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Tvtnty'fint Ctnts The Winnipeg Board of Trade


Umailut Stcnfry: W. B.MILNBR











Royal British Colonial Society of Artists, London

Director: ALEX. J. MUS( lOVK

Exhibition open daily from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., and during the evenings from 7.30 to 10 o'clock.


The Royal British Colonial Society of Artists was founded in tSSd for the purpose of holding Exhibitions in the Colonies. In 1004 the scope of the Society was enlarged to in- ict'<^> clude all the British possessions and dependencies and the present

title received Roval sanction.


With a few exceptions the Paintings and Etchings in this Exhibition are for sale and lisitors are invited to seek information in reference to them. Inquiries may be made from the attendants or at the Director's

office in the A rt Gallery. CATALOGUE

Thf (cillDwino arc iililirfvi:iliiins wiili txplaiuiiiuns.

R..\ Koyal Acailrmiciaii. llu' Aia.U'iiiy. A.R.A . AssiH.'iair of Rnyal R.S.A ... R". il SiiiUi--ti Ataiii-tnitiail A.R.S.A Associati- iif Royal Sivitli-li Aia^lrtny. R.H.A Royal llil)irnian Acailemirian. A.R.H.A. AsscM iatc of Royal lliluniian AiaMnny, RAV.S Roval Sniity of I'aiiUir^ in Watrr (.'oiors, ' ' Soiiii of .. ,lirs in . of Royal y Water A.RAV , Assciiialr (' ill V .rC'olors. R.B.A Roval So> -tv of Hriti>li Arii-ts, A.R.B.A. AsMKiato ol koyal Soiiity of Hriiish Arti>ts. R.B.C Roval British Colonial Smirty of Arti^ts. A.R.B.C. Associate of Royal British Colonial Society of Artists. R.C.A Royal Cainlii. an AtacUniiiian. A.R.C.A. Ass'oeiate of Royal Camhrian Academy. Royal Society of I'ainter-Ktchers ami Ciravcrs. A.R.E. Associate of Royal Society of I'aintcr-ljtchcrs ami Ciravcrs. i^.S.W Royal Scottish Society of I'ainters iri Water Colors. R.'tV.A Royal West of En>;laml Academy. A.R.W.A Associate of Royal West of Kntjland Academy. R.B.S Royal Societ of British Sculptors. P As a prefix d 'es the ['resident of a Society. V.P As a prefix di tes the Vice-President of a SiK-iety. H As a prefix oenotes an Honorary Member of a Society.

Just the Thing for Supper £57.15

Alfred Wm.Strntt, R.B.C. R.C.A. , A.R.E. Alfred William Strutt was born in Taranaki, New Zealand. Received his art education under his father William Strutt, and at South Kensington, London, where he was awarded medals. He has exhilnted much at the Roval Academy and is represented by work at the municipal art Kalleries of Wolverhampton, Burnley and Blackpool. 2. Winter Morning in the Highlands ..£220 AK.Broii'n,R.S.A.,R.B.C.,R.I.,R.S.\V. Alcxancier Kdlock Hrown is a well-known Scottish ^"'''<';' "< »' f;>as«ow School of Art\rt «Xwith the,'r'"-Tintention of hccom nj; a .IcML'ner hut much at the Royal Acarlemv, the Roval Scottish'''"tiisn Academy, in Paris and M.midi.

'> The Seasons... £2jq St.George Hare, R. I. ,R. B.C., R.O.I. St. GcorRc Hare was born in Limerick. Studied at South Kensington. Hon. A.R.C.A.

. The Jaffa G.-vte, Jeiusale.m £138 PcrcyR.Craft,R.B.C. "This is the gate through which C.cneral .Mlenby 'passed on the surrender of the city." ^ Percy R. Craft. Born in London. Received art edu eation at South Kensington. Heatherlev's, and SMe School under Sir E J. Poynter and Professor Legros \\ as elected a member of the Royal Society of BruS Artists but later resigned. Resided for manv vears n the New-lyn Art Colony. A frequent csM^itor the Royal Academy a of Arts, the Saton Paris, he xA Gallery, and the principal pnnincial exhibiti .ns. Has a work acquired by the Grahamstown Art Galleryuaiitry. Is a gold and silver medallist.

5. Where the Breakers Roar £57.15 W. Pollen Bishop,R.B.A.,R.B.C.,R.C.A.

^ °f J--"Rli^h landscape lld'n.r^r"™and rural country'!''''T; "f'"*^-- life. Art education at Liverpool and Pans at the Atelier Julian under Professors W^ Bouguereau an, Tony Robert Fleury. Works of his ^'^''""''^ \°' '^« ^^''^I'^h Aluseum of Arts uarditt,Cardiff thef? municipal pennanent collection, Liverpool frrnXfotfofC. ^''^^' ^"' "''= ^™"^^-- 6. Moonlight, Cornish Coast £66 Jttlius OUson, R. A.,P.R.O. I.,R. B.C. Julius OUson. Born in London. His art eflucation was self aaiuiml ami he was for nianv years a well-known rncmber of the artist colony of St. hes in Cornwall Many ot his works have been acquired for public gal- leries including \\ innipeg Gallery permanent collection. Is a gold medallist and hors coiuours Paris Scdon.

7. An Ex.moor Village £28.8 Fred Milner,A.R.B.C. Fred Milner. Born in Yorkshire. Studied at the Slade bchool. Is represented by important works in the Conreration Art f.allcry, Preston, and National Aluseuni, Buenos Ayres. Was elected a member of the Royal Society of British Artists, but afterwards resigned.

8. The French vSailing Up the St. Lawrence, 1G08 £330 Edgar Btindy,A.R.A.,R.I.,R.B.C. Edgar Bundy's art education is entirely self-acquired and he commenced painting at the age of 14. Was elected a member of the Royal Society of British Artists, but afterwards retired. He has had a work purchased for the nation under the Chantrey bequest. He has been awarded medals at the Paris Salon and many other exhibitions.

9. The Garden of Eden £,55 Fred Roe,R.I.,R.B.C.

"Go Love as much as love you will And forth to feasts and banquets stray Yet at the end there comes the bill."

— Francois Villion. .

10. The Squire £23 2 YeendKing. V.P.R.I.,R.B.C. Picture, "Milking Time," was acquired for the National Oallery, under the Chantrey Bequest. He is represented in the permanent collections of Liverpool and Manches- ter and has been awarded medals in Paris, Berlin and Chicago.

11. An Autumnal Load £275 Stanhope A. Forbes, R. A. ,R.B.C. Stanhope Alexander Forbes. Bom at Dublin Art education at the Lambeth School of Arts, the Royal Academy Schools, and at the Atelier Bonnat, Paris Is generally recognized as the pioneer of the "Plein Air school of painting in England, of which his Fish Sale on a Cornish Beach" was prob- ably•"J^f"?v;the c first. A well-known member of the colony artists' of Newlyn in Cornwall. Is represented by works in rnixst of the provincial public galleries, and a picture ot his was purchased under the Chantrey bequest is a corresponding member of the Institute de France. 12. Lake Louise £23 2 F. W. Bell-Smith,R.C.A.,R.B.C. 13. Evening on the Thames £57.15 Fred Milner.A.R.B.C. 14. Opulent Autumn £231 W. J. Burroughs-Fowler,R.B.C Walter J. Burroughs-Fowler. Bom at London. With the exceptira of a few professional lessons, is entirelv self-taught in art. Was elected a member of the Royal Society of Bntish Artists in 1894, and resigned in 1914 |rt commissioner and organizer of the British finev\^l Art4 ! Section 9f the -British Exhibition, 1910, and the Coronation Exhibition, 1911. Was awarded a medal at the Barcelona International Art Exhibition ff«l"ent exhibitor at the A'it/^nf Royal Academy of the. • Royal Glasgow Institute, RoyalRn^il InstituteJ'%^» . /S"-'- of Painters in Water Colors, and othe^ prominent exhibitions. 6 15. The Lover's Garland £165 H. A. Olivier, R. B.C. 16. "Gather ye Rosebuds, While ye May" £132 H. A. Olivier, R. B.C. 17. Over THE Shallows £82.10 S.J. Lamorna Birch,R.W.S.,R.B.C. S. J. Lamorna Birch. Bom in Egrcmont, Cheshire His art education was self-acquired. Resided for many years m Cornwall, where he was closely associated with the Newlyn art colony.

18. Banners of Empire £220 Herbert Carmichael,R.B.C. "Flags of Canadian regiments placed on Wolfe's tomb m Westminster Abbey, while the men were fighting in France. Herbert Cai-michad. Bom at Ryton on Tyne. Received his art education at the Royal Academy Schools and the Academy of . Is a painter of many important pictures of religious subjects, most of which are well known from the reproductions published of them. 19. The Church of the Ecco Homo, Jerusalem £220 Herbert Carmichael,R.B.C. 20. A Sussex Village £22 Max Ludby,R.I.,R.B.C. Bom in London. Received his art education at Ant- werp. Is a well-known painter in water colors in Great Britain and abroad. Has worked much in Venice and Cornwall, and has held many one-man exhibitions. 21. The Lane £40.8 Yeend King, V. P. R. I., R.O.I. 22- A Poem £ggQ 5. Melton Fisher,A.R.A.,R.n.C. S. Melton Fisher. Bom in London. Received hi.s art education at the Lambeth School of Art, the Royal Academy Schools, finishing in France and ;^ Is President of the Pastel Society.

23. A Zeeland Village £33 F. Stuart Richardson, R.I. ,R.B C R \V S ' •'""•^' R.O.I. 24. On a River £34 J3 C.Vernede,R.B.C. 25. St. Paul's and Ludgate Hill £71.10 \V. W. Collins, R.I. ,R. B.C. William Wiche Collins received his art education at the LamLeth School of Art, and Academic Julien i'aris. Is a well-known water color painter of archi- tectural .subjects and of rural life.

26. The Muddied Nile £69 6 R.G. Talbot Kelly,R.I.,R.B.C.,R.B.A. Robert George Talbot Kelly, Commander of the Order of the Medji

28. An Indulgence £;j4 13 Korman CarstinJi.B.C. Norman Garstin. Born in Kilkoc, Co. Clare Ireland Art education at tlieAntweniAcadeniv under M. Chas' Verlat, and in Paris tmdix M, Carolus-Duran. Has travelled anil iiamted in Canada, South Africa, Italy Morocc-o, .Si)ain, France, Beljjium and Holland. work A of his has been aeiiuired by the Permanent Art Uallery of Dulilin. Has been a member of the New- lyn art colony since 18,S(>.

29. The Goose Step £11.11 Alfred If. Strutt,R.B.C.,A.R.E.

30. A Normandy Farm House £34.13 F. Marriott, A. R.B.C., A. R.E.

31. A Cornish jVIoorland £22 John M. Bromley, R. B.C. John Mallard Bromley received his art eilucation in ans, under 1 L. Leon Bonnat, and is a painter of land- .scape and fishinf life. Has resided for many years in the artist colon\' of St. Ives in Cornwall. Was for some time a member of the Royal Society of British Artists fro.Ti which he resigned '

32. The Message £115.10

William Ha, ell, R.I. William Hatherell was born near Bristol. Received his art education at South Kensington and Roval Academy Schools. Has travelled in Australia, Italy', France and bgypt V\ as awarded a medal at the Chicago Exhibi- **^^-„ ^^'"''^'' °^ ^'^ '^"''^' '"^™ acquired by the Publicn°ri- Gallenes of Sydney, X.S.W.; Adelaide, '.\ew Zealand and the Tale Gallery. Is a well-known illus- trator.

9 33. SuNNv June Arthur Hopkins]RAVS^I^^lc

34. The Glamour of Kashmir £^3 ,0 Herbert Alexander.RAVSRBr

^l^^-Fre. Brown' ^^•Ci'l^ieie:;''^-^

35. SoLWAY Sands Ah'. BrownXsX^RAV s f^ jff 30. "See ' How They Run- ,.«

37. Summer Flowers G- P. Jacomh-HoodM.V.d^y.p Rci 38. A Rough Welcome ' e-j ^. ''^^-rtR,chardson,R.L:R:Bx:::R^^^

L.,„,™ and at the '" r-nndXrov^-^^r^-'SioT "^ Edinburgh Jas./af P.?'' ^"L^^-^' £, m Pfer,on,R.S.A.,R.W.S.,R.B:c R jVy

and an honorary ^?,'^ P^'-celona, me^t on a? thi s'^''' of his have been acm,?ed L, fht'''™v',^"'"- "'"^^s Scottish Modern *^""''"» Arts GlaJowR ^''^'u" "f Buffalo, U.S.A., BarceloM <^'*am, «art, M/.n^i'^T,'''^''^' and Winnipeg Gat"r^' p^Jra'^^nt'^^fet,^^^^^^ 10 C

40. The Comi.nt, of i\u;„t i;i21 I''- ^pi'nlovc-SpcnloicJ<.l., ROI

honor "' for Ihc ' Paris Kx 1 j „ Im :;;'/',''''""V' pictures in thuLi.xctnhcTK' '''" """' 11. A Monarch OF THi; C.W.VDIAN Rockies

/'. M. BeU.SmitKR.B:c.,R.c:A p P 0^'f

''"''''''''•' the ('anadian-L-ni IS .VJ.pT-, "«"''"" " ^ .National

•12. The Mixakkt "Isa" Damasccs . £-,-, ^'^- P<^>-<-y Craft. KB. ..,, , a^[ffte:!;^-^-t^>-;!V-.|^ar,.,es.

43. Centaurs £33 5^ George Hare,R. /.,/?. /^.(^ 44. Una and the Red Cross mi G. P. Jacomb-Hood.M.V.o., V.P R BC "A gentle kniKht was pr>-king o'er the plain."

Spencer's Fairie Queen. '' "^ ""'^'^ P-cess.on, Ud'aIpcr-^^^-^"'^ i'lo.lo r D 7 t'- f. Jacomb-Hood,M.V.O.,V.P.R.BC

11 46. "Merrilv. Merrily Over the Sea" £28.17 Hon. Duff Tollemache, A.R.R.C,

47. Where Torr and Torr.dge Meet £92.8 J. Leslie Thompson,R.\\\S.,R. B.C., R.O.I.

48. Mist and Morning Sunshine £275 T- Williams, R. I. Ji.B.C ROI

49. Cavalry of the Air j,^g^ W. B. Wollen,R.I.,R.B.C ROI "^^i^f^'^p^^:^:^:,!^.^!^ -. -^^ -bed the

—Official Despatch.

parenia?e°' '!';:» edtSlion \!'^ifk?T^\ °' British under sfr °^ ^-"'' E. J. Poynter P R 1 = ^ f^°°^

and in the New'^Zealfld fe1,^^jfei°''^""^'''^"^«-

50. November Evening, Burnham Common.. £57.15 F. A. Verner.R.B.C.A.R.C.A. 12 51. Bass Fishing £33q //. .S". TukeJi.A.Ji W .S.Ji.n.C. Henry Scott T,,ko Horn at V„rl<. Stinlir,! art SUtlc ;,t the Sch(X)l in Italy, and nndrr professor I-aurens I. I'aiil m J'aris Is a well-known sea an.f painter and CiKitre has cxhil)ite

52. An Eager Trio £115.10 A. Wardle.A.R.Ii.C. Arthur Wurdle Born in London. His art education has been mainly self acquired. Awarded both bronze ''>"•' '' '"™^''" "f 'he Pastel w;„f, "u-""',''"','' '? :-" ''>' '"'"II ^'avc been acfiuireil by the Chantrevr-u V"'"'^'* bciiuest the Public C.alleries of Durban, ^,^- ^'^"^'ralia, Canterbury N.^.;N 7 and.nnr^'City Art^Tn"u''Gallery, Leeds.

53. Girl Minding Pigs £173.4 A. Hacker, R. A. ,R.B.C.,R.P.S, Arthur Hacker received his art education Academy at the Roval Schools, and at the Ateleir IJonnat, Pads, rravclled much in .Morocco, Aljiiers, Spain and Italy and painted many well-known .^Kure subjects arid portraits. His^ picture, "The Annunciation," was t-hantrey Gan^' bequest for the National

54. A Quiet Cove, Cornwall. £80.17 John R. Reid, R.I. ,R. B.C., R.O.I. A well-known painter of the sea and fishermen, ha\-ine resided at Looe P. and \,ctto, in Cornwall, for many years. His picture, 'Toil and Pleasure," was purcha.sed 'request. • ^'^"y% Has received gold medals at^D »f Pans, Munich, Vienna, Berlin, etc.

13 •).'). From Arisak; ,.._ ,. ./. l-cslie lltonison,R.\V.S..R.H.(.,KO I J'llin Leslie riioinson.

50. TheOldHomi;. £57.15 Miss F. Fitze,crald, R. B.C. 57. H,s Majestv t„,: K>.n;, lOl.^ Xoi for sale 'I- A. Olivier. R lie. li p (Sketch Portrait. IJu,,licate will be pai„t..d to ordcr)^

58. A llARVI-STIiR ,.„_. 7". Amien hro\m,A.R S 1 R Be

an,l a corres,,„n,liM« meniher of the "oc etc R, v- 'V''

^^^HiJ^;^:^^ l;in.^<,„hek. Mnnkh; and Santiago Mn""' d"St j^'^Vl^'^S'',"«'^' MuseumX?'""'^^ Toronto, .\ational G-iiItv u- r •>" andPubiicCall^l^i/^^'tl^^nlt'anS';;:;;,^"'™'^""'

59. Through the Woods £37 iq Miss F. Fitzgerald. R. B.C. 60. In the New Forest, Ha.mpshire £165 H. Wilkinson.R.B.C. 14 01. OOI.DK\ AfTKKNOON £;|;p Jnlius Olss.m. R. A.J'. A'.O. /.. A'. /,,( .

<)2. TiiH WiiiTic MiM. £.2^-

Clamlc llayc. I< I .l\.l',.r..R.O.I .

J'lau.le II;.y,.s was horn in Dul.lin, an,l is a son of il,.. late |-.,lw,M llayrs, . I„. ,narine pain r

""'• "^'-l'"'" "•<•'' in the Ipswich i;l|U V Art

•it. Thk Wiiitk Drawim; Room.. fr,,- ( .1 'Itcvalict . Taylor, R. f!.C.

Oo. "La Jon.; DK ViVKi-;" j^^^

James Clark, R. I. ,R. B.C. James riar!-. Horn in West Hartlepool. ,S„„li<.,lnn,ler

",'"'>'''• -^ "f the .\rt Workers' C.nil.l UV,rl , . '>>• "'^' corporations of res n To r'v""" '"T'^''^"' '' ^"™'"^"^'- »"'' f"r Santiago, America. ' South

60. The Bovs Comi; Marchixc. Ho.mi: £;«() Fred Roc.R.I.,R.B.C.

;V^s;\h'«,"' ^^l ',^T ^;""'"->'lKe. Art e,l„cat ion '-'™i™. '" Hcatherlev's, InrleUMl''"'"™"^?."'- andc under Sir S our Lucas, R.A.

15 67. The Manor Hoitse £55 A. Chevalier Taylor, R. B.C. AIIktI Chcvalifr Taylor. Horn at An iml-r .MM. Pa. I J. l.aur.'ns ami C-arolus-Ui.ran Awanle.1 ,m.,|„ls an.l is hor, co«cours I'..,rls Salon Was clecU..! a rminliiT of iIk' Royal .S<,cii v of I r ?sh' Arl.sts, which hi^aftcrwanlsresiKnt"!.

68. Stacking the Wheat £55 Fred H all, R. B.C.

njrcol^''s;.h"'r;''\^I"""«!""- '^'•' «l"cati„n at the "' •''"'' ""''" I'r-fcssor Verlat AnAnt»^r„wcrp Academy.% i '^^l- A « painter of catlle Royal Academy .-«,d principal provincial exhihiti^ ns! ^^ A^^^"^ £165 Edgar Bundy.A.R.A.,R.I.,R,B.C. 70. A Son of the Sea £34 jg John R. Reid,R.I.,R,B.C., R.O.I. 71. The White Cliffs of Albion £137.10 G. Wetherbee.R.B.C.,R.O.I. Ocorjjc Wetherhee received his art Roya Academy education -.t -hn Schools, and at the Amwor, Academy ^™c^sX/s-i.o^i-S;;^^-- 72. Returning from the Trenches £22 Fred Roe., R.I. ,R.B.C. 73. Toilers OF the Shore £27,j T. Austen Brown,A.R.S.A.,R.B.C. 16 74. A Strbet in Sandwich £275

./. Kfrr-l.awson KriT-l,iiws.m J. was l».rn al Ansirutlicr, Stotlan.l ArUHh.cation in th,- of M. M. Calli. l.^. |.vi,"e an. H..ulanKcr. Hon. Sivnlary of the Si.nfd.lcr CMiil. an,l a mnnl-er ,,f iho Inl.rna.ional Society. I as awar

75. POLPERRO HaRBOIR, CORNWALL £40 4 ./nhn R. Reid.R.I .,K.H.C.,R.O.I . 76. In a Tunisian Cafe £105 Edgar liundy, A.R.A.,R.[.,R. B.C. 77. A Flooded Mill Pool £20 3 S.J. Lamorna Birch, R.W.S.,R.B.C 78. "This Is a Heart the Queen Leant On" (BrowninK) £173.5

Byam Shaw,A.R.\V .S. Byam Shaw Born ir- .Madras. Art education acquired

Academy hclio. 1., Was e.xtremely well known as an Illustrator, and has drawn for Shakes- peare, BrownuiR, Boccaccio. Au imi^rtant work o' his was acciiiired by the C'oriwration Art Callery of Liverpool. Painter of religious and allegorical subjects. 79. The Portal of the Sleeping Beauty £220 R. Anning Bell,A.R.A.,R.W.S.,R.B.C.

Robert Anning Bell. Bom in London. Worked at architecture, then at the Westminster School of Art tne Koval Academy Schools and in Paris under Ainic-Morot. M Is well known for many beauiifui designs in stained glass and a mosaic at the West- minster Cathedral. Nlember of the International Society of Painters, Sculptors and Gravers; the Arts and Crafts Society; and Art Workers' Guild.

17 80. Old Treks in Morning Sunshine £57.15 ir. Eyre Walker, R.\V.S.,R. B.C.

Nlanch^ter. '"' '''™' *^ Whitwonh Instiu.te,

81. Sunlit Clouds AND Thistle Down. £.57,1,-) Kex Vicat-Coleji B C

"^ Art,st,c Anatomy """ of Trees" and Bn.ilh Tr^es."

82. An Inn Yard ^gon Cyrtts Johnson, R.O.I A RBC

83. A Sunny Morning—The Ouse at ^'-''^'°'' .£330 Alfred Parsons, R. A. ,P R ]]' s RBC

^«P^<^=<="'«i by publicgklkrL ' many works i^

18 84. The Open Door r-^r _ '"; i55 stanhope A. Forbes,R.A.,R.B.C.

85. Breakers „ ^'^^'ilkinson,O.B.E.,R.T.,A.R^B.c',Ro I Xorman VVilkin.wn. Born at '-^'^,Caml,n,l„n \ \ ' , Acciuired his art « iication -its,.-, V, '•'''S'^- and '^""^ .\orth South AnuTic-. Is th, h"'''""? .i" " "'"'°^ of "History of the British .\avv '"A'irrl.n 11 important";Ukof"ht'^^l^^a.rninte'"p''"fi'"" -'" "h''"''" "i the I'acific, accmired hv tu„ ni -i- was ^""""'"™'- Men,l,er .Art Workers' (luiW s A," ships :4ich "' "was u ed'^b '"In'rhe^lnfT""''''^"-: nations. ^ ^" '""^ ^'•"'-d mantime

86. Landscape at Mullion. near "Tpe ^'^""^iv-Vv- £^2.10 ii.J.Lanwrna Buch,R.\V.S.,R.B.C. ^'- P^^^-- P^su ^2,3 J. Herbert Draper, R B C

88 Off Dover ^ ^'^^'^lkinsoH,O.B.E.,R.r.,A.R.B^C.,R.0.1. 89. Old Inn Yard, Banbury £33 G.C. Haite,R.I.,R,B.C. 90. A HA.MPSHiRE Cottage £15 10 G.C. Haite, R.I. ,R, B.C., R.O.I. 19 91. Interior of St. Mark's, Venice £28.17 Walter Tyndale,R.I.,A.R.B.C. Walter Tyndale was bom and educated Belgmm. at Bruees Art education at Antwerp and Bonnat. unto M Pans. Silver Medal, Antwerp Academy' Author and Illustrator of "An Artist in Eg™t^ " 'Tn Artist in Italy," and other books. 92. A French Peasant £46 4 r. C. Gotch,P.R.B.C.,V.P.R.\V.A.,R.I.

93. Cologne Cathedral and Bridge o" Boats £19 jg W. H. Y. Titcomb.R.B.C. 94. An Italian Idyl £§2 jq G. Wetheibee.R. B.C., R.O.I. 95. Miss Mukiel Wilson £770 Sir William Orpen,R.A.,R.I.

'''""''' °"''''"- Art education atft't^^'the sf^n/^'^'" Tu Slade School University College, London. been awarded Has gold medals at kensin|ton, London, and Pittsburg, United States of America. A work pur- ." '^^ Cliantrey Bequest, and he has works l^n thetit n" m public gallenes at home and abroad. 96. Hydranges £27 ^g T-C.Gotch,P.R.B.C.,V.P.R.W.A.,R.I. 97. Leopard and Guinea Fowl £86.12 A.Wardle,A.R.B.C. 98. Peace cao Fred Hall, R.B.C. 99. End of a Perfect Day £13 jg Hon. Duf Tollemache,A.R.B.C. 20 iOO."RvBy' £34,3 T.C.Gotck,P.R.B.C.,V.P.R.W.A..R.r.

101. The Mirror £3g_. Frank VDicksee.R.A.,R. B.C., H.R.I. Francis (Frank) B. Uicksce was l»rn in' London' Rcce,vc, from h.s father his art ciucation and at the ^'-•'"'"'^- H"-^ Fr?n I '\?' ™>; travelled much in •'^P^'". H°ll'-'nd, SwitrerlandW,?I f'^' ,'^n^'""'='">' and Tangier. Has been awarded m?dSs at Pans Brussels, Rome, St. Louis, etc. Two^^rks acquired un.ier the Chantrey Bequest. Is represented ^^""'^^ °' LiverpoorSt te^d! Sul^et'c!"^ 1°2-Pan £323 A.Wardle,A.R.B.C.

103. The Chateau at Loches, France £27.10 F. Marriott. A. R. B.C., A. R.E. 104. The RHoDODEt: ron Pool... £49.10 J.Arthur Black, A. R.B.C., R.O.I. John Arthur Black was bom at Nottingham Art ^' Academie Julian, and unde^ julcsru^lTT "-H MM Lefevre and Benjamin Constant. 105. In a Wood £2g 3 C. Vernede, R.B.C. Camille Vernede. Bom in England. Art at Leigh education s^ (afterwards Heatherley's), the Rova^ ""'' ^'^"'^'^ ""'i" PickneU^ '" " W lI

106. A Country Boundary ...£165 Cyrus Johnson,R.O.I.,R.B.C. 21 107. The Old German Front Line Before Arras, 1918 £330 CItas. Sints,R.A.,R.W.S. Charles Sims was born in London. Art education at the Royal Academy Schools. Has been awarded eold meals at Pittsburg, U.S.A., and Amsterdam Mis works, Ihe Wood Beyond the World" and "The I'ountam ' purchased under the Chantrey Bcciucst.

108. Canadians Embarking for the Western Front £288.15 Sir John Lavery,A.R.A.,R.S.A R H A H. R.O.I. Sir John Lavery. Born at Belfast. Art education at Glasgow, London, and Paris. Works of his have been acquired by nearly all the principal art galleries burope in and he is a member of the Socigt^ Nationalc des Beaux Arts, Paris, the Secessions of Bcriin, Munich and Vienna, the Society of Spanish Artists, Madrid etc in 1918 he gave a large collection of naval war paint- ings to the nation.

109. Eventide £j7 g F-FoUenBishop,R.B.A.,R.B.C.,R.C.A.

110. Sheep ON Stubble £57 15 Rex Vicat-Cole

111. Morning Bright £Qg H.S. Tuke,R.A.,R.\V.S.,R.B.C.

112. The Fete £44 James Clark, R.I. ,R.B.C. 22 113. Leith Hill, £55 Frank Walton P.P. R.O.I. , R.L^HonRet^d Member R.B.C.

."'" '""? '" ''"'""'"" ••\'-t s!m?h JJ'''""" '--'"cati.m at "^'' •*">•"' "', Academy Schoo whiro h'"r*^ ".'i"^ ?"''' ;•'''"'"'" "' "'« Koval Academy, Ko>aRrflTn'V,Institute, and many other exhibitions, sened on and has several International Juries. 114. Mary le Port St. Bristol £33 W.H. Y.Titcomb, R.B.C. 115. The Pool ^^^ W.J .Burroughs-Fowler, R.B.C. lie. A Venetian Canal ^ £16.10 I GC.Haite.R. I., R.B.C, R.O.I. t 117. The Heir to All the Ages £340.10 T-C.Gotch,P.R.B.C.,R.I Ihomas Cot)])cr Ootch was horn at Ketterinp Art education Heatherlej.'s, Eeole desB "ux Arts Antwerp, .Shde^ .School, an

John S. Sargent,K.A.,H.R.B.C.,H.R.P., etc. .John S. Sargent. Bom at Florence and educated in France. Art education in Paris under M. Carolus- Duran. Member of the Royal Portrait Society, the Royal Institute of Oil Painters, etc. His well-known picture, "Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose," was purchased under the Chantrey Bequest.

121. Over the Flemish Plain £17.5 Norman Garstin,R.B.A.

122. Winchester £17.5 Norman Garstin,R.B.A.

123. Japanese Ladies £46.4 E. Borough Johnson, A. R.B.C.

124. St. Mark's Basin, Venice £33 Mojfat P. Lindner,R.B.C.,A. R.W.S.

M. P. Lindner. Born at Edgbaston. Art education Heatherleys, the Slade School. Has worked much in Holland and Venice. Was awaided a medal at the Pans International Exhibition, 1900, and at the Barcelona International Exhibition, 1911, where his picture was acquired for the nation.

125. Ramparts of the Nile £69.6

R.G. T.Kelly, R.I. , R.B.C. 120. The Sheepfold £27.10

John Pedder, R.I. , R.B.C. John Pedder. Born at Liverpool. Art education at the Liverpool Academy of Arts, of which he was elected a member, but resigned.

127. Dutch Peasants £57.15 E. Borough Johnson.A. R.B.C. 24 128. Sunlight in the Forest £§§ H. Wilkinson, R. B.C. *" ''""''°"- ^rt Enllan!'^"prT"' education in ^T A frequent at the Rnvf^ a""1 ^"^^Vy- exhibitor Royal Academy, the urosvenor and New Ga lenes and is represented by works in many Englishi^ngnsn and continental galleries. ^

129. Shadows, a Country Road £22 G. C.Haite,R.I.,R.B.C. Geo. Charles Haite. Bom at Bexley Heath Kent '^'' -- PreSt'-o^The institute?n?tit" te'oflv'of Decorative'^f'^"^T\ Designers for thirteen vears Has written and lectured much upon art matters^ and has been awarded two gold, four silver Ind two We R.,?f •^]''^"iT°''''*'"" ^"d Public GaTleries of "^'- <="diff, N S W,r Hr^^^f^'- Munich. Leipzig ^"" '''"^y- have'acqu'ire'd el'mp'l^fo^f hl'lt"'^"'^ 130. The Tall Chimneys, Edinburgh ...£38.10 James Pnterson,R.S.A.,R.lV.S.,R.B.C. 131. A Backwater on the Dorset ^^"^^ '...£19.16 W. W.Collins. R.I. ,R. B.C. 132. Atlantic Shore, Iona £38.10 James Paterson,R.S.A.,R.W.S.,R.B.C. 133. Rouen, France £2o 15 Peter A. Hay,R.I.,R.B.C..R.S.W. 134. Folkestone— The War Ferry £20.15 Peter A. Hay,R.I.,R.B.C.,R.S.W. 135. The Dawn— Venice £27 10 Mofat P. Lindner, R. B.C., R.O.I. ,A,R.W.S. 25 .

136. The Wild Sea £52 W.Eyre Walker,R.]V.S.,R.B.C.

137. Evening Glow, Venice £15.8 Mofat P.Undner,R.B.C.,R.O.I.,A.R.W.S.

138. Crumbling Cliffs, Dorsetshire .. £34.13 W.Eyre Walker, R.\V.S.,R.B.C.

139. Upper Jedwater £13.4 JohnPedder,R.I.,R.B.C.

140. Herd of Buffalo £46.4 F.A.Verner,R.B.A.,A.R.C.A.

141. A Roxburgh Moorland £22 John Pedder,R.I.,R.B.C.

142. La Rocca, Sans Remo £28.17 Walter Tyndale,R.I.,A.R.B.C.

143. The Milk Maid £16.10 Arthur Hopkins,R.W.S.,R. B.C.

144. Old Renaissance Fountain Lily Pond at Bristol £20.14 W.H. Y.Titcomb,R.B.C.,R.W.A.

145. The Quay Side, Looe, Cornwall £11 JohnM. Bromley, R.B.C. 146. Polperro, Cornwall £27.10 E. Borough]ohnsor. , A. R.B.C.

147. The Greedy Boy £46.4 Arthur Hopkins, R.W .S., R.B.C 26 148. The French PLOircHMAN £115.10 William Hatherell. R.l. "There was one figure in this lan.lscaiic of war that made some omccrs al>oiit mc laiijth." He was a French iiloiighnian who upholds the tradition ot war. Zola saw hmi in 1S7(), and I have seen him on the edge of tlic other l>attlefieltls and here he was aeiin dnving a f.air of sturdy horses an

149. The House of St. Catherine, Siena £20.15 Walter Tyndale,R. I., A.M. B.C.

150. The Sun Blistered Desert £46.4 R.C. r. Kelly, R.L, R.B.C. 151. Low Tide, St. Ives £11 John M.Bromley, R.B.C. 152. Camogli, Near Genoa , £22.4 Walter Tyndale, R.I.,A.R. B.C. SCULPTURE

153. Griseida (Bronze) £44 AlfredDrury,R.A.,R.B.C.

154. Age of Innocence (Bronze) £49.10 Al}redDrury,R.A.,R.B.C.

155. The Kiss (Bronze) £82.10 AlfredDrury,R.A.,R.B.C.

156. The Bather (Bronze).. £44 AlfredDrury,R.A.,R.B.C.

27 157. Baby's Head (Bronze) £38.10 AlfrcdDrury,R.A.,R.n.C.

158. Spirit of Night (Bronze) £105 Alfred Drury,R.A.,R.B.C.

150. Reward of Valour (Panel, Gesso and Mother of Pearl) £9;i.lO F. Marriott, A. R. B.C.. A. R.E.


Prints (4). By Frank Brangwyn,R.A.,R.S.A.,R E R.B.C.

Frank Brangwyn is a member Royal Academy, Brus- sels, Milan, and Stockholm; menil)er Society .\ation- ale des Beaux Arts, Paris; honorarv niemlier .\rtists' As.sociation, Vienna, Secession, Munich, Soci^te Nouv- clle, Paris; Society of Water Colour Painters, Paris; Society of American Illustrators, etc. Has been awarded gold and silver medals, Paris International Exhibition; gold medal, Amsterdam; gold medal, Munich; gold medal, Venice (twice); (".rami Piix, Milan International Exhiliition; grand diijloma of honour, Barcelona International Exhibition; Medal, Chicago International Exhiliition; medal of honour, San Francisco Exhibition. Is a memlicr of the In- stitute de France, Royal Academy, Berlin, Cfimmander of the Order of Leopold, Belgium, of St. Marico and St. Larans, Italy.

160. The Feast of Lazarus (Etching) £20.15 161. The Building OF THE Ship (Etching) £27.10 102. The Last of H.M.S. Britannia (Etching) £20.15 163. Le Pont Neuf (Dry Point) £27.10 28 Prints (Ik). By T. Austen Brown,A.H.S..\.,

104. Nidi; Back (Etching) £0.18 \(m. Nude Restinc (KtchitiK) £ 100. Pasturk by Tiiic RivKR (DtchinK) C0.18 167. Ni'DE Rkclininc, (Etching) Co. 15 168. TiiR Sand Pit ( Etchiii),') - £4.12 169. The Fold (Coloured KtchinK) C0.18 170. HcMEWARD (Coloured Wood-Cut) £4.12 171. IIcviEWARu (IJthn^;raph) £2.6 172. Etaples, Market Place (Litho- graph)... £13 173. Etaples (Lithot;raph) £1.3 174. Market Place, Etaples (Hand- Coloured Lithograph) £2.0 175. Etaples (Hand-Coloured Litho- graph) £2.(i

Prints H). By Herbert Dicksee.

Herbert Dicksee. Ufirn in I.ondrm. Art edia-ition at Slade Schonl under LegfDS.

176. Victory (Etching) £9.4 177. Leopard and Jungle Fowl (Etch- ins) £3.9 178. Head of a Siuerian Tiger (Etching) £3.9 179. Sleeping Tigress (Etching) ...£3.9

20 Prints (//). By Alfred Hartley,R.B.C.,R.E.,R.B. A.

Alfred Hartley. Bom in Hertfordshire. Art educa- tion at South Kensington and under Fred Brown. Medal Paris Exhiliition, IhJSl). Represented in Per- manent Collections at South Kensington, Manchester, Venice, Rome, etc.

180. Au Parc (Aquatint) £5.6.6 181. Chapel Stairs, Eton College (Aquattnt) £4.4.6 182. The Bridge (Aquatint) £4.4.6 183. In a Wiltshire Village (Etching) .£2.17.6 184. Evening at Polperro (EtchinR) £2.17.6 185. In Richard Jeffries Country (Etching) £2.17.6 186. In Dorsetshire (Etching) £3.9 187. Old Archway, Asolu (.Iitching) £2.6 188. Old Archway, (Etching) £2.6 189. Roadway in Northern France (Etching) £1.14.6 190. In Picardy (Etching) £2.6

Prints (4). By Malcolm Osborne,A.P.A.,R.E.

Malcolm Osborne. Bom at Kromc, Somerset. Art Education at South Kensington under Prof. Lcthahv and Sir Frank Short.

191. Loches Castle (Etching) £4.12 192. The Fair Hills of France (Etching). £4.12 193. The Heart of Scotland (Etching). £4. 12 194. The Old Quay, Bannockburn (Etch- ing) £4.12 30 Desinns (g). By Andiew N. Prentice. R.Ii.C,

A. N. I'rrntici'. Born in CircfniKk. Art ctlurntion with William \.n]icT, R.VV.S. Is a Soani- mwlallist. IVsinnod and frocti-il many imiKirtant l)uililings in London and the Provinces. 195. Hoi'SE AT WiLLERSEY, WORCESTER- SHIRE (Architectural) Not for salu 196. Competition Design for Art C.alleries Glasgow (Architectural) Not for sale

Piitits {€). By Sir Frank Short, R. A., P. R.E. Sir Frank Short. Horn in Stourhridne, Worts. Art education at South Kensington and R. A. Schinils. Ciold medallist, Paris, 1SS!». Is ])rofess(jr of engraving at Kensington.

197. The New Moon (Aquatint) £18.!) 198. 'TwTXT Dawn and Day (Aquatint). ...£11.11 199. EllRENBREITSTEIN TO CODLENTZ (Mezzotint) £13.17 200. The Street, Whitstable (Etching) £11.11 201. An April Day in Kent (Etching) £11.11 202. Pevril's Castle (Drypoint) £13.17

Prints (S). By Claude A. Shepperson.A.R.A.. A.R.W.S.

C. A. Shepperscn. Bom in Beckcnham, Kent. Art education m London and Paris. Represented at Liverpool Cor])oration Art GalUry.

203. The Rehearsal £5.15 204. Play £6.18 205. Ascot, The Paddock £9.4 31 Design (1). By Sir Alfred Brumwell Thomas P-R.LB.A.,R.B.C.

''[homas. Horn in ^l""/^' ^V London. Has dcsimed J"""^'^'^'nt P"Mi. hnil.linKra Beilclta.stfa^t";n lV"''r^' and Woolwich tf}Hn halls. 206. Belfast City Hall (Architectural).,..

— - -.Not for sale

Designs (2). By Sir Aston lVcbb,P.R A H KBC ' KC.V.O.,C.B.

Sir A, Wcl.I). Born in London. Past nrcsidcnt „f '^^^--'™. «">-' Archltc^'lr' Instiu.trof'Bri'.ish

207. Buckingham Palace from the Lake ^T. James Park (Architectural P^°'°) Not for sale 208. Buckingham Palace from the Mall (Architectural Photo)..Not for sale

32 U

Alexander, Herbert Bell, R. AnainK 34 iiell-Smith, F. M 79, 118

Bishop, W. Pollen 17, 77, 86 Black, Arthur J. 5, 109 Brangwyn, 11» Frank V«n ^ii-^"-*- Bromley, John M '**"• 161, 102, 103 Brown, A. K. 31, 145, 151 Brown, T. Austen Z;:58,73;iH '' 165; Kio; 107! ifiS log'' Bundy, EdKar ™- ^''l- 172, 173, 174, 175 Burroughs-Fowler W 8, 69, 76 Carmiehacl, Herbert I*. 115 Clark, James 18, 19 Collins, W. W 65, 112 Craft, Percy R. 25, 131 Uicksee, Frank 4, 42 Uicksee, Herbert ,„ 101 Uraper, Herbert 176, 177, 178, 179 iprury, Alfred iS'Vi^-.vr 87 Fisher, Melton '•'^' '^*' I'A 156, 157, 158 Fitzgerald, Miss F.' 22 Forbes, Stanhope A 56, 59 Garstin, Norman H, 84 Gotch, T. C. 28, 121, 122 Hacker, Arthur 92, 96, 100, 117 Haite, Geo. C. 53 Hare, St. George ^^- 90, 116, 129 Hall, Fred.. 3, 43 Hartley, Alfred ..::i80,i8i;i82:iS3;i84,-185:i86:-i^' '' Hatherell, William 188, 189, 190 Hay, P. A 32, 148 Hayes, Claude... 27, 133, 134 Hopkins, Arthur 62 Jacomb-Hood, G P 33, 143, 147 Johnson, Cyrus 37, 44, 45 Johnson, E. Boroueh 82, 106 ^ 123, 127, 146 33 Kelly, R. Talbot 26, 125, 150 Kerr-Lawson, J . 74 King, Yeend 10, 21 Lavery, Sir John 108 Lindner, Moffat P 124, 135, 137 Ludby, Max 20 Mamott, F 30, 103, 159 Milner, Fred 7, 13 Olivier, H. A 15, 16, 57 Olsson, Julius 6, 61 Orpen, Sir William 95 Osborne, Malcolm 191, 192, 193, 194 Parsons, Alfred 83 Paterson, James 39, 130, 132 Pedder, John 126, 139, 141 Prentice, Andrew N 195, 196 Reid, John R 54, 70 Richardson, F. Stuart 23, 38 Roe, Fred 9, 66, 72, 75 Sargent, John S 120 Shaw, Byam 78 Sims, Charles 107 .Short, Sir Frank 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202 Shepperson, Claude A 203, 204, 205 Strutt, Alfred 1, 29, 36 Spenlove-Spenlove, F 40 Taylor, A. Chevallier 64, 67

Thomson, Leslie ... 47, 55 ToUemache, Hon. Duff 46, 63, 99 Thomas, Sir A. B 206 Titcomb, W. H. Y 93, 114, 144 Tuke, Henry S 51, HI Tyndale, Walter 91, 142, 149, 152 Vernid^, Camille 24, 105 Vemer, F. A 50, 140 Vicat-Cole, Rex 81,110 Walker, W. Eyre 80, 136, 138 Walton, Frank 113 Wardle, Arthur 52, 97, 102 Webb, Sir Aston 207, 208 Wetherbee, George 71, 94 Wilkinson, Hugh 60, 128 Wilkinson, Norman 85, 88 Williams, Terriok 48 WoUen, W. B 49


Director: Alex. J. ^Musgrove.

The WinnijicR Schot,! of Art is orKanizod for the [jtirposc of ti'achiriK the i>rind])lcs and jiractice of art ami clesi>;n in thfir several brandies. The schfxil is condiicteil in accordanee with tlie most modern ideas, while the severity of practice dictated by cxi)erience is maintained rigorously in the various cmrsesand sub- jects. Thoroughness and jirecision of workmanship are the keynotes of the instruction. Senior students fnrthi-rins,' I'leir studies at the larger art centres will I'lnd themselves in accord with t!ie licst ])ractice.

The Winnipeg School of .\rt |)rovi

The School emphatically teaches correct Drawing (the groundwork of all branches of expression) and Color, and aims to develop, students to express them- selves personally along modern practical lines.

Students arc advanced according to the abilitv wliich they display, and hence progress dei)ends on study and not on length of tune attended. Students having pre\ious knowledge or study will be placed in the advanced stage which their abilities merit.

Prospectus and infonnation on application. Tcle- I)honc A l.S4:i. THE WINNIPEG SKETCH CLUB The Winnipeg Sketch Club meets on T„. ^ >ng.s for Costume ^"^^^^ ^''^"- SketrhL T , Critieism '"" Evenings ar heM """"^'^ an'd thi""''"°'' smes of talks '' ^P'^^id v ,11 hH, , /."''''''''"'' Annual Fxhi on "''''^'•^- •^" ou '""''""'"^ studies) is hel ; «'''"«• the Itt'',';''"'"""^'' awarde,!. =" ^^^ich are

^'"'^ ooImunTrsplrira:;' "!! ^^ '« f""her a -embers ^'"""'^ '^'^ aVdenT;^„Tto ft'T''' to beeome '"'-"'''" "' -emberr' Hy' keen! enthusiasm and understandLTwm 'f^ 7^' workmg condition ^a ''"'^'' and fcelinp thl 7 -he spirit that ™'^°"'""^'"« produces good effort ' The Membership is open to all F„11 mfontiatKmi f respecting the Club may beob';^ f tary, Miss A. R. Colirat *" "'^ ^'"' ^'1^9.^^"^'*' at the Art Galle^ "^ "" application



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36 ll£ - I.I m


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