December 2008

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December 2008 PARISH NEWS PARISH EVENTS LOVING OUR LIMITS Living the Gospel throughout the diocese, PAGES 8-9 The many ways to celebrate the season, PAGE 13 Confessions of a perpetual over-achiever, PAGES 14 A section of the Anglican Journal NEWS • PERSPECTIVE • REFLECTION • FOR A GROWING CHURCH • DECEMBER 2008 The Old Same Prayers MICHAEL THOMPSON PRIEST, ST JUDE'S OAKVILLE December is an important month for Mary the mother of Jesus. The feast of her nativity comes on December 8, and then, of course, we honour her birthing of Jesus on the Feast of his Nativity. But Mary is also dear to others, and especially to Muslims. The House of the Virgin Mary in Ephesus is a Chris- tian and Muslim shrine, in which the prayers of Christians and Muslims honour Mary as the Mother of Jesus. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Almost there Canon Mark Tiller dramatically proclaims the NISSA BASBAUM Gospel during the Synod Eucharist on Friday RECTOR, TRANSFIGURATION ST CATHARINES November 7. Years ago, when I lived in England, I had a friend who described priests by the sea- sons of the Christian calendar. According to this man, there were four defi nitions. To the Clergy and People of Niagara Synod 2008 The exciting, over-the-top and extraordinarily creative person is an Easter priest. The one who leaves you CHARLES STIRLING there was sense of clarity for his own with the impression that something is the Diocese of Niagara RETIRED CANON, CHRIST'S CHURCH CATHEDRAL Episcopal ministry and the work we about to happen, that he or she is on One of this year’s special times for must undertake together. the cusp of magnifi cence but hasn’t God to speak with a prophetic voice Bishop Bird was the Lambeth Con- One of the Bible studies was quite arrived, is the Advent priest. The on this subject. I, therefore, intend to ference. In his Charge to Synod the based on Jesus’ words, “Very truly, I newly-ordained keener is the Christ- ask for a rite to be developed for the Bishop spoke of this experience, tell you, I am the gate for the sheep”. mas priest – just born and raring to blessing of same-sex couples who and how his vision for the Diocese There is an invitation to take a jour- go but, like a toddler, likely to get into have been civilly married, along with emerged. ney that involves entering a sheep trouble from a lack of experience. a process to enable these blessings to What has indeed emerged is a enclosure and going beyond the take place that will at the same time challenge to the people of Niagara to sheep pen. All of these gates have CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 MICHAEL BIRD honour the diversity of tradition and begin to develop a new and challen- two sides, the safe interior, and the BISHOP OF NIAGARA theology that exists across Niagara. ging way to do ministry. The Bishop other pasture and abundant life. I write to you on the Eve of our It is my hope that this process tells of his daily Bible study with What then does it mean for us to Christmas! Whoop- Synod to indicate to you the next would move ahead as expeditiously as African, English and American Bish- think of Jesus as a gate that invites step I am asking us to take on the possible and that I will be in a position ops, himself being repeatedly intro- both the world into the Church and dee-doo journey of discernment that we con- to report back to the Diocese within duced as the Bishop of Niagara Falls. urges the sheep to follow Jesus trust- tinue to travel as a Diocesan family, the next few months. The focus of the study was the series ingly into the world? JERRY SALLOUM with regard to the issue of same-sex I want to assure you and be abso- of the ‘I am’ sayings for John’s Gos- RETIRED VICAR blessings. There will be some time lutely clear, that all clergy and all par- pel. Studying these passages allowed The Vision Emerges Well, here it is again, Christmas: the set aside to hear from delegates on ishes will be fully free to follow their them to be a doorway into some great The vision that has been emerging at trees, the tinsel, the turkeys and the gifts. this matter on Saturday but a large own conscience in this matter, as and stories, powerful insights and won- regional meetings and clergy gather- Sometime in November, the media kick- part of the agenda will deal with our when we are able to move forward. derful fellowship. For him the space ings calls us away from survival to started our excitement over this historic vision for the future and so I feel it I ask for your prayers for our was Holy Ground. a vision of vibrant abundant hope in celebration, reminding us it was a season is important to issue this statement Diocesan Synod that opens with the As he looked over his eight the life of the Church and invites us to to be jolly, a season of chestnuts roasting ahead of our gathering. Synod service tomorrow evening and months as Bishop, he could see the what has become the Bishop’s man- and of Jack Frost nipping. The media As is the case with our brother and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit vision beginning to come together. tra over these months, the Pursuit of told us that Zellers was the place to shop sister Anglicans in the Dioceses of as the delegates gather in session on The ‘I am’ passages seemed to make Excellence in Ministry. for that perfect Christmas gift. Montreal and Ottawa, I believe we are Saturday. real the lives and ministry of those among those who have been called by Yours in the love of Christ. Bishops gathered there and for him CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 2 NIAGARA ANGLICAN DECEMBER 2008 SYNOD 2008 Compelling vision calls for total support CHARLES STIRLING undertake a justice issue. Acts of char- RETIRED CANON, CHRIST'S CHURCH CATHEDRAL ity are vital and the roots of need have The focus of Synod 2008 was the to be examined to ask why people are Bishop's vision: The pursuit of excel- hungry and homeless. lence in ministry. Peter Wall examined the model of In his opening remarks, Michael abundance rather than scarcity, noting Patterson called the Bishop's vision our God was one of abundance. He an exciting opportunity in the Church felt we need to improve our communi- of Niagara to be a vibrant faith com- cation through the web-site, Niagara munity giving witness to faith the Anglican, meetings, Deanery gather- diocese. ings and more. We need to examine Lambeth was most formative for our systems to develop economies of Christyn Perkons and Joyce Wilton show their 'Yes our Bishop and he has been sharing scale, sharing and partnerships. There We Can!' shakers, which symbolised the Bishop's his experiences in this regard. But the is the need to track, acknowledge and vision of shaking up the church. experience has to go beyond Cathedral celebrate volunteerism. Place to the whole diocese. At a meet- Joyce Wilton and Lynne Corfi eld ing at Canterbury Hills in September a felt the need to respond to situations, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 group of people met to discuss fi ve pri- meeting people where they are and to » orities, which included prophetic social inspire social activism through wor- justice, effective use of resources, life ship. Christyn Perkons and Cheryl changing worship enterprises, outstand- Fricker suggested a covenant partner- Niagara Synod 2008 ing leadership and cultural innovation. ship with clergy and laity, saying we The process has encouraged feedback need to live out our Baptismal coven- to assure we are on the right track, and ants in shared ministry, build relation- It is the opportunity to reclaim our ment with our vision, coming back to to the members of the National Church the regional meetings, which have given ships in the community around us in prophetic voice in a troubled world synod in February or March with a more and the Anglican Communion. Bishop feedback, were very well attended. response to their need. They also sug- and to lead the fi ght against poverty, realistic picture of where we are headed. Bird has consulted widely in the Diocese, The Bishop then took over and gested creating intentional experiences violence and injustice that continues to This will be an interim step toward the the country, at the House of Bishops and mentioned that at the closing Eucha- that relate resources to areas of need. pervade our communities and society. hopes and goals we have for the future. with the Primate. He has now made his rist at Lambeth a special rite took Stephen Hopkins suggested that we At the same time there is a challenge We will have an emerging vision and response public and responded to the place, during which the names of the can only live our way into newness. We to embrace the United Nations Millen- a clearer understanding of what it will House of Bishops and has outlined the Melanesian Martyrs were received by need to try new ways and accept some nium Development Goal of 2001. We all take to get there. steps as we move forward to Same Sex the Archbishop of Canterbury. The mistakes. We need to see more trans- need to celebrate the gifts of ministry we The Bishop offered the bottom Unions.
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