Swadeshi P AT RIKA VoI-9, No. 11, Ashwin~Kartik 2061, Nov. 2004

SHRADHANJALI An Efficient Organisation Builder 18 Shok-Sabha in New York 19 Our Guiding Light 2 A Great void difficult to fill 4 A Supreme Karma Yogi 7 Bhishmacharya of THOUGHTS Labour Movement 9 The Goal 21 An Ideologue Par Excellence 12 Marx and Deendayai 23 An Idealist Karma Yogi 15 Dharma-Kshetre 28 An image of Love 16 Environment Protection 30 An irreparable loss to Labour Movement 17 Golden Age to Globalization 32

This issue is dedicated to thei eterm iave he

editor : Dr. Kuideep Ratnoo Printed and Published by : Ishwardas Mahajan on behalf of Swadeshi viagaran Samftl, 'Dharmakshetra', Sector-8, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-22, Editorial Office: 'Dharmakshetra' Sector-8, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-22, E*MaiL: [email protected] SHRADHANJAU

Our Guiding Light

Thengadiji at the second National Convention of SJM

SHRI is no habit of remaining in touch with the more with us. His loss is felt not only grass-root level workers and situations. by those individuals who were nurtured Due to this harmonious blending of by him but everyone who is really con­ a superior level, he occupies a very cerned about the welfare of humanity and high position among the galaxy of wants all kinds of exploitation to be great nationalist leaders. In the RSS stopped immediately, considers his sudden chain of leaders Guruji, Deendayalji departure both social and a personal loss. and Thengadiji form a triumvirate for Thengadiji was an inspiration to all such their ideological strength, organiza­ individuals. He was a living example of tional efficiency, very simple nature an ideal social activist. People like me and a spiritual bent of mind. These who were fortunate enough to interact three great personalities had much and work with him for a long, period more in common other than the of time can always cherish the memories characteristics mentioned here. This stored and lessons learnt while working RSS triumvirate will always be re­ with him. For others who were not so membered for their soul-stirring per­ fortunate, his words would always res­ sonalities, sharp intellect and lucid onate in their minds to guide them to articulation of ideology. keep moving ahead on their path without He was a true Rishi. Intellectual ever bothering about the outcome. honesty and total transparency in be­ Dattopantji was one of the very few haviour accorded him a status which post-independence social activists who was available to only a few. He was could influence the polity through non- a staunch critic of communism but electoral methods. He had a deep grasp won many friends among commu­ over development of events, whether nists. He would always tell- fight the national or international, and a deeper sin, not the sinner. He never accepted understanding of dynamics of those events. the Left and Right division in the Combination of superior intellectual abil­ Indian context. He would say, ‘cap­ ity and energetic physical activism made italist and communist divide is not him a force in himself. This powerful relevant in *. According to him, force stored in his strong body and even nationalist paradigm should always be stronger mind was strengthened by his there and welfare of all should be

2 SWADESHI PATRIKA NOVEMBER 2004 SHRAPHANJAU the core of every movement. He could have opposed the imperialistic or hegemonistic glo­ balisation by resorting to negativist movements of anti-globalisation or anti-imperialisation but he articu­ lated the positive alternative in the form of Swadeshi from the core of our national consciousness. It was a true response of a true nationalist that has global impact now. He gave form to a powerful movement and called it second Thengadiji addressing a rally organised by SJM freedom movement in the national perspective and third World War in the global more than six decades he was continuously on perspective. He strongly believed in the ‘Third the move for the service of the nation and Way’, much beyond the narrow confines of worked as RSS Pracharak in almost all parts capitalism and communism and gave it an of India, from Kerala to Assam. Very few people ideological shape on the basis of Integral can match his vast experience in organizational Humanism and Swadeshi. It is becoming evident work. He had a very simple formula for judging now that this will be the core of all future success and failure of a movement, ‘if you movements in different countries and the whole want to destroy the movement, develop comfort- world .will accept the ‘Third Way’ as the most loving cadre and status-conscious leaders’. For humane way of sustainable socio-economic de­ all workers of ideology-based organisations, his velopment in the coming years. mantra was, ‘it is better to be irresponsible His range was unlimited. He spoke, written and right then responsible and wrong’. and worked on almost all the relevant issues He leaves behind a heritage that we have like economics, society, politics, literature, en­ to sustain and enhance. It is not easy to fit vironment, human rights, religion, spiritualism into the shoes of such great personalities but etc. Many people have written about Dr. his deeds and words will always guide us. He Ambedkar, either derogatory or trivializing his would always tell his fellow workers that role in freedom movement and reconstruction ideological commitment should remain supreme of nation. Thengadiji used to feel extreme pain and one should never compromise with it. He due to this. For him, Dr. Ambedkar was a would tell us, ‘of what avail, if in the process hardcore nationalist, a harmonious internation­ of winning the kingdom of earth, you lose alist and a true social reformer. Before he left the kingdom of heaven?’ all of us, Thengadiji completed an exhaustive Greatness of a person is generally recog­ book on Dr Ambedkar to truly project his nized only after the departure of such holy life and work. souls. I hope a sincere effort for true evaluation He was the only one to transform the of Thengadiji’s personality would be made now, trade union movement into a nationalist unfortunately when he is no more with us. movement. More importantly, he accomplished this difficult task while working amidst the P. big names of trade union leaders who were National Convenor associated with the leftist organizations. For

SWADESHI PATRIKA NOVEMBER 2004 3 A Great void difficult to fill

HE BUILT the largest trade union in any city to stand still. His unions never India, the . indulged in violence. He never made Formed in 195$ it over took IN- his unions the wing of any political TUC, the largest trade union, in just party. three decades. In 1989, strength of Though a trade union leader, he BMS was 31 lacs plus. That was more was not an urbanite like most trade than the combined strength of CITU unionists. He also built the largest and AITUC, the monopolists of trade union of agriculturists in India, the union movement. Today its member­ . Still he was ship is over 83 lacs, more than the not a village versus town man, or collective of most other trade unions. agriculture versus industry man. For Yes, he built the most powerful trade him nationalism was the melting pot union. Yet, he was not a communist. of all sectional views and interests. He He actually opposed the communists, never believed in the distinction be­ stormed their citadel and captured it. tween classes, between the rich and the Never a Socialist, but he defeated them poor, but actually stood for collective in their own territory. He waged an national interests. Thus he carried na­ open war, an ideological war, against tionalism to territories monopolised them, and defeated them in a straight by class hatred and class war and war, not in guerrilla warfare. Also he rendered class idea almost irrelevant. never used his strength, never called When globalisation challenged India in for a bandh, the normal weapon of early nineties and every one helplessly large trade unions, and never brought just opposed it or blindly welcomed


it, he recalled the spirit of the freedom move­ books in all, 27 in Hindi, 12 in English and ment, the Swadeshi idea. He formed the 10 in Marathi. He has presented innumerable Swadeshi Jagaran Manch (SJM), which articu­ papers on profound subjects in national and lated an alternative indigenous economic model, international conferences. He learnt five lan­ not just opposition to globalisation. It emerged guages apart from Marathi and English. He as the bulwark against mindless globalisation founded, inspired, managed and advised over a and succeeded in creating a vision for India as hundred organisations! And found time for all a global power. His creations, the BMS, the activities, yet time to talk and chit chat with Kisan Sangh, and the SJM, are known and thousands of ordinary workers! He could dis­ powerful in thought and action, but he, the cover the 25 th hour in the day and the thirteenth creator himself, is not much known. month in the year. Who is he? Dattopant Thengadi, unknown What inspired him to such unbelievable to most, founded institutions known and pow­ mental, physical and intellectual activity beyond erful but himself not known. He passed away all known reserves of human energy? What at 84, with energies that drove him to attempt and one would see in a man accomplish the un-at- of 48. He was of course tempted impossible? The a resounding success as a RSS. The much misun­ trade unionist. But this derstood and much ma­ does not exhaust Thenga­ ligned open air university V di. He was more. He was that trains patriots of high an astounding intellectual commitment in this coun­ with remarkable grasp of try even today. He be­ history and economics, came the full time pra- sociology and politics. Yet charak of the RSS at the he rarely appeared in pub­ age of 22 and continued

lic or even rarely allowed Thengadiji attending an SJM session to work full time till he himself to be photo­ breathed his last. No graphed or interviewed by mass media. In his office attracted him. He could have occupied view nation builders do better things than stand any position in public life. But for people like before cameras. Yet he was in politics, in the him positions added nothing. for two terms. But that did not He was a drista, a seer; Decades before, he make any difference to his definition of himself. saw and theorised the collapse of communism He was an activist, who did what was doable as, he perceived, it went against human nature. in ten lives in one. Yet massive activity did not It has happened. He has also theorised that interfere with his contemplative genius. He found capitalism too will collapse as that too is against time amid chaotic activity to think, read and human spirit and nature. This is waiting to write. He authored innumerable books of orig­ happen. Even in philosophising the resistance to inality and high intellectual content — some 50 globalisation he foresaw national spirit as the

“The Hindu sages did not consider *Artha’ as a separate *Purusharthait was treated as an integral part of a single, four-foid ‘Purushartha’, that is, ‘Purushartha Chatushtayam’. The west with its compartmentalised thinking considered Economics as a separate discipline having distinct identity of its own. — D. B. Thengadi


greatest defence against global forces. He un­ veiled the hidden element of globalisation as the competition between nations. Result, not just in India but, all over the world today the real resistance to globalisation comes from perceived national interest, that is, Swadeshi at individual national level. Thengadi was understudy of Babasaheb Ambedkar. ‘Gurumurthy, I do not agree with ’s conclusions on Babasaheb Ambedkar’, he once told me. I pointed out to him that Aruns book was fully completely documented. He asked me ‘do you mean to say Thengadiji at the first convention of SJM that the lives of people who had had to face the greatest of challenges can be captured in Hindu religious leaders to do in 1954, RSS records and documents?’ He added that the could persuade them to do only a decade later, complex times and the challenges that ‘Baba’ - in 1965, in a conference of Hindu religious this is how he called Babasaheb Ambedkar — leaders in Udipi organised by the Vishwa Hindu faced could not be read from records. ‘In fact Parishad. This made many, me included, insist most of the recordings cosmetise the real facts, that Thengadi wrote on his days with Babasa­ more bluntly, they conceal, not bring out, the heb. A couple of months before Thengadi died truth. So records cannot present the challenging he did this too, and his book on Babasaheb life of Babasaheb Ambedkar’. Tengadi could talk Ambedkar was also released. with authority about Babasaheb Ambedkar He owned nothing, not a house or a car, because he was full time with Ambedkar in the no cell phone or else. He lived in a small room last four years of Babasaheb’s life. in Delhi provided by the BMS and in others What Thengadi told me further was stun­ houses elsewhere. His needs, a few kurtas and ning. He said ‘I was eye witness to Babasaheb’s dhotis, were accommodated in a suit case. He tensions and problems’. He recalled ‘Babasaheb travelled in over night buses and mostly second wanted the Hindu sants and religious heads to class in trains. Never thought of marriage as his declare openly that untouchability did not have time was exhausted by the cause he had taken the sanction of Hindu religious scripts’. RSS up in life. A rishi, a tapasvi, he was. Like most efforts in this direction were not bearing fruit. tapasvis, he is also little known. National news­ But Babasaheb told Thengadi that time was papers which waste thousands of tons of news­ running out. His health was deteriorating fast print on what retired or topless cine stars do in 1954. Baba Saheb told Thengadi that ‘I have in the morning and evening never even reported faith in the process of the RSS in removing on this great man’s work, much less on his untouchability. But that is too slow. I cannot greatness. But that hardly matters. Having seen wait because I will not live to see the end of him closely and known him intimately and the problem’. Thengadi also recalled what made learnt from him immensely, the only thing I Babasaheb embrace Buddhism, in Babasaheb’s could do is to let a few others know that a own words thus: ‘if I did not show the way tapasvi died on October 14, 2004 leaving a for this helpless community they would be void, a great void difficult to fill. hunted down by Christian church and the S. GURUMURTHY communists”. What Babasaheb wanted the National Co-convenor, Swadeshi Jagaran Manch


A Supreme Karma Yogi


W HEN I was informed that Shri strongly not by his professional achieve­ Thengadiji passed away I was remind­ ments but his sterling personal qual­ ed of the remark made by the Amer­ ities and his disarming subtle smile. ican biographer Louis Fischer at the It is not necessary for a piece of death of Mahatma Gandhi. He said iron to be close to a magnet for years “The world became poorer because to get it attracted by it; but a single the poorest of them all died”. Al­ casual chance will do. though, true for Mahatma Gandhi it His contribution to the trade union is equally, if not more, appropriate to movements, Kisan movements and post the passing away of Shri Dattopant independence Swadeshi movement is Thengadiji. phenomenal and legendry. But build­ I cannot claim him to be my ers of organizations succeed in achiev­ colleague. I am far junior to him and ing their goal either by strong-arm much lower to him in experience and methods emanating from the hunger the organizational hierarchy. Unfortu­ of personal power or through noble nately I am not one who had the actions by sacrificing all comforts, fortune to know him for long period including oneself completely, in the of time. My acquaintance with him service of the fellow brethren. Then­ began when I became part of SJM gadiji chose the second alternative and which is only a few years; might be proved, practically single handedly, that even less than 5 years. Within this this is the right and true approach to short period, I was attracted to him build lasting organizations and develop


men to become leaders. and deep faith in the basic goodness of people Many leaders build organizations to use who hold different opinions and belong to them for their personal gain and build personal varying ideologies. power bases to enjoy and pass it on to their He has left in my mind an enduring and chosen relatives or close friends. In the case of affectionate disposition of a yogi who con­ Thengadiji, all his friends and associates were quered his environment with his eternal smile equal to him and remained equidistant ally close and sober demeanor and penetrating insight to to him. Consequently, the organizations that the nature and motive of men and matters far Thengadiji built were raised on firm founda­ beyond his immediate preoccupation of trade tions and have acquired a unique degree of unionism and public policy. credibility and high status of acceptability during What is his legacy? Nothing grand in brick his rime itself and will remain so beyond his and mortar bur many ideas and inspirations lifetime too. planted in many who chanced to come in contact His life demonstrated that he was an with him at personal, professional and political embodiment of the true ethos of the Indian level. These seedlings must be given an oppor­ culture. He was a su­ tunity to grow and preme Karmayogi of flourish in various Gita by becoming areas and aspects of “one with the infinite national life which activity by the exercise Thengadiji so much of the activity with loved and cherished. disinterested good­ To facilitate this pro­ ness”. In this context cess, it must be made I am reminded of the possible to compile his definition of a yogi by biography, which will Gurudev Tagore. He be a great inspiration writes: to many who are keen “To the man who to serve the mother­ lives an idea, for his Thengadiji with Kisan Sangh President Kunwarji Bhai Jadav land. In fact I have country and for the been goading him to good of humanity, life write his autobiogra­ has an extended meaning ..... To live the lift phy; but the humble man in him did not let of goodness is to live the life of all”. it happen. His life of varied experience and ideas It almost appears that Gurudev Tagore had he promoted in various forums will be a treasure men like Thengadiji in his mind when he wrote trove worth to be preserved and propagated. this in his essay on Sadahna. Further, I have been suggesting to him to O f the many personal qualities that Then­ take an initiative to modernize the trade union gadiji possessed, the most endearing was his and kisan movements and to transform them radiant innocence. This was the reflection of his both as a more contemporary institutions saint like inner peace that he had cultivated over employing the modern concepts of labour and the years by practicing sadhana. I am sure he agricultural management. Instead of proclaiming must have faced many a challenging situations, him, “an institution by himself “as it is custom­ which tested his resolve and mettle. On all such ary, it will be appropriate to establish an insti­ occasions, he was able to overcome them and tution itself named Dattopand Thengadi Insti­ win over friends and foes alike by his abiding tute of Management specializing in the teaching


and research of management of labour and ag­ which, I hope will not be lost to the nation. riculture. To begin with, a programme of Even with my short and brief association with correspondence course can be started and later Thengadiji, I still feel his presence with me; his on, promote it as a full fledged Management loving and caring face permanently embedded Institution. in my memory reminding me his ethereal love Incidentally the last task that Thengadiji for mankind and sacrifice for the underprivi­ discussed with me was, how to organize a leged and deprived of the world. Many his ideas national conference on concepts of Industrial flourish and his memory continue to inspire us Trusteeship on which I wrote an approach paper and our actions make us all worthy of being for him. He acknowledged its receipt and re­ the inheritors of the legacy of a supreme Karma plied “adequate for the purpose”; but further yogi. action could not be taken because of his ill health. I am sure there will many such ideas DR. C. A. VARGHESE buried in his papers and interaction with people Director, CBMD

Bhishmacharya of Labour Movement

4 Bhishmacharya of Bharatiya labour movement is an example to emulate for all those who work in the labour field. It was at the instance of Shri Guruji Golwalkar that Thengadiji, working as a pracharak of RSS in 1949, turned his attention towards creating a labour organisation based on Bharatiya values and tradition. Instead of immediately starting an organisation, Thengadiji decided to undertake a deep study of labour movement and for this purpose he Thengadiji (wearing THE BHARATIYA Mazdoor Sangh joined a few organisations. glasses) was born at a time when big trade First, he joined the INTUC. In with BMS workers unions like INTUC, CITU, AITUC a short time, he became an office­ etc dominated the labour movement. bearer of around 10 unions working Born in 1955, BMS became the under INTUC. In October 1950, he v biggest cadre organisation of workers became a member of the national in 34 years because of the extraor­ executive of INTUC. Also, he became dinary organising capability and guid­ the secretary of the INTUC in the ance provided by Shri Dattopant Then­ erstwhile Madhya Pradesh State. gadiji. His subsequent evolution as the Besides this, in the period between


1952 and 1955, he worked as the State or­ basis before coming to the meeting. But at ganising secretary of AIBEA, an organisation the meeting, the person from Punjab pointed of Communist bank employees* During 1954- out that they pronounce the word ‘Shramik’ 1955, he was president of the central circle as ‘Sharamik’ and suggested that it would be of RMS Employees Union (Postal) consisting better to use the word ‘Mazdoor’. Then the of old Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha and Raj­ senior representative from Bengal said that asthan. He was also president of the INTUC- though there is no word called mazdoor’ in affiliated employees’ unions of LIC, Railway, Bengali, in view of the feelings of the Punjabi Textiles and Coal. He acquired first-hand in­ brethren, ‘Mazdoor’ would be acceptable to formation about the functioning of trade unions them. Hence the organisation got the name and their agitations during this period. He also ‘Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh’. used the opportunity to learn more about The people who joined first in the initial Communism and gained sufficient knowledge days of BMS were mostly social activists with about the way of functioning of communist hardly any experience in the field of trade union organisations. In Shri Guruji s words, Then- activities. There was not a single union or a gadiji single handedly completed the task member during that period. In the first 12 assigned to him. years, there was not even an official national In the midst of this process, Thengadiji executive. Just an informal five-member com­ came across many kinds of obstacles. He had mittee functioned at the national level. Then­ cited one such incident. While working with gadiji regarded himself as the general secretary a Communist trade union, Thengadiji used to and travelled through the length and breadth come back to Nagpur Sangh karyalaya in the of the country building unit by unit. Besides, evening after participating in agitations holding he gave an ideological foundation to the new red flag. One day a few swayamsevaks told organisation. Thengadiji directly that it was not proper for During this period, Thengadiji had the a person who is working with Communist blessings of Guruji who was in constant touch movement to sleep at RSS office. However, with him. He iadvised Thengadiji to love the when Guruji came to know about this, he workers like a mother loves her children. In I960, asked Thengadiji to come and sleep at his place. when Gulzarilal Nanda was the Home Minister, Then only the other swayamsevaks realised their the Government tried to crush the strike organised mistake. It was during this period, when Then­ by government employees. Shri Guruji asked gadiji was staying with Guruji, that he helped Thengadiji to give the opinion of the BMS Deen Dayalji in preparing the format of ‘In­ about the strike. Thengadiji replied that the tegral Humanism’. BMS has no union among government em­ The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh was found­ ployees. Then Guruji said that even so, the ed on July 23, 1955 in Bhopal in the presence stand of the BMS on the issue should come of 35 persons invited from different parts of to light through Sangh mouthpieces like the country. From the beginning onwards, ‘Panchajanya’ and ‘Organiser’. Guruji also gave Thengadiji was keen to maintain democratic a clear message in this respect: ‘the right to ideals among its workers. In this respect, while strike from work is inherent in the right to giving guidance to workers, he had cited one work. When an alternative way is found other example. During the formation of the organ­ than strike, the concept of strike will lose its isation, Thengadiji and others had decided to relevance’. These words reveal the deep un­ name the new organisation as ‘Bharatiya Shramik derstanding that Guruji had of the labour issues. Sangh’ and hence prepared a report on that Thengadiji had faced several difficulties


while being part of the labour movement. Once Thengadiji was asked to deliver the welcome speech at a united rally of trade unions in Bombay attended by veteran HMS leader N G Gore. In the last minute, N G Gore announced that he would not sit on the same dais where an RSS pracharak was present. Since the proceedings had been predetermined, Thengadiji delivered his speech and left the venue immediately without show­ ing any remorse. Years later, during the Emergency, Thengadiji was once

tasked to take Gore into safe hiding. Thengadiji with Kisan Sangh workers Within a few minutes of meeting each other, Gore expressed his regrets about the earlier incident. that the basic philosophy remains till now. In all executive meetings, Thengadiji used Though he was the secretary of the Lok to repeatedly ask workers to maintain the Sangharsh Samiti during the Emergency, he distinct organisational identity of BMS. He refused the demand that the BMS should be would even cite communist experiences from made an affiliated organisation of , the autobiography of the veteran communist which came to power immediately after the leader, A K Gopalan. He said that such experiences elections. It was Thengadiji who taught the could happen to us as well if we are not trade unions to react on the basis of the policies cautious. His instruction about not to make of the Government and not on the basis of compromises on basic ideology’ still resonates the colour of the Government. He called this in the ears of Sangh workers. He had always as ‘Responsive Cooperation’. tried to make personal friendship with people In 1984, at the Hyderabad meeting, he beyond the organisation and political philos­ declared war against multinationals and foreign ophy. He had many friends among the Congress agents. Thus he conceived Swadeshi Jagaran and Communist parties and had relationship Manch that was formed later in 1991. Besides with people working in different trade unions. this, he also founded Bharatiya Kisan Sangh, When the clashes between the RSS workers Samajik Samrasata Manch and within the BMS, and CPM men increased in Kerala, he came founded Sarva Pantha Samadar Manch and to Kerala with CITU leader P Ramamurti and Paryavaran Manch. tried to put an end to it. He had visited many countries of the world Though many positions and power came as part of trade union work and otherwise. -v across him, he rejected all of them with utmost On April 28, 1985 when he visited China, v humility. He retired from parliamentary work the Beijing Radio broadcasted his 20 minutes after being a Rajya Sabha MP for 12 years. speech in Hindi with Chinese translation. In 1955 itself he decided that the BMS must Since 1991, when Narasimha Rao gov­ remain an organisation without any political ernment came to power, the labour policy and affiliation. Thengadijis presence had ensured economic policies of ail the governments, whether


of Congress, Left Front or NDA that ruled note and come to immediately. At Pune, both at the Centre and in different States were in the presence of senior advocate Dharap, almost the same. The Communist trade unions, Thengadiji attentively listened to the note and which opposed these policies during the Congress suggested necessary modifications. He remained regime, became inactive during the tenure of awake at IT O clock at night expecting my Deve Gowda and Gujral governments, which arrival for this purpose. This disagreement note they supported. Those who thought that the became a part of the report of the Second BMS, which opposed the economic policies Labour Commission. Hence once again, since 1991, would slow down when the NDA Thengadijis guidance played a vital role in government came to power, were proved wrong. upholding the dignity of BMS in the history Both in the 1999 Nagpur meeting and in the of labour movement. April 16, 2001 rally as well as in the subsequent His passing away happened at a time when agitations, Thengadiji came down heavily on his guidance is more and more required for the policies of the NDA government, which the organisations. The ideological became a rare event in the history of modern life that he lived would continue to shed light politics and trade union movement. through the works of lakhs of dedicated people The working of the Second Labour who are in the process of rebuilding the nation. Commission took an anti-worker shape almost surprisingly. When Thengadiji was informed C. K. SAJI NARAYANAN about this, he asked us to prepare a disagreement All India Vice-President, BMS

An Ideologue Par Excellence

SHRI DAT- his hard stances. In fact, his convic­ TOPANT Thengadiji tions were deeply rooted in the ideology had been among the and evolved out of the experiences few who had closely of his and other veterans’ lives. He understood the mind had been familiar with the depth of of Shri Guruji Gol- Bharatiya philosophy. He tried his walkar. If Guruji had best to refine it through his conver­ been the Gangotri sations and constant interactions with which flowed from Guruji. Besides that, he had been in Thengadiji the Himalayas of Sanatana Dharma, Then­ close contact with the intellectual addressing a gadiji had the opportunity to take a deep BMS rally world of many, both inside and dip in that holy water. outside the nation. Whenever he was Those who had close relationship supposed to speak on any subject, with Thengadiji were convinced of his he used to quote from the author­ clear thoughts, unambiguous opinions itative words of such people. and firm decisions. He had very clear He imbibed the character of idea about everything and that the necessary seeking the truth and used his open decision ought to be taken on any issue. mind to objectively analyse contra­ However, those were not indicative of dictory opinions before accepting or

12 SWADESHI PATRIKA NOVEMBER 2004 SHRADHANJAU rejecting them. One an ideal listener. can convincingly say Talking to him was, that his writings were in fact, experiencing evidences of such education. Though lengthy thought pro­ his speeches were a cesses and quota­ flow of deep tions. One may have thoughts, it con­ the doubt whether tained examples he had read so many from simple inci­ books. His method dents and stories that of studying was touched the heart of different. He had the audience and close contacts with could be easily as­ veterans of different similated by com­ fields. He utilised Thengadiji in discussion with Dr. M.M. Joshi mon man. He could the knowledge of speak to an audi­ such people. He carefully studied all author­ ence of ordinary workers in their own standard itative writings which he came across and and do the same to an assembly of intellectuals ensured its authenticity and wrote down at their level. He was at ease with both. His important points from it in his own diary. speeches were less dramatic and without any Later he judiciously used all such notes at the twists for publicity but had the innate strength appropriate time. One can convincingly say of a flowing Ganga. that a huge volume of such writings is available His writings and books were not meant now. We are sure that those writings will be for leisurely reading. Those were meant for utilised for a comprehensive research process. a serious study. Original thinking was visible He used to write down important information in his writings. He will quote from great that he got whenever he went somewhere or thinkers to substantiate his claims. He will when he had talked to anyone. His character cite two opposing arguments and arrive at his reminds us of the bee that collects the nectar own conclusion about it. One cannot find from thousands of flowers and store it in its casual mentioning about anything in his writings. own place. In his life, he had been constantly Before saying that our nation is a Hindu searching for knowledge which he treasured. nation, he would go through the concept of Not just acquiring the knowledge, its con­ a nation enunciated both by Western philos­ tinuous distribution went side by side with ophers and their eastern counterparts. He would it through conversations, speeches and writings. also put forward the Bharatiya thought process Talking to him was a rare experience of in this regard. sharing an intellectual world of high order. Thengadijis writings carried the clear and Owner of an incomparable receptive mind, he comprehensive philosophy of Rashtriya Swayam- was more interested in listening to what others sevak Sangh on any subject. He had total faith say than delivering a speech and could be called in the ultimate triumph of Sanatana Dharma.

“The westerners have come to realise that a good constitution does not always guarantee good citizens. There is now in the west a growing awareness of the important role of socio-cultural and religious institution as a factor in economic growth.” — D. B. Thengadi


He had abiding faith in the ability of Sanatana India, Thengadiji criticised the American society Dharma to constantly change with time and and predicted its fall. One could hear the voice assimilate things accordingly and had men­ of a prophet in those words. tioned many times about this in his speeches Thengadiji had an individuality totally and writings and had substantiated it through merged with that of the labourers. His heart many examples. He laid the ideological foun­ carried their difficulties, complaints, pressures, dation to build a new organisation of workers sadness and happiness. His mind always sym­ on the basis of this. He devised the necessary pathised even with their weaknesses and mistakes. strategies whenever required in the growth of In this respect, I remember one incident. When the organisation. He was the guiding light for Shri A.K Antony was the Chief Minister of the biggest ideology-based and non-political Kerala, the government employees of the State organisation of labourers called Bharatiya Maz- organised a massive strike. The people felt lots door Sangh from the beginning till his end. of hardships. The common man was by and He also undertook large against the a serious study strike. Taking that about Communism into consideration, and Capitalism. It I wrote an article was not bookish on the issue. Then­ knowledge, instead, gadiji came to he travelled to So­ know about that viet Union and article which crit­ United States and icised the strike. He interacted with their felt uneasy. Since hierarchy and shared he could not meet the experiences. He me, Thengadiji announced to the gave his opinion to world that the So­ some senior col­ viet Union would leagues and in­ not last long at a structed them to time when that Thengadiji in lighter mood with Govindacharya and others pass it to me. nation was at its When the workers height of glory. But many people took that are in strike, one should not talk in opposition prediction as a strategy aimed at enhancing to them, it will affect their morale and will the morale of Sangh workers. But as the saying, weaken their organisation, especially when the ‘meanings will accompany the words of Rishis5, person belongs to the same ideology. For his prediction was followed by the reality. Thengadiji, the interests of the workers itself Soviet Union met its end. were the interests of the nation. He had merged After that, when many analysers stated that himself with both. He firmly believed, till now only the American capitalism will survive, his last breath, that the nations progress to Thengadiji declared that it was also nearing the ‘Param Vaibhav' was through the welfare its end. Thengadiji had mentioned and written of the workers. about a ‘Third Way’, I remember an incident in 1992 at a large meeting in United States, P PARAMESHWARAN the audience were taken aback when, as the National President biggest leader of labourers and thinker from Vivekanada Kendram ma SWADESHI PATRIKA NOVEMBER 2004 SHRADHANJAU

An Idealist Karma Yogi

DATTOPANT THENGADI alias Dattatreya Bapurao has passed away. The long life of an uncompromising ideologue and an untiring worker of people’s welfare has come to an Thengadiji listening to a BMS worker end. The founder of the biggest workers’ organization in the country, Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), as well as that of Swadeshi Jagaran Manch, a patriotic organization, Thengadi was also a founder member of Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishat, Bharatiya Kisan Sangh and Samajik Samrasta Manch. A law graduate, he was also actively involved with politico- cultural organizations like Jana Sangh, Akhila Bharatiya Adhivakta (Abhibhashka) Parishad, Samskar Bharati as well as Swadeshi Sastra Prasthan. He was also a member of Rajya Sabha for two times. He had represented India in the conference of International Labour Organisation. He had travelled through countries like China, Britain and Canada. His rejection of the awarded to him by the BJP-led NDA Government since he could not sympathise with the agricultural policies of that Government is a glaring example of his commitment to ideology It is not possible for a man to be an idealist and a practical one at the same time. But Thengadi was both. When he started organizations for workers or for students or when he worked in the cultural arena, Bharatiya values guided him irrespective of political affiliations. He never did anything for his own welfare or publicity. His character showed the innocence of a Karma Yogi. He had worked in Kerala, West Bengal and Assam as an RSS pracharak. He had worked tirelessly for building Sangh Parivar organizations in Kerala more than anybody else. He had strong relationship with Kerala which he kept till his end. His enthusiasm also played a vital role behind the formation of Bharatiya Vichar Kendra. He was an enemy of the liberalisation that refused to take into consideration the aspirations of the poor. When the liberalization and globalization policies of the NDA Government started producing anti-worker policies, he came openly against it. The death of such an idealist is naturally a huge loss. (The piece above is literal translation of an editorial that appeared in Mathrub- humi, a leading Malyalam daily, as obituary to Thengadiji. Translation done by K. S. Kumar)


An Image of Love “Piousness, forgiveness, energy, courage and humility, are his virtues who has come with heavenly wealth with him.” - Geeta {chapter 16)

THE CHAPTER 16 of Lord Krishna’s doing so practiced non-violence, peace, Bhagwad Geeta describes a great man who sacrifice, compassion and forgiveness. has been gifted with heavenly virtues, in Thengdiji often gave the example the above lines. Dattopant Thengadi was of Kach. To obtain the Sanjivani from one such person who had such heavenly Shukracharya, once Kach came to the virtues. He was the first generation pra- demons. Shukracharya’s daughter, charak of RSS. He dedicated his whole Devyani, fell for Kach. She rescued life for the cause of RSS or for the cause him from all catastrophes. Finally Kach of the nation. RSS had become a part of acquired the Sanjivani powers. Now his breath. Once Narad had asked Lord Devyani told him: “You marry me. Krishna: “Who’s your best disciple?” Krish­ Don’t go back to the gods’ abode, but na replied that it was Arjun. Narad was stay here. Here you will lead a lavish not convinced. He thought: “I have the life.” But Kach didn’t wait there. He " Lord’s name on my lips for all the 24 returned to the gods’ abode on finish- ’ hours. Arjun doesn’t even remember -the ing his task. A pracharaks primary Lord once a day.” Sensing what was going responsibility is RSS’ work, including on in Narad s mind, Krishna sent him to shakhas. After achieving whatever is Arjun who was sleeping at the moment. required in other areas, a pracharak To Narad’s utter surprise, in the calm of should get back to the pavilion, the night, every single breath and artery Thengadiji would always say. He of Arjun was resounding with ‘Krishna practiced what he preached. He was a Krishna’! Thengadiji’s situation was sim­ brilliant, contemplative and foresight- ilar. His every breath was RSS. His life ed organiser, but more than that, he was RSS. was an image of love. Dr Muley from As a pracharak he was sent into Pune, who monitored his health, said: different areas. He was with INTUC for “Thengadiji used to behave like ‘I love a while. He was also active with Bharatiya you, but I don’t expect anything in Jan Sangh for some time. He founded return from you.” Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh. Moreover, he Innumerable pracharaks and was the brainchild of Akhil Bhartiya swayamsevaks across the country expe­ Vidyarthi Parishad, Bharatiya Kisan Sangh, rienced his love. Everybody used to Samajik Samrasta Manch and Swadeshi feel that he was the closest to Then- • Jagran Manch. But he did not get in­ gadiji. Ail felt that he behaved like a volved in any of these beyond a point. close friend with everyone. The same Like a lotus growing out of muddy water, has been said about Krishna’s love. All he maintained his aloofness. He worked of Krishna’s playmates used to believe | without expectation' for reward and in that he loves them the most. Only a

16 SWADESHI PATRIKA NOVEMBER 2004 SHRADHANJAL person who has dedicated himself fully can love Thengadiji wrote more than 100 books. like this, The number of ‘boudhik’ sessions that he A RSS song goes like this: “Love is the one conducted cannot be counted. His analysis of that only knows sacrifice. And it is the one that any given situation used to be astonishing. But gets personal satisfaction from such sacrifice.” all this does not necessarily remain in memory. RSS, to which Thengadiji devoted his entire life, But Thengadiji s loving pat and his compassion­ could grow in different fields due to the un­ ate talk in person will always remain fresh and conditional love of people like him. Thoughts blooming in the hearts of many, like a lotus are heavy. Philosophy is difficult to understand. flower, Theories and corollaries can’t be fathomed easily, but love can be experienced by everybody. All (The piece above is literal translation of the editori­ al that appeared in Marathi weekly ‘Saptahik Vivek’ people who came in touch with Thengadiji felt in 24th October, 2004 issue. Translation done by blessed that they have been fortunate enough Atul Sathe) to be loved by him.

An Irreparable loss to the Labour Movement

THE PASSING away of Shri Dattopant Thengadi is an irreparable loss to the trade union movement. He was the founder of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) and with his devotion and honesty of purpose built it into a powerful force. In 1989, BMS was declared by the labour Ministry as the number one trade union of the country. Credit must be given to Shri Thengadi that he established for the BMS a position which surprised the Congress and the left trade unions. BMS had a membership of 31.2 lakhs, leaving INTUC behind at 27.1 lakhs and CITU at 18.0 lakhs, Hind Mazdoor Sabha at 14.8 lakhs and AITUC at only 9.2 lakhs on 3Pl December 1989. This unrivalled position of the BMS emanated from their genuine struggle for workers’ demands and redressal of grievances. A unique feature of BMS under the leadership of Shri Thengadi was that the organization refused to accept any help from International Labour Organisation even to promote a project for the study of labour problems. Thengadiji believed that accepting aid from international bodies or industry organizations would weaken the BMS strength to further wage a fight for the labour. I had the privilege of spending two days with Shri Thengadi at Pune where I had gone on the invitation of BMS to lecture on New Economic Reforms and their impact on labour. Thengadiji presided over the event and one could observe the free and frank exchange of views. How inspiring was it to listen to the great leader how he felt about the adverse impact of economic reforms on labour. Not only that he was totally opposed to the disinvestments of profit making public sector enterprises and frankly and unhesitatingly criticized the then BJP-led NDA government not to push forward the process of disinvestment. In that sense, his views were more akin to the leftist organisations of the country. He was, therefore, leading the movement for “economic independence” and advised the Swadeshi Jagaran Manch to raise its voice against state policies so that the sovereignty of the country could be preserved. RUDDAR DATT Renowned Economist


An Efficient Organisation Builder

AN EFFICIENT organisation builder, Dattatraya Bapurao alias Dattoppant Thengadi, the trade union leader and RSS ideologue who died here today, was equally adept at mesmerising people by his words and deeds. Born on November 10, 1920 at Arvi in ’s Wardha district, he had trudged the length and breadth of the country in his capacity as a RSS Pracharak in his early days and later the expanse of the world as a pioneer of trade union movement. Twice member of the Rajya Sabha from 1964 onwards, Thengadi, a RSS Pracharak in Kerala between 1942-44, Bengal in 1945-47 and Assam in 1948-49 and as founder president of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, had been to Russia, Hungary, Geneva, the USA, Canada, Britain, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Greece, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Eloquent in speech and versatile with his writing, Thengadi has some 100 titles to his credit in Marathi, Hindi and English. Most of his works are mainly focussed on the problems of the working class and some of his popular books are “Vichar Sutre’, 'Karyakarta5, 'Sanketrekha, 'Ekatma Manav, 'Ek Adhyayan’, vPragatipath Kisah, 'D r Ambedkar’, 'Saptakram’ and 'Lakshya Aur Karya’. Thengadi, a graduate in law, was not only the founder of BMS in 1955 but also helped set up Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad in 1949, Bharatiya Kisan Sangh in 1979, Swadeshi Jagaran Manch in 1991 and Samajik Samrasta Manch in 1983. He was also involved in a number of other organisations of all hues and nature like the Jan Sangh, Akhil Bhartiya Adhivakta Parishad (lawyers council), Sanskar Bharti and Swadeshi Science Movement. A man of his mind, Thengadi hit the headlines when he chose to criticise the A B Vajpayee- led NDA Government for its “anti-farmer” and “anti-labour” policies and also politely refused to accept the Padma Bhusan on the ground that there were more deserving candidate than him. (PTI, October 14, 2004)


Shok-Sabha in New York

A SHOK-SABHA was organized in New York on October 17 by Sangh Parivar activists to mourn the sad demise of Shri Dattopant Thengadi in Pune on October 14. The community leaders and senior Sangh Parivar members paid rich tributes in his memory. Addressing the gathering, among others, Dr. Mukund Mody, a well known activist and Founder of Overseas Friends of BJP, said that Shri Thengadi spent almost 70 years of his life in the service of Bharat Mata. ‘My wife Thengadiji in a shradhanjali sabha Kokila and I came in contact with Thengadiji 25 years ago. We were fortunate enough to travel with him to Israel 10 years ago’, Dr. Mody informed the gathering, Shri Thengadi had the good fortune of working with all the Sarsanghachalaks of Sangh, including Dr. K.B, Hedgewar, the founder of RSS. Shri Thangadi was the founder of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, Bharatiya Kisan Sangh, Swadeshi Jagaran Manch and several other organizations pledged to take India to the pinnacle of glory. Thengadiji was a great intellectual. His very life was an embodiment of the noble ideal ‘Simple Living, High Thinking’. He was a Rishi in true sense whose sole personal possessions were just four shirts and four dhotis. India in general and the Sangh Parivar in particular have lost a great philosopher, guide, and the nation builder. It is almost impossible to fill the void created by his demise. Another senior Sangh Parivar member Shree Sidhwani explained in detail the concept of Param Vaibhav as propounded by Shri Thengadi. He said that Thengadiji believed that political power howsoever glorious it may appear to be while it lasts, it can only be transitory. After detailed comparative study, Thengadiji came to conclusion that the Western thought process and the philosophy were two entirely different paradigms with their different value systems, institutional arrangements and parameters. While Middle Eastern and Western nations believe in materialistic and political domination of other states and nations, Hindu philosophy believes in the pursuit of truth, peaceful coexistence, liberty and fraternity for all nations. In the end, a two minutes silence was observed in the memory of the departed soul. Narain Kataria


Mananiya Dattopantji is no up the strength of the Good NGOs and research more with us in his physical people in the Society to organisations working form to guide us as up till countercheck the power throughout the World. SRI now. From my school days centers which often highjack shall carry the task for I had the good fortune to the national agenda for their developing a Swadeshi model hear him on various own ends. of his economic thinking and occasions. try to complete the unfinished Recently just a couple of agenda left by him for equity However I came in close weeks before his departure and justice to millions of contact with him during the when we met him, although people of this country and in last seven years since I recovering from a minor all developing world. SRI joined the Swadeshi Jagaran surgery, yet fairly weak, he team feel very grieved and Manch in 1997. His views was his usual optimistic Self. request your Patrika to carry on the complex issues in all He assured us that he is our message of condolence to major fields - be it social, going to be around for as the people he loved. religious, spiritual, education, long as required to see the civilisational, economic, tasks in hand completed. Dr. Dhanpat Ram Agarwal political or defence, were What a spirit - truly Managing Trustee always highly inspiring and Mrutyunjayi! Nature has taken Swadeshi Research Institute elevating the listener above her inevitable toll buit ♦ ♦♦♦♦ the narrow petty selfish levels Mananiya Thengdiji is still to a global humanitarian level. with us in his indomitable I express my deep condo­ Even while commenting spirit. The greatest tribute to lences on passing away of critically on the imperialistic him is to carry on his Shri Dattopant Thengadi ji - aggressive designs of some mission in the same spirit as the great patriot, social re­ countries and societies, he his, with redoubled vigour to former, philosopher and always used to quote from fulfill our common Goal to founder of BMS, BKS and the enlightened thinkers see Bharat Mata as the SJM. among them to support his Jagadguru and the Mother of views. He was both a all nations. My ex-pression of condolenc­ visionary a true Rishi, as well es indeed echoes the senti­ as an organiser par Ramesh Sheth ments of thousands of Hindus excellence. Convenor, Rashtriya Matdata Manch living in USA who were sad­

♦ ♦♦♦♦ dened by the sad demise of After the recent parliamentary the great thinker. elections, I met him to seek The Board of Trustees of his guidance on the Swadeshi Research Institute Hindu Swayemsevak Sangh of appropriate future course of are shocked by the news of North America, too, has ex­ action, he quoted Maharshi sudden demise of Shri pressed its condolences on Arvind as saying that the Duttopant thengadi. He was a the sad demise of the great human history and civilisation great thinker, a philosopher visionary ideologue and out­ always progresses by and a path finder. Shri standing organization builder. advances interspersed Thengadi always inspired us periodically by temporary for Swadeshi model of Yours, in grief. falling back. The process of economic development. His Bharatiya Renaisance is bound conviction to Swadeshi Nandlal Jotwani, PhD. to continue despite temporary movement is manifested in Visiting Fellow co Stanford setbacks. He was for building the activities of thousands of Unhersicy. USA


The G oal


(Some of the excerpts from a paper titled The Goal’ written by Shri Dattopant Thengadi are reproduced here)

TH E HINDU nationalists have been the Byzantine empire is also brief, always aware that “History without considered against the background of Futurology would be fruitless, while the entire historical past. Futurology without History would be ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ rootless. Our heritage enables us to be cautious without being conservative, Even the current American hegemony and dynamic without being adventur­ will not last beyond 2010 AD, - which ist. would mean a period of - at the most But one basic point deserves to - 65 years). be stressed in this context. ‘Param Is it advisable to equate ‘Param Vaibhavarn of the Hindu Rashtra must Vaibhavarn’ with the transitory super­ be properly comprehended. power status? The highest national objective for And, again, the question is, super­ all materialistic Westerners of all coun­ power-status for whom? For, some of tries is the attainment o f‘Superpower’ the main recognized concepts of the status. past have been losing their relevance But is this goal dignified enough and authenticity during the recent years. for the mature, Sanatana Rashtra? ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ . Political power, howsoever glam­ ourous it may appear to be while it What, then, should be the shape of lasts, cannot but be transitory. ‘Param Vaibhavarn’? ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

It is childish to be enamoured of the Revered Sri Guruji believed that the ‘Super-power’ status, believing that world unity and human welfare could once acquired, it can last ‘for ever and be made real only to the extent ever.’ mankind realize, the ultimate, absolute It is interesting to note how short­ Vedantic Truth that “All is one”. What lived the empires, the super-powers, he envisaged was not elimination of are. But for the exception of the all distinctive features of nations and Byzantine empire which lasted for 1141 rolling them all into one uniform years (312 AD to 1453 AD), the pattern. He visualized various groups durability of all other empires is as­ of peoples coming together in a spirit tonishingly poor; and the period of of familism realizing the innate one-



Compartmentalised Thinking : Integrated Thinking

Subservience to Artha-Kama : Drive towards Purusharth Chatushtayam. 'Spetelfra'pfe^ ih as its fimb$, Happiness for oneself : Happiness for all

Profit motive : Service Motive Cpnsdmerism v “ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ l|e$traineti$0n$yrnp$km ■■ -% , Exploitation : ‘Antyodaya’

Contrived scarcities Abundance of production

Economy of rising prices ' ? » '• Economy of declining prices Monopoly capitalism through various devices : Free Competition without manipulated markets

An ever-increasing army of the proletariat : The ever-growing sector of vishwakarma (Self-employment)

The rape of Nature : The milking of Mother Nature.

ness of mankind while preserving their individ­ and free scope for every small life - specially ual identities and special characteristics. The on the face of the earth to grow to its full different human groups are marching forward, stature. Verily this is the one real practical world- all towards the same goal, each in its own way mission, if ever there was one.” and in keeping with its own characteristic genius. This Hindu concept has been elucidated The destruction of the special characteris­ elaborately by Rishi Aurobindo who envisaged tics, whether of an individual or of a group, the further stage of mass spiritualism’. will destroy not only the natural beauty of Some elevated souls from the West also are harmony but also its joy of self expression. To inclined to endorse such Hindu vision of the seek harmony among the various and diverse future. characteristics has been our special contribution to the world-thought. “The World State of our For Example: concept”, says Sri Guruji, “will evolve out of The French savant Paul Martini Dubost a federation of autonomous and self-contained proclaims: nations under a common centre linking them “After two thousand years, India is on the a ll...... It is the grand world-unifying thought agenda. India belongs to everybody. The melody of Hindus alone that can supply the abiding of the Indian soul is something which never basis for human brotherhood, that knowledge ceases to move us”. of the inner spirit which will charge the human Arnold Toynbee says, “...... It is mind with the sublime urge to toil for the already becoming clear that a chapter which had happiness of mankind, while opening out full a Western beginning will have to have an Indian

22 SWADESHI PATRIKA No v e m b e r z o m THOUGHTS ending if it is not to end in the self-destruction The Western and the Hindu; these are the two of the human race..... At this supremely dan­ entirely different paradigms with their entirely gerous moment in human history, the only way different value-systems, institutional arrangements of salvation for mankind is an Indian way.” and parameters. This is the destination - ‘Param Vaibha- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ vam’. Not the invariably transitory super-power- Against this background, it should be easier to status, but the pre-ordained Jagad-guru-pada. comprehend why Gandhiji assured: “ Bharat is eminently suited to play this role. is a relentless pursuit after Truth, and if today Bharat with Sanatana Dharma as its abso­ it has become moribund, inactive, irresponsive lute referent and ‘All is one’ as its Ultimate to growth, it is because we are fatigued, and Realisation. as soon as the fatigue is over, Hinduism will Its tradition of ever-changing socio-economic burst forth upon the world with a brilliance order in the light of the unchanging, eternal perhaps unknown before”. universal laws of Dharma. That will be the beginning of our march ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ towards the inevitable, the pre-ordained destiny.® Marx and Deendayal


(Some excerpts from a chapter titled ‘Marx and Deendayal - The Two Approaches’ written by Shri Dattopant Thengadi are reproduced here)

Thengadiji the beginning of German radicalism with Chinese Marx Labour Like , Karl Marx were suitably incorporated into his leaders was also a great basic thinker. Though basic framework. All up-to-date knowl­ like any other thinker, he also borrowed edge was pressed into service of a single from diverse sources. cause. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ To be fair, on should not identify Marx with his more fanatic followers However, he was not a blind borrower. who carved a religion out of his thought- Marx’s genius transformed ideas. Nothing system. They have gone so far as to on which he worked was left in its original assert that real science must flow from, form. Though economics, sociology, po­ and further substantiate the Marxian litical theory, history and philosophy are dialecticism. They are making a ri­ all used in his sweeping analysis, he diculous attempt to prove that all synthesized all these disciplines into his scientists are unconscious adherents of own basic thought-structure. English dialectical materialism. utilitarianism, French socialist thought and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦


Deendayai Hindu view of life and inverse. Long back Ar­ Realisation of unity in the midst of diversity, nold Toynbee had on the rock-like basis of Advaita Darshana; observed: “On the understanding of complementarity between the surface, those Hin­ material and the non-material; comprehension dus who have adopt­ of truth along the line of ‘Syad-Vada, the art ed one, to them, of dealing with immediate human problems extremely alien in the light of the eternal universal laws; these, Western culture on among other things, are some of the contribu­ the planes of tech­ tions of Hinduism which could have added nology and science, valuable dimensions to Marxian thought and language and literature, administration and law, probably altered it beyond recognition. Both appear to have been more successful than the these thinkers were humanists of the first order, Russians in harmonizing with their native ways though their humanism assumed apparently of life a Western way. that is intrinsically more different forms on account of differences in their alien to them than it is to the Russians. Yet mental backgrounds, sources of inspiration and the tension in Hindu souls must be extreme, contemporary world situations. and sooner or later it must find some means ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ of discharging itself.” “Whatever may be the relief that Hindu Marxian Goals souls are going to find for themselves eventually, According to Marx, “The goal for man It seems clear that, for them, there can be is to realize his humanity, his human nature, no relief from the impact of our Western and this carries the categorical imperative to civilization by opening themselves to the influence overthrow all the relations in which man is of Communism; for Communism—a Western debased, enslaved, helpless, contemptible crea­ heresy adopted by an ex-orthodox Christian ture.” He sought to put an end to dehu­ Russia—is just as much part and parcel of manisation and self-alienation which is char­ the Graeco-Judiac heritage as the Western way acteristic of capitalist system. He was sorry to of life is, and the whole of this cultural tradition find out “man exists in this world as ‘Unmensch’ is alien to the Hindu spirit.” (Unman)”. For him, communism was “the actual ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ phase necessary for the next stage of historical development in the process of human eman­ It must, however, be noted that Deendayai cipation and recovery”. ji was well conversant with all the thought- currents of the West. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The fundamental principle of a higher type of society, Marx thinks, is “the full development Deendayai ji had an additional advantage of of every individual.” being closely acquainted with different streams ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ of traditional Indian thought. He had fully grasped the implications of the term ‘Dharma’ He wanted man to be liberated from the bondage which is the characteristic gift of Hindu Seers of economics, to leave behind the ‘realm of to humanity. The claim of Shri Dange and necessity’, and to enter ‘the realm of freedom’. Shri Bani Deshpande that most of the basic Under ideal conditions, “the productive labour”, tenets of Marxism were anticipated by Vendanta says Engels, “instead of being a means to the may be controversial; but there can be no subjection of man, will become a means to difference of opinion about the fact that Marxian their emancipation by giving each individual thought system would have been considerably the opportunity to develop and exercise all his altered had Marx been conversant with the faculties, physical and mental, in all directions”.


Marx observes; “The main principle which must different national cultures, and of Manava Dharma guide us in the selection of a vocation is the enriched by the perfection of ail religions, in­ welfare of humanity and our own perfection”. cluding Marxism. He had realized that the For this, it is necessary to change the current identification of an individual with different capitalist value-system, which debases both-the organisms, ranging from family to the universe, exploiter and the exploited, demolish the struc­ was only an outward manifestation of the evo­ ture of capitalism under which a worker no lution of his consciousness. longer feels himself to be anything but an The more developed the consciousness, the animal; and enable him to separate finally from larger and higher would be the organism with the animal world, to leave the conditions of which one is identified. But this being a process animal existence behind him, and enter con­ of subjective evolution, the higher level of con­ ditions which are really human. Being liberated sciousness does not preclude the previous lower from the bondage of material needs, man will levels. It is inclusive, not exclusive, in character. cherish the vision of the ‘realm of freedom’ One can be equally and simultaneously attached beyond which “begins that development of human to all the organisms without doing injustice power which is its own end.” Mr. H.S. Sinha to anyone of them. This is an integral view has ably shown in his ‘Com­ of things. Every human being munism and the Gita’ that the must be considered in an in­ inspiration of Marx was in ethics, tegrated way; the body, mind, and he used economics as his intelligence and soul of a person instrument. But in his zeal to must not be thought of as change the world instead of separate entities. merely interpreting it, he al­ Integralism is the special lowed himself, as far as the characteristic of Panditji s Hu­ solutions were concerned, to be manism. While he appreciated completely pre-occupied with the utility of appropriate socio­ the then current maladies of economic order in any scheme the industrialized West dom­ for human happiness, he laid inated by the inhuman cap­ greater stress on the moulding italists and the anachronistic and development of human con­ church, and tried to generalize his conclusions sciousness, in absence of which no special order, which were partly valid in the immediate context. howsoever meritorious, can yield its desired ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ results. According to Marx, life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness is deter­ Intergralism mined by life. It is not the consciousness of Deendayal ji did not suffer from any such men that determines their being, but, on the inhibitions. As a leader of a national political contrary, their social being that determines their party he was called upon to offer solutions consciousness. Panditji, on the other hand, be­ to immediate national problems and he did lieved that while life or social being and con­ it in a commendable way. But this role did sciousness act and react upon each other, it not overshadow his thinking process in his is consciousness that is more decisive. Inter­ evolution of the theory of Integral Humanism. gralism and consequent stress on development Only a mind that attains universality can conceive of consciousness distinguish his approach from of remedies that are universal in character. In that of Marx. fact, his comprehension was not confined to ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ the human species. He expected human con­ sciousness -without suffering from homocen- Marx advocated bloody revolution for destroying tricism. He had a vision of the world-state not only the superstructure but also the foun­ enriched by the growth and contribution of dations of the existing social order; Panditji


is not only to abolish the frag­ mentation of humanity into small states and to end all distinctions between nations, not only to bring the nations closer together but to bring about fusion”. This is based upon the ignorance of the inherent strength of the nation-concept. Let it be remembered that nationalism has always been strong even in countries under communist govern­ ments. It has been the case even during periods of actual communist revolution3. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ stood for mass awakening, mass education and mass mobilization through appropriate sanskaras On this point Marx was thoroughly wrong. with a view to alter the superstructure, leaving Consider, for example, the resurgence of na­ intact the eternal foundation of Dharma1. tionalism in all communist countries; patriotic Both these thinkers visualized full devel­ uprisings in Eastern Europe; demand for com­ opment of all the faculties of every individual. plete internal autonomy by communists parties But while Deendayal ji considered man in an of the western Europe; conscious efforts in all integrated way, Marx, under the influence of countries, including India, to reconcile Marxism the then prevailing objective conditions, treated with national heritage; war between Vietnam man as an economic being. In fact, Marx was and Cambodia, and tussle between USSR and against the power of money, against the sense China prompted by the instinct of national of possession. He wanted man to be liberated self-interest4. from the lust for wealth and the bondage of Marxism proclaims the disappearance of the economic factors. But, in practice, he emphasized ‘Bourgeois family’. Engels5 expounds in detail mainly the economic aspect of human existence. the Marxist views on the development of family, This has caused lopsidedness in his theory. which is one of the superstructures erected on Deendayal ji was a bitter critic of corruption the economic base. In an ideal society, the and perversion in the field of religion. But management of the individual household would he did not throw away the baby along with be turned into a branch of social work. The the bathwater. The western tradition of anti- family will lose all its social functions. It will religious intellectuals and the nauseating picture die out. Being purged of its social content, of the Christian church turned Marx against the family will wither away. religion and he declared crusade against all Marxism does not view marriage with favour6. religions about some of which he had no intimate Though Marx said, “we shall interfere in the knowledge2. private relations between men and women only Integral Humanism believes in the plurality insofar as they disrupt our social structure,” in the midst of a single mankind in the form what disrupts social structure is to be decided of different national personalities. It simulta­ finally by the Communist State only. Academic neously believes that internationalism is the discussion on this point seems to be superfluous. outward manifestation of the development of Even under communist regime, family has come human consciousness from the earlier stage of to stay, and “official and open wife-sharing nationalism. Marxism is the embodiment of instead of hypocritical and concealed wife-shar­ national nihilism. ‘The proletariat has no fa­ ing” could not yet acquire any measure of therland’. According to Lenin, “Socialisms aim respectability.


Though Marxism ultimately pleads for the The destination full development of every individual, it negates, The Hindu culture conceives of progress in the immediate context, the individuality of of man as simultaneous progress of the body, men. In practice, equality is turned into equiv­ mind, intellect and soul. It places before us alence. Individual citizens are components of the ideal of the fourfold responsibilities of catering the state-apparatus. Individual relations between to the needs of body, mind, intellect and soul husbands and wives, and between parent and with a view to achieving, the integrated progress children are to be destroyed. Children need of man. The fourfold ‘Purushdrtha, i.e., Dharma, not know their parents,, and should be brought Artha, Kama and Moksha, in an integrated up by the state. The individual, family, marriage way, constitute the ultimate goal of individual and the familial rearing of children should not life. In this scheme of Purusharathas, the Artha exist. and the Kama are sandwiched between the Such a negation of individuality is bound Dharma and the Moksha. The material is happily, to result in the destruction of man. As Igor and in a balanced way, integrated with the Shafarevich puts it, the basic problem is really spiritual. And among these the Dharma is basic that “the establishment of a social order fully and supreme. It sustains society in its ideal embodying the principles of socialism’ will lead condition. Dharma renders validity and stability to a complete alteration in mans relation to to an ideal socio-economic structure and the life and to a radical break in the structure various institutions functioning within its frame­ of human individuality.” work. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Thus, the Hindu heritage furnishes us with the tools of reconstruction at different levels. ‘ISM’ Lessness This is the destination envisaged by Integral The ideology of Deendayal ji as well as Humanism. It would be superfluous to inquire of Marx is essentially humanistic. But unfor­ about comparative merit of different thought tunately, the traditional prejudices of European systems. Each system is great it its own way. intelligentsia, coupled with pressing requirements The problem is how to make them mutually of the immediate and lack of adequate knowledge complementary. For us, it should not be an of the Hindu Darshana, contributed largely to insoluble problem. An aptitude for synthesis, the imbalance and compartmentalization in as manifested brilliandy by Vyas and Sankara, Marxian thought system. has been one of the unique features of our ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ national genius. •

Both thought-systems consider freedom from References want and production or action for the sake 1. It is also noteworthy that in the West there prevailed of self-fulfillment, as an ideal condition. The nothing equivalent to Dharma which comprises eternal, final stage of communism consisting of socialised unchanging universal laws and socio-economic orders changing from time to time in the light of the former. humanity; that is “a classless, stateless, and generally a structure less collectivity of complete 2. Paradoxically enough, freedom of religion has been individuals who live in harmony with themselves incorporated now in the latest constitutions of USSR and China, and religion is raising its head even in and with each other” is broadly compatible Albania which is “the world’s first atheist state”. with the ultimate goal of integral Humanism. But Marx was at a disadvantage in that 3. Fainsod in his How Russia is ruled. he had no heritage to fall back upon, which 4. A short history of communism in Asia. would readily offer suitable instruments for achieving the end. How to raise complete in­ 5. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.

dividual? What precisely would constitute the 6. The Communist Manifesto devotes some space to wife­ sustaining force for the ideal society? sharing.

SWADESHI PATRIKA No v e m b e r 2004 2 7 THOUGHTS

This has only been explained by Rishi Aurobindo in his ‘Vande Matararh issue dated June 11, 1908. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

‘Swadeshi’ is expected to manifest itself in all fields of national life. Those who ridicule our ‘Swadeshi Science Move­ ment’ are probably not aware that while Sri C.V. Raman pleaded for ‘Science, Science and much more science,” he also stood for the development of an Thengadiji addressing farmers assembled Dharma-Kshetre for the Maha* Dharna D.B. THENGADI

(Excerpts from the Forward by Shri D.B. Thengadi for ‘Swadeshi View of Globalisation* written by Shri Daya Krishna in 1994)

The ‘Swadeshi’ is gaining momentum

IN THE United States, the spirit of Indian tradition and for a commitment ‘Swadeshi’ is reflected in its popular slogan to “Free the Indian science from its of ‘Be American: Buy American and its state of semi dependence on western official policy of protectionism. Some Western science”. The hollowness of western sci­ countries also are trying to follow the same ence has been very well brought out spirit as far as possible. by Sir Eceles, the famous Australian The patriots of developing countries neurologist and Nobel laureate who says: are progressively realizing the danger of “This is an age more beset by super­ foreign economic imperialism and turning stition than any other age and the to Swadeshi to frustrate the evil designs of worst superstition is that materialistic imperialist conspirators. Only the self-cen­ science can explain all things! The ma­ tred gullibles and the self-seeking stooges terialists have had their long innings of of foreign capital in these countries are arrogance. Their beliefs are worn out. refusing to see the obvious. They land nowhere. Materialism gives For Bharat, the term ‘Swadeshi’ has you a hopeless empty life, one without special significance. Here it is not a mere values.” economic reconstruction of the country. It Shris Claude Alvaris, , is not a mere political agitation. But it Srinivasan and others have thrown light conveys the declaration of political inde­ on the special characteristics of Bharatiya pendence. As a matter of fact, this is a Technology and effectively countered spiritual movement which comprises not the western propaganda that Bharat was only the objectives of economic develop­ backward in the matter of technology. ment and political independence but also Their findings go to prove the techno­ all the aspects of national consciousness. logical backwardness of the western

28 SWADESHI PATRIKA No v e m b e r 2004 THOUGHTS countries in the not-so-distant past. Various consequences of their strategies for the economies groups are today engaged in developing indig­ they operate in. more often than not, these enous technology. consequences could be unpalatable and unaccept­ Regarding the Science of Management, Sri able, not only in terms of employment but their S.K. Chakraborty has elaborated the Swadeshi impact on the ordering of domestic industry and approach towards quality of work and working service. We have to guard against complacent life and highlighted that the bulk of task of policy stances which advocate growth at any cost, improving the quality of working life has to be regardless of the consequences of the strategies performed within the inner subjective of each of the global MNEs. Mature economies have worker. Some major clues for key questions like resources to ride out the storm but for the what is work? Why work? And how to work? have developing economies any minor disturbance has been provided by him on the basis of Swadeshi the potential of developing into a crisis. tradition. Efficiency, productivity and employment are Without work being understood as sacrifice, objectives to be simultaneously pursued. The with all its implications, there can be no ‘lokasan- gamut of current reform measures cannot ensure graha’-either organizationally, or nationally or that; these have to be combined with strong set internationally, he says. “There can be no more of state interventionist measures. The countries super ordinate reference point for work commit­ which were swept off by the euphoria of reform ment than sacrifice for work maintenance — are rethinking their strategies. That shift in focus through the family, the organization, the nation appears vital for the survival of those polities; and so on;” he declares. He has conclusively otherwise, globalization and privatization, in com­ proved that the Bharatiya approach to the science bination, would be a lethal medicine. of management is superior to that of the west, The southern countries are aware that the superior to the approach of human relations World Trade Organization will be subservient to school of the thirties, the socio-technical school the G-7 countries and the multinationals. That of fifties, the job-enrichment/ enlargement school organization is to become the Super Government of the sixties, and kindred offshoot from these of the world, - empowered to encroach upon the schools. sovereignty of different nations and the legitimate ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ jurisdiction of U.N. bodies like ILO. Genuine ‘Globalization is a part of Hindu Because of its internal self-contradictions commu­ heritage. In ancient times we always considered nism has failed; self-contradictions of capitalism ourselves as part and parcel of the entire human­ are now manifest, - the most important one out ity. We never cared to carve out for ourselves a of them being that the resources of the planet separate identity. We identified ourselves with the are limited and the consumerist desires are entire mankind. ‘The whole earth is our family’ unlimited. Capitalism is bound to collapse before V4olq^kSo dqaVqcde-1/* - that has been our motto. 2010 A.D, Western scholars like Peter Drucker, That is why the term ‘Hindu’ has no antiquity, Samuelson, etc. are realising this. The search for - it is not to be found in ancient literature. the ‘Third way’ is already begun. The emergence But now the roles are reversed. ‘Globaliza­ of ‘Hindu Economics’ at this juncture is signif­ tion is being preached to us by those who are icant, though, as its author declares, there can known to history for their imperialistic exploi­ be no last word of wisdom in scientific matters. tation and even genocides. Satans are quoting ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Bible. Hegemonism parading itself as globaliza­ tion! Developing countries have now realized that, in As a matter of fact, the measure that could the words of D.N. Ghosh, the MNEs have their have substantially helped the process of genuine own strategies in the highly competitive global globalization was the reconstitution of the United market place and the ruthless world of compe­ Nations with additional representatives of reli­ tition cannot but make them impervious to the gious groups, ethnic groups, transnational trade


unions, environmental movements, human rights undergo a revolutionary change. associations, welfare organization, and other ap­ propriate agencies from civil societies. Instead, what is being offered is the launching of the Leadership of every western thought-system is world Trade Organisation which is going to be failing. Consequently, the social orders based on a tool of American economic imperialism. such thought-systems are collapsing. Drucker ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ rightly remarks. “Tree dies from the top, so do organizations.” Mankind is in need of a new type The main purpose of Swadeshi movement is to of leadership.lt can arise only on the strength preserve the national sovereignty. We are quite of the new values of life, a new Darshana. Our capable of bringing about economic reconstruc­ Darshana proclaims: “All is One” tion of our country on the basis of the spirit FIT). That is why we could conceive of Integral of national self-reliance and the South-South Humanism which is the modern manifestation cooperation on equal footing; of Sanatana Dharma. Only those who have The inauguration of Swadeshi movement assimilated the spirit of Integral Humanism can indicates that we are on the threshold of Swadeshi provide the much needed new leadership to the Renaissance. As Rishi Aurobindo points out, mankind. renaissance in Bharat would be qualitatively very Thus the ‘Swadeshi’ movement which ap­ much different from that in Europe. It will be pears presently to be concerned with material beneficial not only to this country but to the goods and national sovereignty only, is to cul­ whole mankind and the universe. Because of out minate in the emergence, ultimately, of a new values of life, the very concept of ‘humanism’ will variety of world-leadership. •

Environment Protection A Challenge Before Legal System


(We reproduce here some of the excerpts from the inaugural address by Shri D.B. Thengadi at All India Delegates Meet of Akhil Bhartiya Adhivakta Parishad at D.A.V. College, Chandigarh on 26 December, 1995)

TH E WORLD was surprised to learn tecting environment formed part and from Srimati Indira Gandhi at Stockholm parcel of the Dharma which stood for Conference, 1972, that ecology-conscious­ ever-changing socio-economic order in ness prevailed in India right from the Rig the light of the unchanging, eternal Vedic period. More than foreigners who universal laws. Every smriti has dealt attended the Conference as delegates, our appropriately with the problem of own self-alienated, anglicized intellectuals ecology treating it as an integral part resented this approach of their Prime of the scheme for Dharma of the Minister. In the past, in keeping with the Society. tradition of the land, legislation for pro­ 4♦♦♦♦♦♦


It is necessary to remind the rules or the ruled ones. Environmental pollution is a global prob­ that it is fundamental human right to live in lem more on the premises that the atmospheric an unpolluted environment and that it is fun- ocean is share by the peoples of the nations. y damentai duty of every individual to maintain As Arthur C. Ster suggests, the aim has to be purity of environment. the welfare and the preservation of health not ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ only of the nationals of a state but of man throughout the world, with the other objectives Presently, damages are payable for injury to the of protection of and preservation against damage person or loss to ones property. But no pro­ to plant and animal life, prevention or damage vision against injury to environment. Liability to physical property and interference with the for environmental harm should be located and normal use and enjoyment thereof, provisions punished, notwithstanding the opposition to of visibility required for safe air and ground such provision by vested interests. transportation, ensuring continued economic Now it is generally appreciated that there growth and development, and maintenance of is need to restructure the law and practice on an aesthetically acceptable enjoyable environment. the protection of air, water and land against ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ pollution, and the protection of the eco-system, together with those ancillary issues which help It should be a matter of pride and satisfaction to explain these areas, such as, public partici­ for us that the problem of the protection of pation, access to information, remedies and environment received attention of the members procedures. of the constituent Assembly, at that early stage. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The Indian Constitution is amongst the few in the world that contains specific provi­ While taking protection of environment into sions on environmental protection. The Direc­ consideration, prevention of harm should be tive Principles of State Policy and the Funda­ given priority. For prevention of future harm, mental Duties chapters explicitly enunciate the greater emphasis should be laid on progressive national commitment to protect and improve adoption of laws that set standards for products the environment. or the processes by which they are made, rather ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ than on discharges or omissions. The introduc­ tion of integrated pollution control, a process- The Supreme Court has throughout the last few based control, is necessary. years expanded the horizon of Article 12 pri­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ marily to inject respect for human rights and social conscience in the corporate structure. Any Protection of environmental pollution includes new and innovative expansion of human rights water, air, land and soil, forests, lakes, rivers, sea, is bound to disturb the status-quoist vested wild life and other living creatures, and the interests, but their arguments should not deter inter-relationship which exists amongst and in the court from widening the scope of human between these elements-via-human beings and rights and expanding their ambit. Article 12 of ^ other living creatures, plants, forests, property the Constitution should not be presumed to and micro-organism, etc. obstruct this process of expansion. The General public also is recently becoming aware of the valuable contribution of judiciary to the cause It is difficult and inadvisable to disentangle our of environment. national policies or environment from global ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦


But of particular importance is the spirit in ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ which this subject should be considered by our law makers, lawyers and the judiciary. It is a I appeal to all political parties to declare in their matter of great satisfaction that appropriate lead manifestos that they shall provide fresh water in this matter is given by our judiciary. For the and fresh air to all citizens and living creatures. first time the spirit of Swadeshi was introduced We know that this is not easy and simple as in the field of law and jurisprudence, which has some one would have us believe. Some author­ been a marked departure from the age-old tra­ ity on practical politics has said that “politics dition of our intellectual slavery. Dealing with is a gentle art of getting votes from the poor the problem of hazardous industries, Justice P.N. and campaign funds from the rich, by prom­ Bhagwati (C.J.) has declared in un-equivocal ising to protect each from the other”. For this term that judgments of the British Courts need purpose, the parties will have to discard the not be followed by us blindly, the conditions current concept of ‘development1, and adopt a in our country are different from those in Britain. new one which requires ‘development7 to re­ We should, therefore, have our own law and volve round man, rather than man revolving its interpretation, keeping in view our national round ‘development.’ scene. (Environment Protection, 1995)

Golden Age to Globalization


(Excerpts from the Forward by Shri D. B. Thengadi for ‘Golden Age to Globlisation’ written by Shri Daya Krishna in 2002)

Thengadiji at the release of ECONOMICS IS a subject in which every of society, i.e. ‘Sarvodaya’- and not the book ‘Golden Age common man should be interested. But merely ‘the greatest good of the greatest to Globaliza­ that does not seem to be the case today. number. Sarvodaya offers fullest scope tion' Because, economic ideas and concepts have to every individual for his fullest de­ been elitised by the westerners. The ideas velopment according to his aptitude, are taken out of the reach of common so as to fully utilise all faculties of men and are converted into harmonic ail individuals for the collective cause forms. This leads to cognitive dominance. of the nation. If de-elidsed, most of the economic concepts It inspires every individual to will become intelligible to masses. progress always from “constraint to ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ freedom, from credibility to faith, from status to contract, from bigotry to While western economics accepts Darwins toleration, from blind fatalism to human Law of the survival of the fittest, Kautilyas dignity” It leads automatically to seif stress is on the arrival of the best to lead perfection, professional excellence, char­ the rest.” Indian economics has as its goal acter building, value based develop­ the highest welfare of the all members ment of mind, overarching unity of


humanities with full grown skills of head, heart costs. In other and hands. words, in an ideal ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ economy, there is a fair distribution On the contrary, the approach of western econ­ of the benefits of omists used to be fragmentary. They had not improved produc­ realised that in this globally interconnected tivity or develop­ world, physical, biological, psychological, social, ment. Thought it political, economic, cultural or ecological phe­ is not possible to nomena are all interdependent. They treated have such an ideal economics as an independent, autonomous subject, economy, it is im­ isolated from the rest of the totality. They cannot portant to realise integrate with their quantitative economic anal­ that we should ysis the qualitative factors leading to the un­ strive towards the direction of ideal economy derstanding of the ecological, social and psy­ to ensure that the benefits of development spread chological dimensions of economic activity. They to as many people as possible in the world, did not take cognisance of the findings of the by minimizing the aberrations which are not psychological research on peoples behaviour as conducive to such an approach in our economy. income earners, consumers and investors. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ In India, some experts had already forewarned What is the strategy of their globalisation? As that in absence of firm Swadeshi policy, there Amartya Sen, a noble laureate in economics has would be mis-direction of our economy. Swadeshi said, the central question cannot be whether in industry must include capacity to innovate or not to make use of the market economy. our own industrial prototypes and more genuine It is not possible to have a prosperous economy R & D, even if it means a little less rate of without its extensive use. But that recognition profit for the time, being. Swadeshi also must does not end the discussion but only begins mean a policy that helps creation and expansion it. Market is one institution among many. Aside of gainful work. from the need for proper public policies within ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ an economy (related to basic education and health care, employment generation, land re­ All negotiations with foreign companies must forms, credit facilities, legal protection, womens be on equal footing, keeping in view the national empowerment and more), the distribution of self interest; they should be preceded by open the benefits of international interactions depends tenders and public debate. All agreements should also on a variety of global arrangements (in­ be fully transparent, taking the people and the cluding trade agreements, patent laws, medical Parliament in full confidence. initiatives, educational exchanges, facilities for ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ dissemination of technologies, ecological and environmental policies and so on.) Our seers and sages realised that, “just as an ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ individual, a nation too has an individuality all its own. Individuals and nations in all parts Before we try to form any opinion on the process of the globe have distinctive traits and features, of globalisation, which is being professed by each of them having its own place in the scheme IMF-World Bank, it is critical to understand of universe. The different human groups are the important basics of economics. In an ideal marching forwards, ail towards the same goal, economy there is no profit or loss. Whatever each in its own way and in keeping with its will be produced in an ideal economy will be characteristic genius. The destruction of special sold at a price that covers all the applicable characteristics, whether of an individual or of


westerners. Their values of life, as stated by the Commission on Global Governance are based upon some preconceived notions about economic ideologies - i.e. free market, liberalisation, privatisation etc. as the values of optimum governance. They want these values to be universally applicable in all stages of develop­ ment. Our values flow from Dharma. The confused thinking of our intellectuals is due to the tendency to accept everything western as standard. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Thengadiji giving some suggestions to SJM leader Virendra Singh Gullibility of Indian Representatives at the ne­ gotiation table in earlier stages must have given a group, will, therefore, not only destroy the a pleasant surprise to the representatives of the natural beauty of harmony, but also its joy of developed countries. self-expression. Evolution of human life also, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ which is multifaceted one, is retained thereby.” ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Chitra Subramaniam’s book “India is for Sale” gives a number of examples how these nego­ Hence their efforts for the evolution of one world tiations were carried out with least seriousness. family, enriched by the growth and contribution For a long time, India’s GATT wing in Geneva of different national cultures, and evolution of was headless. For a long time, the enormous ‘Manav Dharma’ enriched by perfection of all task of defending such critical issues like textiles, the religions including materialism. The spiral environment, investment and social clause was type development of human consciousness as left to two individuals. The US delegation developed by Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay is beyond comprised a battery of international lawyers, the comprehension of the westerners because they specialists in patents, specialists in trade matters, can not even imagine the nature of the truth especially in specific subjects such as biotech­ that “All in one.” nology, environment etc. India never invited ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ representatives of trade and industry to join the delegation. Neither the specialists. Ministers Being materialistic, they have developed their visiting Geneva during those days had no time concept of globalisation which would, they to coordinate their efforts on issues as critical hope, culminate ultimately in Westernisation of as trade or investment. The degree of cynicism the world. For this purpose, all economies of that marks some of our top bureaucrats can the world must be integrated with the American be gauged from the comments of one of the economy. The American present this to the Indian Commerce Secretaries who took part in developing countries as TINA i.e. “There is no WTO negotiations. Commenting on TRIPs re­ alternative.” gime to a journalist in Geneva he observed, Their propaganda influenced the minds of “This is not good for India. In fact the whole Indians intellectuals who thought it inevitable Uruguay Round package is loaded against us. to follow every lead given by Americans. But I would have retired by the time most ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ of it comes into effect. So, I am not really concerned. Don’t quote me on this.” Our westernised educated people did not take ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ into consideration the fact that our values of life are entirely different from those of the The same book quotes comments of represen-

34 SWADESHI PATRIKA NOVEMBER 2004 THOUGHTS natives of other countries. For example, one of sell their manufacturing establishments to foreign them said, “Trade is the business of buying investors and multinationals and convert them­ and selling. Indian negotiations have given that selves as dealers or traders of such foreign word new meaning.’ A senior European nego­ products. Already, there are takeovers, mergers tiator at the WTO compared Indian attitude and acquisitions of Indian companies by MNCs. with Mother Teresa. It looks like Mother Teresa ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ has drafted India’s trade script. It says, give, give, give, till it hurts. For ensuring fair competition between the foreign ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ and local goods and services, a special law will have to be enacted, which should, among other Mrs. Subramaniam quotes another interesting things, take cognizance of the problem of foreign incident. When negotiations were going on about and local trademarks, copyrights and patents. TRIPs, a particular bureaucrat was giving tough We will have to enact special laws on the model time to US negotiators. A phone call was made of US, EU, Japan and Australia. The law-markers to Delhi and within minutes of that call the must take into consideration fundamental struc­ Indian minister called the Indian negotiator and tural changes in the world economy since the changed his brief. India changes its course collapse of the International monetary system, midstream. Minister pleased United States at followed by two price hikes in 1973 and 1979 the cost of his own country. American negotiators and the emergence of debt crisis in the de­ joked in private in Geneva that ‘the Indian veloping countries. government should be sent a million dollar ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ cheque for calling this representative home. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ For the purpose of law making, the item which deserves utmost attention is Agriculture. It is Wherever their goods are competitive, they find obvious that the removal of quantitative restric­ a way to shut their markets on Indian goods. tions on import of farm products may totally India faced their probe regarding its exports to destroy Indian agriculture. textiles, seafoods, blankets, cotton type bedlinen, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ unbleached cotton fabric, fasteners, polyethylene sacho, etc. EU’s commercial policy constraints, A word about a possible misunderstanding. There quantitative restrictions, technical barriers, anti­ is an erroneous impression in some quarters that dumping and anti-subsidy investigations, barriers all American citizens want to exploit the de­ from sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures to veloping countries for their own benefit. This packaging requirements and quotas, all these are is far from the truth. Only the vested interests thwarting access of Indian products to the EU in US and other developed countries are guilty market. of this crime. And, these vested interests do ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ not hesitate to exploit their own countrymen also. Organizations of workers and consumers Small-scale industries are the worst sufferers. in US are opposed to such policies of the Their units are being closed every day and government (Those who ridiculed Ivan Illicit who millions of their employees thrown out of condemned the American concept of ‘develop­ employment. Up to date figures of both are ment’ four decades back, are now realising the not available with the government or the Laghu soundness of his warning.) Udyog Bharati, for the simple reason that every ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ day brings new danger to this sector. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Our sovereignty is being progressively eroded. Who is responsible for it? WTO? or US? Or Our big and small industries come from trading other developed countries? No, our own infe­ community and they would lose no time to riority complex is responsible for this. Sovereignty


of the country can be safe and secure only in the hands of rulers who dedicate themselves to the task of nation building. WTO curtail sovereignty of all its member countries, expect Unites States. Consequently, it has to adopt standards on various issues. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

In the name of globalisation, capital is to be given unhindered mobility, crossing ail national borders. But the same mobility will not be granted to labour. This is nothing but a restrictive practice like non tariff barriers to trade. O f course, it is obviously in the interest of USA. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Very often, the term ‘built-in agenda* is used. We are acquainted with their agenda. But for India, what it should mean is — agriculture, service sector, review of earlier W TO treaties, greater market access to India’s agricultural prod­ ucts in European Union and US, methods of protecting textiles under the framework of safe­ guard measures, freer movement of labour abroad, GAIs visa for service providers, correction in become self reliant in the immediate future. imbalance and defects in the existing WTO International Economic Order is desirable, but agreements, faster removal of US and EU quotes it must be on the basis of equal footing. There on textiles, more transparency in the imposition should be no erosion of freedom and sovereignty of anti-dumping duties, changes in the TRIPS of any nation, big or small. If the developed and TRIMS agreements, elimination of the clause countries refuse to give treatment of equality of performance requirement in the TRIMs agree­ to developing countries within WTO, the later ment, transfer of technology and information, should quit WTO and form second WTO (of and first and foremost implementation of earlier the developing countries) to fight the onslaught commitments. Will it be palatable to the bosses of economic imperialism of the developed of WTO? countries. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Our developmental thrust should be on self Those who term defeatism as pragmatism* can­ reliance, based on local talents, local labour, local not envisage the miraculous strength of idealism. capita, local management skills, local talents, Albert Schweitzer says, “The power of ideals local methods in tune with social and cultural is incalculable. We see no power in a drop realities and local entrepreneurship. Scarce natural of water. But let it go into the crack of a resources should be sparingly but efficiently used. rock and be turned into ice, and it splits the ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ rock; turned into steam it drives the pistons of the most powerful engines. Something happens Obviously, in order to stabilise and improve to it which makes active and effective the power the state of an economy, it is imperative to that is latent in it. So it is with ideals.” • redefine our relationship with WTO, World Bank, IMF and multinationals and resolve to (Golden Age to Globlisation, 2002)