February 12,2013

Mr. Jack Orman Bengal Pet Products, Inc. 13 73 9 Airline Hwy. Baton Rouge, LA 70817

Subject: Notification for Minor label Change . EPA Registration Number: 68543-23 Decision: 471051

Dear Mr. Orman:

The Agency is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration (PRN) 98-10 dated December 20, 2012, for the abovementioned product. The Registration Division (RD) has conducted a review of this request for its applicability under PRN 98-10 and finds that the actions requested fall within the scope of PRN 98-10. The label submitted with the application has been stamped "Notification" and will be placed in our records.

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Driss Benmhend at (703)308-9525.


Richard J. Gebken Product Manager (10) Insecticide Branch Registration Division (7504P)

Enclosures: Copy of Label Stamped "Notification" r ^Priht. Forrjv fiaata reed /rutructions on revarxe before completing form. Form Approved. OMB No. 2O7O-OOBO United StotoB Registration OPP Identifier Number Environmental Protection Agency Amendment Washington, DC 20460 X Other Application for Pesticide • Section I 1. Company/Product Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Classification 68543-23 R. Gebken X None Restricted 4. Company/Product (Name) PM* BENGAL FULL SEASON FLEA KILLER PLUS 2 10

5. Name and Address of Applicant (include ZIP Code) 6. Expedited Review. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c)(3) Bengal Products Inc. (b)(i), my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling 13739 Airline Highway to: Baton Rouge, LA 70817 EPA Reg. No.

Chock if this is a now address Product Name Section - II

1 Amendment - Explain below. I I Final printed labels in response to Agency latter dated Rasubmission in response to Agency letter dated. "Me Too" Application. X Notification - Explain below. D Other - Explain below. Explanation: Usa additional page(s) if necessary. (For section I and Section II.) Notification of addition of Warranty Statement per PR Notice 98-10. This notification is consistent with the provisions of PR Notice 98-10 and EPA regulations at 40 CFR 152.46, and no other changes have been made to the labeling or the confidential statement of formula of this product. I understand that it is a violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 to willfully make any false statement to EPA. I further understand that if this notification is not consistent with the terms rf PR Notice 98-10 and 40 CFR 152.46, this product may be in violation of FIFRA and I may be subject to enforcement action and penalties under sections 12 and 14 of FIFRA. Section - III 1. Material This Product Will Be Packaged In:

Child-Resistant Packaging Water Soluble Packaging 2. Type of Container Yes* | Yes Metal Plastic No No Glass If "Ye«" No. per If "Yes- No. per Paper * Certification must Unit Packaging wgt. container Package wgt container Other (Specify) be submitted

3. Location of Net Contents Information 4. Size(s) Retail Container 5. Location of Label Directions On Label |_J Label I I Container On Labeling accompanying product

6. Manner in Which Label is Affixed to Product Lithograph Other Paper glued Stencifed Section - IV 1. Contact Point (Complete items directly below for identification of individual to be contacted, if necessary, to process this application.)

Name Title Telephone No. (Include Area Code) Jack Orman Technical Director 225-753-1313

Certification 6. Date Application Received I certify that the statements I have made on this form and aJI attachments thereto are true, accurate and complete. I acknowledge that any knowingly falsa or misleading statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment or (Stamped) both under applicable law.

2. Signature f~\ 3. Title tL'. t*1 Tfl'chnicVi Dire^ier '

4. Typed 5. Ddte

Jack Orman Oct. 9, 2012

<- < C L <. I,

EPA Form 8570-1 (Rev. 6-94) Previous editions are obsolete. cere WWte - EPA FIU Copy (origin*!) Yellow - Applicant Copy r

(225)753-1313 National: (800) 367-0394 Fax:(225)753-1464

October 12, 2012 .

Document Processing Desk (NOTIF) Attn: Richard Gebken, PM10 Office of Pesticide Programs (7504P) US Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20460-0001

Subject: Revise label according to PR98-10, add Guarantee Bengal Full Season Flea Killer Plus 2 EPA Reg. No. 68543-23

Dear Sir,

I recently noticed that the Guarantee statement wasjnad^ertently left_off the latest approved label for this product, which was stamped on July 12, 2012.1 am adding the guarantee back to the label by notification.

The only change to the label is the guarantee, which on the front panel above the active ingredients and the text is italicized and underlined. Otherwise, the label is identical to the latest approved version. This same guarantee statement has previously been on approved labels for this product. Enclosed is a copy of the updated label.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me by phone or email, [email protected].


(J Jack Orman Technical Director

Bengal Products, Inc. • I 3739 Airline Highway • l3atonLRou2e. LA 70817 • www.bengal.com <-* o I i_ (_ i_ c,^

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