PROFESSOR ANNE ORFORD Melbourne Law School, Parkville VIC 3010, Australia P +61 3 8344 6200 E
[email protected] | W CURRENT ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Visiting Professor | Harvard Law School, 2022 Melbourne Laureate Professor | University of Melbourne, 2021- Michael D Kirby Chair of International Law | University of Melbourne, 2009- ARC Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Fellow | University of Melbourne, 2015-2021 ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Doctor of Philosophy | University of Adelaide, 1999 Master of Laws (Public International Law) | University of London, 1993 Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | University of Queensland, 1989 Bachelor of Arts | University of Queensland, 1988 HONOURS AND AWARDS Melbourne Laureate Professor | University of Melbourne, 2021 Doctor of Laws honoris causa | University of Helsinki, 2017 Fellow | Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, 2016 Kathleen Fitzpatrick Australian Laureate Fellow | Australian Research Council, 2015-2021 Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor | University of Melbourne, 2015-2021 Woodward Medal for Excellence in Humanities and Social Sciences | University of Melbourne, 2013 Future Fellow | Australian Research Council, 2012-2015 Doctor of Laws honoris causa | University of Gothenburg, 2012 Doctor of Laws honoris causa | Lund University, 2012 Australian Professorial Fellow | Australian Research Council, 2007-2012 Bonython Prize for PhD Thesis | University of Adelaide, 1999 INTERNATIONAL APPOINTMENTS Visiting Professor | Harvard Law School, 2022 Lecturer,