@bahrainbourse @bahrainboursebhb Equity Market Weekly Trading Report

Report from 2017-11-19 TO 2017-11-23 Index Activity of the week Opening Closing Change % Change Bahrain All Share Index 1269.90 1276.58 6.67 0.53 ↑ Bahrain Islamic Index 1039.91 1064.03 24.12 2.32 ↑ Bahrain All Share Index (Daily) 1,400








Chart Information Start Point End Point High Low Change % Change Bahrain All Share Index 1213.11 1276.58 1,382.71 1,092.02 63.47 5.23% ↑ * The daily chart starts at Monday, January 04, 2016 and ends on Thursday, November 23, 2017 Bahrain All Share Index (Weekly)






1000 05/01/2012 05/01/2013 05/01/2014 05/01/2015 05/01/2016 05/01/2017 Chart Information Start Point End Point High Low Change % Change Bahrain All Share Index 1137.72 1276.58 1,494.03 1,035.30 138.86 12.21% ↑ * The weekly chart starts at Thursday, January 05, 2012 and ends on Thursday, November 23, 2017 ― 50 Day/Week Moving Average

Trading Operations Directorate Page 1 Bahrain Bourse Equity Market Weekly Trading Report

Report from 2017-11-19 TO 2017-11-23 Price Movement and Fluctuation

Three Top Advancers Company Name Currency Previous Closing Change % Change GFH FINANCIAL GROUP B.S.C (GFH ) USD 0.440 0.470 0.030 6.82% (ABC ) USD 0.280 0.295 0.015 5.36% Ithmaar Holding B.S.C. (ITHMR ) USD 0.095 0.100 0.005 5.26%

Three Top Decliners Company Name Currency Previous Closing Change % Change ZAIN BAHRAIN B.S.C (ZAINBH ) BHD 0.096 0.090 -0.006 -6.25% BBK (BBK ) BHD 0.420 0.410 -0.010 -2.38% Ahli United B.S.C (AUB ) USD 0.670 0.660 -0.010 -1.49%

Index Activity of the week Opening Closing Change % Change Bahrain Islamic Index 1039.91 1064.03 24.12 2.320 ↑

Bahrain Islamic Index (Daily) 1180.00











Chart Information Start Point End Point High Low Change % Change Bahrain Islamic Index 816.95 1064.03 1,120.72 698.65 247.08 30.24% ↑ * The above chart starts at Monday, January 04, 2016 and ends on Thursday, November 23, 2017 ― 50 Day Moving Average

Trading Operations Directorate Page 2 Bahrain Bourse Equity Market Weekly Trading Report

Report from 2017-11-19 TO 2017-11-23 Sector Summary % of Companies No. of Co. No. of Co. in No. of Sector Value Volume Traded Traded Sector Trades Commercial 100.00% 7 7 81 635,719 6,312,315 Investment 36.36% 4 11 153 2,470,728 16,039,167 Services 50.00% 5 10 186 652,984 3,009,149 Insurance 40.00% 2 5 3 10,581 47,469 Hotels 50.00% 2 4 16 54,318 113,229 Industrial 33.33% 1 3 9 59,056 96,663 IPO 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 Preff. Shares 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 Closed Co. 0.00% 0 2 0 0 0 Non Bahraini 0.00% 0 1 0 0 0 Total 48.84% 21 43 448 3,883,386 25,617,992

Value (BD In Hundreds ) Volume (In Hundreds )

100000 1,000,000 10000 100,000 1000 6,357.19 6,529.84 10,000 30,091.49 543.18 1,000 100 1,132.29 100 160,391.67 10 590.56 105.81 10 474.69 1 1 0.1 24,707.28 0 63,123.15 966.63 0.01 0

Sectoral Index Activity Sector Opening Closing Change % Change Commercial 2,619.23 2,594.16 -25.070 -0.960 ↓ Hotel & Tourism 2,859.82 2,851.74 -8.080 -0.280 ↓ Industries 970.83 986.54 15.710 1.620 ↑ Insurance 1,610.88 1,632.78 21.890 1.360 ↑ Investment 635.09 653.78 18.700 2.940 ↑ Services 1,082.07 1,084.91 2.830 0.260 ↑

Trading Operations Directorate Page 3 Bahrain Bourse Equity Market Weekly Trading Report

Report from 2017-11-19 TO 2017-11-23 Market Activity Volume Value No. of Trades

25.80 25.62 3.89 3.88 480 472 25.60 3.88 470 25.40 3.87 460 3.86 448 25.20 25.08 3.86 450 25.00 3.85 440 24.80 3.84 430 MN MN Previous This Week Previous Week This Week Previous This Week Week Week Percentage Change Comparison Volume Value No. of Trades 2.15% ↑ 0.66% ↑ -5.08% ↓

Weekly Trading Average (5 Days) Average Value of traded Shares (BD) 776,677 Average Volume of shares 5,123,598 Average No. of Transactions 90

Five Best Performance By Volume Symbol Currency Volume Value Trades GFH FINANCIAL GROUP B.S.C (GFH ) USD 10,831,117 1,838,080 100 Al Salam Bank - Bahrain B.S.C. (SALAM ) BHD 3,519,359 336,410 19 Arab Banking Corporation (ABC ) USD 3,133,050 342,410 42 B.S.C. (BARKA ) USD 2,045,000 269,838 9 Ithmaar Holding B.S.C. (ITHMR ) USD 1,909,000 67,457 19

Five Best Performance By Value Symbol Currency Value Volume Trades GFH FINANCIAL GROUP B.S.C (GFH ) USD 1,838,080 10,831,117 100 Arab Banking Corporation (ABC ) USD 342,410 3,133,050 42 Al Salam Bank - Bahrain B.S.C. (SALAM ) BHD 336,410 3,519,359 19 Seef Properties (SEEF ) BHD 330,917 1,572,612 141 Al Baraka Banking Group B.S.C. (BARKA ) USD 269,838 2,045,000 9

Five Best Performance By Number of Trades Symbol Currency Trades Value Volume Seef Properties (SEEF ) BHD 141 330,917 1,572,612 GFH FINANCIAL GROUP B.S.C (GFH ) USD 100 1,838,080 10,831,117 Arab Banking Corporation (ABC ) USD 42 342,410 3,133,050 Bahrain Telecommunication Company (BATELCO ) BHD 30 219,302 1,081,987 Al Salam Bank - Bahrain B.S.C. (SALAM ) BHD 19 336,410 3,519,359

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