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January 3, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E7 I urge my, colleagues to pass this bill, and I first want to thank my friend, Mr. LUCAS, According to a Quinnipiac University poll, 93 help restore some much needed faith in Con- for joining me in introducing this legislation, percent of Americans believe people should gress. which calls attention to the critical link be- be allowed to use medically prescribed mari- f tween energy and water and instructs the De- juana. partment of Energy to ensure due consider- 93 percent of Americans rarely agree on IN RECOGNITION OF CHIEF PETER ation of water issues in its research, develop- anything. CARNES ment, and demonstration programs. In November, Missouri and Utah joined a As we all know, especially those of us who growing majority of states that have legalized HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING represent Texas, Oklahoma, and other south- medical marijuana. Thirty-two states plus the OF MASSACHUSETTS western and western states, water is a very District of Columbia have approved medical IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES valuable and at times rare commodity now- marijuana. Thursday, January 3, 2019 adays. We have experienced crippling Yet, our federal laws continue to treat pa- tients and the doctors and families who care Mr. KEATING. Madam Speaker, I rise today droughts in recent years, so it is vital that we for them like criminals. in recognition of the retirement of Chief Peter do as much as possible to use this commodity It is long overdue for our federal law to re- Carnes, the Chief of Police and Director of wisely. However, not many people are aware flect the common sense views of 93 percent of Campus Safety at Stonehill College. of the importance of water to energy genera- Chief Carnes has devoted his life to serving tion and, similarly, the crucial role that energy Americans and stop adding to the suffering of and protecting the people and communities plays in the delivery of safe, sanitary water to those with horrible illnesses. across Massachusetts. He began his illus- our constituents. One such patient was my constituent, Chloe trious career with the Wenham Police Depart- The Energy and Water Research Integration Grauer. At 3 years old, Chloe suffered from a ment in 1973. Chief Carnes progressed Act is a proactive measure that takes into ac- rare neurological disease that caused her to through the ranks, becoming Wenham’s chief count recent studies produced by the Depart- have 100 to 200 seizures a day. She tried of police. ment of Energy and the Electric Power Re- dozens of medications and underwent surgical In 1995, Chief Carnes took on the task of search Institute, both of which have high- procedures but nothing stopped the seizures. heading up Cape Cod’s third largest Police lighted how closely connected energy produc- Her family tried desperately to treat her with Department as Yarmouth’s Chief of Police. He tion and water usage are. This bill encourages cannabidiol—also known as ‘‘Charlotte’s Web’’ brought considerable positive change to the research into energy technologies that would or ‘‘CBD’’ for short—which has been shown to department during his time there. His citizen’s improve and minimize the use of water in en- treat certain diseases that cause seizures, police academy and Adopt-A-School programs ergy production, and also establishes a mech- such as the disease from which Chloe suf- played an essential role in bringing together anism for federal agencies to work with state fered. CBD is derived from cannabis plants, the police department amd the community and local governments and other stakeholders and even though it contains just trace through education. Beyond a career serving to advance our understanding of what is amounts of the psychoactive ingredient in others, Chief Carnes still calls Cape Cod known as the ‘‘energy-water nexus.’’ In addi- marijuana—nowhere near enough to produce home, living in Yarmouth with his wife Karen tion, the bill requires a regularly updated stra- a high—but it is currently illegal under federal and their son. tegic plan to guide these efforts. These provi- law. Even this tiny amount of the ingredient, Chief Carnes took up his current post as sions are important, positive steps towards THC, was enough for the federal government Chief of Police and Director of Campus Safety using our limited resources in the most effi- to keep a potentially life-saving drug away at Stonehill College in 2008. He has embraced cient and effective way possible. from Chloe. a proactive approach to safety and policing, I would like to commend the Department of Chloe died without receiving CBD. engaging with and learning from the commu- Energy for taking substantive action on this This should never have happened. We must nities he serves. Chief Carnes’ innovative ap- issue under the leadership of former Secretary ensure that this never happens again. proach to policing has continued to put him at Moniz and more recently under Secretary Just as our children deserve to be treated the forefront of his field. Perry. This bill will ensure that activities to ad- compassionately, so, too, do our veterans. Unrelenting in his commitment to advancing dress the energy-water nexus remain a priority Federal law currently prohibits VA doctors the cause of policing and its principles, in ad- within the Department, and provide additional from prescribing medical marijuana when they dition to serving faithfully as Chief of Police at tools to better guide these efforts well into the feel it is medically beneficial. Our veterans de- the Wenham, Yarmouth, and Stonehill police future. serve the best medical advice from their doc- departments, Chief Carnes has led many of The legislation Mr. LUCAS and I are intro- tors, not arbitrary limits on what their doctors Massachusetts’ most prodigious non-depart- ducing is a constructive, bipartisan measure can do to help them. Veterans are tough. mental policing bodies. He served as the and I urge all of my colleagues to support it. They can handle frank advice from their doc- President of the Massachusetts Chief’s of Po- Working together, I hope that we can dem- tors. lice Association, The Essex County Chiefs of onstrate a strong, sustained commitment to re- I want to thank my colleague DON YOUNG of Police Association and the Cape Cod Chiefs search and development in this vital area. Alaska, for his partnership on this bill as well Council. Chief Carnes’ preeminence has al- f as Senator CORY BOOKER and the bipartisan lowed him to spread his community centered coalition he is leading in the Senate on these INTRODUCTION OF THE COMPAS- issues. I urge both the House and Senate to brand of policing to departments across Mas- SIONATE ACCESS, RESEARCH EX- sachusetts. He has repeatedly exemplified the pass this swiftly. PANSION AND RESPECT STATES f highest ideals of his profession throughout his (CARERS) ACT years of leadership. INTRODUCTION OF THE COLUMBIA Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor Chief HON. STEVE COHEN RIVER IN-LIEU AND TREATY Peter Carnes and his commitment to ensuring FISHING ACCESS SITES IM- OF TENNESSEE the safety of our community. I ask that my col- PROVEMENT ACT leagues join me in recognizing his hard work IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and dedication as he celebrates his retire- Thursday, January 3, 2019 ment. HON. EARL BLUMENAUER Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today OF OREGON f to introduce the Compassionate Access, Re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ENERGY AND WATER RESEARCH search Expansion and Respect States Act, Thursday, January 3, 2019 INTEGRATION ACT OF 2019 also known as the CARERS Act. This bipar- tisan bill would allow states to set their own Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON policies on medical marijuana, allow states to today, I am once again reintroducing the Co- OF TEXAS import cannabidiol to treat patients with sei- lumbia River In-Lieu and Treaty Fishing Ac- cess Sites Improvement Act. Last Congress IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES zures, give the Veterans Administration physi- cians the ability to recommend medical mari- we came so close to making this bill into Thursday, January 3, 2019 juana to patients and improve opportunities for law—passing it in the Senate and reporting it Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Speaker, research on marijuana. out of the House Natural Resources Com- today I am introducing the Energy and Water The consensus on medical marijuana is al- mittee. I am committed to finally passing this Research Integration Act of 2019. ready overwhelming and continues to build. bill to improve the living conditions at the 31 VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:43 Jan 04, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03JA8.028 E03JAPT2 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with REMARKS E8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 3, 2019 Columbia River In-Lieu and Treaty Fishing Ac- society to remain ever under the regimen of Working together, I know we can make our cess Sites along the Columbia River. their barbarous ancestors.’’ Constitution better reflect the ‘‘more perfect This legislation calls for the Bureau of lndian In 2016, for the second time in recent mem- Union’’ to which it aspires. Affairs (BIA) to conduct a much-needed as- ory, and for the fifth time in our history, the na- f sessment of current conditions at the In-Lieu tional popular vote winner did not become and Treaty Fishing Access sites under BIA President because of the Electoral College. IN RECOGNITION OF THE 110TH ownership on both sides of the Columbia, in This has happened twice to candidates from BIRTHDAY OF IRENE MILLER coordination with the four Columbia River trea- Tennessee: Al Gore and Andrew Jackson.