A Comparative Appraisal Analysis of Political News in the Namibian
A COMPARATIVE APPRAISAL ANALYSIS OF POLITICAL NEWS IN THE NAMIBIAN AND NEW ERA NEWSPAPERS FROM 2015 TO 2018 A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN ENGLISH STUDIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NAMIBIA BY KRISTOPH NAMAWE (200915355) SUPERVISOR: DR COLLEN SABAO ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I hereby, firstly, acknowledge the encouragement, advice, assistance, suggestions and criticisms, from my supervisor, my thesis promoter Dr Collen Sabao, who skillfully guided and motivated me in this long journey. He has persistently, encouraged, and guided me throughout this process, which, because of his support, has been extraordinarily gratifying. Thank you for the moral support you have given me. I am honored to be counted among your supervisees. I will always treasure every minute we had! Secondly, I express profound appreciation to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science of the University of Namibia, specifically Dr Nelson Mlambo for the opportunity to learn and for all the moral support. I would love to thank the Master of Arts in English Studies class of 2018. Over the past 2 years we have been sharing ideas, encouraging and motivating each other. The discussions and those charming experiences we shared pushed me this far, I appreciate your diligence, my good friends. Finally, my heartfelt thanks go to my family and friends. Firstly, to my husband who has been taking care of our house while I was away. Secondly, to my adorable June babies, Uriah and Azariah, I did not give you the attention you desired, more especially Azariah since day one as I was always running to the classes, studying for test/examination and doing assignments.
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