Guidelines for the prescription of a seated wheelchair Supplement 1: Wheelchair features - Standing wheelchair You may copy, distribute, display and otherwise freely deal with this work for any purpose, provided that you attribute the LTCSA and EnableNSW as the owners. However, you must obtain permission if you wish to (1) charge others for access to the work (other than at cost), (2) include the work in advertising or a product for sale, or (3) modify the work. ISBN: 978-1-921422-22-5 For further copies Contact: Lifetime Care and Support Authority on
[email protected] Or download from © Lifetime Care and Support Authority (LTCSA) Suggested citation: Lifetime Care and Support Authority, Guidelines on wheelchair prescription. Supplement 1: Wheelchair features – Standing wheelchair. LTCSA editor, 2012, Sydney. Author: Sue Lukersmith – Advisor (Evidence based guidance) Guidelines for the prescription of a seated wheelchair Page | 2 Supplement 1: Wheelchair features – Standing wheelchair Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................3 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................4 Definition....................................................................................................................................5 The Therapist’s approach ...........................................................................................................5