First Sunday of Advent - 29th November 2015 Sixmilebridge + Kilmurry Parish Newsletter Parish Priest: Fr. Harry Bohan 086-8223362 Sacristan: Kilmurry AnneMarie Sheedy Secretary: Puff O’Connor Contacts: Parish Office 061-713682 email:
[email protected] website: Sixmilebridge Christmas Market: We are now finalising CHRISTMAS - COME BACK TO GOD Parish Office arrangements and need volunteers to help on the night and Mon - Fri. 10.00 a.m. - 12..00 Noon In the middle of the crazy busy days in the run up to Christmas, days before the market, to get everything ready. Anybody in- For Booking of Masses, Baptisms & Weddings. can we stop and invite God into our hearts and lives once more. terested in helping should call to the Courthouse on Tuesday How can we do that? Just focus on why He came into the world 1st December between 7 - 9 p.m. in the first place. That world had become a Godless place and a The Skills In These Hills, Feakle Christmas Crafts Baptisms take place at 12.00 Noon on Sundays in God-less people. No shortage of institutions, religious places Sixmilebridge + Kilmurry Fair will be held in the Feakle Community Hall on Sunday, and religious leaders. But for the most part the real God was November 29th from 10am to 3pm. Please come along to sup- missing. The institutions and religious leaders had become cen- We pray for the repose of the soul of Katarzyna Swiader, 1, Rosendale port local artists, designers and makers, visit our craft market tral. Terrace, who died during the week.