27 January 2009

Political Affairs Brief A daily summary of political events affecting the Jewish Community

Scottish Council of Jewish Communities


Contents Home Affairs Relevant Legislation Holocaust Consultations Israel

Home Affairs

UK Parliament: Early Day Motion Brian Iddon (589) Assisted suicide and the suicide Act 1961 – That this House welcomes the provisions in the Coroners and Justice Bill to bring the Suicide Act 1961 up to date by making clear that its provisions on assisting or encouraging suicide apply to the internet; notes the declared wishes of pro-euthanasia campaigners to see further amendments to the 1961 Act to permit assistance with suicide for vulnerable groups of people, including the terminally ill; observes that the Act combines a categoric prohibition of assisted suicide to deter abuse with an ability to assess the circumstances of apparent breaches of the law and, where appropriate, to deal compassionately with them; believes therefore that the Act, especially if amended as the Government proposes in the Coroners and Justice Bill, is working as it should; and calls on the House to reaffirm its support for a law which protects vulnerable people from abuse. http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=37623&SESSION=899

New publication Responding to Human Rights Judgments Government Response to the Joint Committee on Human Rights’ Thirty-first Report of Session 2007-08 http://www.justice.gov.uk/docs/responding-human-rights-judgments.pdf TOP

Holocaust UK Parliament: Early Day Motion Andrew Pelling (573) Holocaust Memorial Day and the European Union – That this House calls on the Government to work with the United Kingdom's European partners for the introduction of a Europe-wide annual national holiday to mark Holocaust Day on 27 January each year, the anniversary of the relief of Auschwitz-Birkenau, such that the grief, the horror, the sorrow, the loss and the evil of the Holocaust shall never be forgotten and shall never be repeated. http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=37607&SESSION=899


Foreign and Commonwealth Office Holocaust Memorial Day Foreign Secretary David Miliband made a statement on Holocaust Memorial Day. He said: 'Today we remember the victims of the Holocaust and vow to learn the lessons of the appalling period of European history which claimed the lives of six million jews. We also remember the victims of other genocides including in Cambodia, Bosnia and Rwanda, to ensure that their stories are never forgotten. This year the theme of the Holocaust Memorial Day is ' Stand up to Hatred' . It reminds us all of our duty to challenge prejudice and discrimination where we find it. The British Government will continue to challenge racism and anti semitism and promote the human rights of all people across the world, and we call upon other states to do the same. Holocaust Memorial Day has rightly established itself as an important day in the calendar, and I congratulate all those involved in its organisation and throughout the year to preserve the memory of what happened and ensure it does not happen again.' We will co-host the inaugural conference for the Inter-Parliamentary Commission for Combating Anti-Semitism (ICAA) on 16-17 February. The ICAA is an umbrella framework that assembles parliamentarians from around the world who take an active interest and involvement in confronting anti-Semitism. Its principal purpose is to share knowledge, experiences, best practice, and recommendations among these key parliamentarians and encourage their dissemination. http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/newsroom/latest-news/?view=News&id=12832994

Scottish Parliament Play about holocaust survivors to be performed at Parliament …At the invitation of the Equal Opportunities Committee, the Blue Sky Network will perform ‘And Then They Came For Me – Remembering The World of Anne Frank’. …Equal Opportunities Committee Convener Margaret Mitchell MSP said: “ Its impact and positive message of promoting community cohesion resonates particularly strongly on Holocaust Memorial Day. … To read the full press release see http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/nmCentre/news/news-comm-09/ceq09-s3-001.htm

Scottish Government National Holocaust Memorial Day We must remember the millions who died, suffered, and continue to suffer, as a result of the Holocaust, the First Minister said today on National Holocaust Memorial Day. First Minister said: "National Holocaust Memorial Day plays a very significant role in ensuring that the suffering and inhumanity of the Holocaust is never forgotten. An awareness and understanding of this appalling period is crucial in preventing such barbarity from occurring again. We must remember the millions who died, suffered, and continue to suffer, as a result of the Holocaust. "We must never forget the misery that this horrific period of modern history brought to many groups, particularly the Jewish community. We must also remember those affected by more recent acts of genocide in countries such as Bosnia or Rwanda, which left hundreds of thousands dead, and the international community must do everything in its power to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future. "Only through remembering and reflecting on such hateful acts against humanity can we work to tackle discrimination, prevent genocide and achieve a more peaceful world." http://www.scotland.gov.uk/News/Releases/2009/01/27145749


Welsh Assembly Holocaust Memorial Day Deputy Presiding Officer, Rosemary Butler, will stand side-by-side with people from all walks of life in Cardiff to mark Holocaust Memorial Day tomorrow. She will lay a wreath, on behalf of the National Assembly for Wales, as part of an official ceremony at City Hall in Cardiff. “Whether it be the death camps of Eastern Europe during the Second World War or the killing fields of Rwanda at the end of the last century, this day serves to remind us all of Man’s capacity to heap unspeakable pain and suffering upon his fellow man,” says the Deputy Presiding Officer. “That’s why this day, of all days, must be etched in all our diaries and on all our calendars. It’s a day when we must all come together and say that it must never happen again.” http://www.assemblywales.org/newhome/new-news-third- assembly.htm?act=dis&id=114273&ds=1/2009

Council of Europe

Secretary General of the Council of Europe Tomorrow we will mark the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This Council of Europe initiative was launched in 2002 by the European Ministers of Education as the day of remembrance of the Holocaust and for the prevention of crimes against humanity. Subsequently, this idea was taken up by the United Nations who declared it to be an international day of remembrance. … The Holocaust was a crime of horrendous proportions, and it has provoked much soul searching and debate about responsibility and guilt - both individual and collective. These debates continue, and they have been reignited by events in the former Yugoslavia, to mention only one example of the tragic tendency of people to relapse occasionally into the worst of the past, but I think everyone agrees that behind every crime, even on the most appalling scale, there is the guilt and responsibility of individuals. They may be helped by the consent or simply the indifference of others, but at the end of the day, there are always individuals: someone who issues orders and someone who carries them out, someone who orders a killing and someone who kills. But as the guilt is individual so is the courage of those who stand up against the criminals and who risk their own lives to help the victims. … Because of their quiet courage, their initiative and their determination, many human lives were saved. Jewish people, victims of the Nazi persecution and the complicity of the Franco regime, were helped to escape the fate of millions of other Jewish people murdered in the concentration camps. The visas issued by these courageous individuals working in the Spanish diplomatic service were visas which saved lives. This is an exhibition which pays tribute, a well deserved tribute, to those remarkable Spanish individuals who had the courage of their convictions. It is a story which helps to restore our belief in the inherent goodness of people everywhere. A story from the past with a message for today. … http://www.coe.int/t/dc/press/News/20090126_disc_sg_visas_for_freedom.asp

European Network Against Racism International Holocaust Memorial Day: a time to urge for dialogue between faith communities in Europe Today the world commemorates the victims of the Holocaust on International Holocaust Day1. On this occasion, ENAR remembers these victims and, now more than ever, recalls the urgent need to address the rise in all forms of racism and xenophobia,


including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and anti-Gypsysm, across Europe. There is a worrying trend towards increasing racist violence and crime in a number of EU member states, as ENAR’s 2007 Shadow Report on racism in Europe shows. Communities that are particularly vulnerable to racist violence include Jews, Muslims and the Roma. In particular in the current global context, and the ensuing manifestations of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in the EU, it is essential that the EU stands firm in condemning all acts of incitement to racial hatred. In this respect the recent formal adoption of the EU Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia (in December 2008) is a step forward; at last the EU has a binding legal tool to fight racist crime and violence. The Holocaust Memorial Day is in this context also an opportunity to highlight the importance of promoting dialogue between faith communities in Europe, mutual understanding and respect for other beliefs, and of ensuring the cohesion of our European societies. ENAR President Mohammed Aziz said: “This year, Holocaust Day takes on a special significance. However, events in the Middle East must on no account be allowed to fuel violence and hate crimes in Europe; instead we must demonstrate that social cohesion is still possible in Europe. In these painful times, working on dialogue between communities in Europe is all the more important. Holocaust Day invites us to reflect on the increasing instances of discrimination against ethnic and religious minorities across the EU and to insist on the need to address these issues.” http://cms.horus.be/files/99935/MediaArchive/pdfpress/2009-01- 26%20holocaust%20day%20final.pdf TOP

Israel UK Parliamentary Questions Israel Defence Forces Lord Ahmed: To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether any British citizens are serving in the Israeli Defence Force or the Israeli Defence Reserves. The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Lord Malloch- Brown): My Lords, other than press reports, the UK Government do not possess information about whom the Israeli Government have called up to serve in the Israel Defence Forces or the Israeli Defence Reserves, including any dual nationals. Only the Israeli Government would have this information. Lord Ahmed: My Lords, I thank my noble friend the Minister for his reply. He referred to the press reports in the Sun , the Daily Mirror and the Guardian that British citizens have been serving in Gaza. Is he aware that there is a lot of evidence from Amnesty International, UNRWA and many media reports that international law has been broken and war crimes committed in Gaza? Will he assure the House that if British citizens have been involved in breaking the fourth protocol of the Geneva Convention or committing war crimes, they will be prosecuted on their return? Will he also assure the House that no one will escape prosecution if they breach the fourth protocol of the Geneva Convention, as Major-General Doron Almog did in September 2005? Lord Malloch-Brown: My Lords, I assure my noble friend that this House shares the concern that war crimes may have been committed. A number of investigations are now under way. The Human Rights Council last week established different mechanisms to investigate these allegations. We need to wait until these investigations are complete before we can decide what steps, if any, are necessary. I am not sure that it is right to distinguish between British nationals and others. Anybody who has broken the fourth protocol of the Geneva Convention deserves to meet justice in some court or another. Baroness Tonge: My Lords, is the Minister aware, and is he not concerned, that every summer many Jewish school children from this country go to Israel for military and citizenship training by the Education and Youth Corps of the IDF?


Lord Malloch-Brown: My Lords, I was not aware of that, but those who are dual nationals and who carry Israeli passports—perfectly understandably, given the situation of Israel—do make a commitment to do national service. That is part of the requirement of Israeli citizenship. As to those who are solely UK nationals, it is very unlikely that any of them would have been serving in the recent operations. Lord Janner of Braunstone: My Lords, in certain cases, Britain allows people of dual citizenship and even non-citizens to serve in our forces. Does my noble friend agree that, as Israel is a country with immigrants of many nationalities, it is inevitable that its defence forces will include people who retain the citizenship of their country of origin, including our own? Does he agree that we should be proud of our citizens who fought against the terrorist organisation bent on the destruction of a sovereign and democratic state? Lord Malloch-Brown: My Lords, as so often with my noble friend, I was with him until half way through the question. There is a marked difference between the Israeli forces undertaking action against a terrorist organisation and action taken against another state. The Act that governs this is the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870, which makes it an offence for a British subject without licence from Her Majesty to enlist in the Armed Forces of a foreign state at war with another foreign state which is at peace with the UK. Clearly, that does not govern this situation. Regarding dual nationals, it has never been suggested that someone who also holds an Israeli passport should not meet the obligations of citizenship in that country, which include military service. Lord Wallace of Saltaire: My Lords, do we not need to look again at the 1870 Act? In the light of the huge number of dual citizens in this country, including a great many from Pakistan, and the number of citizens from other Commonwealth countries—3,000 Fijians and 1,000 people from Caribbean countries serving in the British Armed Forces— perhaps we need to look at this sensitive area again. Lord Malloch-Brown: My Lords, the noble Lord is correct. This has raised important issues, and we need to look at them. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200809/ldhansrd/text/90126-0002.htm

Gaza Lord Hylton: To ask Her Majesty's Government whether the Government of Israel has responded to the European Union presidency statement of 14 November on Gaza; and, if so, in what terms. [HL141] The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Lord Malloch- Brown): The Israeli Government have not officially responded to the EU presidency statement of 14 November. Lord Hylton: To ask Her Majesty's Government what steps the European Union presidency will take to ensure that the civilian population of Gaza does not suffer collective punishment, contrary to international law and to the European Union—Israel trade agreement. [HL142] To ask Her Majesty's Government what is their assessment of the response of the Government of Israel to the recent request by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Office that humanitarian supplies be allowed into Gaza; and whether they will take any further action. [HL143] Lord Malloch-Brown: We, along with the EU presidency, are concerned with the serious humanitarian situation in Gaza and consider the restrictions of Gaza's borders to the passage of relief supplies a disproportionate and inappropriate response to the security threat. Although there is no permanent physical Israeli presence in Gaza, given the significant control that Israel has over Gaza's borders, airspace and territorial waters, Israel retains obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention as an occupying power. The Fourth Geneva Convention is clear than an occupying power must co-operate in allowing the passage and distribution of relief consignments.


We will continue to urge the Israeli Government to ease the restrictions on the Gaza border and permit the flow of essential supplies. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200809/ldhansrd/text/90126w0002.htm#0901 2623000383

Israel and Palestine: Detained Parliamentarians Lord Hylton: To ask Her Majesty's Government what progress is being made towards releasing detained Palestinian parliamentarians, following their recent representations to the Government of Israel. [HL144] The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Lord Malloch- Brown): We welcome the announcement by the Israeli Government, made during my right honourable friend the Foreign Secretary's visit to Israel and the Occupied Territories, on the planned release of over 200 Palestinian prisoners. However, while we welcomed Israel's release of two Hamas Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) members in June, we continue to call for all elected PLC members detained by Israel to be either released or subject to due legal process. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200809/ldhansrd/text/90126w0002.htm#0901 2623000389

UK Parliament: Early Day Motions Andrew Gwynne (574) BBC, Sky and the disasters Emergency Committee – That this House believes that the BBC and Sky should broadcast the Disasters Emergency Committee's (DEC) humanitarian aid appeal for Gaza aid relief and reconstruction; further believes that civilians in the Gaza Strip are in desperate need of food, medicine, water and blankets; notes that the DEC is an umbrella organisation for 13 aid agencies, including the British Red Cross, who are certain they can carry out their aid operation both with impartiality and the access they need; understands that the Kerem Shalom, Nahal Oz and Erez crossings from Israel into Gaza are all now open and over 26,000 tons of aid and 1.9 million litres of fuel have entered since the ceasefire began; acknowledges the measures aid agencies are taking to avoid channelling funds or aid to Hamas using well-established, local non-governmental partners; recognises that Israel accepts the difficult humanitarian situation in Gaza and in doing so has appointed Welfare Minister, Isaac Herzog, to co-ordinate humanitarian aid to Gaza; commends the UK Government for its contribution of £27 million aid to Gaza; welcomes the decision by ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 to air the DEC appeal; urges the BBC and Sky to raise any specific concerns they have about donations so they can be dealt with properly; and calls on Sky and the BBC to reverse their decision and broadcast the campaign, publicising the details of the DEC appeal and the means whereby members of the public may donate to it. http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=37608&SESSION=899

Richard Burden (585) DEC Gaza crisis appeal – That this House is astonished by the refusal of the BBC and Sky to broadcast the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Gaza Crisis Appeal; considers that the explanations given for this decision by BBC spokespersons are both unconvincing and incoherent; and draws attention to the fact that people wishing to obtain information about the Gaza appeal can contact the DEC by visiting www.dec.org.uk . http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=37619&SESSION=899


Scottish Parliament: Motions S3M-3304 Sandra White: BBC Refusal to Help in Humanitarian Appeal for Gaza — That the Parliament condemns the decision by the BBC, a publicly funded body, not to air the appeal by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) for humanitarian aid for Gaza; notes that ITV and channels 4 and 5 will air this appeal and commends them for doing so; considers that refusing to air this appeal leaves the BBC in a minority and brings into question the independence of the BBC, and draws attention to the fact that people who wish to contribute to the DEC Gaza Crisis Appeal can do so by contacting DEC on 0370 60 60 900 or at DEC Gaza Crisis, PO Box 999, London, EC3A 3AA or by visiting www.dec.org.uk . Supported by: Bill Wilson, Rob Gibson, Shirley-Anne Somerville, Pauline McNeill, Alasdair Allan, Joe FitzPatrick, Bashir Ahmad, Hugh O’Donnell, Stuart McMillan, Bill Kidd, Christopher Harvie, , http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/Apps2/business/motions/Default.aspx?motionid=15622

S3M-3303 Pauline McNeill: BBC Refusal to Broadcast the Emergency Appeal for Gaza —That the Parliament condemns the decision by the BBC not to broadcast the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal for Gaza and the fact that this decision may have influenced the decision of other broadcasters; notes the statement by MP, the Secretary of State for International Development, in which he expresses his disappointment that the appeal will not be broadcast; believes that this decision will severely affect the ability of the aid agencies to respond to the extreme needs of the people in Gaza and will add to their immense suffering, and further believes that the BBC should reverse this decision immediately. Supported by: , , Bob Doris, Patricia Ferguson, Shirley- Anne Somerville, Bashir Ahmad, Des McNulty, Ms , Jim Tolson, , Hugh O’Donnell, Joe FitzPatrick, Bill Kidd, , , , Michael McMahon, , , Sandra White, James Kelly, , http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/Apps2/business/motions/Default.aspx?motionid=15621

S3M-3302 Hugh O’Donnell: BBC and the Gaza Appeal —That the Parliament condemns the decision of broadcasters to refuse to provide air time to the Disasters Emergency Committee appeals in relation to the humanitarian disaster in Gaza; believes that this is a breach of their moral obligations, which will contribute to the suffering of the civilian population of Gaza, and calls on all politicians and civic persons to withdraw their cooperation with these broadcasting organisations until they meet their moral obligation to respond to humanitarian disasters like the one in Gaza. Supported by: Bob Doris, Pauline McNeill, Bashir Ahmad, Sandra White, Jim Tolson, Jim Hume, Joe FitzPatrick, Bill Kidd, Margaret Smith http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/Apps2/business/motions/Default.aspx?motionid=15620

Scottish Parliament: Petition Petition by Deryck Beaumont, on behalf of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the to urge the UK Government to expel the Israeli Ambassador from the UK until Israel shows it is prepared to accept that it is not above international law. http://epetitions.scottish.parliament.uk/view_petition.asp?PetitionID=302


Welsh Assembly: Statements of Opinion Jenny Randerson: OPIN-2009- 0011 - The BBC, Sky News and the Disasters Emergency Committee Appeal for Gaza The National Assembly: Notes with concern the decision of the BBC and Sky News not to screen the Disaster Emergency Committee’s appeal for support to help aid the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Notes that broadcasters have a long history of screening humanitarian appeals while maintaining impartiality on related conflicts Congratulates ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 for screening the broadcast Calls on the BBC and Sky News to urgently reverse this decision. http://www.assemblywales.org/bus-home/bus-guide-docs-pub/bus-business- documents/bus-business-documents-state-opinion.htm?act=dis&id=114170&ds=1/2009

Bethan Jenkins: OPIN-2009- 0010 - The BBC and Gaza Humanitarian Appeal The National Assembly: • calls on the BBC and Sky News to reconsider their decision not to broadcast an appeal for aid to Gaza by the DEC • notes that it is not a political broadcast but an appeal for help by respected aid groups • calls on the BBC and Sky News to reverse their decision and allow the humanitarian appeal to be broadcast • draws attention to the fact that those wishing to contribute can do so by calling 0370 60 60 900, at www.dec.org.uk or by writing to DEC Gaza Crisis, PO Box 999, London EC3A 3AA. http://www.assemblywales.org/bus-home/bus-guide-docs-pub/bus-business- documents/bus-business-documents-state-opinion.htm?act=dis&id=114165&ds=1/2009

Council of Europe Council Conclusions on Middle East Peace Process 1. The Council welcomes the cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip and calls on all parties to make the current ceasefire permanent through the full implementation of the UNSC Resolution 1860… . 2. The Council fully supports the Egyptian initiative and efforts to achieve a lasting ceasefire. … 3. The European Union deeply deplores the loss of life during this conflict, particularly the civilian casualties. … 4. Gravely concerned by the critical humanitarian situation on the ground, the EU calls for the unimpeded provision and distribution of humanitarian assistance to the suffering people of Gaza. … 5. the European Union will focus its support and assistance on the following : immediate humanitarian relief for the population of Gaza, prevention of illicit trafficking in arms and ammunition, sustained re-opening of crossing points on the basis of the 2005 Agreement on Movement and Access, rehabilitation and reconstruction and the resumption of the peace process. … 6. The Council strongly encourages inter-Palestinian reconciliation behind President Mahmoud Abbas …. 7. …the European Union is convinced that an end to the current crisis must be followed by renewed and urgent efforts … to establish an independent, democratic, contiguous and viable Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, living side by side with Israel in peace and security. … To read the full text of the conclusions see http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressData/en/gena/105545.pdf



Relevant Legislation ** New or updated UK Parliament ** Coroners and Justice Bill http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2008-09/coronersandjustice.html Second Reading http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200809/cmhansrd/cm090126/debtext/ 90126-0004.htm#0901264000001

** Policing and Crime Bill http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2008-09/policingandcrime.html amendment paper http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200809/cmbills/007/amend/pbc00701 26.9-11.html

European Parliament ** Proposed Regulation on the protection of animals at the time of killing http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/slaughter/proposed-regulation.pdf


Consultations ** New or updated Equality and Human Rights Commission: Strategic plan, Equality Scheme and Grants Programme (closes 7 February 2009) Consultation guides http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/policyresearch/consultations/pages/consul tnov08.aspx online consultation http://equalityhumanrights.dialoguebydesign.net/

Identity Cards Act secondary legislation (closes 13 February 2009) http://www.ips.gov.uk/identity/downloads/NIS_Legislation.pdf

End of Life Choices (Scotland) Bill (closes 9 March 2009) http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/s3/bills/MembersBills/pdfs/EndOfLifeChoicesConsultati on.pdf

Regulations to implement the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Act 2008 (closes 30 March 2009) http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_092465?IdcService=GET_ FILE&dID=180685&Rendition=Web

All Wales Community Cohesion Strategy (closes 6 April 2009) http://wales.gov.uk/docs//dsjlg/consultation/090107communitycohesionstrategyen.pdf?la ng=en

Consultation on new Regulations and code for Meat Chicken Welfare (England only) (20 April 2009) http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/broiler-welfare/index.htm

** Consultation on the proposal for a Council regulation on the protection of animals at the time of killing (20 April 2009) http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/consult/slaughter/ TOP The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC) is Scottish Charity SCO29438 9