CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE April 30, 2003 Lincoln Cemetry, 123Rd and Kedzie Avenue in 21, 1906 in Glasgow, Kentucky U.S.A
April 30, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 10065 authorized appropriations in the amount of Minnesota has a long and proud HONORING AVIATION’S PIONEER $1,070,000 for additional design. hockey tradition as the hockey capital WOMEN OF COLOR Provided, That the construction of this of the world, and all Minnesotans are The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a project does not exceed construction bench- extremely proud of our national cham- marks as established by the General Services previous order of the House, the gen- Administration. pion, Golden Gophers. tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) is rec- Unlike most repeat champions, Mr. ognized for 5 minutes. COMMITTEE RESOLUTION—LEASE—DEPART- Speaker, this one came as somewhat of Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, MENT OF TREASURY, INTERNAL REVENUE a surprise. The Gophers started the on Saturday, May 3, 2003, the Chicago SERVICE, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI season slowly, but that is to be ex- ‘‘DODO’’ Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen, Resolved by the Committee on Transportation pected of a team that lost so many Incorporated, in concert with Black Pi- and Infrastructure of the U.S. House of Rep- players after beating Maine in over- lots of America will honor three of resentatives, That pursuant to title 40 U.S.C. time in last year’s title game. Aviation’s Pioneer African American § 3307, appropriations are authorized to lease But thanks to Coach Lucia’s inspir- Women of Color, Bessie Coleman, Willa up to approximately 1,140,000 rentable square ing leadership, great motivational Beatrice Brown and Janet Harmon, at feet of space for the Department of Treasury, skills and good chemistry, this year’s a ceremony to be held on Saturday, Internal Revenue Service, Service Center team started gathering steam as play- May 3, at the Lincoln Cemetery, 123rd currently located at 2306 Bannister Road, ers returned to the lineup from inju- 1500 East Bannister Road, and five leased lo- and Kedzie Avenue in Chicago.
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