1. Introduction 2. Pregeometry
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Hidezumi Terazawa 219 218 Proceedings of BGL-4 SPECIAL INCONSTANCY IN PREGEOMETRY for 0.2 < z < 3. 7, which is consistent with a time-varying a . Note, however, that in 1976 Shylakhter f81 obtained the very restrictive limit of 16.a/al < 10- 7 or, more precisely, Hidezumi Terazawa 6.Œ/a6.t = (-0.2 ± 0.8) x 10-17 yr-1 for z ,...., 0.16 (but over a. narrower and latest range of epochs betwcen now and about 1.8 Instu.te of ?article and Nuclear St11dies 1 H'igh Energy Accelemtor Research Organization, billion years ago) from the "Oklo natural reactor". Very lately, Srianand et al. [9] have made Japan a detailed many-multiplet analysis performcd on a new sample of Mg II systems observed in high quality quasar spectra obtained using the Very Large Telescope and found a null result Midlands Acaderny of Bnsiness ël Technology (MABT), 5 United Kingdom of 6.a/cr. = (-0.06 ± 0.06) x 10- for the fractional change in Œ or a 3ri constraint of 16 1 16 1 -2.5 x 10- yr-- -:; (6.a./a6.t) -:; +1.2 x 10- yr- A thcory of spccial inconstancy, in which some fondamental physical constants such as the for 0.4-:; z -:; 2.3, which seems to be inconsistent with the result of Webb et al. [7]. However, fine-structure and grnvitational constants may vary, is proposed Ill pregcometry. In thf~ the a careful comparison of thesc different rcsults [7-9] indicates that thcy are ail consistent with ory, the alpha-G relation of a = 3n /[16 ln( 471' /5CM~ )] between the varyin~ fine~structure ;;i,r~d gravitational constants (where Mw is the charged weak Loso.n mass) 1s denved frorn a tirne-varying l~ as the hypothesis that Loth of these constants arc related to the same fu11damcnt:l1 ~en~t~1 ~cale in nature. Furthermorc, it leads to the prediction of G/G = (0.4 ± 0.4) X 10 yr rom for 2.2 < z < 3. 7. the recent observation of <i/a = (5 ± 5) .x 10- 15 yr- 1 by Webb _e{ al . _,_~vhich is n_ot only 2 In this talk, I am going to propose a theory of special inconstancy, in which some consistent with the most precise limit of G /G = (-0.6 ± 2.0) X 10 yr by Thorsett but fondamental physical constants such as the fine-structure and gravita.tional constants rnay also fcasible for future expcrimental tests. In special inconstancy, the pa.<:it and p~escnt of the vary. ln the theory, the alpha-G relation of Univese are cxplained and the future of it is predicted, which is quitc different !rom that m the Einsein theory of gravitation. The coutcnts of this talk include the followmg: Œ = 3n /[16 ln( 411'/5G Mfv )] 1. Introduction 2. Pregeomctry (where Mw is the charged weak boson mass) is derived from the hypothesis that both of 3. Special Inconstancy a and G arc related to the same fondamental length scale in nature. Furthermore, from 4. Further Discussions and Future Prospects. the above result on a , it leads to the prediction of è /G = (0.4 ± 0.4) x 10-12yr-1 1. Introduction which is not only consistent with the limit on G by Thorsett (6) but also feasible for future Is a physical constant rcally constant? In 1937, Dirac (1] discussed possible time vari~ experimcntal tests. I will organize this talk as follows: in Section II, I will briefly review tion in the .fondamental constants of nature. He made not only the large numbcr hypothes'.s pregeometry in which a theory of special inconstancy is constructed. In Section III, I will (LNH) but also, as a consequences of the LNH, the astonishing prediction that the grav'.~ present the theory and its predictions. Finally in s~) ction IV, I will present further discussions tat.ional constant G varies as a fonction of time. Sincc then, .Jordan (2] and rnany oth<~ 1 s and future prospects. In addition, in special inconstancy I will explain the history of our (3,4] have tried to construct new theories of gravitation or gen~ral _r'.'lativity in order_ ::o Universe and predict the future of it, whid1 is quite difforent from that in the conventional accomodate such a timc-varying G . Although the LNH bas been mspmng many thcoret1c<tl Einstein theory of gravitation. devcloprnents and bas recently led rnyself [5] to many new large number relations, the pre diction of the varying G has not yet reccived any experimental cvidence. R.ccently, _Thorsett (6] has shown that measurcments of the masses of young and old neutron stars m pulsar 2. Pregeometry binaries lead to the most prccise limit of Pregeornetry is a theory in which Einstein's geometrical theory of gravit.y in general 1 G/G == (-0.6 ± 2.0) x 10 .:_ 12yr- relativity can be derived from a more fondamental principle as an effective and approximate theory at low energies (or at long distances). In 1967, Sakharov [10] suggested possible ap at the 68% confidence level. proximatc derivation of the Einstein-Hilbert action from quantum fructuations of matter. More recently, on the other hand, Webb et al. [7] have investigated possible tune vanatton A decade la.ter, we [11] demonstrated that not only Einstein's theory of gravity in general in the fine structure constant a by using quasar spectra over a wide range of cpochs, relativity but also the standard model of strong and eleetroweak interactions in quantum spanning redshifts 0.2 < z < 3.7, in the history of our Universe, and derived the remarkable chromodynamics and in the unified gauge theory can be derived as an effective and ap result of proximatc theory at low energies from the more fondamental unified composite model of all a/a== (6.40 ± 1.35) X 10-lûyr-l fondamental part.ides and forces (12]. 220 Proccedings of BGL-4 Hidezumi Terazawa 221 Let us explain what pregeometry means more explicitly in a simple rnodel of . One of ~he rnost remarkable consequences of pregeometry is the alpha-G relation, a Slm_ple relat10n between the fine-structure and gravitaional constant, which can be easily de~1_ved from the results for a: and for G by eliminating lh momenf;um eut-off A. In ou.r umfied quark-lepton mode! of ail fondamental forces [14,15] the alpha-G relation is given by [161 ' , where 9µv is the space-time metric, g = det(gµv) , Aµ is an Abelian gauge field, and 'Pi ( i = 1 ,..., n) are n complex scalar fields of matter with the charge e . The fondamental a= 37r/ L, Qiln(l21f/nGm7), Lagrangian Lo consists of the gauge-invariant kinetic terms of the matter fields only as i where 9i and mi are the charge and mass of quarks and leptons, respectively. For three g_enerat10ns of quarks and leptons and their mirror- or super-partners, the alpha-G relation s1mply becornes (where F is an arbitrary constant) but does not contain either the kinetic term of the space a':::! 37r/l6ln(47r/5GMti,,) time metric or that of the gauge field so that both of 9µv and Aµ are auxiliary fields. The effective action for the space-time metric and gauge field can be defined by the path-integral wh:re Mw is the chargcd weak boson mass. Note that this alpha-G relation is very well 1 2 over the matter fields as sat1sfied by the experimental data of (l'. ':::! 1/137' a- 1 2:! 1.22 X 1019GeV' and Mw 2:! 80.4GeV. ea:p(iSef J) = JIT[dt.pÎ][dt.pi]exp(iSo) i 3. Special Inconstancy and it can be expressed formally as Special inconstancy is a principle in which sorne fondamental physical constants such as the fine-structure and gravitational constants may vary. Let us first rnake it clear that in this talk we use the nat.ural w.1ili Rystcm ~>f h/2rr = c = 1 (where h is the Planck constant and c is .the speed in vacuum). Note, howcver, that it does not mean that, in discussing the after the path-integration over 'Pi. For small scalar curvature R and Ricci curvature tensor ~f ~i?lit i:elevant pos~1b~ty oI ~·~ :1aryî11.g fu1e-sl;ru t11re and gravitational constants [17], we exclude Rµv , the effective action can be calculated to be anothcr rntngumg p SA1bihty of the varyilJg light velocity reccntly discussed by some authors jJ8] s.ince vur:ying eiLher h or c is in .vi.tably related to varying the fine-structure constant Œ ( = e~ /2hc)(jf th unit charg· e stays constant). It simply means that we must set up a certam reference frame on which we can discuss whether physical quantities such as the with fine-structure, gravitational, and cosmological [19] constants be really constant. Our basic 4 2 1 2>. = [nA /8(47r) ] - p- , hypothesis is that both of the fine-structure and gravitational constants are related to the 2 2 more fondamental length scale of nature as in the unified (pregauge [20] and) pregeometric (1/l67rG) =nA /24(47r) , [10-12] theo? (or "pregaugeornetry" in short) of ail fondamental forces[14,15J reviewed in 2 2 c = nlnA /240(47r) , the last Sect10n. To be more explicit, in the simple mode! of pregaugeometry discussed in the last Section, d= 2, assert that 1 and < (8µ + iA1,)..j=gg w(8v - iAv)'Pi >A= 0, 2 2 2 (1/4e ) = nlnA /3(47r) , 91w = F < [(8µ + iAµ)'PÎ](élv - iAv)'Pi >A, where À and A are the cosmological constant and the momentum eut-off of the Pauli and Villars type, respectively.