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PETAWAWA, ONTARIO DYNAMIC BY NATURE etawawa is a town of 17,200, located in the eastern portion of southern Ontario, Pin the Ottawa Valley. It is the largest community between Ottawa and NorthBay. The earliest settlers in the Pet- awawa area were the Algon- PETAWAWA, quin First Nation, and the name, Petawawa, originates from a local Algonquin lan- guage word, “biidaawewe,” ONTARIO meaning “where one hears a noise like this,” referring to the sound of the nearby riv- er rapids. During those early times, the location was ideal for access throughout the region on the Ottawa and Petawawa Rivers for both the gathering of social as- semblies and for the trans- portation of trade goods. AT A GLANCE PETAWAWA, ONTARIO WHAT: A town of 17,200 WHERE: Renfrew County, in the Ottawa Valley WEBSITE: 168 169 PETAWAWA, ONTARIO Early European visitors included Samuel de nological advances came the construction of road Champlain, who visited in 1613, seeking a short- systems. This included the two lane Trans-Can- er trade route to China. Later, French fur traders ada Highway which runs from Ottawa through used the trails along the Petawawa River as part the Town along the original fur-trading route. of their trade route. The While the road system Hudson Bay Company is sufficient, based on designated the area as an economic growth a “strategic location” model, it requires and established Fort significant investment William in 1823 on and possible expansion. the Quebec side of the “Petawawa advocates Ottawa River. In the and will continue to late 19th century, the campaign for a four- area was surveyed and lane transportation sys- settled by émigrés from tem. It’s imperative that Scotland, Ireland, and this happens. So, we’ll later, Germany. Petawa- continue to lobby and wa was incorporated as a township in 1865 and work with our federal and provincial associates although its settlers found the land to be uncooper- to find the funding to make this vision a reality,” ative for farming the timber was valuable and lum- notes Mayor Bob Sweet who has held office for bering created jobs and economic opportunities. Petawawa since 2000. The Ottawa River was the early transportation Realizing the potential of the area, the Canadi- wa Military Camp, which over time, became CFB home within the community. This housing boom system and means to get the valuable timber of an military, in 1905, acquired 22,430 acres of land Petawawa, then Garrison Petawawa, now home is further fueled by neighbouring Canadian Nu- the area to market. With modernization and tech- from local settlers and established the Petawa- to the 4th Canadian Division Support Group and clear Laboratories which is undergoing an ex- 2nd Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, making pansion and redevelopment of its service model it one of the largest military bases in Canada. within the Canadian nuclear industry. To meet Today, Garrison Petawawa is the main economic housing demand, new subdivisions representing driver of the region. “It’s a $400 million payroll roughly 700 more homes within the Petawawa that is injected into the local economy on an an- community are planned, and additional lands nual basis, plus about $100 million in goods and have been identified as designated growth areas. services that flow to the Garrison,” reports Sweet “Petawawa residents also enjoy the lowest tax “There are approximately 6,000 soldiers on the rate of any urban community in Renfrew County,” base and another 900 civilian employees, which Sweet remarks, and the Town Council has worked makes it one of the largest employers in Renfrew diligently to preserve and increase core assets County. “ without burdening the residential tax base. The importance of Garrison Petawawa to the This residential growth underscores some town cannot be overstated. Housing stock has commercial and retail service gaps within the increased 12 percent year over year in the past community. An Economic Action Strategy recently decade thanks to extended service intervals and completed for the Town will help shape priorities a desire by the military families to purchase a and focus on business retention and expansion 170 171 PETAWAWA, ONTARIO opportunities. The recent addition of a Starbucks An exciting tourism prospect for Petawawa is and the current construction of an 80-unit Marri- the recent acquisition of the 296 km., abandoned ott Hotel and Suites within the downtown cor- Canadian Pacific rail line by the County of Ren- ridor are promising developments which Sweet frew. “This infrastructure will be a tourism and A trail system of this caliber will include anticipates will induce further economic growth. economic development tool,” Sweet states. “It’s cycling and walking networks, not only for “Petawawa has prime commercial and industrial going to be the spine of a four-season, multi-pur- recreational pursuits but to support greener land available for development, as well as a fully pose trail system that will join numerous trail transportation initiatives. Preserving its natural equipped, recreational and commercial airport infrastructures throughout eastern Ontario.” One amenities is part of Petawawa’s DNA. Twenty with a 5,000 foot runway,” he adds. tourism product enhanced by this development years ago, the Town, in partnership with neigh- Tourism is another pillar of the Petawawa econ- will be the Round Algonquin Park (RAP) tour, one boring communities, was an early adopter of a omy. The Ottawa River, a class II, III, and IV level of the busiest snowmobile routes in the province, four-stream garbage pickup scheme when its rapids system is one of the largest whitewater combining snowmobile trails throughout Districts landfill was facing closure. “We put in place a environments in Ontario. Not to be overlooked, 6, 7, and 11. “Supporting this type of recreation- four-stream garbage pickup, which includes a the 187 km, free flowing Petawawa River travels al activity will help our economy and support green box for organics, a yellow box for recy- from Algonquin Provincial Park and merges with the area accommodation and tourism operators. clables, a blue box for fiber, and then, of course, the Ottawa River in the Town of Petawawa. Fes- Other trail developments are currently being the garbage,” Sweet recounts. “The program has tivals and programming to encourage safe water explored and a realistic implementation plan been very successful. Organics collected through sports and adventure have been embraced by the is being compiled into an Active Transportation the recycling stream are turned into compost community and visitors alike. Plan for the Town.” which goes back into the community in gardens 172 173 PETAWAWA, ONTARIO and flower beds. We feel fortunate that $100,000. Other green initiative funding we’ve reduced the amount of refuse applications, currently pending, include that goes into the ground. As a result of new blower systems that can vent to excellent management, the waste man- the sewage treatment plant and allow agement site is poised to service the methane gas to heat the complex. partnership communities for the next 50 “So, we’ve got a bit of a green thumb,” years.” says Sweet. “We’ve claimed the slogan Another sound green initiative by of ‘walking lightly on the environment,’ the community was the conversion of and we take it seriously. Each new subdi- street lighting to an LED system. Taking vision agreement requires developers to advantage of an LAS/Real term Energy re-plant trees to replace those harvested program, the Town was able to com- as part of the development. Council has plete the project in three months and been very proactive at balancing the realize a return on investment, based growth of community but not at the cost on incentives and reduction in hydro of development, working in collabora- consumption, within the first three years tion with the developers to sustain our of conclusion. Yearly hydro savings natural environment. We are making can be done; we can all find ways and means to continue to be in the neighbourhood of progress but there is much more that PETAWAWA TOWN CENTRE ‘leave the campsite a little bit better than you found it.’” With a few challenges and a wealth of op- portunities, Petawawa boasts a quality of life that many believe is second to none. The town Come and develop your business boasts state-of-the-art recreational oppor- in friendly Petawawa! These lots are fully serviced in the heart of the business tunities, modern infrastructure, and growing district of Petawawa, Ontario, Canada. Lands are ready commercial and industrial sectors. It is rich in to be built on now - with No Waiting! Owners will lease, build to suit, or sell the lands outright. If you’re ready, culture and heritage, steeped with a deep sense contact us today! of community pride and, with its abundance of natural amenities, Petawawa, Ontario is truly “dynamic by nature.” PREFERRED VENDOR n Contact Bob Rantz 613.639.5988 Valley Truck & Spring Service or Todd Clouthier 613.735.4194 174 175.