Germans Reported to Have Taken Mins Resistance to Foes

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Germans Reported to Have Taken Mins Resistance to Foes •»-**pi^e*« ^ ' I -.-.I \ •V Avtragu Daily Cirealation Far toe M eott of May,'1941 The WraitlMF i Poroeasd of 0. A Weotoer 1tafiai^ p i''.* 6,764 ' - " - ’^ --1 -imdisrsiii> fato^i ^ Ntrober of toa AadH peratoreo tonight; Toeaday D £!3 E '' ^ B an aa of Ofarealattoas .cioady with. aeattored a showera, aoroewhat warmer. Manchester^— ^A City of Village Charm • . VOL. LX., NO. 231 (ClaaaMed Advertlatag Oa Page U ) M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., M o n d a y , j u n e 30,1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEI Germans Reported to Have Taken Mins Resistance to Foes Acts of Armed Army’s Biggest Bomher in Flight Army Bombsights I Forces Cause Half Distance f; ■ Inspector Among O f Bottleneck ' 1 Army and Navy Blamed On Way to Moscow; ,2 9 'Held as Spies Because of Failure to Let Contracts Faster; Draftsman Also Qose- Labor Peace Urged. Two Drives Repulsed B o a rd ly Associated for iVom/ years with Manufac* Bulletin! To Canvass Boston, Jane SO—01)—Preal- Fight Invaders Hard., in tore of Secret Devices; High Command Reportt dent Booaevelt told the' SSrd Auto Output annual conference of toe gov- Areas of Murmansk, Cteivemment Agents A ll Evidence Capture of Lwow ernora of toe Ualted Statec to­ V/.' Dvinsk, Minsk and day that nbe daya ahead are Decline to Gimment Shows Signs Lower Polish Front'. going to test oar energy, our Luck; Entrap Panzer Group Probing 0*9 Du~ Ingenuity and our statesman­ And Libau, Latvittf BnOetln! ship, and I know from post ex­ Force; Active Front ioster Ret^nvenes in O f Dropping Port on Baltic New Ytt’k, June 30.— (/F)— perience that . America Extended Across Ex­ Executive Sestion at can depend upon toe states to Pocket Being Formed [I ^Seven of the 29 persons ar­ do their fnirpart. The gover­ treme North of Fin­ rested in the government’s nors’ oonferenoe . meets at Around Russian Unk^\; Portsmouth Today, Some o f Smaller Pro- big week-end spy hunt plead' oae of the most critloal tones land - Russian Line. of history,” ho said In n mes­ fducing VniU Already In Smolensk Regioiu^ ed gnilty today to espionage Portsmouth, N. H., June 80.— sage read by Ctov. Harold .E. Moscow, June 30.— (IP)— Have Cut Down Pro» against the United Rtates. In- VP)—^A Naval Board of Inquiry, Stasaen of Mlnneeota, chair- Berlin, June 80.— (ff)— G ^ ■ noeeht pleas were made by 18 investigating the loss of the 23- roan of toe oonferenoe. Now under attack in strategic "N ever,” he continued, "was duction Schedule*, man troops were reported others, inclnding two teehni year-old reconditioned' submarine sectors of the whole of . a 2,- there a period when it was day to have captuced MIl ^ . .dans described as having 0-9 in a deep dive off Portsmouth 000-mile front with Cirermany June 20, reconvened in executive more Imperative for all tevela Detroit, June 80— (ff)—Cor and and to be almost naif wfy/ been associated closely with of government to cooperate and her allies, the Red Arm y truck production which boa been session at toe Navy Yard here to­ fully for toe aafety of Amer­ along the 450-mile road the mannfactnre secret day to canvass all evidence previ­ report^ today a stubborn re­ ica.” roaring along at on 'average of Minsk to Moscow. A Gei Army bombsights. Twenty- ously presented. sistance to the invaders in the more than 530,000” unlta a month military spokesman live of the suspects were r ar­ A spokesman for toe court said Boston, Juno 80—<JV^The Arm y areas of Murmansk, Dvinsk., since the start of 1941 model year it was uncertain whether more IS showing signs of IsvelUng off. Minsk was in 'German raigned in Brooklyn Federal Minsk and Luck, the repulse witnesses would be called. and Navy were blamed for "the Some o f the smaller producing ahorUy after the high r% court and were held for trial real defense bottleneck” by Gov. of two attempted shortcut A t the first sessions last week i^ts already have cut down oejmMld reported capture July 15 nnder bail totaling at toe New London, Cernn., Sub­ Murrory D. Von Wagoner of Mich­ drives toward Leningrad and their output schedules and plan to Lwow, on the lower Polisli^ $425,000. marine Base, the court heard tes­ igan today because qit- failure to aerial entrapment of a Panzer wind up current model oaecmblies some time shortly after the Inde­ front, and Libau, Latvtaii' timony tost was wldety divergent let contracts “fast enough or large on toe ability and training of the force. The last 24 hours pendence Day holiday. Thoae com­ New York, June 80.— (ff)— enouah." port on the Baltic sea. Hia.^ 3S-m£n crew, and on toe fitness o f brought an extension of the panies continuing ossembUea right Among the 29 persons arrest- With coroperative action oa their through to the end o f July a<so wUl spokesman intimated Gtimurife toe 172-foot submersible for deep kesmote. Governor Von Wagoner, active front through a Ger- reduce their assembly plant sche­ troops were in sight of RwrolZ od in tha^govemmont’s spoe watac. .use.... ..... ■! ^ w Herbeit H.-Lehman of -»tew|— B-19.‘'toe'U. 8, OMR. attack .across the ex­ Rear Adniira] Richard 8. Ed­ Amy*# Wf gest-bomber, fileii hlgh-ln toe d r dules unlesstioaa presentpr plans ora sud- enslL 200 miles east of MiadL^ ^cular week-end roundup of Yofle and Gov Frank M. Dixon ot durii^ Its first test flight from Santa Monica, Cdff;. to YCarcb Field, treme north of the Finnish denly altered. wards, corimander of toe Navsr’s A labama colled upon toe gover­ A big pocket waa beinf fo ra -;, Ouspected spies, it was learn­ Atlantle submarine fleet, told the Calif.—a 75-mile trip which It made in 50 minutes. Pilot MaJ. Stan­ boiler toward the Russian A h of this comUnsd with a hoU- nors of other states to forget "buei- ed around Rnssian traops kbj ed authoritatively today, were board that the 0-9, like all sub- neas as usual” and to press for ley Unwtesd said the 83.500.000 plane did everything asked of it and Arctic port of Murmansk and dsy-shortened first week in July tokt it was extremely responsive to manipulation. roesns a aharply Curtailed output the Smolensk region, Ite two technicians described as swift settlement of industrial-la­ repeated assaults on Russia’s (ConUnuod On Page Tw o) (Smolensk Is nooriy 400 having been for years closely bor disputes so that America’s ca­ Karelian isthmus frontier pacity for defense production may (Continned Oa Page Three) olriino from too naorost pel associated with the manufac­ with Finland, north of Lenin­ toe Oermon-Ruarion border * match mtler'a mechanlxed forces. llahsd after toe parttttea of ture of secret Army bomb- A ll spoke a t toe opening businesa grad. — . British Planes Attack lnl989. ItUabootSSOfMIMtii sights- Machinists Go sesaion o f toe SSrd annual Gover­ The enemy—eltoer or both Ger­ Oovenunent agents declined to nors’ Conference. man and Finnish troops—made re­ Cannon Roars (OseMeeei Oe Fag* B**at comment directly but they N o Need to.F ea r ConfnslMi peated attacks yesterday to cross "The Office of Production Man­ Bremen and Oldenburg the Karelian tsthmuf border but showed clearly that they were Back to W ork centering their attention on these agement,” declared Von Wagoner. each time was thrown bock by Along Entire “now hoe convinced the Army and fierce cotmter-fire and coimter- tw o men: Herman Long, 40, German-bom At Shipyards Navy that there la no need to Bombers in Daylight Of­ attacka, suffering heavy loeses, fear that indiutry will be confus­ French Syrian said today's Russian communique. draftsman who was said to have fensive Also Batter at Finn Border worked since 1934 as a factory in- ed if it ie swamped with advance Three Attacks by Infantry orders. The loiq^ the backlog of Norden|Earliep Decision to German ^Shipping and In toe Kakisalml (Kekaholm) oombalght. Re­ unfilled contracts, toe better Am­ Desert Point sector, on Lake Ladoga at the erican industry con plan and car­ Finland Ends Declared Apprevea Isrhsoe Ns Everett Minister Roeder,. 47, Base Off Netherlands. eastern edge of toe Isthmus there turn Reaffirmed. by ry out a long-range program of were three attacks by two infan­ Wasbhigtee. Jeea New York city native, reliably re­ sub-controctlng for epi^y filling try battalions. When the last of Policy of Passive R^ Seoete Jedtdiery ported to have been a draftsman ]600 CIO Members; Is Encircled of orders. Bulletin! these was roUed back, toe com­ sistance to Russians; prevsd unoMienaaly Mo| since 1937 at the Sperry Oyroecope ”The time baa''‘come for us to munique aaid, 300 invaders lay ■emieafise ef Atteresy I plant in Brooklyn where the Master Contract Used. Londtm,. June S0^--(/P)— c demonstrate to ourselves and to dead. Calls for ‘Holy War’ SMtmt'WL Jecksaa to be ■ famed Sperry bombslgbts ore the rest of toe worid that demo­ British R.A.F. bombers re­ Further Advances Made On toe eastern edge of toe isth­ etote Jeattce ef the Sepssee mode. By The Associated Press cracy con function succeesfully In sumed operations against mus,, near VUpuri, toe enemy at­ Tbe esandttoe acted afler ! Bemove Steward from Liner Mocblniata who bod been on Bulletin! defenee of its own security and of French b a ^ across the Eng­ In Damascus, Coast­ tempted a Naval landing but, to# Tydlegs (D.
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