Mr. E. E. WooKlY; honorary treasurer, Mr. M. RITBLAT; Medical News honorary secretary, Mr. S. SHNDLEFR Toxc Chemicals in Agriculture Sir CHARLES DODDS, F.R.S., is to succeed Sir SoLLY Chair of Biochemistry, University ZUCKERMAN as chairman of the interdepartmental Advisory Dr. H. HARRIS, reader in biochemical genetics at the Committee on Poisonous Substances used in Agriculture London Hospital Medical College, has been appointed to and Food Storage. the London University chair of biochemistry, tenable at King's College. Digby Hospital, Exeter Dr. Harris, who is 40, was educated at Manchester Grammar The DucHEss OF KENT opened extensions costing £250,000 School and Trinity College, Cambridge, qualifying M.B., B.Chir. at the Digby Hospital for psychiatric patients, near Exeter, in 1943, M.A. in 1946, and M.D. in 1948. He was house- on June 8. physician at Sunderland Royal Infirmary from 1943 to 1944, and then, till 1947, served in the Air Force as medical officer. He went to the Galton Laboratory, University College, London, as research assistant in 1947, and to the department of biochemistry there as lecturer in 1950. He became senior lecturer in the London Hospital Medical College's department of biochemistry in 1953, and took up his present post there in 1958. His research work has been mainly in the field of human biochemical genetics. Psychosomatic Medicine and Childbirth An international congress on psychosomatic medicine and childbirth is to be held from September 12 to 15, 1961- possibly in Paris, Vienna, or Geneva. The main subjects for discussion are psychological and socio- logical study of the woman in connexion with her , labour, and the puerperium; psycho-physiology of the pain of New villas at Digby Hospital. labour; theory, practice, and results of combined psychological which houses and for The extensions include the Russell Clinic, 44 physical preparation labour; and the value and the limita- two 44-bed staff tions of the methods in . Those beds and a modern treatment unit, villas, houses, psychosomatic wishing and for senior nurses. The kitchen has been modernized and to contribute are asked to send an outline of their papers to flats Professor NORMAN MoRRis, Medical the engineering and laundry services improved. School, London, W.C.2. Noise Grants, Gifts, and Bequests The Committee on the Problem of Noise, appointed by The Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust has made a grant the Minister for Science "to examine the nature, sources, of £25,000 to P.E.P., the independent research organization, and effects of the problem of noise and to advise what for a three-year study of the mental health services. further measures can be taken to mitigate it," is now ready Mr. WARWICK JAMES, F.R.C.S., who qualified from the to receive evidence from persons and organizations with Royal Dental Hospital of London, School of Dental Surgery, special interest or experience in matters relevant to the in 1898, has given £22,000 of 21% Consolidated Stock to problem. Anyone wishing to give evidence should first write the School to endow a research fund in dental anatomy. to the Committee's secretary, Mr. R. S. MATTHEWS, Ministry The late Mr. FRANK BARNEus, formerly lecturer in of Health, Savile Row, London, W.1. anatomy and operative surgery in thb University of Birming- Dr. Fox's Appeal Dismissed ham, who died on February 18, aged 91, has left the residue The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council has dismissed of his £137,461 estate to the medical school there, including the appeal of Dr. Kenneth Merrall Fox against the decision particularly the library and lecture room. A photograph of the Disciplinary Committee of the G.M.C. on November of the Bames Library, which shares his name with that of 27, 1959, that his name should be erased from the Medical Stanley Barnes, is on p. 1348 of the Journal, December 12, Register (Supplement, December 5, p. 183). Their Lordships 1959. will deliver the reasons for their judgment later (The Times, Margaret McMillan Centenary June 21). The centenary of MARGARET MCMRLLAN, the child-welfare In Brief reformer, is to be celebrated in London and Bradford at The Postgraduate Medical School heart surgery team the beginning of July, and by a symposium of personal (Mr. W. P. CLELAND, Dr. D. G. MELROSE, Mr. H. H. appreciations to b2 published on July 19. BLNTALL, and Dr. A. HOLMAN) have been carrying out a Her major achievements included the first school baths in the demonstration series of intracardiac surgical procedures with country, the first school medical inspection-her friendship with the use of the extracorporeal circulation in Helsinki, Finland. Sir ROBERT MORANT, perrman- Singapore has banned the export of wild animals and ent secretary to the Board of birds sea since the death in a French of about Education, led to the 1907 by ship Act of Parliament authorizing 360 monkeys out of a consignment of 1,000 bound for school medical inspections with Europe. power to give treatment- Australia's Royal Flying Doctor Service has added dentistry .|- > a l li | special education for backward to its services for the first time. It is providing a flying and defective children, school dental clinic for people living in the outback districts of meals, and the creation of a New South Wales, South Australia, and Queensland. new kind of open-air nursery school. The first of these People in the News schools was built in Deptford Dr. A. C. DOUGLAS, senior registrar, respiratory diseases in 1914. A training school for units, Northern General and City Hospitals, Edinburgh, has students to carry on her work been awarded a Chest and Heart Travelling Fellowship of dedicated to her sister, RACHEL £250 and will spend five weeks in America. MCMILLAN, was opened in 1930. (The photograph is published by courtesy of Miss M. Dr. A. PINEY has been elected Membre Titulaire de la DAVIES, principal of the Rachel McMillan Training College.) SociUt6 Internationale d'Hdmatologie. Dental and Medical Society for Study of Hypnosis Mr. T. D. WHrrET, Ph.D., chief pharmacist and lecturer The following officers have been elected to the Dental and in pharmacy at University College Hospital and Medical Medical Society for the Study of Hypnosis for the ensuing School, has been awarded the 1959 Evans Medal for out- year: president, Dr. M. J. FENTON; chairman of council, standing contributions to pharmacy in the public service. JUNE 25, 1960 MEDICAL NEWS BRr H 1967

COMING EVENTS SOCIETIES AND LECTURES Biochemical So:iety.-395th meeting Department of A fee is charged or a ticket is required for attending lectures marked 0. Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, June 29, 30, Application should be made first to the institution concerned. 10.30 a.m. each day. Monday, June 27 INSTITUTE OF DERMATOLOGY.-At British Institute of Radiology, 5 p.m.. Bone and Tooth Society.-Annual general meeting and Mr. I. Muir: Reconstructive Surgery and Malignant Disease. programme of casual communications, July 6, 4 p.m., 234, POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL- SCHOOL OF LONDON.- p.m., Dr. Brian Ackner: Great Portland Street, London, W.I. Aches and Pains of Psychogenic Origin. Tuesday, June 28 British Association of Allergists.-General meeting, INSTITUTE OF DERMATOLOGY.-At British Institute of Radiology, 5 p.m., Brockham Park, July 2, 10 to 4.30 (tea). Details from Dr. Dr. A. W. G. Goolden: Carcinogenic Effects of Irradiation. A. W. FRANKLAND, Honorary Secretary of the B.A.A., Wednesday, June 29 Wright-Fleming Institute, St. Mary's Hospital, London, W.2. INSTITUTE OF DERMATOLOGY.-5.30 p.m., Dr. R. W. Riddell: Histopathology of Fungus Infections. British Tuberculosis Association.-Annual Conference INSTITUTF OF DISEASES OF THE CHEST.-5 p.m., Mr. D. Barlow: Surgical including joint meeting with the Society of Medical Officers Problems of Hiatus Hernia and other Diaphragmatic Herniae POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OP LONDON.-2 p.m., Dr. R. W. Riddeil: of Health, Oxford, July 6-9. Applications, by June 30, to Diseases Due to Fungi. the Administrative Secretary, British Tuberculosis Associa- RoYAL FREE HOSPITAL, Gray's Inn Road, W.C.-5.15 p.m., Dr. Seymour S. Kety (National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda): Current tion, 59, Portland Place, London, W.1 (MUS 3810). Biochemical Concepts of Schizophrenia. Nightingale Training School.-Exhibition to mark St. Thursday, June 30 Thomas's Hospital Nightingale Training School centenary INSTITUTE OF DERMATOLOGY.-5.30 p.m., Mr. A. K. Monro: Malgn:aut Melanoma, Clinical and Pathological. at Doulton Hall, Doulton House, Lambeth High Street. NUFFIELD ORTHOPAEDIC CENTRE, OXFORD.-8.30 p.m., Dr. Isid