Code Geass Jump Chain WIP

You can choose your gender and age freely. You enter this world at a time of your choosing, ranging from the day before Lelouch acquires a Geass to a month beforehand. Your location can also be chosen freely but be reasonable.

Your origin choices in this jump aren’t very strict. You may take multiple backgrounds for flavour and combine them to be interesting. Only one background receives any discounts. You have the option of justifying all your perks and items gained in this universe via your background, additionally.

Here’s an example: say I want to be a carbon-copy of Rai (the main character of the PS2 game), his background is that he lost his memory and was sealed inside a time-travelled into the future. In his own time, he was a Britannian/Japanese prince who had a Geass. When he was recovered in a thought elevator by General Bartley, his body was enhanced, and he was trained to use a Knightmare Frame (these are the only listed abilities on the wiki - I’ve never played or watched a playthrough of this game).

The backgrounds you’d want to take are drop-in, fighter, student and noble. This is because firstly, Rai arrives without any real ties to anyone and has no memory, hence drop-in, he can effectively pilot a KMF, hence fighter, he attends Ashford as a student, hence student, and he was a former noble, hence noble. You choose only one background to receive discounts from, but it doesn’t have to reflect your most dominant background narratively. For example, you could be mainly known as a noble but must also have trained to get all the fighter perks. The background you get the discounted perks from must be reflected in your history in-jump. It can’t be completely irrelevant.










100cp – Unflinching Your resolve is unquestionable once you've decided it should be. This tempers your mind against doubt and deception and gives you an ironclad grip on your principles, sense-of-self and goals. This means that unlike many characters you aren't discouraged or distracted by the ‘good' characters shouting platitudes and idealism at you until you admit you're wrong.

200cp – Calm You always keep a level head. This doesn't dampen the emotional weight of a situation, it only seems to distance you from it. You can focus on a few things at once, such as having a conversation with someone and simultaneously playing chess at marginal cost to your proficiency in either skill set. This doesn't apply as strictly to physical pain.

400cp – Residual Geass Command At some point in the past, someone used a command-type Geass on you. Somehow, whether by luck, by your strength of will or by blunder you imbibed the command to create a very strong compulsion within you. The canon examples of this are the commands to live and to die, which both managed to augment the combat prowess of the ones affected by making one extremely capable of killing and the other extremely driven to keep living. You now have a powerful and adaptive mind, with vast reservoirs of willpower and determination. The command is no longer specific, however. You may choose the command you were given. During this jump, you cannot disobey this command but afterwards, you may turn it off at will.

600cp – Sayokopter You are now a ninja maid. Or a ninja butler. Or a ninja attack helicopter. You have vast skills in the field of domesticity. Perfect for getting rid of those pesky bloodstains! You’re a master of disguise and possess physical abilities such that you could equal Suzaku, who can outrun a machine gun and then destroy it with a single kick in mid-air with no form of leverage through which he could draw power for the kick. You heal quickly and can ignore most pain. Your physical prowess is silly in all honesty. In addition, you also have proficiency in various forms of combat, with a focus on traditional weaponry and close combat from eastern countries rather than modern analogues but do possess a high measure of skill with them nonetheless. You may choose one of these countries to be the focus of your skill and one weapon, furthermore. If you chose to be proficient with a sword, for example, your skill would be such that you could draw your sword, slash it twice and sheathe it before normal men could even react to the sword being drawn.


100cp – Basic Training You have gone through the basics of military training and can hold your own in a fight, whether it’s with guns or via hand-to-hand. You have a basic understanding of military strategy to the point where in the middle of a fight you would understand the exact nature of your role in relation to the roles of others. You have training equivalent to about five years, with results reflective of your talent and drive.

200cp – Knightmare Pilot You have been trained in the basics of operating a Knightmare Frame (KMF). You understand the mechanics of a Knightmare well enough to use one and have been formally trained in its use regarding common military formations.

400cp – Jumper of Chains You quickly form a legendary reputation for yourself accompanied by a rad-as-fuck nickname. This has various effects on both your enemies and allies, and the effects are dependent on the actions you’ve accomplished. For example, if you are renowned for your incredible piloting skills and your ability to get past the enemy’s front line, you will receive a nickname representative of these actions, and you will gain a bonus to these skills. If you managed to outwit a superior force in terms of numbers, equipment, information, etc., you will gain a bonus when doing so in the future. This only works for one title at a time, although you automatically switch to whichever is most appropriate. The ‘weight’ of your title is affected by how often you use it practically. Your legend will demoralise the enemy, proportionate to this ‘weight’. You can choose, in this jump, whether you gain a title early in the jump or you already have one.

600cp – Spinzaku You could be a Knight of the Round, Jumper. For now, you have the potential. The reason no one could pilot the Lancelot was its incredible speed, as the level of reflexes you’d need to control it manually is insane. In addition to these reflexes, you also have a prodigious talent in Knightmare piloting and similar other tasks. If this purchase is made in addition to ‘Knightmare Pilot’, you gain the practical knowledge to equal Suzaku at the show's beginning. If not, you will be equal to Kallen at the beginning of the show; with raw talent, but little training. You may also gain an affinity and/or proclivity for spinning kicks, at your convenience. If this purchase is made in addition to ‘Jumper of Chains’, you gain an additional ability; you are always in one of your combat titles. For example, if you gained the title ‘man killer’, you could stay in this title always, but if you also gained the title ‘dragon slayer’ and fought someone with attributes of both, they would be compounded. You get this additional combat title for free.


100cp – Competitive Much like Rakshata and the Earl of Pudding, you have a powerful competitive streak. Usually, this means that if someone you'd consider a rival is ahead of you get a minor boost in catching up in your own way. This is most apparent in technological fields.

200cp – Table-Kun You can devote your attention to an under-appreciated field of science and quickly advance it up-to-par. For example, if you researched the possible applications of uranium-235, completely alone and part-time whilst going through your regular schooling, you could probably bring the field to par with other sciences of the time rather quickly. This is, of course, assuming you have the requisite intelligence and comprehension.

400cp – Earl of Pudding You have the knowledge of either the Earl of Pudding of Rakshata in the field of KMFs. You know how to build, maintain, develop, program and optimize a KMF. This is obviously accompanied by the elevation of your intelligence to equal theirs.

600cp – Forbidden Knowledge Your knowledge has reached unholy summits, Jumper. You now have the knowledge of the Geass Order, capable of building cyborgs and Geass Cancellers. Your expertise is manifold, branching from biology to engineering – ranging from mechanical expertise to biology. Assuming you took ‘Earl of Pudding’, you now have the knowledge of the scientist you didn’t choose and a boost to intelligence. If you didn’t take ‘Earl of Pudding’ you receive neither.


100cp – You’re a Ten You’re filling out in all the right places, jumper; from what Jump-Chan’s seen in the locker rooms, at least. This isn’t just a boost to your attractiveness. You will always remain attractive even with time’s influence and people are attracted to you for your demeanour, too. Whether you remain distant, cold and enigmatic or sickly, frail and reserved.

200cp – Vice President You can easily juggle a packed schedule; balancing sleep deprivation, various other distractions, and revolution against the most powerful empire in history is child’s play for you. You can now function on far less sleep than is normal, and around four hours per night should keep you well rested. If you don’t have the time to complete your work you can now work through it mentally and execute the work much more quickly than you would normally be able to. You have become an accomplished multitasker and can very quickly switch demeanour and train of thought.

400cp – Juxtaposition You may continually partake in the slice of life antics regardless of the greater themes surrounding you. In addition, you become rather likeable, friendly and approachable. Your presence can be very rather therapeutic to a damaged psyche. In addition, you know how to juggle things rather effortlessly; for example, you would be fully capable of leading a double life if you wanted too. You can also maintain various personal relationships without limit; this means you can be on good terms with your entire year if you wanted too, although it would require a bit of effort. Not as much effort as usual, however, as you now seem to be a magnet for others' goodwill.

600cp – Madam President Due to a simple combination of likeability, popularity, competent subordinates, blatant favouritism, nepotism and your own demeanour, you can now get away with a lot more than others in your position. Under your guidance and supervision, subordinates will become more competent and people will be forgiving of your antics if they aren’t entirely selfish (you could blow the budget on a party, but not hookers and blow). You are also guaranteed access to cartoonish amounts of money at the drop of a hat. The source of these funds is up to you, but it makes sense for your background. In addition, you now get more leniency on matters of propriety such as flirting and what would normally be considered “sexual harassment”. Purchasing this with ‘Juxtaposition’ results in people of importance taking a liking to you without fail. If your student council was filled with such people, you would be immensely well-liked.


100cp – Politician You are intimately familiar with various forms of politics. You are good with people and an accomplished actor when you want to be.

200cp – A Struggle Between Pride and Life You become intimately familiar with most conventional levels of modern military command structure, tactics and strategy. You furthermore know how to train people to be able to perform to a high degree of competence in any military endeavours.

400cp – Sub-Viceroy Your true talents aren't in regular governance but in the defiance of one's expectations. You manage to find simple, straightforward solutions to multilayered and complex problems. This applies to most areas of life, but it does so most apparently in political and governmental pursuits. Given your apparent rashness, most brilliant thinkers would have a difficult time with you; enough that you might outwit a once-in-a-century genius without truly meaning too.

600cp – White Prince You are less of a practised thinker and more of a crazily intuitive one. Moreover, this intuition applies most strongly to other people. You gain the chess skills of a master, but what makes you most dangerous is that your sense for people could allow you to equal a grandmaster's skill because of your understanding of how they play. You can now make up for a deficit in skill with your understanding of others. You are a one-trick-pony in a sense, but by god, it is a brilliant trick. You seem to be a born politician, and the ease with which you govern and navigate political systems is prolific, to say the least. Governance is the focus however and politics are more peripheral. If you were to suddenly be brought to rule an entire country, then in the span of a few weeks you'd be able to whip it's corrupt and bloated government into the shape of a competent force for change and action. As a side-benefit, you have an incredible manipulative ability when concerning others' perception of you. If you wanted to be seen by the masses as a ‘white prince' archetype when you're one of the most ruthless men on the planet, then you could do so with ease. Additionally, you know how to demoralise people, and to hit them where it hurts, so-to-speak, by targeting what they care about. Be careful though, this should work on the weakly resolved, but for some, forcing them to have nothing to lose might make them even more dangerous.


100cp – Hamming It Up You can enter a state of being wherein all your actions, physical, social, and beyond get played up for maximum drama, maximum ham, enthrallment and visual appeal. Your voice also sounds epic now, and even more when it’s booming.

200cp – I am… Jumper! And if you wanted to, that’s all you’d ever be. You can take on a persona which, in the eyes of others becomes a symbol, more than a man. You are an incredible actor who could sell any line you’d have to read at the drop of a hat. You’re never lost for words and are good at giving placating non-answers.

400cp - If A King Doesn’t Lead You are now charismatic to an almost weaponized degree, capable of grandstanding and enthrallment that almost violates sensibility. In fact, it almost seems that your charisma changes to rules of engagement to a degree as well. You can get away with bullshitting to the degree that your opponents won’t obey common sense because your charisma seems to be that much of a priority that if your life were an anime, some might even cite you getting away with all your (frankly ridiculous) plans bad writing.

600cp - With This… I Call Check You become a masterful thinker, immensely adaptive to the point that you could utterly outplay your first real opponent without any prior experience by using your immense skill with chess. This is very prevalent in you from now on; by utilising a skill you’ve already developed to a certain point, you can almost convert that skill and experience on a 1:1 ratio for any laterally related skill. You gain an incredible degree of analytical prowess and strategic thinking skills. You are a chess grandmaster, equally skilled to Bobby Fischer, who himself was able to see at least several moves ahead constantly. You have an incredible talent for manipulation of the playing field, and taking advantage of the conditions of the terrain, or changing those conditions to suit your methods and whims.



100cp – Cheese-Kun You have access to infinite pizza from Pizza Hut. Call and they will deliver your order free- of-charge. You also gain access to all past and present promotional deals, in addition to all Cheese-Kun promotional material. You also get a Pizza Hut delivery bike.

200cp – No, Jumper; You are the Cheese-Kun You get ownership of a pizza restaurant chain spanning an entire city. If purchased with ‘Cheese-Kun’, you are now the owner of an international corporation; Pizza Hut.

400cp – Jumping Order You have access to a secret order of people, all willing to do absolutely anything for you. None of them has any official information known about them, and they are all capable of living in complete secrecy and self-sufficiency in the various secret based they have around the world. They are trained assassins in both modern and archaic means and are competent spies. You can train them, and if you want they can follow you from jump-to-jump. They have decent potential in most areas.

600cp - Mt. Fuji You now have ownership of a mountain with scenery and untapped resources equal to Mt. Fuji. You can choose the exact location of this mountain in the world of Code Geass, but it lacks any of the mining technology installed in the true mountain. In future worlds, you may have the mountain imported as a mountain in the natural world or you may have it as a property attached to your warehouse. In the former case you may choose whether Sakuradite is present, and if it isn’t then the mountain still sits upon and is filled with ample precious minerals.


100cp – Sword Everyone seems to have swords in this world, even when they'd pose no significant advantage apart from appearances. Now, that's exactly what this does for you. When using, or visibly in ownership of this sword, you will cut a striking figure to all who see it's yours. It's also a great sword in terms of its ability to hold a blade, it's toughness, etc. It can be any kind of sword you'd like to have.

200cp – G-1 Base You are now the proud owner of a Britannian land cruiser utilised most often as a mobile command centre and field hospital, in addition to a moderately sized motorcade of medical vehicles, tanks and armoured vehicles with a single Glasgow.

400cp – Narita This is a military base built to be incredibly sturdy and hard to penetrate or even find. It’s hidden very well and could only be compromised by an incompetent occupying force. The specifics of this are up to you - it could be an excavated mountain, something built into the natural cover given by forestry, a sprawling underground base, hidden beneath a city

600cp - Knight of Orange You have been cybernetically enhanced in a similar manner to Jeremiah Gottwald. These enhancements are born of the Sakuradite now flowing through your veins, meaning you should be very wary of the Gefjun Disturber once Rakshata Chawla manages to weaponize it. You may pick and choose these enhancements if you'd like some without the others. The enhancements available are as follows; firstly, your body is enhanced to have greater reflexes, strength, durability, speed, basically all regular specs are increased. Additionally, your eyes are somewhat mechanized to provide you with a HUD, a greater clarity and range of vision, as well as heat and night vision; these changes don't make you unable to use Geass. You have weapons within all four of your limbs, all of which you are capable of retracting or extending at will. These weapons are all for melee. Lastly, and conditionally, you gain plugs along the length of your spine which you can use to connect to any machine you are capable of piloting mentally. If you already have ‘Knightmare Training’, you may equal an elite Knightmare pilot, whereas ‘Spinzaku' would put you at a level far higher than the Knights of The Round.


100cp – Staff You always have a great staff for any of your scientific pursuits. If you purchase this with ‘Critical Component' you will always have an amazingly competent assistant with a tendency for mothering you and others.

200cp – KMF Simulator This is a vehicle simulator which you can configure to behave like any vehicle you want it to behave like as long as you understand how that vehicle works or have either someone/something which understands it or you have the plans regarding the vehicle's make and workings. This works on things that are merely hypothesised as well.

400cp – Critical Component The human one. You will now receive test subjects perfect for your means. The subjects you get will scale with what you're working on, so if you made the most advanced KMF the world's ever seen but it was too hard for anyone but the absolute greatest pilots in the world to use, one would suddenly rise from obscurity to take the reins, and moreover this individual would be perfect in every way, surpassing even of the best; if you need to throw some useless mooks at some other stuff it shouldn’t be hard to get as many as you want.

600cp – Camelot This is an automated factory capable of building average KMFs at varying rate per week. This factory will only build machines you have the blueprints and materials for. Basically, the greater the quality of the machine in comparison to what's considered ‘average' for a machine of its type, the more time it's going to take to build; and directly inverse to that, the lower the machine's quality, the less time it'll take. For example, you could build a ninth gen KMF off the bat which would take about a full year assuming everyone else hadn't gotten the plans for one, in which case it'd take about eight months. This limitation applies differently to machines from other jumps as instead, it will respond to what is average for you. For example, if you have mostly planet-destroying warships, then building a tenth-gen KMF would probably take about an hour. Here's the rates given the in-jump average per week (this is at the start of the show); thirty Glasgows (below average), ten Sutherlands, two Gloucesters, and for something like a seventh-gen about one-and-a-half months. Building something like the ninth-gen would take about a year. You can fanwank the exact mechanics of this place beyond what I’ve specified, but don’t be a dick.


100cp – Festival Supplies You have a large supply of cosplay for various situations, body-types and themes, and in addition you have enough party decorations of varying type, aesthetic and purpose that you could throw many festivals per year on a school as large and unnecessary as Ashford Academy itself before even going through half of these supplies if you never reused them. They can be stored in an infinite footlocker in your warehouse if you don’t want to take up space or they can be in the world itself somewhere.

200cp – Gambling Again You receive a series of underworld contacts or will quickly build one in subsequent jumps herein. These contacts scale with your level of infamy but always seem to be at least one step beyond what makes sense for one in your position. For example, through illegal gambling, you might have a highly influential contact with vast resources and people at their disposal.

400cp – Ganymede This item is basically an all-purpose MacGuffin. It isn't an item of great power or mystery, only an item of great interest to noteworthy individuals. For example, by having this and being in a powerless situation where your parents have been pressuring you to marry someone in the nobility, you would suddenly meet the sociopathic and arguably asexual Earl of Pudding, who would be willing to marry you and have no association with you under the condition that he has access to this item. The item itself is not an individual, form-shifting thing, you will simply have one in each jump herein.

600cp – Jumper Academy You are now the proud owner of an academy whose courses range from primary school to university. You can choose the exact curriculum of the school, such as an academy whose focus is on technology, literature or medicine, you can basically choose every detail of how this school is run according to your preference. In addition, the campus' size is incredible, and so is its staff and reputation. Your school's results and prestige are equal to or greater than the best schools in the world. The true draw to this school, however, is that it results in the congregation of interesting people. For example, your student council might include the eventual creator of a W.M.D.; the ace pilot of a terrorist organisation; the ace pilot of the country that the former pilot fights against; the leader of the terrorist organisation, who is also a disgraced prince of the country he fights; the daughter of a scientist who works on unravelling the mysteries of magic and Rivalz. You can choose the specifics of the school and modify it in-jump.


100cp – Trust Fund Baby You have wealth to an obscene degree for anyone who’d want to live a normal life. You have a stake in many properties and without doing much of anything you’d still be raking in money at about $100,000 per month.

200cp – Aries Villa You have a property with a degree of opulence and beautiful splendour such that it might even become famous for it. When hiring guards and other staffers for the villa you will find them to be reliably loyal to an uncommon degree.

400cp – Knights of The Round You have twelve impossibly capable soldiers. They are familiar with every aspect of military service and are highly competent KMF pilots. Their skills will, in general, be most pronounced in the field of piloting and operation of vehicles.

600cp – The Six Houses of Kyoto You are the Seventh House of Kyoto, or someone similarly influential. You gain leadership of an organisation with incredibly vast influence and power, all loyal to your goals. You can take control of the actual houses of Kyoto or some equivalent in future jumps, but it will have to make sense. For example, to lead Kyoto one of the requirements could be to marry Kaguya as she’s technically the empress, or it would require you to have associated with them very extensively in your background. If you bought this in addition to Mt. Fuji, I guess history would have been changed accordingly and you’d basically be all the real power behind the organisation.


100cp – Persona This is a combination of costume and name which will incite a desired response in the viewer. The canon example of this is Zero’s persona; designed to mock the Britannians, inspire hope in the Japanese and show that he is more modern than the other terrorists who fight for . His name, Zero, is a play on the number-system, which is the system by which Britannia categorizes conquered nations, and his costume is made to emulate the fashion-sense of the Britannian nobility and the aesthetic of a sentai-style superhero. In this way, he inspires hope in the Japanese through the superhero-analogue, and indignation in Britannia by mocking their aristocracy. Additionally, this costume is resistant to most forms of damage unless they're esoteric.

200cp – Totally Not Suspicious at All You have a surprisingly inconspicuous, high-end, double-decker caravan with all the expected luxuries and amenities. It functions very well to transport large groups of people or a moderate cargo without notice. You may choose the exact colour and aesthetic of this vehicle. It has an office-space and is easy and intuitive for anyone to drive. It has secret compartments which might be useable to conceal a few people or some items reliably.

400cp – The Black Knights You get a private army whose goals are up to you but must be reasonable. This group is small but highly effective, and you can recruit new members if you want, but you should probably vet them. This group has enough weapons to outfit all members and if this option is purchased in addition to ‘Persona’, you receive uniforms for your organisation which replicate the effects and resistances of ‘Persona’ to a lesser extent and can convey different feelings and ideas if you want them to. Your army is resourceful and may have multiple cells capable of acting with relative independence from one-another if you don’t want to deal with it. You can train them quite easily if you put the effort in. The best among them have abilities capped at about Todoh’s level in relation to the power-scaling of the jump. You don’t carry them between jumps, you get a new one every jump.

600cp – Horai Island You have an island off the coast of a larger country which you own privately. It generates electricity self-sufficiently through tidal activity and is good for basically anything you want it to be. It acts almost as a hybrid of the ‘Ganymede' and the ‘Jumper Academy' in that is functions for whatever you need in a sense and you can design it reasonably to your own whims.

Knightmare Frame This section is used for customization of your personal Knightmare Frame. You receive 1000cp to spend on your KMF’s specs and armaments. You may freely use your main stipend of CP to pay for things in this section. Your Frame is very easy to modify via additional out- of-context technology. All specs are optional. Even the frame – you could just have the tech.


0cp – KMF Your basic Frame has fifth-gen capabilities, and it reaches a height between four and five meters. Its weight should equal about six or seven metric tonnes. The standard armour of the KMFs is tungsten. The specs of this Frame are about equal to a Sutherland with a degree of mobility, speed, strength and toughness and it is powered by a Yggdrasil Drive, whose location upon the Frame you may freely choose, but is generally at the waist. It is recharged through a Sakuradite Energy Filler. The cockpit is generally built of three panoramic display monitors, dual control joysticks and instrument panels with has a built-in ejection system.

0cp – Vehicle Import You may import another vehicle to take the form of your KMF. Be reasonable. Don’t import the Death Star.

0cp – Custom Cockpit You may freely choose to customize the cockpit of your Frame according to your specifications, but once again, be reasonable.

0cp – Factsphere A Factsphere essentially functions as a high-tech camera able to pick up a great abundance of data regarding the landscape around you. Usually, these are covered with retractable armour and located on the head or shoulders. You may choose to have either or both setups. They also presumably function to provide data used to calculate the use of various long-ranged weaponry.

0cp – Landspinners Your Frame is equipped with a Landspinner Propulsion System - a set of wheels attached to the legs of your KMF to propel your Frame forwards. These would be most functional when used in urban environments. They fold into the back or sides of the KMFs legs generally. Yours can shift into different forms based on the terrain (think those vintage snowshoes on a regular person, or skis when gliding across the water).

0cp – Custom look You get a customized look for your KMF. Choose the colours and the design to your own whims. By default, it looks really fucking cool. In addition, the look of your Frame can be swapped out as much as you’d like in terms of colouring or decorative additions. 50cp – Utility enhancements Minor changes are made to your Frame so that it becomes marginally more resistant to environmental hazards such as pressure from the ocean.

50cp – Slash Harkens A slash harken is a tungsten carbide steel spike attached to a carbon wire emitted by a rocket motor. Each pair costs 50cp, with the first purchase free. You may also purchase four of a smaller size for the same cost. These can be freely mounted anywhere on the KMF and generally function to heighten mobility, as an offensive weapon and for other utility functions.

50cp – Additional Features Your slash harkens are equipped to have additional functions to the norm. For example, the wires of your Frame might harden to function as additional weaponry, or they might be capable of rotating at extreme speeds, be remotely controlled in conjunction with the Harken Boosters, or change form into drills. You may purchase this more than once for additional (but reasonable) functions. Any purchase you make will apply to every slash harken purchased.

50cp – Harken Boosters Your slash harkens are equipped with boosters which cause them to fire with greater force. As a bonus, they are made of even more durable materials than before. This applies to all Slash Harkens purchased.

100cp – Irregular Materials You may choose to have integrated a metal in your possession to the armour of your Frame. This must be reflective of the quantity and quality of the metal in your possession.

100cp – Stealth Systems This system utilises a Gefjun Disturber to conceal the trackable signature of one’s Knightmare Frame.

100cp – Additional Power Source You may have an additional power source of your own incorporated into the KMF. This might range from an Arc Reactor to a Nuclear one.

100cp – New Appendage You must pay 100cp per appendage. These may be concealed somehow within the machine or be part of its standard form. The specifics of it are up to you. Examples might be extra arms, legs, a tail, or something entirely different.

100/300/400cp – Shielding Technology The first option is called Blaze Luminous and is a technology which projects energy to shield a nearby target. This effect can fully cover the KMF but results in an inability to attack during this time. The effect can be focussed on any part of the Frame's body at will. The other tier of this option costs 300cp and is called the Absolute Defence System. This also has an incredibly valuable periphery function called the Druid System. The first function of this technology is derived from the same shields as the Blaze Luminous, but they manifest as hexagonal shields and can be layered and directed very accurately. The periphery function is called the Druid System which can detect other units and predict their movements. Additionally, this predicts the trajectories of bullets and weapons. Calculating the optimal placement of the shields required a high degree of intelligence and is very difficult. For an additional 100cp, the calculations are performed without intervention by the pilot.

100cp – Needle Blazer The Needle Blazer requires purchasing the 100cp shielding option and fires a powerful burst of the Blaze Luminous directly into an enemy Frame. This ability works exclusively in a short range.

100/150/500/600cp – Flight-Enabled Your KMF is capable of flight. This may come in one of three forms - the lowest-tech variant is called the Float System which is able to facilitate flight at the speed of a jet, which costs 100cp. The second variant is called the Air Glide System, which is capable of about an additional third of increased speed and mobility. The third tier of this is called the Energy Wing System - capable of two mutually exclusive functions; firstly, it allows for a flight at the speed of sound and equivalent mobility. The second function allows the unit to fire a multitude of projectiles from its wings. In the latter case, it's speed isn't as great as the former. For an additional 100cp, you may purchase both functions. The colour of the wings is up to you.

200cp – Hadron Cannons Your KMF is equipped with in-built Hadron Cannons. Each purchase of this component results in the addition of two Hadron Cannons whose location upon the Frame you may choose. Alternatively, four lower-power cannons may be purchased and placed as you upon the Frame.

200cp – Well-Made This functions as an all-around boost to your Frame’s capabilities to the seventh-generation of KMFs. This means your Frame is more specialised for KMF-on-KMF combat and all specs are enhanced.

300cp – Sakuradite-Laced Your KMF is laced with Sakuradite. This functions as a generalised boost with a focus on speed and mobility. Your armour is now more durable, and your machine’s strength is greater, in addition to being more fuel-efficient. Most notably it’s speed and agility are enhanced, enough that you could appear a mere blur when fighting in this machine to most mediocre pilots. 100cp – Radiant Wave Shielding Radiant Wave Tech utilises a high degree of microwave radiation to achieve its effects. The basic purchase of this provides Radiant Wave Shielding, which equals the Blaze Luminous' shielding properties.

300cp – Radiant Wave Surger This takes the place of one of your KMF appendages. It utilises the same technology as the above missiles by applying high degrees of microwave radiation to other KMFs through physical contact. It has a compact form, but it can be extended to defy expectations regarding reach. The two modifications below require the purchase of this beforehand. This is also able to channel and lightly intensify the effects of ‘Radiant Wave Shielding’ if it is purchased.

100cp – Armour-Piercing Surger Your Wave Surger is now made of more durable materials than before and is specialised so that its claws (or equivalent) are far better at penetrating other KMFs' armour, presumably via the utilisation of similar technology to the MVS.

100cp – Eight Elements Surger The Eight Elements variant of the Radiant Wave Surger can project a radiation blade and of firing disk-shaped radiation at opponents.

400cp – Additional Form Your Knightmare Frame can shift to-and-from a more specialised form. You can choose the specifics of this form, but canon examples would be the Alexander - a Frame which shifts into an insectoid form for greater mobility than it could otherwise have had, and the Tristan, capable of shifting into a fighter jet. You must have purchased the components that would facilitate this transformation, so in the case of the former, additional appendages and in the case of the latter, something to enable flight.

600cp – Knight Giga Fortress A Knight Giga Fortress is far more dangerous than a conventional KMF - yours is the best of both worlds, as it works via the insertion of your regular Frame into a greater vehicle. You may freely import an existing vehicle for this role. Its default form has a Float System, various massive Slash Harkens and is incredibly durable and quick.


0/50cp – Close-Range Weapons You get your first three purchases free, and with each will receive a standard quality short- range weapon for a KMF.

100cp – Specialised Weapon You receive a specialised or higher-quality weapon than you’d have otherwise received. Examples of this would be Cornelia’s jousting lance which is able to easily penetrate an enemy pilot’s cockpit due to the power and mobility of the Gloucester or a high-powered stun tonfa, which is basically an electrified bashing weapon.

200cp – High-Spec Weapon Examples of this would be Todoh’s Brake Sword, which is equipped with thrusters to allow the changing of its movements mid-swing or the movements of the KMF itself with a Slash Harken attached at the hilt.

0/50cp – Long-Range Weapons Guns. You have them now. First three purchases are free - you get one pistol, one assault rifle and one rocket-launcher. Their design is based on that of coil guns.

200cp – Radiant Wave Missiles You have radiant wave missiles installed in your KMF. When fired into an enemy frame, it firstly applies intense microwave radiation to fry electronics and warp the enemy machine before it explodes with the force of an ordinary missile.

300cp – VARIS Rifle A revolutionary weapon based on railgun technology, firing beam-like rounds in two variants switched via the configuration of its barrel or Impact Rail. It can fire either straight or spherical rounds and can adapt the force applied to the projectile to suit any combat situation.

200cp – Super VARIS (required purchasing ‘VARIS Rifle’) This rifle has all the capabilities of the previous model but now has two barrels, one serving as a machine gun and the other firing high-powered shots. These barrels can separate to reveal a Hadron Cannon.

100/300cp – Maser Vibration Sword The Maser Vibration Swords are bladed weapons which use a combination of very high oscillation rates and temperatures to increase the piercing and cutting ability of the weapon. When this happens, the grey material of the blades becomes red. Two blades with similar rates of oscillation will not cut each other. This is not a specific item, but a modification you may apply to any bladed weapon you purchase. For 300cp all purchases are equal to Excalibur, whose blade is purple and is of a far higher quality than others. Additionally, this blade can generate an energy field that blocks and slices through powerful energy blasts, which has not been shown in any other MVS weapon.

Imperfections These can’t be fixed without a disproportionate degree of effort. You can reverse-engineer the individual functions of your Frame. These problems go away post-jump. If you didn’t take the frame and have just been stockpiling the tech, this applies to every KMF you ride in, develop, etc.

200cp – No Ejection System Your Frame lacks an ejection system, so here’s hoping that you’re fine to be going down with your ship.

200cp – Delay There’s a delay between the moment you enter a command and the moment it’s carried out. The level of this is lessened with your level of competence. If you had no skill, the delay might be a few seconds, but if you were a grandmaster, it might be mere milliseconds.

200cp – Shoddy Your Frame isn't designed for KMF combat and is, therefore, more susceptible to damage from other Frames. This doesn't exactly make the Frame frailer, just less durable against other Knightmares.

200cp – Poorly synchronised Your Frame’s interface just doesn’t click properly. Your skills as a pilot aren’t affected but you simply can’t get the hang of your machine.

200cp – Explosive Your Frame wasn’t exactly built to last. It explodes suspiciously quickly and easily if certain portions of the Frame are to be damaged.

200cp – Defective Equipment Your weapons break easily. This applies to every weapon used by your KMF.


For the price of 400cp, you may create a Geass to your specifications. The Geass is a power derived from the collective unconscious which manifests firstly as a symbol and red overlay in one of the eyes before it eventually manifests in the other eye, too. The limitations are rather clear on the Geass – it can only be used on humans, it can only affect the minds of others and oneself (not the physical world), and there must, inarguably, be drawbacks and reasonable limits to its use. Don’t be a fucking bitch. After the jump, dependant on how you decide your Geass will function the drawbacks might disappear. For context; if it stops your heart to use, that’s gone, but the time limit stays. If it has a limited range, deal with it. If you want to know what kind of power level to go to, then if you had to have it on permanently, forever, it would have to be debilitating or hindering in some clear fashion. If you go to Nightmare of Nunnally, you still can’t break the limits on your Geass.

Geass runaway occurs when your Geass is strong enough. You can never deactivate it, but your contractor will have access to contacts which will suppress and conceal it. After a while though, that won't stop it either. At this point, it will spread to your other eye. After the jump, you may deactivate and activate these eyes at will and extend their effects to any conscious beings. For a 100cp discount, your Geass is already out of control as the jump begins.

Your contractor may be either C.C., V.V., or you don’t have one. Whichever tier this character is in, you will receive a discount on taking them as a companion if you’d like.


0cp – Import You can import as many companions as you want, but only eight of them retain their full power and only these eight will be able to get perks from this jump. They receive 600cp for normal perks and 600cp for KMF customization. The rest all have their memories and enough power to be scaled at around C+/B- tier.

100cp – D-tier companions You get one of the canon characters whose abilities aren’t anything to write home about. For example, this is Milly, Shirley, Rivalz, Ohgi, Tamaki, etc.

200cp – C-tier canon companions See above, except this tier is for the purposeful; Villetta Nu, C.C., Euphemia, Cornelia, pre- cyborg Jeremiah, etc.

300cp – B-tier canon companions See above, only these dudes and dudettes can quite thoroughly fuck shit up; Kallen, Suzaku, the Knights of The Round, Lloyd, Rakshata, Rollo, etc.

400cp – A-tier canon companions See above, except they are basically instant-win conditions; Lelouch, Suzaku, Schneizel, etc.


0cp - Code Miscellaneous You may choose to follow one of the following continuities; Nightmare of Nunnally, Suzaku of the Counterattack, Renya of Darkness, or Tales of an Alternate Shogunate.

0cp - The Exiled Code Geass: Akito the Exiled is now canon.

0cp - The Reflection Code Geass: Oz the Reflection is now canon.

0cp - Self-Insert You may replace an established character in some fashion, either by becoming them or taking their role. You can be a girl and still be Lelouch.

0cp - Fanfiction Rather than the canon material for Code Geass you’ll be going to a fanfiction continuity. You can’t be a dick about this. Don’t try to cheese it.

0cp - Code MENT Good luck. Hopefully, you won't be killed for a stupid gag like poor, sweet Jasper.

0cp - I’m at Soup You’re… very dumb. Enough that you need constant supervision. You are a danger to yourself and the people around you, and Jump-Chan finds it hilarious, so you will constantly be played for gags.

0cp - It’s a Show About Terrorism Things are a good deal sillier now and it seems the slice of life antics have quite thoroughly bled into every facet of life in this universe. The stakes are no lower.

50cp - Goddamn it Rivalz. Rivalz is now Code: Ment Rivalz, and if you’re already in Code: Ment, he’s even worse than before.

100cp - You finish that sandwich. Then we’ll talk. Every important conversation will be put on the backburner as the person you are talking to you will first finish eating a sandwich at a leisurely pace. This won’t impair anything, but it will always grind on your nerves, regardless of any perks you have. 100cp - Ham-Fisted Philosophy Why must people constantly spew this crap? Everyone seems to have an existential crisis that’s really fucking stupid. You will have to sit through at least one bullshit tirade or speech per week which you are always annoyed or bored by regardless of preventative perks. This will get old fast.

200cp - Darwinism (requires ‘Ham-Fisted Philosophy!’) You know all that Britannian stuff about Darwinism and racial purity and superiority? Well, now it's all true. Britannians are now, on average, far better than any other race in terms of intelligence, physical aptitude and basically everything else. There are outliers, granted, and the notable cast are all exempt from this but most of the world just can’t measure up. Who knew inbreeding was so effective?

300cp - The Heavens’ Ire The Heavens may have blessed you more than once, Jumper, but everything has a price. The price of your manifold blessings is time. You have contracted a terminal and incurable illness which acts as a constant debilitative factor due to constant pain. This will not kill you without very significant strain, but it will make things harder nonetheless. Think the actual, real-life difficulty of trying to run with lung cancer and you’ll know how much this shit is going to hurt. You cough up blood occasionally.

300/400cp - Crippled You can take this option multiple times. For +300cp you are crippled in a debilitating, yet manageable way, and for +400cp you are genuinely crippled in a greatly hindering manner.

Notes: • For the purposes of this jump, the only materials considered canon are the original anime’s two seasons. • Going forward you and your companions’ KMFs if in somewhat repairable condition will repair themselves within one week of remaining idle. If destroyed, they will reappear in a month. You gain a steady supply of Sakuradite per month in addition. The amount of Sakuradite is up to you, just don’t be an asshole. Be reasonable. • It now occurs to me that buying all the student perks essentially equals a harem perk, so there you go. Harem perk. • If you want, and since I’m nice, you can visit two alternate continuities. You go to one, then immediately to the next. You choose if memories carry over. • The infinite footlocker can only be used on party supplies and cosplay. • For Jumper Academy, if you want basically Hogwarts, you need to know how to make Hogwarts. • The ranking system I used for the companions (with the examples I gave) was based on my interpretation – change the characters’ presence in each tier as you’d like.