FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Tyler Campbell 563-506-2366 (mobile)
[email protected] Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig Announces Fifty-Member Campaign Agriculture Advisory Team May 17, 2018 (DES MOINES, Iowa) – Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig today announced a robust statewide advisory committee consisting of fifty agriculture leaders from all corners of Iowa. This advisory committee joins former Secretary of Agriculture Bill NortHey wHo endorsed Naig’s campaign earlier tHis year. “We Have built an extraordinary team witH extensive experience, proven leadersHip and passion for Iowa agriculture,” said Naig. “Our message of protecting water and soil HeatH, expanding markets for Iowa products, and attracting and retaining young Iowans into careers in ag is resonating across tHe state.” “Mike Naig’s experience effectively leading on tHe job makes me confident He is tHe rigHt individual to continue leading as Iowa’s Secretary of Agriculture,” said Wayne NortHey, State Chairman of Mike Naig’s campaign. Naig’s advisory committee Has broad representation from leaders in Iowa’s corn, cattle, pork, soybean, turkey, and agribusiness industries. “One of my core missions is to attract and retain young talent in agriculture. We Have HigH tecH, HigH paying jobs in rural Iowa available for our young people today. THat is wHy I am so pleased to Have several incredibly talented and driven young producers on our team,” said Secretary Naig. “I Have gotten to know Secretary Naig while chairing Iowa Farm Bureau’s Young Famer Committee,” said Jacob Handsaker of Hardin County. “My wife Mindy and I are impressed witH Mike’s vision, experience, and focus on tHe future of Iowa agriculture.” “Secretary Naig understands that by working together to expand our international markets, embracing innovation and new tecHnologies, and engaging and educating our youtH in opportunities in ag, we can secure a prosperous future for tHe next generation of Iowa farmers.” Said Barbara Determan, former President of National Pork Producers Council.