PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE FISH TRADE BETWEEN CARICOM STATES AND THEIR TRADING PARTNERS THE EU AND US: THE CASE OF ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES Ferique Shortte The United Nations - Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme 2012-2013 14th DECEMBER, 2013 1 | P a g e Disclaimer The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines, The United Nations, Nippon Foundation of Japan, the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS) or the University of Wollongong. ©2013 Ferique Shortte. 2 | P a g e Copyright Statement This copy of the research paper has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation, diagrams and information derived from it may be published without accurate citation. Contact Information Ferique Shortte, Email:
[email protected] Suggested Citation: Ferique Shortte, ‘Promoting Sustainable Fish Trade between CARICOM States and Their Trading Partners the EU and US: The Case of St Vincent and the Grenadines’, Research Paper, United Nations - Nippon Foundation Fellowship, 2013. 3 | P a g e Abstract Ferique Shortte Promoting Sustainable Fish Trade between CARICOM States and Their Trading Partners the EU and US: The Case of St Vincent and the Grenadines Fish and fishery products are ranked among the most traded food commodities globally; the majority of fish that are being traded comes from developing countries. It is estimated that worldwide capture fisheries stands at 90 million tonnes with an estimated sale value of US$93.9 billion.