Hall RQbert, 1 Katesgrove la.Reading South Berks Brewery Co. Lim. (Edmd. Fidler Edward,Red Field bo. Thatcbam, Kirrber Seymour, Steventon R.S.O Parfitt, mgr.), 17 Bartholomew st. Newbury Marsh H. S. & Co. Kennet iron works, Newbury & (Geo. E. Platt, district Ford Joseph George, Winnersh farm, De Bohun rd. Vastern rd. Reading manager), High street, Hungerford Winnersh, 'White Fdk. & Sons,Appleton,Abingdn South Berks Brewery Co.Lim. (Messrs. Godfrey Henry Thomas, Faringdon Wilder John, Yield Hall lane, Minster Hawkins & Parfitt), West mills & Gwilliam &Son,Basingstoke rd.Readng street. Reading Bartholomew street, Newbury Gwilliam Samuel, Whitley rd.Reading Willi9""'~ T. C. & S:m, 8 & 10 Lond•)n Strange W ..T.& Son, Beenham,Readng Headington F.Knowl Hl.Twyfrd.R.S.O st. L,diing Waltham Bros. Limited, 54 Hosier st. Higgs & Sons, Westwood kiln, Tile- Reading burst, Reading .:VIorton Robert & Co. Trent works, Wantage Brewery Co.Limited (George Hissey Hy. Childs, Tilehurst, Reading :Eurton-on-Trent; makers of brass Martin, mgr.), Back st. Wantage Jesse E. J. S. Norf(}lk rd. Reading cocks, valves &; every class of brass Watlington Brewery Co. Lim. (Henry Killick Geo. Thos.Kintbury,Hungrfrd -work. See advertisement Barnard, district mngr.), Stratfield Lawrence Thomas & Sons, BrackneU Mortimer, Mortimer R. S.O Minchin Bros. The Farm, Ascot; &; at BRAZIERS. Wells Edward, High street, Wallingfrd Binfield, & Wokingham -Bee Tinmen, Braziers & Tin Plate "\Vestcombe & Son, ua, Bartholomew Mosdell Caleb, Stratfield Mortimer, wo~kers. street, Newbury Mortimer R.S.O vVethered Thos. & Sons Lim.; office, Osborne William, Emery's farm, Basil· BREECHES MAKERS. 7 St. Mary's parade (Geo. Rayment, ton, Reading Stransom & Son, ~o to 42 Market pi. London rd. & Geo. Ayres, Queen's Plowman G. ,V. Baulking, Faringdon Reading & Mar. .. .ion House street, rd. agents), Reading Poulton & Son, Elgar road, Reading ::New bury vYethered Thomas & Sons Limited Puzey John W.Stanford-in-the-Vale, (agents, D. Bidmead, 85 High st. & Faringdon & Childrey, Wantage BREWERS. E. A. Parish, Pond ho.),Maidenhead Reading Brick Co.(Donald Kennedy, ..A.dnams J ames & Son, Speenhamland Wethered Thomas & Sons Lim. (G. C. sec.), I8 Forbury & Tilehurst rd . brewery, Newbury Wicks, agent), Wargrave, Twyford Reading .Allsopp S. & Sons Limited, Railway R. S. 0 Sharp Cale b, Tilehurst (postal add . arch, Caversham road, Reading Theale, Reading) Annetts John, Bridge st. Hungerford Fuller, Smith & Turner, Shaw Kilns Co.Limited (.Tames Ranee, .Eaker F. J. & Co. Broad st.Wokinghm ale, stout & porter brewers, manager), Thatcham, Newbury Eelcher & Habgood Limited, Ock st. Silver & Sons Lim. Bisham, Marlow Abingdon Tuttle Fk. John, Kintbury, Hungerfrd ·warner & Clements, Knowl Hill, Twy· J3ennett Richard, Grove st. Wantage • "Eickerton Bros. Station rd. Bracknell ford R.S.O Bird Henry, I7 Caversham rd.Readiug Vlheeler & Co. Tilehurst, Reading J3landy, Hawkins & Co.Castle brewery, ·wheeler E. Spencer's Wood, Reading 16 Bridge street, Reading Wilkins B. Wootton (Berks), 'Blatch Frank ( exors.of), Theale,Readng "\Voodbridge Fras. Holyport,Maidenhd 'Erakspear William. Henry & Sons Wood bridge John, Thatcham, N ewbury Limited, St. Martin's street,Walling­ :BRICK & TILE MERCHANTS ford & 7 Peach street, W okingham 1lrinn William James J. 44• 46 & 48 Trade Mark. Poole Brothers (wholesale), 18 Blagrave Castle street, Reading Griffin brewery, Chiswick, street, Reading Brown James Dymore & Son, London Wi branch stores., Ridley William & Sons, Abbey wharf, brewers by special appointment to Bridgend; Brighton; Cardiff; King's road Reading· & at Staines the Royal Berks Hospital & under the Croydon; Eastbourne; Great Berk- ' ' immediate patronage of the Queen, hampstead: Guildford ; llford ; BRICK & TILE MACHINERY Newport, Mon. ; Portsmouth ; Royal Albert brewery, Queen's road, MERCHANTS. Slough; Southampton & Waltham :Marsh H S. & C Kennet Iron work~ Reading "F ll Ch" . k" • . . ~, 'flurge & Co. Victoria street, Windsor Cross. TA u .er, ISWIC ; De Bohun road, Vastern rd.Reading T N 22 Canning John, The Royal Brewery, 44 BRICKLAYERS. Peascod street, Windsor BREWERS' AGENTS.