Pregeometry of -Minkowski/-Poincaré Spacetime and Relative Locality For
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Pregeometry of κ-Minkowski/κ-Poincar´espacetime and relative locality for fuzzy worldlines Giacomo Rosati Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Wroc law July 3, 2019 Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Valerio Astuti, G. R., arXiv:1206.3805, Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2521; arXiv:1304.7630, Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 084023 One way of characterizing such a \quantum spacetime" is through a sort of \Heisenberg uncertainty principle for spacetime", where, similarly to position and momentum in quantum mechanics ([^p; x^] = i~ ) δpδ^ x^ & ~), spacetime coordinates µ ν µν do not commute among themeselves: [^x ; x^ ] = iΘ (^x) / `P (Doplicher+Fredenaghen+Roberts,Phys.Lett.B(1994)331) µ ν µν ρ µν Consider [^x ; x^ ] = iλρ x^ , with λρ = O(`P ). Is this a preferred-frame picture or still a fully relativistic picture? If λµν is the same for all inertial observers, one needs to modify (\deform") the relativistic laws of transformations between their coordinates. κ-Minkowski (c = ~ = 1) £ κ ∼ Mp = ~ = `P c ¢ ¡ q i ~c ∼ 1019GeV=c2 [xj ; x0] = xj [xj ; x ] = 0 G κ k κ-Poincar´e is the deformed (Hopf-)algebra of symmetries £ (See the talks of Gubitosi, (Lukierski,Ruegg,Majid,...'90) ¢ ¡ Amelino-Camelia,...) Several arguments suggest that, when both gravitational and quantum effects are considered, localization measurements in spacetime can be performed down to a minimum length scale, usually thought to be close to the Planck scale q ` = ~G ∼ 10−35 m. P c3 µ ν µν ρ µν Consider [^x ; x^ ] = iλρ x^ , with λρ = O(`P ). Is this a preferred-frame picture or still a fully relativistic picture? If λµν is the same for all inertial observers, one needs to modify (\deform") the relativistic laws of transformations between their coordinates. κ-Minkowski (c = ~ = 1) £ κ ∼ Mp = ~ = `P c ¢ ¡ q i ~c ∼ 1019GeV=c2 [xj ; x0] = xj [xj ; x ] = 0 G κ k κ-Poincar´e is the deformed (Hopf-)algebra of symmetries £ (See the talks of Gubitosi, (Lukierski,Ruegg,Majid,...'90) ¢ ¡ Amelino-Camelia,...) Several arguments suggest that, when both gravitational and quantum effects are considered, localization measurements in spacetime can be performed down to a minimum length scale, usually thought to be close to the Planck scale q ` = ~G ∼ 10−35 m. P c3 One way of characterizing such a \quantum spacetime" is through a sort of \Heisenberg uncertainty principle for spacetime", where, similarly to position and momentum in quantum mechanics ([^p; x^] = i~ ) δpδ^ x^ & ~), spacetime coordinates µ ν µν do not commute among themeselves: [^x ; x^ ] = iΘ (^x) / `P (Doplicher+Fredenaghen+Roberts,Phys.Lett.B(1994)331) κ-Minkowski (c = ~ = 1) £ κ ∼ Mp = ~ = `P c ¢ ¡ q i ~c ∼ 1019GeV=c2 [xj ; x0] = xj [xj ; x ] = 0 G κ k κ-Poincar´e is the deformed (Hopf-)algebra of symmetries £ (See the talks of Gubitosi, (Lukierski,Ruegg,Majid,...'90) ¢ ¡ Amelino-Camelia,...) Several arguments suggest that, when both gravitational and quantum effects are considered, localization measurements in spacetime can be performed down to a minimum length scale, usually thought to be close to the Planck scale q ` = ~G ∼ 10−35 m. P c3 One way of characterizing such a \quantum spacetime" is through a sort of \Heisenberg uncertainty principle for spacetime", where, similarly to position and momentum in quantum mechanics ([^p; x^] = i~ ) δpδ^ x^ & ~), spacetime coordinates µ ν µν do not commute among themeselves: [^x ; x^ ] = iΘ (^x) / `P (Doplicher+Fredenaghen+Roberts,Phys.Lett.B(1994)331) µ ν µν ρ µν Consider [^x ; x^ ] = iλρ x^ , with λρ = O(`P ). Is this a preferred-frame picture or still a fully relativistic picture? If λµν is the same for all inertial observers, one needs to modify (\deform") the relativistic laws of transformations between their coordinates. Several arguments suggest that, when both gravitational and quantum effects are considered, localization measurements in spacetime can be performed down to a minimum length scale, usually thought to be close to the Planck scale q ` = ~G ∼ 10−35 m. P c3 One way of characterizing such a \quantum spacetime" is through a sort of \Heisenberg uncertainty principle for spacetime", where, similarly to position and momentum in quantum mechanics ([^p; x^] = i~ ) δpδ^ x^ & ~), spacetime coordinates µ ν µν do not commute among themeselves: [^x ; x^ ] = iΘ (^x) / `P (Doplicher+Fredenaghen+Roberts,Phys.Lett.B(1994)331) µ ν µν ρ µν Consider [^x ; x^ ] = iλρ x^ , with λρ = O(`P ). Is this a preferred-frame picture or still a fully relativistic picture? If λµν is the same for all inertial observers, one needs to modify (\deform") the relativistic laws of transformations between their coordinates. κ-Minkowski (c = ~ = 1) £ κ ∼ Mp = ~ = `P c ¢ ¡ q i ~c ∼ 1019GeV=c2 [xj ; x0] = xj [xj ; x ] = 0 G κ k κ-Poincar´e is the deformed (Hopf-)algebra of symmetries £ (See the talks of Gubitosi, (Lukierski,Ruegg,Majid,...'90) ¢ ¡ Amelino-Camelia,...) It turns out that in theories where relativistic symmetries are deformed in terms of a (inverse-) momentum invariant scale 1/κ (DSR theories (Amelino-Camelia,Kowalski-Glikman,Smolin,Magueijo ∼ 2000)) the notion of absolute spacetime locality is relaxed in favor of a relativity of locality (Amelino-Camelia+Matassa+Mercati+G.R.(2010)Phys.Rev.Lett.106), similarly to how, in the transition from Galilean to special relativity, the deformation of relativistic symmetries in terms of an invariant speed c, enforces relativity of simultaneity. 1 xB detector ℓb ∆p Bob | | 0 xB 1 xA p s p h emitter 0 Alice xA (Amelino-Camelia+Loret+G.R.,(2011)Phys.Lett.B700; Amelino-Camelia+Arzano+Kowalski-Glikman+G.R.+Trevisan(2011)Class.Quant.Grav.29; Amelino-Camelia+Freidel+Kowalski-Glikman+Smolin(2011)Phys.Rev.D84) What is the description of spacetime points in κ-Minkowski? One expect some kind of fuzziness. How can it be characterized? Is it possible to provide a quantum mechanical description of κ-Minkowski/κ-Poincar´e? In a \pregeometrical" interpretation, κ-Minkowski emerges from quantum gravity at some level of effective description, and non-commutativity is represented in terms of standard Heisenberg quantum mechanics introduced at some deeper level. Some previous attempts (Lukierski+Ruegg+Zakrzewski,Ann.Phys.243(1995)90) (Livine+Oriti,J.HighEnergyPhys.0406(2004)050) (Agostini,J.Math.Phys.48(2007)052305) (D'andrea,J.Math.Phys.47(2006)062105) (Ghosh+Pal,Phys.Rev.D75(2007)105021) (Dabrowski+Piacitelli,ArXiv:1004.5091) (Mignemi,Phys.Rev.D84(2011)025021) (Kovacevic+Meljanac,J.Phys.A45(2012)135208) κ-Poincar´ealgebra and κ-Minkowski spacetime (1+1D) Lukierski,Ruegg,Majid,...'90 κ-Minkowski Xκ is the homogeneous space of the κ-Poincar´eHopf algebra Pκ i [x1; x0] = x1 κ [P1;P0] = 0 [N; P0] = iP1 1 1 κ 2 i ∆ (xµ) = xµ ⊗ + ⊗ xµ − P0 2 [N; P1] = i 1 − e κ − P 2 2κ 1 S (xµ) = −xµ (xµ) = 0 ∆P0 = P0 ⊗ 1 + ⊗P0 P − 0 ∆P1 = P1 ⊗ 1 + e κ ⊗ P1 P − 0 ∆N = N ⊗ 1 + e κ ⊗ N P0 P0 S (P0) = −P0 S (P1) = −e κ P1 S(N) = −e κ N1 P 2 2 P0 0 2 2κ = (2κ) sinh − e κ P~ 2κ Translations and differential calculus Coproduct ∆ =) action . : Pκ ⊗ Xκ !Xκ £ ¢ ¡ P − 0 P1 . f(x)g(x) = (P1 . f(x)) g(x) + e κ . f(x) (P1 . g(x)) Leibniz i P1 . [x1; x0] = P1 . x1 κ 0 0 0 i 0 Translations: xµ = xµ − aµ () x1; x0 = κ x1 κ i κ κ κ a ; x0 = a a ; x1 = 0 a ; x0 = 0 § 1 κ 1 µ 0 ¤ ¦ 1 κ µ ¥ T = + d d = −iaµP differential calculus df(x)g(x) = (df(x)) g(x) + f(x)dg(x) Woronowicz,Majid,Oeckl,...'90 Pregeometry of κ-Minkowski/κ-Poincar´e Covariant quantum mechanics Pregeometry spacetime noncommutativity arises from a more fundamental theory £ ¢ Ordinary Heisenberg¡ algebra () κ-Minkowski/κ-Poincar´e pregeometric representation But what framework? κ-Minkowski Quantum Mechanics time coordinate = noncommutative time coordinate = evolution parameter observable + Covariant formulation of ordinary quantum mechanics Reisenberger,Rovelli Phys.Rev.D65(2002) The spatial coordinates£ and the time coordinate play the same type of role. Both operators on¢ a \kinematical Hilbert space" ¡ (ordinary Hilbert space of normalizable wave functions) (See also the talks of Hoehn, Giacomini) Covariant quantum mechanics Reisenberger,Rovelli,Phys.Rev.D65(2002) Kinematical Hilbert space 2 2 Space of (1+1D) \spacetime regions" L (R ; dq0; dq1) Standard multiplicative operators q^0; q^1 and derivative operators π^ ≡ i @ ; π^ ≡ i @ 0 @q0 1 @q1 Standard commutator algebra [^π0; q^0] = i [^π0; q^1] = 0 [^π1; q^0] = 0 [^π1; q^1] = −i \Regions of spacetime" hq^0i ; hq^1i, δq0; δq1 Covariant quantum mechanics Reisenberger,Rovelli,Phys.Rev.D65(2002) Dynamics There is no \evolution" £ ¢ ¡ Kinematical Hilbert space () Physical Hilbert space Hamiltonian constraint H = 0 relationships between the properties of the (partial) observables for ) dynamics = £ spatial coordinates and the properties of the time (partial) observable ¢ ¡ −! \fuzzy worldlines" "Geometrical interpretation\ (Classical) Special Relativity: Covariant Quantum Mechanics arena = Minkowski spacetime arena = kinematical Hilbert space H = 0 H = 0 + + dynamics of relativistic classical dynamics of relativistic quantum particles unfolds particles unfolds Geometrical interpretation Minkowski spacetime classical particles \spacetime observables" physically observable experiment property =) properties kinematical Hilbert space quantum particles \spacetime observables" physically observable experiment property =) (physical Hilbert space) Pregeometry of κ-Minkowski/κ-Poincar´e Pregeometric representations [^π0; q^0] = i [^π0; q^1] = 0 Amelino-Camelia,Astuti,G.R.,arXiv:1206.3805,Eur.Phys.J.C73(2013) [^π1; q^0] = 0 [^π1; q^1] = −i x^0 =q ^0 i π^0 ) [^x1; x^0] = x^1 x^1 =q ^1e κ κ π^0 P P0 . f(^x0; x^1) ! [^π0; f(^q0; q^1e κ )] − 0 ) P1.fg = (P1 .f) g+ e κ .f (P1 .g) π^ π^ − 0 0 P1 .