Binary Decision Diagrams Beate Bollig, Martin Sauerhoff, Detlef Sieling, and Ingo Wegener FB Informatik, LS2, Univ. Dortmund, 44221 Dortmund, Germany
[email protected] Abstract Decision diagrams are a natural representation of finite functions. The obvious complexity measures are length and size which correspond to time and space of computations. Decision diagrams are the right model for considering space lower bounds and time-space trade-offs. Due to the lack of powerful lower bound tech- niques, various types of restricted decision diagrams are investigated. They lead to new lower bound techniques and some of them allow efficient algorithms for a list of operations on boolean functions. Indeed, restricted decision diagrams like ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs) are the most common data structure for boolean functions with many applications in verification, model checking, CAD tools, and graph problems. From a complexity theoretical point of view also randomized and nondeterministic decision diagrams are of interest. 1 Introduction Let f : Dn R be a finite function, i.e., D and R are finite sets. Such a function can ! be represented by the table of all (a; f(a)), a Dn, which always has an exponential size 2 of D n. Therefore, we are interested in representations which for many important func- tionsj jare much more compact. The best-known representations are circuits and decision diagrams. Circuits are a hardware model reflecting the sequential and parallel time to compute f(a) from a (see Chapter ??). Decision diagrams (DDs), also called branching programs (BPs), are nonuniform programs for computing f(a) from a based on only two types of instructions represented by nodes in a graph (see also Figure 1): { decision nodes: depending on the value of some input variable xi the next node is chosen, { output nodes (also called sinks): a value from R is presented as output.