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Oregon Cultural Trust fy2013 annual report fy2013 annual report 1 Contents Oregon Cultural Trust fy2013 Annual Report 4 Funds: fy2013 permanent fund, revenue and expenditures 6–7 Cultural coalitions tailor grants to local needs 8–9 Vital statewide partners take culture to state parks 10–17 Cultural Development Grants 20–41 Over 12,000 individuals contributed to the Trust in fy2013 43 Oregonians drive culture cover photo: Sam Johnson, Executive Director, Columbia River Maritime Museum, Astoria, photographed by Holly Andres Johnson has led the museum’s efforts to connect with the economy of the North Coast, expanding the operations of the museum itself with the acquisition of and adaptive re-use of the historic 1925 Astoria Railroad Depot into the Barbey Maritime Center, dedicated to the preservation of traditional maritime skills and trades, including wooden boat building, bronze casting, foundry work, wood carving and tool making. It also serves as the Museum’s regional boat documentation center and the site for a legacy business that will manufacture the copper boat nails essential to the construction and repair of traditional Scandinavian-style lapstrake boats. These activities, true to the mission and purpose of the Cultural Trust, will serve adults and school children, and provide educational, cultural and economic benefits to visitors and residents. oregon cultural trust board Bob Speltz, Chair, Portland Walter Frankel, Secretary/Treasurer, Corvallis Kathy Deggendorfer, Sisters Jon Kruse, Portland Heidi McBride, Portland Carole Morse, Portland Norm Smith, Roseburg John Tess, Portland Lee Weinstein, The Dalles Rep. Margaret Doherty, House District 35, Tigard Senator Jackie Dingfelder, Senate District 23, Portland special advisors Greg Fitz-Gerald, Eugene Howard Lavine, Portland Virginia Willard, Portland 2 oregon cultural trust Introduction Fiscal Year 2013.
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