VTOTICE Is Hereby Given, That Application Is In- JL 1 Tended to Be Made to Parliament in the Ensuing Session for Leave To
5598 "VTOTICE is hereby given, that application is in- plied for to-deviate from the line or lines laid down JL 1 tended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing on the plans hereinafter mentioned to the extent session for leave to bring in a Bill or Bills for thereon defined, and to vary or alter all such, turn- making and maintaining the railway hereinafter pike roads, aqueducts, parish roads, and other high* mentioned, or some part or parts thereof com- ways, streams, canals, navigations, and railway* mencing and terminating as hereinafter described, within the parishes, townships, extra-parochial and or at some point or points intermediate between other places aforesaid, or some of them, as it may such commencement and termination (that is be necessary to vary or alter for the purposes of to say), a railway commencing by a junction or such railway, or of the works connected therewith, junctions with the Sheffield, Ashton-under-Lyne, respectively. and Manchester Railway, in the Township of And notice is hereby given, that it is intended ta Brightside Bierlow in the parish of Sheffield, in apply for power, to levy tolls, rates, or duties the West Riding of the county of York, passing for the use of the said railway, and to grant certain thence, from, in, through, or into the several exemptions from such tolls, rates, or duties, and also- parishes, townships, extra-parochial and other places for the powers usually conferred for the compulsory of Sheffield, Sheffield Township, Brightside Bierlow, purchase of the lands and houses to be described, Ecclesall Bierlow, Nether Hallam, Upper Hallam, on the plans hereinafter specified, and also for power Ecclesfield, Ecclesfield Township, Wadsley, Wads- to vary and extinguish all rights and privilege* ley Bridge, Wisewood, Loxley, Rivelin, Bradfield, which may in any manner interfere with the objects Stannington, Storrs, Holdworth, Worrall, Moor- aforesaid, and to confer other rights and privileges.
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