Author's Name Title, Editing Information Signature Details
Author’s name Title, editing information Signature Details Abbott, Frank Frost Society and Politics in Ancient Rome: Essays and Sketches. New Cooper 400 York, 1910. Acts and Pastoral Epistles: Timothy, Titus and Philemon. Edited Cooper 637 by B. B. Warfield. Reprinted. London, 1930 = The Temple Bible. Addison, Joseph See Spectator. Cooper 1114 An Adventure, see Moberly, Charlotte Anne Elizabeth. Cooper 375 Alcott, Louisa M. Little Women – Good Wives. Introduction by Grace Rhys. Cooper 577 Reprinted. London, New York, 1950 = Everyman’s library, No. 248, for young people. (Alexander), The Story of Ida. By Francesca. Edited, with a preface, by John Cooper 597 Francesca Ruskin. Boston, 1883. Allen, William Francis History Topics: For the Use of High Schools and Colleges. Boston, Cooper 432 1883. Almanach de Gotha Annuaire Généalogique, Diplomatique et Statistique. Année, 139 Cooper 751 ff. Gotha, 1902 ff. Almanach du théâtre See Schweizer Theater-Almanach, 1944-45. Almanach du Cooper 262 suisse Theatre Suisse. Herausgegeben von den Theatervereinen der Schweiz. Elgg, 1945. (Einbandtitel:) Theater Almanach 1944-45. Alt-Trier See Kentenich, G. Alt-Trier: Eine künstlerische Bilderfolge. Cooper 1078 Eingeklebt: eigenhändiges Schreiben des Vorwort und Einleitung von G.K. Trier, o.J. Verfassers. Altes Basel, Neues Basel. Nach einer Idee von Irm und Walter Cooper 1104 Höflinger. Photographien von Jakob Höflinger (1819-1898) und Walter Höflinger, Basel. Gestaltung: Emil Gottlieb Sauter. Text: Rudolf Kaufmann. Basel, 1954. Amicis, Edmondo de Holland and Its People. Translated from the Italian by Caroline Cooper 286 Tilton. New York, London, 1893. Amicis, Edmondo de Spain and the Spaniards (Spagna, engl.). Translated from the Cooper 282 10th edition.
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