Introduction to SAV and of Our Coastal Waters

Hyun Jung (J.) Cho [email protected]

Department of Biology Jackson State University 1400 Lynch St. Jackson, 39217 Submerged Aquatic (SAV)

Flowering vascular plants that grow (completely) beneath the surface of water and usually rooted in the sediment. SAV: How do they live in water? Surrounded by Water: water loss not a problem unless it is saltwater • Absence of or thin cuticle • Stomata open most of time Terrestrial ’s cuticle SAV: How do they live in water? Plant structures supported by water

• Less rigid structures because they are supported by water pressure • Air sacs for flotation • Flat leaves on water surface for flotation • Smaller, feathery roots: no need to support the plant, but some can have extensive rhizomes 09/kf_ne_sav.aspx SAV: How do they live in water? Dissolved nutrients & gases and light are limiting factors

• Specialized roots uptake oxygen. • Increased number of stomata on either side of leaves SAV: How do they live in water? nutrients and gas uptake from water columns as well as substrates • Under normal conditions, the vascular plants can outcompete algae. • With eutrophication, overgrowth of vegetation can cause noxious problems. Then, what is a SEAGRASS?

• SAV which grows in marine, fully-saline environments – A group of flowering plants which grow fully submerged and rooted in estuarine and marine environments • Not a true grass, but all From Moncreiff Importance of SAV / Seagrass

• Valuable resource and indicator of aquatic habitat quality – Provide nursery habitats and food sources – Reduce wave energy – Stabilize sediments – Reduce turbidity • Global Conservation Issue Worldwide decline of coastal SAV Potential Seagrass Habitat in Mississippi Sound

Year Responsible Party (pub. Year) Hectares

1969 Eleuterius, L.N. (1973) 5,252

1992 Moncreiff et al. (1998) 600

1999 Moncreiff 1,149 Earlier Documentation of Mississippi Seagrass Year Responsible Party recorded

1956 Humm Thalassia, , Halodule, , 1967-69 Eleuterius Thalassia, Syringodium, Halodule, Halophila, Ruppia 1999 Moncreiff Mainly Halodule and Ruppia (Turtlegrass) (Manateegrass) Halophila engelmannii (Stargrass) Halodule wrightii (Shoalgrass) Ruppia maritima (Wigeongrass) Why did we lose seagrass beds?

• Overall decline in water quality and habitat quality – Increased turbidity • Extended periods of depressed salinity – Effects of Mississippi River water diversion • Physical disturbances – Hurricanes, developments, coastal erosions • Physical loss of habitat

Linear Model of Potential SAV Habitat in Lake Pontchartrain when is the shoreline slope in radians and IZ is 10% of I0.

Z min = (MHW-MLW) / 2 = 0.3 m Zmax - Z min X (Shoreface Distance of Zmax = Zcol = ln (Io/Iz) / Kd Potential SAV habitat) = 2.3 / Kd

(Cho and Poirrier 2005

X = (2.3 – 0.3 * Kd) / (sin * Kd) Restoration Ecology )

Figure 1. A diagram indicating the negative feedbacks of SAV loss of in a wave-stressed shore

Increased water fluctuation

Increased turbidity

Waves Shoreline erosion SAV loss

Alteration of bottom profiles

Increase wave energy (Cho and May 2006 National

Wetland Newsletter )

Water Quality

Seagrass Physical Biology Environment and Ecology

Seed Bank Long-term Assessment of Seagrass Habitat Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Transect Survey

Transec Halodul Site t Start Stop e 4 1 0.00 43.18 0 4 1 43.18 46.20 0 4 1 46.20 50.19 0 4 1 50.19 60.50 0 4 1 60.50 66.19 1 4 1 66.19 182.88 0 4 2 0.00 25.27 0 4 2 25.27 41.33 1 4 2 41.33 46.43 1 Percent Transect Portion Covered by Seagrass

(patch density adjusted) HurricaneKatrina

Oct 2005 Oct 2006 Oct 2007 Oct 2008 Oct 2009

Ruppia maritima Halodule wrightii Wigeongrass (Ruppia maritima) a coastal seagrass euryhaline species grown in all salinity zones a pioneer species • grows well in bare habitats • grows rapidly • matures quickly highly dependent on sexual reproduction – produces abundant seeds Germination Growing slowly in cold water 3-28-2008: Immature flowers enclosed in a sheath 3-31-2008: Inflorescence exposed above water surface 4-2-2008: Released pollen floating on water surface 4-2-2008: Stamens lost, left pistils 4-2-2008: Floating pollen contacting with pistil at water surface 4-3-2008: Seeds (fruits) on stalks Essential Fisheries Habitat Restoration using Ruppia?

• Habitat Restoration – returning a degraded habitat to a healthy, self- sustaining condition that resembles its pre-disturbed state • Seagrass beds can be restored by – encouraging natural recolonization – proactive methods • transplanting of plants from healthy donor beds • seedlings reared under laboratory conditions RationaleMississippi and Coastal Objectives SAV

• Most SAV habitat models are based on long-term water quality monitoring data. • Resource managers have limited ability to do extensive/consistent water quality monitoring, hence, usage of those models is limited. • To develop coastal SAV community/habitat model that does not require long-term data collection. • A Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) for SAV will be developed via a decision-tree algorithm approach that utilizes landscape properties. Estuaries Salt Marshes Ruppia maritima (Wigeongrass) Halodule wrightii (Shoalgrass) Tidal Oligohaline Marshes Freshwater Marshes Vallisneria americana (American Wildcelery) Najas guadalupensis (a), Potamogeton pusillus (b), and Zannichellia palustris (c)

a b

c Nuphar lutea (a), Nelumbo lutea (b), and Nymphaea odorata (c and d)

a b c c

c d Myriophyllum spicatum (a), Myriophyllum pinnatum (b), Myriophyllum aquaticum (c) , and Proserpinaca pectinata (d)

a d

b c

Freshwater Swamps Callitriche heterophylla (Water starwort)


b c Eleocharis robbinsii. Eleocharis baldwinii. Schoenoplectus subterminalis

a b

c Lemna minor (a), Spirodela polyrhiza (b), and Wolffiella floridana (c)

a c c

b Figure 10. logos of partners