+ Planning Services COMMITTEE REPORT APPLICATION DETAILS APPLICATION NO: CMA/4/112 Residential development of up to 150 dwellings, small scale community hub comprising use classes A1 and/or A2, A3, A4 and A5 of up to 950sq.m. and FULL APPLICATION use class D1 of up to 950 sq.m. with open space, DESCRIPTION : hard and soft landscaping, associated infrastructure and off site highway improvements (outline, all matters reserved except access). Tees Valley Housing NAME OF APPLICANT : Land south west of Station Road, West Rainton ADDRESS : Sherburn ELECTORAL DIVISION : Ann Rawlinson, Senior Planning Officer CASE OFFICER : 03000 261393
[email protected] DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND PROPOSALS The Site 1. The application site comprises approximately 11.35 hectares of agricultural land bordered by hedgerows to the south western edge of West Rainton, abutting Station Road. To the north west of the site is the east coast mainline and the adjoining settlement of Leamside, to the south west is agricultural land and to the south east is the A690, leading to Durham and Sunderland. The site is triangular in shape extending from Rainton Gate/Lambton View to the east, down to Leamside to its western side, with the site sloping from east to west. The eastern/south eastern boundary is lower than the existing 3 storey properties at Rainton Gate which back onto the site. Off-site the ground slopes to the south allowing views towards Durham. 2. A public right of way extends through the centre of the site, along a raised field line from Station Road to the north into the agricultural fields and a wooded area to the south, connecting to a network of routes to the south and west.