Research Reactor Core Conversion from the Use Of
IAEA-TECDOC-324 RESEARCH REACTOR CORE CONVERSION HIGHLF O E YFROUS ENRICHEE MTH D URANIUM TO THE USE OF LOW ENRICHED URANIUM FUELS GUIDEBOOK ADDENDUM: HEAVY WATER MODERATED REACTORS PREPARED BY A CONSULTANTS' GROUP, COORDINATED AND EDITED BY THE PHYSICS SECTION INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY A TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ISSUEE TH Y DB INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA, 1985 RESEARCH REACTOR CORE CONVERSION FROM THE USE OF HIGHLY ENRICHED URANIUM TO THE USE OF LOW ENRICHED URANIUM FUELS GUIDEBOOK ADDENDUM: HEAVY WATER MODERATED REACTORS IAEA, VIENNA, 1985 IAEA-TECDOC-324 Printe IAEe th AustriAn y i d b a January 1985 85-00193 Pleas aware eb Missine th tha l al t g Pages in this document were originally blank pages FOREWORD e proliferatio th n vieI f o w n concern f highlo e yus s e causeth y b d enriched uranium (HEU) and in anticipation that the supply of HEU to research and test reactors wil more b l e restricte e futureth n i dGuidebooa , n o k Research Reactor Core Conversio f Highlo e nyUs froEnrichee th m d Uraniuo t m w EnricheLo f o de thUraniuUs e m Fuel IAEA-TECDOC-233( s e s issueth )wa y b d International Atomic Energy Agency in August 1980. IAEA-TECDOC-233 addressed primarily research and test reactors that are moderated by light water. In consideration of the special features of heavy water moderated researc d tesan ht reactors, this documen s beeha t n prepare Addendun a s a d m to IAEA-TECDOC-233 to assist operators and physicists from these reactors in determining whether conversion to the use of low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel design s technicalli s y feasibl r theifo e r specific reactor assiso t d n i t,an making a smooth transition to the use of LEU fuel designs where appropriate.
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