Precise and Scalable Static Program Analysis of NASA Flight Software G. Brat and A. Venet Kestrel Technology NASA Ames Research Center, MS 26912 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 650-604-1 105 650-604-0775 brat
[email protected] Abstract-Recent NASA mission failures (e.g., Mars Polar Unfortunately, traditional verification methods (such as Lander and Mars Orbiter) illustrate the importance of having testing) cannot guarantee the absence of errors in software an efficient verification and validation process for such systems. Therefore, it is important to build verification tools systems. One software error, as simple as it may be, can that exhaustively check for as many classes of errors as cause the loss of an expensive mission, or lead to budget possible. Static program analysis is a verification technique overruns and crunched schedules. Unfortunately, traditional that identifies faults, or certifies the absence of faults, in verification methods cannot guarantee the absence of errors software without having to execute the program. Using the in software systems. Therefore, we have developed the CGS formal semantic of the programming language (C in our static program analysis tool, which can exhaustively analyze case), this technique analyses the source code of a program large C programs. CGS analyzes the source code and looking for faults of a certain type. We have developed a identifies statements in which arrays are accessed out Of static program analysis tool, called C Global Surveyor bounds, or, pointers are used outside the memory region (CGS), which can analyze large C programs for embedded they should address.