NEWSLETTER 89 - February 2016 McCALMAN LECTURE Prahran Mechanics’ Institute & Prahran Historical & Arts INSIDE Society present the Annual Laurie McCalman Lecture: Around the Library . Ͳ PMI Press Update . ͳ Robin Grow Short History Prize . ͳ Member Tips & Tricks . ͳ MURDER OF A Books Etcetera . ʹ ABOUT THE PMI MESSENGER ͳ St Edmonds Road Prahran VIC ͳͱͱ ABN ͱͳͱͶ ʹͶͳ͵ Ͳ͵Ͷ A real-life murder and legal drama set in the Sec. Lib.: Tim McKenna violent world of ͱͳͰs Melbourne. Pres: Cr John Chandler CONTACT Ͳ.ͰͰ pm, Saturday, Ͳͷ February ͲͰͱͶ P Ͱͳ ͵ͱͰ ͳͳͳ in the Moss Room, PMI, 39 St Edmonds Road, Prahran E
[email protected] W Free entry, all welcome, refreshments provided, bookings essential 9510 3393 or
[email protected] OPEN: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri .ͳͰam - ʹ.ͳͰpm Thu COMING UP .ͳͰam- ͷ.ͰͰpm excluding public holidays 5pm-7pm, Thursday 3 March and the Christmas/New Year BOOK SALE! period. Mason Room, PMI (Ground fl oor, 39 St Edmonds Road) ISSN: ͱͳͶ Ͳ͵Ͷͷ (print) ͱͳͶ Ͳ͵͵ (pdf online) Hardbacks $2 Published bimonthly Paperbacks $1 Feedback/suggestions for this newsletter may be PMI Members Only directed to writer/compiler SHORT HISTORY PRIZE Christine Worthington Congratulations! This newsletter is generously Congratulations to Heather Mutimer of Daylesford sponsored by: Historical Society for taking out this year’s PMI Short Windsor Community Bank® History Prize for her essay ‘A Picture Can Tell a & Prahran Market Branches Thousand Words’ Heather and the Daylesford Historical Society each received $500. ͱͱͱ Chapel Street, The Short History Prize was presented to Heather Windsor VIC ͳͱͱ at the PMI during Victorian History Week by PMI ͵ͱͰ ͳͱͱ www.