Occult Review V25 N3 Mar 1917
OCCULT REVIEW A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE INVESTIGATION OF BUPBll. NORMAL PHENOMENA AND THE STUDY OF P8YCHOLOOICAL PROBLEMS E d i t e d b y RALPH SHIRLEY '* Nullius addictus jurare in verba magisiri" Price Sbvbnpkncr net ; post free, E ightpence. Annual Subscription, for British Isles, Unite! States and Canada, Seven S hillings (One Dollar seventy-five Cents) ; for other countries. E ight Shillings. American A gents : The International News Company, 85 Duane Street, New York ; The Macoy Publishing Company, 45-49 John Street, New York ; The Curtiss Philosophic Book Co., Inc., 1731 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, P a .; The Western News Company, Chicago. Subscribers in India can obtain the Magazine from A. H. Wheeler A Co. 15, Elgin Road, Allahabad; Wheeler's Building, Bombay; and 39 Strand, Calcutta; or from the Theosophist Office, Adyar, Madras. All communications-to the Editor should be addressed c/o the Publishers, W illiam R ider & Son, L t d ., Cathedral House, Paternoster Row, London, E.C. Contributors are specially requested to put their name and address, legibly written, on all manuscripts submitted. Vol. XXV. MARCH 1917 No. 3 NOTES OF THE MONTH MR. SAMUEL HOPGOOD HART has done a service to the world, especially valuable at the present time, in collecting together Anna Kingsford’s lectures on the Christian creed, and other fugitive essays and lectures by herself and the late Edward Maitland, and the value of the book * is considerably enhanced by the informing biographical sketch with which it is prefaced. While to a certain extent covering the same ground as the Perfect Way, it is in the main supplementary to this well- known work, and is perhaps even more comprehensive in its treatment of the main principles on which the New Gospel of Interpretation is based, though its very nature precludes any thing in the way of systematic arrangement.
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