Jan. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003

Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on the National Emergency With Respect to Libya January 2, 2003

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) Libya that was declared in Executive Order As required by section 401(c) of the Na- 12543 of January 7, 1986. tional Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1641(c), Sincerely, section 204(c) of the International Emer- GEORGE W. BUSH gency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1703(c), and section 505(c) of the Inter- NOTE: Identical letters were sent to J. Den- national Security and Development Co- nis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Rep- operation Act of 1985, 22 U.S.C. 2349aa- resentatives, and Richard B. Cheney, Presi- 9(c), I am transmitting a 6-month periodic dent of the Senate. This letter was released report prepared by my Administration on by the Office of the Press Secretary on Janu- the national emergency with respect to ary 3.

Remarks to the Troops at Fort Hood, January 3, 2003

The President. Thank you very much. The President. On Christmas Eve I had Thank you all. Thank you all very much. the honor of calling some of our troops General, thanks a lot for that kind introduc- who are around the world, service mem- tion. I always like a short introduction. bers, men and women from many bases, [Laughter] Thank you for your warm wel- including Fort Hood. I thanked them for come, and thank you for this jacket. serving America so far from home and far Audience members. Hooah! away from their families. The President. I’m proud to wear it. Today it’s my honor to come here to Audience members. Hooah! Fort Hood to thank each and every one The President. And I’m proud to wear of you for the work you do to make sure it in my home State of Texas. Laura and that our Army is second to I are honored to kick off the new year none. with the soldiers and families of Fort Hood. Audience members. Hooah! The President. We’ve got more than Audience members. Hooah! 1,300 troops from Fort Hood that are serv- The President. All Texans are proud that ing abroad and defending our country and our State is the home to so many fine mili- keeping the peace, from Cuba to Kuwait tary units, including the great 1st Cavalry to Korea. Another 1,600 are preparing to Division—— deploy abroad. In the months ahead, more Audience members. Hooah! soldiers from Fort Hood may be giving— The President. ——and the mighty 4th given other essential missions. But wher- Infantry Division—— ever you serve or wherever you may be Audience members. Hooah! sent, you can know that America is grateful The President. ——the key ingredients and your Commander in Chief is confident to the home of America’s hammer. in your abilities and proud of your service. Audience members. Hooah! Audience members. Hooah!

20 Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / Jan. 3

The President. I want to thank General owe the husbands and wives of those who Wilson and his wife, Lynn, for receiving wear the uniform. Each one of you knows Laura and me. I want to thank Larry Ellis that Army life can be rewarding, and you and Jean—General Ellis. I appreciate so know it can be dangerous and difficult. much General Joe Peterson. I want to Every day, our military families are putting thank Sergeant Major Gravens and his wife, America’s interests first, and America Deborah, for joining us here today. I ap- thanks you as well as those who wear the preciate my friend, the Governor of the uniform. great State of Texas, Rick Perry, for joining Fort Hood and the units that call it us today. I want to thank members of the home have a special place in our country’s congressional delegation who are here, Joe military history. For decades, soldiers from Barton, Congressman Chet Edwards. I ap- preciate you all coming. the First Team and the Iron Horse Division I want to thank some of the State and and from other units have fought America’s local officials. I know my friend Dianne battles with distinction and courage. White Delisi is here. I want to thank Now you’re called again into action, to and Sid Miller as well. I defend America and the cause of freedom want to thank the mayor of Killeen; haven’t in the first war of the 21st century. For seen the mayor in a while. It’s good to this country and for our friends around the be in your presence, Mayor. Appreciate all world who love freedom like we do, the the local officials, my fellow Texans, mili- stakes are great. The terrorists have shown tary families, veterans, and all the commu- what they intend for us, and we’re not nity leaders who have come out today. going to forget. Thanks for being here. We’re not going to forget the fact that I know we’ve got some of the many vet- they kill without regard for the rules of erans who live in this area with us today. war. They don’t value innocent life like we The men and women of Fort Hood follow do. In America, we say everybody is pre- in the great traditions that you passed on cious. Everybody counts. Everybody is to them. You each wear a proud title, vet- equal in the eyes of the Almighty. eran of the United States military, and I That’s not the way the enemy thinks. want to thank you for the example you They don’t value innocent life. They’re have set and the service you gave to our nothing but a bunch of cold-blooded killers, country. and that’s the way we’re going to treat Audience members. Hooah! The President. And I appreciate and them. America appreciates the sacrifices of our Audience members. Hooah! military families. I signed the largest in- The President. They reach across oceans crease in defense spending in a generation. to target the innocent. They seek weapons Audience members. Hooah! of mass murder on a massive scale. The The President. I wanted to make sure terrorists will not be stopped by mercy or that our soldiers had the best possible by conscience, but they will be stopped. pay—— Audience members. Hooah! Audience members. Hooah! The President. And they will be stopped The President. ——the best possible by the will and the might of the United training—— States of America. Audience members. Hooah! Audience members. Hooah! The President. ——and to make sure the The President. Our country is in a great housing was the best possible for our fami- contest of will and purpose. We’re being lies, military families. That’s the least we

21 Jan. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003

tested. In times of crisis, we will act deci- The President. We do not yet have all sively. And in times of calm, we’ll be fo- the terrorists, but they’re all on the run. cused and patient and relentless in our pur- And if they listen carefully, they will hear suit of the enemy. That’s what we owe the behind them the mighty footsteps of the American people. United States of America. We’re not waiting for another attack. We Audience members. Hooah! can’t wait for another attack to employ the The President. And we’re not quitting. full power of America in this cause. We’re We’ll fight this war on many fronts, with acting now to protect the American people many tools. Our intelligence operations are and to shape a future of peace. This war, tracking the terrorists. We’re sharing intel- like others, is not going to be won on the ligence with other countries that share our defensive. So we’re going to take this fight desire for peace. Our allies are keeping the to the enemy. peace and helping us keep the peace in Audience members. Hooah! Afghanistan. We’re hunting the terrorists on The President. And we’re making good every continent. See, they’re in over 60 dif- progress. We’re making good progress. ferent countries. Working with our friends and allies, we We’ve got a vast coalition of people have freed the people of Afghanistan from bound by this principle: Either you’re with one of the most brutal regimes in the his- us, or you’re with the enemy; either you’re tory of mankind. We enforced a clear doc- with those who love freedom, or you’re trine that said, ‘‘If you harbor a terrorist, with those who hate innocent life. Our coa- if you feed a terrorist, if you hide a ter- lition is strong, and we’re keeping it strong. rorist, you’re just as guilty as the terrorists,’’ And we’re on the hunt. We’re chasing them down one by one. and the Taliban knows what we meant. And as well, we’re confronting the threat Audience members. Hooah! of outlaw regimes who seek weapons of The President. We’ve destroyed camps mass destruction. Different circumstances where terrorists train. There used to be require different strategies, from the pres- camps. The United States military showed sure of diplomacy to the prospect of force. up. There are not any camps in Afghani- Yet in every case, the resolve of our Nation stan. is the same: We must and we will protect Audience members. Hooah! the American people and our friends and The President. We’ve emptied caves allies from catastrophic violence, wherever where they hid. See, they used to think the source, whatever the threat. they could hide. But you can’t hide from In the case of North Korea, the world the United States of America. You may must continue to speak with one voice, to hide for a brief period of time, but pretty turn that regime away from its nuclear am- soon we’re going to put the spotlight on bitions. you, and we’ll bring you to justice. In the case of Iraq, the world has already We’ve cut off millions of dollars that the spoken with one voice. The Iraqi regime enemy was using to fund operations. We’re has a duty under Security Council resolu- working with friends and allies around the tions to declare and destroy all of its weap- world, and we’re hauling them in, one by ons of mass destruction. That’s what the one. Some have met their fate by sudden world has said. That’s what the United justice. Some are now answering questions States expects from Saddam Hussein. at Guantanamo Bay. In either case, they’re The Iraqi regime is a grave threat to no longer a problem to the United States the United States. The Iraqi regime is a of America and our friends. threat to any American and to threats who Audience members. Hooah! are friends of America. Why do I say that?

22 Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / Jan. 3

Well, first of all, the leader in Iraq has sively, and America will prevail because publicly proclaimed his hatred for our we’ve got the finest military in the world. country and what we stand for. Audience members. Hooah! The Iraqi regime has a record—a record The President. We are ready. We’re pre- of torturing their own people, a brutal pared. And should the United States be record, and a record of reckless aggression compelled to act, our troops will be acting against those in their neighborhood. in the finest traditions of America—should The Iraqi regime has used weapons of we be forced to act. Should Saddam mass destruction. They not only had weap- Hussein seals his fate by refusing to disarm, ons of mass destruction; they used weapons by ignoring the opinion of the world, you of mass destruction. They used weapons of will be fighting not to conquer anybody mass destruction on people in other coun- but to liberate people. tries; they have used weapons of mass de- See, we believe in freedom. No matter struction on their own people. That’s why what their oppressors may say, the people I say Iraq is a threat, a real threat. of Iraq have no love for tyranny. Like all Four years ago, U.N. inspectors con- human beings, they desire and they deserve cluded that Iraq had failed to amount— to live in liberty and to live in dignity. account for large stockpiles of chemical and America seeks more than the defeat of ter- biological weapons, weapons capable of kill- ror. We seek the advance of human free- ing millions. In last month’s declaration, dom in a world at peace. That is the charge Iraq again failed to account for those weap- history has given us, and that is the charge ons. we will keep. The Iraqi dictator did not even attempt In crucial hours, the success of our cause to submit a credible declaration. We can will depend upon you. As members of our now be certain that he holds the United military, you serve this Nation’s ideals, and Nations and the U.N. Security Council and you demonstrate those ideals in your code its resolutions in contempt. He really and in your character. As Commander in doesn’t care about the opinion of mankind. Chief, I have come to know the men and Saddam Hussein was given a path to peace. women who wear America’s uniform. I Thus far, he has chosen the path of defi- have seen your love of country and your ance. devotion to a cause larger than yourself. The fate of the Iraqi regime is being I have seen your discipline, your idealism, determined by its own decisions. Saddam and your sense of honor. I know that every Hussein knows precisely what he can and order I give can bring a cost. I also know must do to avoid conflict. We have made without a doubt that every order I give that clear. The world has spoken with one will be carried out with skill and unselfish voice. courage. And even now, he could end his defiance Some crucial hours may lie ahead. We and dramatically change directions. He has know the challenges and the dangers we that choice to make. We certainly prefer face. If this generation of Americans is voluntary compliance by Iraq. You see, the ready, we accept the burden of leadership. use of military force is this Nation’s last We act in the cause of peace and freedom, option, its last choice. and in that cause, we will prevail. Yet, if force becomes necessary to disarm Thank you for your service. May God Iraq of weapons of mass destruction and bless you. May God bless your families, enforce the will of the United Nations, if and may God bless America. force becomes necessary to secure our country and to keep the peace, America NOTE: The President spoke at 10:55 a.m. at will act deliberately, America will act deci- the Abrams Physical Fitness Center. In his

23 Jan. 3 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 remarks, he referred to Gen. Robert Wilson, major, III Corps and Fort Hood, and his USA, acting commanding general, III Corps wife, Deborah; Texas State Representatives and Fort Hood, and his wife, Lynn; Gen. Dianne White Delisi, Suzanna Hupp, and Larry Ellis, USA, commanding general, Sid Miller; Mayor Maureen J. Jouett of Army Forces Command, and his wife, Jean; Killeen, TX; and President Saddam Hussein Gen. Joe Peterson, USA, commanding gen- of Iraq. The Office of the Press Secretary eral, 1st Cavalry Division; Command Sgt. also released a Spanish language transcript Maj. Michael Gravens, USA, corps sergeant of these remarks.

The President’s Radio Address January 4, 2003

Good morning. One year ago this month, dents are learning and which students need our country set a bold new course in public extra help so we can give them help before education. With the No Child Left Behind they fall further behind. Act, America began a promising era in our For parents with children in persistently public schools, an era of local control, high failing schools, the law provides hopeful op- standards, and accountability that will tions. Those parents can choose to send produce better results for America’s stu- their children to better public schools or dents. receive funding to pay for after-school tu- Under the new law, key choices about toring or other academic help. No parent education spending will be made at the will have to settle year after year for local level by parents and teachers and schools that do not teach and will not principals who know the children best. change. Instead of getting excuses, parents Government cannot and must not try to will now get choices. run the Nation’s schools from Washington, Across America, States and school dis- DC. tricts are working hard to implement these Yet, the Federal Government has an im- reforms. They are developing accountability portant role. We are providing far more plans and beginning innovative tutoring money than ever before to help States and programs. The path to real reform and bet- local school districts, more than $22 billion ter results is not easy, but it is essential. in this school year alone. Over the last 2 The priorities of last year’s reforms will years, we have increased Federal spending also be reflected in the budget I will sub- by 40 percent, and in return, we are insist- mit to Congress this year. Too many stu- ing that schools use that money wisely. dents in lower income families fall behind States must set new and higher goals for early, resulting in a terrible gap in test every student, to ensure that students are scores between these students and their learning the basics of reading and math. more fortunate peers. To help close this The law also requires that schools regularly achievement gap, I will ask Congress to test students, share the results with parents, approve an additional $1 billion, a total of and show how the results in each school 12.3 billion, for the Title I program in the compare with others. 2004 budget. This would be the highest My budget provides more than enough funding level ever for Title I, which serves money for States to test every student, our neediest students. every year, in grades three-through-eight. Our reforms will not be complete until Testing is the only way to know which stu- every child in America has an equal chance