Abstract Interpretations, 14 Access Expressions, 137 Access Graph
Index abstract interpretations, 14 φ placement, 196 access expressions, 137 dominance frontier, 194 access graph, 141 renaming, 199 empty, 141 SSA destruction, 214 operations, 143–146 register allocation, 224 cleanUp, 143 alias analysis, 129–135 CN, 143 data flow equations, 134 extension, 145 of parameters, 268 factorization, 145 data flow equations, 269–271 field, 143 alias relations, 129 lastNode, 143 aliasing makeGraph, 143 data flow equations, 134 path removal, 145 direct aliases, 131 root, 143 indirect aliases, 131 safety of, 146 link aliases, 130 union, 144 node aliases, 130 summarization, 142 of access paths, 3, 9 access path, 3, 137 of parameters, 267 aliasing of, 3 of pointers, 2, 129–135 base of, 137 all paths analysis, 33 directly generated, 139 anti-symmetric, 64 frontier of, 137 anticipable expressions analysis, 37–39 killed, 139 data flow equations, 38 liveness of, 3 any path analysis, 26 simple, 137 applications of data flow analysis, 16 summarization, 3, 12 assignment, 176, 177, 181 target of, 137 maximum fixed point (MFP), 77 transfer of, 139 maximum safe, 75 algorithm meet over paths (MOP), 75 DFST construction, 60 associativity, 66 elimination, 184 available expressions analysis, 33–35 iterative common subexpressions elimination, round-robin, 4, 19, 79, 90, 163– 34 164 data flow equations, 33 work list, 165–172,312, 319, 320, 322 backward data flow problem, 26 SSA construction backward edges, 61 379 380 Index backward flow, 24, 160 termination length, 328 basic block, 23 termination, issues in, 305–310 bidirectional data flow equations,
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