Lucas Heights Research Laboratories 11 March 1988
INIS-mf—11446 SYMPOSIUM ON HIFAR- CONSTRUCTION AND INITIAL OPERATION HELD AT LUCAS HEIGHTS RESEARCH LABORATORIES 11 MARCH 1988 (IN OBSERVANCE OF THE 30TH YEAR OF HIFAR OPERATION) SPONSORED BY THE AUSTRALIAN NUCLEAR ASSOCIATION SYMPOSIUM ON HIFAR CONSTRUCTION AND INITIAL OPERATION HELD AT LUCAS HEIGHTS RESEARCH LABORATORIES 11 MARCH 1988 SPONSORED BY THE AUSTRALIAN NUCLEAR ASSOCIATION CO-SPONSORS: THE AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING THE LUCAS HEIGHTS SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY PRINTING COURTESY OF THE AUSTRALIAN NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ORGANISATION ISBN 0 949188 03 -AGENDA- - Chairman of First Session E.A. Palmer - 9.15 am Opening Remarks, D.G. Walker, C.N. Watson-Munro 9.30 Project Organisation Design and Procurement, F.H. Carr Aspects of Construction, UK and Lucas Heights, K.J. Cooke Some Aspects of HIFAR Design, R.W.S. Carlson and D.R. Ebeling 11.00 Coffee Break (courtesy of LHSS) - Chairman of Second Session A.C. Wood - 11.30 Instrumentation and Control Aspects of HIFAR, J.K. Parry HIFAR Commissioning and Operation, G.A. Tingate Current Operations and Refurbishing, N.A. Parsons and M.R. Allen 1.00 pm Closing 1.15 Lunch - available for purchase in canteen 2.15 HIFAR visit (optional) II1FAR - PROJECT ORGANIZATION DESIGN AND PROCUREMENT F.H.CARR l.O INTRODUCTION Several earlier reports have been written on the subject of the HIFAR reactor (1,2,3), and others covering the period of the formation of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AAEC) and the early construction work at the Research Establishment at Lucas Heights (4,5). However, these publications do not report in detail on the construction of the 1HFAR reactor and its early operational history, and it is considered that both of these areas are worthy of further comment.
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