“Solid Waste Management in cross-border rural and coastal areas of South Eastern European region” 1st Dialogue Platform December 2015 Outline of National Assessment Reports

• Implementation of national policy and legislation at local level • Municipal SWM Plans • Local regulations • Key Waste Management Indicators: • Waste statistics and seasonal variations • Service Standards • Recycling and Recovery • Economics • Origins and migration of floating waste • Littering prone areas: rivers, canals, lake, beaches • Transboundary impacts Implementation of national policy and legislation at local level • National Waste Management Strategy and Plan and Law on Waste Management in / / Macedonia calls for the development of solid waste management (SWM) plans and programmes • The following municipalities have developed SWM plans and programmes:

Kukes Shtrpce Prizren Dragash Jegunovce Tearce Municipal Waste Management Plan in place (yes / no) Yes, Regional yes, Local waste Yes Yes no no WM. plan managment WMP Regulation strategy for WM Implementation of national policy and legislation for the District “Kukës”

• The reginal SWM plans establish the following indicators for monitoring of the implementation: o Service coverage targets (organized waste collection provided to up to 80% inhabitants and businesses), o Recycling targets According to the W. Strategy , 2015 should be recycled or composted 25% of the amount of waste collected and in 2020 the figure should reach 50% .

Therefore, in district of Kukes amount of waste to be recycled and composted by policies must be as follows:

3,570 tons by 2015 (1.902 tons of composted and recycled 1,668 tons)

7,725 tons by 2020 (4.130 tons of composted and recycled 3,622 tons) o Joining an existing regional integrated solid waste management system in “2018” years, if applicable / investing in a regional sanitary landfill on the territory of the municipality o Closing and remediating existing non-compliant municipal landfills and dumpsites in “2020” years o Investing in waste recycling / recovery facilities (e.g. composting, sorting etc.) o In the long term expected to be constructed landfill, transfer stations and centers for sharing recyclable waste and composting infrastructure for organic. o There isn`t any municipal SWM plan o With the new territorial division of municipalities of Kukes will develop local plans for their territory. Service coverage

The collection and disposal of waste covers most of the territory of municipality (komuna ) Kukes and Bajram Curri about 94-95%, Krumë about 56% But none of villages in cities (bashki) Kukes, Bajram Curri and Krume, and therefore the average percentage of coverage of this municipalities is 86% . who do not benefit from this service are about 3,810 inhabitants mainly villages Krumë and about 1,592 residents in the informal places of city Kukes and Bajram Curri Kukes Municipality about 140 waste bins 1.1m3 and 2 trucks , Bajram Curri 75 waste bins 2 trucks and Krumë have 30 and 1 truck . The physical condition of a handful of bins in all municipalities is bad, in Kukes 70% the Krume10% in Bajram Curri about 60%. As a rule, after the collection from waste containers the waste is transported to the respective landfills. This process is carried out only by municipalities, the cities that offer the service have squares or place deposits ,temporary waste disposal. Other rural areas have no waste collection system and therefore the bulk of their waste discharged into streams, valleys or roadside, where recently discharged in river flows. SITUATION IN TOURIST zones In Kukes as tourist destinations are: - Valley Municipality – Shishtavec area. - Shishtavec municipality In both these municipalities no waste management service. Waste is dumped in an uncontrolled manner, creating numerous environmental problems

The current landfill for Urban waste and construction waste in the districts of Kukes Closed landfill in the municipality Krume Implementation of national policy and legislation for the “Prizren”Muncipalty

• The SWM plans establish the following indicators for monitoring of the implementation: o Service coverage targets (organized waste collection provided to up to 78.9 % in urban zones and 52.6 in rural zones), o indicators and Recycling targets o years 2011 2014 2018 2020 o The rate of collection service coverage * 1 o 87.8% 100.0 100.0% 100.0% o Collection rates 76.4% 85.0 87.9% 91.2% o The scale of illegal disposal, * 3 23.0% 10.4% 2.8% 0.0% o The final disposal rate * 4 o 94.4% 89.7% 87.0% 86.8% o The recycling rate * 5 o 5.0% 7.1% 11.3% 12.8% o The recycling rate for the total amount of waste generated is 5.0%. o recycling activities carried out by the informal sector. o Most recyclables collection shared by employees during the collection service. o A private company has a waste disposal space for waste separation and issued 0.9% of recyclables by manual separation. o Joining an existing integrated solid waste management system in “2016-2018 ” years, if applicable / investing in a regional sanitary landfill on the territory of the municipality o Closing and remediating existing non-compliant municipal landfills and dumpsites in “2020” years Promoting recycling

To start composting waste from the market by the private sector

To support recyclables separation carried out by private companies provider (s) collection service, etc. To strengthen and make awareness activities with citizens The reciklojë organic waste • 5.0% of organic waste in urban areas to be divided by 2020. (currently 0.0%) • 20.0% of kitchen waste in rural areas to be divided by 2020 (currently 1.0%) • Waste from markets will be divided by 2015 and 50% of it will be composted by 2020 (currently 0.0%) The collected recyclables • 80% of metal to be collected by 2020 (currently 62.1%) • 30% of the collected paper by 2020 (currently 18.7%) • 30% of plastics collected by 2020 (currently 13.0%) • 20% of bottles to be collected by 2020 (currently 7.8%) Implementation of national policy and legislation for the “Dragsh ”Muncipalty

• Waste collection service is offered to about 64% of the villages (23 settlements out of 36), • with 60 bin containers of 1.1m³ capacity • • In Opojë/Opolje every village has access to waste collection services, in Gora/Gorë region only 3 out of 16 villages are serviced. • • Those areas which are not served by municipal waste services therefore often dispose of waste in inappropriate ways (such as burning or dumping in informal landfills or rivers) which pose serious threats to human health and the natural environment. • • Public-owned entity, the waste company (Ekoregjioni) operates in Dragash/Dragaš municipality, with its main operations base in Prizren. The company serves 2694 clients of different categories (private households, institutions, facilities, apartments, villages). On average only 59% of the bills are paid • • The collection of waste from households, shops and institutions takes place without primary separation of waste, (organic waste, metal, glass, paper, or hazardous waste like batteries, medicines etc.) • • Waste transportation does not undergo any preliminary treatment, so the collected volume goes straight to landfill. The only official landfill site in Dragash/Dragaš municipality is near Brezne/Brezna village, 12 km from Dragash/Dragaš town on the way to Prizren, in a place called “Trokon”. The monthly capacity of this landfill site is 20 tonnes. • Waste collection services do not cover the whole municipality. The improper disposal of waste into the landscape, especially into the rivers, damages the environment. Implementation of national policy and legislation for the “Dragsh ”Muncipalty

• Waste collection system to be established in the whole municipality

• To raise awareness of the proper disposal of waste in consideration of the natural environment

• Existing informal landfills near the villages and rivers should be treated

• To develop a new SWM and promote recycling systems for waste in order to create economic benefits and .to save natural resources and to reduce the amount of waste Implementation of national policy and legislation for the “Sterpce ”Muncipalty

Municipality has a local strategy for waste management but need to be updated and to be in complain with natinonal policy document and legislation

Waste management in the municipality is done by Regional Public Company ,, PASTËRTIA ".

No landfill but transfer station in Ferizaj According to the questionnaire received from the municipality the waste is transported 50km away from the collection area to the regional landfill in Gjilan

Management capacity of municipal public services in the waste sector are not so satisfactory because the company owns a1 truck 9accorfing to the data searched online). In the questionnaire received from the municipality it is stated that there is one tractor&trailer, 2 refuse trucks and one skip truck.

Also facing with the problem of debt collection

Municipality has 21 settlements, of which 11 organized waste management.; According to the questionnaire there is 100% collection.

The main challenge represents the elimination of dumpsites.

Municipal plans are to have a proper organization of waste in all settlements of the municipality.

The municipality should have a better waste collection and start incentives for waste recycling

Rise awareness among stakeholders through various reports in the local media as well To take actions of law enforcement through inspectors. Implementation of national policy and legislation for the municipalities Jegunovce and Tearce, Republic of Macedonia Waste Management Plans have a key role to play in achieving sustainable waste management that is in line with EU waste legislation. Their main purpose is to give an overview of all waste generated (including imported, and by specific waste streams) and treatment options for this waste. WMPs provide a framework for the following: Legal Framework Targets • Compliance with waste policy and target achievement Waste management plans, national as well as local/regional, are important instruments contributing to implementation and achievement of policies and targets set out in the field of waste management at national and EU level. • Stocktaking of waste and capacity for managing it Waste management plans give an outline of waste streams from different sources and quantities to be managed. •Outline of needs and future developments •Waste management plans contain forecasts of future waste streams and the import and export of waste as well as the associated needs for new collection schemes, recovery and disposal installations. •Outline for management of packaging waste •Outline for management of biodegradable waste •Information on general waste management policies and technological measures LEGISLATION-REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA -National Waste Management -Strategy (NWMS) 2008-2020 -National Waste Management Plan (NWMP) 2009-2015 -National Environmental Action Plan (2006) -National Strategy for Environmental Approximation -Law on Waste Management -Law on Environment -Secondary legislation regarding Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

WWW.MOEPP.GOV.MK Current situation with waste management in Republic of Macedonia (Tearce, Jegunovc)

• There is a private operator who serves the population in Tearce and Jegunovce municipality, working under contract

•The waste collection coverage is not sufficient. The exact service coverage is not known. •There is proliferation of dumpsites along the roads and rivers;

•Some mapping of dumpsites has been done in the past; it requires updating Common Problems in Polog Region

• Waste collection service restricted to urban areas; Significant portion of the population, particularly in rural settlements, not covered with the existing service

• Waste containers and transportation vehicles used are obsolete, substandard, and too expensive to operate and maintain

• Waste disposal practices are at extremely low level, causing significant threat to human health and env. pollution • Current tariffs and fee collection efficiency cannot cover costs for SWM

• Recycling made only by private sector companies

• Low public awareness regarding the env. pressure caused Waste Disposal Solution- Polog Region

Regional Landfill “Rusino” • Existing landfill for Tetovo • Former clay pit • Area: 13.5 ha • Available volume: 2.5 mill m3 • Access: new asphalt road Implementation of national policy and legislation at local level • Regarding municipalities Jegunovce Tearce and urban waste mnagment is organized by a private company and collection rate has been 65%-80 % in 2008; no update on the actual service coverage is known at present. • Rural municipalities are composed of many villages and each village has created mini dumps • there isn`t any local regulation o Information to service users in terms of the types of waste collected by the operator waste collection frequency and timing? o Information to service users on the waste segregation method ? o Responsibilities of service users and service providers ? o Applicable penalties for violations ? Implementation of national policy and legislation at local level • Summary of the implementation of municipal SWM plans and local regulations: o In Kosovo /Albanija “ Prizren and Kukes ” municipalities have adopted municipal/ regional SWM plans; o There are some indicators set to monitor and report on the SWM plan implementation in “Prizren, and Kukes ” municipalities o There is a need to improve / adopt new SWM plans the SWM planning in the all municipalities:…. o In Albania / Kosovo / Macedoni municipalities have not adopted local SWM regulations; o Basic necessary service standards are applied in “all” municipalities o There is a need to improve / adopt new local SWM regulations in the all municipalities Key Waste Management Indicators • Waste statistics and seasonal variations: total waste service total waste total waste kg/person/ Municipality Population generated / coverage collected / not collected / day generated municipality(%) municipality municipality 8 ton per 80 % urban 107,911 0.7 kg -1kg day, 40 % 2920 ton per Kukes and 60% 6 ton per day inhabitant per day are organic year rural waste up to 78.9 % in urban Prizren 177,260 0.6kg zones and 52.6 in rural zones 34,659 Dragash 0.4 kg/p/d 60% 6,948 0,3 kg/p/d Shterpce 60% 10790 Jegunovce 80% Key Waste Management Indicators • Service Standards

type of type of Primary Secondary Distance Sanitary Collection Landfill Municipality container refuse waste waste to the landfill (yes frequency name s vehicles segregation segregation Landfill / no)

self- 1.1m3 1 day per Suka – Kukes unloadi No yes 5 Km No metal week Mamëz ng 1/week 1.1m3 Isuzu Landovi Prizren 4/day no no 7km yes metal 6,10 c3 ca

1.1m3 12 Dragash Isuzu 1/week metal no no km/16km yes/no Shterpce 6,10 c3 4/day Key Waste Management Indicators • Waste statistics and seasonal variations:

kg/tourist/ total waste % waste not Municipalit Number of 90 days Population day generated / collected from y tourists high season generated tourists tourists Kukes 107,911 people 0.9kg/t/d 8000-10000 May, June ,July 10 t 80% Prizren 177,260 0.7kg/t/d 20000 June ,July, August 14 t 25 % June ,July, August 50% Dragash 34,659 0.6kg/t/d 3000 /November 5t Shterpce 6,948 December, January 0.6kg/t/d ? /February

Jegunovce/ Tearce

10790/ 22,454 Key Waste Management Indicators • Recycling and Recovery

total generated % primary % secondary % recycling at the Municipality income from recycling recycling landfill recycling 10% Metal, Kukes 3%plastic no no ? 2%Wood

Prizren is 5.0%. no no ? Dragash 0.% no no no Shterpce 0% no no no Jegunovce/ tearce ? no no Key Waste Management Indicators • Economics: Operations Liquidity of Operations Private Sector Operator is able recovered by Municipality operators (yes / recovered only Participation (yes to invest in the transfers from the no) from the fees / no) service upgrade municipal budget Kukes yes and Municipality yes yes yes and municipality Prizren yes no yes , donators yes and municipality Dragash yes no yes , donators yes and municipality Shterpce yes no no , donators yes Jegunovce/Tea yes municipality yes no rce yes Key Waste Management Indicators • Economics: o Additional costs incurred to the SWM operators during high tourist season increases service volumes for 20 % o In the following municipalities these additional costs are covered by either the revenue of the tourist tax or transfers from the municipal budget: o these additional costs are covered by the municipal budget o Additional costs incurred to the SWM operators in prizren due to cleaning up of illegal dumpsites created by population not receiving waste collection service is covered by Municipality o Ecosystem services of protected areas endangered in the Sharra Mountain: Origins and migration of floating waste

• Hotspots: • Albania: rivers, canals, other locations… • Kosovo: Lepenec River, canals, other locations… • Macedonia: Jegunovce, illegal dumpsites… • Transboundary impacts: • Groundwater pollution, endangering water supply sources… • Endangering biodiversity….