PENROD.By BootH v! Tarking'tonvalued as «ome- avalanche. She to "worst in town" when the to. seemed - . S-gHE boy (pop- agitation, th?n£ *nd "acred,*nt,I to be acclaimed and redder: lightnings playedrro*. II ulation 125,000) emerged hast- «-«- In fact- th« very first head; he had a vague h*JJ from the kitchen door of 5 hS" tkii .i,ea. Schofleidie^ and Williams did the audience out®S1 In II lly dnj spraying ^ his father's house one scented lilV * and *¦ chair for hlm the tumult, squealing*, trampling*nigftt.ojl«n®: to"it o° dispersals of a stricken flel conceived that insult was in- housecleaning. There were ing to language. RENA ' her spring "That's all right, what I'd have. T& THE FAMOS "Prominent people here believed rloe» ioned victoria. the matter of he de- half-filled cans and buckets of paint in MUDERESS GoiNG To BE relations of woman sentenced to nangi This was Roderick '""What's you?" the storeroom adjoining the carriage have enough!" denial' Mrs. R. Magsworth Bitts, manded advancing. "You get fresh the side wall of have?** Insist¬ HUNG Angry by MagsworttL jr., a fellow sufferer at the Friday . house, and presently "Well, what would you NEXT JULY KiLED EIGHT PEOPIF Bltts Relationship admitted by younger afternoon dancing class, but other¬ the stable flamed information upon the ed Penrod, derisively. "You'd have to PUT ARSINECK IN THEiR MILK ALSO member of family. His statement J wise not often a companion; a home- passerby from a great and spreading have sumpthlng; you think you could SHERMAN HERMAN AND VERMAN firmed by boy friends..'' con»j sheltered lad, tutored privately and poster. be a show all by yourself?" demanded THE MICHIGAN RATS DOG PART "Don't:" said Mrs. addre preserved against the coarsening influ¬ SSHHaSfeS Subsequent arrangements proceeded Penrod. her husband Williams.^"We ve l ALLIGATOR DUKE THE GENUINE ing vehemently. ences of rude and miscel¬ with a fury of energy which transform¬ "How do you know I couldn't?** read it a comradeship to you." An InDlAN DoG ADMISSion 1 CENT oR dozen times. We ve got plenty laneous information. -Heavily over¬ trtraii «. ed the empty hayloft. Interpreta¬ Two white boys and two black boys AS BEFORE Do NoT of trouble on our hands vir¬ .why can't he answer. to whites 20 PINS SAME wltlymt hearing; grown in all physical dimensions, "He can't. He can't talk no tion of the spiral, inclining shrieked their scorn of the boaster. CHANSE TO SEE ROD¬ tuous and placid, this cloistered mut¬ bettern and was brilliantly effective too!" Roderick raised his MlSS THIS greens, of "I could, ERICK Singularly enough, Mrs. William* ton was wholly uninteresting to Pen- W"Oh » saTdapetniod? mon?fledn,Then he upon the dark facial backgrounds voice to a sudden howl, obtaining a ONLY LIVING NEPHEW oF RENA not look troubled; she looked as dlJ, rod Schofield. Nevertheless. Roderick Herman and Verman: and the counte¬ hearing. MAGSWoRTH THE GREAT FAMOS were trying to look troubled. Mrfe* Magsworth Bitts. jr.. was a personage nances of Sam and Penrod were each "Well, then, how'd you be a show?" Schofleld wore a similar expression. B® I on account of the of the *"'Tal'k'some nC'eT^gged eagerly black mustache and MUDERESS importance "I hoe yon ackoom aim gommo supplied with the Penrod demanded. "We got a show GoiNG To BE dl<1 Mr. Schofleld. So did Mr. WilUaaMl. Magsworth Bitts family, and it was Pen- vmotvia" lacking which no profes¬ if Herman didn't or "What did she say when she called rod's to was the prompt response. imperial, here, even point HUNG yon destiny increase Roderick's he en- sional showman can be esteemed con¬ Verman didn't talk. Their father stab¬ up'" Mrs. Schofleld inquired breaUilosa- "What's mean?" asked Penrod. were celebrity far, far beyond its present aris¬ scientious. Duke and Sherman a man with a I smiled again. The very ly of Mrs. Williams. bed pitchfork, guess, Prosperity . i tocratic limitations. he told 'at ain' secured to the rear wall of the loft, a her* first audience after the acquisition of "She could hardly speak at...first, aim The Bittses were C®!-iHeesays you 'coon got each other. didn't Magsworth impor¬ no name." considerable distance from "How do I know?" Roderick was larger than the largest then when she did talk she talked | tant because they were impressive; . for JO "What's your name? Benches were improvised specta¬ "Well, I guess he's in Jail, ain't he?" of the morning. Mr. Bltts.the only fast I couldn't understand most or Ita t there was no other reason. And they the rats were brought up; finally exhibit upon a box.was a were believed tors; "Well, what if their father is in jail? placed Impressive because they Penrod to the rafters, corncrib and haychute he did I?" supercurlo. All eyes fastened upon ""'Delia says there -were Just streams themselves important. Th^ adults of ¦^"ha^hls^amer' pointed with and I didn't say wasn't, In and j the tongue-tied boy. were ornamented flags strips "Well, your father ain't in Jail, is him and remained, hungrily feasting going out all day,- said lira. the family were impresrnably formal; "Verman." of bunting from Sam Williams* attic, throughout Penrod's luminous oration.' Schofleld. "Of course it wouldn t have they dressed with reticent elegance, excursion ac¬ he?" audience contained a Sam returning from the never said he was. did I?" The second happened, but this Is the day I *pend and wore the same nose and the same account of a rope) by "Well, I adult, a spectacled young every month in the which "Verman. Was three us boys 1n ow companied (on "Well, then," continued Penrod, how cash-paying country witb AQBt expression indi¬ encountered on the " whose attention was and I fam'ly Ol'est one name Sherman. a fine dachshund be a- He man, poignant Sarah, didn't dream.." < cated that they knew something ex¬ could you stopped abruptly, _ .N'en come me; I'm Herman. Sen com highway, and the entire party went at Roderick. He had suddenly very flattering. He remained after the "She said that the most awful thing quisite and sacred which other people to an line to the staring and put a few questions to about It." Mrs. Williams went never in him* he Verman. Sherman dead. "V er forth add enriching remembered his intention to ask Rod¬ on. could know. Other reople man. lecture,Koddy, which were answered rather that, though she's to their were to feel he de littles' one." poster. erick Magsworth Bitts, Jr.. about Rena going presence apt mys¬ They found a group of seven, includ¬ and this recollection col¬ confusedly upon promptings from Pen- the newspapers, many people wouldprosecnt^ teriously ignoble and to become secret¬ in the Magsworth, rod. The young man went away with¬ ways believe the a"d. awj ly uneasy about ancestors, gloves and Done6 move' in fm way ing two adults, already gathered lided in his mind with the irritation story, ¦> street to read and* admire this work. by Roderick's claiming some out having stated the object of his "Yes. I imagine they will." said Mrs.' pronunciation. produced interrogations, but it became quite Schofleld "Of course In fact, this painful family had for °U^enporntaedathomthe north with his right SCHoFiELD & WILLiams mysterious attainment which would musingly. you and hand, and Penrod's eyes opened warrant his setting up as a show in his plain later in the day. This same ob¬ I and everybody who really know* tn» years terrorized the community, though the BiG SHOW ject caused the spectacled young man Bltts and families the had never realized that thev followed gesture. Hermanwidens, single person. Penrod's whole manner Magsworth under-" community had no forefinger on that hand. ADMISSION 1 CENT oR 20 PiNS to make several brief but unsatlsfac- stand the perfect absurdity of It; but It was terrorized, and invariably spoke . changed instantly. "Look there!" exclaimed Penrod. MUSEUM oF ClIRioSiTiES "Roddy," he asked, almost over¬ dlrectl)r after leaving the suppose there are ever so of the family as the "most charming Now GoiNG oN LSchofleid?.C?il8.& Williams1 Big Show, and believe It. no matterwhatmany_whthe Bm circle in town." By common consent, " VERMAN whelmed by a prescience of something "Y..T murn map," with SHERMAN HERMAN & vast and magnificent. "Roddy, are you the consequences thereof loitered not and Magsworths say." Mrs. Roderick Magsworth Bitts offi¬ ^"verman. THEIR FATHER iN Jail, STABED A by the wayside. "Hundreds and hundreds, said ciated as the supreme model as well as any relation of Rena Magsworth?" interrupted Herman MAN WiTH A Roderick had never heard of Rena The Big Show was at high tide. Not Williams. "I'm will be a (rtttJ critic-ln-chief of. morals and deport¬ e^r°dUo8nePri'aV' PiTCHFORK auditorium filled and come-down for afrald_ltthem." ment for all the pros¬ chuckling. "Tessuh; done chop er Magsworth. although a concentration 4 unlucky people sprang oft. a SHERMAN THE WILD ANIMAL MRS. RODERICK MAGSWORTH BITTS SAW HER SON WEARING A throbbing. there was an Indubitable "I'm afraid said Mrs. perous enough to be elevated to her long go. Hp.3 SIDEBURNS OP WITH of the sentence yesterday pronounced so," Schofleld* a ax an' I lay my finguh on p!a>i".de do -sill*,,, CAPTURED IN AFRICA MUSTACHE AND BLUE, PLENTY OP OTHER upon her had burned, black and hor¬ .eans wholly juvenile- gently. "A very great one.yes. a j acquaintance. an' I HERMAN THE ONE FINGERED TA- COLORS UPON HIM. w^b/,"°for admission to the next puf- very great one." was the important part of say, .Verman, chop er oft. rific. upon the face of every newspaper waiting Magsworth Verman he chop 'er right sprang oft up TOOD WILD MAN VERMAN THE in the country. He was not allowed to formance. A group stood ln the street "Well." observed Mrs. Williams, afte# the name. Mrs. Roderick Magsworth to de TATOOD WILD BoY TALKS Herman. Each and all of into Sam's hand with a careless.nay, a and the and a Bitts was a roots! Tessuh.' SAVAGE jail. Point, read the journals of the day, his Poster earnestly, thoughtful pause, "there's only Magsworth born, herself, "What for?" ONHP" iN HIS NAiTIVE LANGUAGS. will have a chance to see. Point contemptuous.gesture. over the People in automobiles and other ve- thing to be done, and I and the Magsworth crest Cover a coro¬ you At family's Indignation sacrilegi¬ suppose >1 «¦« .'.Tes' fo' nothin'." Do NoT FAiL TO SEE DUKE THE again, Herman. This is the only gen¬ sight of Marjorie. Penrod Schofleld ous conincidence of the name had not halted wheel in the street better be done right net)) decorated not only Mrs. Mags¬ flushed new away." .'He hoe me hoo," remarked... INDIAN DOG ALSO THE MICHIGAN uine one-fingered tattooed wild man. under his mustache (re¬ been in his presejice. But he toto°readread theth!> message so plquantly Riven She glanced toward the two worth Bitts* note paper, but was on and since and as he expressed guiuap .Tessuh. I tole him to, said Herman, TRAINED RATS. Last on the program, gen-til-mun painted noon) lectured saw that it was an awesome name to These were the condi¬ men. the china, on the table linen, on the "an* he 'er we have Verman, the savage had never lectured before. A new grace Williams. tions when a crested victoria arrived on the of chop off, an' *ey ain t airy Penrod, with pardonable lay-deeze, Penrod Schofleld and Samuel "Certainly." Mr. Schofleld chimneypleces, opaque glass oth* one evuh on self-import¬ tattooed wild boy, that can't speak only invested his every gesture; a new sonor¬ Verman were in¬ sallop, and a chastely mae* "But where are on grow wheres do ole ance in the of an audience Even Herman and «« large, they?" the front door, on the victoria, and one use to presence Talk ousness rang in his voice; a simple and Rena and flushed woman .lku- omitted from the grow. Nosub!" now increased to the native foreign languages. formed on the subject of Mags¬ ,hig:hly de¬ "Have you looked In the stable" the harness, though Both brothers looked nine.slowly painted some, crman." manly pomposity marked his very walk and they Joined scSnrtAHscended, and progressed across tha asked his wife. J hose and the lawn mower. pleased and the words inspired by the dachshund: as he passed from curio to curio. And worth through hearsay, 1 garden proud. Penrod's profound interest was Verman obliged and made an instan¬ in the portentous silence. yard with an air of violence. "I searched It.K They've Naturally, no sensible person dreamed IMPoRTENT Do NoT MISS THE He was encored when he fearlessly handled the box of Is At of her the adults r»f th« probably., tof that illustrious crest flatteringly visible, a tribute to their taneous hit. raptur¬ rats and hammered "Roddy," repeated Penrod. "honest. sight started for the far west. connecting unusualness. south american Dog part alli¬ ously, again and again: and, thrilling upon it with cool in¬ Rena Magsworth some relation of disaPPeared. and "Did you look In the sawdust boxT" with the unfortunate and notorious gator. of ap¬ souciance, he beheld.for the first time most of name had "Verman say tell 'bout with the unique pleasure being in yours?" Hhe na8ti!y vehicles moved "No. I didn't." Rena Magsworth. whose you pappy," misunderstood at the his life.a purl of admiration eddy¬ no more InstanMvinstantly on. their