The Watchman of Presents



ɦɦɦ yyy






PROVERBS 30:4 What is His Name and What is His Son’s Name, if thou canst tell?

There was a time when I thought that the Yooropean Yahoodim ( = YHWH ) that was and is presented to the world was genuine, but after further study and review I realized that it was false. I have come to understand that the Jetthiopian Paleo- Tetragrammaton ( yhwh =JEWE) that was discovered on the Mesha Stele or the Moabite Stone around 1869 AD was in fact the original one, and it was not just four letters that you add other letters too to compose the Orijahnator’s name, but it was in fact the full name of the Orijewnator’s name which is JEWE . The final letter in the name can be silent at times therefore leaving the root word ‘ JEW,’ and this full name can be compounded with other words to give different meanings such as, ‘JEW- ’ ( Jew is mighty) or ‘JEW-O-SHA-WAH ,’ ( Jew is Salvation ) etc.

With the ‘ E’s’ interchangeable with ‘ A’s’ in the name it can be rendered JAWE or JAWA and with the silent ‘H’ added we get JAHWEH and JAHWAH and with ‘OSHA ’ added we get JAHOSHAWEH or JAHOSHAWAH and with ‘ L’ added to the name ‘JEWE’ we get the name ‘JEWEL’ and is not the Orijewnator a precious JEWEL ? Yes, and He is the Jewel of the universe (Rev. 4:3).

From the name JEW-EL (JOO-EL ) we get a variation of synonymous names such as JO-EL and JA-EL , which are the Orijahnator’s names as well and they mean ‘ Jah is mighty .’ See the following scriptures concerning the previous names: Judges 4:17, 21-22; 1 Samuel 8:2; 1 Chronicles 26:22; Daniel 9:19.

The Orijahnal Tetragrammaton ( yhwh =JEWE) can be found in many places in the 1611 script and it means JEW with the final ‘E’ being silent. See the following 1611 scriptures concerning the 4 letters that mean JEW. (John 4:9; Acts 10:28; 18:2; 19:34). In the Scriptures where we see the name ‘LORD’ written with all capital letters, it means ‘JEWE and it represents the Tetragrammaton (The Sacred Name) as well.


In the following Scriptures you will see in English the Sacred name and the title name written ‘LORD-’, properly they should be written ‘JEW-EL’ (JAH-EL) and being interpreted they mean ‘ Jah mighty ’ or ‘ Jah is mighty ’ (Genesis 2:4-22; 3:1, 8-9). See the following scriptures also: Ezra 4:1,3.

With the letter ‘ E’ interchangeable with the letter ‘ A’ in the name ‘JEW’ we get ‘JAW’ and with the silent ‘W’ interchangeable with the silent ‘H’ in the name we get ‘JAH’ and this style of the name is in Psalms 68:4 of the AKJV script. See the following Strong’s number concerning the name JAW or JAH (H3050).

I will draw your attention to the fact that the Ashkenazim (Yahoodim) have wrongfully changed the Jetthiopian Jahbrew (Hebrew) Jod (ɦɦɦ yyy y) into Yod and the ‘EH’ (hhh) into HETH ( xxx) or the ‘E’ into ‘H’, therefore rendering the Jahdesh (Divine, Sacred, Holy ) name as YHWH instead of JEWE, they do this for the purpose of deception as they do with many other Jahbrew symbols and words, so beware of the modern Babylon Hebrew called ‘ Yiddish’ which is a corruption of the Jetthiopian (Ethiopian) Aramaic also called “ Hebrew .”

Think about it. If the Jahbrew was not corrupted Jah would not say He is going to give His Jetthiopian people a pure language (Zeph. 3:9-10) and if His Jetthiopian people were not going to speak Jahbrew in the future, He would not make mention of the future Jetthiopian-Canaanite language seen in Isaiah 19:18.

• Zephanjah 3:9-10 - FOR THEN WILL I TURN TO THE PEOPLE A PURE LANGUAGE , THAT THEY MAY ALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF JAH , TO SERVE HIM WITH ONE CONSENT. 10 From beyond the rivers of Jetthiopia my suppliants , even the daughter of my dispersed , shall bring mine offering.

I know that Hebrew (Jahbrew) is an Ethiopian-Canaanite language so could it be that sometime in the future JAH is going to make “ pure ” the Ethiopian-Jahbrew language? I believe so.

• Izajah 19:18 - In that day shall five cities in the land of Ethiopia-Egypt SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF ETHIOPIA-CANAAN , and swear to Jahsabaoth;...

Many names are found in the Scriptures that either begin with the name “JAH” or end with it. Some names that begin with ‘JAH’ are:

• Jahleel, Jahzeel, Jahdiel, Jahmai, Jahziel, Jahzerah, and Jahaziah etc. (Num. 26:26, 48; 1Chron. 5:24; 7:2, 13; 9:12; Ezra 10:15).

Some names that end with JAH are:

• Abijah, Malchijah, Urijah, Adonijah, Tobijah, and many more (2 Chron. 12:16; 1 Chron. 9:12; 2 Kings 16:10; 2 Sam. 3:4; 2 Chron. 17:8; 1 Kings 18:1).

The Scriptures following show that the Orijahnator was called by different names:


• Exodus 6:3 - And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jahcob, by the name of EL , but by my name JAH was I not known to them.

• Hosea 2:16-17 - And it shall be at that day, saith JAH, that thou shalt call me Ishi (J- sha); and shalt call me no more Baali. 17 For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.

• Matthew 27:46 - And about the ninth hour Jahshawah cried with a loud voice, saying, Elijah , Elijah , lama sabachthani? That is to say, Mighty Jah , Mighty Jah , why hast thou forsaken me?

• Mark 15:34 - And at the ninth hour Jahoshewah cried with a loud voice, saying Elijah, Elijah , lama sabachthani? Which is, being interpreted, Myghty Jah, Myghty Jah , why hast thou forsaken me?

Now that we have come to the understanding of the true and false Tetragrammaton let’s get into the thick of things concerning the ‘J (Jod)’ and the Orijahnator’s name.

The Abbah (Father) and the Ben (Son) have exactly the same name, which is “JAH,” this name when compounded with “Oshawah” is “Jahoshawah” which means “JAH is Salvation”, it is also pronounced “Jahoshewah” and “Jahshwah.” The following Scripture quotes will make you aware that they have the same name:

• Psalms 68:4 - 4 Sing unto the Mighty One , sing praises to His Name : extol Him that rideth upon the heavens by His Name JAH , and rejoice before Him.

• John 5:43 - I am come in My Abbah’s Name , and ye receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

• John 10:25 - Jahshwah answered them I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in My Abbah’s Name , they bear witness of Me.

• John 14:9 - Jahshawah saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? He that hath seen Me hath seen the Abbah; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Abbah?

• Isaiah 9:6 - For unto us a Child is born , unto us a Son is given : and the government shall be upon His shoulder : and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Jahshaddai (Jah Almighty), The Everlasting Abbah, The Prince of Peace.

• Hebrews 1:8 - But unto the Ben He saith, Thy throne, O EL , is for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom.

The Abbah has the Highest name in the universe which is “JAHOSHAWAH” and this great name of His He gave to His Ben.

• Psalms 83:18 - That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JAH , art the Most High over all the earth.


• Matthew 1:21-25 - 21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name JAHOSHAWAH : FOR HE SHALL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS . 22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Adonai by the prophet, saying, 23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a ben, and they shall call His name JAHMANUEL, which being interpreted is, JEW-EL IS WITH US . 24 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Adonai had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: 25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn ben: and he called His name JEWHOSHAWAH.

• Philippians 2:5-6, 9-11 - 5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in the Massijah Jahoshawah : 6 Who, being in the form of Jah , thought it not robbery to be equal with Jah….. same chapter verses 9-11 ….9 Wherefore Jah also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name : 10 That at the name of Jewhoshawah every knee should bow , of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that JAHOSHAWAH the Mohsijah is King, to the glory of JAH the ABBAH.

The name “ JAH” is the Abbah and the Ben’s full name, in other words it’s not abbreviated (shortened). This name is compounded with other words and gives different meanings. The following are examples.

NAME MEANING JAH Self Existent or Everlasting JAH-O-Lam JAH is Eternal JAH-O-Shawah JAH is Saviour or Salvation JAH-O-Shalem JAH is Saviour also JAH is Peace JAH-O-Shaphat JAH is Judge JAH-Shalom JAH is Peace JAH-Shammah JAH is There JAH-Shaddai JAH Almighty JAH-Manuel JAH is with Us JAH-jireh or EL-jireh JAH will See to it or EL will see to it JAH-Rapha JAH Heals JAH-Ropheka JAH that Heals JAH-Melek JAH is King JAH-Zedek JAH of Right JAH-Zidkenu JAH Our Righteousness JAH-Zur JAH is Our Rock JAH-Nissi JAH is Our Banner JAH-McKaddishkem JAH that Sanctifies You JAH-Sabaoth JAH of Hosts JAH-Elyown JAH is Most High or Supreme JAH-Roi JAH is My Shepherd JAH-EL JAH is Mighty JAH-Eli or ELI-JAH JAH Mighty or Mighty JAH JAH- JAH of JAH- or Adoni-JAH JAH is My Master or My Master is JAH JAH-Ab or Abi-JAH JAH is My Father or My Father is JAH JAH-EL-JAHZRAEL JAH is Mighty in Jahzrael EL-JAH-JAHZRAEL The Mighty JAH of Jahzrael 4

All the great names or titles that are attributed to the Orijahnator are constituted in His name “JAH” or “JAHOSHAWAH,” so when we say His name we are actually saying: Infinite, Almighty, Most High, Self-Existent, Eternal, Originator, Supreme, Sovereign, Governor, Master, Saviour, Deliverer etc.

• Psalms 8:1, 9 - O JAH our Adonai, how excellent is THY NAME in all the earth!

• Psalms 75:1 - Unto thee, O JAH , do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that THY NAME is near thy wondrous works declare.

• Psalms 68:4 - 4 Sing unto the Mighty One , sing praises to His Name : extol Him that rideth upon the heavens by His Name JAH , and rejoice before Him.

• Psalms 148:13 - Let them praise the name of JAH : for His name alone is excellent ; His glory is above the earth and heaven.

• Isaiah 12:4 - And in that day shall ye say, Praise JAH , call upon His name , declare His doings among the people, make mention that His name is exalted .

To distinguish them, by what names do we call the Abbah and the Ben since both have the same names? We call the Abbah “ JAH ” and the Ben “ JAHOSHAWAH ” seeing that Jah gave Him to be the Saviour of the world. Remember, ‘Jahoshawah’ means, ‘Jah is Saviour or Salvation’.

Throughout the Scriptures where we see the word “LORD” in all CAPITAL letters it means “JEW” or “JAH ” and where we see “ Lord ” in mostly common letters it means “ Adonai .” In my writings you will see that I use the ‘J’ in the Orijahnator’s name, I do so because it’s proper and I like the ‘J-sound’ , it sounds much more original, masculine and powerful than the ‘Y- sound’ in the name to me.

Besides liking the “J-sound” in the Orijahnator’s name I have done research on it and found that the Orijahnator’s name from ancient times begins with the “J-sound” and not the “Y-sound” .

The putting of the ‘ Y’ in the name is a modern Yahropean Yahoodim corruption. JAH and yAH are synonymous and so are JAHOSHAWAH and yAHOSHAWAH. The symbol that looks like a lowercase ‘ y’ in the name is the inverted Proto-Jod symbol , it’s actually the ‘ Jod’ symbol (ɦɦɦ)ɦ from the Proto-Canaanite (Proto-Phoenician ) alphabet .

The Yahoos make people think that because the lower case ‘ y’ is in ‘ alleluyah’ it is pronounced with a ‘Y-sound’ but that’s not true, it’s pronounced with a ‘J-sound’ because it’s an inverted Phoenician alphabetical ‘ Jod ’ symbol.

In my research I understand that the original Black or Moor Canaanite ‘Jews’ had preserved the original pronunciation of the Jahbrew (Hebrew) alphabetical symbols and that their phonetic system classifies “ JOD ” as an affricative palatal giving the Jahbrew symbol ɦɦɦ (Jod) the sound of ‘J’ as in ‘Jet.’

I also understand that the Jetthiopian-Canaanite Jews used a solar Almenach of 364 days and commences their Passover in mid-February (mid-Abib) on the first day of the week, this

5 definitely coincides with the True Scriptural Passover (Exo. 12:15-18; Lev. 23:5-8; Deut. 16:1- 6).

Jod is the 10 th letter of the Jahbrew alphabet and it’s also the Orijahnator’s name and can be spelt, ‘JAY, JOHD, JAHD, JEWD, JOOD and JUD’. The 3 letters in the final word is in the words ‘Judea’ and ‘Judge’ and ‘Jah is judge’.

When we look up the word “ YAH ” by itself in the standard dictionaries, dictionaries and concordances, it is negative concerning the Orijahnator’s name and when we look up the name “JAH ” by itself it is positive concerning His Name. From the look of things according to the dictionaries it is evident that the ancient name “ JAH ” has the preeminence above the modern word “YAH,” therefore the name ‘JAH’ rules supreme.

The name ( yyyah) spelled with this symbol ‘ yyy’ is proper. Why? Because this symbol ‘ yyy’ is an inverted Phoenician jod symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ that looks like the lowercase ‘ y’ when inverted. In fact, the lowercase ‘ y’ derived its shape from the Proto-Phoenician Jod (ɦɦɦ). The Funk and Wagnalls dictionary will attest to this even though it has the ‘Jod’ symbol ‘ yyy’ inverted. To see this, look at the very beginning of the ‘ I’ and ‘ J’ sections of the dictionary, in doing so you will also see that it didn’t tell you what sound the symbol carries.

As indicated before, when ‘Osha ’ is included in ‘ JAHWAH ’ we get ‘ JAHOSHAWAH ,’ or ‘Sha ’ in ‘ JAHOVAH ’ we get ‘ JAHOSHAVAH ’ with the ‘ v’ carrying the ‘ w-sound .’ The names that I commonly use for the Orijahnator is: JAH , JAHOSHAWAH , JAHSHAWAH , JAHSHWAH and ADONAI .

People say that the name ‘Moses’ (Moshea) means: drawn from water but that is not true, the name Moshea , which has the word ‘oshea’ in it means ‘Deliverer’ or ‘Saviour’ and that is what Moshea was, a deliverer. Moshea even called “Oshea” the son of Nun, “Jah-o-she-a” (Numbers 13:16). By the powers of Jah both these men were deliverers of JAH’S people and they were called by His Name . Daniel lets us know that JAH’S people and His City (Jahoshalem or Jewhoshalem) are called by His Name (Dan. 9:19). First by interpretation ‘Jahoshalem’ (Jerusalem) means, ‘JAH is Salvation ’ after that ‘JAH is Peace .’

If you look in the names ‘ Jahoshewah ’ and ‘Jahoshawah ’ we see the words ‘ Oshe’ and ‘Osha ’; these words are the same as ‘ Oshe-a, ’ and ‘Osha-wa ’ and they all mean ‘ Deliverer ’ or ‘Saviour.’ Furthermore, in the Scriptures we have the book called “ Hosea ”, who was one of the prophets of Jah; this same name ‘Hosea ’ also means ‘Deliverer ’ or ‘Saviour. ’ This name Hosea is also pronounced Hoshea of which will be seen in the following paragraph.

Joshua the son of Nun, Moshea’s successor, was called by several names in the Scriptures meaning the same thing. The synonymous names for Joshua are: Hosea, Hoshea, Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Jeshua, Jeshuah, Osea and Oshea and they all mean ‘Deliverer’ or ‘Saviour .’ Check Strong’s Concordance for these synonymous names of Joshua or Joshwa the son of Nun. Also see 2 Chronicles 17:1 and 2 Chronicles 23:1 for the names ‘Jahoshaphat’ and ‘Elishaphat .’ Jahoshaphat means ‘ the Eternal is Judge ’ and Elishaphat means ‘ the Almighty is Judge .’

Although ‘ JEW’ is the full name of the Orijahnator, it can be the short form of the word ‘Hebrew’ . How is this you might ask? Well consider that the letter ‘ J’ is used for several other 6 letters including ‘ i, y, and h’ in some cases. Let me put emphasis on the ‘J’ and the ‘h’, for example, ‘ ’ in Spanish is pronounced ‘ heysous ’ or ‘ heyzeus’ , and ‘Jerusalem’ in Greek is pronounced “ hhhierousalem ”, the ‘ J’ (Jod ) seemingly has an H-sound (G2419).

So by seeing how the ‘ J’ is used for an ‘ h’, I know that the name ‘ hebrew ’ is also pronounced ‘Jebrew ’ and by this I see that the name ‘ Jew ’ is a short form of ‘ Jebrew ’ of which I now revised to ‘ Jahbrew ’ to make Jah’s name clear in it. The lowercase ‘ i’, ‘ y’ and ‘ h’ are synonymous with the Phoenician alphabetical symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ ( Jod ) and has the Phonetic value of ‘ j’ or ‘ jod ’ in the sacred and pagan name, so the pagan 'name ‘heyzoos’ or ‘hesoos’ really is ‘ Jesus ’ (Jeyzoos or Jaysoos) and the divine name ‘ iah ’ or ‘ yyyah is really ‘ JAH ’.

When you see the lowercase ‘i’ and ‘y’ in words like ‘halleluiah’ or ‘halleluyah’ know for sure that it’s pronounced ‘ .’ Knowing that the Paleo-Jahbrew symbol ‘ yyy’ that looks like a ‘Z’ represents the ‘j-sound’, we can understand that the name ‘Zeus’ can be pronounced Jeus or Jesus and Zabulon pronounced ‘ ’ . Jahbulon is one of the 12 tribes of Jahzrael (Matthew 4:13, 15; Rev. 7:8).

The names JAHSHWAH , JAHOVAH (JAHOWAH), JAHWEH, JAHWAH, JOSHUA, JAHSHUA etc. are all abbreviated names so understand that when we use these abbreviated names they all mean “JAHOSHAWAH”, which means Jah is Salvation or Saviour .

I shall bring to your attention that just as the letter ‘I’ had a double usage to represent both the ‘I’ and the ‘J-sound’ even so the letters ‘U’ and ‘V’ had vowel and consonantal values and were interchangeable due to the evolution of the English language, and we can see the usage of these letters in the KJV 1611 Edition. A few examples are:

• ‘Iesus’ for Jesus , ‘iudge’ for judge , ‘Iordan’ for Jordan , ‘Iob’ for Job , ‘ioy’ for joy etc. And ‘heauen’ for heaven , ‘vpon’ for upon , ‘diuide’ for divide and ‘vnder’ for under etc. (Gen. 1:1, 4, 9, 17 from the KJV 1611 Edition).

Also bear in mind that two u’s or two v’s joined together make the letter ‘W’ (u+u=w or v+v=w ) that is why it’s called “DOUBLE U” or “DOUBLE YOU” because as you can see there is two u’s or v’s in the letter W.

From the Funk and Wagnalls dictionary we get this definition under the letter “U”:

• The twenty first letter of the English alphabet. The shape of the letter “U” was derived from the Phoenician www (waw), later adopted by the Greeks as upsilon . In the Roman alphabet it was written “V” and had both consonant and vowel value. In English “U” was formerly the uncial or cursive form of “V”; gradually “V” came to be preferred in initial position in writing, and, as the sound at the beginning of a word is ordinarily consonantal , U was finally restricted to vowel use .

An example of the use of these letters can be found in Genesis 22:14 . In the Authorized KJV we see the word ‘-jireh ’ and in the AKJV 1611 Edition we see this word spelled ‘Iehouah- ijreh.’ Notice that the name “Jeho vah” is spelled “Ieho uah” with the ‘u’ in the place of the ‘v’ and the letters ‘I’ and ‘J’ have been interchanged due to the sameness and initial and consonantal values.


Notice also that the name ‘jireh ’ is spelled ‘ijreh ’ with the ‘i’ and ‘j’ interchanged due to the sameness and vowel and consonantal uses of these letters. So as you can see, the abbreviated name Jehovah can be ‘Jehouah’ or ‘Jehowah’ and with the ‘E’ being interchangeable with ‘A’ in the name, we get ‘ Jahowah .’

There is nothing wrong with short names; there are many people that are called by short names instead of their full name. For example there is ‘Pat’ for Patricia, ‘Don’ for ‘Donald’, ‘Ron’ for ‘Ronald’, ‘Dav’ or ‘Dave’ for ‘David’ and ‘Jahsh’ or ‘Jahshwah’ for ‘Jahoshawah’ etc.

There are also names that are spelled a bit different but carry the same meaning such as:

• David, Dayvid, Daviyd, Daveed, Dawveed, Duvid, Dahvid, Davit, Dauid, Dawid, Dawit, Davib, Dabid, Dave, Davvay, Davoy, Javeed, Javid and also Shawn, Sean, Shaun, Shahn and John, Jhon and Jon .

Just as the previous names are spelled differently but mean the same thing it is the same with the Orijahnator’s name. So we should be careful not to blaspheme the Orijahnator’s name in whatever style or pronunciation they come . In the Scriptures there are many names that are spelled and pronounced a bit different but carry the same meaning, here are a few:

• Azariah, Uzzariah or Uzziah mean the same thing and refer to the same person in 2 Kings 15:1, 7, 32.

• Abijam , Abijah or Abia mean the same thing and refer to the same person in 1 Kings 14:31; 2 Chronicles 12:16; 1 Chronicles 3:10.

• Eliakim and Jehoiakim mean the same thing and refer to the same person in 2 Kings 23:34.

• Emmanuel and Immanuel mean the same thing and refer to the same person in Isaiah 7:14; 8:8 and Matthew 1:23.

So just as Emmanuel and Immanuel begin with different letters even so we shouldn’t have divisions amongst ourselves over whether the Originator’s name is spelled ‘Jahoshawah ’, ‘Iahoshawah ’ or ‘ yyyahoshawah ’ as long as you understand that the ‘I’ and the inverted Jahbrew symbol ‘ yyy’ ( Jod ) has the phonetic value of ‘ J’ as in ‘ Jet .’ If you remove the ‘J’ from Jah’s name and replace it with ‘Y’ as in ‘YAH,’ it becomes corrupted. Why? Because the letter ‘J’ by itself (alone) embodies the Orijahnator’s name.

Just by pronouncing the letter ‘J’ is saying His name, the letter ‘Y’ by itself can’t do that. The Originator will accept His short name (Jahsh or Jahshwah) and it’s good for you to know His full name (Jahoshawah) and what it means.

All the styles of the Originator’s abbreviated name are good so we should not strive with our brothers and sisters for using any of them because they all came from the Great and Wonderful name “JEW-O-SHA-WAH” and they all refer to the same person and carry the same sound & meaning.


Here are some other styles: Eloshawah, Elishawah, Elisha, Elishewah, Elishowah and El-ish-ua etc. (2 Sam. 5:15; 2 Kings 5:8). ELI and JAH are the Eternal’s name in different styles and ‘EL ’ means ‘Mighty’ and ‘JAH ’ means ‘Eternal.’ These names are in the name ‘Elijah’ (The Mighty Eternal One) (Mat. 27:46; Psa. 68:4; 1 Kings 19:1-2).

The names Jahshawah and Elishawah are synonymous. Jahshawah means ‘Eternal Saviour ’ and Elishawah means ‘Mighty Saviour .’ ‘EL’ of course isn’t His personal name but His title name.

The name ‘JAH-OSH-UA ’ can also be spelled ‘JEH-OSH-UA ,’ ‘JOHSH-UA’ and ‘JOH-OSH-UA .’ Letters are interchangeable in His name in some cases, but they still sound close in pronunciation and carry the same meaning. Bear in mind that the tenth letter of the Proto-Canaanite (Proto-Phoenician) alphabet is ‘ ɦɦɦ’ (Jod) and the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet is ‘i’ (iota = jota) and the tenth letter of the English alphabet is ‘J’. Also the U in the name carries the W-sound. ‘ U’ also carries an ‘A’ sound in the name, for example, Jah-o-shu-wa = Jah-o-sha-wa .

Phoenicia is a name that the Greeks gave to the ‘land of Canaan ,’ so when you hear the name ‘Phoenicia,’ know for sure that it’s referring to Canaan . The proto-Canaanite alphabet has gone through its evolution and has become the Paleo-Phoenician alphabet, but in my writings I will treat them as the same to bring across my findings.

According to the Funk and Wagnalls Standard dictionary the letters ‘I’ and ‘J’ derived their shape from the Proto-Phoenician consonantal symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’, pronounced ‘jod’. There are many people in the world who think that the capital English letter ‘Y’ came from the 10 th Jahbrew symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ (Jod), but it didn’t, it derived from the Jahbrew symbol ‘ www’ (waw or wye) which is the 6th letter of the Jetthiopian-Jahbrew Phoenician alphabet. There are not two ‘www’ (wyes) in the Jahbrew alphabet only one.

The big question is, how could the capital English letter ‘Y’ which derived from the Jahbrew symbol ‘ www’ (waw or wye) represent the Jahbrew symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ (Jod)? It doesn’t, it’s the English ‘ J’ that represents the Jahbrew symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ ( Jod ). The ‘ www’ ( waw or wye ) representing the ‘Jod’ is a deception put forth by the heathenistic European Yiddish-speaking Gentile Yahoodim or Yahudim (false Jews).

The Funk and Wagnalls dictionary gives us the understanding that the word ‘ Jewish ’ means ‘mimicry of the Orijahnal Jews’ and loosely it means ‘ Yiddish .’ In French there are 2 different styled Proto and Paleo Phoenician ‘jod’ symbols ( yyyɦɦɦ) and together they produce the ‘j-sound’. For example “Jah” is “Zha” or “Zhah” in French.

The 10 th proto-Canaanite alphabetical symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ looks like the lower-case ‘ h’ and when it’s turned upside down it looks like the lowercase ‘ j’ and ‘ y’, this letter is the ‘ jod’ and it carries the ‘j-sound ’ but the ‘ www’ (waw or wye), which is the 6th letter of the Ethiopian Jahbrew alphabet does not. The Funk and Wagnalls tell us that the ‘ Y’ derived its shape from the 6 th symbol ‘ www’ of the Phoenician alphabet. So the ‘ Y’ can’t represent the 10 th symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ of the Phoenician alphabet.

Just by looking, we can see that the lowercase ‘ h, i, j and y’ derived their shape from the 10 th symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ ( Jod ) of the proto-Canaanite alphabet. So when we see the lowercase ‘ i’ and ‘ y’ in 9

words like ‘ Alleluiah’ and ‘ Alleluyah’ know for sure that they carry the j-sound and are pronounced “ Allelujah ”.

Although the lowercase English ‘ y’ derived its shape from the 10 th symbol ‘ɦɦɦ’ of the Phoenician alphabet, it doesn’t mean that the Jahbrew symbol ‘ɦɦɦ’ carries the Y-sound. The 6 th symbol www(waw or wye) of the Phoenician alphabet carries several sounds including the ‘ oo ’ sound, so why doesn’t it carry the Y-sound as in ‘yoo’ as well? Deception.

The capital and PALEO- PHOEN- lowercase English ICIAN symbols below derive from the Jahbrew symbols where arrows indicate.




d, g, h, i, j, y, z JOD

History tells us that the

Jahbrew has only 22 letters but some of the above English letters that derive from them can make it constitute 26 letters just like the English alphabet. I do believe that the ancient Jahbrew alphabet had more than 22 letters with most possessing only one sound.

According to the Funk and Wagnalls dictionary the letters ‘U’, ‘V’ and ‘Y’ derived from the Phoenician ‘ www’ ( waw ), which was adopted by the Greeks as ‘ Upsilon,’ which is the 20 th letter of the Greek alphabet having the sound of the French ‘ U’ and the Latin and Old English ‘Y’, which is ‘ oo ’. It’s transliterated in English as ‘ U’ and ‘ Y’.


when when


inverted. and j The arrow left

points at Jodthe symbol looksthat thelike lower case



It is obvious that the tail was cut off from the Jahbrew letter ‘ www’ ( waw or wye ) to produce the letters ‘U’ and ‘V’ and as mentioned already, two U’s or two V’s joined together produce a ‘W’ . So we can see that the ‘ w’ also derives from the ‘ waw .’

The dictionary shows us that the letters ‘ J’ and ‘ I’ derived from the 10 th symbol ‘ɦɦɦ’ of the Phoenician alphabet. This means that the letters ‘ I’ and ‘ J’ are synonymous and consonantal concerning the first letters in the following names: JAHOSHAWAH and IAHOSHAWAH .

The following words mean ‘ tiny ’: ‘Jod’, ‘Jot’ and ‘iota.’ The ‘ iota’ should be pronounced ‘jota’ and it’s the jod (y), which is the smallest letter in the Ethiopian Aramaic alphabet also called ‘ Hebrew’ . It’s a lie that the ‘ J’ or ‘ Jod-sound ’ was never in the Greek and Latin. Did you know that the lower case ‘ iota ’ has the shape of the lowercase ‘ j’? If not, then I assure you that it does.

With this all said, this research leads me to believe that the Ethiopian-Canaanite Jahbrew language does have the ‘J-sound’ which is ‘ JOD ’. Therefore to me the ‘Mighty Jod’ rules supreme and remember that the English letter ‘J’ derived from the Phoenician symbol ‘ɦɦɦ’ (Jod) and the capital English letter ‘Y’ from the Jahbrew ‘ www’ (waw or wye) and not from the Jahbrew symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ (Jod) as many people think because of deception (Rev. 12:9).

History tells us that the letter ‘ J’ didn’t exist until about 1520 AD but if that is true that doesn’t mean that the sound it represents didn’t exist in the 10 th symbol of the ancient Ethiopian-Jahbrew Alphabet by the symbols ɦɦɦ, yyy, and y pronounced ‘ Jod ’. The ancient Ethiopian Shemitic-Hamitic languages had the ‘ j-sound ’ from the earliest of times. Symbols were changed in the Ethiopian Jahbrew alphabet due to its evolution but the sound each letter represents remains the same.

What do the letters ‘ z’, ‘ h’, ‘ i’ and ‘ j’ have in common? They all represent the ‘ jod-sound .’ As mentioned before, the Proto-Canaanite alphabet has a symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ that looks like the lowercase ‘h’ and it represents the ‘jod-sound’ and we can see this symbol in the Spanish ‘heysous or heyzeus’ for ‘Jesus’ and in Deuteronomy 32:44 where we see ‘ho-she-a’ it can be ‘Ja-she-a’ ,‘J- o-she-a’, ‘Jah-o-she-a’ or ‘Jah-o-sha-wa’ .

The ‘ jod ’ is the ‘ j’ sounding symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ of the Proto-Jahbrew alphabet and not the ‘ www’ (waw). The ‘ yyyod ’ is really pronounced ‘ jod ’ because the lowercase ‘ y’ is really the inverted Proto- Canaanite symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’. The ‘i’ (iota) is the Greek letter that represents the Jahbrew ‘jod’ and the ‘j’ is the English letter that represents the Jahbrew ‘jod’. There is a ‘Y’ in the Jetthiopian Jahbrew as you can see from this study, but it may not necessarily carry the English ‘Y-sound’ as we know it.

In the following words we will see ‘ z’, ‘ s’ and ‘ i’ carrying the ‘ j’ or ‘ jod-sound ’. The ‘z’ and ‘s’ are interchangeable, so the word ‘pleasure’ can be spelled ‘ pleazure’ and the word ‘incision’ can be spelled ‘ incizion’ . With the ‘s’ or with the ‘z’ these words carries the ‘j-sound’ and can be spelled ‘pleajure’ and ‘incijon’.

The word ‘seizure’ can also be spelled ‘ seijure’ . And as mentioned before, the name ‘Zeus’ can be pronounced ‘ Jeus’ or ‘ Jesus’ . What about the ‘i’? We see the ‘i’ carrying the ‘j-sound’ in the word ‘soldier,’ this word can be spelled ‘ soldjer’ . This little study is just to show that the 10 th symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ of the Jahbrew alphabet carries the ‘j-sound’ from the earliest of times.


Jeremijah 6:16 tells us to ask for the old paths, and so I do, and when I look into the older English versions of the Scriptures such as the Tyndale’s Bible, the Geneva Bible, the 1611 Authorized KJV and the Authorized KJV, I have never seen Jah’s name nor any Jahbrew names begin with the letter ‘ Y’ nor Jahbrew names comprised with it even though there are way over 40,000 “ y’s” in each of those scripts. These older Scriptures preserve the true jod-sound (j- sound ).

There are words in the Scriptures that are not clear because the heathenistic Gentile copyists or translators of the Scriptures have used letters to conceal the meaning and besides that the Scriptures are partly written in codes, so to understand it, it has to be decoded.

For example, the “ I AM ” in Exodus 3:14 should actually be one word , which is ‘ IAM ’ and this word is the Orijahnator’s name and means ‘ JAW (JAH ),’ how is that you might ask? As mentioned before, the letters ‘ J’ and ‘ I’ derived their shape from the Phoenician Jahbrew consonantal symbol ‘ɦɦɦ’ pronounced ‘ jod.’ Therefore the consonant letter ‘ I’ carries the same sound as the consonant letter ‘ J’ and for this reason we see in the older version of the Scriptures such as the Geneva Bible and the AKJV1611 script etc. that the letter ‘I’ is used to represent the 10 th Jahbrew symbol ‘ ɦɦɦ’ or ‘JOD’ .

Concerning the letter ‘ M’ in the Orijahnator’s name ‘ IAM ’( JAM ), it’s an inverted ‘W’ and it’s also interchangeable with the letter ‘ H’ giving us the name ‘ IAW’ or ‘ IAH ’ and remember that the ‘I’ in the name carries the ‘ J-sound ’. In the Orijahnator’s name the ‘ M’, ‘ W’ and ‘ H’ are silent therefore rendering the name, ‘JA ’.

In the Strong’s Dictionary # H3050 it’s seen that the letter ‘ H’ is interchangeable with the letter ‘W’ in the Orijahnator’s name and can be spelled JAH or JAW, it’s also seen that the letter ‘I’ is interchangeable with the letter ‘J’ in the name and can be spelled JAH or IAH. It is also seen that the name (JAH ) spelled with the J is truly the sacred name.

In 1 Chronicles 4:34 we see the name ‘ Jam-lech ’ and this name means ‘ JAH is King ’ and this name can also be spelled ‘JA-MELECH’ or ‘JAH-MELECH’. Concerning the name ‘JAM- LECH’ check the Smith Bible Dictionary and the Compact Bible Dictionary and you will see that the ‘ JAM’ (JA ) in the name is referring to the Orijahnator.

The name ‘Abijam’ is pronounced the same way as ‘Abijah’ regardless of the ‘ M’ and it’s the name of the 2 nd King of Jewdah (Judah) counting from King Rehoboam his father. In 1 Kings 14:31 and 2 Chronicles 12:16 it’s seen that the name Abijam or Abijah refers to the same person.

In 1 Chronicles 3:10 we see the name ‘ Abia’ , who is the same son of Rehoboam, king of Joodah, and his name here is without the silent letters ‘ m’ and ‘ h’ and correctly should be spelt ‘Abja’ or ‘Abija’. The ‘ i’ in ‘Abia’ has the phonetic value of ‘ J’ as in ‘Jam.’ The name ‘Abijah or Abijam’ means “JAH is Father” or “the Father is JAH”. See the Smith’s Bible Dictionary and Strong’s H29 and H38 concerning the sameness of these names.

Phonetically the name ‘ Elishama’ is pronounced exactly as ‘ Elishawa ’ and means ‘ El is Salvation ’ (Num. 2:18; 2 Sam. 5:15-16; 1 Kings 19:16-17). Keep in mind that in some cases the ‘m’ and the ‘w’ are silent or are used to represent the same sound, which is the w-sound.


Although the word ‘moreh’ is spelled with an ‘m’ phonetically it’s pronounced ‘joreh’ and their meaning is the same. Concerning ‘moreh’ and ‘joreh’ having the same meaning, see Strong’s H4175; H3138; H3139; H3384, for this understanding. See also H4756 and H4471 concerning ‘mamre ’ and ‘ mare ’ in sameness. These words could be pronounced ‘Jamre’ and ‘Jare.’

Understanding that the ‘ m’ in some cases has the phonetical value of the ‘ J’ as in ‘Jet’ then it’s possible that the name ‘ Moses ’ can be spelled, Joses , Josee, Josheh or Josha , which by interpretation means ‘Jah is Salvation ’.

See Strong’s H4190 for the name ‘ Mowsha-ah ’ or ‘ Mosha-waw ’ a name similar to ‘Mosheh ’ (Mosha or Moses ) and means ‘ salvation .’ The following names that commences with the ‘ J’ are similar and mean the same thing: Jowsha-ah = Jewsha-wah and Josha-waw = Jasha-wah (H 3467 ).

Concerning the interchangeableness of the letters ‘M’ and ‘ W’ in the name JAM (JAW), Steven Jacobs has this to say in his book “The Hebrew Heritage of Black Africa” , pages 29-30, paragraphs 3 and 4:

• First let us compare the Ashanti and Hebrew names for God. The full name of the Supreme Being or God of the Ashanti is onyame . The o ordinarily is not pronounced, so the spelling nyame is more exact phonetically. The n is a prefix to convey the idea of immensity. This leaves the root word yame . Rattray and Christaller, whom we mentioned before as experts in the Ashanti language, both agree that the letter m is interchangeable with w in the Ashanti language. In other words, the Ashanti name for God can be pronounced Yame or Yawe , the vowels basically being short.

Although the pronunciation of the vowels is somewhat variable in Biblical Hebrew because the word originally was a totally consonantal word – a word without vowels – the situation nevertheless is almost identical with the Ashanti usage. Dr. Albert T. Clay, an archeologist and linguistics expert at Yale University, notes in his THE EMPIRE OF THE AMORITES , that “in the Murushu archives found at Nippur during the reigns of Artaxerxes and Darius (in Persia), the divine element in Hebrew names is written Ja-a-ma for Yawa .” He also mentions a clay tablet found at Ta’anach which “contains the divine name of Israel’s God written as Jami ”. He concludes unhesitatingly that “some Semitic groups used m and others w to represent the same sound.” Thus we learn from separate and independent sources that the word for Almighty God may be spelled or pronounced as Yawe or Yame in both Hebrew and Ashanti.

I used ‘Steven Jacob’s’ writings to point out the interchangeableness of the ‘ M’ and the ‘ W’ in the divine name and the ‘M’ having the same sound as ‘W’ in the Orijahnator’s name. But I will also point out in his writings that the ‘ MURUSHU ARCHIVES ’ found at ‘ Nippur ’ during the reign of Artaxerxes and Darius in Ethiopia-Persia, reveals that the ancient divine Jahbrew name of the Orijahnator commences with the letter ‘ J’ (Jod) likewise the other one found at TA’ANACH in Ethiopia Canaan. Keep in mind that ancient Ethiopia is comprised of both the continents of Asia and Africa .

Now that we have knowledge of the interchangeableness of the letters ‘ I, J, M, W and H’ in the Orijahnator’s name. Exodus 3:13-16 should read:


• [13 ] And Moses said unto EL (Almighty ), Behold, when I come unto the children of Jahzrael, and shall say unto them, The EL of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is His name? what shall I say unto them? [ 14 ] And EL said unto Moses, I AM JAH: THAT IS MY NAME : and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Jahzrael, JAH hath sent me unto you. [ 15 ] And EL said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Jahzrael, JAH the EL of your fathers, the EL of Abraham, the EL of Isaac, and the EL of Jahcob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. [ 16 ] Go, and gather the elders of Jahzrael together, and say unto them, JAH the EL of your fathers, the EL of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared unto me, saying, I have surely visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt:

The saying “ I AM JAH (LORD): THAT IS MY NAME: ” is found in Isaiah 42:8, and the name ‘ JAH ’ is found in Psalms 68:4 in the AKJV. The name ‘JAH’ (JA) is given by JAH to be a memorial unto all generations (Ex. 3:15; Hosea 12:5).

The letters ‘ A’ and ‘ E’ are also interchangeable in the Orijahnator’s name, for example the ‘JEH’ and ‘ JAH’ in ‘ JEHOSHUA’ and ‘ JAHOSHAWAH’ . Also ‘ Oshea’ can be ‘ Osha’ . After Mosheh had gotten the name ‘JAH’ from JAH, he attached it to his successor’s name who is ‘Oshea ,’ or ‘ Osha ’ therefore rendering it JEH-O-SHE-A or JAH-O-SHA-WA , which by interpretation means ‘ Jah is Salvation .’ The first place in the Scripture that the name ‘Jeh ’, ‘Jew ’ or ‘ Jah ’ is joined with another name (Oshea) is in Numbers 13:16. The name ‘Jah’ is a full name and is compounded with other words or names.

Now that there is an understanding that the ‘ M’ is interchangeable with ‘ W’ and ‘ H’ in JAH’S name, I can see that it’s possible that the name Benjamin could be spelled ‘ Benjawi ,’ ‘Benjahwi ’ or ‘ Benjahweh,’ which by interpretation means ‘ Son of Jahweh ’. It’s also possible that the name ‘JOB (J’OB) could be spelt ‘JEW-AB ’ or ‘ JO-AB ’ or ‘JAH-AB ’, which means ‘JAH is Father’ or ‘JAH is the Father’.

Abraham, Isaac and Jahcob knew the Orijahnator by His title name ‘EL’ but they didn’t know Him by His personal names Jah and Jah-o-sha-wah (Exodus 6:3). ‘EL’ means ‘Almighty’ and ‘Jahshawah’ means ‘Jah is Saviour’ or ‘Salvation’ (Isa. 12:2-3; Strong’s H3467; H7706). The names ‘Jah ’ and ‘Jahoshawah ’ were revealed to the Jahzraelites about the time of their salvation from Egypt (Exodus 14:13).

In the Scriptures where we see ‘ Jehovah,’ it rightly should be translated ‘ Jah ’ (Psa. 68:4; 83:18; Isa. 26:4). ‘Jehovah’ is an abbreviated name for ‘ Jahoshawah ’ with the ‘O’ removed from ‘Jehovah’ we get ‘Jehvah’ and with the ‘E’ interchangeable with the first ‘A’ in the name we get ‘Jahvah.’ ‘JAVA’ or ‘JAWA’ means ‘black’ or ‘blackness.’

Exodus 6:3 gives us the understanding that Jahbraham, Jahsaac and Jahcob didn’t know the Orijahnator by the name “Jehovah” (Jah or Jahoshawah) and yet the heathenistic Gentile translators put the name ‘Jehovah’ in Genesis 22:14 to make it look like Abraham knew Jah by that name. In verse 14 the proper name should be ‘EL-JI-RE.’

The Orijahnator is known by various title-names such as ‘ EL, Adonai, Shaddai, God, Lord and Almighty ’ etc. but His personal name is ‘ JAH ’. Although Jahcob knew the Orijahnator by the title ‘EL’, Genesis 32:29 proves that he didn’t know Him by His personal name, which is 16

‘JAH’. Notice the ‘ EL ’ in PEN-I-EL in verse 30. If the title ‘EL’ was His personal name, Jahcob would not have asked for His name.

The heathenistic Yuropean (European) Gentile copyists are responsible for distorting Jah’s Name, His Scriptures, Almenach Sabbaths, Festivals, Chronology and Jahbrew etc. and this is why we should pray to Him for knowledge, wisdom and understanding and study the scriptures consistently to show ourselves approved unto Him (2 Tim. 2:15). The scriptures are diabolically distorted and has become a harder puzzle than it was originally, but with the great help of the Jahdesh (Kadesh, Holy, Sacred, Divine) Spirit we (the Jahshar-Jetthiopian- Jahzraelites) can solve it and make it clear.

If Jah’s name wasn’t to be known properly and if His name was not to be obscured by diabolic distortion, why would the scripture pose the question, What is His name and what is His son’s name, if thou canst tell? (Prov. 30:4).

If Jah wasn’t concerned about His name being destroyed, why would He, through Moshea, warn the Jetthiopian-Jahzraelites not to destroy His name? (Deut. 12:3-4).

If Jah didn’t know that the Yooropian Gentiles (Magog) would pollute His name, why would He make the statement He made in Ezekiel 39:6-7?

If Jah’s name wasn’t to be obscured by diabolic distortion by the Yooropean mutants (Gentiles), why would He say, speaking of a future time, which is now and beyond, that His Jetthiopian- Jahzraelite people shall know His name? (Isa. 52:5-6; Ezek. 39:6-7).

In Amos 9:12, Jah speaks of the heathens that are called by His name and which name is that? That name is ‘ Jew .’ The Ashkenazim are masquerading as ‘Jews’ but they are not, they are Jewish=Yiddish . Jah reveals to us in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 that these Japhetites that wrongfully call themselves ‘Jews’ are the synagogue of Satan . These people are symbolically Edomites and they don’t like the name ‘Jew’ but they will use it to deceive the world.

These Edomites have a perpetual hatred for the Ethiopian-Jahcobites and Jah says concerning them that He hates the Edomites and loves the Jahcobites and that He will have indignation against them forever. He also says that He will have war with Amalek (the Edomites) from generation to generation (Ezek. 35:5; Mal. 1:1-5; Exo. 17:16).

The Ashkenazim are also symbolically ‘Greeks.’ The words ‘ Greek ’ and ‘ Gentile ’ are synonymous or go hand in hand. It is seen in Zecharjah 9:13 that in the future, Jah and His Jetthiopian people shall fight against these mutants (Rev. 19:11-21; 20:7-10). After the flood the Gentiles were produced by the Jetthiopians (Ethiopians) but they look remarkably different from their black parents, therefore they are mutants and are commonly referred to in the scripture as “Gentiles ” (Gen. 10:1-5).

The definition for ‘ mutant’ according to the Funk and Wagnalls dictionary is:

1. That which admits of or undergoes mutation or change . 2. A plant or animal organism differing from its parents in one or more characteristics that are inheritable.


Did you know that it was prophesied that the Japhetites would in time occupy the dwelling places of the Shemites, whom are Ethiopian-Canaanite-Jahzraelites, and that in time the Ethiopian-Canaanite-Jahzraelites would become servants (slaves) to the Yooropian-Japhetites? If not, read Genesis 9:27. This means that the Ethiopian-Shemitic-Canaanite-Jahzraelites would in time lose their land , identity , language and birthright etc. to the Ashkenazim (Japhetites).

How did the Jetthiopian-Shemitic-Jahzraelites become Jetthiopian-Canaanites? Simply put, the Jettiopian-Canaanites lost their land , identity , language and birthright etc. to the Shemites because of the ‘ Curse of Canaan .’ For your edification see the following scriptures concerning this matter: Genesis 9:24-26; 12:6-7; 13:14-18; 14:13; 23:2, 19.

Now the Ashkenazim are Yooropian-Canaanites but in the future the Orijahnal JAHSHWAH shall come and drive out the Ashkenazim-Canaanites out of the ‘Promised Land’ and reinstate His true Jetthiopian-Jahzraelites who have loved Him and know His and His Abbah’s true name. Take a look in the future in Revelation 7:3-7 and see Jah’s Jahshar Jettiopian (Ethiopian) people, including the Jahshar Gentiles, that have come to know His proper name.

• Psalms 68:3-4, 31-35 – 3 But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before EL : yea, let them exceedingly rejoice. 4 Sing unto EL , sing praises to His Name : extol Him that rideth upon the heavens by His Name JAH , and rejoice before Him….31 Princes shall come out of Egypt ; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto EL . 32 Sing unto JAH , ye kingdoms of the earth; O sing praises unto JAH ; 33 To Him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens, which were of old; lo, He doth send out His voice, and that a mighty voice. 34 Ascribe ye strength unto JAH: His excellency is over Jahzrael, and His strength is in the clouds. 35 O JAH, thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the Mighty One of Jahzrael is He that giveth strength and power unto His people . Blessed be JAH.

• Zephanjah 3:9-10 – 9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language , that they may all call upon the name of JAH , to serve Him with one consent . 10 From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering .

• Amos 9:7 – Are ye not children of the Ethiopians unto me , O children of Jahzrael ? saith JAH . Have not I brought up Jahzrael out of the land of Egypt ? and the Philistines from Caphtor , and the Syrians from Kir ?

There are many false prophets and deceivers in our day, as it was in the time of Jeremjah the prophet, who are causing the people to err and to forget Jah’s name for (Jeremjah 23:13, 27). All the religions or denominations on the earth are evil in the sight of Jah, they don’t believe in the Orijahnal Jetthiopian Orijahnator of the Universe and not any of them are good and within them are the false prophets and deceivers (Luke 18:8; Rev. 12:9; Psa. 14:1; 53:1).

Christianity, Yahoodaism and Islam are the three main religions on the earth that deceive people and they all worship Baal under different modern names .

• the Christians under the name of ‘ JESUS CHRIST ’ and ‘ Virgin Mary ’, • the Yahoodim under the name of ‘ YAHWEH ’ and • the Muslims under the name of ‘ ’. 18

Since the Yooropean Yahoos love the ‘ Y’ above the ‘ J’ in their sacred name, then they should really pronounce ‘ Jesus ’ as ‘ Yesus ,’ ‘Yezeus ,’ ‘Yahsus ’ or ‘ Yahzeus ’, but I think in this case they will use the ‘J’ in the name as a deception.

It is very clear to me that the Yahoodim and Christian’s solar and lunar calendars and festivals are in honour of Baal and Ashtaroth (1 Sam. 7:3-4; 12:10). The Yahoos are very hard at work fighting against the True Scriptural doctrine of Jetthiopian Jewdaism and promoting their false Yooropean Yahoodaism satanic doctrine.

They are also promoting the idea that there is no ‘J’ or ‘ J-sound ’ in the AKJV 1611 script and that there is no ‘ J (Jod) ’ in the ancient Jetthiopian-Jahbrew and they are producing all kinds of modern Baalistic trumped up sacred names such as:

• Yah, Yahweh, Yahuweh, Yahoo-ah, Yahoshua, Yahushua, Yud-hei-vaw-hei, Yod- hay-waw-hay, Yod-hay-waw-shin-ayin and Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh, in reference to the name (IAM ) in Exodus 3:14 .

The Divine name in Exodus 3:14 is simply ‘ JAH’ . Some of the previous modern Baalistic sacred names are based off the Yahoo’s false Tetragrammaton. The Yooropian Baal worshippers hate the True Scriptural doctrine of Jetthiopian Jewdaism and they will do anything to stamp it out. In the beginning of early Christianity (modern Baal worshippers), any one that was caught Jewdaizing (participating in the true New Covenant Jetthiopian Jahbrew faith) was put to death.

So my brothers and sisters, beware of modern Baalism and keep in mind that the Devil plays the roles of both Baal and Ashtaroth , maybe in a religious and spiritual sense we could say he is a hermaphrodite . Satan is behind every mythical god and goddess .

The Funk and Wagnalls dictionary tells us that ‘ Kriss Kringle ’ is ‘ Jesus Christ ’ and by this it shouldn’t be hard for us to understand that Santa Claus is Baal , the sun god who has his birthday celebrated every 25 th of December by the world. The Pope tells the world that he is god (Jezeus Christ). When he says that he isn’t telling the world that he is ‘Jah’ or ‘Jahshwah the Mohsijah’, of whom he and Christendom and the rest of the world hates, he is telling the world that he is ‘Baal’ (John 15:18-25). The man called “Pope ” is a Baalist and a representative of Baal the Devil.

Keep in mind that ‘ Salvation is of the Jews ’ and that there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved, and that mighty name is ‘ Jewhoshawah’ (John 4:22; Acts 4:12; Ephes. 1:17-23). We are commanded by ‘JEW-EL’ to believe on the name of His son, which is ‘JEWSHAWAH,’ and that great name is His Abbah’s name as well (1 John 3:23; John 5:43; Matt. 2:2; Rev. 14:1). Anyone that rejects ‘ Jewshawah the Massijah ’ rejects Salvation .

Now that we have come to the end of this topic, I must say that in my study and research concerning the ‘ Jod’ and the ‘ Yod’ , I have come to realize that the ‘ J’ is ‘ Jetness (Blackness ) and the ‘ Y’ is ‘ wyteness (whiteness ), and this reminds me of the spiritual and physical warfare that is going on between the Ethiopian Jahcobites and the Yooropean Edomites. Jahcob symbolically represent the Jetthiopians and Esau the Gentiles (mutants) . See the following scriptures to get an understanding of what I am saying: Genesis 25:21-34; 27:1-41.


Take heed to these Scriptural sayings.

“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:14).

“But seek ye first the kingdom of Jah, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Mat. 6:33).

“Jah hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise” (1Cor. 1:27-29).

“There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known” (Matt. 10:26).

“Do ye not know that the Jahzarenes (Saints) shall judge the world?” (1Cor. 6:2).

“We see not our signs: there is no more any prophet: neither is there among us any that knoweth how long” (Psa. 74:8-9).

“Thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee” (Deut. 33:29).

When I have bent Jewdah (Judah) for me, filled the bow with Ephraim, and raised up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Greece , and made thee as the sword of a mighty man. (Zech. 9:13)

Written by David E.Wray in the year 6213 or 2013A.D.

The Zion Assembly of Jah Email: [email protected] ISSN 1492-5990