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''A'-". ..yy,: V. teUt C t t g n t e a WBONEBPAT, ATTGPgr g, IMS. r'?4 | r g .'ll I'*,'’ ■''l''.''*. ' ' ■ ‘ DAMLt CaRODIAHOM ■ ■■ ; THR ' IT the Ifmiak s< Jmy. I tt i Fitiiiest St u. a. W iM tm matrnm Joseph Pero has called a meeting nlng. H m amatgeney tala|>lKnM Bartfmd of the members of the Manchester PASTOR AND FAM IY wire which rioga in at all four fira M O O T TOWN Improvement Association for to SHOWERS REIEVE housca waa not affactad and during night at 8 o'clock to be held In tha night and part of tbl* morning 5,769 Blunnta tonight. Oenetally tsir BACK FROM VACATION H enbar at Iks Aoftt IbM •b 4 lAddar Oompanjr No. 1 Matthew Mere's barber shop when all eaUi for No. 8 were taken over and somewhat warme* Frtdhy. M South UanehMter Fire d»> action will be taken on the annual HOT, HUMID SPELL the talapboae at No. I’s quartara on Borsra of C9>ewlsHims u ohUed ( » a etui alarm outing of the association. In the Pina atraet. MANCHESTER - A CTT Y OF VILLAGE CHARM OMter atnet. A woman had past the outings have been on Rev. and M n. Ginns and No ball or atm alarms ware regia- LE’S THURSDAY (Btaif aome fluid to clean fund' week day. There are some who tarad at tha Uanchestar or South i AdvarUshig ea Faga le.). (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE OENl-U now favor holding the outing on Dausrhter Go to Cleveland Mancheatar lir a dapartmanta. VOL. L V - NO. 263 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 6,1936 and a Are reaultad. The flre- and Take Several Trips from No Damage Done Here As anlTed In time to oonflne the Sunday at some nearby place. This htaaa to one room with a email Is one o f the questions to be decid There. ed at the meeting. A full gather Sererest Part of Storm ing la asked for. SONOFWEUKNOWN Rev. C. Homer OInns, pastor o f SPECIALS Safely Home After Rescue From Spain’s Perils 'Xambera of Hoae Company No. John Dll worth, proprietor o f the the North Methodist church, Mrs, Misses Manchester. A. F. OF L. SUSPENDS 1,^ 8. IL r . D.. will meet tonight at CONTRACTOR DROWNS Depot Square barber shop. Is taking OInns and their daughter Marilsm, PLANE CRASH KILLS o’elo^ at Hoee A Ladder Com Hale’s Popular M. K. M. a week's vacation. pany No. 1 quarters, Pine street, to returned yesterday after a moat In Buy Cotton Goods Now Pure Silk Chiffon and In a body to the home of WU- teresting vacation. They motored The two ahowera that broke over Wj.. 'Jga The sidewalk work on Main street Edward B. McGork, Jr., Loses Service Weight r .^iam Boyle of 168 Pine street, fore- out through Pennsylvania to Cleve Manchester last night allayed the Cottons have advanced 10% In the last month, so take advan LEWIS FACTION FOR being done tmder a PW A project, la '^man o f the company, to pay their land, Ohio, which latter city they en humid, temperature that bad per Life in Unionville Lake tage of these domestic spedmls while we havs a g ^ stock at the nearly completed on that street. joyed so much they spent three .■yespocts. sisted for the past two days and While Attending Private low cost. It will psy you to stock up now. ALL EIGHT ABOARD The large force has been split up weeks there. Enroute u e y stoiopped •Si ------------- supplied much needed rain for the Camp. HOSIERY and work Is also being done in at a number of churches, usuallyilly of' crops In this section. The first % tl Members at the Brltlsh-Amerlcan other sections. The sidewalk on the Methodist denomination, so that $ Just Received! 50 Dozen Ringless sheer chiffons with INDEFINITE PERIOD Sblub are requested to meet at the shower shortly before six o'clock the north side of Center street be they might learn what their pro Edward B. McGurk, Jr., son of reinforced heel snd toe. ^ a^Utouse tonight at 7:30. From tween Winter and Knox streets that grams are and the work they are was the heavier of the two. A more Accident Happened Fw^^ 18x36» Fine Quality Lindbergh Discusses New ^ e r e they will proceed to the home had one bad block, has been cor doing. While In Cleveland, the severe storm passed ovef Taloott- Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. McGurk of Spf WlUlam Boyle, 168 Pine street, a rected. Townsend national convention was vllle to the north. The wind uid 737 Farmington avenue. West Hart Cannon Formation, of Rhral Fedora* Minutes After Takeoff at Jnem ber o f the club who died late In session and they attended wveral lightning damage was less here ford, and grandson of B. L. McGurk, BUS OVERTURNS, ^onday night. than In other sections of the state Ic pr. Air Ticket U. Ss-Europe Contractor Emil L. Q. Hohenthal of the meetings, ^ e y took advan of Hartford and Bolton, was drown' tv I I tage of the three Sundays passed In directly in the path of the thunder ed at Laks Garda, Unionville, at ^ tkm Hinted; Lewis Ada m: has started work on a one-story storms. TURKISH St. Louis; Cause Unknowi^ ~ Mrs. Marcus H. Morlarty and her cottage with garage attached at the "City of Parks" to attend ser o'clock yesterday afternoon. Chalk Finish Rayon A heavy downpour of rain blocked The boy, 6 years of age, had gone TWO ARE KILLED gilaugfater. Miss Hannah E. Morlarty Coventry lake for A. F. Farley of vices at the leading Methodist Copenhagen, Aug. 8.—(AP) — . taurant, "WIvex", lost night retum- many storm drains about town. TTie ;;pt 64 Arch street, and Mrs. Mar- Hartford, grandson of a former churches. to the lake, which Is a recreation mant Bnt Will Not Go to (folonel Charles A. Lindbergh, h lsf Ing home after midnight. News Withheld for Honrs; Center street catch basins under the TOWELS ggaret Oorman of Maple street, are governor-general of Hawaii. The Another high spot was a boat trip ci-mp, operated by Albert J. Wicke, preliminary work on a mechanical Colonel Lindbergh had wanted to South Manchester railroad bridge 17 Lancaster road. West Hartford, S t Narragansett Pier this week. site was purchased from the John to Islands of Lake Erie and historic Underwear AND IN JU R E D heart apparatus completed, turned dine al “ Davldsen's Vtnstue" which were filled with debris during the neighbors of the McGurk family and ConrL Plane Was Considered Hand estate In the Bellevue section Put In Bay where Admiral Perry in bis attention to aviation problems he had visited night before last. S Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daughters 1813 won a victory over the British first shower and water backed up to was drowned in shallow water m the Tailored garments. VestR But when he arrived he found the on the west aide of the lake. presence o f about 20 other bojrs at 0 f o r $ 2 Panties, Bloomers. Tea rose today. 5bf Union Veterans o f the Civil War, fleet In the second U. S. conflict with a depth of several feet under the He arranged to meet an Ameri place thronged with persons at bridge. Other low spots In town the lake. color. Sizes: 6-6-7-8-9-10. OneoftheBesL ?W11 meet tomorrow evening for the Great Britain. Washington, Aug. 8— (AP) — A hriviiig Rainstorm Near can aviation official to dlicuss new tracted there by news of his pres Dwgular business session and a social The return trip was by way of were filled up at the height of the An effort to bring tbe boy back to tremendous fight to a finish between ence the night before. Canada and Niagara Falls. The storm. life was made for 80 minutes with connections between American and 9lt the home of Mrs. Jennie Cook of two huge factions of labor unionists, The Lindberghs and the Dams *M>»chester Oreen. scenic Watkins Glen at the foot of Phones Out of Order out results. e a c h Hontingdon, Pa., Causes European airlines. St. LouU, Aug. 6.— (A P )—Eight POUCE COURT 1 9 c with countless factories, shops and Tbe subject of the discussion was immediately left for the other_ ree- Seneca lake was visited, then on to A large number of telephones The father of the drowned boy Is Ic each persons IncludinK six passenger< Melrose, Mass., for a visit with the well known In Manchester. His Begnlor 98a saeh. mines as the scene of acUou, threat understood to concern a reciprocal taurapt where they were not >- The Ladies society of the Zion were put out of commission on the the pilot and co-pilot were kUled Iditheran church will meet this eve- Horace RusseU, 44, of 71 Wells parents of Mr. Ginns, winding up east side during the storm. A crew grandfather, the late Edward Half, ened today after American Federa Accident; Rescue Work agreement by which direct air recognized. A dandy, fine quality Cannon Turkish towel in the bandy The aviation official with whom ‘ nlng at 7:30. street, janitor at the police station with a stay at the former home in from the local office of the 8. N. E. waa the contractor who built Main Ladies’ Fine Quality tion ^ Labor leaders decided to tickets may be purchased In Europe last night when a Chicago and for four years, was sentenced by Brockton of Mrs.