WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | April 2018 FLORIDACatholic MIAMI ARCHDIOCESE MARIAN CENTER CHOIR RINGS BELLS FOR POPE FRANCIS A very excited Sister Filomena Mastrangelo greets Pope Francis during the general audience at St. Peter’s Square April 4 as members of the Marian Center handbell choir ring their bells and hold the quilt they presented to the pope. See story, Page 11. (L’OSSER- VATORE ROMANO).

Pope’s new exhortation: CEO describes himself How to be holy as ‘just a social ‘Gaudate et Exsultate’ offers practical steps for achieving holiness in daily life worker at heart’ Peter Routsis-Arroyo ROME REPORTS call to holiness in the world today. It is Pope Francis’ fifth important work. settles into new role ROME | The Vatican released Pope Fran- cis’ third apostolic exhortation, “Gaudate et WHAT IS NEW? at Exsultate: On the Call for Holiness in Our The great novelty is the theme: to remem- TOM TRACY | Modern World,” April 9. It’s a five-chapter, ber that Catholics can and should aspire to Florida Catholic correspondent 98-page document that follows his other become saints. Pope Francis explains that two exhortations, “Evangelii Gaudium” and he wants “to re-propose the call to holiness “Amoris Laetitia.” in a practical way for our own time, with WILTON MANORS | He’s still getting The document is somewhat of a practical all its risks, challenges and opportunities.” used to the names of the many townships handbook on how to help people achieve With this document, Pope Francis com- and suburbs and communities from the holiness in the circumstances of their ordi- bines the tradition of new institutions that Florida Keys to the northern tip of Bro- nary lives. The chapters include: The Call to emerged in the 20th century and were rec- ward County. And some of those places Holiness; Two Subtle Enemies of Holiness; ognized by the Second Vatican Council. It are still a little unfamiliar, including the In the Light of the Master; Signs of Holiness goes one step further by explaining how to Hurricane Irma-impacted Florida Keys, in Today’s World; Spiritual Combat, Vigi- live out the Christian proposal in the cur- with their many names. lance and Discernment. rent world. But Catholic Charities’ new CEO, Peter Following are some quick questions and It says “to be holy does not require be- Routsis-Arroyo, is no stranger to driv- Peter Routsis-Arroyo shows the answers about “Gaudate et Exsultate,” and a ing a bishop, a priest or a religious. We are ing long distances throughout Florida: welcome cards and artwork given link to the full text: https://bit.ly/2qm6f4C. all called to be holy by living our lives with He served as CEO of Catholic Charities to him by children affiliated with love and by bearing witness in everything in the 10-county Diocese of Venice from Catholic Charities programs in Dade and WHAT IS THE NEW we do, where we find ourselves.” It recalls 2001 until his first day on the job for the Broward counties. (TOM TRACY | FC) PAPAL DOCUMENT? that everyone has their own “path to holi- Miami Archdiocese at the end of January. An “apostolic exhortation” is a type of ness” which brings out the best in them. Routsis-Arroyo is succeeding Dea- Wearing his Knights of Columbus magisterial document that, apart from en- Thus, do not waste time imitating some- con Richard Turcotte, longtime CEO of sports shirt and sorting through some cyclicals, is especially directed at Catho- thing that is meant for others. Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of of his personal effects in his new office lics. The title, “Rejoice and be glad,” or in Miami, who fully retires June 30. (See ac- Latin “Gaudete et Exsultate,” speaks of the PLEASE SEE POPE, 9 companying story, Page 6.) PLEASE SEE CHARITIES, 7 2 YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY Florida Catholic April 2018 Holocaust Museum dissects Nazi propaganda JIM DAVIS IF YOU GO Florida Catholic correspondent • Event: “State of Deception,” exhibit on Nazi propaganda DANIA BEACH | Swastikas saw through chains, blond soldiers • Featuring: Photos, posters, stand proud, stereotyped Jews skulk videos, texts on mechanics and conse- and scowl. “State of Deception: The quences of propaganda Power of Nazi Propaganda,” shows • Where: Holocaust Documenta- how Hitler used lies and half-truths tion and Education Center, 303 N. to win support, control a nation and Federal Highway, Dania Beach commit mass murder. • Hours: By appointment The exhibit, showing through • Cost: $10 for adults, $5 for May 6 at the Holocaust Documen- students, free for Holocaust survivors, tation and Education Center, is far liberators and their spouses more than a collection of Nazi post- • Call: 954-929-5690 ers. The show narrates the history leading up to the rise of Hitler and and Christopher Columbus High his supporters. And it helps viewers School, a Marist school in Miami, recognize propaganda, rather than have scheduled visits. fall prey to it. They’ll see an exhibit that takes In an age of resurgent hate and up nearly 4,000 of the Dania Beach newly poisoned words and museum’s 26,000 square pictures, such a message is feet. Along its winding vital, said museum director path, one can see the Rositta Kenigsberg. “This ways in which Hitler and topic is extraordinarily im- his deputies gained Ger- portant, and it’s perfect for man confidence, then this moment in history,” said attacked and silenced Rositta Kenigsberg, right, director of the Holocaust Documentation and Education Center, stands next Kenigsberg, herself a child of those who disagreed to the opening panel of the “State of Deception” exhibit on Nazi propaganda. With her is Erin Cohen, Holocaust survivors. with them. educational coordinator. (PHOTOS BY JIM DAVIS | FC) “(The Holocaust) didn’t Erin Cohen, the mu- start with the gas cham- seum’s educational co- big-nosed undesirable who gets a bers — it ended there,” ordinator, noted that the punch to the eye. Kenigsberg continued. “And Father Patrick Nazis were not the first or Young Germans were a special the people allowed it. Al- O’Neill last to use propaganda. target, the exhibit shows, not only most like they were brain- “But theirs was more so- through schools but through the washed.” phisticated. It told a story about the Hitler Youth. The goal was “to pro- The exhibit, on loan from the workers awakening, and about the duce obedient, self-sacrificing Ger- Holocaust Memorial Museum in people who were said to be holding mans who would be willing to die Washington, D.C., has the support them back.” for Fuhrer and Fatherland.” of the Archdiocese of Miami, which Among the biggest purveyors of is helping publicize it. Father Patrick EXPLOITING anti-Semitism was Der Sturmer, the O’Neill, director of the Office of Ecu- RESENTMENT Nazi newspaper. A 1935 copy of the menism and Interfaith for the arch- Interestingly, “State of Decep- weekly paper at the exhibit accuses diocese, not only helped distribute tion” opens not with Nazis but Jews of amassing wealth, then using more than 20 posters around South with the Treaty of Versailles. That it to agitate for war. Editor Julius St- Florida, he also was on the board of treaty, drawn up after World War I, reicher openly called for “the anni- the Holocaust center when it orga- took land from Germany, limited hilation of the Jewish race.” nized in 1980. its military and imposed punitive Also at the exhibit is a board “This story belongs to everybody, reparation payments. The penal- game, called “Juden Raus! (Jews Pictured are posters used by Nazis to tailor their message to appeal not just Jews,” Father O’Neill said of ties brought hardship to Germans, Out!),” conditioning children to re- to many parts of society — students, workers, farmers, even mothers the exhibit. “To me, this is part of the wounded their national pride and ject Jews as true Germans. “Even — according to Erin Cohen, educational coordinator of the Holocaust Gospel — not just telling the good bred resentment that the Nazis ex- your neighbor could become your Documentation and Education Center. news, but defending it. Not letting ploited. enemy,” Kenigsberg said. “And (the bad news, including bigotry, com- A revealing series of posters propaganda) resulted in the deaths opponents and targets a particular windows in Delray Beach, and a la- pete with it.” shows how the Nazis fine-tuned of millions of men, women and chil- audience. The center’s 20-plus do- crosse player in Wellington called The Holocaust center is lining their message for various groups: dren.” cents — trained according to a 28- “Jew boy” and told to “burn in the up Catholic schools to send classes students, farmers, laborers, even page manual — coach visitors on oven with the rest of them.” to the show. Thus far, St. Lawrence housewives. A frequent scapegoat INDIFFERENCE lessons of the exhibit. This is on top of smaller versions School in North Miami Beach was “the Jew” — in one poster, a fat, TO MURDER The Allies themselves used pro- of the Holocaust over the years: Those arrested — not only dis- paganda after World War II to “re- mass killings in Kosovo and Rwan- senters but Jews, gays, Roma (Gyp- educate” the German people, “State da, and mass expulsions in Syria sies) and Jehovah’s Witnesses — of Deception” acknowledges. Allies and Myanmar. were sent to concentration camps, banned displays of swastika flags All the more reason to have stu- some of which became mass exter- and publication of Der Sturmer, the dents see “State of Deception,” to mination sites. Nazi newspaper. Editor Streicher try and inoculate the next genera- “Nazi propagandists did not dic- himself was executed after convic- tion from hate-speech campaigns, tate anti-Jewish policy,” says an ex- tion by a postwar military tribunal said Kenigsberg, who expects about hibit text. “But they helped to create — the first-ever time that someone 2,000 to see the exhibit before it the climate of indifference, hate and was convicted for killing through leaves in mid-May. fear that made mass murder pos- propaganda. But she said she already sees the sible.” Nor do propaganda and its toxic show affecting students for good. Viewers of “State of Deception” effects merely lurk in the dark past. “You see kids change before your are prodded to do more than look The Anti-Defamation League re- eyes after the program, and they re- and listen passively. They’re offered ported 1,986 anti-Semitic incidents alize they can make a change,” she Pictured above is “Juden Raus” (Jews Out), a Nazi-designed board a checklist on elements of propa- in America last year, up 57 percent said. “They go into the world as am- game for children. The goal was to collect as many Jews as possible ganda: It tells information selective- from 2016. Among them were swas- bassadors for humanity. I feel like and send them to Palestine. ly, simplifies issues, tells lies or half- tikas scratched onto cars in Miami there is life and hope.” n truths, plays on emotions, attacks Beach, “fecal matter” on synagogue April 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY 3 Rwanda genocide’s lesson: Don’t be defined by the past

and men work, as do women, who American witness were empowered to do so after the to 1994 massacres genocide. Rwanda’s women now account for 64 percent of the rep- “I’m not leaving” is an account of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda resentatives in the parliament, the written by Carl Wilkens, the only American to remain in the country spreads good news highest rate of women in power in during the massacre. Wilkens visited Immaculata-La Salle March 6 to the world. A 2015 UNICEF report discuss his experiences. (PHOTOS BY CRISTINA CABRERA JARRO | FC) of healing that showed Rwanda to have a 97.7 per- cent enrollment rate in primary Wilkens. greatest challenges would not be followed education, the highest in Africa. “It’s not about how many people the physical rebuilding, but the CRISTINA CABRERA JARRO “I was stuck in studying the were killed or who did the killing,” ability to re-establish trust. genocide itself, and all the political Moya added. “It becomes about “People thought they could trust Florida Catholic correspondent motivations and all the sociological how a society can come together their government, and their govern- Carl Wilkens, left, stands with stuff about it, and when I got there and rebuild a country destroyed by ment was ordering them to kill their MIAMI | When Gabriela Latim- Immaculata-La Salle English and it was like, ‘That was 20 years ago. violence and hatred.” neighbors. People thought they er was in eighth grade, her teacher political science teacher JC Moya Look at this country now,’” said JC could trust their church and people advised her not to pursue a his- at the presentation on the 1994 Moya, an English and political sci- RE-ESTABLISH TRUST were slaughtered by the thousands tory project on the 1994 genocide genocide in Rwanda. ence teacher at Immaculata-La After the genocide, the people in Rwanda, deeming it too graphic. Salle who travelled to Rwanda with of Rwanda knew that one of their PLEASE SEE RWANDA, 20 Over 800,000 people were killed in Carmen Latimer, Gabriela’s mother. about 100 days, so the teacher had a “What they’re living is healing and reasonable argument. we need a lot of that here. We need But Gabriela didn’t listen. As far compassion and acceptance.” as she was concerned, “the topics “To change a bad reputation is that aren’t spoken about are the im- hard,” said Wilkens. “At the time portant ones.” of the genocide it seemed like the Four years later, as a senior at world didn’t care, and we turned Immaculata-La Salle High School our back as nearly a million of our in Miami, Gabriela had the oppor- family members were killed. But I tunity to meet Carl Wilkens, the don’t buy it that people don’t care. I only American to voluntarily re- believe they do, they just don’t know main in Kigali, Rwanda, during the how and that’s what tools and inspi- genocide. Wilkens and his wife, Te- rations are all about.” resa, later founded the educational Wilkens showed images of nonprofit World Outside My Shoes. Rwanda, describing it as a coun- Now he travels the globe sharing his try with amazing people, delicious experiences. On March 6, he led an pineapples, mystical volcanoes, evening presentation at Immacula- and rainforests like those Dian Fos- ta-La Salle. sey described in “Gorillas in the An aid worker with the Adventist Mist.” In the cities, streets are clean Development and Relief Agency, Wilkens was living in Rwanda with his family when the violence began. He sent his family away to safety, CLASSIFIED but remained during the mass kill- ings. He sheltered and aided perse- cuted friends and neighbors, and ADS provided water, food and medicine to local orphanages. He said his REAL ESTATE FOR SALE presence as a foreigner sometimes RESIDENTIAL AND/OR 12024-0419 prevented conflicts from escalating. PILGRIMS’ GUESTHOUSE Today, 24 years later, he is A mile from the SHRINE OF THE amazed at how his audiences con- MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT nect with the story of genocide, in “A Taste of Heaven” Hanceville, Alabama ways they don’t with other topics. Learn more: [email protected]. His hope is that listeners will learn For photos: www.thepilgrimshouse.com. to stand up against genocide, preju- dice and hatred across borders, and VACATION RENTAL affirm the values of respect, empa- N.C. GETAWAY, 2,000 SQ FT – Mtn. home w/ thy and inclusion. two creeks, 3BR/3Ba., cent. heat/AC, fireplace, LR, fam. rm., laundry rm., satellite TV, fully fur- NEED FOR HEALING nished. $700/wk., most seasons. 727-376-1498. But his story doesn’t end with the Only $28 for the genocide. In a way, that’s where it first four lines. begins. Call Mike Carlock at “We came to hear about Rwanda, 11338-0315 but the part that we needed to hear 1-888-275-9953. was the part about healing,” said 4 YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY Florida Catholic April 2018

APPOINTMENTS Church’s defense of marriage Archbishop Thomas Wenski has granted the following permission:

Effective June 1: not based on ‘hate’ Father Luis García — retire- ment. Most people know that the Cath- nonbelievers — regardless of their they are not. olic Church teaches that the true sexual orientation (cf. Mt 19:9-11). There are bound to be difficult nature of marriage is a comprehen- For we all are sinners. The Church moments in ensuring the Church nicities, people of all social-eco- sive “two-in-one-flesh” union ca- is, as Pope Francis has said, a “field remains free to preach the Gospel nomic backgrounds, and people pable of uniting children hospital” tending to those and exercise her ministry in any so- of all sexual orientations, “not with their mothers and wounded in the battlefields ciety, let alone one as diverse as the because they are Catholic, but be- fathers, a union which of life with the healing balm U.S. and Miami in particular. This cause we are Catholic.” FLORIDA only a man and a woman of God’s grace and mercy. is why the courts have generally I agree with Chief Justice John are biologically capable The “medicine” of the Gos- recognized that teachers in faith- Roberts who wrote in his dissent to Catholic of forming. Most people pel is denied to no one. And, based schools are similar to clergy, Obergefell v. Hodges that legalized ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI also know that the Cath- on any given Sunday, there and that there is thus a “ministerial same sex marriages: “The major- olic Church teaches that are gathered in our parishes exception” to the application of an- ity’s decision is an act of will, not Vol. 79, No. 6 sexual intimacy which people who are at different tidiscrimination laws. As pastor of a legal judgment. The right it an- promotes bonding be- FROM THE stages in their faith jour- this local Church, I recognize that nounces has no basis in the Con- ARCHBISHOP 9401 Biscayne Blvd. tween the couple and neys. They are always wel- such situations can cause some to stitution or this Court’s precedent.” Miami, FL 33138 may result in new life is Thomas comed — and often those feel pain or exclusion, especially But I also appreciate that Justice 305-762-1131 Fax 305-762-1132 meant exclusively with- Wenski who are not yet “there,” i.e., those who have likely experienced Anthony Kennedy, who voted PUBLISHER in a marriage between able to participate in Holy unjust discrimination during their for the majority in Obergefell v. Archbishop Thomas Wenski a man and a woman. Communion — do ap- lives. The last thing I — or any Hodges, acknowledged that people Thus, the dissents proach the minister for a blessing. priest — would want to do is add to who oppose “same-sex marriage DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Mary Ross Agosta from the view of marriage increas- And while more than a few may any sense of abandonment by the reach that conclusion based on ingly held by many that redefines not agree with the Church’s teach- Church for anyone. decent and honorable religious or ARCHDIOCESAN EDITOR marriage as being only about the ings, it should be obvious that faith- But we must find ways to ensure philosophical premises.” In other Ana Rodriguez-Soto [email protected] affective gratification of consenting based schools cannot promote their legitimate differences do not harm words, one who defends the tradi- 305-762-1131 adults. distinctive educational mission, in us as a community, or result in the tional understanding of marriage The Gospel proposal about accordance with those teachings, eclipse or diminishment of the re- as a conjugal union between a man sexuality and human flourishing unless they are free to select teach- lationship of the Church with the and a woman is not for doing so a • ADVERTISING: Contact Valerie Casko at has always been challenging to ers who are committed to that mis- community in which she serves “hater.” n 407-373-0075 or believers and a stumbling block to sion — and free to dismiss them if people of all nationalities and eth- [email protected] • CLASSIFIED ADS: Contact Mike Carlock at 1-888-275-9953, or [email protected] Para la Iglesia, la defensa del matrimonio no se basa en el odio State Offices:50 E. Robinson St., Suite G, Orlando, FL 32801-1619; P.O. Box 4993; La mayoría de la gente sabe que Iglesia es, como ha dicho el Papa la Iglesia siga siendo libre para sonas de todas las nacionalidades y Orlando, FL 32802-4993; 407-373-0075; Toll- la Iglesia Católica enseña que la Francisco, un “hospital de cam- predicar el Evangelio y ejercer su etnias, personas de todas las clases free 1-888-275-9953; Fax 407-373-0087 verdadera naturaleza del matrimo- po” que atiende a los heridos en los ministerio en cualquier sociedad, sociales y económicas, y personas EXECUTIVE & EDITORIAL STAFF: nio es una unión integral de “dos campos de batalla de la vida con y mucho más en una tan diversa de todas las orientaciones sexu- Associate Publisher: Ann Borowski Slade en una sola carne”, capaz de unir a el bálsamo sanador de la gracia como los Estados Unidos, y Miami ales, “no porque sean católicos, Editorial/Online Director: Jean Gonzalez los hijos con sus madres y padres, y la misericordia de Dios. La “me- en particular. Ésta es la razón por sino porque somos católicos”. Business Manager: Pat Spencer una unión que sólo un hombre y dicina” del Evangelio no se le niega la cual los tribunales han recono- Estoy de acuerdo con el presi- Copy Editor: Mary Rose Denaro una mujer son biológicamente ca- a nadie. Y, en cualquier domingo cido generalmente que los mae- dente de la Corte Suprema, John Marketing Advertising Associate: Michael Carlock paces de formar. La mayoría de la dado, se reúnen en nuestras parro- stros de las escuelas religiosas son Roberts, quien escribió en su di- Advertising Graphic Designer: gente también sabe que la Iglesia quias personas que se encuentran parecidos al clero, y que, por lo senso a la decisión sobre el caso Michael Jimenez Católica enseña que la intimidad en diferentes etapas en sus viajes tanto, existe una “excepción min- Obergefell vs Hodges, que legal- Advertising Sales Associate: Valerie Casko sexual que promueve la unión de fe. Siempre son bienvenidas, y isterial” a la aplicación de las leyes izó los matrimonios del mismo Advertising Sales Associate: Tim Shea entre la pareja y puede dar lugar a con frecuencia aquellos que aún antidiscriminatorias. Como pastor sexo: “La decisión de la mayoría es una nueva vida, se entiende exclu- no han llegado “allí”—es decir, de esta iglesia local, reconozco que un acto de voluntad, no un juicio sivamente dentro de un matrimo- que aún no pueden participar en la tales situaciones pueden causar legal. El derecho que anuncia no Send statewide news releases to nio entre un hombre y una mujer. Sagrada Comunión—, se acercan que algunos sientan dolor o exclu- tiene ningún fundamento en la [email protected] Por lo tanto, la Iglesia Católica al sacerdote para pedirle una ben- sión, especialmente aquellos que Constitución o en el precedente de disiente del punto de vista sobre el dición. probablemente hayan experimen- esta Corte”. Pero también agradez- Archdiocese of Miami www.miamiarch.org matrimonio — sostenido cada vez Y aunque es posible que más de tado una discriminación injusta co el que el juez Anthony Kennedy, Follow us: Facebook: www.facebook.com/ más por muchos— que redefine unos pocos no estén de acuerdo durante sus vidas. Lo último que que votó por la mayoría en Oberge- archdioceseofmiami el matrimonio como si se tratara con las enseñanzas de la Iglesia, querría hacer yo, o cualquier sac- fell vs Hodges, reconociera que “las Twitter: @CatholicMiami sólo de la gratificación afectiva de debería ser obvio que las escuelas erdote, es aumentar el sentimiento personas que se oponen al matri- Instagram: @CatholicMiami adultos que consienten. religiosas no pueden promover de abandono de cualquier perso- monio homosexual llegan a esa La propuesta del Evangelio su misión educativa distintiva, de na respecto de la Iglesia. conclusión basándose en premisas Our staff meets for prayer each work day at 9 a.m. Send prayer intentions to prayers@ sobre la sexualidad y el floreci- acuerdo con esas enseñanzas, a Pero debemos encontrar for- religiosas o filosóficas decentes y thefloridacatholic.org miento humano siempre ha sido menos que tengan la libertad de es- mas de asegurar que las diferen- honorables.” En otras palabras, al- desafiante para los creyentes y un coger a maestros comprometidos cias legítimas no nos perjudiquen guien que defiende la comprensión All contents copyright © 2018, The Florida obstáculo para los no creyentes, con esa misión —y la libertad de como comunidad, o que no re- tradicional del matrimonio como Catholic Inc., except stories and photos from independientemente de su orient- despedirlos si no lo están. sulten en el eclipse o disminución una unión conyugal entre un hom- Catholic News Service. ación sexual (véase Mateo 19: 9-11). Seguramente habrá momen- de la relación de la Iglesia con la bre y una mujer no es por eso moti- Porque todos somos pecadores. La tos difíciles para garantizar que comunidad, en la que sirve a per- vado por el odio. n

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April 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY 5 Remember when? Editor’s note: The following is a the diocese. They will ask: “Is there 1982 new feature highlighting a month any person living in this household • A boatload of Haitians seeking in archdiocesan history, as the who was baptized a Catholic?” The freedom in the U.S. drowns off Boca Miami archdiocese continues its goal is to obtain information until Raton; 21 of them are buried at Our 60th anniversary celebration. A now unavailable: how many Catho- Lady Queen of Heaven Cemetery, “White Gala to Honor the White lics there are in South Florida; where North Lauderdale, following Mass Collar” will take place Oct. 20, they live; which part of the country at St. Clement Church, Fort Lauder- with proceeds benefiting the two they come from; where their chil- dale. local seminaries. Here are some of dren go to school; and the “spiritual the historical highlights for April. status of family members.” 1983 • The archdiocesan Pastoral Cen- 1959 1961 ter is dedicated April 16 by Arch- • An article in The Voice, the dioc- • The Bay of Pigs invasion takes bishop Pio Laghi, apostolic delegate esan newspaper, notes that St. Mi- place in Cuba and reports reach in the U.S. Concelebrating the Mass chael Parish in Miami “Speaks the Miami that more than 100 priests, with him is Archbishop McCarthy, People’s Language: English, Span- including Havana Auxiliary Bishop who envisioned bringing all archdi- ish and 8 Others.” The languages Eduardo Boza Masvidal, have been ocesan offices together in one build- spoken when administering the arrested. Bishop Coleman Carroll ing and contributed to its design. sacraments, and during activities calls on Catholics to pray for a free with the 2,500-family Cuba by reciting a 1989 community, include prayer to Our Lady of • Divine Mercy Haitian Catholic Polish, Lithuanian, Guadalupe “at every Mission opens at 1120 Powerline German, Italian and Mass … until further Road, Fort Lauderdale, the first per- French. Three others notice.” manent home for Broward’s Haitian — Portuguese, Rus- ministry. In addition to offering Issue of The Voice from April 21, 1961. sian and Slovak — are 1980 a full Sunday schedule of Creole available on “standby,” • In response to Masses, the mission will help Hai- .Church that may have led them to for when tourists call the planned deporta- tians find jobs and access social separate themselves from the faith at the rectory and ask tion of 10,000 Haitians services. community. for a priest. from South Florida, as well as the situation of 10,000 Cubans who 1990 • Keeping with the 500th anni- 1960 sought refuge in the Peruvian em- • St. Luke’s-Bethesda Manor versary theme of evangelization, • What was then known as the bassy in Havana (giving rise a few switches from a 28-day medical de- Cuban Catholics in the archdio- Family Life Bureau begins offering weeks later to the Mariel boatlift), toxification facility to a 180-day psy- cese meet to reflect on their history, a series of seven lectures aimed at Archbishop Edward McCarthy is- chological treatment program for their spirituality as a people, and newlyweds or couples planning sues a statement which includes addicts. Future plans include mov- their relationship with their suffer- marriage in the next few months. this observation: “There is an unes- ing to a new, 50-bed building near ing brothers and sisters on the is- The lectures cover “the spiritual, capable connection between evan- St. Mary’s Cathedral. Operated by land. CRECED, Spanish initials for psychological and physical aspects” gelization and the Haitians and Catholic Charities, Bethesda started Reflections of the Cuban Church of marriage and family life. “A cer- the Cubans. There is even more a as a home for alcoholics in the mid- Community in Exile, began with a tificate will be awarded to those challenge to test the sincerity of our 1960s, then became a detox facility survey of exiles all over the world, Issue of The Voice from April attending the entire series. This commitment to Jesus Christ and where heroin addicts could obtain from which were culled themes for 18, 1980. certificate is expected of all couples his teachings through the way we methadone to ease off the addiction. discussion and reflection. registering for marriage in their par- react to the pleading of the Cubans St. Luke’s is an outpatient counsel- 1999 ish.” and the Haitians. We cannot simply ing center. 1993 • Archbishop Favalora urges U.S. piously mouth Gospel teachings. If • At the Vatican-mandated retire- Attorney General Janet Reno to re- • The diocese sends out “thou- we are serious in our commitment • The newly established Catholic ment age of 75, Archbishop McCar- view the cases of legal immigrants sands of laymen” to “every doorstep to Christ, we must apply them and Commission for Social Advocacy thy, spiritual leader of South Flor- who are being indefinitely detained in South Florida” April 24, in order to put them into practice even at times leads a successful campaign against ida’s Catholics for almost 17 years, and/or deported to their native conduct a census of all Catholics in when our self-interest suffers.” a Food and Drug Administration submits his resignation to Rome. countries because of run-ins with policy banning Haitians and others the law, regardless of whether they from African nations from donating 1997 have served their time and been blood in order to prevent the spread • With its namesake on hand for upstanding citizens ever since. Hai- of AIDS. After the largely Haitian the ceremony, Archbishop John C. tians who left their homeland as student body at Curley-Notre Dame Favalora breaks ground for Arch- children are facing deportation to High School boycotted a blood drive bishop Edward McCarthy High a country they do not know, while because of the policy, the commis- School, the first Catholic high school leaving wives and U.S. born chil- sion persuaded the mayor of Miami to be built in Broward County in 36 dren behind. Families of Cubans at and the local branch of the NAACP years. The $12 million facility will the Krome Avenue camp have been to testify in Congress against the enroll its first freshman class in Au- on a hunger strike for four months ban. The commission, using the gust 1998. to protest the indefinite detention government’s own studies, proved of their relatives, who cannot be that the policy was not scientifically 1998 deported to Cuba but, according to based and was, in fact, discrimina- • Beginning during Holy Week INS, are not eligible for release. An tory. and continuing through the end of estimated 4,000 people are being May, the archdiocese airs a series of detained under these circumstanc- 1992 television commercials asking the es around the country. “In our view, • To mark the 500th anniversary unchurched and fallen-away Catho- INS can, under present authority, of the arrival of Christianity to the lics, both in English and Spanish, to establish independent and impar- New World, the archdiocese’s Of- “Come home to the Church. Come tial panels of citizens to review fairly fices of Evangelization and Lay home to your parish.” The cost of the cases of detainees so that those Ministry begin training volunteers producing and airing the 30-second who pose no threat to society can be to go door to door visiting the homes spots — at peak viewing times — released to their families,” the arch- of their neighbors. The goal is to in- was covered by a $200,000 gift from bishop said in his statement. n vite the unchurched to the nearest the Koenig family, owners of City Catholic parish. If necessary, they Furniture. are to apologize for any snub or mis- Issue of The Voice from April 10, 1959. understanding on the part of the

. 6 YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY Florida Catholic April 2018 ‘A legacy that I feel good about leaving behind’ Deacon Richard Turcotte, CEO of Catholic Charities, will officially retire June 1

TOM TRACY Florida Catholic correspondent

WILTON MANORS | After 30 years of overseeing an array of ser- vices to the needy of South Florida, Deacon Richard Turcotte, CEO of Catholic Charities in the Archdio- At a press conference in 2010, Deacon Richard Turcotte, CEO of Catholic Deacon Richard Turcotte, left, Catholic Charities’ CEO since 1998, cese of Miami, will officially retire Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, listens as then-Archbishop John assists at the agency’s 80th anniversary Mass, which was celebrated effective June 1. Peter Routsis-Ar- C. Favalora announces a long-term plan to aid Haiti. (ANA RODRIGUEZ- by Archbishop Thomas Wenski, who served as Catholic Charities CEO royo, previously head of Catholic SOTO | FC) from 1995 to 1998. (MARLENE QUARONI | FC) Charities in the Diocese of Venice, has taken the helm effective imme- ties logo is a reflection of that, isn’t grow into what they were doing. … to a parish. If Catholic Charities who wants the New Life property diately. (See story, Page 1.) it? He was really the one who started can’t fulfill (the request) we will and we asked him to rebuild what A native of Miami for all intents A: That logo that we brought the accreditation process. We were find somebody in the community we already have better and in a and purposes (he arrived in Florida together maybe 10 or 15 years ago the 87th agency in the U.S. that was who can. So if a pastor, or a priest new location. We went through two at 6 months old), Deacon Turcotte really depicts how we are all called accredited. or secretary calls from a parish, or years of conversations and he is took over as CEO of the agency in to the table, through our Christian a school calls, we aren’t going to say funding the whole project and dou- August 1998. A graduate of Arch- heritage, to the table of the Lord. Q: Any regional historical “no.” We are going to take it on and bling the capacity. bishop Curley High School in Mi- What makes us equal at that table events that you think you will most case-manage it for them and see ami, he studied at Spring Hill Col- is the cross, because whether you remember? them through the process. Q: What about the post-Hurri- lege in Mobile, Alabama, before are a social worker, a widow, a dis- A: The thing closest to my heart cane Irma housing situation in the returning to Florida. He sat down enfranchised homeless person, we will be Operation Pedro Pan. I lived Q: What about homeless as a Florida Keys? with the Florida Catholic to reflect all come to that table with the same as a child through that experi- growing challenge in South Florida? A: There has always been a on his three decades of service. The temptations, sacrifices, shortcom- ence as an outsider looking in, as a A: When you look at homeless- housing crisis in the Keys, and I interview has been edited for brev- ings and from the same blood of Church member and through my ness, there are a continuum of ser- don’t know that there is a compre- ity. Christ. We quickly learn that we family and through my dad’s own vices: traditional emergency shelter hensive plan to this day as to how to feed each other. outreach through St. Vincent de where you take people off the street solve it. When you look at Key West Q: How has the agency changed Paul (Society) … and to come back and house them in many different it is No. 5 as a city with the most dis- over your term of service here? Q: Anything you are happy to here in 1998 and experience it on ways. Then there is transitional parity of top earners and everyone A: Today we are a $32 million have seen develop and blossom a whole different level, to meet the housing and you prepare the per- else. Over the years there has been organization with 12 different na- over the years? children who had now grown into son for permanent housing, and a difficulty filling the gap of hous- tionally accredited programs from A: The thing that has given the adults who were my age for the most finally there is permanent hous- ing for the service industry and the Key West to Pompano Beach. The most joy and spiritual fulfillment part, and to have a whole different ing, much of it funded by federal hurricane only compounded that agency has grown tremendously is watching people and allowing experience with them and journey or state homelessness funding. We problem. Not that the hurricane during that 20-year span, now with people to grow into what their po- with them. I think Pedro Pan will have provided services in all three destroyed affordable housing, but more than 300 employees. During tential is. If you look at the leader- always be the dearest and closest to of those areas over the years, but I at the same time the hurricane hit my tenure, we have attempted to ship in this organization, from the my heart. believe we have ultimately found there were hundreds of affordable be the visible arm of the Catholic upper executive level, our middle our niche: What we do best is work- housing units that were expiring Church representing charities in level and our delivery level, with the Q: There is a large partnering force affordable housing for people through a sunset clause, and what the community. The agency went exception of a few people, they are aspect to the Catholic Charities op- who at one time may have been was affordable is no longer afford- through a transformation over the all homegrown. They started out as eration. Is that growing? homeless and are now employed able. Now they can charge market years and continues to transform social workers, case managers, as- A: It is even more of a challenge and need affordable housing. We price. Most of your service work- itself as it adapts to the require- sistant teachers, and allowing them nowadays. There is less money have 12 units of affordable housing ers don’t live in Key West, they live ments of the people we serve and to step forward and bring their gifts available for funding, so we need to at St. Bede’s Village in Key West. We further north. You have teachers, to the available funding, so that we to the table by providing resources find collaborative ways of working are adding 37 new units there. We firemen, policemen who are having can leverage to serve the needs of and removing roadblocks so that within our own agency to leverage have 15 units in Miami Dade and difficulty finding affordable hous- the disenfranchised and the poor they could fulfill their potential, resources so that we don’t repli- are adding 15 more units to that at ing. in this community. that was created consciously and cate what we are doing between New Life facility. deliberately and that is the legacy the various services. But it also re- Q: Is there another area of need Q: What would you say in part- that I feel good about leaving be- quires a leveraging of what we are Q: Can you talk more about that stands out as urgent to our re- ing to new and future staff? hind. doing with other agencies. … We those new housing units for the gion? A: In new employee orientation always talk about doing a better job homeless? A: I would be remiss not to men- I remind staff that … you come to an Q: Did you have any mentors with parishes but our outreach at A: These new housing program tion the opioid epidemic, however agency like ours with a sense that over the years? parishes where we have programs units in Key West and Miami will Miami has a rich history, and St. you are going to give something to A: Msgr. Bryan O. Walsh (former and services has been very positive. be built debt free. When you carry Luke’s started out as a methadone the people you serve. But what you Charities CEO) is at the top of that We have some very positive experi- a debt on housing it is a tremendous clinic. Now it has transitioned into quickly begin to realize, if you re- list, as well as Archbishop Thomas ences, with Key West at the basilica burden on the program. The con- a dual-diagnosis facility for sub- ally allow yourself to be absorbed Wenski, watching him firsthand as there, at Notre Dame d’Haiti Par- struction and the planning has be- stance abuse and mental illness and consumed into the culture that he was involved with working with ish and at Holy Redeemer Parish, gun and we are at the phase where treatment. We have seen an in- we have developed here over the the poor. I have known him since he through our counseling services, we are ready (for groundbreaking). crease of the opioid addicts coming years, is that you are actually being was at seminary and watching his through child development ser- I won’t be here to see the final re- in to St. Luke’s and that is commen- fed, you are actually gaining nutri- evolution has been very important vices, through unaccompanied sults, but it launches us into a niche surate with what we are seeing na- tion and spiritual fulfillment as you for my own spiritual growth. As far minors services. All of those ser- area of housing that I think is really tionwide and in South Florida. serve the people that you serve. as Msgr. Walsh, he was retired by vices are integrated on some level the future for Catholic Charities. It the time I got here, but I particu- with parishes. … I have an operat- worked out that we have a develop- Q: The Miami Catholic Chari- larly liked his style of letting people ing principle here: I never say “no” er who is building across the street PLEASE SEE TURCOTTE, 18 April 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY 7

CHARITIES help I can give you if it’s coming ‘I’m just a social worker Conversely, Catholic Charities’ game of golf, loves all sports and FROM 1 your way. That is how we work refugee resettlement program- played baseball throughout col- statewide: We all try to help each at heart, but the good ming nationally has been cut in lege. His favorite team is the New other out.” Lord challenges us and many places, Routsis-Arroyo not- York Yankees and he enjoys get- in Wilton Manors, Routsis-Arroyo A fluent Spanish-speaker born ed, and as those programs have ting to spring training games in sifts through welcome cards and to Puerto Rican and Greek par- I’ve learned that, given been scaled back Charities agen- Florida. artwork given to him by children ents, Routsis-Arroyo took his se- my business background cies around the U.S. have endeav- He said he is residing in Hol- affiliated with Catholic Charities nior staff on a fact-finding mission ored to cross-train impacted staff lywood as he gets to the know the programs in Dade and Broward to sites in the Middle and Lower as well, I can also make and move them into other areas of region “until my wife is ready and counties, including housing and Florida Keys in early March to greater impact and service. we look for something a little more early childhood facilities — both assess Hurricane Irma recovery In Florida, funding for refugees permanent. You can’t be living in of which occupy a large share of efforts in the archdiocese. The change as a CEO.’ has been curtailed in general, he Miami and fighting that traffic ev- Catholic Charities’ budget and Florida Keys has long been suf- added, but Charities staff here well ery day to work up here, so Richard priorities. fering from an affordable housing Peter Routsis-Arroyo reflect the diversity and languages was a good guide and knew exactly A native of Queens, New York, crisis and Catholic Charities is in of the South Florida region. Over- where I needed to be looking.” and a licensed social worker who the process of expanding its St. all, the array of Charities services Msgr. Roberto Garza, chair- graduated from New York Univer- Bede’s housing programming in “are very supportive of the work in the archdiocese remain “cradle man of the archdiocese’s Catholic sity with a master’s degree in social Key West. of Catholic Charities and the mis- to grave,” from senior adult day Charities board of directors, noted work, he was employed from 1993 “We have hurricane recovery sion.” care services to adoption home that Routsis-Arroyo “has a strong until 1998 with Catholic Family staff down there providing assis- There are also larger urban dy- studies services. commitment to the mission of Services in Hartford, Connecticut, tance and case management as namics and fewer rural locations Catholic Charities and possesses as clinical director/senior man- we speak, help with rent and utili- in Miami compared to southwest SELF-SUFFICIENCY a wealth of knowledge and exper- agement team and director of the ties and that will be long term,” Florida, he noted, adding that Routsis-Arroyo summed up tise that will help the agency move Institute for the Hispanic Family. he said. “We have a tremendously many people may not fully real- the thrust of Charities program- forward both strategically and op- Routsis-Arroyo moved to south- dedicated, mission-driven staff.” ize the many ties and relation- ming as helping people and fami- erationally.” west Florida more than 20 years In addition to Catholic religious ships between constituent Catho- lies move toward self-sufficiency, For his part, Deacon Turcotte ago, and comes to the Miami area artwork and personal photos that lic Charities programming and “where people have their own noted that Routsis-Arroyo’s ap- fresh off the considerable experi- adorn his new office, a Robert Sen- many of the parishes. “There are home or apartment, with solid pointment concluded an exhaus- ence of marshalling response and gstacke picture of Martin Luther some real linkages to providing family values and a holistic ap- tive and successful executive recovery from Hurricane Irma King Jr. hangs over his desk. services.” proach on our part to support all search, which will positively im- around the Diocese of Venice. On an opposite wall is a favor- Routsis-Arroyo said he looks that.” pact the future of the agency. The hurricane had a profound ite Biblical quote: “Inasmuch as ye forward to strengthening other “I’m just a social worker at “The remaining months of my impact on communities, churches have done it unto one of the least of key relationships and partner- heart, but the good Lord challeng- tenure will be busy with transi- and rural life from Marco Island to these my brethren, ye have done it ships with such entities as St. Vin- es us and I’ve learned that, given tioning the organization to new Fort Myers, as well as farmworker unto me” (Mt 25:40). cent de Paul Society, the Knights of my business background as well, I leadership and preparing for the communities west of I-75. Catho- There are also the family pic- Columbus, university internship can also make greater impact and next phase of life,” he said. “It is lic Charities Diocese of Venice tures showing his wife, Maria, a programs and more. change as a CEO,” he said. impossible to thank everyone who includes a portfolio of 27 service Colombia native and herself a so- He praised Deacon Turcotte for On a personal note, Routsis-Ar- has so abundantly blessed my life and other locations covering a cial worker, and the couple’s four re-establishing mental health-re- royo said he enjoys the occasional as CEO of Catholic Charities.” n 10-county area in southwest Flori- young adult children and one ad- lated counseling services through- da. The hurricane became a state- opted child, a niece. The eldest out the area with four full-time wide and even national moment of son lives and works as a teacher in clinicians. “It is not just a service coordination and response. Madrid. for parishioners but open to every- body,” he said. “That is a wonder- ‘HELP EACH OTHER’ FLAGSHIP AGENCY ful way to connect with our con- “When the storm was ear- Routsis-Arroyo said he always stituencies.” marked for Miami, I called Rich- looked at Miami’s Catholic Chari- Services for children and fami- ard (Turcotte) here to say that if we ties as the “mother,” the flagship of lies remain the bedrock of Catho- don’t get too much damage on the Florida’s Catholic Charities enter- lic Charities’ programs, with six 10177-0419 west coast let me know how I can prises. “It has the longest history, it sites offering Head Start. That be of help,” Routsis-Arroyo said. is the largest agency, with more es- makes Catholic Charities the larg- “And then two days later the hurri- tablished federal and state-grant- est provider of Head Start in Mi- cane shifted and it was earmarked ed programs,” he said. He added ami apart from the Miami-Dade for the west coast and Richard was that Archbishop Thomas Wenski County public schools. calling to say I will see how much and the archdiocesan chancellors LEWIS & COMPANY

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OBITUARIES Sister Father José Paz, 88: ‘Man of Kathleen Donnelly, 96, God’ who ‘emanated peace’ ‘soul’ of St. ANA RODRIGUEZ-SOTO rect and convincing.” ther Paz studied at the seminary in Florida Catholic staff As a priest, Father Hernando add- Santiago de Compostela — the final Hugh School ed, Father Paz was “a man of God, destination for pilgrims walking MIAMI | A memorial Mass will compassionate, patient, always the ancient Camino de Santiago. Florida Catholic staff be celebrated Thursday, April 26, 7 open in mind and heart to under- He was ordained May 31, 1952, for p.m., at St. Michael Church for Fa- stand and encourage, always opti- the Diocese of Mondoñedo-El Fer- MIAMI | When she retired ther José M. Paz, longtime pastor mistic and full of hope. … For him, rol and served as pastor of a parish as principal of St. Hugh School of the Miami parish, who died un- there were no problems that could in Lugo until September 1956, when in 2009, Sister Kathleen Don- expectedly March 26 in his native not be resolved by the grace of God he joined the Obra de Cooperación nelly had broken a record: Her Spain. and human means.” Sacerdotal Hispano Americana 35-year tenure at the Coconut “I think it was a matter of 48 Deacon Rodicio said Father Paz (OCSHA) and became a mission- Grove school had made her hours,” said Father Jose Hernando, had many talents: He repaired ary in Cuba. From 1957 to 1961 he the longest-serving principal pastor emeritus of St. Agnes Parish, plaster statues, could fix any lock, served as pastor of San Miguel de in the Archdiocese of Miami. Key Biscayne, and a fellow Spaniard. was an avid reader and an expert Manatí in Oriente, now part of the A school “He planned to come back Monday beekeeper. He and a retired priest Diocese of Holguín. a l u m n a to be here for Holy Week, but God who helped at St. Michael cultivated “Despite his advanced age, he whose t wo had other plans. He went ahead to their own honey and “knew every- still dreamed of being able to travel children at- celebrate Easter in heaven.” thing about bees,” the deacon said. to Cuba and visit Manatí,” said Can- tended St. Father Paz, 88, served as pastor of Father Paz also was an expert tero. “Some people in that area of Hugh at the St. Michael for 30 years, from 1978 Father José M. Paz cook who loved fishing and eat- the province of Las Tunas still re- time told the until his retirement in 2008. He had ing seafood, Father Hernando said. member him.” Miami Her- been a priest for nearly 66 years, all in 2004, used similar words to de- That love of the sea — a result of Father Paz left Cuba in August ald: “I don’t but the first 10 in the Archdiocese of scribe her former boss. She called growing up in Galicia, which abuts 1961 after Fidel Castro’s rise to pow- Sister Kathleen know what Miami. him “a man of God, always willing both the Atlantic and Cantabrian — er. He arrived in the then-Diocese of Donnelly the school is “I grew up with him at St. Mi- to help people from his parish and moved him to concern for the sail- Miami in October 1962 and served going to be chael,” said Deacon Sergio Rodicio, his friends.” ors who spend long months of hard as parochial vicar at Epiphany in like without her. … She is the who currently works at St. Mary She recalled that he “adored” toil on the water. South Miami (1962-63), St. John the soul of the school.” Cathedral. The two grew close over his family — a brother, a sister and Father Paz started the Apostle- Apostle in Hialeah (1963-64) and At 87, however, Sister Kath- the years. Father Paz vested Deacon nephews — and “always smiled ship of the Sea in the Archdiocese Corpus Christi in Miami (1964-69). leen’s shoulder and hip were Rodicio at his ordination in Decem- when a person came to him for ad- of Miami, Father Hernando said, He then served as administrator giving her trouble. “Walking ber. vice in times of difficulties.” opening a building at the Port of of St. Ann Mission, Naranja, min- is very difficult and so I have “He’s gallego and my family is Both Deacon Rodicio and Father Miami which he christened Stella istering to the many migrant farm- to realize that unless I can be from Galicia,” Deacon Rodicio said, Hernando noted that Father Paz Maris in honor of the Virgin Mary, workers in the area, until 1973, when 110 percent effective I’m not referring to the northwestern re- lived up to his surname: peace. Star of the Sea. It remains a place he was recalled to his home diocese doing my work well,” she told gion of Spain where Father Paz was “No doubt he created and ema- where those working on cruise ships in Spain. Upon returning to Miami the Herald. born. “So especially after my father nated peace at every moment, espe- or cargo vessels can come during in 1975, he was named adminis- A few months later, after passed away we became very close. cially in difficult and complicated the brief hours between sailings to trator of Corpus Christi until 1978, having hip surgery, she was He was one of those good old Span- situations,” Father Hernando wrote use the telephones or computers, to when he was named pastor of St. back in South Florida, vol- ish priests who was always working in a tribute to his friend. “Speaking communicate with their families or Michael. unteering as pastoral assis- very hard for his people.” with him meant being infected by catch up on the news. After he retired, he would spend tant and teacher at St. Patrick Carmen Alfonso, who became St. his serenity and tranquility, which “And above all they knew that summers with his family in Spain School in Miami Beach, where Michael School’s first lay principal emerged in his words, always cor- Father Paz would be there to listen and winters in South Florida. “He she had taught after first com- to them, hear their confessions, en- enjoyed his retirement a lot,” Dea- ing to Miami in 1944. courage them, evangelize them and con Rodicio said. “He traveled a lot. Sister Kathleen, a member celebrate Mass for them,” Father Got to see a lot of different places. He of the Adrian Dominican con- Hernando wrote. never slowed down.” gregation, died April 2, 2018, He would also intercede to “im- “We don’t know what we have at the Dominican Life Center prove the working conditions of lost,” Father Hernando wrote in his in Adrian, Michigan. She was those on cruise ships,” said Araceli tribute, “but we are very grateful to 96 and in her 79th year of re- Cantero, recalling her reporting on God for having given him to us for so ligious life. the Apostleship of the Sea when she many years.” Known in the early days as was editor of La Voz Católica, the The funeral Mass for Father Paz Sister Charles Mary Donnelly, archdiocese’s Spanish-language was celebrated in San Fernando the West Palm Beach native newspaper. Church, Santiago de Compostela. spent 67 years ministering in Born June 12, 1929, in La Coruña, He was buried at the Boisaca cem- Florida schools. She began one of the provinces of Galicia, Fa- etery nearby. n teaching in 1939. “My life as you can see has been children and teaching,” she told the Herald when she retired. Sister Kathleen taught at schools in Detroit and Chicago before coming to St. Patrick, where she taught from 1944 to 1952. She spent six years as teacher and principal at Sa- cred Heart School, Pensacola (1952-58); taught at St. Mat- thew, Jacksonville (1958-61); 11573-0419 then spent five years at Little 11577-0419

PLEASE SEE SISTER, 9 April 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY 9

OBITUARIES Msgr. Emiliano Ordax, 92: ‘Rebellious’ missionary ANA RODRIGUEZ-SOTO Msgr. Ordax’s death. “I was proud before being assigned to work at St. employment assistance, and advice Florida Catholic staff to request the Holy Father to name Francis Xavier Parish in Fort Myers. on immigration matters. him a monsignor so as to signal the From 1962 to 1967 he served as ad- The parish secretary in 1998, MIAMI | He spent most of his appreciation of the archdiocese to ministrator of Catholic missions in Magda Barzana, described her boss life in the “mission fields” of South him and all of the OCSHA priests LaBelle (Our Lady Queen of Heav- this way to the Florida Catholic, on Florida, working among migrants who have served us so well. I join en) and Immokalee (Our Lady of the occasion of his 50th anniver- and his “favorite people” — the so many of his grateful former pa- Guadalupe), all of which were then sary in the priesthood: “I have not poor. When he was given the hon- rishioners in praying the good Lord part of the Miami Diocese. known any other person who bet- orary title of monsignor in 1998, grant Msgr. Emiliano, his good and There, he devoted himself to de- ter represents the priesthood. And he described himself as having a faithful missionary servant, the fending the rights of long-suffering I’ve worked with some really good “tried and true” vocation, as well as promised reward of eternal life.” migrant workers against the “indif- ones.” a natural tendency to “rebellious- Born April 20, 1925, in Bordeaux, ferent capitalists” who employed She noted that “every person ness.” France, to Spanish “campesinos” them. In LaBelle, he said his proud- who comes here hungry, he takes That was proven when, against who worked the vineyards of that est accomplishment was building them out to eat. I have never seen all odds and financial difficulties, region, Msgr. Ordax moved back a church for the poor community, him turn away anybody.” The par- Msgr. Emiliano Ordax built a new with his family to their native Val- “against the advice of the bishop ish offered more than 20 programs church for St. Cecilia Parish, locat- ladolid in 1932. Four years later, in and other counselors.” to aid the poor, she said, and Msgr. ed in one of the poorest neighbor- the midst of what he described as He returned to Miami in 1967, Ordax “has struggled to start all of hoods in Hialeah. For years, he also Msgr. Emiliano Ordax the “terror, grief and blood” of the serving as parochial vicar of St. them.” defended migrant farmworkers Spanish Civil War, he entered the Michael the Archangel, then in He also managed, with the help from those he called “indifferent maguey, Cuba, since 1954. seminary in Zamora. Msgr. Or- 1969 as parochial vicar at St. Mary of loans from the archdiocese, to capitalists” in La Belle and Immo- Msgr. Ordax had gone to Cuba as dax told a Florida Catholic inter- Cathedral. In 1970 he was named erect a new church for the commu- kalee. a missionary, one of the members viewer back in 1998 that its upper administrator of San Juan Bautista nity after the ailing roof of the origi- Those were among the first and of OCSHA — Obra de Cooperación three floors served as a hospital for Mission for Puerto Ricans, once nal building — a converted Baptist last acts of Msgr. Ordax’s priest- Sacerdotal Hispano-Americano wounded soldiers in the war. again in the Wynwood neighbor- temple — succumbed to the winds hood, which began when he en- — an organization that recruited He was ordained a priest Aug. 28, hood. From 1972 to 1979, he served of Hurricane Andrew. tered the seminary at age 11 in his Spanish priests to work in Latin 1948. To fulfill his compulsory mili- as parochial vicar at St. John the Being named a monsignor is a native Spain, at the outbreak of the America. Eventually, the “mission tary service, he worked as auxiliary Apostle in Hialeah. great honor, Msgr. Ordax noted at Spanish Civil War. He had been a lands” came to include Florida. chaplain at the military hospital in In between, he obtained a bach- the time, but on a personal level, priest for nearly 70 years, and would “To him and his Spanish con- Salamanca while studying sacred elor’s degree in Latin American and nothing has changed. “With or have been one of the honorees at frères we owe a debt of gratitude for theology at the nearby pontifical English literature from Villanova without the title I will always be this year’s Chrism Mass, celebrated nurturing and developing the Cath- university. From 1950 to 1954 he University. me,” he said, someone character- March 27. olic faith in our state,” said Arch- served as pastor in two towns of the On July 4, 1979, he took over as ized by “an innate rebelliousness.” Msgr. Ordax died March 12, at bishop Emeritus John C. Favalora, Diocese of Zamora, then joined OC- administrator, and later pastor, of By way of proving it, he added: the age of 92, after spending a few who asked the Vatican to give Msgr. SHA and was promptly assigned to St. Cecilia Parish, a community “I have faced temptation like every days in the care of Catholic Hos- Ordax that honorary title in 1998, Cuba, where he tended to the needs that is predominantly Hispanic, human being; many temptations, pice. He had served as pastor of St. his 50th anniversary as a priest. of sugarcane workers and their working-class, poor and immi- many struggles. But being a monsi- Cecilia Parish for 25 years, from “Our strong and vital Hispanic families. grant. There, he started a day care gnor was never one of them.” 1979 until his retirement from ac- Catholic presence in Florida is the After arriving in the then-Di- center and a casita (little house) to Funeral services for Msgr. Ordax tive ministry in 2004. He had ar- abundant harvest of their gen- ocese of Miami, he spent a few provide social services for the peo- took place March 16 and 17 at St. rived in Miami in December 1960, erous and inspiring labors,” the months at Corpus Christi Parish ple: food for 87 families each week, Cecilia, followed by burial at Our after working in the Diocese of Ca- archbishop said upon hearing of in the Wynwood neighborhood counseling services, housing and Lady of Mercy Cemetery in Doral. n

SISTER leen was the oldest of three POPE I was in prison and you visited • Boldness and passion. daughters in a devout Irish Catho- me.” • (To encounter others) in com- FROM 1 FROM 8 lic family. Her father played pro- Persecution is also remem- munity. fessional baseball for the Cardi- bered not as something of the • In constant prayer. Flower, Hollywood (1961-66). nals, Cubs and Orioles. EXAMPLES OF past, but occurs as “gibes that try After spending a year as a At the suggestion of her Catho- HOLINESS to caricature our faith and make THE ENEMY teacher at Holy Family School in lic school principal, she moved Pope Francis proposed looking us seem ridiculous.” The last chapter explicitly St. Petersburg, she returned to from West Palm Beach to Adrian at the “saints next door.” For ex- The pope warns of the danger states that the devil exists and he South Florida in 1967, serving as after her sophomore year to finish ample, “those parents who raise of separating the demands of the is more than a myth. principal of Our Lady Queen of high school at St. Joseph Academy their children with immense Gospel from one’s personal re- “Hence, we should not think of Martyrs, Fort Lauderdale, until there. love, in those men and women lationship with God and “Chris- the devil as a myth, a representa- 1974. That fall, she began her long She entered the Adrian Do- who work hard to support their tianity thus becomes a sort of tion, a symbol, a figure of speech tenure at St. Hugh. minicans after graduation. She families, in the sick, in elderly NGO.” This is like those who or an idea. This mistake would Under her leadership, a new eventually received a bachelor’s religious who never lose their “find suspect the social engage- lead us to let down our guard, to school building was erected next degree in history and a master’s smile.” ment of others, seeing it as super- grow careless and end up more to the church; the school received in education from Barry College Also in the woman who doesn’t ficial, worldly, secular, material- vulnerable. The devil does not accreditation from the Florida (now University) in Miami Shores. speak poorly against her friends; ist, communist or populist … like need to possess us. He poisons us Catholic Conference; and several Sister Kathleen returned per- who listens with patience and the only thing that counts is one with the venom of hatred, desola- facilities were added, including manently to the Dominican Life care to her children; who prays particular ethical issue or cause tion, envy and vice. When we let a playground and running track, Center in Adrian in 2011. She is before problems; and affection- that they themselves defend.” down our guard, he takes advan- science lab, meditation garden, survived by a sister, Patricia Le- ately cares for the poor. tage of it to destroy our lives, our basketball-volleyball court, art chifflard of Lake Worth, and sev- CATHOLIC STYLE families and our communities. room and chapel. eral nieces and nephews. THE PATH TO HOLINESS OF LIFE ‘Like a roaring lion, he prowls “I try to teach children they Funeral services took place The pope says that the path The pope ends the document around, looking for someone to must be leaders, not followers — April 9 and 10 at the Dominican to holiness is through the Beati- proposing five great expressions devour.’” leaders for good,” she told the Her- Life Center’s St. Catherine Cha- tudes. He also explains how each of love for God and neighbor: He concludes by remember- ald in 2009. pel. She was buried in the congre- person will be judged, according • Perseverance, patience and ing that holiness “has to do with In 2008, Sister Kathleen re- gation’s cemetery nearby. to St. Matthew: “I was hungry and meekness. For example, he la- the meaning of my life before the ceived the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Memorial gifts may be made to you gave me food; I was thirsty ments that Christians use verbal Father, who knows and loves me, Cross, the highest papal recogni- Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 and you gave me drink; I was a violence on the internet, or that with the real purpose of my life, tion for “outstanding witness to E. Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, stranger and you invited me in; I media is an outlet for defaming that nobody knows better than the Catholic faith.” MI 49221. n was naked and you clothed me, I and slandering others. he.” n Born Oct. 7, 1921, Sister Kath- was sick and you took care of me; • Joy and a sense of humor. 10 SUMMER PLANNING Florida Catholic April 2018 11625-0419 April 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org SUMMER PLANNING 11 Marian Center choir rings their bells for Pope Francis CRISTINA CABRERA JARRO Florida Catholic correspondent

MIAMI GARDENS | The sound of bells tolling is part of the soundtrack of Rome, the eternal city. From April 2 to 7, 13 members of the Marian Center’s handbell choir added their talents to the soundtrack as they toured and performed at various lo- cations, including for Pope Francis Marian Center handbell musicians await the start of their performance at the general audience April 4. at St. Peter’s Square April 4. (COURTESY PHOTO) After months of rehearsing and preparing, Marian Center’s stu- dents, teachers and chaperones met Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Square. The pope greeted and blessed them, and even gave a shout out to Miami. The group presented the pope Musicians of the Marian Center handbell choir include, from left, with a quilt containing patches with Wuiner Joseph, Sulfredo Bellot, Andres Mahy, Octavis Williams and crosses, hearts, flowers, butterflies Rafael Olivera. (PHOTOS BY CRISTINA CABRERA JARRO | FC) and more, all made by students of the Marian Center to commemorate Pray for me.” were led by their mother superior, the trip. The quilt included a quote The endeavor of traveling and Sister Lucia Ceccotti, who directed by Pope Francis: “Beauty, under performing in Italy coincided with the school for nearly 50 years, until the care of artists, has the ability to the 55th anniversary of the Mar- her death in September 2013. transform even the everyday lives ian Center, a school for children She had always hoped to visit It- of men and women. Beauty has the and adults with Down syndrome aly with the students. Decades later, power to heal hearts and souls.” and other intellectual disabilities. Sister Filomena Mastrangelo put in The hearts and souls of the stu- In October 1963, 11 Sisters of St. Jo- the request in Rome to perform for Pictured above is a close-up of the quilt made by Marian Center dents certainly were touched as they seph Benedict Cottolengo traveled the pope, and the wheels were set in students to commemorate the Marian Center handbell choir’s visit told Pope Francis “We love you.” from their convent in Turin, Italy, to to Rome. The quilt was presented to Pope Francis by the group April And he, in turn, replied, “I love you. Miami to establish the center. They PlEASE SEE MARIAN, 19 4 during the General Audience at St. Peter’s Square. 12080-0419

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201803-HRSR Florida Catholic Ad.indd 1 3/28/18 4:38 PM 12 SUMMER PLANNING Florida Catholic April 2018 11588-0419 April 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org SUMMER PLANNING 13

Students from Students Columbus High and Young Adult Retreat Belen pack meals Jesuit Prep team up as a form to pack meals. (PHOTOS of prayer BY CRISTINA CRISTINA CABRERA JARRO CABRERA Florida Catholic correspondent JARRO| Summer is a good time FC) MIAMI | Thousands of people in to rest with the Lord. the impoverished nation of Burkina Faso will be receiving a nutritious Cost $100 young men and women meal soon thanks to more than 100 18-30 years old. students and volunteers from nearly half a dozen Catholic schools. Theme “By His Wounds You are Healed ” The meal packs — containing vi- (1 Peter 2:24) tamins, soy protein powder, dehy- drated vegetables and rice — are the staple of ’ For more info email: [email protected] Helping Hands program. Helping To sign-up, please visit www.OurLadyofFlorida.org 12059-0419 Hands brings volunteers together to prepare and pack meals for the im- poverished African nation, which in 2014 where they packed 12,000 also endures droughts and floods. meals. “When they hit the 25,000th The March 24 event, coinciding meal packed today, they will mark with the start of Holy Week, was 100,000 meals overall since we first hosted by Christopher Columbus started packing meals four years High School in Miami. Over 100 ago,” said Crescencio Ruiz, vice students and volunteers from across president of the Belen Jesuit Alumni the community packed over 32,000 Board. Ruiz said CRS meal packing meals. Participants came from Co- events were happening simultane- lumbus, Belen Jesuit Preparatory, ously that day throughout Florida: Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, Car- with the Baltimore Orioles in Sara- rollton School of the Sacred Heart, sota, and farther south in Miami Immaculata-La Salle High School at Our Lady of Lourdes School and and more. It was the first year Co- Fifth-graders and cousins Sofia Parish in Kendall. lumbus hosted and participated. lambert and Kate Caballero Tim van Hemert, a Columbus “The most important thing is the prepare their cups of rice for parent, said the event is ideal for camaraderie, the reason this brings pouring into the meal bags. families. His son, Marcel, had raised us all together,” said Columbus funds in 2016 to help Syrian refugees Principal David Pugh. in collaboration with the Knights of Belen has hosted the event before Columbus, who initially hosted one PlEASE SEE MEALS, 15

INFORMATION From: June 18-July 27 For: Boys and Girls ages 4 to 14 Cost: $1,120* (includes lunch and field trips) *$1,195 IF PAID AFTER MAY 11. LIMITED REGISTRATION SO SIGN UP TODAY! ACTIVITIES • Arts and Crafts • Field Days • Soccer • Baseball • Field trips • Swimming • Basketball • Kickball • and more! SIGN UP TODAY! www.belensummercamp.org | 786-621-4610 11837-0419 11856-0419 14 JOYFUL LIVING Florida Catholic April 2018

Parishioners and clergy of the Basilica of St. Mary Star of the Sea pose with Knights of Columbus representatives, supporters and staff after the March 17 rededication of the SOS Outreach Mission’s building, which was damaged by Hurricane Irma last September. (COURTESY)

Food pantry reopens in Stock Island FlORIdA CAThOlIC STAFF Father John Baker, rector of throughout the Florida Keys. to the efforts of the Archdiocese of dard, supreme master and disaster the Basilica of St. Mary Star of “The building was heavily dam- Miami and the financial support relief coordinator for the Connect- KEY WEST | With help from the the Sea, blessed and rededicated aged during Hurricane Irma and of the Knights of Columbus.” icut-based Knights. Knights of Columbus, the Star of the repaired facility March 17, we have been operating from a Tom Callahan, executive direc- “Knights of Columbus support the Sea Outreach Mission is back St. Patrick’s Day. The mission is temporary location in Key Plaza tor of the SOS Outreach Mission enabled us to rebuild our facility in operation at its Stock Island an outreach of St. Mary that pro- since the hurricane,” explained and Star of the Sea Foundation, to current building codes, with a home, six months after losing its vides nearly 2 million pounds of Father Baker. “But we were able to outlined the improvements in a roof during Hurricane Irma. food each year to people in need have our building repaired thanks thank-you letter to Dennis J. Stod- PlEASE SEE PANTRY, 15 Italy, France, Spain Portugal & Pilgrimage

VISITING Assisi • Rome • Lanciano • Mt. St. Angelo • Father Pio • Mystic Rose • Turin • Lourdes • Covadonga • Compostela • Fatima • Madrid

INCLUDES 12048-0419  Air Ticket Miami/Rome/Madrid/Miami  Entry to all visits according to itinerary Spiritual Director: Father Carlos Vega  Transfer from the St. Bernard Catholic Church to Miami Airport  Daily breakfasts, dinners (as per itinerary)  All airport taxes and fuel surcharges  Handling of baggage (1 luggage per person)  First class hotels  Baggage identification  Transportation by air-conditioned motor coach  Document portfolio and travel gift June 8-24  Tour guide in english for all visits and transfers  Tour guide, drivers and restaurant tips Price per person $4,890 Occupancy of double or triple room Gospa Tour and Pilgrims RESERVATION AND PAYMENTS: Deposit of $500 per person is required to reserve your space. Shall deliver the copy of your Passport with validity 305-551-6553 of at least 6 months prior to the trip departure. The balance must be paid 45 days prior to departure. PRICE: The price of this program is based on 4500 S.W. 136 PL Miami, FL 33175 the current exchange of the foreign currency. GOSPA TOUR reserves the right to change the prices of any variation in the foreign exchange market. April 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org JOYFUL LIVING 15

PANTRY ‘Without our tional grocery store where clients are allowed to select the food their FROM 14 organization, families need. “This in turn leads to not only more satisfied custom- much stronger building less likely approximately 10,000 ers, but also a reduction in food to be damaged by future storms,” low-income individuals waste,” according to the website. Callahan wrote. SOS is now one of the largest He said SOS Outreach Mission would continue to suffer food pantries in South Florida. supplies 35 different feeding or- from food insecurity.’ More than 50 percent of the food ganizations in the Keys, includ- it distributes is fresh produce. In ing churches, child care facilities, Tom Callahan addition to the food pantry, the children’s, veterans’ and seniors’ mission houses a central kitchen shelters. “Without our organiza- that creates healthy snacks and tion, approximately 10,000 low-in- year except Christmas. It is located meals for children in after-school come individuals would continue at 2700 Flagler Ave., Key West. programs. The mission also part- to suffer from food insecurity,” he At first, the SOS food pantry ners with the Boys and Girls Club wrote. distributed pre-selected bags of in offering nutrition lessons to Founded in 2006, SOS Outreach canned and packaged items. “We children during the after-school Mission has its roots in the soup quickly realized this system was programs. n kitchen operated by St. Mary Star not sensitive to individuals’ cul- of the Sea for more than 39 years. tural or dietary needs,” said the SOS Outreach Mission is located Recently renamed the Martha history posted on its website. SOS at 5460 Maloney Ave., Key West. Ministry, the soup kitchen still now operates a “client-choice food For more information, visit www. serves a hot meal every day of the pantry,” which resembles a tradi- sosmission.org. Tom Callahan, executive director of the Star of the Sea Foundation and SOS Outreach Mission, receives a plaque recognizing his tireless dedication to the mission, an outreach of the Basilica of St. Mary Star weight. Then they are passed on to a ther Alejandro Rodriguez Artola, of the Sea in Key West. (COURTESY) MEALS sealing station to be closed, to a box- pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle FROM 13 ing station, and finally stacked on a Parish in Miami and a Columbus palette and prepped for shipping. alumnus, celebrated Mass at the and was named a Golden Knight The process sounds simple and high school’s Lawrence Bell The- Scholar Athlete by the archdiocese orderly. But when volunteers pick up ater. He reminded participants they for his efforts. a rhythm, they also pick up speed, needed to have the proper mindset “This is an opportunity to ex- and in the case of friendly rivalry, to feed and help the people of Burki- press our faith through action and things get competitive. na Faso. “Our gesture today may it’s a good example for (students) to “We’re going to rotate at some be a fun one, but when you start to see at a young age that they can par- point,” said Jack Lopez, a sixth-grad- work, understand that what you’re ticipate like this,” said van Hemert. er from Belen, as he opened the bags doing is a prayer,” Father Rodriguez CRS staff start off the Helping and inserted vitamin packs. Artola said. “Understand that that Hands day by setting out an as- “He’s going too fast,” said Daniel almsgiving that is spoken of in this sembly line of sorts: various tables Diez, also a sixth-grader from Belen, Lenten season is what you’re experi- lined with bins containing the dif- who was peeling and labeling the encing and practicing, and that this ferent ingredients. These later get bags. “They’re all so determined,” gesture is much bigger than you can funneled into plastic bags that are said Brianna Muñoz, a sophomore really understand or comprehend. slightly larger than zip-close sand- at Lourdes Academy who worked Make sure that you are offering it up wich bags. The bags are handed off at the sealing station. “But we’re all to the Lord and to no one else, that Are you looking for work? to a weigh-in station where rice is trying to reach the same goal.” the glory be his.” n added or removed to make the right Before the start of the event, Fa- ¿Está usted buscando trabajo? Would you like to run your own child care business at home? ¿Le gustaría tener su propio negocio de cuidado infantil en casa? If so, you may be eligible for a federal program that provides training, assistance and funding to help refugee women start a family child care home business. Si así es, usted puede ser elegible para participar en un programa federal que proporciona entrenamiento, asistencia y financiamento a mujeres refugiadas, para ayudarlas a iniciar su negocio como proveedora de cuidado infantil en casa.

To find out whether you qualify or for more information, please contact: Para saber si uste califica para este programa o paraobtener mayor informacion por favor contactarse con:

Dasiely Cruz Director/Directora del Programa 305-984-0500 • [email protected] Leidy Sevilla Program Coordinator/Coordinadora de el Programa 305-639-2726 • [email protected]

The Children’s Forum received $175,000 through competitive funding through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Grant # 90RG0164. The project will be fully financed with Federal

12069-0419 funds. The contents of this ad are solely the responsibility of the Children’s Forum and do not necessarily represent the official views of ACF. 12029-0419 16 YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY Florida Catholic April 2018 si afe env rONMENT AAA: A lifeline for reporting abuse To make it even easier to remem- abandoned, or neglected … is a Posters, business ber, the information will be distrib- mandatory reporter.” uted to archdiocesan clergy, em- “Professionally mandated re- cards will be handy ployees and volunteers in the form porters” are those who are legally of hundreds of posters and 10,000 obligated to identify themselves reminders of steps business cards. The business cards when making a report. They in- were suggested by Corpus Christi’s clude medical and mental health to take when pastor, Father Jose Luis Menendez, professionals, social workers and as a way to help people quickly ac- teachers, day care center staff and abuse is suspected cess the information. any “practitioner who relies solely Florida Catholic staff “It was a great idea and we’re fol- on spiritual means for healing.” lowing his suggestion,” said Mary After civil authorities are Ross Agosta, who combined her alerted, the archdiocese must be MIAMI | Just like calling AAA dual jobs as archdiocesan director made aware of the problem. The can be a lifeline for drivers stuck on of communications and director Safe Environment policy states the side of the road, the Archdio- of the Safe Environment Office to that “all allegations of sexual cese of Miami is hoping a different come up with the AAA format. abuse by Church personnel or on The back of the business card-size AAA alert reminds pastors and AAA can rescue — and possibly “The Archdiocese of Miami has Church premises shall be reported other Church personnel of the steps to take if they witness or are prevent — children and vulnerable pledged to maintain a safe envi- promptly to the archdiocesan con- told of suspected abuse of children or vulnerable adults. adults from abuse. ronment for children and vulner- tact person,” who in turn will notify The archdiocesan AAA — which able adults. We are all called upon the archdiocesan attorney, so that sponsible supervisor.” 6,000 employees and volunteers, stands for Alert, Alert, Alert — lists, to be that ‘extra set of eyes’ and he can notify the local state attor- The AAA states that those un- Ross Agosta said. in order, the places that must be know what to do when abuse or ney. dertaking this third step will re- “The Safe Environment Office notified whenever suspicion arises mistreatment is suspected,” said That “contact person” is the one ceive “messaging assistance from continues to provide clear and con- that a child or vulnerable adult Ross Agosta. “The business cards who answers the archdiocesan the ADOM communications di- cise information regarding the pro- is being physically or sexually provide the three easy steps with abuse hotline: Ross Agosta or the rector.” The numbers that follow tection and safety of our children abused: what to do; and the Safe Environ- Victim Assistance Coordinator, are for Ross Agosta’s office and cell and vulnerable adults,” she added. • A-1: the Department of Chil- ment staff is always available to Deacon Richard Turcotte. phones. “This project is one that we’re very dren and Families abuse hotline, guide and advise.” Finally, the information must be The business cards and posters proud of and the concept of the 1-800-962-2873. Notifying the authorities is a le- shared with the appropriate audi- should be in the hands of all arch- business cards is to enable every- • A-2: the archdiocese’s Safe gal obligation in Florida. Accord- ences, Ross Agosta said. The Safe diocesan priests, parishes, schools, one who is an employee and a vol- Environment hotline, 1-866-802- ing to the statute, “any person who Environment policy mentions “the Catholic Charities and Catholic unteer for the archdiocese to have 2873. knows, or has reasonable cause pastor, school principal, director Health Services facilities by the this important information at their • A-3: all audiences. to suspect, that a child is abused, of religious education, or other re- end of May. That’s a total of almost fingertips.” n

COMMENTARY When it comes to children’s safety, little things matter

JAN RAYBURN pation also gives them access to are present can make a real differ- Virtus Teaching Boundary Safety Recently, we merged Virtus ac- Special to the Florida Catholic other children, then compliance is ence in the health and well-being lessons for children. counts with the Pledge to Promote required. We need every set of eyes of children. • Speak up! Communicate Safe Environment. You may have MIAMI | In 2002, the U.S. Con- and ears trained to help protect all • Control who has access to concerns and report abuse. While noticed when you logged into your ference of Catholic Bishops gath- children. Volunteering is a solid children and vulnerable adults. this is perhaps the most difficult account you were prompted to ered to create a manifesto for pro- foundation on which our parishes This means establishing and im- step, keep in mind that predators electronically sign the pledge. It tecting children and vulnerable and ministries are built. However, plementing an application and count on adults who have difficul- is a required form, like a code of adults, whose lives are reverenced. volunteering is a privilege, not a screening process for employees ty communicating concerns. They conduct, that lets everyone know The bishops’ efforts culminated in right, and it comes with responsi- and volunteers that helps to pre- know that the reluctance to speak what behavior is acceptable — or what is now the Charter for the bilities. serve the safety of children. up provides them the opportunity not — of themselves and others. Protection of Children and Young One component of compliance • Monitor all ministries and to escape detection when their Merging it with the Virtus account People. It is the cornerstone of the is safety training, where we learn, programs. Establish practices like behavior raises suspicions. Adults makes compliance more readily bishops’ “Promise to Protect and sadly, that there are those who administrator drop-ins, windows must be willing to speak up to in- verifiable and minimizes paper- Pledge to Heal.” Today, and in the wish to harm children. There is on doors, and drop-off/pick-up terrupt inappropriate behaviors work. Again, it was a small update nearly 16 years since, the Arch- evil among us. As threatening as procedures. Also encourage par- exhibited by others and to report that makes a big difference on ac- diocese of Miami has promul- the subject of that last sentence is, ents to monitor their child’s after- suspected abuse to authorities. countability and best practices. gated and adhered to the Charter hope prevails because of the last school activities and programs. Following the Virtus live train- Additionally, all employees of through its own Safe Environment two words: “among us.” We can do • Be aware of child and youth ing, participants create an on- the archdiocese — even if their policy. something about it. Child sexual behavior. The first three steps help line account where their training job does not involve children — As Catholics, we are called in abuse is a preventable crime. us identify inappropriate people continues in the form of monthly and all volunteers with access to baptism to look out for each oth- Through the Virtus Protecting and situations before they become bulletins, which take about three children and/or vulnerable adults er, especially when talking about God’s Children program, we learn a danger to our children. Being minutes to complete. The bul- must successfully pass a finger- children and vulnerable adults. five steps to protect our children. aware is a reminder that regard- letins are an opportunity to in- print background check in the This is often not easy, or con- They are small steps, but when less of the good efforts we make crease safety knowledge in a way archdiocesan database. These venient or entirely understood. multiplied by the hundreds of to eliminate risky adults from our that is timely and topical. They are checks have proven to be a suc- Sometimes parents are taken thousands trained in our arch- lives, sometimes predators slip written by experts in the field and cessful tool in keeping predators aback when told they need to com- diocese, and millions across the through the obstacles we impose. serve as a great resource for those away from our children. It’s such ply with the Safe Environment pol- country, they have a big influence As a result, we need to continually with children and/or vulnerable a small thing to do when you con- icy. They may feel it unnecessary if in changing the culture with re- be aware of what’s going on with adults in their lives. The knowl- sider the risk of not doing so. n they are only trying to participate gard to the crime of child abuse. our children and maintain and edge gained from each bulletin in school events with their own • Know the warning signs of expand our communication with strengthens the safety net around Rayburn has served as Virtus child, or they may feel that giving inappropriate behavior. Paying them, especially as technology, children. It’s a brief monthly com- training coordinator for the Arch- of their time and talents should be attention to these behaviors and communication tools and apps mitment to positively affect be- diocese of Miami since 2008. enough. However, if this partici- interrupting them any time they advance. One way is through the havior and increase safety literacy. April 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY 17 18 YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY Florida Catholic April 2018


FROM 6 NEWSbriefs All women invited Columbus students, will perform Q: Anything else that stands Sunday, May 6, between 1:30 and out as timely? to convention 9:30 p.m., at “Rock Sarcoma Out,” A: I think the challenge for us The Miami Archdiocesan Coun- a benefit concert to create aware- and for social service agencies cil of Catholic Women will host its ness and support for the fight throughout South Florida is that 60th annual convention April 27- against childhood cancer. The you can’t be one dimensional. 30 in Key West. The theme this concert will benefit the Sebastian When someone comes in with an year is “The joy of the Lord is your Strong Foundation and the Manny issue of not meeting their mort- strength.” Aside from guest speak- Alvarez Foundation, both created gage or paying their rent or utili- ers, the convention will include a by families of Columbus students ties, that is a symptom. We have Mass Saturday, April 28, 12:15 p.m., who died of cancer. Sebastian died to get better as a social service with Archbishop Thomas Wenski while attending the school, and group of agencies at treating ev- at the Basilica of St. Mary, Star of Manny was a 2010 graduate. Both erybody holistically, looking at the Sea. The Mass will be followed died in 2016. The concert will take the whole person and that what by the annual scholarship awards place at Open Stage Club, 2325 brought them today to our doors and luncheon. Sunday will feature Galiano St., Coral Gables. Tick- was a crisis precipitated by some- a SoulCore workout and a 5 p.m. ets are available at: https://www. thing. … We are doing that in our Mass at the basilica with the in- eventbrite.com/e/rock-sarcoma- child development centers where stallation of new officers, followed out-tickets-43754389557. we have opened … basically a re- by the closing banquet. This event source center (in each one) where In 2013, Deacon Richard Turcotte, center, receives an award from is open to all women in the arch- Learn about families receiving services and Sam Kaufman, left, Florida Keys Outreach Coalition chairman, and diocese, not just council members, in the community can come in the Rev. Stephen Braddock, CEO. (FC FILE PHOTO) as well as members of all women’s estate planning and access a number of different groups even if they are not affili- “Estate Planning to Die For” resources, whether applying for machines, bake sales and things stances around the agency allow ated with the council. For informa- is the topic of the second annual aid, food stamps, welfare, social like that. By each program doing them to rise. I see Peter as be- tion and registration, visit www. seminar on planned giving, to be security, a driver’s license, emer- a fundraiser we end up netting ing a progressive leader, a loyal maccw.org or call 954-559-1242. hosted by the archdiocesan De- gency financial services, food. upwards of $150,000. We had a leader, and 100 percent dedicat- velopment Office, Tuesday, May big 75th anniversary celebration ed to Catholic Charities. … I don’t New American 8, at Our Lady of the Lakes School Q: Can you talk about Catho- but we don’t do a fundraising think we could have found a bet- Auditorium, 6600 Miami Lake- lic Charities fundraising? strategy or effort, so we rely on ter person. Awards Gala way N., Miami Lakes. Nationally A: The (archdiocesan) Devel- the Development Office to help The New American Awards recognized estate planning at- opment Office does two fundrais- in those areas. Q: What things will you be do- Gala, “a celebration of diversity torney Sally Mulhern will deliver ers for us every year — the Arch- ing in retirement? and excellence,” this year mark- a dynamic, interactive presenta- bishop’s Motorcycle Ride and Q: A word about your succes- A: I have seven grandchildren ing Catholic Legal Services’ 20th tion highlighting the charitable the Cigar Night. We used to do sor? and an eighth on the way and I anniversary, will take place Fri- opportunities available under a gala every year but we figured A: Peter has been my friend will spend a lot of time catching day, April 27, at the JW Marriott current federal law. The seminar, out that it was easier for the pro- and equal for 20 years and I up with them. I play at golfer and Marquis, 255 Biscayne Blvd. Way, aimed at both new professionals grams to do fundraisers because couldn’t think of a person bet- (am) a cyclist who rides at least 75 Miami. Cocktail reception begins and seasoned advisers, will begin of the local flavor that they have, ter qualified in character, in his to 100 miles a week. I take long- at 7 p.m., followed by dinner and with a networking breakfast at 8 and so the programs have been spirituality, and in his loyalty to distance bike rides so I have a lot awards program at 8 p.m. This a.m. and conclude at 11 a.m. For very creative as to how they do Catholicism to take this position. to keep me occupied. n year’s honorees are Julie Grimes, more information, visit www.adom fundraising. Some of them have I think Peter will take the agency managing partner, Hilton Bent- development.org/seminar. walks, sell T-shirts, have vending to whatever heights the circum- ley; Father Reginald Jean-Mary, administrator, Notre Dame d’Haiti Teen leaders Mission; and Mario Murgado, president and CEO, Miami Auto- invited to ‘Thrive’ motive Retail Inc. Individual tick- Applications are currently be- ets are $250; individual tables are ing accepted for rising high school $2,500. Purchase tickets at: http:// sophomores through seniors to cclsmiami.org/galacheckout.aspx. attend Thrive: The Archdiocese of Miami’s Youth Leadership Insti- Formation tute, to be held June 18-22 on the campus of Barry University, Mi- for ‘marriage ami Shores. Thrive aims to men- missionaries’ tor talented youths in real leader- ship and personal management All “faith-filled, well-formed” skills, while equipping them to married couples are invited to a discern their vocation and to live formation weekend for “parish their faith more fully in the public marriage missionaries” to be held square. The program is for Catholic April 27-29 at Our Lady of Florida youths who actively demonstrate Retreat House in North Palm their Catholic faith daily and are Beach. Parish marriage mission- willing to make a commitment to aries are couples committed to serve in leadership roles in their God and each other who want to parish youth ministry or a campus evangelize through their marriage. program. Due to a generous grant The retreat is organized by Annun- from Our Sunday Visitor, Thrive is ciation Ministries. Cost is $475 per being offered at a reduced cost this couple, and parish sponsorship first year. Of the $450 total cost per is preferred. Visit annunciation participant, $150 will be paid by ministries.com/parish-marriage- the archdiocese. The rest will be missionaries. split between the participant and the sponsoring parish or school, Benefit concert for if there is one. For more informa- tion, contact Rosemarie Banich, childhood cancer [email protected], or call 305- The Jazz Band from Christopher 762-1189. Download the applica- Columbus High School in Miami, tion at https://bit.ly/2ISAKYc. as well as other bands that feature April 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY 19 Pastors host informal gatherings to make Church ‘more welcoming’ PRISCILLA GREEAR Florida Catholic correspondent ‘Some people see the priest up in the sanctuary and that’s about the extent of their experience of a MIAMI | Pastors in Coral Ga- A photo in the L’Osservatore Romano April 5 features an image bles and Kendall are inviting the Catholic priest. … The gathering is an opportunity capturing the moment the Marian Center performers presented Pope faithful to ask them any burning Francis with the quilt the school’s students had made. (COURTESY) (or mundane) questions and con- to reach out and welcome people to a deeper nect informally beyond Sunday relationship with their parish and its pastor.’ mia,’” said Ashley Acocella. Mass, following Pope Francis’ call MARIAN “We might need that one when FROM 11 to make the Church more wel- Father Michael Davis we get to the pizza place,” Psinakis coming and accessible. told the giggling girls. And the faithful are respond- motion. For Natasha Walker, the trip is a ing at Church of the Little Flower pastor jokingly asked if any rabbis action,” mused the tall, friendly “She quite literally took the baton mother-daughter European adven- in Coral Gables and Our Lady of were present as he recalled how pastor. and said forward,” said Vivianne ture with her mother, Diane Wade, Lourdes Church in Kendall, from one had attended incognito, only Nevertheless, he sees it as part Bailey, a volunteer at the Marian who said what she looked forward to the sporadic churchgoer and to reveal his identity at the end and of his ministry. “When word gets Center who accompanied the group most was being able to enjoy every Scripture-hungry former Baptist commend their joy as Catholics. out, people know there is a pre- on their trip. minute with her daughter as they to the incognito rabbi and parish In introductions, former Epis- dictable place you can come and In December, the Marian Center immersed themselves in Italy’s cul- council member. copalian Verna Hume enthusi- ask questions. But like when you held a Christmas concert and pag- ture, customs and food. In early January, Little Flower astically spoke of Son Flower, a celebrate Mass, you celebrate if eant with the theme “Making Mir- “This feels like a privilege that the pastor Father Michael Davis wel- ministry that holds a quarterly re- one person shows up or 10,000 acles Happen” to help raise funds. Lord has blessed me with,” Wade comed a small group of parishio- ception, Christmas party, Lenten show up.” They also launched a “Let the Bells said. “All that he does is always at his ners and visitors into the elegant evenings and other hospitality. In July 2017, Msgr. Schwanger Ring” drive to aid with the costs of own time. Everything has cleared Spanish Mediterranean rec- Among seasonal events, there’s started the second Saturday, 9-10 the trip: about $60,000 for transpor- up in my life. I even retired and this tory on Anastasia Avenue, once the candlelight rosary ceremony a.m. initiative, mindful of those tation, accommodations, meals and opportunity presented itself. The owned by Gables founder George on the feast of Our Lady of the who may not be comfortable or more. Before the year ended they Lord has made it so that we can go.” Merrick. Together they savored Holy Rosary and the unveiling of have the opportunity to otherwise had reached the halfway point in The trip itinerary kept the group postres, exchanged experiences of the church’s life-size Nativity — discuss issues with the pastor. He fundraising. busy from the moment of departure parish life and enjoyed an evening which during Advent led a trucker typically gets three or four mem- “We have many donors that have in Miami April 1 to their return from of fellowship before a return to the to park his 18-wheeler and kneel bers and highlighted a frequently been extremely generous,” said Bar- Milan April 8. They visited the Cot- daily grind. before it. asked question: how to love the bara Psinakis, the handbell choir tolengo house in Rome, toured the Father Davis has held the no- Cynthia Absher said she just unlovable neighbor — or co-work- director at the Marian Center. “They city, checked out St. Peter’s Square, agenda “Dessert with Father Da- moved back from Rhode Island er or family member. made it possible.” saw the Vatican and Sistine Chapel, vis” gatherings quarterly over the and reconnected with the parish “Authentic love is not a contract Psinakis joked that when they visited Turin and the Druento Spiri- last six years to build community she had joined three years ago af- negotiation. It’s something that initially announced the trip, every tual Center of Cottolengo, visited the in the booming Gables parish, an- ter her husband died. She recalled you freely offer to bless the other person who heard about it wanted Little House of Divine Providence, nouncing them in the parish bul- emotionally how Father Davis had person. You’re not looking at what to come along. “That’s why we have saw the Superga Basilica, visited the letin. once told her after Mass that “we you’re getting out of it and how it’s 53 people in our group,” she said. Duomo of Turin and the Shroud, “Some people see the priest up will journey together with Jesus.” going to serve you,” said the pas- While rehearsing the musi- and more. in the sanctuary and that’s about Another participant, raised tor. “Jesus gave his life wholly but cal repertoire was at the top of the They had five scheduled per- the extent of their experience of Catholic, said she had been at- he rose from the dead, and when 13 musicians’ to-do list, they also formances: one for Pope Francis at a Catholic priest. Even with our tending Baptist churches and now you give your life in that way you found other ways of preparing for St. Peter’s Square, one for the Cot- 3,200 registered families I’d ven- wanted to get “biblically connect- find new life, you rise with Christ.” the trip. Bernadette Guillarte chal- tolengo family in Rome, one for the ture to say there are a solid 2,000 ed” at Little Flower. Holding degrees in business lenged herself to learn Italian. “I Knights of Malta in Rome, and two of those families that I have never Jasmine Ventura said she hopes and law from the University of know ‘buongiorno’ is ‘hello,’ and at the Little House of Divine Provi- shaken their hand at the door of to get more involved after attend- Florida, he said that as a priest ‘goodbye’ is ‘ciao,’” said Guillarte. dence. n the church,” said Father Davis. ing the parish for a decade. “I’ve he’s challenged daily to “walk the “I’ve got a great one: ‘mamma The gathering is an opportunity been coming on and off to Little walk” and truly love and be open “to reach out and welcome people Flower. I really need more of a to his neighbor, through which to a deeper relationship with their connection. Throughout these he has felt deeply satisfied — and parish and its pastor.” years I don’t know anybody.” never lonely — in his vocation. Hume invited her to consider “Jesus says somewhere in the GET INVOLVED the hospitality ministry, affirming Gospels those who give up fa- He encouraged those who that “there’s something here for ther, mother, brother, sisters for came that night to “courageously everybody in our parish.” the sake of me receive a hundred get involved” by attending an up- in return and it really is true,” he coming ministries fair. “There ASK ANYTHING reflected. “Through discernment are those who go to church and Over at Lourdes, Msgr. Kenneth and integration and prayer life the go home and there are those who Schwanger also is striving to make Lord has made clear to me that come to church and make it a the Church more accessible. On a this is my place in the world in the home,” Father Davis said, noting sunny Saturday morning at 9 a.m., grand plan.” Little Flower’s 57 active ministries. he held his monthly “Ask Monsi- Msgr. Schwanger also wel- “It’s a pretty brutal world out there gnor” office hours with coffee and comes theological questions in and life is difficult without having sweets, and reflected cheerfully parishioners’ search for truth and God in the middle of it.” on his aim to create a safe space formation of conscience, which he Participants first gathered in where active parishioners and shy called “a lifelong journey” for the the living room, accented with newcomers alike can ask the pas- Christian. The Marian Center handbell choir, along with Sister Filomena wood beams and a stained-glass tor anything. “This is a place where anybody Mastrangelo and Barbara Psinakis, far right, director of the handbell image of Jesus, and later made With no inquiring Catholics can ask anything — that’s the choir, wave goodbye and ring their bells by the statue of St. Joseph their way to the 12-seat dining on this slow Saturday, “It doesn’t idea,” he said. n Benedict Cottolengo on Marian Center grounds. (CRISTINA CABRERA room for coffee and desserts. The look like you’re going to see us in JARRO | FC) 20 YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY Florida Catholic April 2018

RWANDA Pope adds new feast day for Mary FROM 3 in churches. They thought they Pope in any one place in the Lectionary could trust their neighbors, Monday after Francis for Mass, the USCCB Secretariat of and many were betrayed,” said touches Divine Worship has prepared a PDF Wilkens. a statue Pentecost will now resource of the readings to facilitate He is a witness not just to the of the be memorial of Blessed their use,” Father Vigoa wrote, refer- horrors, but to Rwandans’ rec- Mother ring to the U.S. bishops’ conference. onciliation with each other. He Mary, Mother of during An English version of the proper told the story of Adele Sefuku, a the Easter texts for the memorial of the Blessed pastor’s wife. Her husband and the Church Vigil Mass Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church several others were killed at their in St. will be included in the Liturgy of the Seventh-day Adventist church CNA/EWTN NEWS Peter's Hours, Second Edition, after trans- in Rwamagana, where they were Basilica lation by the International Com- hiding. Though she took several March 31. mission on English in the Liturgy, blows to the head and was left for VATICAN CITY | Pope Francis (CNA) approval by the USCCB, and con- dead, she survived. has decreed that the Church cel- firmation by the Holy See. After her health improved, ebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary in The Marian title of “Mother Sefuku decided to continue her her role as “Mother of the Church” of the Church” was given to the husband’s work by taking their every year on the Monday after Pen- Blessed Mother by Blessed Paul VI ministry to the prisons. While tecost. at the Second Vatican Council. It many appreciated her presence, The decree establishing the new was also added to the Roman Mis- one young man kept avoiding memorial was published March 3 in sal after the Holy Year of Reconcili- her. Eventually, she found out a letter from Cardinal Robert Sarah, ation in 1975. that he had killed her son. She head of the Congregation for Divine Subsequently, some countries, prayed and asked God to show Worship and the Discipline of the dioceses and religious families were her the way to forgiveness. Sacraments. granted permission by the Holy See She began bringing small Cardinal Sarah explained that to add this celebration to their par- tokens to the young man: bars Pope Francis added the memo- ticular calendars. With its addition of soap, fruit and other good- rial after carefully considering how to the General Roman Calendar, it ies. At first he refused them, but the promotion of devotion to the will now be celebrated by the whole she gently persisted. When the Blessed Virgin Mary under this title Roman Catholic Church. young man decided he wanted might encourage growth in “the Father Vigoa also explained, to be baptized as a Seventh-day maternal sense of the Church” and briefly, the difference between Adventist, she was the one who in “genuine Marian piety.” feasts, memorials and solemni- wiped his face after his full bap- The cardinal noted that the “joy- ties in the Church calendar. “Ba- tismal submersion. In a way, she ous veneration given to the Moth- be prepared by the bishops’ confer- that the vestments to be worn that sically, the various terms refer to said, her prayers were answered er of God by the contemporary ences and approved by the congre- day are white. differing degrees of solemnity or because she felt peace. Church, in light of reflection on the gation. The prayers for the Mass are devotion attached to the particular Sefuku’s work with the young mystery of Christ and on his nature, This year, the memorial of the taken from the Votive Masses for saint or mystery,” he said. “Techni- man was not over, however. She cannot ignore the figure of a wom- Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our cally, there are optional memorials, asked the authorities to reduce an, the Virgin Mary, who is both the Church, will be celebrated May 21. Lady, Mother of the Church. The mandatory memorials, feasts and his sentence. They agreed to Mother of Christ and Mother of the It is not a holy day of obligation, but readings for the memorial are tak- solemnities. Colloquially, they are release him with the condition Church.” prayers and readings specific to the en from Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 or Acts all often referred to simply as feast that she take him into her cus- The memorial has been added to day’s memorial are to be used in the 1:12-14 (first reading); Psalm 87:1-2, days. All holy days of obligation (in- tody. He was not exactly wel- the General Roman Calendar, the Mass. 3 and 5, 6-7; and the Gospel of John cluding Sundays) are solemnities, comed into her neighborhood, Roman Missal, and the Liturgy of Father Richard Vigoa, director of 19:25-34. but not all solemnities are holy days and although she described him the Hours. The Latin text has been the Office of Worship, sent an email “Since the precise verses and ac- of obligation.” n as respectful, she and he barely published, and the translations will to archdiocesan priests explaining clamation are not found together spoke or bonded at home. One day, feeling faint, she lay down on her couch and closed her eyes to rest. Sefuku NEWSbriefs told Wilkens that she tested the young man that day because he Four to be be ordained to the priesthood for ond Ave., Miami. Vespers will be • For deacons and wives: Friday, could have easily killed her and the Archdiocese of Miami Satur- celebrated Friday, May 11, 7 p.m., June 8, 7 p.m. Registration: conta. run away. Instead, he quietly ordained day, May 12, beginning 10 a.m., at at the cathedral. Both ceremonies cc/2Gs2XUX. entered the room, touched her Four transitional deacons will St. Mary Cathedral, 7525 N.W. Sec- are open to the public. Those to be • For mentor couples: Saturday, brow, left, and returned with a ordained are: Deacon Omar Ayubi; June 9, 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Reg- cool cloth that he placed on her Deacon Gustavo Barros; Deacon istration: conta.cc/2GuVKDK and forehead. He took care of her and Juan Alberto Gomez; and Deacon conta.cc/2GrUBfU. lived with her for nine months Matthew Gomez. For more information, contact before moving out. Like Sefuku, [email protected] or 305-762- Wilkens is a strong believer that Trainings set for 1127. God works through people. “We expect God to draw the Fully Engaged 2018 Summer line somewhere,” said Wilkens. Training dates have been set for “God calls on us to draw the line priests, deacons and couples seek- Institute for and he says, ‘I will empower you, ing to minister to engaged couples Catechists I will inspire you. But if I work through Fully Engaged, the official through you, that will be a much Marriage Preparation Inventory Teachers and catechists are in- louder, sustainable, believable, for the Archdiocese of Miami. All vited to attend the 2018 Summer replicable example of my love.’” the trainings will take place at the Institute put on by the Office of Wilkens added that the sto- archdiocesan Pastoral Center, 9401 Catechesis. It will take place June ries of hope coming out of Rwan- Biscayne Blvd., Miami Shores. The 11-15 at Msgr. Edward Pace High da prove “we don’t have to be de- dates and times are: School, Miami Gardens. For more fined by our past, we don’t have • For priests: Thursday, June information and online registra- to be defined by our worst activi- 7, 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Registra- tion, visit www.miamicatechesis. ties. We can be defined by what tion: conta.cc/2Drqsuh and conta. org/summer-institute.html or call we do next and that is something cc/2GtxFx3. 305-762-1107. all of us need to work on.” n April 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY 21

sacrament. Registration: http:// horizontesdecristiandad.org. Adoremus, oración ante el Miami Beach. 305-531-1124, www. COMMUNITY conta.cc/2Gf9rIX. Matrimonios en Victoria, Santísimo Sacramento con músicos stpatrickmiamibeach.com. y artistas católicos de Miami. 305- A Safe Haven for Newborns sábado, 5 de mayo, 7:30 a.m.-9 Grupos de apoyo para 546-8343, [email protected], golf tournament, Friday, April p.m., domingo, 6 de mayo, 8 matrimonios: www.facebook.com/adoremusmia: 27, 1 p.m., Red Tiger Golf Course, MASSES a.m.-6 p.m., St. Timothy, 5400 • Arca de Noé, jueves, 7:30 p.m., S.W. 102 Ave., Miami. Fortalezcan • Viernes, 27 de abril, 8 p.m., Our Mother of Our Redeemer, Aula Doral. Open to men and women. “Eventually: Walking in Sponsorships available. www. su compromiso como esposos y Lady of Guadalupe, 11691 N.W. 25 #14, 8445 N.W. 186 St., Miami. Faith Through Infertility,” padres, reflexionen sobre sus vidas St., Doral. 954-812-6020, http://2arcadenoe. asafehavenfornewborns.com; 305- Saturday, April 28, 5 p.m., Little 882-1304, ext. 103. y relación con Dios. 305-333-7533, • Viernes, 18 de mayo, 8 p.m., wixsite.com/main. Flower, 2711 Indian Mound [email protected]. St. Clement, 2975 N. Andrews Ave., Sounds of Life luncheon/ Trail, Coral Gables. Mass to pray • St. Martha, lunes alternos, 7 concert, Saturday, April 28, 1-4 Retrouvaille, May 18-20, Wilton Manors. p.m., salón parroquial B-C, 9221 for hope and healing for those Holiday Inn Express-Miami Airport, p.m., St. David Parish hall, 3900 S. facing infertility, pregnancy loss. Rosario de la Aurora, primeros Biscayne Blvd., Miami Shores. 786- University Drive, Davie. Proceeds 2601 N.W. 42 St., Miami. A lifeline sábados, 6 a.m. Rosario, procesión, 444-8688, 786-287-3883. [email protected], to help couples heal and renew support Respect Life’s South [email protected]. Misa: • Blessed Trinity, primer viernes, Broward Pregnancy Help Center. their hurting marriages. 3058@ • Prince of Peace, 12800 NW 7:15 p.m., Carney Center (segundo 954-963-2229, programassistant@ retrouvaille.org, 954-612-1025, Sixth St., Miami. 305-978-7293. piso), 4020 Curtiss Parkway, www.HelpOurMarriage.org. att.net. RETREATS/DAYS • Santuario de Schoenstatt, Miami Springs. 786-306-9227, por. Magnificat of Broward Our Lady of Florida Spiritual 22800 S.W. 187 Ave., Miami, 786- [email protected]. breakfast, Saturday, May 5, 10 OF REFLECTION Center, 1300 U.S. Highway 1, 295-0392. • Amándonos en Cristo, North Palm Beach. Reservations a.m., Sheraton Suites, Plantation. • Misión San Francisco y Santa miércoles alternos, 8 p.m. Guest speaker: Sandi Le Bel. $25/ Wellspring Experience, required; some require deposit. Movimiento Familiar Cristiano 561-626-1300, [email protected], Clara, 402 N.E. 29 St., Miami. 305- person. Register by April 30; no April 27-29, Grand Palms Hotel, 635-1331. (salón principal), 480 E. Eighth tickets at the door. 954-635-7458. Pembroke Pines. Live-in weekend www.ourladyofflorida.org: St., Hialeah. 786-399-9783, for those who want to deal • “Burned out — Fatigued — First Saturday, Communion Mother’s Day dinner/dance, of reparation, 8 a.m., St. Andrew, [email protected]. Saturday, May 12, 7:30 p.m., with unresolved feelings of loss Dried up: The Call to New Life!” • Unidos Para Siempre, due to separation or divorce. Wednesday, May 2, 10 a.m.-2:30 9950 N.W. 29 St., Coral Springs. The Royal Palace Banquet Hall, Rosary, meditation, confession, segundo sábado del mes, 4 p.m., Homestead. Organized by Knights [email protected], 954- p.m., day of reflection with St. Boniface, 8330 Johnson St., 558-6151, 954-309-8141. Maureen Hackett. $40. Communion, followed by of Columbus, St. Martin de Porres breakfast. 954-609-3450, drqueija@ Pembroke Pines. Para matrimonios Parish. $30/person. jespinal09@ Worldwide Marriage • Married couples retreat, May gmail.com. y parejas comprometidas. 954-432- gmail.com, 305-248-2170. Encounter, April 27-29 in Fort 4-6, nurture the spiritual life of 2750. Lauderdale. A weekend to focus on your commitment. $395/couple, Congress in honor of the Emmaus picnic, Saturday, Hearts of Jesus and Mary, June Ministerios de duelo: May 19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Amelia love, caring and relationship. flse- deposit required. wwme.org, 954-804-0661, 954-972- 8-10, Doubletree Hotel, Miami. • Betania, primer miércoles, Casa Earhart Park Shelter 1, 401 E. 65 • Healing retreat, May 25-27, Hosted by Servants of the Pierced Manresa, 12190 S.W. 56 St. (Miller St., Hialeah. For Emmaus brothers/ 8129, [email protected], with Father Robert Richardson. [email protected]. Hearts. Prominent guest speakers. Drive), Miami. Para padres que sisters throughout archdiocese. $225. $50/person. Free concert by han perdido un hijo. 305-596-0001, Hosted by Immaculate Conception. Renacer I - Sanación Interior • Praying with icons, Wednesday, Grupo Emmanuel Saturday, June [email protected]. Family, friends outside the ministry para Hombres, 27-29 de abril, June 6, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m., day of 9, 9:30 p.m. 305-444-7437, www. Comunidad Siervos de Cristo Vivo, • La Buena Esperanza, primer welcome. Tickets: 305-807-6236. reflection with Dominican Sister piercedhearts.org, congress@ miércoles, 5:30 p.m. Our Lady of World Meeting of Families, 3100 N.W. 77 Ct., Miami. 305-599- Roberta Popara. $40 piercedhearts.org. 1343, www.cscvmiami.org. Divine Providence, 10205 W. Flagler Aug. 19-29, Dublin. Pilgrimage • Silent directed retreat, June Congreso Internacional en St., Miami. 305-234-1780 ext.4238, from Miami to Dublin, attend Emmaus retreats, for men 16-22, not just for those in ministry honor a los Corazones de Jesús [email protected]. and women wishing to experience meeting, Festival of Families and but for all who feel called to a time y María, 8-10 de junio, hotel • Mother of Our Redeemer, closing Mass before departing for God, renew and deepen their of extended solitude and silence. Doubletree, Miami. Organizado relationship with the Lord, and segundo jueves, 7:30 p.m., 8445 two-day tour of southern Ireland. $550. por las Siervas de los Corazones N.W. 186 St., Miami. 305-479-1059. 305-762-1189, rbanich@theadom. enjoy a time for personal growth Traspasados. Destacados oradores Padres y Madres Orantes, org. and reflection. Based on Luke invitados. $50/persona. Concierto primer sábado, 8 a.m., Mother of 24:13-35: SAFE ENVIRONMENT gratis, Grupo Emmanuel, sábado, 9 • For women: April 27-29, hosted Our Redeemer, 8445 N.W. 186 St., de junio, 9:30 p.m. www.corazones. Miami. Para orar por los hijos de CONCERTS by St. Gregory, Plantation. 954-655- Virtus workshops help org, [email protected]. 3788, [email protected]. parents, teachers and anyone who la comunidad y todos los jóvenes. Schoenstatt Shrine, 22800 305-310-5563. Gran Concierto de la • For men: May 18-20, hosted by works with children recognize signs S.W. 187 Ave., Miami, has Hermana Glenda, sábado, 28 de St. John XXIII, Miramar. 954-392- of sexual abuse and spot abusers. Courage, second and fourth spiritual events for all members Mondays, Broward County. For abril, 8:30 p.m., St. Dominic, 5909 5062, 954-646-5708. Sessions are free and required for of the family. 305-248-4800, N.W. Seventh St., Miami. Donación: all employees and volunteers in men and women with same-sex Retiros Emaús, para damas y [email protected], attraction who want to live chaste $20. 305-264-0181. caballeros que quieran renovar y schools, parishes and entities of the https://schoenstattmiamiusa.org. archdiocese. Children not allowed lives. 571-294-5933 or fjpm475@ profundizar su relación con Dios. Santuario de Schoenstatt, gmail.com. Basado en Lucas 24:13-35: due to subject matter. Register at www.virtusonline.org. Information: 22800 S.W. 187 Ave., Miami, FAITH EDUCATION Para damas: [email protected]: ofrece oportunidades espirituales • 27-29 de abril, auspiciado por para todos los miembros “Catholics Compelled: A • Jueves, 26 de abril, 7 p.m., YOUTH AND Mother of Christ, Miami, 305-297- de la familia. 305-248-4800, Gathering on Global Hunger,” escuela de St. Kevin (Aula 6A), 5585, [email protected]. [email protected], YOUNG ADULTS Saturday, April 28, 8:30-11 a.m., Miami. • 4-6 de mayo, auspiciado https://schoenstattmiamiusa.org. Centro Poveda, 3400 S.W. 99 Ave., • Thursday, April 26, 7 p.m., St. por St. Francis de Sales, , Thursday, Miami. Organized by Office of Kevin School (cafeteria), Miami. May 17, 7:30 p.m., The Tank Mission and Social Advocacy and Miami Beach, 305-775-4851, emaussanfrancismujeres@gmail. • Saturday, May 5, 9 a.m., in SUPPORT GROUPS Brewery, 5100 N.W. 72nd Ave., Catholic Charities. tgonzalez@ English and Spanish, Our Lady of Bay A-1, Miami. Speaker: Matt theadom.org, 305-762-1236. com, [email protected]. Lourdes, Miami. Marriage support groups: Fradd, on “God, the Universe Liturgy and sacraments, • 4-6 de mayo, auspiciado por • Saturday, May 12, 9 a.m., • Post Camino, second and Everything.” Lecture, fun, Saturdays, May 12, 19 and 26, 8:30 St. Bernard, Sunrise, 954-865-0664, Archbishop McCarthy High, Wednesdays, SEPI, 7700 S.W., 56 fellowship and learning. mducker@ a.m.-noon, Good Shepherd, 14187 [email protected]. Southwest Ranches. St., Miami. Marriage prep follow- theadom.org. S.W. 72 St., Miami. For catechists • 4-6 de mayo, auspiciado por St. up for improving marriages, both Sonshine TEC retreat, May and teachers. Coordinated by Catherine of Siena, Miami, 786-543- • Thursday, May 31, 6:30 p.m., spiritually and practically. 305-226- 26-28, Miami. An experience of the Office of Catechesis. 305-385-4320, 2050, [email protected]. Blessed Trinity Parish hall, Virginia Gardens. 4664. paschal mystery of Jesus for youths [email protected]. • 18-20 de mayo, auspiciado • Unbreakable412, Mondays, and single or married young adults. Camino in English, Saturday, por Good Shepherd, Miami, To report abuse by someone 7:30 p.m., Our Lady of the Lakes 954-695-0458, grlaverde@gmail. May 19, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, 305-803-5900, [email protected], representing the Archdiocese: Library, 6600 Miami Lakeway com, www.sonshinetec.com. May 20, 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m., SEPI, [email protected]. 1-866-802-2873 (toll-free); to N., Miami Lakes. Enrichment for Catholic Young Professionals 7700 S.W. 56 St., Miami. Marriage report all abuse allegations to civil • 18-20 de mayo, auspiciado por dating, engaged and married (CYP), first Mondays, 7:30 p.m., preparation for couples wishing to authorities: 1-800-962-2873. St. Monica, Miami Gardens, 305- couples. 305-829-2073, madie@ Knights of Columbus Hall, 270 receive the sacrament. Registration: 778-9079, 305-297-2160. mendezfamily.com. Catalonia Ave., Coral Gables. www.caminodelmatrimonio.org. Para caballeros: Divorce Care, Wednesdays, 6:30 Receive inspiration from great Immersion in Spanish SPIRITUAL • 4-6 de mayo, auspiciado por p.m., St. Patrick, Barry Hall, 3716 speakers on how to excel in language and culture, June 15- Mother of Christ, Miami, 305-490- Mother and child celebration, Garden Ave., Miami Beach. For work and faith life. mducker@ July 3, Southeast Pastoral Institute, 1544, [email protected]. Thursday, May 10, 6:30 p.m., those dealing with issues related to theadom.org, www.facebook.com/ 7700 S.W. 56 St., Miami. Three- • 4-6 de mayo, auspiciado por St. MorningStar Renewal Center, 7275 loss due to separation or divorce. CYPmiami. week course for clergy, religious Monica, Miami Gardens, 305-778- S.W. 124 St., Pinecrest. Evening 786-443-9020, alantiguaduran@ International TEC family and laity interested in serving 9079, [email protected]. of celebration, thanksgiving gmail.com. encounter, July 13-15, Baton Latinos and Hispanic ministry. 305- Horizontes de Cristiandad, for moms, grandmoms, aunts Grief support groups: Rouge, Louisiana. For anyone 18 or 279-2333, ext. 2; formation@sepi. older who is involved in the Teens sábado, 5 de mayo, 8 a.m.-5 and godmothers. Meal, fun, • Mother of Our Redeemer, us; www.sepi.us. Encounter Christ movement, past p.m., St. Kevin, 12525 S.W. 42 St., inspiration to kick off Mother’s fourth Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., Room Transformed in Love, Aug. 11 or present. www.tecconference. Miami. Para personas de la Tercera Day weekend. $30/adult, $20/child 8 of the school, 8445 N.W. 186 St., and 12, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Pastoral org. Edad (60 años en adelante), para 10-18. Reservations required. info@ Miami. 305-951-1036. Center, 9401 Biscayne Blvd., Miami morningstarrenewal.org, 305-238- ampliar los horizontes de la vida y • St. Patrick, Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., Shores. Marriage preparation for acercarse más a Dios. 305-323-6581, 4367. couples wishing to receive the Bell Tower, 3716 Garden Ave., 22 ADVERTISEMENT Florida Catholic April 2018

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CONFERENCE SPONSORS 12061-0419 April 2018 www.thefloridacatholic.org YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY 23


Above, Archbishop Thomas Wenski washes the feet of parishioners during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, March 29, at St. Mary Cathedral, Miami. Left, Archbishop Wenski greets archdiocesan priests as they process into St. Mary Cathedral at the start of the Chrism 11871-0419 Mass. (PHOTOS BY ANA RODRIGUEZ-SOTO | FC) Participants pray the Eighth Station outside Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Highland Park Pavilion, a mental health and addiction treatment center. Holding the cross is seminarian Brayan Rodriguez. Nearly 300 people gathered at the Missionaries of Charity shelter in Miami early in the morning on Good Friday to walk the Way of the Cross through Miami’s streets, remembering the sufferings of Jesus today in the lives of the poor, the abandoned, the homeless, the mentally ill, immigrants and the sick.

Father Christopher Marino, rector of St. Mary Cathedral, holds the cross as Marie Fleurimon kisses it on Good Friday. (MARLENE QUARONI | FC) 10897-0419

Belen Jesuit students carry Our Lady of Sorrows through Archbishop Thomas Wenski dips the paschal candle in the baptismal downtown Miami during Gesu font, blessing the water which will be used to baptize the Parish’s Good Friday procession. catechumens who joined the Church during the celebration of the (ROBERTO AGUIRRE | FC) Easter Vigil at St. Mary Cathedral. (MARLENE QUARONI | FC) 24 ADVERTISEMENT Florida Catholic April 2018 12082-0413