Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1995 No. 126 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was Mr. Speaker, it is my belief that at tions was an utter and complete fail- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- the current time we have no useful role ure. pore [Mr. CLINGER]. in Bosnia. The fighting is escalating In my view, we must lift the arms f between the various parties. The rel- embargo and encourage the United Na- ative calm in eastern Bosnia has now tions to leave Bosnia. We should take DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER become a war zone. The so-called safe every action to limit the fighting in PRO TEMPORE havens have proven to be no such the former Yugoslavia. The United Na- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- thing, and only serve to embarrass the tions, NATO, the European Commu- fore the House the following commu- United Nations. Leadership has been nity, and yes, the United States, must nication from the Speaker: completely vacant during this crisis. provide the warring parties every op- WASHINGTON, DC, Machiavelli said that it is better for a portunity to reach a negotiated peace. August 1, 1995. leader to be feared than loved. The I would like to see the fighting I hereby designate the Honorable WILLIAM United Nations has been an utter fail- stopped, but I do not feel it can be F. CLINGER, JR., to act as Speaker pro tem- ure every step of the way trying to get stopped without massive intervention. pore on this day. the parties to love each other. NATO, Mr. Speaker, I received my foreign NEWT GINGRICH, policy training in Vietnam in 1968 and Speaker of the House of Representatives. including the United States, has failed in trying to threaten the parties into 1969. I know how costly a limited f behaving. And now we want the American commitment can mean in terms of the lives of young men and MORNING BUSINESS Bosnian Serbs to believe we will bomb women. I know the cost of doing things The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- them if they do not behave. We have given them no reason to believe that halfway. We have the opportunity to do ant to the order of the House of May 12, just that in Bosnia. We can take lim- 1995, the Chair will now recognize we will back up any threat with action. It is time for us to pull out before we ited actions here and there, and that Members from lists submitted by the will be a tragic mistake. I would en- majority and minority leaders for sacrifice American lives to show we mean business. courage my colleagues to act today and morning hour debates. in the future to prevent American sol- The Chair will alternate recognition How can we let the carnage continue? diers from dying because we decided to between the parties, with each party How can we sit idly by and let the eth- do something halfway. nic cleansing continue? I hear those limited to 25 minutes and each Member f other than the majority and minority concerns over and over again, but I leaders limited to 5 minutes, but in no must ask in response: What can we do CONCERNS REGARDING EFFECTS event shall debate continue beyond 9:50 to truly stop the fighting? I will make OF LABOR-HHS APPROPRIATIONS a.m. one suggestion, if we, along with our BILL The Chair now recognizes the gen- European allies, land 500,000 to 750,000 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under tleman from Georgia [Mr. NORWOOD] troops in Bosnia and threaten to shoot the Speaker's announced policy of May for 5 minutes. anyone who gives someone a dirty look 12, 1995, the gentleman from Michigan f or uses harsh language we might be [Mr. KILDEE] is recognized during able to stop the fighting. Is anyone in morning business for 5 minutes. ARMS EMBARGO ON BOSNIA this Chamber ready to support that ac- Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. NORWOOD. Mr. Speaker, today's tion? Neither am I, but I do believe today to express some very grave con- vote to lift the arms embargo on anything short of massive action is cerns regarding the devastating effects Bosnia is undeniably an important one. doomed to failure. that the Labor-HHS appropriations But I would ask my colleagues to take With that in mind, I would make one will have on public education in Amer- a long, hard look at the bigger picture. further recommendation to my col- ica, and that despite the great efforts Lifting the arms embargo is an impor- leagues, if a U.N. pullout can be accom- of my good friend, Chairman JOHN POR- tant step and a step that I will support, plished with the use of only 25,000 TER. but I believe we should not miss this American troops then it can be accom- Since November of last year, we have opportunity to stand up for what we plished without any American troops. been engaged in a robust and very believe in and state clearly what we No mother or father or wife or husband healthy debate about the proper role of think America's role should be in the should be forced to grieve for a loved the Federal Government in the eco- Balkans. one who died because the United Na- nomic and social life of our country. In b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 8069 H 8070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE August 1, 1995 that debate, I continue to be guided by port we issued as a result of those elec- down there and tell the Haitians how the words of one of this Nation's great tions. to run their own country is a bit of an humanitarians, the former Vice Presi- Curiously enough now, all the observ- understatement, even for the Washing- dent of the United States, Hubert Hum- ers who have watched those elections ton Post. phrey, who said, ``The moral test of and judged what is going on in Haiti What has happened in Haiti is that, government is how it treats those who have come over to the report that we finally, they have fired the incom- are in the dawn of life, the children, issued and basically been much harsher petent who was running the electoral those who are in the twilight of life, and critical about the process in Haiti council down there, and the opposition the elderly, and those who are in the than even the IRI report. I guess it is parties have all called for the removal shadows of life, the sick, the needy and difficult to be out in front of the pack of the total election council and re- the handicapped.'' sometimes, but what is important now placed them with nonpartisan people. This bill, which we will take up this is to find out where we are going next. Unfortunately, President Aristide week, Mr. Speaker, I believe represents The commentary in the Washington has not listened to the other political a monumental failure of this test. Over Post yesterday, which I will quite be- parties in the country. He has only lis- the next 7 years, it will cut education cause it is notable that the Washington tened to his own party, and he has re- and training $36 billion. Post has come around to this point of placed the president of the election Now, my Republican friends are fond view, says, quote, ``Early hopes, includ- council with one of his party partisans, of saying that this is a plan that will ing our own, that Haiti was getting up who has no credibility with the others, reward future generations. But what momentum and building an electoral and, consequently, nothing has hap- about this generation, the children in system turn out to have been wrong.'' pened except we have changed seats Head Start, the children in title I, the That is a very strong admission from one more time. children in the kindergartens and first the Washington Post, which generally We have now still got all of the peo- grades of this country? What price will is very favorable to the Clinton admin- ple except the Aristide people calling they pay, Mr. Speaker? And what price istration's policy games. for a totally new electoral council and will we as a nation pay for this failure It follows a little bit after the OAS totally new elections. That is not a of vision? commentary that came last week that step forward by any means. Mr. Speaker, I have served on this said that it would be hard to call what On other fronts down in Haiti where committee with responsibility for the happened in Haiti full, fair, free elec- we have invested over $2 billion, $2 bil- children and workers of this country tion. Larry Pasullo, who used to work lion of American taxpayers' money in for 18 years, and during that time, par- for the Clinton administration as their the last year or so, we have found that ticularly in the field of education, Re- top expert on Haiti, who was fired be- things are not going well either.
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