THE SOU'wester Student Weekly Publication of Southwestern at Memphis
_,;_~_. , _ _l_ _l~l_ _ -rl- ~ .- - THE SOU'WESTER Student Weekly Publication of Southwestern at Memphis 21ST YEAR--Z706 SOUTHWESTERN, MEMpHIS, TENN,, NOVEMBER 24, 1939 - No.A,0 HOMECOMING RESULTS KAPPA SIOS TO HOLD Zeta Tau Alpha Memphis Symphony Gives OPEN HOUSE Lynx Leave For Sigma Alpha Epsilon won the will en- prize for the best Homecoming Day Kappa Sigma fraternity To Give Dance decorations and Kappa Sigma was An Excellent ,Performance tertain with an open house for the Shreveport And afternoon awarded the ashstand for selling The Merhphis Symphony opened its velvet case, dramatically individual." entire student body this to 5:30 in the campus the most tickets to the dance Sat- second season Tuesday night at the The opening work, Glinka's "Rus- from 3:30 Final Batffle For Pledges will be served urday night. The announcements Orpheum Theatre with an excellent, sian and Ludmilla Overture," was an lodge. Refreshments by ra- were made by Walker Wellford. if not brilliant, performance. The excellent criterion for the rest of the and music will be furnished Cats Favored Affair Will Be In record player. All students Over This is the second straight year orchestra, under the direction of Bur- performance. The program continued dio and invited to attend. Centenary Lcdge Saturday At that the Kappa Sigs have sold the net C. Tuthill, showed a marked im- on through "Romeo and Juliet Over- are cordially Who Have 8; Nautical Setting most tickets. The award last year provement over last year, and it was ture," by Tschaikovski, which proved Lost 7 Out Of 8 a card table.
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