea pig plasma, properties of factor XII (6-glycolyc acid)-bradykinin, see: (GlyC')• 15 bradykinin guinea pig submandibular kallikrein, glycoproteins, BPTI and 181 autonomic nerve stimulation and 512 glycoprotein nature, of human urinary BPTI and 494 kallikrein 129 cellular localization of 512 of rat urinary kallikrein 137 granules and 506 Gyl-Leu-Met-Lys-bradikinyl-Ser-Val-Glu- purification of 512 Val-Ser, horse urinary kallikrein and 146 sucrose density-gradient of 503 (Gly',MePheB)-bradykinin, synthesis of 618 gut, bradykinin and prostaglandin release (Gly',PhlB)-bradykinin, synthesis of 617 243 Gly-Val-ArgCH2Cl, glandular kallikreins sodium excretion and 552 and 205 pancreatic kallikrein and 120 submandibular kallikrein and 122 [lH]-acetyl-( 1,9-di-norarginine )-bradykinin, urinary kallikrein and 123 bradykinin receptor binding and 289 Goldblatt hypertension, captopril and 465 [3H]-acetyl-(8-erythro-amino-p-phenyl• goos, ornithokinin and 279 butyric acid)-bradykinin, bradykinin gouty arthritis, kinins and 591 receptors and 289 gram-negative bacteriemia, vasular changes Hageman factor, see: factor XII and 584 Hageman factor-cofactor, see: plasminogen granular tubule cells, submandibular proactivator kallikrein localization in 509 Hageman trait, see: factor XII deficiency granules, kallikrein in 503 half-life of, BPP 98 465 granuliberin R, histamine release of 276 BPTI-trypsin complex 175 granulocyte collagenases, physicochemical bradykinin 244,301 properties of 65 trypsin-modified BPTI-complex 172 gray regions, brain and antinociceptive action halomethylated dicoumarins, porcine of bradykinin 339 pancreatic kallikrein and 207 772 Subject Index

halomethylated dihydrocoumarins, kallikrein sodium depletion and BPP g& 467 inhibition and 119 hemoglobin, glandular kallikreins and 152 hamster submandibular gland, sex and 515 horse urinary kallikrein and 147 hay fever, kinins and 376 rat submandibular kallikrein and 136 Hel production, salivary kallikreins and trypsin and proteolytic activity 490 634 hemolymph, kallikrein inhibition in snails headache, dumping syndrome and 583 185 prostaglandins and 317 hemolysis, crotalid snake venom and 253 heart, kinin action on 357 hemorrhage, antidiuretic response to 421 heart block, prekallikrein level and 588 indomethacin and renal vascular heart-lung machine, kallikrein-kinin system adaptation 559 and 593 hemorrhagic pancreatitis, kallikrein-kinin heart rate, bradykinin and 317,360 system and 586 cardiovascular reflexes 315,326,359 hemorrhagic shock, kininase II activity and stellate ganglion 334 BPPga 463 central nervous bradykinin action and hemos~sis, crotalid snake venom and 253 338 pamlidine and 633 heat, angiotensin response and 291 hemotoxilin-eosin, kallikrein-rich granules BPTI stability and 168 and 503 bradykinin release and rat paws heparin, antithrombin activity of 69 stimulation 311 antithrombin III and kallikrein inhibition bradykinin response and 291 30 cnidaria proteinase inhibitor and 184 cat jejunum insensitivity to 611 cuttle-fish trypsin inhibitor and 188 hereditary angioedema and 581 dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 inhibition of, factor XII and 30 guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein kinin formation and 303 and 149 renal allograft rejection and 589 horse urinary kallikrein and 145 hepatectomy, prekallikrein level and 575 human kallikrein and 31 hepatic arterial resistance, bradykinin and human salivary kallikrein and 127 378 PFjdil and 3 hepatitis, acute icteric viral, and prekallikrein plasminogen depletion and 62 level 574 proleukokininogen and 98 viral, and plasma prekallikrein content in -rat pancreatic kallikrein and 133 614 snail inhibitors and 185 heptorenal syndrome, bradykinin level and

stability of kallikreins d t and d, 113 575 vascular permeability and 368 prekallikrein level and 381 vasopressin response and 291 hereditary angioedema, kallikrein-kinin heavy metal ions, dog pancreatic kallikrein system and 576 and 143 hereditary deficiency of, factor XII 569 horse urinary kallikrein and 148 HMW kininogen 572 human salivary kallikrein and 128,207 kinin forming proteins 569 kallikrein and 207 prekallikrein 571 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases heterogeneity of, kallikrein from autolyzed and 142 porcine pancreas 108 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 118 porcine pancreatic kallikreins and rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135 exopeptidases 124 Helix pomatia, trypsin inhibition by 185 rat urinary kallikrein 137 ex-helix configuration, of BPTI 168 hexadimethrine, bronchopulmonary lavage bradykinin structure and 260 kinin and 375 SBTI and 194 factor XII and 303 hemodialysis, kallikrein-kinin system and fibrinolysis 62 593 factor XII a and 3 hemodynamics, bradykinin and 631 factor XII purification and 11 bum shock and free kinins 640 glass activation and plasma kinin 3 human salivary kallikreins and 632 inhibition of factor XII and 6 kinins and 357, 631 surface-induced kinin formation and 303 Subject Index 773

temperature and factor XII 22 dimedrol and 633 hexamethonium, bradykinin and heart rate dumping syndrome and 583 334 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and shock 586 cardiovascular responses 360 hepatic arterial resistance and 378 catecholamine release 416 insect venoms and 282 central cardiovascular responses 340 kallikrein and 112 contraction of nictitating membrane kininase II activity and 458 333 kinins and release of 276, 417 intestinal changes 378 lung and inactivation of 644 hexosamine, carbohydrate content of lymph flow and 365 kallikrein d, and III mast cells and 100 hexyl y-guanidinobutyrate, human plasma non-nicotinic ganglion stimulant 334 kallikrein and 206 pain and 311 hexyl c5-guanidinovalerate, human plasma polisteskinin and release of 276 kallikrein and 206 pressor responses and eNS 340 5-HlAA, see: 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid rat paw edema and kininogen level 368 hibernation, snail proteinase inhibitor and sensitivity of primary afferent nerve fibers 188 to 325 high fat diet, pancreatic kallikrein content thermal injury and 590 and 490 vascular permeability and 27,249,631 high molcular weight kininogen, see: HMW vascular smooth muscle and prostaglandin kininogen release 294 high performance liquid chromatography, vespulakinins and releasing of 276 purity of synthetic peptides and 265 histamine-containing pep tides, bee venom high potassium diet, kallikrein excretion and and 282 aldosterone 539 histamine receptors, vascular kinin action high protein diet, pancreatic kallikrein and 363 content and 490 histidine, catalytic active location of porcine high pressure liquid chromatography, pancreatic kallikrein 120 prostaglandin determination and 413 histonase, protease of lysosomes 64 high salt diet, Bartter's syndrome and histones, horse urinary kallikrein and 147 kallikrein excretion 558 HLAa, see: BZ-glycylargininic acid essential hypertension and kallikrein HLL, see: hippuryl-L-lysine excretion 560 HMW kininogen, activation of, factor XI kallikrein excretion and 534 and 29 plasma kininogen levels and 539 factor XII and 23 posture and bradykinin level 553 bradykinin equivalents of 46 primary hyperaldosteronism and kallikrein bradykinin moiety of 54 excretion 558 bromelain and carrageenin-induced hippuryl-L-argininic acid, see: Bz• edema 374 glycylargininic acid burn shock and 640 hippuryl-Gly-Gly, see: Bz-Gly-Gly-Gly content in rabbit plasma of 622 o-hippuryl-c5-guanidino-L-oxyvalerianic acid, dual effect on kinin system 25 see: o-hippuryl-L-argininic acid fragments of 55 hippuryl-His-Leu, see: Bz-Gly-His-Leu gross structure of 54 hippuryl-L-lysine, kininase I and 615 human plasma and inhibition of kallikrein rat brainJdninase and 346 esterase activity 621 His-Leu, kininase II inhibition and 459 kallikrein and bradykinin 26 histamine, allergic disorders and 99, 592 kininogen deficiency and 56 asthma and 374 liver cirrhosis and 575 bradykinin-induced release and 417 neutrophil kininogenase and 99 carcinoid syndrome and 419 physicochemical properties 52 carcinoid tumors and 582 plasma kallikrein and 573 cardiovascular reflexes and 316 plasma and 62 prostaglandins 318 porcine glandular kallikreins and 124 cat jejunum insensitivity to 611 prekallikrein and 572 ciproheptadin and inhibition of 632 purification of 46 774 Subject Index

HMW kininogen, separation of 11 human glandular kallikreins 125 substrate for plasma kallikrein 40 comparison of 132 surface-bound factor XII and 24 immunologic identity of 132 typhoid fever and 594 inhibition spectra of BPTI and 178 HMW kininogen deficiency, kinin formation human inter-(X-trypsin inhibitor, porcine and 91, 302, 572 pancreatic kallikrein and 115 HMW kininogen fragments, activity of 27 human lung, tonin and 458 HMW kininogen-kallikrein complex 41 human neutrophil kininogenase 99 HMW kininogen-prekallikrein complex 40 human pancreatic kallikrein 125 HMW proteinase inhibitors, glandular hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 587 kallikreins and 153 human pancreatic proteinase E, BPTI and HMW proteins, kallikrein and steric 180 hindrance of 163 human parotid saliva, kallikrein secretion in HMW rabbit kininogen 623 499 hog, see also: porcine human plasma, bioassay of total kallikrein hog liver, kininase I and 429 and 614 hog pancreatic kallikrein, intestinal valine carrageenin-induced edema and 367 absorption and 379 concentration of, (X2-macroglobulin 69 kinin release in allergic patients and 376 factor XII 15 potato inhibitor I and 201 kinins 302 purified rabbit LMW kininogen and 625 forms of kininogens and 49 hog plasma, purification of kallikrein 35 physicochemical properties of, homeostasis, kinin system and 2 kininogens 52 natural proteinase inhibitors and 67 plasminogen 60 L-homocystine, as activator of factor XII 22 prekallikrein 35 homologous blood, transfusion and purification of, factor XII 8 kallikrein 593 HMW kininogen 46

8-homo-Phe-bradykinin, BPP9a and kininase kallikrein 31 II acti vi ty 463 LMW kininogen 44

7-homo-Pro-bradykinin, BPP9a and kininase prekallikrein 31 II activity 463 tonin-like enzyme and 458 homovanillic acid, bradykinin and level of human plasma kallikrein, bioassays and 614 344 biochemistry of 620 hormones, endogenous renal kallikrein-kinin identity with y-kininogenase 620 system and 536 inhibitor of 621 hornet venom, biologic activity of 275 potato inhibitor I and 201 horse blood, elastases as proteases 64 TLCK and 622 horse plasma, purification of kininogens 52 human plasma prekallikrein, horse plasma kallikrein, kininogen I and micro heterogeneity of 620 specificity of 625 organic silico and activation of 622 Tos-Lys-CH2Cl and 205 human saliva, kallikrein content and 498 horse plasma kininogens, properties of 625 kallikrein forms in 627 horse urinary kallikrein 143 human salivary kallikrein 125 catalytic properties of 145 BAEe hydrolysis and 499 inhibition spectrum of BPTI and 178 blood pressure and 498 isolation of 143, 145 BPTI and 499 low molecular weight inhibitors of 148 catalytic properties of 128, 132 molecular aspects of 143 estrogen level and 515 Tos-LyscCH2Cl and 205 hemodynamics and 632 HPLC, see: high pressure liquid isolation of 125 chromatography menstrual cycle and 515 5-HT, see: serotonin metal ions and 207 human albumin fragment C, kininase II molecular aspects of 125 inhibition and 461 potato inhibitor I and 201 human basophil kinin generating system 99 purified rabbit LMW kininogen and 625 human fibrinopeptide A, bradykinin and rabbit LMW kininogen cleavage to 253 kallikrein and 628 Subject Index 775

specific activities of 126, 128 protein and porcine pancreatic kallikrein TAMe hydrolysis and 498 115 Tos-LysCH2CI and 204 rat urinary kallikrein and 138 uterus and 498 substrates and kininase I 432 human seminal plasma, kininase II activity hydrophilic gel-forming silicas, plasma and 446 prekallikrein activation and 622 proteinase inhibitodrom 387 hydrophobic silicas, plasma prekallikrein human serum kallikrein, potato fraction II and 622 inhibitor and 202 hydroxamate method, assay of glandular Tos-LysCH2CI and 204 kallikreins and 105 human sweat, glandular kallikreins and 103 2-hydroxybamidine, human plasma kallikrein kallikrein and 133 and 206 human umbilical vein, bradykinin and hydroxyethyl disulfide, BPTI and 170 prostaglandin release 294 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid, carcinoid human urine, kinin content of 302 syndrome and urinary excretion of 582 human urinary kallikrein 128 dumping syndrome and 420 catalytic properties of 129, 130 hydroxylamine, urinary kallikrein and 550 isolation of 128 15-hydroxydehydrogenase, prostaglandin molecular aspects of 128 degradation in placenta and 411 potato inhibitor I and 201 8-hydroxyquinoline, kininogenase activity of standardization of 105 kaolin-activated human plasma and 613

Tos-LysCH2CI and 204 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonate, dog types of 128 pancreatic kallikrein and 143 human urinary kinins, pharmacologic action hydroxyproline2-bradykinin, vascular of 275 permeability and 239, 244 Huntington's disease, kininase II activity hydroxyproline3-bradykinin, biologic activity and 487 of 239 hyaluronidase, insect venoms and 282 5-hydroxytryptamine, see: serotonin hydralazine, kallikrein excretion and 540 5-hydroxytryptophan, carcinoid tumors hydrazone-3-methyl-2-benzotiazolane and 581 hydrochloride, colorimetric assay of hyperaldosteronism, Bartter's syndrome prekallikrein 613 and 535, 558 hydrocortisone, bradykinin and cyclic AMP urinary kallikrein content and 538 295 hyperalgesia, bradykinin and prostaglandin release and 294 prostaglandins 317 release of lysosomal enzymes and 64 hyperemia, functional and, bradykinin 378 hydrolysis, amino acid esters and porcine kinins 363 pancreatic kallikrein 113 glandular kallikreins and 516 arginine esters, and porcine pancreatic hyperglykemia, epinephrine and myocardial kallikrein 120 infarction 635 and procine submandibular kallikrein hyperlipoproteinemia, kallikrein-kinin 122 system and 590 and human salivary kallikrein 128 hyperpnea, bradykinin and, cardiovascular and trypsin 490 reflex responses 316 BAEe and urinary kallikrein 123 pain 314 BANA and glandular kallikreins 105 hypertensin I, see: angiotensin I of bovine kininogens 55 hypertension, acute state and renal of Cbz-Phe-His-Leu and kininase II 615 kallikrein 550 glandular kallikreins and pronounced bradykinin and, catecholamines 415 secondary specificity 153 pain 314 kininogens and horse urinary kallikrein chronic state and renal kallikrein 560 146 fluorimetric estimation of kininase II and oc-N-acylatet arginine esters and glandular 616 kallikreins 103 kallikrein-kinin system and 636 peptide and porcine pancreatic kallikrein kininase II inhibitors and 463 115 kinin radioimmunoassay and 307 protamine sulfate and kallikrein 613 renal kallikrein-kinin system and 637 776 Subject Index

hypertension, urinary sodium and kallikrein leukokinins and 93 excretion 535 renal kallikrein and 525 hypertension animal models, kallikrein and urinary kallikrein and 549 540 imidazole, bradykinin and thymocytic hypertensive animals, kallikrein excretion mitosis 295 and 541 imidopeptidase, pulmonary bradykinin hyperthermia, kinin-induced 343 hydrolysis and 442 hypertriglyceridemia, see: immune complexes, phagocytosis and hyperlipoproteinemia lysosomal enzyme release 63 hypoglycemic convulsions, bradykinin and immune reaction, kinin generating system 343 and 99 hypokalemia, see: Bartter's syndrome immunoelectrophoresis, hereditary hypotension, hemorrhagic pancreatitis and angioedema and complement system 580 586 identification of fragments of activated horse urinary kallikrein and 145 factor XII 18 kallikrein and 30 kallikrein-CI inhibitor complex and kinins and 273, 357 typhoid fever 595 urinary kinins and 275 immunofluorescence, kininase II localization hypotonic medium, renal kallikrein activation and 445 and 529 submandibular kallikrein localization hypoxia, bradykinin and cardiovascular and 508, 511, 513 response 357 immunoglobulins, as activator offactor XII contact activation of blood and 359 22 kininase II activity and 458 immunologic identity, of porcine glandular kinin formation and 371 kallikreins 121, 123, 124 of porcine pancreatic kallikreins 123 ibuprofen, prostaglandin inhibition and of human glandular kallikreins 132 Bartter's syndrome 559 of rat kallikreins 494 icteric viral hepatitis, prekallikrein level and rat urinary kallikrein fractions 137 574 immunology, kallikrein inhibitors and 166 identification of, antitrypsin 610 plasma kininase I versus pancreatic bovine factor XII 15 carboxypeptidase B 431 fragment XII f 20 inderal, hypertension and kallikrein-kinin human factor XII 14 system 636 human plasminogen 60 indolacyolyl imidazole, kallikrein inhibition HMW kininogen 54 and 119 kallikrein 35, 610 indomethacin, acethylcholine and kininase I 610 antagonism of 320 kininogens 610 allergic myocarditis and 635 kinins 610 Bartter's syndrome and 538 LMW kininogen 53 therapy with 559 PFjdil 3 bradykinin and, captopril 465 prekallikrein 35 cardiovascular reflex responses 315, idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome of 320 the newborn, kininase II activity and 458 coronary vasodilation 357 Ije-Asn-Leu-Lys-Ala-Leu-Ala-Ala-Leu-Ala• cyclic AMP 295 Lys-Lys-Ije-LeuNH" see: mastoparan dorsal hom cells 321 IgG, lysosomal enzyme release and 63 electrical activity of intestine 380 ileum assay, BPP and bradykinin action on intestinal smooth muscle 243, 377 291 myometral contraction 385 bradykinin and 242,243 pain 314 parmidine 633 postganglionic transmission 335 tachyphylaxis 243 prostaglandins 294 bradykinin analogs and 243, 617 prostaglandin release and 249,294, bradykinin-potentiating peptides and 250 319,320,539 kallikrein granules and 506 renal function 405 kininase action and 243 renal vasodilation 408, 533 Subject Index 777

sodium excretion and 532 inhibition spectrum of, BPTI 177 vascular permeability 365 cnidaria proteinase inhibitor 184 bradykinin-induced pressor response and cuttle-fish proteinase inhibitors 189 320 peanuts 201 bradykinin-induced uterine vasodilation potatoes 201 and prostaglandin levels in pregnancy Russel's viper venom inhibitor 190 410 SBTI 201 eledoisin-induced renal vasodilation and snake venom inhibitor 190 405 inhibitor capacity, kallikrein inhibitors and epinephrine-induced kininogen 166 consumption and 371 of snail inhibitor 186 glucose uptake and bradykinin 371 Iniprol, see: BPTI hemorrhage and renal vascular INPEA, see: nifenolol adaptation 559 insects, chemical defense secretion of kallikrein excretion and 559 bradykinin homologs 253 kinin-induced hyperthermia and 343 insect venoms, biologically active agents kininogen-induced prostaglandin release and 282 and 539 bradykinin-related peptides and 242 liver cirrhosis and 576 kinin content and 280 nitroglycerin-induced coronary insoluble carrier, purification of natural vasodilation and 358 kallikrein inhibitors and 164 pregnant uterus and 410 insulin, carcinoid tumors and 582 prostaglandin synthesis blockade and hypoglycemic seizures and bradykinin bradykinin-induced vascular responses 343 362 kininase II inhibition and 459 proteolytic enzymes and 290 insulin B-chain, kininase II and 451,469 renal blood flow and 408 intestinal assays, toad urinary bladder peptide rheumatoid arthritis and kininogen levels and 278 595 intestinal contraction, bradykinin and 377 substance P and, antagonism of 320 intestinal hypermotility, carcinoid syndrome coronary vasodilation 358 and 582 infection, CI-inhibitor level and 302 intestinal smooth muscle, bradykinin analogs free active kallikrein level and 302 and 242 plasma kinin level and 302 intracellular junctions, bradykinin and 365 prekallikrein level and 302 intravascular coagulation, kallikrein-kinin inflammation, AgCl-induced and parmidine system and 589 633 intravascular volume, renin-angiotensin bradykinin and 311 system and renal kallikrein-kinin system histamine 418 537 bradykinin content and 273 intrinsic blood coagulation, factor XII and 8 bum shock and free kinins 640 nephrotic syndrome and 595 CI-inhibitor level and 302 intrinsic clotting system, factor XII activation free active kallikrein level and 302 and 70 kallikrein complexes and 612 intrinsic fibrinolytic system, factor XII and kinins and 71, 364, 367 57,70 leukokinins and 98 factor XII a and 4 neutrophil kinin-forming enzymes and kallikrein and 44 369 nephrotic syndrome and 595 parmidine and 633 intrinsic viscosity of, bovine LMW plasma kinin level and 302 kininogen 53 prekallikrein level and 302 iodinated tyrosine-bradykinin analogs, thermal injury and 590 bradykinin receptors and 280 vascular permeability and role of iodoacetamide, human urinary kallikrein bradykinin 631 and 132 Ingitril, see: BPTI mouse submandibular esteropeptidases inhibition of, bradykinin action 248 and 142 factor XII 29 rat submandibular kallikrein and 136 778 Subject Index iodoacetic acid, release of lysosomal enzymes human salivary kallikrein 125 and 64 human urinary kallikrein 128 iodobenzoic acid, human salivary kallikrein kallikrein from autolyzed porcine and 128 pancreas 106, 107 ions, bradykinin receptors and 293 kallikrein inhibitors 164 iron ions, human salivary kallikrein and kinin-forming enzymes and 128,207 radioimmunoassays 307 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 207 kininogens 44 irradiation, kallikrein-kinin system and 641 mouse submaxillary esterases 141 kininase I activity and 433 porcine submandibular kallikrein 120 L-IX-isocaproic acid, synthesis of eledoisin porcine urinary kallikrein 123 analogs and 620 potato isoinhibitors 201 IRT-36, see: IXI ,1X2,1X 3-triS( 4-amidino-L• rabbit HMW kininogen 623 bromophenoxy)mesitylene rabbit urinary kallikrein 146 ischemic heart muscle, bradykinin release rat kidney tubule kallikrein inhibitor 193 and 311 rat pancreatic kallikrein 133, 134 isobutyl-methyl-xanthine, cyclic nucleotide rat submandibular kallikrein 134 phosphodiesterase inhibitor and kallikrein rat urinary kallikrein 136, 138 secretion 501 Russel's viper venom inhibitor fraction II isoelectric point of, antithrombin III 69 190 lXI-antitrypsin 68 snail kallikrein inhibitor 185 bovine HMW kininogen 54 snake venom kallikrein inhibitors 189 bovine LMW kininogen 53 soybean trypsin inhibitor 193 bovine prekallikrein 34, 37 isoleucine, amino terminal of porcine bradykinin 290 pancreatic kallikrein and III elastase-like enzyme 64 isoprenaline, antidiuretic response to 421 factor XI 29 carcinoid flush and 582 fragment XII f 20 salivary kallikrein activity and 498, 500 human factor XII 14 isoproterenol, bradykinin and permeability human HMW kininogen 53 changes 369 human LMW kininogen 45, 52 postganglionic responses 334 human prekallikrein 34,35 vascular protein effiux 367 human salivary kallikrein 132 isorenin, mouse submaxillary kallikrein and kininase II 630 140 leukokininogen 97 '25I-tyr5-bradykinin, binding sites of receptors 1X2-macroglobulin 69 and 288 neutrophil aminopeptidase 66 radioimmunoassay antisera and 305 plasminogen proactivator 57 '25I-tyr8-bradykinin, kininase II and 288 porcine pancreatic kallikrein B' 106 radioimmunoassay antisera and 305 porcine prekallikrein B 106 127I-tyr5-bradykinin, bioassays and 288 potato kallikrein inhibitors PKI 202 I27I-tyr8-bradykinin, bioassays and 288 rabbit kininogens 52 '25I-tyr'-kallidin, bradykinin receptors and rabbit prekallikrein 37 288 rat urinary kallikrein 137, 138 radioimmunoassays antisera and 305 isoinhibitors of, cnidaria 184 '27I-tyr'-kallidin, bradykinin bioassays and cuttle-fish 189 288 peanuts 200 potatoes 201 juxtaglomerular apparatus, renal kallikrein snails 185 and 530,531 isolation of, BPTI 167 juxtaglomerular all hyperplasia, Bartter's cat submaxillary kallikrein 144 syndrome and 535, 558 cnidaria proteinase inhibitor 184 cuttle-fish proteinase inhibitors 189 guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein kallidin, adrenal medulla and catecholamine 146 release 333 horse urinary kallikrein 143, 145 algesic action of 311 human pancreatic kallikrein 125 amino acid composition of 274 Subject Index 779

atropine-resistant glandular blood flow alloxan-induced diabetes and 491 and 516 anginal attack after pacing stress test and barbiturate anesthesia and cardiovascular 588 reflex responses 316 antithrombin III and 67 behavioral responses to 338 arginine esters and 113 blood pressure and 245 assays of 39 bovine trypsin and 152 asthmatic attack and 592 cantharidin blister area and pain 311 autolyzed porcine pancreas and 106 carcinoid syndrome and 273, 582 behavioral activity and 344 central nervous pressor presponse to 340 bioassays and 614 conversion to bradykinin 468 bovine serum albumin and 115 dumping syndrome and 273 bradykininogen and 99 epinephrine release and 415 bradykinin equivalent of 115 functional hyperemia and 363 brain amine concentrations and 342 glandular kallikreins and 152, 273 brain content and 347 guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein brain kininogenase activity and 347 and 149, 152 burn shock and 639 histamine release and 276, 418 calcium and 99 horse urinary kallikrein and 145, 152 cardiogenic shock and 635 human salivary kallikrein and rabbit LMW casein and 115 kininogen cleavage 626 castration and activity of 514 human urine and 302 chronic pneumonia and 643 human urinary kallikrein and 129, 152 CI-inactivator and 67 hyperthermia after 343 circular dichroism spectrum of 109 ileum assay and 275 cleavage of synthetic substrates 116 intestinal contraction and 1 coagulation and 644 kallikrein granules and 506 complexing in plasma 40 kidney and 273 cnidaria proteinase inhibitors and 184 kininase II and 275 colostrokinin release and 278 cultured cells 443 colostrum and 181 cleavage 450, 452 chlorpromazine-induced psychomotor natural kinin in mammals 273 depression and 344 neutrophil aminopeptidase and 66 chorda nerve stimulation and nictitating membrane and 333 vasodilation 517 pancreatitis and 273 dengue hemorrhagic fever and 573 prostaglandin synthesis and 407 2-deoxyglucose and 99 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 115 diencephalic regions and 338 pulmonary secretion and 375 disulfide bridges of 112 purification of kininogens and 51 EDTAand 99 rabbit brain kinin converting enzyme and electrolyte excretion and 531 346 endotoxemia and 585 radioimmunoassay and 307 estimation methods for human plasma renal vasodilation and 532 611 superior cervical ganglia and 415 excretion values of 610 tooth pulp stimulation and 339 exocrine gland and 489 urine and 273 factor VII activation and 571 vascular permeability and 275, 631 factor XII activation and 16, 23, 571 vascular responses to 364 factor XIIa and 18 kallidin converting aminopeptidase, fibrinolysis and 115, 589, 644 bradykinin release and 468 fragment XIIf and activation of kallidinogen, precursor of kallidin 1 prekallikrein 20 kallikrein, see also: plasma kallikrein functions of 44 active form in cat pancreatic juice 490 glandular, and enzymology of 103 activation of 31,37 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 587 allergen digestion and 115 heparin and antithrombin III 30 allergic disorders and 592 hereditary angioedema and 580 allergic myocarditis and 635 HMW kininogen and bradykinin 26 780 Subject Index kallikrein, hydrolysis of lysine esters and 114 synthetic model inhibitors and 204 hyperiipoproteinemia and 590 systemic infection and 302 hypertensive animals and 540 TAMe and 99 hypoxic EEG changes and 371 tertiary structure of kininogens and 490 identification of 35 tissue-damaging disease and 302 inflammatory disease state and 302 ulcerative colitis and activity of 381 inhibition of 43 uterotonic action of 384 inhibition spectrum of BPTI and 179 vasoactive kinins and 44 inhibitors of 31 water excretion and 531 insulin-induced seizures and 343 a-kallikrein, porcine pancreatic kallikrein intestinal absorption and 379 and 106 isolation of 30, 125, 128, 143, 145 tryptic activation of prekallikrein and 124 kaolin and factor XII deficiency 570 p-kallikrein, kallikrein heterogeneity and kininogens and 103 124 lactation and 364 polypeptide chains of porcine pancreatic LBTI and 29 kallikrein and III leupeptin and 203 p-kallikrein B, porcine trypsin and III liver cell proliferation and 381 y-kallikrein, heterogeneity and 124 location of active center 37 polypeptide chains of porcine pancreatic lysine esters and 113 kallikrein and 111

!X2-macroglobulin and 67 b-kallikrein, kallikrein heterogeneity and Merrifield solid-phase method and BPTI 124 synthesis 176 kallikrein A, absorption maximum of 109 methionine transport and 379 amino acid composition of 111 milk ejection and 385 autolyzed porcine pancreas and 108 mitogenic effect on thymocytes 381 carbohydrate content of III nephrotic syndrome and 595 cinnamoyl imidazole and 119 pancreatitis and 638 DFP and rate of inhibition 119 paradentosis and 638 kallikrein B, absorption maximum of 109 peanuts and 198 amino acid sequence of III phosphorylase a activity and 359 carbohydrate content of III physical load and 634 DFP and rate of inhibition 119 plasminogen and 59 heterogeneity of porcine pancreatic PF /dil activity and 5 kallikreins and 108 pre kallikrein 3 indoleacryloyl imidazole and 119 polycythemia vera and 589 p-nitrophenyl p'-guanidinobenzoate and polylysine and 115 119 polypeptides and 115 sialic acid-free glycoprotein basis and prekallikrein activators and 570 absorption maximum 109 prostigmine and pancreatic juice 491 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 125 protamine sulfate and 613 kallikrein C, carbohydrate content of III protein inhibitors of 167 heterogeneity of porcine pancreatic

proteolysis and !X2-macroglobulin 42 kallikrein and 108 purification of 30 kallikrein d" DFP and rate of inhibit on 119 rat kidney kallikrein inhibitor and 193 heterogeneity of porcine pancreatic renal allograft rejection and 589 kallikreins and 108 renal function and 531 pancreatic kallikrein and BAEe septic shock and 585 hydrolysis 120 serotonin concentration in brain and 420 p-nitrophenyl-p' -guanidinobenzoate and shock and 302 119 snail hemolymph and 185 stability of 113 species and sialic acid content of III kallikrein d 2 , heterogeneity of porcine sperm motility and 386 pancreatic kallikreins and 108 sperm penetration distance and 386 p-nitrophenyl-p' -guanidinobenzoate and steric hindrance and HMW proteins 163 119 synthetic Gly-Arg-Met-Lys-bradykinin stability of 113 and 116 kallikrein d3, see: kallikrein C Subject Index 781 kallikrein of anaphylaxis, characteristics of factor XII deficiency and 302, 569 99 gastrointestinal diseases and 637 kallikrein antigen, liver cirrhosis and 575 hemodialysis and 593 kallikrein-antithrombin III complex 44, 69 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 586 kallikrein content, of porcine pancreas 105 hepatorenal syndrome and 382 kallikrein-CI-inactivator complex 44, 69 hereditary angioedema and 576 thyphoid fever and 594 hereditary pathologic conditions and 569, kallikrein excretion, aldosterone and 529 576 sodium deprivation and 404 HMW kininogen deficiency and 572 kallikrein function, phylogenetic increase of hyperlipoproteinemia and 590 specificity 628 hypertension and 636 kallikrein granules, electrostatic surface of intravascular coagulation and 589 507 irradiation injury and 641 kallikrein-HMW-kininogen complex 41 kidney and BPPg8 533 kallikrein inhibition, BPTI and 198 liver cirrhosis and 573 determination with protamine as liver diseases and 638 substrate 613 localized intravasular coagulation and egg white and 191 589 rat submaxillary gland and 192 milk production and 182 SBTI and 198 migraine syndrome and 596 kallikrein inhibitors 163 myeloblastic leukemia and 643 definition of 164 myocardial ischemia and 634 determination of reactive site 166 myocarditis and 635 estimation of inhibitor capacity 166 nephrotic syndrome and 595,641 immunologic methods and 166 paradentosis and 638 kinetics of complex binding reaction 167 pancreatitis and 586, 637 labeling of 166 pathologic conditions and 569, 634 methods of, determination 164 peritonitis and 638 isolation 164 physiology of kinins and 631 polyvalent bovine proteinase inhibitor• pregnancy and 643 pattern 167 prekallikrein deficiency and 571 kallikrein inhibitors of animals of HMW prostaglandins and 193 190 regulation of physiologic function and kallikrein-kinin system 609 633 acquired pathologic conditions 573, 581, renal allograft rejection and 589 588 renal function control and 533 allergic disorders and 592 rheumatism and 637 arthritis and 591 septic shock and 584 bioassays and 614 sperm motility and 518 biochemistry of 620 stomach ulcers and 638 brain and 345 stress and 369 burn shock and 639 thermal injury and 590 carcinoid syndrome and 581 transfusion reactions and 593 cardiovascular diseases and 634 typhoid fever and 594 cholecystitis and 638 kallikrein-like peptidase, submandibular chronic pneumonia and 643 esteroprotease 494 colitis and 638 kallikrein-1X1-macroglobulin complex 42, 68 comparative studies of 280 kallikrein-PKI complex 202 components of plasma 280 kallikreinogen, see: prekallikrein coronary artery disease and 588 kaolin, contact prekallikrein activation and cystic fibrosis and 593 613 dengue hemorrhagic fever and 573 edema and arachidonic acid acid and 369 DIC and 589 factor XII activation and 22, 27 dumping syndrome and 583 factor XII deficient plasma and 570 duodenal ulcers and 638 fragment XIIf and 18 exercise and 369 function of PF/dil and 3 extracorporeal bypass and 593 kallikrein inhibitor activation and 613 782 Subject Index

kaolin, plasma coagulation and 8 allergic myocarditis and 635 plasma prekallikrein activation and 623 bradykinin and ileum assay 243 plasminogen and 613 bradykinin analogs and 618 prekallikrein activation and 613 brain and 345 prekallikrein deficient plasma and partial central nervous system and 436 thromboplastin time 571 chelating agents and 259 rabbit plasma prekallikrein and 622 chronic pneumonia and 643 rat paw edema and kininase I 434 distribution of 438 Kassina senegalensis, see: kassinin fibrinolytic system and 56 kassinin, amino acid composition of 279 function of 469 K-ATP-ase, bradykinin and 633 guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein 9-ketoreductase, bradykinin and, fetal blood and 149 vessels 411 guinea pig ileum and 237 prostaglandin release 404 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 587 stimulation of 362 irradiation and 641 kinin-induced prostaglandin release and low sodium diet and saline infusion 552 407 metalloenzymes 259, 303 6-keto-PGF1O' see: prostacyclin myeloblastic leukemia and 643 kidney, ATP-ases and bradykinin 633 myocardial infarction and 588 BPTI and 181 peritonitis and 639 cleaving action of 470 pregnancy and 643 hemodynamics and kallikrein-kinin purified proteases as 438 system 532 reproductive system and 518 kallidin converting aminopeptidase and sex hormones and 383 468 side chain structure in position 8 and kallikreins in 525 enzymatic activity of 620 kallikrein synthesis of 527, 529 sultbydryl reagents and 291 kininase activity of 438 thiols and inhibition of 290 kininase II activity and 443, 444 transfusion reactions and 593 kininase II content and 442 undifferentiated 434 kininase II release from 469 uterus and 237 kinins and 273, 404 kininase I 428 LMW carboxypeptidase-type kininase bradykinin-potentiating peptides and 629 and 436 burn shock and 639 prostaglandins and 403, 404 cleavage of substrates 432 subcellular distribution of renin 504 cardiogenic shock and 635 kidney tissue, antiserum to human pancreas chromogenic substrates and 615 and 133 cystic fibrosis and 594 kinetics of complex binding reaction, 2,4-DNP-Gly-GlY-L-Arg and 615 kallikrein inhibitors and 167 fibrinopeptide cleavage and 469 kinetic constants, for amino acid esters inhibition of 432 hydrolysis 114 kinin inactivation of 469 of horse urinary kallikrein 146--148 molecular weight of 428, 429 of human urinary kallikrein 129, 131 pathological conditions and 433 of kallikrein inhibition by 1,IO-phenanthroline and 368 phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride 119 plasma content of 428 of kininase I 431 purification of 428 of kininase II 431 rheumatism and 637 of kininase II substrates 449 subunits of 428-430 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and kininase II, see: angiotensin I converting hydrolysis of synthetic peptides 117 enzyme of porcine submandibular kallikrein 122 kininase I deficiency, clinical symptomes of of porcine urinary kallikrein 123 433 of rat pancreatic kallikrein 133 kininase I inhibitor, human plasma and 629 of rat urinary kallikrein 138 kininogenases, see also: kallikrein, kinetic studies, trypsin-BPTI complex 175 leukocytes, trypsin, plasmin kininases 427 kininogenases, acrosin and 103 Subject Index 783

allergic reactions and 99, 100 ovomucoid and 164 blood cells and 91 pancreatitis and 637 bovine spleen and 629 peritonitis and 639 brain and 346 plasmin and 62 dog plasma and 490 pregnancy and 643 glandular kallikreins and kallidin release purification of 44 152 rheumatism and 637 human urinary kallikrein and 129, 132 SBTI and 164 infection and 98, 100 septic shock and 585 kaolin-activated human plasma and sex and levels of 383 activity of 613 sex hormones and 382 neoplastic states and 98, 100 species and 6, 50 PF /dil 3 stenocardia and 635 purified components and mechanism of tertiary structure and kallikrein activity reaction 625 490 vasoactive kinins and 44 tissue ischemia and 372 IX-kininogenase, and kallikrein-acid plasma vasoactive kinins and 44 protein complex 620 urokinase and 47 y-kininogenase, identity with human plasma ulcer diseases and 638 kallikrein 620 kininogen I, bradykinin antibodies and 304 kininogens, acute myocardial ischemia and surface activation of plasma and 7 634 kininogen II, fresh plasma and 7 allergic myocarditis and 635 kinins, ADH release and 420 animal plasmas and 50 adrenal medulla and 333 antibodies and 47 allergic reactions and 376, 592 asthmatic attack and 592 airway smooth muscle and 374 BPTI and 164 anaphylaxis and 376, 592 brain kininase Band 437 anginal pain and 358 burn shock and 639 asthma and 376, 592 carcinoid syndrome and 582 autonomic ganglia and 333 cardiogenic shock and 635 biologic activity of 273 cholecystitis and 638 blood-brain barrier and 347 chronic pneumonia and 643 blood pressure and 314 cleavage of 54 carcinoid flush and 582 colitis and 638 cardiac effects of 357 coronary artery ligation and level of 358 cardiac nerves and 359 cross-reaction of 56 cardiovascular system and 357 deficiency of 56 catecholamine release and 369, 415 dumping syndrome and level of 583 central nervous system and 311 endotoxemia and 584 colorimetric determination in extracorporeal bypass and 593 cardiovascular diseases 613 epinephrine and consumption of 371 diseases of gastrointestinal tract and 381 fetal circulation and 364 diuresis and 531 hereditary angioedema and 580 dumping syndrome and level of 583 horse urinary kallikrein and 146, 148 estimation methods for human plasma human plasma and various forms of 49 610 human salivary kallikrein and 128, 132 excretion values of 610 hypertension and plasma content of 636 exercise and 369 irradiation and 641 fetal circulation and 364 kallikrein and 103 fragment XII f and 20

kallikrein-IX 2-macroglobulin complex and gastrointestinal absorption and 379 68 gastrointestinal cell proliferation and 380 kinin radioimmunoassays and 307 gastrointestial functions and 376 leukokinin forming enzyme and 94 gastrointestinal vascular effects and 378 liver cirrhosis and 575 gouty arthritis and 591 myeloblastic leukemia and 643 heart-lung machine and 593 myocardial infarction and 359, 588 hemodynamics and 631 784 Subject Index kinins, hemorrhagic pancreatitis and shock vascular smooth muscles and 357 586 vasoactive substance release and 415 histamine release and 417 vasodilation and 314 human urinary kallikrein and 130 kinin cleavage, lungs and kinin hypertension and 637 radioimmunoassays 307 hypoxia and 371 kinin content, species and 280 inflammation and 367 kinin converting enzyme, rabbit brain and intrauterine prostaglandins and 410 346 kallikrein-kinin system and physiology of kinin formation, anticoagulants and 303 631 citrate and 303 9-ketoreductase and prostaglandin release factor XII activation and 70 407 heparin and 303 kidney and 404 kinetics and radioimmunoassays 307 ADH 557 pre kallikrein deficiency and 302 kininase II and 449 species and difference of 302 lactation and 364, 385 surface-induced and hexadimethrine 303 as local hormones 280 kinin-free kininogen, activation of factor XII lung and 372 and 26 migraine syndrome and 596 kinin generating system 91 mitogenic effect on thymocytes 381 allergic reaction and 99 myocardial infarction and 611 Ehrlich ascites tumor and 100 natriuresis and 531 kinin liberation, crotalid snake venom and natural 273 253 nervous system and direct application of kinin receptors, bradykinin and 363 333 cardiovascular depressor phase and 323 nonspecific proteases and 280 kinin release, rat urinary kallikrein and 137 organ systems and 357 kinin system, activation in the cold 22 pain and 312 concept of two systems 6 parturition and 384 estimation methods 610 pathologic mechanisms of 71 factor XII and 70 permeability and 631 HMW kininogen dual effect on 25 peripheral nervous system and 311 neutrophil leukocytes and 63 pharmacodynamics of 631 plasmin and 61 physical load and 634 separation of components of 11 postganglionic nerves and 333 Kontrical, see: BPTI potentiators of 249 K-receptors, see: kinin receptors prostaglandin synthesis and 404 Kunitz soybean trypsin inhibitor, see: pulmonary circulation and 373 soybean trypsin inhibitor pulmonary edema and 373 pulmonary secretion and 375 L-121O cells, leukokinins and 92 purified proteases and 438 leukokinin forming enzyme and 96 renal prostaglandin release and 557 labeling, kallikrein inhibitors and 166 release of vasoactive substances and 401 lachrymal gland, tachykinins and 278 reproduction and 382 lactation, kinins and 364, 385 salt-water homeostasis and lactic dehydrogenase, parasympathetic mineralocorticoids 408 denervation and 511 septic shock and 585 lamprey, see: putative kinins serotonin release and 418 lanthanides, BPTI and 170 sex hormones and 382 Lat's test, bradykinin-induced behavioral spermatogenesis and 385 activity and 344 sperm motility and 386,470 LB-46, see: visken stress and 369 (LBk-(n)-lysil, G-glycine, 8-f3-phenyl-L-lactic thermal injury and 591 acid)-bradykinin, see: (Lys-,Gly6,Phhac8)• urine and 273 bradykinin uterus and 384 LBTI, see: lima bean trypsin inhibitor vascular effects of 360 Leguminosae, see: peanuts vascular permeability and 357, 364 leprosy, kininase II activity and 458, 487 Subject Index 785

8-Leu-angiotensin II, angiotensin II leukokininogen, extracellular fluid and 91 inhibition and 249 leukokinin forming acid protease and 97 kinin-induced vascular responses and 363 purification of 97 Leu8-bradykinin, pulmonary kininases and leupeptin, proteinase inhibitor of 246 microorganisms 203 leucine, carbocyl terminal of porcine life span, transfused factor XII and 569 pancreatic kallikrein and 111 light microscopy, kallikrein granules and leucine analog, bradykinin octapeptide and 511 249 lima bean inhibitor, essential position for leucine enkephalin, kininase II and 451 kallikrein inhibition and 167 leucotaxis, human salivary kallikrein and lima bean trypsin inhibitor, factor XII 128 inhibition and 29 leukemia, DIe and kallikrein level 589 glandulain and 494 leukemic cells, cationic proteins and 67 kallikrein and 29, 34 leukokinins and 91 kallikrein-like peptidase and 494 leukokinin forming enzyme and 96 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases leukocytes, histamin release and and 142 vespulakinins 276 plasmin and 62 human basophil kallikrein and 99 plasminogen depletion and 62 human neutrophil kininogenase and 99 prekallikrein and 612 kinin-forming enzymes and inflammation salivain and 494 369 trypsin and 68 kinin generation and 63 lipopolysaccharides, as activators of factor kininogen level and pancreatitis 637 XII 22 leukokinin and 91 liquoid, factor XIIa and 3 leukokinin forming enzyme and 96 litorin, bombesin-like peptide 282 leukocyte migration, plasma kallikrein and liver, aminopeptidase Band 469 591 BPTI and 181 leukocyte proteinase, burn shock and 640 kallidin converting aminopeptidase and leukokinin A, see: neoplastic cell mediated 468 leukokinins kininase II activity and 442, 443 leukokinin H, see: neoplastic cell mediated liver cells, kallikrein and proliferation of 381 leukokinins liver cirrhosis, deficiency of kinin-forming leukokinin M, see: white cell mediated proteins 573 leukokinins kallikrein-kinin system and 381, 638 leukokinin PMN, see: white cell mediated kinin radioimmunoassay and 307 leukokinins liver diseases, dengue hemorrhagic fever and leukinins 66 573 acid protease 91 kallikrein-kinin system and 638 amino acid composition of 92 prekallikrein content and 612 ascites induction and 99 lithium ions, horse urinary kallikrein and chemistry of 92 145 generating system 91 lizard venom, glandular kallikreins and 103 inflammation and 98, 369 LMW carboxypeptidase-type kinases 436 neoplastic diseases and 98 LMW kininogen, bradykinin equivalents of nomenclature of 92 44 pharmacologic properties of 92 burn shock and 640 vasoaction of 93 content in rabbit plasma of 622 leukokinin forming enzyme 94 cross-reaction with leukokininogen 98 differentiation from plasma kallikrein 97 HMW kininogen deficiency and 572 inhibitors of 97 human plasma and inhibition of kallikrein measurement of activity 94 arginine esterase activity 621 overall properties of 94 identification of human 53 pepstatin and 97 physicochemical properties 52 phenylpyruvate and 100 purification of 44 pH optima of 96 separation of 11 sources of 96 temperature and 46 786 Subject Index

LMW rabbit kininogen 623 Lys-Lys-bradykinin, horse urinary kallikrein local anesthetics, excitable membrane and and 146 bradykinin 633 pulmonary kininases and 244, 245 local hypoxia, vascular permeability and LysMe, rat submandibular kallikrein and 631 136 localized intravascular coagulation, Lys-fJ-naphthyl-amide, arylamidase and 468 kallikrein-kinin system and 589 rat submandibular kallikrein and 136 Loligo vulgaris, see: Mollusca Lys-p-nitranilide, human salivary kallikrein low molecular weight kininogen, see: LMW and 128 kininogen LysOEt, horse urinary kallikrein and 147 low salt diet, black hypertensives and LysOMe, kallikrein and hydrolysis of 114 kallikrein excretion 555 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases diuretics and sodium depletion 554 142 DOCA and kallikrein excretion 554 lysosomal enzymes, neutrophil leukocytes furosemide and essential hypertension and 63 560 lysosomal fraction, of neutrophil leukocytes kallikrein excretion and 543 66 aldosterone 539 lysosomal neutral protease, inflammation kinin level and 302, 539 and neutrophils 369 kininase II activity and 462 lysosomes, localization of lysosomal enzymes race and kallikrein excretion 557 in 65 spironolactone and kallikrein excretion neutrophil leukocytes and proteases 64 554 Lys-plasminogen, see: plasminogen, urinary kallikrein excretion and 535 physicochemical properties Lumbricus terrestris, see: earth worm Lys-type kallikrein inhibitors, butan-2, 3- lung, angiotensin I cleavage and 440 dione and 167 bradykinin inactivation and 236, 440 lysyl-bradykinin, see: kallidin kininase activity of 438 lysyl-dipeptides, horse urinary kallikrein kininase II release from 469 and 147 kinins and 372 lysyl residues, BPTI and 170 phyllokinin inactivation and 238 prostaglandin inactivation and 403 Macaca iris, see: transfusion reactions renal prostaglandins and 405 Macaca speciosa, see: renal allograft rejection tonin and angiotensin I conversion 442 (X2-macroglobulin, chymotrypsin-like enzyme vespulakinins and inactivation 276 and 65 lung lavage fluid, kinin radioimmunoassay elastase and 68 and 307 elastase-like enzyme and 65 luteinizig hormone-releasing hormone, factor XII purification and 11 D-alanine replacement in 241 glomerulonephritis and 641 inhibitors of 248 granulocyte collagenases and 65 lymph, bradykinin and 365 hereditary angioedema and 580 renal kallikrein content and 531 human kininogen preparations and 621 lymph nodes, kininase II activity and 446 human plasma concentration of 69 kininase II release from 469 inhibition of factor XII and 30 lymphocytes, leukokinin froming enzyme kallikrein and 43, 67 and 96 nephrotic syndrome and 641 lymphosarcoma, leukokinin forming enzyme pancreatitis and 638 and 96 physicochemical properties of 69 lyophilization, SBTI structure and 195 plasmin and 62, 68 of kallikrein 113 (X2-plasmin inhibitor 70 Lys-bradykinin, see: kallidin proteolysis and kallikrein 42 (Lys-,Gly6,Phhac8)-bradykinin, synthesis of rapid kallikrein inhibitor and 614 618 thrombin inhibition and 69 lysine, kallikrein and Edman degradation typhoid fever and 594 ll5 (X2-macroglobulin complexes, trap mechanism kininase II active center 486 and 68 lysine esters, kallikrein and 113, 114 (X2-macroglobulin-kallikrein complex 42 Subject Index 787

hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 587 bradykinin analogs and 246 macrophages, fibrinolytic system and 57 kininases and 259,440,461 leukokinin forming enzyme and 96 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases magnesium ions, horse, urinary kallikrein and 142 and 148 plasma kininases and 245 human salivary kallikrein and 128,207 pulmonary kininases and 246 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135 rabbit HMW kininogen and 624 stability of kallikrein granules and 506 R-esteroprotease and 140 malignant hypertension, BPP g. and 464 mercuhydrin, kininase II activity and 462 malignant tumors, bradykinin and mercury ions, dog pancreatic kallikrein and pharmacoangiography 632 143,207 mammalian serine proteinases, pancreatic horse urinary kallikrein and 148 type of 150 human salivary kallikrein and 128,207 mammalian submandibular gland, mouse submandibular esteropeptidases esteroproteases in 494 and 142 mammalian tissue, kinin content and 280 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 118 mammals, content of kininogens 40 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135, 207 glandular kallikreins of 103 Merrifield solid-phase method, BPTI kinins and action on arterioles 357 synthesis and 176 natural kinins in 273 metal chelating agents, pulmonary kininases salivary kallikreins of 627 and 246 slow contact activation of prekallikrein in metal ions, dog pancreatic kallikrein and 622 143 mammary gland, kinins and 385 horse urinary kallikrein and 145, 148 man, naturally occuring kinins in 273 human salivary kallikrein and 128, 207 mangane ions, chemoexcitable calcium kallikrein and 207 channels and bradykinin 633 kininase II cofactor 452 human salivary kallikreins and 128,207 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases kininase II activity and 452, 630 and 142 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 207 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135 metalloproteinase, see: collagenase mast cells, histamine release and, kinins 417 metals, kinin-inactivating kinase of cytosole vespulakinins 276 fraction and 66 kininogenase and 100 methanol, colorimetric determination of vasoactive peptides and 276 glandular kallikreins and 105 mastocytoma, leukokinin forming enzyme methionine, kallikrein and transport of 379 and 96 methionine enkephalin, kininase II and 451 mastoparan, wasp venoms and 276 nucleus locus coeruleus activity and 343 meclofenamate, bradykinin-induced vascular methionyl-kallidin, see: Met-Lys-bradykinin responses and 363, 408 methylacrosil, plasma prekallikreins and prostaglandin synthesis in umbilical vessels 622 and 412 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolone hydrazone, mefenamate, sperm motility and 387 assay of glandular kallikreins 105 mellitin, bee venom and 282 3-o-methyl glucose, kallikrein and transport membrane ion transport, kallikrein-kinin of 379 system and aldosterone 540 2-D-methyl-3-mercaptopropionyl-L-proline, menstrual cycle, human salivary kallikrein lung angiotensin-converting enzyme and and 515 260 mepacrine, arachidonic acid release and 294 (8-(n)-methyl-2-phenylalanine )-bradykinin, bradykinin-induced prostaglandin release see: (MePhe8)-bradykinin and 319 IX-methyltyrosine, bradykinin and brain prostaglandin synthesis and 404 dopamine level 342 (MePhe8)-bradykinin, synthesis of 618 methysergide, bradykinin and central mepyramide, kinin-induced vascular cardiovascular responses 340 responses and 363 vasoconstriction 363 2-mercaptoethanol, bradykinin and 246, Met-kallidin, see: Met-Lys-bradykinin 259 Met-Lys-bradykinin 62 788 Subject Index

Met-Lys-bradykinin, adrenal medulla and mineralocorticoids, kinins and salt-water catecholamine release 333 homeostasis 408 amino acid composition of 274 plasma kinin levels and 539 blood pressure and 245 plasma renin activity and 408 bovine spleen and 100 miosis, central nervous bradykinin action conversion to bradykinin 468 and 338 histamine release and 276, 418 mitosis, pancreatic kallikrein and gut 380 horse urinary kallikrein and 145 thymocytes and bradykinin 293 human urine and 302 MW, see: molecular weight hyperthermia after 343 molar absorbance, of porcine submandibular ileum assay and 243, 275 kallikrein 121 kidney and 273 molecular aspects of, horse urinary kallikrein and 375 kallikrein 143 kininase II and 275 human salivary kallikrein 125 cultured cells 443 human urinary kallikrein 128 kininase II cleavage of 450, 452 porcine submandibular kallikrein 120 2-mercaptoethanol and 246 porcine urinary kallikrein 123 natural kinin in mammals 273 rat urinary kallikrein 136 neutrophil aminopeptidase and 66 molecular weight of, annelida inhibitors 190 neutrophil kininogenase and 99 IXI-antichymotrypsin 68 nictitating membrane and 333 antithrombin III 69 pepsin and 273 lXI-antitrypsin 68 pulmonary kininases and 245 bovine factor XII 15 pUlmonary secretion and 375 bovine HMW kininogen 54 radioimmunoassay and 307 bovine kallikrein 34 rabbit brain kinin converting enzyme and bovine kininogens 51 346 bovine LMW kininogen 53 smooth muscles and 367 bovine prekallikrein 37 tooth pulp stimulation and 339 bovien spleen kininogenase 629 trypsin and 152 BPTI 588 urine and 273 brain kininase B 437 vascular permeability and 244, 275, 365, bull seminal plasma inhibitor 182 631 cat submandibular kallikrein 511 vascular responses to 364 chymotrypsin-like enzyme 65 Mg-ATP-ase, bradykinin and 633 CI-inactivator 69 Michaelis constant, BAEe hydrolysis and cnidaria proteinase inhibitors 184 122 colostrokinin 279 human salivary kallikrein and 126, 128 cuttle-fish iso-inhibitors 189 pancreatic kallikrein and 113 earth worm proteinase inhibitors 191 Michaelis-Menten complex, SBTI-trypsin elastase-like enzyme 64 complex and 198 factor XI 29 Michaelis-Menten kinetics, kallikrein and factor XII 14, 570 amino acid esters 113 fragment XII f 20 microbial proteinases, kallikrein and 188 Glu-plasminogen 60 snail kallikrein inhibitors and 188 granulocyte collagenases 65 microcirculation, bradykinin and 361 guinea pig coagulation gland kallikrein kinins and regulation of 644 146, 149 PFjdil and 4 horse plasma kininogens 625 microorganisms, peptide inhibitors of human glandular kallikreins 132 kallikrein and 203 human HMW kininogen 53 microvessels, human salivary kallikreins human LMW kininogen 45, 52 and 632 human kallikrein 31 migraine syndrome, kallikrein-kinin system human neutrophil kininogenase 99 and 596 human plasma kallikrein 620 milk ejection, kinins and 385 human salivary kallikrein 127 milk production, kallikrein-kinin system human urinary kallikrein 130 and 182 kallikrein B neuraminidase-treated 109 Subject Index 789

kallidin converting aminopeptidase 468 eledoisin-induced central cardiovascular kallikrein-HMW kininogen-complex 41 responses and 340 kininase I 428, 429, 629 enkephalin receptors and 249 kininase II 456, 630 tooth pulp stimulation and 339 leukokinins 92 mouse glandular kallikreins, inhibition leukokininogen 97 spectra of BPTI and 178 Lys-plasminogen 60 mouse submandibular gland, trypsin-like (Xl-macroglobulin 69 esteroprotease and 494 mammalian glandular kallikreins 150, mouse submandibular esteropeptidases 142 151 mouse submaxillary kallikrein 140 neutrophil aminopeptidase 66 renin-like activity of 140 ornithokinin 279 mouse submaxillary peanuts proteinase inhibitor 198 esteroproteolytic enzyme D, epithel pepstatin 97 growth factor binding protein and 142 plasmin 61 mucin, content and chorda tympani nerve (Xl-plasmin inhibitor 70 sectioning 511 porcine pancreatic kallikrein 109 mucopolysaccharides, BPTI and 181 porcine prekallikrein B 106 mucosal kallikrein, intestinal tract and 584 porcine submandibular kallikrein 121 muscarinic receptors, salivary kallikrein porcine urinary kallikrein 123 secretion and 503, 517 potato inhibitors 202 stellate ganglion and bradykinin 334 prekallikrein activators 570 myeloblastic leukemia, kallikrein-kinin preka1likrein-HMW kininogen-comp1ex system and 643 40 myocardial depressant factor, hemorrhagic rabbit kininogens 52 pancreatitis and shock 586 rabbit prekallikrein 37 myocardial infarction, determination of rat kidney kallikrein inhibitor 193 kallikrein-kinin system 613 rat pancreatic kallikrein 133 factor XII deficiency and 569 rat urinary kallikrein 137, 138 kininogen level and 359 renal kallikrein 526, 528 kinins and 611 Russel's viper venom inhibitor fraction II prekallikrein deficieny and 572 190 myocardial ischemia, bradykinin release SBTI 194 and 311 snail inhibitors 185 bradykinin-induced pressor reflexes and toad urinary bladder peptide 279 321 tonin 442 kallikrein-kinin system and 588, 634 Mollusca, proteinase inhibitor in 188 kinins and 358 monoamidino compounds, guinea pig plasma myocarditis, kallikrein-kinin system and kallikrein and 206 635 monoamine oxidase inhibitors, bradykinin and behavior 338 Na-ATP-ase, bradykinin and 633 monoiodo 'lSI-tyr'-kallidin, bradykinin NaBH4' prostaglandin determination and receptors in pregnant cow uterus and 289 404 N-acetylimidazole, SBTI and 196 mononitro Tyr,o-BPTI, secondary structure NaCN, vascular permeability and 631 of 169 (X-N-acylated arginine esters, glandular monovalent anions, kininase II activity and kallikreins and 103 452 NADH, assay of glandular kallikreins and morphine, bradykinin and, cardiovascular 104 reflex responses 315 BAEe hydrolysis and submandibular algesia 320 kallikrein 122 catatonia 339 N agarse, kinins and 280 EEG changes 338 Naja oxiana Eichiwald, see: snake venoms superior cervical ganglion 333 N-aminoethylglycine bradykinin, biological thalamic neurons 332 activity and 241 brain peptidase and enkephalins 487 p-naphthamidine, rat urinary kallikrein and dorsal horn cells and 329 138 790 Subject Index

narcotic analgesics, animal pain models and inhibition of lyososomal enzyme release 313 64 bradykinin-induced pain and 314 kallikrein and chemotaxis 44 Na2S04 , Bz-Gly-Gly-Gly and kininase II kinin-generating systems of 63, 66, 369 activity 448, 452 localization of lysosomal enzymes in 65 natriuresis, BPP 9& and 533 mechanism of lysosomal enzyme release bradykinin and 531 and 63 endogenous renal kallikrein-kinin system proteases oflysosomes 64 and 534 neutrophil proteases, plasma substrates and kinins and 531 66 spironolactone and 555 N-extended bradykinin homologs, primary hyperaldosteronism 562 angiotensin I converting enzyme and 244 substance P and 540 blood pressure and 245 natural kinins 274 lung kininase II and 247 natural proteinase inhibitors, see: pain and 244 antithrombin III, (X.-antitrypsin, Cl• vascular permeability and 244 inactivator, (X2-macroglobulin e-NH2-n-caproic acid, isolation of C3a nausea, dumping snydrome and 583 anaphylatoxin and 428 N-carboxyanhydride method, bradykinin nialamide, behavioral activity and 344 synthesis and 262 bradykinin and behavior 338 neonate, submandibular kallikrein content brain amine concentrations 341,342 and 513 neoplastic cells, leukokinin forming enzyme nickel ions, horse urinary kallikreins and and 96 148 neoplastic cell kininogenase 100 human salivary kallikrein and 128,207 neoplastic cell mediated leukokinins, biogenic porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 207 potency of 94 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135 neoplastic diseases, BPTI and 98 nicotine, bradykinin and, heart rate 334 leukokinins and 98 ganglionic activation 333 pepstatin and 99 nictitating membrane, bradykinin and 333 neostigmine, bradykinin-induced epinephrine release 415 bradycardia and 360 nifenolo1, bradykinin-induced vocalization nephron, localization of components of and 338 kallikrein-kinin system and 536 p-nitranilides, assay of glandular kallikreins nephrotic syndrome, kallikrein-kinin system and 105 and 595,612,641 nitroarginine, bradykinin synthesis and 262 nerve growth factor binding protein, nitroglycerin, coronary vasodilation and epidermal growth factor binding protein indomethacin 358 and 142 nitrogen gas, brain kininogenase activity nervous system, kinins and 333 and 347 nervous tissue, kinin content and 281 p-nitrophenylamidino phenyl neuraminidase, EDTA and bradykinin methanesulfate, human plasma kallikrein response 290 and 207 heterogeneity of porcine pancreatic p-nitrophenyl p'-guanidinobenzoate, kallikreins and 108 glandular kallikreins and 152 kininase II activity and 456 horse urinary kallikrein and 148 rat urinary kallikrein and 137 human urinary kallikrein and 131 (X2-neuraminoglycoprotein, see: kallikrein inhibition and 119 CI-inactivator neurotensin, bovine hypotha• pancreatic kallikrein and catalysis 120 lamus and 282 rat urinary kallikrein and 139 nucleus locus coeruleus and 343 N-methylphenylalanine, angiotensin II and neutral proteases, allergic disorders and 592 239 bovine spleen kininase as 629 N-methylphenylalanine bradykinin, biologic of neutrophillysosomes 64 activity and 241 neutrophils, see: neutrophil leukocytes NMR, see: nuclear magnetic resonance neutrophil leukocytes, human salivary nociceptors, algesic agents and lack of cross• kallikrein and 128 tachyphylaxis 326 Subject Index 791

neurophysiology of 323 obstructive pulmonary disease, kininase II pain and 322 activity and 458 nocturia, pregnancy and kallikrein OC-Arg-Val- argininal, see: antipain excretion 563 Oligochaeta, see: earth worm nonmammalians, kallikrein-kinin system oligospermia, kallikrein treatment and 385 and 280 OMTI, see: ovomucoid trypsin inhibitor nonmammalian kinins, bradykinin-related opiate receptors, dorsal horn and 329 peptides and 242 optical configuration, bradykinin and Arg9 nonpolar solvents, bradykinin molecule residue 238 conformation in 261 optical properties of, human salivary nonspecific bradykinin antagonists 292 kallikrein 127 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, kallikrein from autolyzed porcine bradykinin and 320 pancreas 109 prostaglandin release and 320 porcine submandibular kallikrein 121 pain and 312 optical rotating spectra, BPTI and 168 prostacyclin and 322 optical rotating dispersion, bradykinin prostaglandin synthesis and. 320, 404 molecule in solution and 260 thromboxanes and 322 ORD, see: optical rotatory dispersion p(NO,)-phenylalanine, chromophore group organs, BPTI content during development in kininase II substrates 447 181 N-(P-pyridylmethyl)-3,4-dichloro• identity of various kallikreins and 150 phenoxyacetamide-p-fluorosulfonyl• organ kallikrein, see: glandular kallikrein acetanilide bromide, chymotrypsin and organ systems, kinins and 357 207 organic silica, plasma prekallikrein activation inhibition of kallikrein and 119 and 622 noradrenaline, see: norepinephrine organic solvents, kallikrein and 31 norepinephrine, Bartter's syndrome and 558 osmolarity, bradykinin release and 584 behavioral activity and 344 ouabain, chorda tympani nerve stimulation blood volume and kallikrein excretion and 517 555 ._valine absorption and 379 bradykinin and, brain content of 341 Ouchterlony assay, rat urinary kallikrein vascular protein effiux 367 and 136 endotoxemia and 586 ovalbumin-bradykin conjugate, antibody nucleus locus coeruleus activity and 343 induction and 305 pregnant uterus and prostaglandins 411 ovarian fimbriae, bradykinin and motility of prostaglandins and release of 403 385 prostaglandin-induced kallikrein release ovarian follicle fluid, kinin-like factor and and 555,559 384 salivary kallikrein secretion and 498, 500 ovarian carcinoma, leukokininogen and 97 sensitivity of primary afferent fibers to leukokinin forming enzyme and 96 325 ovariectomy, hamster submandibular gland norethandrolone, kininogen levels and 383 and 515 norgestrel, kininogen level and 382 ovoinhibitor, kallikrein and 191 normetanephrine, bradykinin and brain ovomucin, renin inhibition of 191 concentration of 341 ovomucoid trypsin inhibitor, activation of NRGC, see: nucleus reticularis giganto factor XII and 16 cellularis glandulain and 494 N-IX-tosylarginine methyl ester, see: TAMe human salivary kallikrein and 628 nucleus locus coeruleus, bradykinin and 343 kallikrein-like peptidase and 494 nuclear magnetic resonance, BPTI and 168 kallikrein and 191 bradykinin molecule in solution and 260 kininogen and 164 bradykinin structure and 296 mouse submandibular esteropeptidase SBTI reactive site and 195 and 142 nucleus reticularis giganto cellularis, mouse submaxillary esteroprotease and bradykinin action and 331 142 nylidrine, sensitivity of primary afferent fibers renal kallikrein and 528 to 325 R-esteroprotease and 140 792 Subject Index

ovomucoid trypsin inhibitor, salivain and pancreatic enzymes, hemorrhagic pancreatitis 494 ' and shock 586 ovulation, bradykinin and 385 pancreatic juice, glandular kallikreins and oxidative phosphorylation, release of 103 lysosomal enzyme and 64 pancreatic kallikrein, colostrokinin release oximinopyrazoline, bradykinin synthesis and 279 and 262 control of secretion 491 L-oc-oxy-y-methylbutyric acid, synthesis of diet and content of 490 eledoisin analogs and 620 gland content of 490 oxyphenbutazone, bradykinin action on mitosis in gut and 380 dorsal horn cells and 321 seminal plasma inhibitors and 182 oxytocin, bradykinin and 278 Scopolia inhibitors and 203 1l!I-tyrl-kallidin and bradykinin receptors subcellular distribution of 507 in pregnant cow uterus 289 sucrose density-gradient of 507 toad urinary bladder peptide and 278 pancreatic ornithokallikrein, ornithokinin uterus and trypsin 290 and 279 oxytocic effect of, mouse submaxillary pancreatic secretory inhibitor, essential kallikrein 142 position for kallikrein inhibiton and 167 rat glandular kallikrein and 140 pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, kallikrein III rat kallikrein 142 and 31 pancreatic zymogen granules 504 pachykinins, see: kallidin, Met-Lys• pancreatitis, kallidin and 273 bradykinin kallikrein-kinin system and 637 pain, acetylcholine and 311, 313 spontaneous protamine hydrolyzing ATP and 313 activity and 614 bradykinin and 279, 311, 588 pancreozymin, pancreatic kallikrein secretion analgesic therapy 312 and 491 prostaglandins 318 papain, colostrokinin and 279 serotonin 317 kallikrein and 188, 191 burn shock and free kinins 640 leupeptin and 203 carboxyl end of kinin molecule and 247 papaverine, excitable membrane and crotalid snake venom 253 bradykinin 633 dorsal root ganglionectomy and 311 paper chromatography, estimation of kinins histamine and 311 and 610 kallidin and 311 paper electrophoresis, kallikrein granules kinins and 100,273 and 506 N-extended bradykinin homologs and purity of synthetic peptides and 265 242,244 paradentosis, kallikrein-kinin system and nociceptors and 322 638 potassium chloride and 313 parmidine, allergic myocarditis and 635 serotonin and 311 antikinin action of 633 substance P and 311 parasympathetic nerves, salivary kallikrein sympathectomy and 311 secretion and 495,498 tachykinins and 279 parasympathetic nerve stimulation, kallikrein tryptamine and 313 content and 538 vespulakinins and 276 paravascular pain receptors, bradykinin and pain receptors, cardiovascular pressor phase 322 and 323 pargyline, bradykinin-induced vocalization see also, nociceptors and 338 pancreas, glandular kallikreins and 103 partial specific volume of ocl-antitrypsin 68 kallidin converting aminopeptidase and bovine HMW kininogen 54 468 bovine LMW kininogen 53 kallikrein and 1, 30 bovine prekallikrein 37 kallikrein from autolyzed porcine organ Glu-plasminogen 60 106 guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein kallikrein content in the pig 105 149 vasoactive kinins and 44 human factor XII 14 Subject Index 793

Lys-plasminogen 60 peptide biosynthesis, Xenopus laevis and (X2-macroglobulin 69 281 plasmin 61 peptide hormones, D-alanine replacement porcine pancreatic kallikrein 109 and 241 rabbit prekallikrein 37 peptide hydrolases see: Cathepsin A-E partial prothrombin time, kininogen peptide substrates, kininase II activity and fragment 2 and 27 447,448 partial thrombin time, kinin-free kininogen peptidyl dipeptidase, see: angiotensin I and 26 converting enzyme prekallikrein deficiency and 43 peptidyl dipeptide hydrolase, see: partial thromboplastin time, factor XII a angiotensin I converting enzyme and 18 HMW kininogen deficiency and 572 peptidyl peptidase, see: angiotensin I prekallikrein deficiency and 571 converting enzyme particle electrophoresis, surface charge of perchloric acid, annelida inhibitor and 190 kallikrein granules and 507 snail proteinase inhibitor and 185 parturition, kininase activity and 383 periodic acid-Schiff reagent, see: PAS kinins and 384 peripheral nervous system, kinins and 311 peritonitis, kallikrein-kinin system and 638 PAS, HMW kininogen and 53 permanent inhibition, kallikrein inhibitors PAS staining, human urinary kallikrein and and 167 129 permeability, bradykinin analogs and 240 kallikrein-rich granules and 503 kinins and 631 rat urinary kallikrein and 137 large bradykinin analogs and 243 pathologic conditions, kallikrein-kinin N-extended bradykinin homologs and system and 569, 576, 634 242 kininase I in 433 permeability factor/dilute, see: permeability kininase II and 457 globulin peanuts, plasmin inhibiton and 198 permeability globulin, blood coagulation kallikrein inhibition and 198 and 2 peanut trpysin inhibitor, kallikrein and 35 inhibition of 3 pentamidine, human plasma kallikrein and kallikrein and 5 206 kinin-forming enzyme 3 pentalysine, pancreatic kallikrein and kinin system and 2 hydrolysis of 116 kininogen deficiency and 56 pentobarbital, bradykinin and cortical prekallikrein-kallikrein and 3 activity 333 purification of 3 pentylene tetrazol, brain kininase activity PF/dil, see: permeability globulin and 346 15-PGDH, see: 15-hydroxydehydrogenase brain kininogenase activity and 347 PGE2, see: prostaglandins pepsin, colostrokinin and 279 PGF2a' see: prostaglandins horse urinary kallikrein and 145 PGG2, see: cyclic endoperoxides pepstatin and 97 PGH2, see: cyclic endoperoxides Met-Lys-bradykinin and 273 PGI, see: prostacyclin kinins and 280 PGX, see: prostacyclin salivary kallikreins and 634 pH, bradykinin conformation in solution sea anemone inhibitor and 185 and 261 pepstatin, inhibitor of kinin system 101 bradykinin response and 289 leukokinin forming enzyme and 94, 95, 97 cnidaria proteinase inhibitors and 184 neoplastic disease and 99 cuttle-fish trypsin inhibitor and 188 physicochemical properties of 97 fibrinolytic system and 359 structure of 97 kinin system and 359 uropepsin and 273 lysis of submandibular kallikrein granules peptidase P, see: angiotensin I converting and 506 enzyme rat kidney kallikrein inhibitor and 193 peptide, porcine pancreatic kallikrein and renal kallikrein activation and 529 hydrolysis of 115 stability of kallikrein and 113 794 Subject Index

phagocytosis, release of lysosomal enzymes eledoisin-induced depressor response and and 63 340 pharmacoangiography, bradykinin and 632 salivary kallikrein secretion and 500 pharmacodynamics, kinins arid 631 a-phenyl-fj-acetoxyphenylpropionic acid, see: Phe-Ala-LysCH2 CI, glandular kallikreins tropaphen and 205 phenylalanine heptyl ester, bradykinin pancreatic kallikrein and 119 inhibition and uterus 249 submandibular kallikrein and 122 urinary kallikrein and 123 phenylalanine moiety, of leukokinins 92 Phe-Arg, kininase II inhibition and 459 phenylalanine residue, secondary specificity of porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 117 Phe 16-BPTI 177 o-PheS-bradykinin, catecholamine release phenylbutazone, kinin-induced and 246 bronchoconstriction and 374 pulmonary kininases and 246 phenylephrine, salivary kallikrein secretion o-Phes•8-bradykinin, catecholamine release and 500 and 246 phenyglycine heptyl ester, bradykinin action pulmonary kininases and 246 and uterus 249 o-Phe8-bradykinin, 2-mercaptoethanol and phenylglyoxal, BPTI and 175 246 phenylguanidine, rat urinary kallikrein and Phe9-bradykinin, pulmonary kininases and 139 246 phenyl a-guanidinocaproate p-toluene• pH dependence, of porcine pancreatic sulfate, human plasma kallikrein and 206 kallikrein catalysis 120 phenylisopropyloxycarbonyl group, see: Ppoc Phe-Gly-Phe-Leu-Pro-Ile-Tyr-Arg-Arg-Pro• L-fj-phenyllactic acid, synthesis of eledoisin analogs and 620 Ala-SerNH2 , see: granuliberin R Phe-(a-Me8)"bradykinin, kininase II and 2-phenyl-oxazolinone-5, synthesis of 451 o-hippuryl-L-arginine acid and 616 1,10-phenanthroline, bradykinin action and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, bradykinin 259 radioimmunoassay and 306 bronchopulmonary lavage kinin and 375 inhibition of porcine pancreatic kallikrein carrageenin edema and kinins 368 and 119 granulocyte collagenases and 65 phenylpyruvate, leukokinin forming enzyme transfusion reactions and 593 and 100 plasma kininases and 303, 305, 368 porcine serum kallikrein and 205 phenylquinone, animal pain models and 312 o-phenanthroline, kallidin converting phenyl trans-4-aminomethylcyclohexane aminopeptidase and inhibition 468 carboxylate, human plasma kallikrein kininase II inhibition and 459 and 206 renal kininase and 526 Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg-Ser-Val-Glu, phenobarbital, central nervous bradykinin pancreatic kallikrein and hydrolysis of action and 338 116 phenothiazines, bradykinin-induced pain pheochromocytoma, kallikrein excretion and 314 and 563 phenoxybenzamine, bradykinin action and pH optimum, des-Asp I-angiotensin I and 245 449 duodenal relaxaxation 417 of glandulain 494 pressor response 360 human salivary kallikrein I or II and 628 tachycardia 317 of kallikrein-like peptidase 494 bradykinin analogs and catecholamine kallikrein-PKI complex and 202 release 246 of kininase II, 629, 630 salivary kallikrein secretion and 498 leukokinin forming enzyme and 96 phentolamine, bradykinin and, intestinal neoplastic cell kininogenase and 95 tension 377 of renal kallikrein 528 central cardiovascular respones 340 of salivain 494 pressor responses and 417 phosphates, kininase II inhibition and 459 vasoconstriction 363 phosphodiesterase, cyclic AMP and vocalization 338 thymocyte mitosis 295 Subject Index 795

phosphodiesterase inhibition, sperm motility prostaglandin catabolizing enzymes and and 387 411 phospholipase, insect venoms and 282 plants, protein proteinase inhibitors in 193 phospholipase A, prostaglandin synthesis plasma, kallidin converting aminopeptidase and 404 and 468 phospholipase A2, bradykinin activation of leukokininogen content of 98 319 plasma aldosterone level, captopril and phospholipase inhibition, bradykinin• sodium depletion 465 induced prostaglandin release and 319 hypertension and BPP9• therapy 467 o-phthalic aldehyde, fluorimetric estimation plasma arginine esterase activity, carcinoid of kinase II and 616 flush and 582 kininase II assay and 448 cardiogenic shock and 635 phyllocaerulin, active peptide 282 cystic fibrosis and 594 phyllokinin, amino acid composition of 274 dumping syndrome and 583 biologic activity of 277 endotoxemia and 585 blood pressure and 245 hemodialysis and 593 bradykinin receptors and 238 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 587 Phyllomedusa bicolor, see: phyllomedusin transfusion reactions and 593 phyllomedusa rohdei, see: phyllokinin plasma bradykinin, Bartter's syndrome and phyllomedusin, amino acid composition of 535 279 plasma concentration of, !Xl-antitrypsin 68 content in frog skin 278 bradykinin 273 physalaemin, amino acid composition of factor XI 29 279 factor XII in humans 15 Betz cells and 343 free kinins 611

biologic activity of 278 human !X2 -macroglobulin 69 content in frog skin 278 kininase I 428 nervous action potentials and 324 plasma plasminogen 61 nucleus locus coeruleus activity and 343 pre kallikrein 610 postganglionic responses to 334 and infectious hepatitis 614 spinal cord and 335 plasma dilution, kallikrein and 31 Physalaemus bigilonigerus, see: physalaemin plasma enzymes, as activators of factor XII physical load, kallikrein excretion and 633 22 physiology of, BPTI 181 plasma fibrinolytic system, see: intrinsic earth worm proteinase inhibitors 191 fibrinolytic system rat kidney kallikrein inhibitor 193 plasma kallikrein, Ala-Phe-Lys and 205 sea anemone inhibitor 184 lXI-antitrypsin and 68 snail proteinase inhibitors 188 bradykinin liberation by 273, 280 snake venom inhibitors 190 chicken ovomucoid and 191 pigeon, omithokinin and 279 cystic fibrosis and 594 picolyl ester method, bradykinin synthesis epinephrine and 371 and 262 factor XII activation and 644 picrotoxin, cerebellar kininase activity and glandular kallikrein and comparative 346 studies of 280 pilocarpine, human parotid kallikrein kininase II activity and 456 secretion and 499 HMW kininogen and 40, 98 salivary kallikrein secretion and 495 HMW kininogen fragments and 55 pituitary gland, kininase II activity and 470 as kininogenase 7 PKA, see: prekininogenase activators, leukocyte migration and 591 fragment XII f leukokininogen and 97 PKI-56, see: potato kallikrein inhibitors LMW kininogen and 97 PKI-64, see: potato kallikrein inhibitors myocardial infarction and placenta, bradykinin-induced norepinephrine norepinephrine 634 release and 384 PKI and 202 kininase activity of 643 pregnancy and activity of 384 kininase II activity and 443 rabbit HMW kininogen and specificity of prostaglandins and 403 625 796 Subject Index

plasma kallikrein, shock and 302 sodium diet and glucose infusion 552 transfusion reactions and 593 spironolactone and angiotensin II plasma kallikrein-kinin system, stimulation of kallikrein release 555 interrelationship with blood components urinary kallikrein excretion and 536 and 1 plasma substrates, neutrophil proteases and plasma kininases, bradykinin cleavage and 66 245 plasma thromboplastin antecedent, see: chelating agents and 303 factor XI cobalt ions and 303 plasmin, annelida inhibitors and 190 EDTA and 303,305 iX.-antitrypsin and 68 inhibitors of 303 BPTI and 588 1,1O-phenanthroline and 303, 305 bradykinin and 62 plasma kininogen, endotoxemia and 584 CI-inactivator and 68 liver cirrhosis and 381 clot-promoting activity and 23 plasma kininogen level, coronary occlusion cuttle-fish inhibitors and 185, 189 and 359 earth worm proteinase inhibitors and 191 plasma kinins, aldosterone activity and 537 factor XI and plasminogen 571 angiotensin I activity and 557 factor XII and activation 16, 23, 61 content in man of 302 fibrinolytic system and 56, 59 inflammatory state and 302 fragment XIIf and 4 plasma renin activity and 536 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 587 posture and levels of 535 hereditary angioedema and 580 radioimmunoassays and 307 HMW kininogen and 62 saline infusions and levels of 535 horse plasma kininogens and 625 sodium balance and 302 inhibition of 62 sodium diet and 534 isolation of 59 systemic infection and 302 kallikrein and 39 plasma kinin level, body position and 302, kallikrein antibodies and cross-reaction 535 with 527 captopril and 468 kininase I activity and 431 sodium depletion 465 kininase II activity and 456 clinical factors and 302 kinins and 61, 280 genetic diseases and 302 kinin activation and 359 low salt diet and 302 kininogens and 40 renin-angiotensin system and 302 leupeptin and 203 iXl-antichymotrypsin and 68 iX.-macroglobulin and 68 iXl-antitrypsin and 68 pancreatitis and 638 plasma loss, bum shock and free kinins 640 peanuts and 198 plasma prekallikrein, liver and synthesis of physicochemical properties of 61 638 plasma prekallikrein and 621 plasma proteinase inhibitors 67 iX.-plasmin inhibitor and iX.- plasma renin activity, Bartter's syndrome macroglobulin 70 and 535,558 prekallikrein and 23, 39, 61, 570 black hypertensives and low salt diet 556 purification of 59 bradykinin and 552 Russel's viper venom inhibitors and 185, captopril and 465 190 essential hypertension and 561 Scopolia inhibitors and 203 sodium depletion 560 sea anemone inhibitor and 185 furosemide and low salt diet 554 snail inhibitors and 185 hepatorenal syndrome and 381,576 snake venoms and 190

hypertension and BPPga therapy 467 vasoactive kinins and 44 liver cirrhosis and 575 plasmin-antithrombin III complex 69 mineralocorticoids and 408 plasmin-CI-inactivator complex 69 plasma kinin levels and 536 plasmin-independent fibrinolysis 62 posture and high salt diet 553 iX.-plasmin inhibitor, physicochemical pregnancy and 411, 563 properties of 70 renal blood flow and 553 plasmin and 62 Subject Index 797

(Xl-macroglobulin 70 angiotensin I converting enzyme and 247, plasminogen, activation of 61 450 carbohydrate content of 60 blood pressure and 245, 276 concentration in plasma of 61 histamine release and 276, 418 factor XI and plasmin 571 intestinal assay and 243, 276 fibrinolytic system and 56, 59 kininase II activity and 247, 450 hereditary angioedema and 581 lung passage and 276 identification if 60 pulmonary circulation and 443 isolation of 59 pulmonary kininases and 244, 246 kallikrein and 59 uterotonic action of 276 kaolin and 614 vascular permeability and 244 kininases and 57 wasp venoms and 276 macrophages and 57 polisteskinin R, amino acid composition of methods of simultaneous determination 274 with prekallikrein and prothrombin Polistes rothney see: wasp venoms 613 polyarginine, horse urinary kallikrein and mouse submandibular esteropeptidases 147 and activation of 142 kallikrein and 115 physicochemical properties of 60 polycarboxylates, kininase II inhibition and PMN-Ieukocytes and 57 459 purification of 59 Polychaetae, see: Annelida rabbit urinary kallikrein and activation of polycyclic aromatic amines, bradykinin 149 inhibition and 249 radioimmunoassay and 61 polycythemia vera, kallikrein-kinin system renal allograft rejection and 589 and 589 separation of 11 polyhomoarginine, kallikrein and 115 streptokinase and 57 polylysine, horse urinary kallikrein and 147 trypsin and 57 kallikrein and 115 urokinase and 57 polyomithine, kallikrein and 115 plasminogen activator, see: kallikrein polypeptides, kallikrein and 115 plasminogen deficiency, fibrinolytic activity polypeptide chains, of porcine pancreatic and 62 kallikrein 111 plasminogen proactivator, see: prekallikrein polyphloretin phosphate, bradykinin-induced plasminogen-streptokinase complex 61 vasoconstriction and 363 plastic surfaces, rat urinary kallikrein and prostaglandin antagonism of 321 137 polyvalent proteinase inhibitor of bovine platelets, coagulation and renal allograft organs, see: BPTI rejection 589 porcine blood, elastases as proteases 64 bradykinin and serotonin uptake 420 porcine glandular kallikreins 105 dengue hemorrhagic fever and 573 blood pressure and 122 hyperlipoproteinemia and 590 inhibition spectra of BPTI and 178 typhoid fever and 594 relationships of 123 platelet activating factor, allergic reaction of time-dependence of activity 104, 124 99 porcine kallikrein, sperm motility and 386 platelet aggregation, parmidine and 633 porcine pancreas, kallikrein content of 105 prostacyclin and 322 porcine pancreatic kallikrein 106, 124 prostaglandins and 401 active-site directed reagents and 119 platelet factor 4, hemodialysis and 593 Ala-Leu-LysCHlCl and 205 PMN cells, human neutrophil kininogenase amino acid composition of 110, 111 and 99 amino acid esters and 113 pneumonia, kallikrein-kinin system and 643 annelida inhibitors and 190 Polistes annularis Linnaeus, see: wasp aromatic diamidines and 206 venoms binding of substrate 113 Polistes exclamans Viereck, see: wasp venoms BPTI and 172 Polistes fuscatus Lepeletier, see: wasp venoms bradykinin and 115 polisteskinin, amino acid composition of carbohydrate composition of 110, 111 274,276 chymotrypsin and 204 798 Subject Index

porcine pancreatic kallikrein, cleavage site of Ala-Leu-LysCH2 Cl and 205 112 catalytic properties of 123

crystallization of 108 Gly-Val-ArgCH2Cl and 205 cuttle-fish inhibitor and 187, 189 isolation of 123 DFP and 204 molecular aspects of 123

earth worm inhibitors and 191 Tos-LysCH2 Cl and 204 forms of 123 portal cirrhosis, see: liver cirrhosis

Gly-Val-ArgCH2Cl and 205 portal vascular resistance, bradykinin and heterogeneity of 108 378 human inter-IX-trypsin inhibitor and 115 portal veins, pseudoaffective response and hydrolysis of, nonpeptide amides of 314 arginine and 118 position P' 2 and P' 24' complex binding with synthetic peptides and 116 kallikrein 167 immunological identity of various forms position 8, side chain structure and kininase 123 activity 620 isolation of 106 postganglionic nerves, kinins and 333 kallidin and bovine kininogen 115 postganglionic sympathetic denervation, kinetic constants for hydrolysis 113, 114 submandibular kallikrein content and low molecular weight reversible inhibitors 511 and activators of 118 postgastrectomy dumping syndrome, see: mechanisms of catalysis and 120 dumping syndrome metal ions and 118,207 posture, plasma kinin level and 535 method of standardization 105 renin-angiotensin system and kallikrein• molecular weight of 109 kinin system 536 nature of leaving group and peptide saline infusion and bradykinin level 552 hydrolysis 117 potassium, Bartter's syndrome and 558, 559 optical properties of 109 chorda tympani nerve stimulation and peptide hydrolysis and 115 516 PKI and 202 familial urinary kallikrein concentration polypeptide chains composition and III and 558 polypeptide end groups of 111 potassium chloride, afferent spinal pathways procollagenase and 115 and 330 protein hydrolysis and 115 animal pain models and 313 sea anemone inhibitor and 184 bradykinin dose-response curve and urea secondary specificity of 117 289 snail isoinhibitors and 186 cardiovascular reflexes and 316 stability of 113 prostaglandins 318

Tos-LysCH2 Cl and 204 sensitivity of primary afferent nerve fibers trypsin and 204 to 325 viper venom inhibitors and 187 potassium excretion, anti bradykinin serum porcine pancreatic kallikrein B' 106 and kidney 532 porcine pancreatic prekallikrein 105 bradykinin and 420 porcine plasma, purification of kallikrein 31 potassium intake, urinary kallikrein excretion porcine plasmin, BPTI and 172 and 534 porcine serum kallikrein, aromatic synthetic potassium ions, bradykinin-induced vascular substrates and 205 responses and 361 snail isoinhibitors and 186 horse urinary kallikrein and 145 porcine submandibular kallikrein 120, 124 salivary kallikrein secretion and 501

Ala-Leu-LysCH2 Cl and 205 stability of kallikrein granules and 506 amino acid composition of 121 potatoes, proteinase inhibitors of 200 BPTI and 494 potato kallikrein inhibitors, properties of catalytic properties of 121 202

Gly-Val-ArgCH2Cl and 205 Ppoc amino acids, bradykinin synthesis and isolation of 120 263 molecular aspects of 120 P-receptors, see: pain receptors Tos-LysCH2 Cl and 204 preeclampsia, kallikrein-kinin system and porcine urinary kallikrein 123, 124 643 Subject Index 799

preganglionic stimulation, bradykinin• methods of simultaneous determination induced ganglion action and 333 with plasminogen and prothrombin preganglionic parasympathetic denervation, 613 submandibular kallikrein content and myocardial infarction and 359, 588 511 nephrotic syndrome and 595 pregnancy, bradykinin and 411 pancreatitis and 638 kallikrein-kinin system and 643 PF/dil and activation of 3 kallikrein excretion and 563 plasma content of 610 kininase activity and 383 physicochemical properties of 35 plasma kininogen level and 382 plasma prealbumin anionic components prostaglandins and 409 and 570 prostaglandin systhetase and 412 plasmin and 23,61 umbilical blood vessels and prostaglandin polycythemia vera and 589 synthesis 412 proteolysis and activation of 37 purification of 30 pregnant cow, uterine myometrium and renal allograft rejection and 589 bradykinin receptors 289 separation of 11 prekallikrein, activation of 37, 57 septic shock and 585 acute myocardial ischemia and 634 shock and 302 allergic myocarditis and 635 stability and temperature 34 anginal attack after pacing stress test and substrate of factor XII 28 588 systemic infection and 302 assays of 39 tachyarrhythmia and 588 burn shock and 612,639 tissue-damaging disease and 302 carcinoid syndrome and 582 transfusion reactions and 593 chronic hepatitis and 638 trypsin and 23, 106 IX-chymotrypsin and 106 tryptic activation of 124 ciproheptadin and 632 typhoid fever and 594 complexing in plasma 40 ulcerative colitis and activity of 381 congestive heart failure and 588 viral hepatitis and 638 cystic fibrosis and 594 prekallikrein A, porcine pancreas and 124 deficiency of 43 prekallikrein B, porcine pancreas and 105, dengue hemorrhagic fever and 573 124 DIe and 589 prekallikrein activator, activation of factor dumping syndrome and 583 XII and 16 endotoxemia and 585 prekallikrein complexes, estimation of 612 estimation methods for human plasma prekallikrein deficiency, 571 611 coagulation and 302 factor XIIa and 18 fibrinolysis and 302 fatty hepatitis and 638 kinin formation and 302 fragment XIIf and activation of kallikrein plasminogen activator and 58 20 prekallikrein-HMW kininogen complex, 40, generation of PF/dil and 6 573 heart block and 588 prekinogenase activator, see also: fragment hemodialysis and 593 XIIf hepatorenal syndrome and 381 activation of factor XII and 16 hereditary angioedema and 580 primary afferent fibers, neurophysiologic hyperlipoproteinemia and 590 studies with bradykinin 323 hypertension and plasma content of 636 primary aldosteronism, spironolactone and identification of 35 540 ' inflammatory disease state and 302 primary hyperaldosteronism, kallikrein isolation of 30 excretion and 539, 551, 560, 562 kallikrein and 490 high salt diet 558 levels and HMW kininogen deficiency [prol-14C] bradykinin, kininase II activity 573 and 440 liver diseases and 381, 573, 575, 612, 638 n-Prol-bradykinin, 2-mercaptoethanol and low sodium diet and saline infusion 552 246 800 Subject Index

D-Pr03-bradykinin, activity of 238 human prekallikrein 35 2-mercaptoethanol and 246 kininase I 431 D-Pro7-bradykinin, agiotensin I converting kininase II 452, 629, 630 enzyme and 247 LMW kininogen 52 BAL and 259 leukokinins 92 BPP Sa and 252 leukokinin forming enzyme 94 ileum assay and chlorambucil 1- leukokininogen 97 bradykinin 258 (X2-macroglobulin 69 kininase II cleavage and 450 mouse submaxillary esterases 141 pulmonary kininases and 246 natural kallikrein inhibitors 620 procaine, central nervous bradykinin action neoplastic cell kininogenase 95 and 338 neutrophil aminopeptidase 66 excitable membrane and bradykinin 633 plasmin 61 procamine, bee venom and 282 (X2-plasmin inhibitor 70 procollagenase, porcine pancreatic kallikrein rabbit factor XII 15 and 115 rabbit kininogens 623 profibrinolysin, see: plasminogen rabbit urinary kallikrein 146 proflavin, chymotrypsin and BPTI 179 rat kidney kallikrein inhibitor 193 chymotrypsin-BPTI-complex and 166 rat pancreatic kallikrein 134 progesterone, 15-PGDH activity and 411 rat submandibular kallikrein 134 plasma kininogen level and 382 receptors 288 proleukokininogen, neoplastic disease and renal kallikrein 528 98 Russel's viper venom inhibitor fraction II prolidase, see: imidopeptidase 190 proline, active site of angiotensin I converting snail kallikrein inhibitor 186 enzyme and 259 Pro-Phe-Arg-Ser-Val-GIn, pancreatic C-terminal and kininase II inhibition 630 kallikrein and hydrolysis of 116 proline residues, biologic potency of, propionyl-Leu-Leu-argininal, see: leupeptin bradykinin and 238 propranolol, bradykinin and central bradykinin analogs and 237,239 cardiovascular responses 340 prolylcarboxypeptidase, brain and 438 duodenal relaxation 417 pronase, horse urinary kallikrein and 145 tachycardia 317, 360 kininase II and glycoprotein release 486 vascular protein efflux 367 propauridine, human plasma kallikrein and vocalization 338 206 eledoisin-induced depressor response and properties of, annelida inhibitors' 190 340 (XI-antichymotrypsin 68 plasma renin activity in Bartter's syndrome antithrombin III 69 and 558 (XI-antitrypsin 68 salivary kallikrein secretion and 498, 500 bovine factor XII 15 prostacyclin, anti-inflammatory agents and BPTI 168 322 cat submaxillary kallikrein 144 bradykinin and, release of 248 CT -inactivator 69 vascular permeability 322 cnidaria proteinase inhibitors 184 platelet aggregation and 322, 401 cuttle-fish proteinase inhibitors 189 prostaglandins, acetycholine and release of factor XI 29 319 fragment XIIf 20 aldosterone and 539 granulocyte collagenases 65 algesic action of 317 guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein anti-inflammatory agents and 320 146 aspirin and synthesis of 320 guinea pig factor XII 15 Bartter's syndrome and excretion of 538 horse urinary kallikrein 145 blood pressure regulation and 644 HMW kininogen 52 BPTI and synthesis of 407 human factor XII 14 bradykinin receptors and 294 human neutrophil kininogenase 99 bradykinin and 317,335,401 human plasma kallikrein 620 bronchoconstriction 374 human plasminogen 60 myometrial contraction 385 Subject Index 801

pulmonary circulation 373 bradykinin action on gut and 243 release of 318, 465 prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors, see: anti• sensitivity to afferent nerve fibers 325 inflammatory agents, nonsteroidal agents sodium excretion 532 prostaglandin synthesis, aspirin and 100 vascular responses 361 inhibition and Bartter's syndrome 538 cantharidin blister area and 317 pregnant uterus and 410 circulatory action of 405 release of vasoactive substances and 411, desoxycorticosterone and 539 415 ductus arteriosus and 364, 412 prostigmine, kallikrein and 491 dumping syndrome and' 583 prostate carcinoma, DIe and kallikrein glucose uptake and bradykinin 371 level 589 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and shock 586 protamine sulfate, arginine esterase activity hepatic arterial resistance and 378 and cystic fibrosis 594 hypertension disease of pregnancy and contact kallikrein and 623 411 factor XIIa and 3 intestine and kinin response 380 human salivary kallikreins and 628 isolated blood vessels and 408 kallikrein inhibitors and 613 kallidin and synthesis of 407 streptokinase-activated plasma and 614 kallikrein-kinin system and 193 protein, porcine pancreatic kallikrein and kallikrein release and, angiotensin 555 hydrolysis of 115 norepinephrine 559 protein content, salivary glands and kidney and 403, 404 autonomic nerve stimulation 498 vasopressin 538 protein deficiency, lack of kinin formation kinins and 100 569 lung and inactivation of 403, 644 protein disulfide isomerase, SBTI structure nervous action potentials and 324 and 195 nonsteroidal agents and synthesis of 320 proteinases, androgen dependence of 514 pain and 312 activation of factor XII and 15 pregnant uterus and 409 inhibition and kallikrein of species 494 proteolytic enzymes and 290 neutrophil leukocyte Iysosomes and 64 radioimmunoassay and bradykinin purified and activity of 438 action 319 proteinase inhibitors, cnidaria and 184 rat paw edema and 368 factor XII purification and 11 renal kallikrein-kinin system and 538 inhibition of factor XII and 30 renal kinins and 557 kallikrein and 43 renin secretion and 559 plants and 193 salt-water homeostasis and snail albumin glands and 187 mineralocorticoids 408 proteoglycans, granulocyte collagenases sperm motility and 387 and 65 structure of 402 proteolysis, activation of human prekallikrein substance P and 319 and 37 sympathetic nerve system stimulation and glandular kallikreins and 152

538 kallikrein and cx2-macroglobulin 42 umbilical blood vessels and 412 proteolytic enzymes, bradykinin action and uterine blood flow and 384 259 uteroplacental complex and 403 indomethacin and 290 vasodilation and permeability 369 Proteroglypha, see: Reptilia prostaglandin excretion, renin-angiotensin prothrombin, factor XII purification and 11 system and 408 methods of simultaneous determination prostaglandin E9-ketoreductase, bradykinin with prekallikrein and plasminogen and 294 613 prostaglandin antagonists, bradykinin• prothrombin time, alcoholic liver disease induced effects and 319 and 574 prostaglandin release, BPTI and 181 proton exchange rate of, BPTI 170 bradykinin-induced, and inhibition of SBTI 195 249, 320 proton magnetic resonance, bradykinin mepacrine 404 molecule in solution and 260 802 Subject Index

proximal tubules, BPP 98 and kininase II human pancreatic kallikrein 125 inhibition 462 human IX-kininogenase 620 proximale tubules, kininase II localization human urinary kallikrein 130 in 557 human plasma kallikrein 31 kininase II activity and 273, 444, 470 human plasma prekallikrein 31 renal kallikrein content and 530 kallikrein 30 Pseudemys scripta elegans, see: turtle plasma kallikrein from autolyzed porcine pseudoaffective vascular response, pancreas 106 bradykinin and 314 natural kallikrein inhibitors 164 pseudoglobulin fraction, human prekallikrein kininase I 428 and 40 kininase II 453, 630 pseudopregnancy, kininogen levels and 382 kinin-forming enzymes and pseudotrypsin, BPTI and 175 radioimmunoassays 307 pulmonary circulation, angiotensin I y-kininogenase 620 conversion and 440 kininogens 44 BPP98 and 462 leukokininogen 97 kinins and 373 LMW kininogen 44 pulmonary edema, kinins and 373 PFjdil 3 pulmonary embolism, factor XII deficiency plasmin 59 and 569 plasminogen 59 pulmonary endothelium, kininase II activity porcine pancreatic kallikrein 106 and 469 porcine prekallikrein B 105 pulmonary function, kinins and 372 porcine submandibular kallikrein 120, pulmonary kininases, angiotensin II and 246 121 bradykinin analogs and 240, 245 porcine urinary kallikrein 123 bradykinin cleavage and 244 prekallikrein 30 bradykinin inactivation and 236,631 rabbit kininogens 51, 623 bradykinin-potentiating pep tides and 252 rabbit prekallikrein 33, 35 Gly-Arg-Met-Lys-bradykinin and 244 rat urinary kallikrein 137 inhibition of 246 soybean trypsin inhibitor 193 Lys-Lys-bradykinin and 244 synthetic pep tides 265 metal chelating agents and 246 puromycin, kallidin converting phyllokinin inactivation and 238 aminopeptidase and 468 polisteskinin and 244 putative kinins 278 species and activity of 247 pyridinolcarbamate, see: parmidine pulmonary neoplasia, kininase II activity 2,6-pyridinmethan-bis-N-methylcarbamate, and 458 see: parmidine pulmonary secretion, kinins and 375 pyrilamine, bradykinin-induced central pulmonary vasculature, bradykinin and 364 cardiovascular responses and 340 Puppillidae, see: Gastropoda pyroglutamine acid residue, of bradykinin• puppies, animal pain model and 314 potentiating peptides 250 PTA, see: factor XI PZ, see: pancreozymin PTT, see: partial thromboplastin time purification of, animal kallikrein 34 quartz, activator of factor XII and 22 animal prekallikrein 34 plasma coagulation and 8 antithrombin III 69 quinacrine, bradykinin-induced bovine colostrokinin 279 prostaglandin release and 319 bovine kininogens 50 QX-572, excitable membrane and BPTI analogs 177 bradykinin 633 cat submandibular kallikrein 511 cat submaxillary kallikrein 144 rabbit aorta, bradykinin receptors and 249 dog pancreatic kallikrein 144 rabbit kininogens, specificity of kallikrein as factor XI 28 substrates 625 factor XII 8 rabbit plasma, molecular changes of activated guinea pig submadibular kallikrein 512 prekallikrein 38 HMW kininogen 46 physicochemical properties of horse urinary kallikrein 145 prekallikrein 37 Subject Index 803

properties of factor XII 15 comparison of 139 purification of, factor XII 14 identity of protein portions 140 kininogens 51, 623 inhibition spectra of BPTI and 178 prekallikrein 33, 35 rat kidney tubule kallikrein-specific rabbit plasma kallikrein, biochemistry of inhibitor 193 620 rat mandibular kallikrein, blood pressure constant activation of 622 and 494, 508 TLCK and 622 caseinolysis and 494, 508 rabbit plasma prekallikrein, factor XII and oxytocic activity of 494, 508 622 rat pancreatic kallikrein 133 rabbit submandibular kallikrein, granules amino acid composition of 135 and 506 isolation of 133, 134 inhibition spectrum of BPTI and 178 metal ions and 207 rabbit urinary kallikrein 149 rat submandibular kallikrein 135 race, hypertension and, kallikrein-renin cellular localization of 508 interrelations 553 fractions of 135 low salt diet-induced kallikrein granules and 506 excretion 555 isolation of 134 renal blood flow in low salt diet 556 sucrose density-gradient of 503 kallikrein excretion and 557 Tos-LysCH2Cl and 204 radial immunodiffusion, concentration of, rat submaxillary gland, kallikrein and 192 factor XII and 15 rat urinary kallikrein 136 plasmin 61 amino acid composition of 135 radioactive ligands, bradykinin receptors catalytic properties of 137 and 288 fractions of 137 radioimmunoassay, bradykinin and 301 isolation of 136, 138 bradykinin-like substance in pulmonary molecular aspects of 136 lavage fluid 375 specific activity of 138 concentration of human factor XII and Tos-LysCH 2 Cl and 205 15 ratezone centrifugation, kallikrein granules determination of kallikrein inhibitors and identification and 504 164 y-rays, see irradiation endogenous kinins and 527 RCS, bradykinin and release of 247 kallidin and 307 reactive site of, BPTI 171, 172 kallikrein and 39 and synthesis of models 176 two-kidney renal hypertension 541 cnidaria proteinase inhibitors 184 kininase II and 457 cuttle-fish proteinase inhibitos 189 Met-Lys-bradykinin and 307 kallikrein inhibitors 166 plasminogen concentration and 61 peanut inhibitors 201 prostaglandin release and bradykinin 319 potato inhibitors 201 urinary kallikrein and 526, 549 SBTI 195 Raman spectroscopy, BPTI and 168 snail inhibitor 186 carboxyimidomethyl inhibitor 169 receptors, properties of 288 Rana catesbeiana, see: nonmammalian receptor binding, of bradykinin 236 kallikrein-kinin system and arginine residue 238 ranakinin N, activity of 277 receptor models of, bradykinin receptors amino acid composition of 274 296 ranakinin R, activity of 277 reflex hypotension, bradykinin-induced and amino acid composition of 274 asynchronous action potentials 323 Rana nigromaculata, see: VaP-Thr6- Reid trait, see: kininogen deficiency bradykinin renal allograft rejection, kallikrein-kinin Rana pipiens, see: bradykinin content system and 589 Rana rugosa, see: granuliberin R, ranakinin renal aminopeptidase, bradykinin and 273 R, Thr6-bradykinin renal artery occlusion, hypertension and renal Rana temporaria, see: bradykinin content kallikrein-kinin system 540 ranatensin, bombesin-like peptide 282 renal artery stenosis, kallikrein excretion rat glandular kallikreins 133 and 562 804 Subject Index renal artery stenosis, renal function and 533 origin of 528 renin release and 552 parenteral sodium intake and 552 renal artery unclamping, kallikrein excretion pheochromocytoma and 563 and 540 primary hyperaldosteronism and 562 renal blood flow, angiotensin III and BPPga prostaglandins and 538 487 radioimmunoassay and 526 black hypertensives and plasma renin regulation of blood volume 549 activity 556 renal hemodynamics and 532 bradykinin and 531 renal lymph and 552 BPP g8 462, 532, 533 renovascular hypertension and 562 prostaglandin release 405 sodium excretion and 551,634 renal allograft transplantation 590 sodium-retaining steroids and 554 diuretics and kallikrein excretion 540 renal kallikrein-kinin system, hypertension essential hypertension and 561 and 637 hemorrhagic shock and BPPg. 463 water excretion and urinary osmolliity hypertension and kallikrein excretion 637 557 indomethacin and 408 renal kininase, inhibiton of 526 kallikrein excretion and 553 renal kinins, prostaglandin release and 539 renin-angiotensin system and 532 renal medulla, prostaglandin synthesis and spironolactone and kallikrein excretion 404 555 renal plasma flow, captopril and sodium renal cortex, BPTI distribution and 181 depletion 465 kallikrein content and 530 renal tissue, bradykinin and prostaglandin prostaglandin synthesis and 405 release 294 renal failure, kallikrein excretion and 562 renal vascular resistance, kallikrein excretion liver cirrhosis and plasma bradykinin 575 renal function, antibradykinin serum and and 551,553 532 renin, androgen dependence of 515 endogenous kallikrein-kinin system and angiotensin I release and 439 534 blood pressure regulation and BPPg. 465 kallikreins and 531 castration and activity of 514 kinins and 531 cellular localization of 515 renovascular hypertension and 562 endogenous renal kallikrein-kinin system renal hemodynamics, kallikrein and 532 and 536 renal hypertension, SQ 14,225 and 260 kininase II and 439 urinary kallikrein and 536 ovomucin and inhibition of 191 renal hypertensive rats, plasma kininogen pepstatin and 97 level and 541 subcellular distribution of 504 renal kallikreins 525 substance P and 540 acute hypertension in man and 550 sucrose density-gradient of 504 acute sodium deficiency and 554 testosterone and dependence of 514 aldosterone-secreting tumors and 560 renin-angiotensin system, BPPg• and 533 Bartter's syndrome and 558 crotalid snake venom and block of 253 bioassays and 525 hepatorenal syndrome and 382 biochemical characteristics of 527 kininase II and regulation of blood catecholamines and 537 pressure 630 chronic hypertension and 560 kininase II inhibitors and 461 distale tubules and kininogens 470 liver cirrhosis and 575 esterase assay and 527 plasma kinin level and 302 extracellular fluid volume and 551 renal function and 532 hypertensive pregnancy and 563 renal kallikrein-kinin system and 536 localization of 530 shock and 463 lymph content and 531 urinary prostaglandin excretion and 408 membrane-bound ectoenzyme 530 renovascular hypertension, BPP•• and 462 methods of assays 525 BPPga and 463,465,487 normotensive pregnancy and 563 kallikrein excretion and 562, 637 oral sodium intake and 551 urinary kallikrein and 536 Subject Index 805 renovascular hypertensive rat models, renal gastric glands and 634 kallikrein-kinin system and 540 gland content of 492 reproductive system, kallikrein-kinin system mucosal control of secretion 495, 498 and 470 physiologic function of 634 kininase II activity and 446 PKI and 202 kinins and 382 ulcer diseases and 638 kininogenases and 518 sympathetic nerve stimulation and 538 Reptilia, kallikrein inhibitors in 189 salmine, horse urinary kallikrein and 147 reserpine, bradykinin and tooth pulp kallikrein and 115 stimulation 339 kininase I and 433 bradykinin-induced duodenal relaxation Salmo gairdnerii, see: nonmammalian and 377 kallikrein-kinin system bradykinin-induced vocalization and 338 Salmonella typhi, see: typhoid fever norepinephrine and behavioral activity salt diet, glucose and kallikrein excretion 344 552 respiration, algesic agents and 316 salt intake, BPP 9' action and 462 bradykinin and 359, 360 salt-water homeostasis, mineralocorticoids central nervous bradykinin action and and kinins 408 338 Sari-AlaS-angiotensin II, antihypertensive retina, kininase II activity and 443 therapy and 465 R-esteroprotease, hydrolytic activity of 140 kininase II inhibition and 459 identity with mouse submandibular saralasin, see: Sari-AlaS-angiotensin II esteropeptidase C 142 sarcoidosis, kininase II activity and 458, retro bradykinin, receptor interaction and 469,486 242 lymph nodes 446 rheumatism, kallikrein-kinin system and steroid treatment 486 637 SBTI, see: soybean trypsin inhibitor rheumatoid arthritis, kininogen levels and Scopolia japonica, proteinase inhibitors of 595 203 rheumatoid joints, bradykinin release and sea anemones, enzyme inhibition and 185 311 trypsin-kallikrein inhibition and 184 ring proton resonance, BPTI and 169 secapin, bee venom and 282 rodents, salivary kallikrein esterase activity secondary specificity, glandular kallikreins of 627 and 153 trypsin-like esteroproteases in 494 secretin, hepatic arterial resistance and 378 rubidium ions, horse urinary kallikrein and kallikrein output and 491 145 secretion, lysosomal enzyme release as 63 Russel's viper venom, amino acid sequence of sedimentation coefficient of, eel-anti- inhibitor 183, 190 chymotrypsin 68 kallikrein inhibition of 528 antithrombin III 69 eel-antitrypsin 68 Sabellastarte indica, see: Annelida bovine HMW kininogen 54 salicylates, release of lysosomal enzymes bovine LMW kininogen 53 and 64 CI-inactivator 69 saline infusions, plasma kinin levels and 535 esterase-like enzyme 65 saliva, glandular kallikreins and 103 fragment XIIf 20 salivain, casein and 136 Glu-plasminogen 60 kininogenase activity of 494 granulocyte collagenases 65 paradentosis and 638 human factor XII 14 submandibular esteroprotease 494 human HMW kininogen 53 salivary glands, glandular kallikreins and human kallikrein 31 103 human LMW kininogen 53 tachykinins and 278 human neutrophil kininogenase 99 salivary kallikrein, adrenoceptor-mediated human prekallikrein 35 secretion of 498 Lys-plasminogen 60 colostrokinin release and 279 ee,-macroglobulin 69 control of secretion 495 mouse esteroprotease 142 806 Subject Index sedimentation coefficient of, PFjdil 3 cantharidin blister area and plasmin 61 tachyphylaxis 324 1l2-plasmin inhibitor 70 carcinoid sdyndrome and 418 potato kallikrein inhibitors PKI 202 carcinoid tumors and 581 rabbit kininogens 52 cardiovascular reflexes and 316 rabbit prekallikrein 37 prostaglandins 318 sedimentation properties, pancreatic cat jejunum insensitivity to 611 kallikrein granules and 507 ciproheptadin and inhibition of 632 submandibular kallikrein granules and dorsal horn cells and 329 504 dumping syndrome and 418, 583, 584 seizures, insulin-induced and kinins 343 EDT A and plasma kallikrein system 418 seminal plasma, kininase II activity and hepatic arterial resistance and 378 fertilization 470 insect venoms and 282 seminal plasma inhibitor, essential position intestinal endocrine cells and 581 for kallikrein inhibition and 167 '2SI-tyr'-kallidin and bradykinin receptors sensitivity of afferent nerve fibers to, in pregnant cow uterus 289 bradykinin 324 kininase I activity and tourniquet shock histamine 325 433 norepinephrine 325 kinins and release of 418 nylidrine 325 lungs and inactivation of 644 potassium chloride 325 morphine and cervical ganglion 333 serotonin 324, 325 pain and 311 sepsis, kinin radioimmunoassay and 307 patelet aggregation and parmidine 633 septic shock, kallikrein-kinin system and rat paw edema and kininogen level 368 584 sensitivity of afferent nerve fibers to 324 -kininase I activity and 434 thermal injury and 590 serine, carboxyl terminal of porcine vascular permeability and 631 pancreatic kallikrein and III inhibition of 249 catalytic active location of porcine serotonin antagonists, carcinoid syndrome pancreatic kallikrein 120 and 419 kallikrein and 112 serotonin response, neuraminidase and Edman degradation 115 EDTA 290 serine proteases, acyl enzyme mechanism of Sertoli cells, kallikrein and function of 385 152 serum, LMW kininogen and 52 catalytic active system of 120 serum kallikrein, BPTI and 198 dihydrocoumarine derivatives and 119 cuttle-fish inhibitor ane 187 disulfide bridges and 132 inhibition spectra of BPTI and 179 inhibition by, chloromethyl ketone reaction site of snail inhibitor K and 186 derivatives 151 SBTI and 198 DFP 151 viper venom inhibitors and 187 p-kallikrein B and III sex, bradykinin action on guinea pig ileum pancreatic type and glandular kallikreins and 293 150 hamster submandibular kallikrein-like specific action of DFP 204 esteroproteases and 515 structure stabilization of 112 human salivary kallikrein and 499 serine residues, bradykinin and receptor kininase II activity and 458 interactions 241 kininogen level and 383 Ser-Leu-Met-Lys-bradykinin, bovine LMW proteases and 514 kininogen and 275 submandibular kallikrein content and kallikrein and release of 116 514 serotonin, afferent spinal pathways and 330 uropepsin content and 273 allergic disorders and 592 sex hormones, kinins and 382 bradykinin and, cardiovascular reflexes shock, CI-inactivator level and 302 316 crotalid snake venom and 253 pain 591 dengue hemorrhagic fever and 573 release of 419 free active kallikrein level and 302 brain level and bradykinin 342 kininase I activity and 433 Subject Index 807

kinin action and hepatic circulation 379 snail proteinase inhibitor, amino acid kinin radioimmunoassay and 307 sequence of 183 plasma kinin level and 302 snake venoms, angiotensin I conversion and pre kallikrein level and 302 277, 460 shock lung, kininase II activity and 458 BPP sa and identity with 629 shock syndrome, kallikrein-kinin system bradykinin and 462 and 584 response potentiation 291 sialic acid content, kallikrein and species 111 bradykinin cleavage and 460 of kininase I 431 bradykinin-induced organ responses and of kininase II 456 459 of porcine pancreatic kallikrein 108 bradykinin-potentiating peptides and 249 sialic acid-free kallikrein, stability of 113 glandular kallikreins and 103 sialogastron, gastric glands and 634 horse plasma kininogens and 625 sialotonin, pilocarpine and secretion of 495 hydrolysis of LMW kininogen and 55 side-chain, bradykinin analogs and 237 inhibition spectrum of 190 Sigma preparation II - 0, see: egg white kallikrein inhibition and 189 kallikrein inhibition kininase II activity and 460, 630 si1azanoaerosil, plasma prekallikreins and vasodilation and 1 622 sodium, bradykinin and intestinal tension skeletal muscle, bradykinin release and 377 ischemia of 311 sodium absorption, bradykinin and gut 470 skin, excretion of, kallikrein inhibitor 189 sodium balance, kinin radioimmunoassay snail kallikrein inhibitor 188 and 307 skin edema, hereditary angioedema and 576 plasma kinin level and 302 skin temperature, dumping syndrome and renal kallikrein-kinin system and 534 583 sodium borohydride, BPTI and 172 slow plasmin inhibitor 62 kallikrein stability and 113 slow-reacting substances, allergic disorders sodium chloride, activity of porcine and 592 pancreatic kallikrein and 118 slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis, sodium depletion, BPP9a and 533 leukocytes and 99 captopril and urinary sodium excretion mast cells and 100 465 small intestine, content of kininase II 379 essential hypertension and kallikrein smooth muscle, all-n-bradykinin and 242 excretion 560 bradykinin and 279, 632 kallikrein excretion and 404 bradykinin-potentiating peptides and 252 plasma kinin level and 302 colostrokinin and 276 renal kallikrein and 554 esterase A and 136 sodium-retaining steroids and kallikrein Gly-Arg-Met-Lys-bradykinin and 367 excretion 554 kininogen fragments and 27 sodium dodecyl sulfate, kininase II molecular kinins and 273, 377 weight and 456 1eukokinins and 93 sodium excretion, angiotensin and 551

Met-Lys-bradykinin and 367 BPP9a and 532 phyllokinin and 277 bradykinin and 420 polycyclic aromatic amines and bradykinin hypertension and renal kallikrein-kinin inhibition 249 system 637 ranakinins and 277 kinins and 531 renal kallikrein and 525 physical load and kallikrein excretion 634 retro-bradykinin and 242 renal artery constriction and 534 tachykinins and 279 sodium diet and kallikrein-kinin system urinary kallikrein and 525 534 wasp venoms and 275 sodium ions, horse urinary kallikrein and snail, Arg,s-BPTI and 173 145 differentiation of kallikrein inhibitor and sodium loading, kallikrein excretion and proteinase inhibitors 187 552 isoinhibitors in 185 sodium metabolism, renal kinin and kallikrein and 185 angiotensin action on 470 808 Subject Index sodium-retaining steroids, kallikrein reactive site of 195 excretion and 535,562 renal kallikrein and 528 escape from effects 554 R-esteroprotease and 140 renal kallikrein release and 554 structure of 194 renal kallikrein-kinin system and 539 three-dimensional structure of 196 sodium salicylate, epinephrine-induced trypsin and 68 kininogen consumption and 371 urinary kallikrein and 528 sodium status, kallikrein excretion and 551 vascular permeability and 3 sodium transport, bradykinin and 380 soybean trypsin inhibitor - lXI-antitrypsin Solanacea, kallikrein inhibitors in 200 complex 68 solid phase activation, of factor XII 15 species, active centers of plasma kallikrein solid phase synthesis of, bradykinin and and 622 related peptides 263 aspirin and renal bradykinin effects 408 bradykinin-potentiating peptides 264 BAEe esterase activity and 627 solute-free water, bradykinin and excretion BAEe versus TAMe hydrolysis and 153 of 405 bicarbonate secretion and vagal solution synthesis of, bradykinin and related stimulation 491 pep tides 262 bradykinin and, blood pressure 244 solvents, bradykinin molecule and 296 bronchoconstriction 374 sources of, leukokinins 92 cardiovascular reflex responses 315 leukokinin forming enzyme 94 effect on vessels 357 leukokininogen 97 bradykinin antibodies and 304 soybean trypsin inhibitor, amino acid carbohydrate-free intracellular kallikrein sequence of 194 inhibitor and 168 angioedema permeability peptide and 580 cardiac nerves and kinins 359 assay of glandular kallikreins and 104 catecholamine-induced bradykinin release basophil kallikrein and 99 and 417 bovine kallikrein and 34 dorsal horns and nociceptive input 326 bovine spleen kininogenase and 629 exocrine gland kallikreins and 490 complex formation of 195, 196 glandular kallikreins and 140 contact prekallikrein and 613 inhibition spectra of BPTI 178 deuterium exchange of 195 glandular tissues and kallikrein content kallikrein inhibition and 198 489 dissociation constant of 621 identity of various glandular kallikreins elastase-like enzyme and 65 150 epinephrine-induced pulmonary edema kallikreins and proteinase inhibitors 494 and 374 kallikrein content and 627 esterase A and 136 kallikrein granules and 506 factor XII and 11, 29 kallikrein-kinin system and 6, 280, 585 human kallikrein and 31 kinin content and 280 human salivary kallikreins and 628 kinin formation time and 302 irradiation injury and 642 kinin-induced catecholamine release and kallikrein III and 31 415 kallikrein activation and 118 kininase II activity in plasma and 446 kallikrein granules and 504 kininase II content and 469 kininogen and 164 kininogenase activity and 490 molecular weight of 194 kininogens and 50 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases leukokinin structure and 92 and 142 neural control of pancreatic kallikrein mouse submaxillary esteroprotease and secretion and 491 142 organ differences of salivary kallikreins optical studies of 194 and 150 plasma arginine esterase and 582 organic silica and plasma prekallikrein plasmin and 62 activation 623 plasminogen depletion and 62 prekallikrein activation and 38 porcine kallikein B' and 106 preparation of bradykinin proton exchange rate of 195 radioimmunoassay 301 Subject Index 809

proportion of active kallikrein and 490 leukokinin forming enzyme and 96 pulmonary kininase system and 238,247, Met-Lys-bradykinin and 100 442 splenic veins, pseudoaffective response and pulmonary kinin action and 372 314 serum kallikreins and inhibition spectra of spontaneously hypertensive rats, renal BPTI 179 kallikrein-kinin system and 540 sialic acid content of kallikreins and III tissue kallikrein level in kidneys and 541 specificity of, kallikreins and 628 SQ 14,225 see: captopril, 2-D-methyl-3- kininase II and 457 mercaptopropionyl-L-proline submandibular kallikrein content and SQ-20,475, see: BPPsa 494 SQ 20,881, see: BPPga trypsin relation of 112 Squid, see: Mollusca uterus and kinin action 384 stability of, annelida inhibitors 190 specific granules, localization of lysosomal BPTI 168 enzymes in 66 BPTI analogs 177 specificity of, glandular kallikreins 103 cnidaria proteinase inhibitors 184 kininase II 447 dog pancreatic kallikrein 143 rat submandibular kallikrein fractions guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein 135, 136 149 rat urinary kallikrein 138 horse urinary kallikrein 145 spectrophotometry, assay of glandular human salivary kallikrein 127,627 kallikreins and 104 kininase I 430 determination of kallikrein inhibitors and porcine pancreatic kallikrein 113 164 potato fraction II inhibitor 202 kininase I activity and HLAa 615 rabbit plasma kininogens 622 spermatogenesis, kinins and 385 rat kidney kallikrein inhibitors 193 sperm count, acrosin activity and 387 rat pancreatic kallikrein 133 sperm motility, acrosin and 518 rat urinary kallikrein 137 kallikrein-kinin system and 518 submandibular kallikrein granules 506 kinins and 386, 470 trypsinogen-BPTI complex 177 sperm penetration distance, kinins and 386 standardization, of human urinary sperm proteinase kininogenase activity of kallikrein 105 103 of pig pancreatic kallikrein 104 spinal cord, bradykinin and direct action on stellate ganglion, bradykinin and 334 335 stenocardia, kallikrein-kinin system and 635 spinal section, bradykinin-induced steric hindrance, anti-enzymes and 4 cardiovascular responses and 317, 360 BPTI and 170 spironolactone, kallikrein content and low kallikrein and HMW proteins 163 sodium diet 534 steric interference, kininase II antibodies kallikrein excretion and 539 and 457 kallikrein release and 554 stereotypic behavior, bradykinin and 345 low salt diet and kallikrein excretion 554 steroidogenesis, angiotensin III and 464 low renin essential hypertension and steroids, bradykinin receptors and 293 kallikrein excretion 561 nephrotic syndrome and therapy by 595 plasma renin activity in Bartter's stilbamidine, human plasma kallikrein and syndrome 558 206 primary hyperaldosteronism and kallikrein stilbestrol, plasma kininogen level and 382 excretion 562 stomach ulcers, kallikrein-kinin system and urinary kallikrein and 540 638 spiroperidol, dopamine receptor blockade stopped-flow spectrophotometry, and bradykinin 345 determination of kallikrein inhibitors and splanchnic circulation, BPP ga and 462 166 spleen, bradykinin and nervous reflex arcs inhibition spectra of BPTI and 179 417 streptokinase, factor XII and 8 chymotrypsin-like enzyme and 65 fibrinolytic system and 57 elastase in human 64 plasmin activation and 613 kininogenase and 100 plasminogen activation and 61 810 Subject Index

streptokinase, prekallikrein and 39 prostaglandins and 319 protamine sulfate and 614 renal kallikrein-kinin system and 540 rabbit plasminogen and chloroform 622 renin secretion and 540 streptokinase-plasminogen complex 61 spinal cord and 335 stress, kallikrein complexes and 612 urinary kallikrein excretion and 540 kinins and 369 vascular permeability and 243 structure of, arachidonic acid 402 substates of, factor XII 28 BPTI 168, 169 kininase II 448,450 bovine HMW kininogen 55 substrate binding site, proteinases and X-ray bovine LMW kininogen 54 analysis 163 eledoisin octapeptide 620 subtilisin, sea anemone inhibitor and 185 granuliberin R 276 subtilisin BPN', horse urinary kallikrein and o-hippuryl-L-arginine acid 616 145 mastoparan 276 pepstatin 97 succinic acid derivatives, kininase I inhibition porcine pancreatic p-kallikrein B 112 and 432 prostaglandins 402 sucrose density gradient of, guinea pig SBTI 194 submandibular kallikrein 512 snail inhibitor K 183, 186 pancreatic kallikrein 507 SQ 14,225 260 submandibular kallikrein 503, 506 structure-activity relationship, bradykinin sulfhydryl bridges, captopril and 461 analogs and 236 sulfhydryl compounds, kallikrein activity bradykinin receptors and 296 and 118 pain and 247 kininase inhibition and 291 structure stabilization of, BPTI 168 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135 serine proteinases 112 sulfhydryl groups, human urinary kallikrein strychnine, brain kininogenase activity and and 132 347 sulfonyl fluorides, inhibition of pancreatic cerebellar kininase activity and 346 kallikrein and 119 submandibular gland, duct ligation and superior cervical ganglia, catecholamine kallikrein secretion 494 release and kinins 369 submandibular kallikrein, granules and kinins and 415 localization of 503 surfaces, negatively charged and activation of species and 494 factor XII 15 subcellular distribution of 503 surface-activated kinin formation, submaximallary tissue, antiserum to human prekallikrein deficiency and 571 pancreas and 133 survival time, coronary occlusion and BPTI substance P, adrenal medulla and 333 359 algesic action of 311 sweat, glandular kallikreins and 103 behavioral response to 339 sweat glands, stellate ganglion and Betz cells and 343 bradykinin 334 bradykinin-induced permeability changes sympathectomy, pain and algesic agents 311 and 368 sympathetic activity, bradykinin and 317 cantharidin blister area and pain 311 sympathetic centers, eNS and angiotensin cardiovascular reflexes and 316 II 470 prostaglandins 318 sympathetic nerves, bradykinin and spleen chorda tympani nerve and 517 417 coronary vasodilation and indomethacin renin-angiotensin system and renal 358 kallikrein-kinin system 537 diuretic action of 540 salivary kallikrein secretion and 495, 498 dumping syndrome and 583 sympathetic nerve stimulation, cat histamine-release and 276, 418 submandibular kallikrein granules and ileum assay and trypsin 290 509 indomethacin and antagonism of 320 guinea pig submandibular kallikrein natriuresis and 540 granules and 512 nucleus locus coeruleus activity and 343 prostaglandin release and 536 pressor response to 340 salivary kallikreins and 538 Subject Index 811

sympathetic postganglionic transmission, human salivary kallikrein and 128, 132, bradykinin and 335 498 sympathetic vascular tone, bradykinin• human urinary kallikrein and 129, 131, induced central cardiovascular responses 132 and 340 kallikrein and 99 sympathoadrenal system, myocardial HMW kininogen-complex and 41 infarction and kallikrein-kinin system 635 hydrolysis of 113 synovial fluid, kinin radioimmunoassay and mouse submandibular esteropeptidases 307 142 synthesis of, BPTI 176 porcine submandibular kallikrein and bradykinin 616 hydrolysis of 122 bradykinin analogs 616 rabbit urinary kallikrein and 149 bradykinin-potentiating peptides 264 rat glandular kallikreins and 139 plasma prekallikrein in liver 638 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 133 synthetic acyl substituents, glandular rat urinary kallikrein and 138 kallikreins and 153 renal kallikrein and 527 synthetic arginine amide, trypsin and standardization of human urinary proteolytic activity 490 kallikrein and 105 synthetic BPP.a analogs 258 trypsin and 148 synthetic BPP 9a analogs 258 urinary kallikrein and 527,549 synthetic bradykinin analogs 228 , taurine, ischemia-induced kininogen level synthetic bradykinin-potentiating peptides and 372 256 temperature, activation of kinin system and sensitization of ileum assay 253 22 synthetic model inhibitors, kallikrein and annelida inhibitors and 190 204 bradykinin conformation in solution and synthetic substrates, horse urinary kallikrein 261 and 147 cnidaria proteinase inhibitor and 184 kallikrein and 116 kininase II preparation and 456 systemic lupus erythematosus, nephrotic LMW kininogen and 46 syndrome and kallikrein-kinin system 641 lysis of submandibular kallikrein granules systemic shock, crotalid snake venom and and 506 253 snail inhibitor and 186 kinins and 71 stability of, dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 tachyarrhythmia, kallikrein-kinin system horse urinary kallikrein and 145 and 588 human salivary kallikrein and 127 tachycardia, bradykinin and 317 kallikrein and 113 catecholamines 415 prekallikrein and 34 ischemic myocardium 360 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 133 epinephrine and myocardial infarction rat urinary kallikrein and 137 635 temperature-dependence, BPTI degradation stellate ganglion and bradykinin 334 by thermolysin and 171 tachykinins 278 temporary inhibition, kallikrein inhibitors biologic activity of 278 and 167 tachyphylaxis, algesic agents and 316 teprodide, see: BPP 9a bradykinin and, behavioral activity 338 terbutaline, bradykinin-induced permeability cantharidin blister area 324 changes and 367 guinea pig ileum 237,243 tertiapin, bee venom and 282 spinal cord and 335 testosterone, bradykinin action in castrated cantharidin blister area and pain 311 animals and 293 serotonin 324 kallikrein and 515 TAMe, cat submaxillary kallikrein and 143 kininogen levels and 383 dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 renin dependence of 514 guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein trypsin-like enzyme and 514 and 149 tetraarginine, horse urinary kallikrein and horse urinary kallikrein and 147 147 812 Subject Index

tetralysine, pancreatic kallikrein and kallikrein-antibodies and cross-reaction hydrolysis of 116 with 527 tetramethylrodamine isothiocyanate, kininase II activity and 456 kallikrein immuno-fluorescence and 508, !X,-macroglobulin and 69 511 p-nitrophenylamidino phenyl tetra-N-methyl ammonium iodide, rat methanesulfate and 207 submandibular kallikrein and 136 prekallikrein and 38 tetrodotoxin, bradykinin and heart rate 334, thrombokinase, leupeptin and 203 360 thrombosis, crotalid snake venom and 253 spinal cord blockade and bradykinin 335 factor XII deficiency and 569 thalamus, neurophysiologic studies with prekallikrein deficiency and 572 bradykinin 332 thromboxane, anti-inflammatory agents theophylline, bradykinin and, permeability and 322 changes 367 bradykinin and cyclic AMP 296 sodium transport 380 platelet aggregation and 401 release of lysosonal enzymes and 64 thymocytes, mitosis and, bradykinin 293 thermal edema, bradykinin and 368 kallikrein-kinin system 381 thermal injury, kallikrein-kinin system and thyroid hormones, 15-PGDH activity and 590 411 thermolysin, BPTI and 171 thyrotropin-releasing hormone, frog skin snail kallikrein inhibitor and 186 and 282 thienylalanine bradykinin, blood pressure nucleus locus coeruleus and 343 and 245 thyroglobulin-bradykinin conjugate, cat uterus and 239 antibody induction and 305 thin-layer chromatography, identification of time-dependence, BAEe hydrolysis by kinins and 610 porcine submandibular kallikrein and prostaglandin determination and 413 121 purity of synthetic peptides and 265 porcine glandular kallikrein activity and thin-layer electrophoresis, purity of synthetic 104, 124 pep tides and 265 porcine submandibular kallikrein and thioglycol, dog pancreatic kallikrein and 124 143 porcine urinary kallikrein and 124 thioglycolic acid, assay of glandular urinary kallikrein and BAEe hydrolysis kallikreins and 104 123 kallikrein activity and 118 tissue, leukokinin forming enzymes and 96 thiol-activated endopeptidases, brain and tissue homogenates, kininase activity and 437 438 thiol compounds, acid kininogenase II and tissue ischemia, kiniogen level and 372 100 tissue injury, kininogenases and 100 bradykinin response and 290 tissue kallikrein, see: glandular kallikrein granulocyte collagenases and 65 titrimetry, assay of glandular kallikreins and 2-thio-3-D-methyl-propanoyl proline, see: 104 captopril TLCK, see: l-chloro-3-tosylamido-7-amino- thiopental, bradykinin and behavioral 2-heptanone activity 344 toad skin kallikrein, amiloride and inhibition cardiovascular reflex responses 315 of 540 thiophene ring residues, bradykinin analogs toad urinary bladder peptide, biologic action and activity 239 of 278 Thr6-bradykinin, amino acid composition tolazoline, salivary kallikrein secretion and of 274 498 biologic activity of 277 p-toluenesulfonyl arginine, see: tosyl arginine three-dimensional structure of, BPTI 168 p-tolyl-guanidine, rat urinary kallikrein and SBTI and X-ray studies 196 139 thrombin, annelida inhibitors and 190 p-tolyl-phenylguanidine, rat urinary antithrombin III and 69 kallikrein and 138 bradykinin stimulated cells and 294 tonin, angiotensin I converting action of hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 587 442,458 Subject Index 813

kininase II inhibitors and 458 trimecain, excitable membrane and tooth pulp, bradykinin and 339 bradykinin 633 bradykinin release and stimulation of 311 Tris, kallikrein activity and 118 torpin series hydrochloride, see: tropaphen IXI ,IX' ,1X'-triS( 4-amidino-2-bromophenoxy)• Tos-ArgNH., kallikrein and hydrolysis of mesitylene, porcine 118 pancreatic kallikrein and 528 Tos-ArgOMe, see: TAMe tropaphen, bradykinin and blood pressure Tos-LysCH.C1, dog pancreatic kallikrein 631 and 143 trypsin, activation of, factor XI and 29 glandular kallikreins and 152 factor XII and 15, 16, 23 horse urinary kallikrein and 148 human salivary kallikrein and 128 amino acid residues of porcine III human urinary kallikrein and 132 annelida inhibitors and 190 kallikreins and 118, 204 angioedema permeability peptide and 580 pancreatic kallikrein and 119 arginine esters and 113, 490 rat urinary kallikrein and 139 ascaris inhibitor and 190 submandibular kallikrein and 122 BANA and 140 trypsin and 119, 152 BPTI and 177, 588 urinary kallikrein and 123 BPTI models of reactive site and 176 Tos-Lys-OMe, kallikrein and hydrolysis of BPTI reactive site and 171 114 bradykinin release and 152 BZ-DL-Arg-p-naphthylamide and 136, Tos-PheCH2 Cl, dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 140 human salivary kallikrein and 128 carboxymethylated kininogen and 115 IX-L(I-tosylamido-2-phenyl)ethyl• casein and 115, 125, 135, 140, 490 chloromethyl ketone, castration and activity of 514 human salivary kallreins and 628 cat pancreatic juice and 490 tosyl arginine, bradykinin systhesis and 262 cinnamoyl imidazole and 119 tosyl arginine methyl ester, see: TAMe clot-promoting activity and 23 tosyl residues, acyl substituent and glandular cnidaria proteinase inhibitor and 184 kallikreins 153 colostrokinin release and 279 tourniquet shock, kininase I activity and 433 contact positions of 163 toxemic pregnancy, plasma renin activity cl;lttle-fish inhibitor and 185, 188, 189 and 563 dtet and content of 490 toxicosis, kallikrein-kinin system and 643 disulfide bridges and 112, 132 TPCK, see: IX-L-(I-tosylamido-2- erath worm inhibitors and 191 phenyl)ethylchloromethyl ketone fibrinolytic system and 57 tranexamic acid, kininase II inhibition and gastric secretion and 382 459 guinea pig ileum and kinins 290 trans-4-aminomethylcyclohexanecarboxylic hemoglobin hydrolysis and 490 acid, human plasma kallikrein and 206 hemorrhagic pancreatitis and 587 transfusion reactions, kallikrein-kinin system HMW kininogen and 98 and 593 horse urinary kallikrein and 145 trap mechanism, 1X2-macroglobulin complexes kallidin release and 152 and 68 B-kallikrein B and III transmembrane potential, smooth muscle and kallikrein antibodies and cross-reaction bradykinin 633 with 527 Trasylol, see: BPTI kininase I activity and 430 kininase II preparation and 456 trauma, hereditary angiodema and 581 kininogens and 40 triarginine, horse urinary kallikrein and 147 kinin release 490 triethanolamine, activity of porcine kinins and 280 pancreatic kallikrein and 118 leukokininogen and 97 assay of porcine glandular kallikreins and leupeptin and 203 104 lima bean trypsin inhibitor and 68 trifluoroacetic acid, bradykinin synthesis LMW kininogen and 97 and 263 lysine esters and 113 814 Subject Index trypsin, Merrifield solid-phase method and tryptamine, animal pain models and 313 BPTI synthesis 176 tryptophan, kallikrein activity and 118 methionine transport and 379 protein synthesis in submandibular cells plasma and glass contact 7 and 509 plasma kallikrein and 622 synthesis of BPP 50 and 265 plasma proteins and bradykinin action tuberculosis, kininase II activity and 458 253, 271 tubo-ovarian ligaments, bradykinin and PKI and 203 motility of 385 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 204 turpentine, pleurisy and kinin system 374 potato fraction inhibitor II and 201 turtle plasma, Thr6-bradykinin and 277 prekallikrein and 23, 38, 106, 612 TxA2 , see: thromboxane prekallikrein activators and 570 typhoid fever, kallikrein-kinin system and 594 prostigmin and pancreatic juice 491 tyramine, bradykinin-induced duodenal rabbit kininogens and 625 relaxation and 377 ranakinin activity and 277 tyrosine, chymotrypsin and BPTI 177 rat kidney kallikrein inhibitor and 193 kininase II active center and 486 rat submaxillary gland inhibitor and 192 rat urinary kallikrein and 139 ulcerative colitis, kallikrein activity and 381 Russel's viper venom inhibitors and 185, ultrasound, bradykinin synthesis and 263 190 umbilical blood vessels, prostaglandins and Scopelia inhibitors and 203 412 sea anemone inhibitor and 185 umbilical vein, kininase II activity and 443 snail inhibitors and 185 unitiol, kininase inhibition of 631 snake venoms and 190 Uperoleia marmorato, see: uperolein soybean trypsin inhibitor and 68 Uperoleia rugosa, see: uperolein species and relation of 112 uperolein, amino acid composition of 279 synthetic amide substrates of arginine content in frog skin 278 and 490 urate crystals, factor XII activation and 22, TAMe and 148, 153 591 toad urinary bladder peptide and 278 urea, bradykinin response of fundal strip Tos-LysCH2Cl and 119, 152 and 289 trypsinogen and 106 HMW kininase II complex and 456 urinary kallikrein activation and 527 horse urinary kallikrein and 145 vasodilation and 1 human urinary kallikrein and 129 Z-Tyr-p-nitrophenylester and 113 kallikrein stability and 113 IX-trypsin, BPTI and 177 rabbit HMW kininogen and 624 B-trypsin, BPTI and 177 rat urinary kallikrein and 137 BPTI analogs and 177 urinary kallikrein 525 1p-trypsin, BPTI and 177 aldosterone and 539 trypsin-BPTI complex, conformational Bartters's syndrome and 535 studies 173 bioassays of 525, 549 half-life of 175 biochemical characteristics of 527 trypsin-like enzyme, activity of acrosin as catecholamines and 537 103 colostrokinin release and 279 activity and development 514 Cushing's syndrome and 539 androgen dependence of 515 desoxycorticosterone and 539 cellular localization of 515 diuretics and 540 rodents and 494 esterase assay 527 testosterone and 514 familiar clustering of concentration 558 trypsin-modified BPTI complex, half-life of furosemide and low salt diet 554 172 heterogeneity of 528 trypsin-SBTI complex, contact sequences of hypertensive animals and 540 196 hypertension and excretion of 637 trypsin-snail inhibitor complex 186 hypotensive action of 1 trypsinogen, BPTI and 177 kininogens and 40 subcellular distribution of 507 localization of 530 trypsin and 106 PKI and 202 Subject Index 815

prostaglandins and 538 bradykinin inhibition and 249 radiochemical esterolytic method and 549 chloroacetyl-bradykinin and 239 radioimmunoassay and 526 esterase A and 136 renal artery constriction and 534 human salivary kallikrein and 498 role of water intake and 556 123I-tyr l -kalIidin and bradykinin sodium diet and 534 receptors 289 substance P and 540 kallikrein and 384 urinary kallikrein excretion, sodium depletion kininases and 237 and captopril 465 kinins and 384 urinary kinins 273 bioassays 614 in man 302 leukokinins and 93 urinary kinin level, urinary kallikrein mouse submaxillary kallikrein and 142 excretion and 538 neutrophil-derived aminopeptidase and urinary kininase, activity of 526 67 urinary osmolality, kallikrein excretion and polisteskinin and 276 556 pregnancy and prostaglandins 409 urinary sodium excretion, captopril and 465 rat glandular kallikreins and 140 urinary volume, kallikrein excretion and rat kallikrein and 142 535, 556 rat submandibular kallikrein and 135, urine, bradykinin-induced dilution and 494, 508 vasopressin 557 rat submaxillary gland inhibitor 192 glandular kallikrein in 103, 529 rat urinary kallikrein and 137 kallidin converting aminopeptidase and renal kallikrein and 525 468 tachykinins and 278 kallikrein excretion and 30 thienylalanine-bradykinin analogs and kininase II activity and 446 239 kinin radioimmunoassay and 307 Thr6-bradykinin and 277 pancreatic kallikrein excretion in toad urinary bladder peptide and 278 hemorrhagic pancreatitis 588 urinary kallikrein and 526 renal artery constriction and volume 534 wasp kinins and 275 sodium and kallikrein excretion 534 UV absorption, of BPTI 171 urinary kallikrein and TAMe esterase UV spectrophotometry, assay of human activity 527 pancreas kallikrein and 125 urine flow, aldosterone and 408 kininase II activity and hippuric acid BPP 9a and 532 release 447 deoxycorticosterone and 408 urokinase, fibrinolytic system and 57 vagal receptors, bradykinin-induced kininogens and 47 bronchoconstriction and 375 plasminogen activation and 61 vagotomy, bradykinin and, cardiovascular uropepsin, Met-Lys-bradykinin formation responses 360 and 273 central cardiovascular responses 340 urticaria, kallikrein-kinin system and 592 tachycardia 317 uterine blood flow, bradykinin and 384 gastric secretion and kininogen level 382 prostaglandin levels in pregnancy 410 vagus, bicarbonate secretion and species 491 prostaglandins and 410 gastric muscle relaxation and 378 uterine smooth muscle, see: oxytocic effect, pancreatic kallikrein secretion and 491 uterus valine absorption, bradykinin and 379 uterus, Agkistrodron potentiator E and VaP-Thr6-bradykinin, amino acid bradykinin activity 252 composition auf 274 Ala3-bradykinin and 238 occurence of 277 all-D-bradykinin and 242 vascular beds, kininase II release form 469 all-D-retro-bradykinin and 242 vascular permeability, adenosine and 369 BPPsa and bradykinin action on 291 and 22 bradykinin and 237 burn 590 Chl-Trp-Ala-Pro-Phe 258 antifactor XII and 4 diastolic tone 525 antiproteases and 4 bradykinin analogs and 228, 236, 240, 617 arachidonic acid and 368 816 Subject Index

vascular permeability, ATP and 631 vascular resistance, urinary kallikrein and bradykinin and 27,94,243,275, 279, 591, 525 631 vascular smooth muscle, kinin action and n-amino bradykinin analogs 248 357 bradykinin analogs and 243,618 vascular tone, kinins and regulation of 644 bum and 591,631 vascular wall, prostaglandin synthesis and carboxypeptidases and kininogen 405 fragments 27 vasoactive substances, release and kinins carrageenin and 368 401,415 colostrokinin and 279 vasoactive intestinal peptide, kallikrein and 117 complement C3 and 67 vasoactive kinins, kininogens and 44 crotalid snake venom and 253 vasoactive peptides, mast cells and 276 dextran and 368 vasoconstriction, algesic agents and local 316 DFP and 3 angiotensin-induced and prostaglandins eledoisin and 243 403 factor XIIa and 3, 14 bradykinin and 357, 584 fragment XIIf and 4, 20 catecholamine-induced and glandulain and 494 prostaglandins 403 Gly-Arg-Met-Lys-bradykinin and 244, drug-induced and nervous action 275, 365 potentials 324 heat and 368 endotoxin shock and 584 hereditary angioedema and 580 prostaglandins and 403 histamine and 591, 631 pulmonary circulation and bradykinin 373 HMW kininogen cleavage and 573 renal allograft rejection and 589 human urinary kinins and 275 vasodilation, bradykinin and, 278, 357, 360, hydroxyproline'-bradykinin and 239,244 532,584 inflammation and kinins 71 prostaglandins 403 inhibition of 249 cat submaxillary kallikrein and 143 kallidin and 275, 631 crotalid snake venom and 253 kallikrein-HMW kininogen-complex and dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143 41 endotoxin shock and 584 kallikrein-like peptidase and 494 guinea pig coagulating gland kallikrein kinins and 100, 273, 357, 364, 591 and 149 kininogen fragment 1-2 and 27 human salivary kallikrein and 128, 132 leukokinins and 92, 94 human urinary kallikrein and 129, 132 leukokinin forming enzyme and 98 kallidin and 532 local hypoxia and 631 kallikrein and regulation in glandular Met-Lys-bradykinin and 244, 275, 365, organs 516 631 kinins and 413 mouse submandibular esteropeptidases prostaglandins and 369,403 and 142 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 133 NaCN and 631 septic shock and 586 N-extended bradykinin homologs and thermal injury and 590 244 urinary kallikrein and 526, 549 neutrophil leukocytes and 369 vasomotor phenomenon, dumping syndrome 1,IO-phenanthroline and 368 and 583 polisteskinin and 244 vasopressin, arachidonic acid and 539 prekallikrein deficiency and 43, 571 nervous action potentials and 324 prostacyclin and bradykinin 322 phospholipase A, and 539 prostaglandins and 368 prostaglandin synthesis and 539 salivain and 494 renal prostaglandin release and 538 SBTI and 3 shock and 463 serotonin and 631 stomach tissue and heat 291 substance P and 243 toad urinary bladder peptide and 278 tacp-ykinins and 279 water excretion and 557 thermal injury and 590 veins, bradykinin and 632 xylol and 631 cardiovascular reflex responses 314 Subject Index 817

prostaglandin release 404 sodium diet and 534 prostaglandin synthesis 409 solute-free and bradykinin 405 venoconstriction, bradykinin and 360 water absorption, gut and, bradykinin 470 ventral posterior medial nucleus, bradykinin kallikrein 379 action and 332 water excretion, bradykinin-induced ADH ventral posterior lateral nucleus, bradykinin release and 420 action and 330 urinary osmolality and renal kallikrein• venules, bradykinin and 244, 360 kinin system 557 kinin action on 357 water intake, renal kallikrein excretion and verapamil, chemoexcitable channels and 556 bradykinin 633 water loading, dextrose and kallikrein veratrine, coronary chemoreflex response to excretion 552 358 kallikrein excretion and 535 Vespa crabro, see: hornet venom water metabolism, renal kinin and Vespa vulgaris, see: wasp venom angiotensin action on 470 vespakinin M, amino acid composition of Werle's kinin, biologic acitivity of 279 274,277 white cells, leukokinin forming enzyme and 96 vespakinin X, amino acid composition of white cell mediated leukokinins, biogenic 274,277 potency of 94 Vespula (vespula) maculifrons, see: yellow Williams factor, see: HMW kininogen jacket venom Williams trait, see: HMW kininogen vespulakinins, amino acid composition of deficiency 274 biologic activity of 276 Xenopsin, amphibian active peptide 282 carbohydrate chains of 242 Xenopus laevis, coerulein secretion and 281 yellow jacket venom and 276 X-ray studies of, conformation of proteolytic vessels, isolated and prostaglandins 408 enzymes 204 kinin receptors and 360 SBTI 195 VIP, see: vasoactive intestinal peptide substrate binding site of proteinases 163 Vipera Russelli, see: Russel's viper three-dimensional structure of BPTI 168 Viperidae, see: Reptilia, snake venom xylol, vascular permeability and 631 viral hepatitis, kininogen level and 575 plasma prekallikrein content in 614 yellow jacket venom, kinins content and 276 visken, bradykinin and unitiol 631 vital capacity, bradykinin and 374 Z-ArgOEt, assay of glandular kallikreins vocalization, bradykinin and, CNS 338 and 105 pain 314 Z-ArgOMe, rat urinary kallikrein and 138 vascular reflex respones 316 Z-G1y-Leu-PheCH,CI, see: chlormethy1 vomiting, dumping syndrome and 583 ketone inhibitors hereditary angioedema and 576 zinc, granulocyte collagenases and 65 VPL nucleus, see: ventral posterior lateral kininase I content of 431 nucleus zinc ions, dog pancreatic kallikrein and 143,207 VPM nucleus, see: ventral posterior medial human salivary kallikrein and 128,207 nucleus kininase II activity and 452, 630 porcine pancreatic kallikrein and 118, 207 wasp venoms, biologic action of 275, 276 rat pancreatic kallikrein and 135, 207 mastoparan and 276 Z-LysOMe, kallikrein and hydrolysis 115,120 polisteskinin and 276 Z-PheCH,Cl, pancreatic kallikrein and 120 Thf6-bradykinin and 277 Z-Phe-p-nitrophenylester, porcine pancreatic water, bradykinin molecule conformation in kallikrein and 113 261,296 Z-Phe-p(NO,)-G1y-Gly, kininase II and 447 endogenous kallikrein-kinin system and Z-Tyr-p-nitrophenylester, assay of human balance of 534 urinary kallikrein and 105 kallikreins and 531 human urinary kallikrein and 131 rat urinary kallikrein and 137 trypsin and 113 renal function and anti-bradykinin serum zymosan, fibrinolysis and 62 532 plasminogen depletion and 63 Volume 16: Volume 17: Part I Handbook of Erzeugung von Krankheits- Ions alcalino-terreux I Experimental zustiinden durch das Experiment! Part 2 Phannacology Experimental Production Ions alcalino-terreux II of Diseases Continuation of"Handbuch Volume 18: Part 1 der experimentellen Part 1 Histamine Pharmakologie" Blut (In Vorbereitung) Part 2 Part 2 Histamine II and Atemwege Anti-Histaminics Volume 19 Part 3 5-Hydroxytryptamine and Heart and Circulation Related Indo1ealkylamines Part 4 Volume 20: Part I Niere, Nierenbecken, Blase Pharmacology of Fluorides I Part 5 Part 2 Liver Pharmacology of Fluorides II Part 6 Schilddriise Volume21 (In Vorbereitung) Beryllium Part 7 Volume 22: Part I Zentralnervensystem Die Gestagene I Part 8 Part 2 Stiitz- und Hartgewebe Die Gestagene II Part 9 Volume 23 Infektionen I Neurohypophysial Hormones and Similar Volume 10 Part 10 Polypeptides Die Pharmakologie anorga- Infektionen II nischer Anionen Volume 24 Part IIA Diuretica Infektionen III Volume II Lobelin und Lobelia- Part liB alkaloide Infektionen IV Volume 12 Part 12 Morphin und morphiniihn- Tumoren I lich wirkende Verbindungen Part 13 Volume 14: Part 1 Tumoren II The Adrenocortical Hormones I Part 14 Tumoren III Part 2 (in Vorbereitung) The Adrenocortical Springer-Verlag Hormones II Part 15 Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel, Berlin Part 3 Fieber/ Heidelberg The Adrenocortical Carbohydrate Metabolism, Hormones III Fever New York Volume 35: Part 1 Volume 46 Handbook of H.E. Voss, G.Oertel: Fibrinolytics and Anti- Experimental Androgene I fibrinolytics Pharmacology Part 2 Androgens II and Volume 47 Continuation of"Handbuch Kinetics of Drug Action der experimentellen Antiandrogens/ Pharmakologie" Androgene II und Antiandrogene Volume 48 Arthropod Venoms

Volume 36 Volume 49 Uranium - Plutonium - Ergot Alkaloids and Related Transplutonic Elements Compounds Volume 50: Part 1 Volume 37 Inflammation Angiotensin Volume 25 Part 2 Bradykinin, Kallidin and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Kallikrein Volume 38: Part 1 Antineoplastic and Volume 51 Volume 26 Immunosuppressive Uric Acid H. Fischer: Vergleichende Agents I Pharmakologie von Uber- Volume 52 tragersubstanzen in tier- Part 2 Snake Venoms systematischer Darstellung Antineoplastic and (In preparation) Immunosuppressive Volume 27 Agents II Volume 53 Anticoagulantien Gangliomic Transmission (In preparation) Volume 39 Volume 28: Part 1 Antihypertensive Agents Concepts in Biochemical Pharmacology I Volume 40 Organic Nitrates Part 3 Concepts in Biochemical Volume 41 Pharmacology III Hypolipidemic Agents Volume 29 Volume 42 Oral wirksame Antidia- Neuromuscular Junction betika Volume 43 Volume 30 Anabolic-Androgenic Modem Inhalation Steroids Anesthetics Volume 32: Part 1 Volume 44 Insulin I Heme and Hemoproteins Part 2 Springer-Verlag Insulin II Volume 45: Part 1 Drug Addiction I Berlin Volume 34 Heidelberg Secretin, Cholecystokinin, Part 2 Pancreozymin and Gastrin Drug Addiction II New York