'.one .gam their itbe quite clear; in ; its important series they did better tharn The maoralinfluence of the stage I banody:else. .. good, said .Mr. Robson. When Crom-. Anyll-America iollege bhaiebali, teams c.w~Icame.into power the stage was are following 'is .the tfoulest dondition, virtue 'was'be- e' i` ` antrlsetlher er-b$!e. now in order and the .adbitted as the best-to be found in littled and vice was clothed in at- SGood 4v S l teen e•Yal k Trib- John D l 'Saver. t tractive garb. But' the literary men 0 tlhe stern .:colpge . Clarkson,1•r--r l•tAltay•ir~ •e~gotten "^:ii thatandin: by tl aefm, 3 and toa4y pt 1•- O'rd, itcheiGee.iG Princeton, Cah' terge Joi ew once p ?that e ,public is I n erj; laonPrinceton, first base; ol.-I =h _ son to dgnc tt~ I he emba ' rdei the shimsff oeob si'ing the life . sta e 'nyle than to ee0onwdlit- )f eastern owners look cheap n the rich lier, Pennsylvania, second base; Or- 1 mazes i hie alh Miss Maude adams at the risk of his erature. .American Derby in Chicago. From bin, Pennsylvania, shortstop; Guern- own. At the time Mr. Drew was been thrust as a result of the ferie' Prince- the Atlantic coast Heno, Pentecost, sey, Yale, third base; Brown, playing in Providence, R. I. It was Major league contest, there is no siga lyArsenal and Hermis were sent to the Young Mr. Woodruff's Debut. President Wa S ton, left field; Barnwell; Yale, center on the initial'night and in the open- of abatement in the legal warfare. of Lake Michigan to compete Henry Woodruff, now one of the r, shores field; Meier, Princeton, right field. ing scene Mr. Drew and Miss While the St. Louis club's injuIfction 1Iis club has$ 1 " Adams leading players in "The were Suburban," suita is -slumbering in *the Missouri head ostfEurope evof with the fastest runners of the west. occupying the stage, when the began his stage career as a chorust Our eastern colts were smitten hip A Successful Jockey. backing of the attic interior gave Supreme court, and the McGuire case . , and with .- ito thigh, not one of them getting singer in J. H. Haverley's Juvenile k and Jockey W. H. Buchanan, whb says way and fell. Quick is pending in the United States court lburg, as change uatchl ".I as thought Mr. Opera company, which -as presenting i Leeven a place at Washington park. he was released by W. K. Vanderbilt Drew threw himself in Philadelphia, the Lajoie case is be iand they will repest in the path of the "Pinafore" in the days, when that leading men of the New because he could not win races on bad falling scenery, knowing ing enlarged by contempt proceedings "Now the full well that. opera was enjoying its first success. turf asks their good friends on horses, is now under contract to Pat if it struck Miss Adams just brought by the Philadelphia club. Owns Champiolx York she might re- Mr. Woodruff was nine years old, and the further side of the Alleghanies to Dunne, one of the shrewdest turfmen ceive terrible injuries, if not death. To top it all the Worcester club of Barney Dreyfus, ow.nei 1-,n send Wyeth, Lucien Appleby, and in the West. Buchanan was engaged in company with a number of other mg -1takeluncheon with. He received the full weight of the the Eastern league is seeking to en- eager of the Pittsburg by Dunne shortly after the jockey left children-300 of them, in fact-he an- league, is Joyfully- SgoodpoorMary MacLanellow,L. Aladdin, the three placed horses in toppling piece, receiving bad cuts join outfielder Smoot from playingt tional pend the restsaid the Vanderbilt stable. Buchanan is swered an advertisement for child with the St. Louis aagain capturing the .penna>nt * of Maher the American Derby, to snuff the about the hands and fice, but Miss S.lvedown thatnaughthe counted a strong rider. He was singers. The trial of voices was made club. This case is interesting from son.a With the present onheadsofa pickle trust aevi-Le salty air of Long Island and to show Adams escaped unhurt. brought out by Barney Schrieber, who in Chickering hall, New York, and thetl fact that the Eastern league con- tr their paces against Heno and Pente- For a time it was developed him in San Francisco. feared that the the youthful Woodruff selected as his tractst last year were provided with cast, Arsenal and Hermis in the famous actor was seriously Schrieber brought the boy to Chicago injured. trial performance the good old hymn, a one-year option clause similar to course of a coming meeting. If the The curtain was rung down, but when "Onward, Christian Soldier." thetl National league option clause western owners will take up the Mr. Drew assured the managers that He sung it to an accompaniment of east throws which the Pennsylvania Supreme t gage of battle which the as soon as his injuries could be dress- jeers and laughs from the other as- courtc declared to be legal and bind- of the picnic seasonn down in a chivalric spirit of honor- ed he would tf able challenge, without the slightest be ready to go on, the pirants, but he was picked out of the ing. trates the cruel power of audience was requested to remain in crowd, and in company with Julia of jealousy or ill feeling, excit- Temporarily harmful though all this touch their seats until the scene could be Marlowe. Annie Russell, and William races will be seen, and how litigation may be, yet it is not alto- ing set again. Meantime a surgeon had Collier, he says, he began his life as the visitors from gether undesirable. It is a part of ce teaches. No boy whoo hearty a welcome been called, and the numerous cuts a player, singing the merry lays here! the war which will eventually ;Illtl a cannon cracker in his sChicago will receive which Mr. Drew had received were which Gilbert & Sullivan concocted reshape of fast colts took baseball; and the net result ? Nt exolodedeveyer repeats the "Eastern owners patched up one after the other. It for their choruses. His first salary h of the deal of trouble and spent lawing and arguing will probably be orna ce. a great was within half an hour after the ac- was $2 a week. L much money to champion the ori- Mident that the scenery was once more some sort -of a good and binding base- of the empire state in the turf ball contract. At any rate, •Carnegie is reversing matter flamme in place and all was ready to pro- An Absurd Blunder. b when the magnates get done with lawyers yng libraries in England. Maybe e tournament in Chicago. They were ceed. Theatrical folk in London are and cordially and treated with courts they will have a better ends to ship them over here and dgreeted When Mr. Drew reappeared he was smiling at the blunder of which Mrs. c knowl- hospitality. They have no edge of the status of the baseball eheim away. generous received with great enthusiasm by James Brown Potter was the victim. bus- find, no complaint to make; iness, and a clearer perception fault to the house, which was quick to appre- Ashtoon & Boor, theatrical agents, re- of its but they are ardently desirous of a limitations and their own duties a-oldooden in "cucumberPennsylvania seeds" are ba- ate his heroic act. It was fortunate ceived a letter from the Princess Ba- by then, should not toward an enter- return match. Why, at the time foi" the distinguished riatinsky in Paris, stating that the it, than ever before. Do what the magnates •gentleman who does not give the western champions be brought comedian that no small part of his Grand Duchess Michael of Russia was will, they cannot kill meet our eastern flyers on the game itself. *onnecticut address. here to leisure was spent in various kinds desirous of engaging the services of The only question is how much harm the clubs in mind there seems I" Long Island?" of exercises by which his body was Mrs. Potter for July 20. they will do them- I selves by doubt of the result of the race. e-'dispatch says that a falling sign made strong enough to stand the The agents communicated with 9 their furious endeavors to kill rusk a Brooklyn woman on the nose. Veteran Turfman Gone. shock which he received. Mrs. Potter, who replied that she k each other off. Financial losses "The great Judge is going to hang and a multiplicity of law suits will end Cleveland's Move Endorsed. .. " le will, doubtless be a devout be- in 1900, and when the German turf- was willing to :go to Paris to recite a out my number pretty soon." These war quicker and better than anything Lajoie has made Cleveland a ,reat - 'liever In ,signs hereafter. off the Washington Eugenie Blair to Play "Zaza." for the Princess.Bariatinsky, although " were the last words of Sam Bryant, man was barred else; so go ahead with sicking on 1ball town once more, 30,000 .pebp~e s;, Park track because of the inconsistent Eugenie Blair has secured the Mrs. Potter observed that July 20 wasc the veteran turfman, who died at his the legal dogs of war, Messrs. Mag- ttending the game in that city in four The man who blows his own trum- running of his horse Fly-by-Night rights to "Zaza," and to Mrs. Leslie a curious time for the grand duchess UL home in Louisville last week, and it annates.-Sporting Life. days last week. Boston and Ba p•et"sinks into 'insignificance com- Buchanan was also barred, but no '-- would have been impossible for him more being the visiting attractio•nsi "pared with the Oklahoma millionaire other ruling was made against him. to have uttered, no matter what he Early Baseball. The raise in price has not affected . .whounveiled his own monument. Last spring he signed to ride for Van- said, a more characteristic sentence. It was on those rural fields in the Cleveland. In fact, one peculiarity of derbilt at a large salary. The horses His whole life interest was in the neyday of baseball that the sport, if tthis Western city is that 50-cent bil2. Russell Sage drew $2,000,000 divi- owned by the New York millionaire I I turf, and for over fifty years he had less refined, was more picturesque. iis always patronized better than 25= dends last week, so it is likely that failed to come up to expectations and been familiar to every man and boy That the game was cent ball. The extra attendance "has he will feel as"if he can celebrate by Buchanan was unable to win with vocal goes with connected with racing in America. No the saying. Not far away from the taking -a long ride on the street cars. them. Buchanan can ride as low as paid Lajoie's salary already, and- will man was more straightforward or 4 truth was the country captain prove the best kind of an investment . 100) pounds. He is a strong boy and who I outspoken in his speech, but he leaves described his team as "men who British army bands have been or- can make a good finish. Last year can't forf the Cieveland club, both at home behind him a host of friends, and few, bat much or field much, dered to play Sousa's marches. Per- he had 217 mounts and rode thirty but first fand onr. the road.-Boston Globe. if any, enemies. rate talkers." To dispute the haps the name has misled them. They winners. He was married only a few umpire Sam Bryant was well over the allot- on every close decision was orthodox {:`.may " not iKnow that Sousa is a Yan- days ago. When I)unne was deprived This is n Fact. ted three score years and ten, yet he duty-a fashion not yet outlived-and kee. of the services of WTinkfihll, through Charley Dryden tells a good story was a man of marvelous vigor and it made the rural ball game forensic on IRoy Thomas. the former Orange the injuries to the colored rider in activity. Hundreds of stories are told as well as spectacular. The rain of cash at the Prohibition the fall with MlcChesney at Harlem, A. C. fielder. One day Thomas treat- that illustrate his vitality and robust- The country umpire, state convention at Peoria shows how he was without a regular jockey. He who was ed his wife and two little girls to a ness during the past five or ten year::. usually ieasy it is to have money in your welcomed the opportunity to get selected by the home team, :amne. They sat, much impressed, for r But nothing so well demonstrated his merits his clothes -if you have never cultivated ddetermination and activity as his trip Buchanan. specifie picture. In the a time. Roy drew a pass and stole a thirst. earlier days of the sport he was cho- second. He slid twenty feet on his to Chicago, all the way from Louis- sen for knowledge or the Miss Jones is Tennis Champion. rules sim- ).hack in a cloud of dust and gravel, ville, to see the fifteenth running of ply because the opposing bucolic and rose Phoenix-like from the gloom Since his return to Germany Prince 0 Derby at Washington The woman's tennis championship the American nines had so little knowledge Henry has composed a march, but if of the United States has been award- them- safely on the bag. Everybody ap- Park. selves. Later technical it is at all reminiscent of his tour ed to Miss Elizabeth Jones of Nevada lore become plauded but the littlest Thomas maid- somewhat secondary as a credential through the United States it must be by default from Miss Elizabeth en. She gazed in disgust at her e Wonderful Hammer Throw. and in the ideal rural umpire .a quickstep. Moore. At JPhiladelphi,. while play- .77" was dilapidated father and said: "Oh, John Flanagan of the Greater New sought a kind of Boanerges-a ing the second -etMiss Moore. who is Son dear, how clumsy my papa is!" York Irish Athletic association, cham- of Thunder, bellowing out Mr. Edison announces the invention last year's champion, was seized with his decis- so simple p pion of America at throwing the ham- ions until the welkin echoed, of an automobile so simple of on- a fainting spell and the match was and Prominent Baseball Veteran. weight,mer, discus, has madeand a sensationalfifty-six pound per- able on the one hand either to pla- struction and so cheap in price that Lt postiponed. Miss Jones should have In the retirement of Roger Con- cate the crowd by good temper or to any prudent man can own one with- (; received the match by default on the nor from active play. after twenty- -formance with the "fifty-six" by get-( daunt it with strong speech. That is out issuing bonds. spot, but in a sportsmanlike way, re- four years of continuous service, the ting the big sphere out the remark- to say, the umpire of the time and fused. Miss Moore'n illness proved lBIlfiI Conecticut league is not shorn alt- able distance of 3' feet 1011 inches. place had to own no middle terms William Bradhurst Osgood Field d Accomplished in an exhibition throw to be more serious than expected an:: of gether of famous veterans. Theie personal temperament, but be either still remain to it Jerry Denny, and having married into the Vanderbilt it at Celtic park, Laurel, L. I., in a Miss Jones was declare., the cham- extremely crisp or superlatively good- family may either consider his trou- pion. IjIi1 the toughest "old hickory" of them 1-practice trick which as such will not natured and tactful.-Outing. bles ended or just beginning, accord- 1-stand as record, the feat completely all. James H. O'Rourke, who has played professionally for thirty-two ing to his disposition. eclipses any previous figures made by The Automobile and the Horse. The million advantages of the auto- Extend National League. years and is still one of the best this athlete. The accredited best The Louisville Courier-Journal mobile over the horse is a never-fail Carter's production of the play, and to be in Paris. The agents were dis s-a in the fast Connecticut The New York girl who saved her r work, 36 feet 9' inches, held by says: home from fire by "trying to think ing topic or the enthusiastic auto. will tour in it next season under the mayedm a few days later to receive a league. "Upon what meat doth this, k Flanagan, was made Oct. 20 last year. "Plans for increasing the mobillst, says the Louisville Courier. management of Henri Gressitt. letterle from Paris saying that the circuit our 'Orator,' feed" that he remains what a man would do and then doiing of the National baseball league tc it" has evidently failed to absorb any Journal. Automobiles, you are con- Mrs. Potter the grand duchess sought so youthful? y Praiseworthy Idea. twelve clubs are under way stantly told, don't scare. don't get Amelia Summerville Growing. wwas a professional nurse and not an and it is of Sarah Grand's contempt for "mere e The action of the National Cycling stated on good authority that Louis- sick and die, don't away, don't There is a rumor current on the actress.a( Western League Solid. man." association in starting a fund for ville draw the flies on a hot day, don't slip Rialto, whispered furtively on every 1~rs. Potter lattughed when the mat- will be one of the clubs in the M. H. Sexton, president of the West- riders injured in cycle racing, is look- circuit. During ged upon as a commendable feature of and break their legs. don't need the corner, accompanied by wi.*'w nodding tertc was explaineld, and now London the last week Presi- ern Baseball league, said recently King Victor Emmanuel is talking ident James A. Hart of attention of the Humane society, and of heads, and. like all proper rumors, ssociety is agrin at the story. the Chicago that the Western league this year is of making a visit to most of the royal Llthat interesting sport. Riding as fast team and Secretary H-larry making more money than it has ever courts. Will he be impolite enough has their times show, the speed mer- don't do many, many disagreeable and believ'd implicitly by every on-. Pulliam and Manager Clark of the Pittsburg done in its history, and in commenting to go the rounds without dropping in achants are liable to accident at any unpleasant things of which horses are especially her clearest friends. This A Play-F~cader's Humor. team were in town and, though on the Milwaukee team's work haid. on J. Pierpont Morgan for a quiet lit- t-time. Following gasoline motors guilty, either in summer or winter, is that Amelia Summerville is taking Henry W. Savage, the president and te they stated at the time that it had improved until it was'no.tt tle chat? or both. This, from the heart of the on weight at a rate that may make managingm director of the Castle that they were not 1 around saucer-like tracks at the rate here on business, recent developments admittedly ahead of the Milwaukee blue grass region, bodes ill for "old necessary a revival of ".Adonis," s) SquareS opera company, has a play of forty miles an hour, is not only a have tended to show that they That Missouri man who gave up Dthrilling sight, but one that is danger- hoss." that once more she can be a merry rtreader who is a bit of a wag in his h were association team. Charges were looking over the ground with a viewv made against the Milwaukee associa- little mountain maid. In days of yore, wayw and decidedlly original $12,000 rather than change his name Sous in the extreme. The bursting of in his toto tion team of having tried to persuade Whist. when she seemed in danger of weigh- cicriticisms of the manuscripts placing a team here." in the breaking of a chain, a loss which ought to be caught and put e a tire, the club trophy, which Catcher Lucia of the Western league of nerve on the part of the steersman The Hamilton ing at least a ton. Miss Summerville, areal submitted to him. Some claysago Smithsonian institute of curiosities. Victory for American League. team, to jump to the Brewers for Most of us would even be Smith or has been contested for at tihe Ameri- like the true heroine she is. got next t.e was placed on his desk a new r might result in a tumble, which would The American league scored a big Jones for that. an enforced vacation can Whist league congress, was won to a fat-banishing cure and came back trtranslation of Helevy's "I a Tenta- $200. mean at least victory in the McGuire case, as Judge for the riders who earn their living by the Cleveland team. in thle finals, to Broadway a sylph. Lillian Rus- tition" (The Temptation), made by a D Whist club of Bos- Dallas of the United States circuit Condensed Dispatches. Lord Ktchener is praising the Boers at this game. Should they be laid beat the American sell. Fay Templeton and other prom- wwell-known writer of comic opera li- ton by the score of 16 to 13. The inent members of the Embonpoint blbrettos. It was read in due(11course courth paid no attention whatever t- Rockford has signed third baseman for their courage, steadfastness and dup for a few weeks in the hospital, it the decision of the Pennsylvania su- Any credit that the satisfaction to know that a American Whist league challenge club, gazed with envy and then begged aland a couple of mornings afterward Havel. military skill. is some preme court in the Lajole case in ds- The Terre Club has released Cy weekly allowance is forthcoming from trophy was won by the Philadelphia for the secret. But Amelia's heart 1IMr. Savage found the following note pr Boers get now will of course, .add to \Vhist club, who beat the Baltimore ciding the McGuire matter. Judge the riders' fund. The fund is support- has grown as hard as her flesh and wwaiting for him when he came to the ci Swaim. the size of the job Lord Kitchener suc- club by four tricks. The play for office: Dallas says very emplhatically that the The Newark club has released ed by benefit meets held at frequent not a word would she divulge. From o0 D ceeded in performing. the Milwaukee trophy resulted in a Dear Mr. National league contract was one-sid- intervals and from percentages donat- that day to this she has successfully Savage-By not leading catcherThe DavenportClarke. club has signed the Knickerbocker club of ed and that there was no mutuality in Harry ile W•indt, the Arctic e.- ed by promoters at various tracks. tie between defied the scales, but at last her Y,you into Temptation, I shall deliver ed New York and the team of Sea Gate, it. James McNamara is of the opin- Ed Hughes of Chicago. plorer who was found starving on the pride has had a fall, and the cruel Yvyou from evil. Yours B. C. M. i eWestern Al Smith. Coney Island. ion that had the Lajole case been edge of- Behring sea, should cheer news has reached us that she is full The author still has the manuscript. to Toledo has signed catcher Frank properly fought even the Pennsylva- Sebasti.n of Albion college. up. When he gets back to civiliza- 30 pounds heavier than she was on More Legal Fighting. The Des Moines club has secured tion he will be able to enjoy all the May 1. Theatrical Gossip. President Hart of the Chicago Hattie Wiilliams will remain the third baseman Burg from Omaha. perquisites of a real hero. Nashville has released Pitcher Guy league club. has concluded to alko Leo Ditrichstein. RRogers Bros.' leading lady for next Sample, and Memphis has signed him. take a hand in the spreading legal Leo Ditrichstein has been engagcd season.5 A New Jersey man has committed Shortstop Arthur Ball. late of scrap. After slumbering a whole year to originate a part in a new play Mme. .lanauschlek's condition gives suicide because he was disappointed or more over the American league's in love. If he could send a wireless little1i hope of her ever being much Minneapolis, has signed with Peoria. alleged violation of the contract under mnproved. Bobby Scanlon. the Syracuse uni- message from his present place of which Comiskey was permittedt to es- Foy versity pitcher, has signed with Ilion. business the world would doubtless Eddie will have a prominent tablish his club in Chicago under the Des Moines has signed a Chicago leg that he is disappointed in death. role in next season's pIroduction of rules of th. old National Agreement, "Bluebeard." seTond baseman named John Calla. Mr. Hart has suddenly awakened. He The De Arville sisters have signed han. . - When J. Pierpont Morgan was in Birmingham has purchased tIe re EAgland everybody said: "There claims that the corntract is good and with Reilly & WVoods' big show for enforceaile and pr(op)oses to sul)mit next season. lease of outfielder Ubler from Llttl0 jg.es he American kaiser." No one it to a court of justice ior tlecision. Sandow says he has quit posing ant! Rock. German Mor- John P. Keefe of Pittsburg, h.s ealleti Prince Henry the is going to teach physical cuiture gan -When he was here. Morgan, been appointed a Southern Leage owtever, has a superior t twistoof the Two Bike Records Broken. from this on. Two wor.d's bike records wet Eugene Cowles. it is intimatted, is umpire. First baseman Stephan has been broken at the Salt I.akepalace saucer to devote his entire next se::son t') track last week. The half-mile un- the concert stage. elected captain of the 1903 No tre ran aid-de-camp of the czar, piaced record of :55 2-5 seconds, held Whetn Virginia l-!arned appears in Dame team. • ' by Maj. Taylor. was reducedtl by Wil- the title role' of "Iris" next s'.As.n, Pitcher Cook, formerly of St. Pa• " AO'•,•t.:lcoarat to : 52 Jim Hilda Sp:ong will betin has signed with the Milwaukee A. ,A ~eeior Americanone pokernight The picture printed here is from liam E. Samuelson 3-5. her company. Miss Bertha S %e~l 'that Europeans are the latest photo of "Western Al Chapman lowered the half-mile com- Creighton will star club. .-!i•~"t ]hitherto. unrivaled :58, held by M. L. Smith," turfman, bookmaker, fancier petition record of next year in a comedy by Grace Liv- Pitcher John Kennedy has ..been a ingston Furniss, Charles Comiskey. leased and pitcher James Pierce srgn- of the higher class of pugilists, and Hurley, to :57 ,-5. entitled "A Colonial ed by Ilion... Cinnnati p "n Girl." a general all-around sport. nAla court would not have ruled the Iler has gone to law Duffy's Great Sprint. It seems pretty certain that Col. wayw it did. of Wallacesome local Gatch note, Cinainatihas been pitalai•ne? at Ipenters at work College Baseball Men. In the field sports at Wolverhamp- duced at the Garrick theater New tCody is going to give up the show The race in the American league is business, for he has had by MemphisSpokane. has exchanged nr - a is reuidence are The college baseball season which ton, England, Duffy, the American his Samso- stilla a close one and is by no means nian locks shorn. - *t n between closed in New York last week, fur- runner, starting at scratch in the one decided, though the White Sox have iis an artist. It is announced that Edna May will man Lauzon for' first 3baseman• nished fine sport. The collegians do hundred yards handicap, won in a nice lead. If Griffith is out of the que of Birmingham. "' :-e a not visit Australia at present, but will Concord has signed Outfntl4 not play the game as well as the pro- 0:09%. This time is officially certi- of htighn R-schooltalks whenever andpro- gamea for the season, as Chicago re- rdeturn to this country early next sea- p s sifer,of Bates college, ,an4 fe~senals, but there is more spirit of fled. The Sportsman says that Duffy's ports would indicate, it will be a 4 more no- son and appear in a new musical more of the sports- time was 0:09 4-5. The Chronicle gives Newwherever England opportunity townGarrickthe offers.ther dayInNew a bone- hardh blow for Comiskey, as there is Patch of Fall River. ' .. sharp rivalry and fGeorge J. Costellq, '03,O f" manship in their games. 0:09',1as the official time. edy. non qusestion that the grouchy little ,Among the UEastern college tenamnis put kinks in some of the puritanlctl 1 E. S. Willard has engaged Miss ChicagoC Ianager-captain Is one of hahn ha asenotmi *Sp*ht a '" thntr-•l--.•, b hv n , ,";nnin "Q'•onhn" Mnnrl•,e Feanlvy who wina firs-t aon . ) he pventant hPnahllP1 pwanovela in thus