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DaRouter V1.0.18 Instruction Guide Introduction DaRouter 1.0.18 is our first public build of DaRouter software. The goal of this release was to deliver a build which incorporated complete DaRouter functionality coupled with all initial presets for Traktor DJ Studio™, Serato Scratch LIVE™, and a set of generic presets that allow the SCS.3d to be mapped to any MIDI compatible application. These presets will automatically install with DaRouter, and include documen- tation outlining their use and how to configure the application they are to be used with. We have also made some changes to the installer from the previous versions to incorporate cleaner placing of the preset and also a more elegant driver installer in Windows XP and Vista that ensures proper installations of updates for future versions. The driver has been updated and this build incorporates the first release of the 64-bit version of our virtual MIDI driver. Change Log (from V1.0.14) - New 64-bit compatible version of virtual MIDI driver. - Added read documentation button to GUI. - V1.00 Traktor, Scratch LIVE, and Generic presets and documentation added - Driver parity check and improvements on Windows installer - Fresh driver install option added to on Windows installer - Mac installer updated - Preset documentation updated Known / Current Issues - DaRouter is having issues reading encrypted presets on PowerPC™ machines. - Windows Vista arbitrarily adds numbers next to “To DaRouter” and “From DaRouter”. This does NOT affect performance of the port or reliability. - Dual unit detection not functioning properly on Windows Vista. Installing DaRouter on Windows XP To install DaRouter on Windows XP you simply need to download the latest DaRouter software from the Stanton website. DaRouter always has the latest presets included (at the time of release) so these will install automatically as well. DaRouter will install the application and presets, as well as a “Virtual MIDI Driver” which allows DaRouter to communicate with the application it is controlling. To install DaRouter follow the steps below. 1) Download the latest version of DaRouter from 5) Set an installation path (we recommend you use the default) and click “Next >” 2) Run the .exe file, you may be prompted by a Windows XP warning dialog. Simply click “Run” to start the installer. 6) The next dialog will let you set installation options. Here you can set which icons to install. We suggest always creating the start menu shortcuts. If you are experiencing issues with the virtual MIDI driver there 3) Once the installer is running click “Next >” past the is also an option to do a clean install of the driver, welcome screen. only click this if you are experiencing issues. Click “Next >” and the application will install. 4) Read and agree to the license agreement and click “I accept the agreement” then “Next >”. Installing DaRouter on Windows XP (cont) 7) AfterAfter thethe filesfiles are donedone installing,installing, the installer will 11) Once done press “Finish”. automaticallyautomatically run the virtual MIDI driverdriver installer. You willwill bebe promptedprompted withwith thethe defaultdefault new hardwareh 12) Another Windows found new hardware dialog will installerinstaller fromfrom windowswindows forfor eacheach MIDI port.por Two sepa- appear. Follow the same steps as 8-11. rate portsports are installed,installed, one forfor “From“From DaRouter”D and oneone forfor “To“To DaRouter”.DaRouter”. SimplySimply followfollow theth below steps 13) Close the installer by pressing “Finish” and the to installinstall thethe driver.driver. application will be ready to go! Plug your hardware in and launch DaRouter by clicking its Icon. Skip ahead to 8) On thethe firstfirst dialogdialog selectselect “No,“No, not thisthi time” and “Anatomy of DaRouter” for a rundown of the applica- clickclick “Next“Next >”>” tion functionality. 9) On tthehe next page selectselect “Install“Install thethe softwares automaticaautomaticallylly (Recommended)”.(Recommended)”. 10)10) Next thethe driverdriver willwill copy thethe filesfiles intoin the proper systemsystem directorydirectory in Windows.Windows. ThisThis mightmight take some Installing DaRouter on Windows Vista To install DaRouter on Windows Vista youy simply need to download the latest DaRouter software from the Stanton website. DaRouter always has the latest presets includedinc (at the time of release) so these will install automatically as well. DaRouter willwill installinstall thethe application,application, presetspresets as wellwel as a “Virtual MIDI Driver” which allows DaRouter to communicate with the applica- tion it is controlling.controlling. To installinstall DaRouter followfo the steps below. 1) DownloadDownload thethe latestlatest version ofof DaRouterDaRou from 5) Set an installation path (we recommend you use the default) and click “Next >” 2)2) Run thethe .exe file,file, you may bebe promptedprompt by a WinWindowsdows Vista warning dialog.dialog. SimplySimply clickcl “Run” to sstarttart the installer. Windows will disdisplayplay a “User Account ControControl”l” dialog.dialog. Press “Continue”“Continu to start the instainstallation.llation. 6) The next dialog will let you set installation options. Here you can set which icons to install. We suggest always creating the start menu shortcuts. If you are 3) Once tthehe installerinstaller is running clickclick “Next“Ne >” past the experiencing issues with the virtual MIDI driver there wewelcomelcome screenscreen.. is also an option to do a clean install of the driver, only click this if you are experiencing issues. Click “Next >” and the application will install. 4) ReaReadd andand agree to thethe licenselicense agreementagreem and click ““II accept tthehe agreement”agreement” thenthen “Next“Next >”.> Installing DaRouter on Windows Vista (cont) 7) AfterAfter thethe filesfiles are donedone installing,installing, the installer will automaticallyautomatically run the virtual MIDI driverdriver installer. You willwill bebe promptedprompted withwith thethe defaultdefault new hardwareh installerinstaller fromfrom WindowsWindows forfor eacheach MIDI port.po Two sepa- rate portsports are installed,installed, one forfor “From“From DaRouter”D and oneone forfor “To“To DaRouter”.DaRouter”. SimplySimply followfollow thethe below steps to installinstall thethe driver.driver. 8) Vista willwill displaydisplay a security warning askinga if you wouldwould likelike to installinstall thethe devicedevice Click “Install”.“Install”. 9) Next you wiwillll bebe promptedprompted withwith a dialogdia asking wwherehere to findfind thethe driverdriver SelectSelec “Locate and instainstallll driverdriver softwaresoftware (recommended)”(recommended)” to continue. WWindowsindows wiwillll tthenhen poppop upup a dialogdialog askingasking for permis- ssionion to instainstall,ll, clickclick “Continue”“Continue” to allowallow the driver to ininstall.stall. 1010)) AnotherAnother WindowsWindows foundfound new hardwarehardwa dialog will aappear.ppear. FollowFollow thethe same stepssteps as 8-10.8-10. 1111)) CloseClose thethe installerinstaller byby pressing “Finish”“Finis and the aapplicationpplication willwill bebe readyready to go!go! PlugPlug youryou hardware in anandd launchlaunch DaRouter by clickingclicking its Icon.Icon Skip ahead to ““AnatomyAnatomy ofof DaRouter”DaRouter” forfor a rundownrundown ofo the applica- tion functionality.functionality. Installing DaRouter on MacOS To install DaRouter on MacOS,,py simply download the latest installer off of the Stanton website. DaRouter always has the latest presetspresets included (at(at the time of release)release) sos these will install automatically. 1) DownloadDownload thethe latestlatest version ofof DaRouterDaRou from 6) Next you can set the default path of the program. Click “Install” unless you want to install DaRouter to a specific destination. 2)2) AfterAfter thethe .DMG filefile is donedone downloadingdownload double clclickick it to expandexpand 3) Once tthehe packagepackage is donedone expanding,expanding, double click DDaRouter.pkgaRouter.pkg filefile in thethe folderfolder to start thet installer. 7) DaRouter will now be installed. Once done click “Close” to close the installer. 44)) Once thethe installerinstaller hashas started,started, clickclick “Continue”“ on tthehe firstfirst screen.screen. 8) DaRouter will be installed to your “Applications” folder and the presets will be placed in your home directory. Plug in your SCS.3d and start DaRouter application and read the rest of this documentation. 5) ReaReadd thethe licenselicense agreement andand clickclick “Continue”. YYouou willwill presentedpresented withwith a dialogdialog askingasking if you agree to the terms of the license, if youyou do than click “Agree”. Anatomy of DaRouter DaRouter is the brains behind interaction between SCS.3d and the application it is being used with. DaRouter is designed to sitsit in the backgroundbackground and justjust translate theth MIDI but does have some functionality to load presets and configure your SCS.3d(s)SCS.3d(s) withwith DaRouter / active preset. BeforeB we load a preset, let’s take a quick tour of what everything inside of DaRouter does.does. Active Preset Dropdown The active preset is the currently used preset. In this drop down, all pre-installed presets will be listed as well as any presets dragged or manually