CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E424 HON
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E424 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 28, 2006 chairman of the Department of Veterans Serv- outstanding individual whom I feel fortunate to HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY ice Committee. Most recently, he continued call my friend, Mr. Don DiLeo. He was hon- OF RAY MEYER his leadership role as a delegate of the Joint ored on Tuesday, March 7, 2006, by the Arch- Veterans Committee of Maryland. diocese of Newark, NJ, at the 13th Annual HON. RAHM EMANUEL Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join with me in Archbishop’s Business and Labor Recognition OF ILLINOIS celebrating the outstanding commitment Lieu- ceremony. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tenant Colonel Gaunt has made to the United Don DiLeo is president of Teamsters Local Tuesday, March 28, 2006 States of America. Lieutenant Gaunt used his Union Number 408, which represents mem- leadership skills and the vast knowledge Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today bers in the building materials, heavy highway gained from active duty to continue serving his with sadness to offer my condolences to the and construction industries. He was appointed county. LTC Harry Gaunt is truly deserving of family and friends of Ray Meyer, who passed as a business agent in 1969 and has served our thanks and appreciation for the contribu- away recently at the age of 92. Ray Meyer as president of the Local Union since 1980. In tions he has made throughout his career. was a loving husband and father, as well as 1984, Don was appointed to the Executive the face of college basketball in Chicago since f Board of Teamsters Joint Council Number 73, 1942. RECOGNIZING THE RETIREMENT which represents 60,000 members affiliated Best known as the legendary head coach of OF MAYOR JOHN THOMAS with 20 local unions in the State of New Jer- the DePaul University Blue Demons basketball sey. Over the course of his tenure, he has team from 1942 until his retirement in 1984, HON. JEFF MILLER served as both president and chairman of the Coach Meyer’s success while roaming the Joint Council Number 73 Pension Fund, chair- sidelines rates him among the greatest coach- OF FLORIDA man of the North Jersey Construction Negotia- es college basketball has ever seen. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions Committee for Teamsters, and contrib- Meyer led the Blue Demons to 37 winning Tuesday, March 28, 2006 uting member of the New Jersey State Board seasons and 724 overall victories, and his Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is a of Mediation. teams played in postseason tournaments 21 great honor for me to rise today to recognize In 2005, the New Jersey Industrial Union times. He mentored legendary players like the retirement of John Thomas from the office Council honored Mr. DiLeo for a lifetime of George Mikan, Mark Aguirre and Terry of mayor of the city of Mary Esther, FL. distinguished service and significant contribu- Cummings. The entire country was captivated by Coach Meyer’s team and his personality as Throughout his entire career, John has been tions to the trade union movement. The fol- the Blue Demons made a historic run to the unquestionably devoted to serving his country. lowing year, he was named as a vice presi- Final Four in 1979. He subsequently led a se- In 1952, he joined the United States Air Force dent to the New Jersey State Building Con- ries of number one ranked teams in the early and began a career that would extend over 40 structions Trades Council. years. Through Air Force bases across the 1980s and was enshrined in basketball’s Hall Nation and around the world, he was in Under Mr. DiLeo’s leadership, New Jersey of Fame before he even finished his coaching charge of coordinating essential services for Teamsters have become very active in many career. our soldiers, especially in the area of transpor- charities. He began an annual golf tournament Although these feats are impressive, he tation. As the chief of services for a United to raise money for the Joint Council Number made an even bigger impact on the hearts States Air Force Base in Spain from 1989 to 73 Scholarship Fund, which awards grants to and minds of his players, colleagues and fans. 1994, John aided his country in time of war as the children of council members for their col- His grin and compassionate personality were his base provided support to Operation Desert lege education. He formed the Joint Council among his most memorable traits. He taught Storm 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Number 73 Food Bank Corporation, which his players important lessons about life as well After retiring from the Air Force in 1994, provides food for striking or locked out union as basketball. John and his wife returned to the United members. The Joint Council also works close- In addition to being a dedicated coach, Ray States and decided to take up residence in ly with the Community Food Bank of New Jer- Meyer was also a loving family man. His late Mary Esther, a city in my district in Northwest sey on its Thanksgiving Turkey Drive and wife had such a large impact on his life and Florida. Never tiring, John became involved other projects. Additionally, in 2004, the coun- DePaul University that the Blue Demons now with the City Council within 2 years, and short- cil was awarded the Community Food Bank play on Ray & Marge Meyer Court. His sons ly thereafter took over a vacated seat on the Distinguished Partner Award. Also, the Joint Tom and Bob played under his tutelage, and council. After an unsuccessful run for mayor of Council participates in the Ocean County Saint he groomed his son Joey to be his successor Mary Esther, John persisted and was elected Patrick’s Day Parade and annually donates a in 1984, where he would remain head coach to the mayor’s office in 2000. beach wheelchair to a shore town that contrib- until 1997. In the 55 years from Ray Meyer’s For three terms, John Thomas served as utes to the noteworthy event. The Joint Coun- first game as coach through the last Blue De- the mayor of Mary Esther. He dedicated his cil sponsors the Australian Challenge ‘‘Trip of mons game with Joey Meyer at the helm, Ray energy, as he had before, toward making his a Lifetime’’ group. Over the past 12 years, Meyer attended each of the 1,467 games they city the best place to live. John is well-known Challenge has arranged overseas trips to the played. for the efforts he put forth toward that goal. United States for children who are seriously ill. Mr. Speaker, Coach Meyer left an indelible From 2003 to 2004, he also served as presi- The Joint Council and its affiliated locals have mark on everyone he touched. His oversized dent of the Northwest Florida League of Cities, provided accommodations and transportation personality captivated generations of where he shared his insights with others and for the children to events, while they are vis- Chicagoans. The DePaul community, the city looked at ways he could better aid and lead iting the metropolitan area. In addition, the of Chicago, and all of basketball will always the city of Mary Esther. Joint Council and its locals have remained remember him. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States prime supporters of Camp Fatima, advancing f Congress, I commend Mayor John Thomas for the interests of handicapped children. RECOGNIZING PETTY OFFICER TE- his excellent leadership in Northwest Florida Don remains happily married to Jacqueline, RESA PADILLA AS THE BALTI- and for his selfless service to our Nation. The his wife, with whom he has four children, Jo- MORE AREA COAST GUARD PER- city of Mary Esther has benefited greatly from seph, Donald, Jessica and Ralph. He is the SON YEAR 2006 his service, and I wish him well in his retire- proud grandfather of two. ment. Mr. Speaker, the job of a United States HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER f Congressman involves so much that is re- OF MARYLAND TRIBUTE TO MR. DON DILEO warding, yet nothing compares to recognizing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the efforts of committed citizens like Mr. Don Tuesday, March 28, 2006 HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. DiLeo. I ask that you join residents of the Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speaker, it is OF NEW JERSEY Eighth Congressional District, the Borough of with great honor that I rise before you today IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Flemington, members of the Teamsters Local to recognize Petty Officer Teresa Padilla as Union Number 408, Mr. DiLeo’s family and the Baltimore Area Coast Guard Person of the Tuesday, March 28, 2006 friends and me, in recognizing Don DiLeo for Year 2006. Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to his years of distinguished service in rep- Petty Officer Padilla is well known among call your attention to the life and work of an resenting the trade union movement. her peers as being highly dedicated and loyal VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:32 Mar 29, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28MR8.058 E28MRPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS.