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NEWSLETTER AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION INC. EDITOR: Stephen Lester NO. 169 SEPTEMBER 2014 Approved for Print Post S65001/00163 ABN 70 053 651 666 West deals, all vulnerable K 9 8 A K Q 5 A K 8 7 Q 2 by Ron Klinger A Q J 5 4 3 10 2 he Asia Cup was instituted four years ago to co- J 10 7 6 4 3 Tincide with the year in which the World Pairs and --- Q 9 6 Teams are open to all comers. The second Asia Cup A K 10 9 7 6 J 4 3 was held in Jinhua, China, in June. Where is Jinhua? 7 6 After fl ying from Sydney to Hangzhou, we took a shut- 9 8 2 J 10 5 4 3 2 tle bus (3.5 hours westward) to the Wuyi Hot Spring 8 5 Resort, a mammoth complex. West North East South Brightling Haughie Hoffman Brown There were fi ve Austral- 1 Dbl Pass 2 ian teams competing in the 4 4 Pass Pass second Asia Cup, held in 4 5 5 All Pass Jinhua, China. Open: How- Declarer lost a heart and a spade, but picked clubs. ard Melbourne npc, Andrew West North East South Peake – Ron Klinger, Peter Lusk Buchen Chan Christie Gill – Matthew Thomson, 1 Dbl Pass 2 3 3 Pass 4 Griff Ware – Michael 5 Pass Pass 5 Wilkinson. Andrew Peake - Ron Klinger All Pass Women: Margaret Bourke npc, Felicity Beale – Di- Declarer lost a spade, a diamond and two clubs for ana Smart, Eileen Lee – Greer Tucker, Pele Rankin –200, but +10 IMPs. – Therese Tully. West deals, nil vulnerable K 5 J 10 8 7 4 3 2 Seniors 1: Peter Buchen K 10 4 A Q 7 – Henry Christie, Richard A 9 7 2 K Brightling – David Hoff- K Q 6 5 10 3 West North East South man, Arjuna De Livera Brightling Haughie Hoffman Brown – Bruce Neill (the new 1NT Pass 21 Pass ABF President). Seniors 2 Pass 4 All Pass 2: Terry Brown – Bill 1. Spades Matthew Thomson - Peter Gill Haughie, Peter Chan – Da- North leads 9. Plan the play. vid Lusk, Simon Hinge – Robbie Van Riel. Juniors: Round 1, Board 8, West deals, nil vulnerable Renee Cooper – Max Henbest, Ella Pattison – Jamie A Q 9 Thompson, Rhys Cooper – Stephen Williams. 9 3 J 6 4 3 In Round 1 of the Seniors, Australia 1 defeated Aus- 9 8 4 2 tralia 2 by 38 IMPs to 14, partly due to the board in the next column: K 5 J 10 8 7 4 3 2 K 10 4 A Q 7 STOP PRESS! A 9 7 2 K K Q 6 5 10 3 New feature on our webpage At top right of the homepage are four buttons. 6 J 8 6 5 2 Hit PLAYERS and the button will take experienced players to a fast index of News, Events and Results Q 10 8 5 A J 7 In the Seniors, both Aus- Because East has three tralian Easts made 4. In trumps, declarer cannot the Open match vs. India, eliminate the diamond I led 9. West took A loser if West scores a and played a spade to the club ruff. Number of king and ace. Back came Wests in 4: Open: 11, 8 3 to the king and West Diana Smart - Felicity Beale successful; Women’s: 4, Griff Ware - Michael Wilkinson played 5, taken by Q. two making it; Seniors: 7, Peake, South, signalled for a club and so it went club two successful. to the ace and a heart ruff for one down. South deals, all vulnerable Declarer should do better since 9 is clearly a shortage West North East South 1NT1 lead. Take A, play K and then lead a spade to the Pass 22 Pass 2 king. Win the next heart with K and discard dummy’s Pass 33 Pass 4 third heart on A. Then lead the second spade. It also Pass 44 Pass 4NT5 works to take A and play a club at trick two, but the Pass 5 Pass 6 K play is preferable. At our other table, 4 by West All Pass was also one down. In fact, over the Open, Women’s 1. 15-17 2. Hearts and Seniors, 12 Wests went down in 4. 3. Clubs 4. Asking for Key Cards 5. Two Key Cards, no trump queen After Day 1, two matches, 14 boards each, Australia What would you lead as West from AJ103, K84, was 5th in the Open, 4th in the Women’s, 9th (#1) and QJ82, 87? 14th in the Seniors and 5th in the Juniors. Round 6, Board 23, South deals, all vulnerable In the Asia Cup, there were 14 teams in the Open and 4 Seniors, 11 in the Women’s and eight in the Juniors. A J 10 9 6 The format was a double round-robin, except the Jun- 9 7 5 K 10 5 3 iors had a triple round-robin. Cover the East and South cards below. Check the auc- A J 10 3 Q 9 8 7 6 2 K 8 4 Q 7 2 tion and early play; choose your move at trick 3. Q J 8 2 6 3 Round 4, Board 30, North deals, nil vulnerable 8 7 Q 4 Q 9 7 K 5 A 6 5 3 2 5 3 8 2 A K 10 4 7 6 4 A J 9 6 2 10 4 J 8 3 After the auction above, leading A removes any strain K Q J 10 9 8 7 4 on the defence. In fact, 6 can be defeated after any K Q J 9 6 5 10 7 A 10 K 3 2 lead. I chose 7: three – queen – ace. Declarer now A K 6 5 2 played 3. --- Annoyed at myself for not leading A, it was now A 4 3 important to let partner know to play a spade, not a Q J 9 8 5 West North East South diamond. How to achieve that? Pass Pass 1 Not too tough. On 3, West plays K, ace, and when 2 2 Pass 4 it goes J, queen, West plays 8. Andrew Peake had All Pass no trouble switching to a spade for one down. West leads K, taken by the ace, declarer discarding At the other table Griff Ware – Michael Wilkinson a diamond. South plays 7: 3 (reverse count) jack played in 5 for +600 and +12 IMPs en route to a – ace. What would you play next with the West cards? 75-36 win over Japan. With no heart tricks coming in and trumps dividing After Day 2, Australia was 6th in the Open, 5th in favourably for declarer, you cannot expect to collect the Women’s, #1 2nd and #2 8th in the Seniors and more than two diamond tricks. Your best hope is to 7th in the Juniors. score a club ruff and you should play 10 at trickthree. Each match in the Asia Cup was over 14 boards. That I switched to K. South won, played A, K, Q and made it a very short day when there were only three a club to the queen for 10 tricks, 420. Peter Gill made matches. For the Women’s and the Juniors, some days 4 the same way at the other table. No swing. had only two matches. 2 Disclaimer: It is ABF policy not to accept advertising from persons or organizations believed to be unreliable or financially irresponsible. We are not responsible for the performance of advertisers, the delivery or quality of the merchandise or services, or the legality of any particular 1 program. The ABF reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse any advertisement. PAUL LAVINGS BRIDGE BOOKS & SUPPLIES PO Box 807 Double Bay NSW 1360 Tel: (02) 9388-8861 Email: [email protected] Visit bridge museum at or visit (phone fi rst) UPSTAIRS, 68 New South Head Rd, VAUCLUSE 2030. Books, software, club & home supplies. 2nd hand books, vintage & antique items. THE CARDS OF THE FUTURE ARE HERE NOW ! ! 20% larger pips 100% plastic Embrace non-slip, non static players love the larger pips Space Age only $2.95 per pack We also have: Technology PLASTIC-COATED 100% PLASTIC 20% Larger pips $2.50 per pack Heavy duty $3.50 with proven Standard pips $2.50 per pack electronic design, Anti-revoke $1.65 per pack optical recognition SOFTWARE - NEW LOW PRICES and infrared JACK 6: BRIDGEMASTER 2000 CD, PC, $89.50 CD, PC, $79.50, UPGRADE $44.50 card guidance extra deals $19.95 from Jack 5 AUDREY GRANT DOWNLOAD JACK 6 BRIDGEMASTER $84.50 CD, PC, $49.50 DOWNLOAD UPGRADE $42.50 147 problems for novices. 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