13TH EDITION / SEPTEMBER 2014 GAI’S GAZETTE Springing in the Rain... Cover title: Amanda Wood GAI’S EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Lea Stracey GAZETTE CONTRIBUTORS Gai Waterhouse Rob Waterhouse s I write, the sky is grey and a Zeb Armstrong constant drizzle of rain waters the Lea Stracey gardens outside. Amanda Wood’s Madison Whant cover photo very appropriately re- Claudia Miller Afers to the almost biblical amount of rain that Petrea Vela Joe Callan has fallen over August. It is proof, however, that preparation of the horses at Gai Water- house Racing occurs come rain, hail or shine. GRAPHIC DESIGN & laYOUT Whilst there is nothing better than soaking rains for gardens, the rain is also falling on our Madison Whant racetracks, sometimes making race day results
[email protected] somewhat unpredicatable. Nothing is ever perfect, and by the time you are reading this CHIEf photogrAPHER latest edition, perhaps the rain has stopped, but I do hope there is less of it during the Bradley Photographers coming Spring Carnival of racing…. www.bradleyphotos.com.au As Petrea Vela mentions in her article this month, the foaling has begun and the anticipation of the next champions to be born is being realized. A year hence, after we owners have purchased our yearlings, they have Editorial PhotogrAPHER to be named in order to be registered in the Australian Stud Book. This is where the fun Amanda Wood begins. Need for Steed Aus. There are two choices when naming a horse. One can choose a name randomly www.needforsteed.com.au because one likes it, or one can consider the sire and dam’s names and choose a name that refers to or connects with the mating.