AFL PLAYERS’ Reconciliation Action Plan 2014 - 15 Our Vision for Reconciliation

We understand the role Australian Rules football players have in promoting reconciliation within society and take great pride in the work our members, Aboriginal and and the broader Australian community do to help achieve this.

This RAP symbolises the commitment of our staff to the development and support of our members to assist them in shaping an inclusive industry and promoting change within broader society. We wish to foster personal growth and celebrate diversity of our members; past, present and future, our staff and anyone who engages with the AFL Players’ Association.

“This painting reflects what AFL means to me as an Indigenous player. The yellow, brown and black dots around the border are the different colours of individuals playing, working for and supporting the AFL system. These dots go into the 18 different clubs scattered around , which lead into the middle circle that represents the AFL. For me AFL is such a diverse and multicultural game. Anyone can play, support and not be judged on who they are or what they believe but for their love of the game.“ – Cameron Ellis-Yolmen (Adelaide Crows)

2 AFL PLAYERS’ Introduction

I am extremely proud to present the very first AFL Players’ Association Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

The AFL Players’ Association represents 809 AFL players, with 67 of those who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

Developing an inclusive culture within our workplace, the game and greater society is a fundamental pillar of our organisational strategy and reconciliation is a big part of this.

We endeavor to provide all of our members, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous, with opportunities for personal growth and development and strive to create an environment where leadership skills are developed to generate a broader impact.

AFL football has long been considered a great vehicle for change and we have seen AFL footballers such as Nicky Winmar, Michael Long and , have a significant impact on society through their courage and leadership.

Through our education and development programs, the AFL Players’ Indigenous Camp and the support of our Indigenous Advisory Board, our staff strives to promote reconciliation on a daily basis.

We respect the opportunity AFL footballers have to ignite change and our role as the AFL Players’ Association to lead the way in reconciliation.

We see the development of this RAP as unifying and enhancing the behaviors we already value and instill within our Association.

Matt Finnis Chief Executive Officer Contents


AFL PLAYERS’ Our Business

The AFL Players’ Association was established in 1973. The Association strives to represent the interests and welfare of all players, not just within the course of each game, but all aspects of a footballer’s life. With 100 per cent membership of the AFL player body, including two club delegates representing each AFL club, the Association employs 29 full-time staff dedicated to ensure the continued growth and development of the people who make this game so special.

Today the AFL Players’ Association provides a range of services directly to players – from welfare support, to education, to career advice – and offers spirited representation of our views and interests to a wide range of stakeholders within the AFL industry and also in the broader community. Our vision is to be a respected champion of AFL players and the game. We intend to pursue this vision with the tenacity and commitment that success demands of AFL players – both on and off the field - through living our values; United, Courageous, Supportive and Respectful. The organisation currently employs one person who identifies as being Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander and in the 2014 AFL season there are 67 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players in the AFL - all of whom are members that the AFL Players’ Association represents.

We currently have one office which is based in Melbourne. AFL PLAYERS’ Our RAP The AFL Players’ Association has a long standing relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Islander peoples and communities. Since the AFL began we’ve seen many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players take the field, players that are legends of the game, such as Polly Farmer, Nicky Winmar, Michael Long and Adam Goodes.

During the 2011 Indigenous camp, the playing group agreed to create an Indigenous Players’ Advisory Board to become the voice of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players within the Australian Football League (AFL). The Board consists of a minimum of one Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander player representative from Western Australia, , and New South Wales and four representatives from Victoria.

The current board members are:

• Adam Goodes – Chairman • • Michael Johnson • Nathan Lovett-Murray • Patrick Ryder

In 2013 during NAIDOC week, the Indigenous Advisory Board in conjunction with the AFL Players’ Association launched a document titled Many Stories, One Goal, built from the stories and experiences of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander player in the game, along with key stakeholders within the industry.

The policy is built around four key pillars;

1. Induction 2. Professional Development 3. Personal Support and; 4. Our Culture

These areas are identified as vital to developing an environment that best supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander footballers throughout every stage of their playing career and beyond. The inspiration for the guidelines came from the AFL Players’ Indigenous Camp held in Alice Springs earlier this year and a want to achieve consistency in conditions across the competition for Indigenous players.


Through the work with the Indigenous Advisory Board and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players, we felt the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan was required to form part of our core business. As a result we developed a RAP working group, consisting of the following staff members who were involved in developing this RAP;

• Chief Executive Officer • General Manager Players Relations • General Manager Player Development • Indigenous and Multicultural Manager • Player Development Regional Manager • Media and PR Manager • Legal Counsel • Content Producer • Accountant

The working group is compromised of a range of staff members, including senior management and members of each of the four departments within the AFL Players’ Association is represented. We currently have one person who identifies as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and is part of the RAP working group. There is a commitment from our Board, players and staff to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players, past, present and future continue to be supported through the actions of our RAP in order to achieve our vision. Relationships

The AFL Players’ Association understands the importance of ensuring we develop and foster strong and meaningful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities. We support our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players, their families and their communities as this is a core part of our business. It is critical that we assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players to maximise their football careers and build brighter futures.

The AFL Players’ Association is passionate about bringing together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the broader Australian community through football in order to promote reconciliation. 8 Relationships Focus Area: Create, Strengthen and Engage

Action Responsibility Timeline Target

Establish a RAP working group with Chief Executive Officer March 2014 · RAP Working Group meetings held representation from all departments to quarterly. actively monitor RAP development, including implementation of actions and the tracking of General Manager, Player · Progress reports provided to the AFL progress and reporting. Relations Players’ Association Board every six months. Celebrate National Reconciliation Week (NRW) Indigenous and 27th May- 3rd June, · Organise at least one internal event by providing opportunities for Aboriginal and Multicultural Manager 2014 each year. Torres Strait Islander employees and other employees to build relationships and awareness. National · Develop AFL Players’ Association Content Producer Reconciliation Week website stories to promote NRW and our players – both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other players. Improve engagement with AFL clubs to increase Indigenous and September 2014 · Develop an engagement strategy to the support provided to Aboriginal and Torres Multicultural Manager assist with implementation of programs Strait Islander players and the understanding of and support for Aboriginal and Torres Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Strait players in conjunction with General Manager, Player AFL clubs. Development · Encourage all AFL clubs to conduct cultural awareness training to all employees.

· Provide all clubs with the Best Practice Guidelines – Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander footballers; Many Stories, One Goal document.

· Measure the implementation of the Best Practice Guidelines.

AFL Players’ Association will work to influence Chief Executive Officer December 2014 · Engage the AFL industry in the AFL other football clubs in developing and Players’ Association RAP working implementing a RAP to ensure they are building group meetings and facilitate strong relationships with their Aboriginal and Indigenous & Multicultural conversations with other AFL industry Torres Strait Islander players. Manager organisations regarding development of a RAP at least 3 times per year.

· Continue to invite Reconciliation Australia to be part of at least one meeting per year.

Ensure all Indigenous programs and events Media and PR Manager December 2014 · Develop a media plan for the AFL are promoted to the wider community to build season to promote all events and strong relationships and promote players activities. through the work the AFL is doing. · Engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players to form part of the media plan.

· Organise a meeting with AFL industry stakeholders working on other reconciliation projects to share best practices and ideas. The AFL Players’ Association will strengthen Chief Executive Officer December 2014 · Identify opportunities to partner with relationships with key stakeholders and other organisations to strengthen the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders in all Indigenous programs and support of sectors to foster a greater understanding and to Indigenous & Multicultural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander build stronger relationships. Manager Australians.

· Establish a list of key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders within all sectors. Officially launch the AFL Players’ Association RAP Working Group March 2014 · Launch the RAP at the AFL Players’ Reconciliation Action Plan 2014 – 2015. Association Season launch. · Encourage industry stakeholders and Indigenous community members to attend the & Multicultural Manager launch. Respect

The AFL Players’ Association is committed to ensuring we play a role in building awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultures. We will ensure that all AFL players, clubs and supporters acknowledge, embrace, respect and display a high level of integrity in understanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their cultures, their traditions and their histories.

10 Respect Focus Area: Cultural Awareness, Education and Celebration

Action Responsibility Timeline Target

To provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Indigenous & Multicultural July 2014 · Provide opportunities for all AFL Torres Strait Islander players and employees to Manager Players and employees to participate in celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander local NAIDOC Week events. cultures and communities through events and activities. Media & PR Manager · Provide in kind support to local NAIDOC events in Melbourne in 2014. Content Producer The AFL Players’ Association will engage Indigenous & Multicultural December 2014 · Develop and implement a cultural employees in understanding the protocols Manager protocol document and provide around Acknowledgement of Country and guidelines to all AFL Players’ Welcome to Country ceremonies to ensure there Association staff. is shared meaning behind the ceremonies. Marketing Executive · Continue to deliver an Acknowledgement to Country at internal events and Board meetings.

· Identify at least three significant events for which a Welcome to Country from a Traditional Owner will be included. The AFL Players’ Association is committed to Marketing Executive September 2014 · Develop a communications plan in promoting and sharing personal stories of our conjunction with the Indigenous and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players Multicultural Manager. and their cultures through the AFL Players’ Content Producer Association communication channels. · Identify key events and timelines Media and PR Manager throughout the year.

The AFL Players’ Association will engage Indigenous & Multicultural March 2015 · Develop a Cultural Engagement employees in cultural learning to increase Manager Training Strategy to ensure all awareness, understanding and appreciation of employees undertake the required Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories cultural training. and cultures in order to lay the foundation for Officer Manager other RAP actions to be achieved. · Continue to facilitate all new staff to undertake cultural awareness training during their Induction Program.

· Provide an opportunity for AFL Players’ Association employees to experience Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures through various events. Create opportunities for past and present Manager – Alumni & September 2014 · Involve and invite players to events Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players Corporate Programs aimed at promoting Aboriginal and to engage with AFL Players’ Association and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures associated organisations to build greater and reconciliation e.g. AFL Indigenous respect. Indigenous & Multicultural Round. Manager The AFL Players’ Association will acknowledge, Indigenous & Multicultural June 2014 · Engage with the Indigenous Advisory embrace and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Manager Board to consult on the protocol of Islander artwork within the AFL and broader designing artwork. communities. · AFL Players’ Association will display Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artwork at events and where possible to embrace and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Undertake a survey of Aboriginal and Torres Indigenous & Multicultural November 2014 · Conduct survey with all players on a Strait Islander players at the end of the season Manager range of topics. to assess the impact of AFL Players’ Association programs. · Promote research to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players. Opportunities

The AFL Players’ Association understands the influence football has on society; therefore we will strive to create sustainable opportunities for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players. Through developing partnerships, fostering stronger relationships and by engaging our members, particularly our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members, the AFL Players’ Association has the ability to make meaningful contributions through reconciliation.

12 Opportunities Focus Area: Partnerships and Engagement

ActionAction ResponsibilityResponsibility TimelineTimeline TargetTarget Investigate opportunities to increase Aboriginal Chief Executive Officer March 2014 · Review HR procedures and policies and Torres Strait Islander employment to ensure barriers to Aboriginal and opportunities. Torres Strait Islander employees are General Manager Player able to be addressed. Development · Engage with existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to consult on employment strategies, including professional development.

· Advertise all vacancies in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander media.

Provide a voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Indigenous Advisory Board March 2014 · Conduct at least four (4) IAB meetings Islander communities through the Indigenous Members each year and communicate with Advisory Board to create further opportunities Board members where required. for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Indigenous and · Connect with other Advisory Boards Multicultural Manager from other sports/industry.

· Seek guidance from IAB in developing future programs to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players. Develop greater Aboriginal and Torres Strait Manager – Alumni & December 2014 · Investigate opportunities to engage Islander past player involvement to promote Corporate Program past players in organisation events and benefits and opportunities as an AFL Players’ programs. Association past player member. Indigenous & Multicultural · Promote past player events, Manager newsletter and benefits to members. Provide pathways for the development of Indigenous & Multicultural December 2014 · Development of an action plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Manager each Aboriginal and Torres Strait the game, both on and off field. Islander player. · Develop a mentoring program for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players to access.

Develop partnerships with corporate Indigenous & Multicultural March 2015 · Develop a partnership with the organisations to assist delivering shared Manager Korin Gamadji Institute in supporting programs with the AFL Players’ Association. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

· Establish a cultural package to assist AFL clubs to further develop their Indigenous programs. Seek funding to provide our Indigenous Indigenous & Multicultural December 2014 · Funding submission to key Advisory Board members with professional Manager government departments. development opportunities. · Investigate sponsorship opportunities with new and existing partners of the AFL Players’ Association. Work with each AFL club to review their Indigenous & Multicultural June 2014 · Organise a meeting with each AFL Indigenous programs and identify how these can Manager club to discuss programs and to be increased further. assist in developing their programs if required.

Investigate opportunities to utilise Aboriginal Chief Executive Officer December 2014 · Review organisation suppliers and and Torres Strait Islander suppliers in our consider all possibilities to engage with organisation. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.

· Review procurement policies barriers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses are able to be addressed.

· Develop a plan for your organisation to publically promote business opportunities available.

· Review and reform procurement strategy, policy and processes so that supplier diversity principles can be incorporate into your procurement strategy. Tracking progress



14 Tracking Progress and Reporting Action Responsibility Timeline Target RAP to be provided to all AFL Players’ Indigenous & Multicultural March 2014 · All stakeholders provided with a copy Association staff, each AFL Club and made Manager of the RAP. available on the AFLPA website.

AFL Players’ Association will report RAP Working Group March 2015 · Report provided to key stakeholders achievements, challenges and learnings to and Board members. Reconciliation Australia for inclusion in the RAP Impact Measurement Report. Chief Executive Officer · Report to Reconciliation Australia annually through the RAP Impact Indigenous & Multicultural Measurement Questionnaire. Manager

Refresh and update AFL Players’ Association RAP Working Group March 2015 · Ongoing review of progress on Reconciliation Action Plan. the RAP outcomes through regular working group meetings. General Manager, Player Relations

Indigenous & Multicultural Manager CONTACT Kelly Applebee Indigenous & Multicultural Manager e: [email protected]