May Coup D'état and Its Consequences

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May Coup D'état and Its Consequences May Coup d'État and its consequences May Coup d'État and its consequences Lesson plan (Polish) Lesson plan (English) Bibliografia: Maria Dąbrowska, Dzienniki 1914-1965, Warszawa 2009. May Coup d'État and its consequences Ignacy Mościcki arrives at the swear-in ceremony at the Castle. Next to him: Józef Piłsudski and Kazimierz Bartel. Warsaw, June 4, 1926 Source: Leon Jarumski, 1926, domena publiczna. Link to the lesson You will learn what were the causes of J. Piłsudski’s May Coup d'État; what were the documents and photographs from this period and you will be able to characterize the course of the Coup; what were the consequences of the Coup. Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie abstraktu Due to the growing political crisis of the Second Polish Republic, marshal Józef Piłsudski decided to take over the power. On May 12th, 1926, Piłsudski took command of the troops gathered in Rembertów and set out for the capital. He met with president Stanisław Wojciechowski on the Poniatowski bridge. Wojciechowski probably decided not to violate the constitution and not to give in to Piłsudski’s demands to dissolve the government and hand over the power to him. On May 12th, the fights between forces faithful to the government and Józef Piłsudski’s troops began. After three days of fighting, Piłsudski’s forces won and the government resigned. On May 31st, 1926, the parliament approved members of the new cabinet, thereby sanctioning the May Coup d'État. Piłsudski, however, declined to become president, and Ignacy Mościcki was elected for the office. Exercise 1 Tell who was the head of the government overthrown by Piłsudski. What were the polical foundaons of the cabinet menoned above? Use the photo. The government in 1926. From le: J. Tarnawa-Malczewski, A. Chądzyński, S. Grabski, S. Piechocki, S. Smólski, S. Osiecki, W. Witos, W. Kiernik, J. Zdziechowski, K. Dzierżykraj-Morawski, J. Radwan, J. Jankowski, M. Rybczyński Source: domena publiczna. Select the correct answer. Wincenty Witos, center and the Polish People's Party "Piast". Wincenty Witos, center and right. Wincenty Witos, center and left. Task 1 Link the two facts below. Create a sentence that explains their dependence. Fact 1 Fact 2 In 1926, there was another The former Chief of State and hero of the rapprochement between Germany and struggle for independence started to be the USSR. In Berlin, both countries perceived as the “man of the moment” who signed the treaty on friendship and will improve the situaon of the country. neutrality. What other events have caused the decline of Poland's posion on the internaonal arena at that me? Exercise 2 Why “We Are the First Brigade” was played in cafes in May of 1926? It's a coincidence, the cafes owners just agreed on it. It was a composition clearly related to the Marshal’s past and his fight for independence. It was a war song that encouraged aggressive behaviour. Task 2 On what „personal” grounds Piłsudski could base his hope that Wojciechowski would give him the power in a peaceful way? Look up for informaon related to the policians’ past. Task 3 Listen to a fragment of Journals by Maria Dąbrowska. How did the writer report the events of May 12th to 14th, 1926? What aspects of the May Coup drew her aenon? What does this mean? Do you agree with her opinion? What could her annotaon from 1943 mean? Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie lektorskie Maria Dąbrowska “ Journals 1914-1965 May 17th 1926 I didn’t write. A great many things began to happen in my life and in life in general. I had my Mommy vising for a month. Then, I drove her to the countryside to Hela. Once I’d returned, I asked Chmielewski to dismiss me from the office. I'm quing this job. I have a chance for a scholarship. I will go to the countryside for three to four months and start wring a novel. I need to get my stuff together, I have to start, I have to try, or it's over. In the midst of all my plans – a terrifying yet wonderful thing happened in Warsaw, like a chapter from a Greek play. A military revoluon for a moral ideal. It was Piłsudski who did it, and he was supported by the enre army, the whole street and the lower classes. For three days, Warsaw a scene for a tragic struggle between few government troops and Piłsudski's units. A bale which took place while the fearless Warsaw audience “assisted”. They took control over the airport, then street aer street, the Ministry of Defence, and finally the Belweder. Wojciechowski and the government of Witos were swept aside. Józef Piłsudski during the May Coup Source: Marian Fuks, Józef Piłsudski w czasie zamachu majowego, 1926, domena publiczna. For now, a purely moral demand has been set: one cannot play with the soldier's honour, steal the property of the naon, or live a life of pretence only for show. Two moral naons confronted each other in Poland. One is a naon of creavity and self-improvement, reaching to the very essence of issues and the second naon – a naon of lies and convenons. (God, what a mistake this faith turned out to be, note from 1943). Condions for a new life have been created. But what will we, the society, do with it? Piłsudski cannot do everything for us. It proves too difficult to even write about all this. Major tasks and issues are whirling, whirling… Source: Maria Dąbrowska, Journals 1914-1965, Warszawa 2009. Task 4 The following photographs were taken during Piłsudski's Coup. What conclusions can be drawn from them about the nature of the fighng in Warsaw? Confront them with Maria Dąbrowska's narrave. Did the writer accurately describe the May events? Fights during the May Coup Source: licencja: CC 0. Exercise 3 In 1926 (during the Coup), Belweder served as seat for: Parliament of the Second Polish Republic President of the Second Polish Republic The Council of Ministers Exercise 4 Notes made by President Wojciechowski during the Coup Source: domena publiczna. In the photo, there are notes made by President Stanisław Wojciechowski. Try to describe them. Please noce the text is crossed-out in many places. What can it mean? He was writing them in hiding. He was emotional and undecided. He lacked writing skills. Task 5 Comment on the data. Try to observe whether the principle that during war the soldiers fight but mostly the civilians die is confirmed. Why do you think Piłsudski proposed to organize joint funerals for the vicms of the May Coup? Fallen Fallen Wounded Wounded Detailed list officers privates officers privates Piłsudski's troops 8 99 26 266 Government troops 17 81 40 274 Unknown fallen soldiers 0 10 - - Total losses of the Polish 25 190 66 540 Army Detailed list Fallen Wounded Losses among civilians 164 314 Total losses 379 920 Exercise 5 Keywords Belweder, Sanation, Coup d'État Glossary Belweder Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie słówka: Belweder Belweder – pałac przy ul. Belwederskiej; od 1767 własność króla Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego; własność ks. J. Poniatowskiego; później w latach 1818–30 rezydencja wielkiego ks. Konstantego; w latach 1918–22 siedziba J. Piłsudskiego, 1922–26 rezydencja prezydenta RP (G. Narutowicza, S. Wojciechowskiego), od 1926–35 ponownie J. Piłsudskiego. Chjeno-Piast Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie słówka: Chjeno‐Piast Chjeno‐Piast - potoczna nazwa koalicji PSL „Piast” i bloku stronnictw Chrześcijańskiego Związku Jedności Narodowej Legalism Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie słówka: Legalism Legalizm – ścisłe przestrzeganie obowiązujących przepisów prawnych “We Are the First Brigade” Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie słówka: “We Are the First Brigade" „Pierwsza Brygada” – polska pieśń żołnierska autorstwa T. Biernackiego i A.T. Hałacińskiego, napisana w 1917 r. do melodii tzw. Marsza dziesiątego kieleckiej orkiestry legionowej; do wybuchu II wojny światowej była nieoficjalnym hymnem armii polskiej; dopiero u schyłku lat 80. XX w. powróciła do repertuaru orkiestr wojskowych PMO Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie słówka: PMO POW – Polska Organizacja Wojskowa (zob. Lekcja o I wojnie światowej) Sanaon Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie słówka: Sanation Sanacja – uzdrowienie; w II RP obóz zwolenników Józefa Piłsudskiego po zamachu majowym „Sejmocracy” Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie słówka: "Sejmocracy" Sejmokracja - nadmierny wpływ sejmu na rządy w państwie Locarno Treaes Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie słówka: Locarno Treaties Traktaty lokarneńskie - podpisane w Locarno w grudniu 1925 r. międzynarodowe porozumienia opracowane i parafowane w pażdzierniku 1925 na konferencji w Locarno, z udziałem Belgii, Francji, Niemiec, Wielkiej Brytanii i Włoch; Czechosłowacja i Polska jedynie asystowały obradom Coup d'État Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie słówka: Coup d'État Zamach stanu – przejęcie władzy w państwie przy użyciu wojska Lesson plan (Polish) Temat: Przewrót majowy i jego konsekwencje Adresat Uczniowie klasy VII szkoły podstawowej Podstawa programowa XXIX. II Rzeczpospolita w latach 1921–1939. Uczeń: 3. omawia kryzys demokracji parlamentarnej w Polsce – przyczyny, przebieg i skutki przewrotu majowego. Ogólny cel kształcenia Uczniowie poznają przyczyny, przebieg i skutki przewrotu majowego. Kompetencje kluczowe porozumiewanie się w językach obcych; kompetencje informatyczne; umiejętność uczenia się. Kryteria sukcesu Uczeń nauczy się: opisywać przyczyny i przebieg zamachu majowego Józefa Piłsudskiego; rozpoznawać dokumenty i fotografie z epoki; wyjaśniać skutki zamachu majowego. Metody/techniki kształcenia podające pogadanka. aktywizujące dyskusja. programowane z użyciem komputera; z użyciem e‐podręcznika. praktyczne ćwiczeń przedmiotowych. Formy pracy praca indywidualna; praca w parach; praca w grupach; praca całego zespołu klasowego. Środki dydaktyczne e‐podręcznik; zeszyt i kredki lub pisaki; tablica interaktywna, tablety/komputery. Przebieg lekcji Przed lekcją 1. Nauczyciel prosi uczniów o przeczytanie wprowadzenia do lekcji oraz wykonanie Ćwiczenia 1 z e‐podręcznika.
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