Medical News Muxcal Journal
DRUM 1966 JUNE 25, 1960 MEDICAL NEWS MUXCAL JOURNAL Mr. E. E. WooKlY; honorary treasurer, Mr. M. RITBLAT; Medical News honorary secretary, Mr. S. SHNDLEFR Toxc Chemicals in Agriculture Sir CHARLES DODDS, F.R.S., is to succeed Sir SoLLY Chair of Biochemistry, London University ZUCKERMAN as chairman of the interdepartmental Advisory Dr. H. HARRIS, reader in biochemical genetics at the Committee on Poisonous Substances used in Agriculture London Hospital Medical College, has been appointed to and Food Storage. the London University chair of biochemistry, tenable at King's College. Digby Hospital, Exeter Dr. Harris, who is 40, was educated at Manchester Grammar The DucHEss OF KENT opened extensions costing £250,000 School and Trinity College, Cambridge, qualifying M.B., B.Chir. at the Digby Hospital for psychiatric patients, near Exeter, in 1943, M.A. in 1946, and M.D. in 1948. He was house- on June 8. physician at Sunderland Royal Infirmary from 1943 to 1944, and then, till 1947, served in the Air Force as medical officer. He went to the Galton Laboratory, University College, London, as research assistant in 1947, and to the department of biochemistry there as lecturer in 1950. He became senior lecturer in the London Hospital Medical College's department of biochemistry in 1953, and took up his present post there in 1958. His research work has been mainly in the field of human biochemical genetics. Psychosomatic Medicine and Childbirth An international congress on psychosomatic medicine and childbirth is to be held from September 12 to 15, 1961- possibly in Paris, Vienna, or Geneva.
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